Updated 2018-05-28 17:13:37 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:14:46 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:19:16 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:25:19 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:26:00 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:28:48 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:29:08 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:30:09 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:31:41 +01:00
Updated 2018-05-28 17:32:17 +01:00
Mirror of meemudotorg/theemu@github.com - Themes for Mastodon's web UI
Updated 2018-10-08 21:33:41 +01:00
Updated 2018-12-29 19:38:47 +00:00
Boop (Blog Openly On Perl) is a successor to BlogAlba which supports remote publishing through an undecided API (Metaweblog, Atom Publishing Protocol, something else supported by OLW?)
Updated 2019-01-07 12:47:49 +00:00
Python-based script that, via SIP, plays WAV files indefinitely.
Updated 2019-05-07 20:43:11 +01:00
3CX "API" for Python
Updated 2019-05-23 20:21:22 +01:00
A MicroPython library which experts have described as "framework-adjacent" and "probably not very good". Written to abstract away MicroPython board (ESP8266/ESP8285, ESP32, PyBoard, etc) specifics, and include support for all onboard hardware
Updated 2019-05-31 20:29:30 +01:00
Rewrite of uPyLibs and renaming the project to PyHAL (Python Hardware Abstraction Library)
Updated 2019-05-31 20:35:10 +01:00
Mirror of riverar/messageanalyzer-archive@github.com - Archive of the content feeds and final releases of Microsoft Message Analyzer, a windows-native wireshark-like tool.
Updated 2019-11-19 00:46:08 +00:00
A reverse-engineered interface for Paperang P1 and P2 devices, as well as a front-end app for the library.
Updated 2019-11-19 11:32:02 +00:00
Docker image for running Netsyms' Captcheck service.
Updated 2020-05-05 10:26:12 +01:00