appname: "WerePaste" layout: "main" charset: "UTF-8" tz: "Europe/London" locale: "en_GB" logger: "console" log: "debug" template: "template_toolkit" engines: template: template_toolkit: encoding: 'utf8' start_tag: '[%' end_tag: '%]' plugins: DBIC: default: schema_class: 'App::WerePaste::Schema' dsn: dbi:SQLite:dbname=data/pastes.db options: sqlite_unicode: 1 # Uncomment for debugging #show_errors: 1 # Sets the expiration for posts # Options can be any combination of weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds expiration: weeks: 2 # Languages supported by Pygments # TODO: perhaps swap this out with something in App::WerePaste::Util::PygmentsBridge so we can dynamically load supported languages languages: - Programming languages: - ActionScript: - Ada: - ANTLR: - AppleScript: - Assembly: nasm - Asymptote: - Awk: - Bash: - Befunge: - Boo: - BrainFuck: - C: - C++: - C#: - Clojure: - CoffeeScript: - ColdFusion: cfm - Common Lisp: - Coq: - Cryptol: - Cython: - D: - Dart: - Delphi: - Dylan: - Erlang: - Factor: - Fancy: - Fortran: - F#: - GAP: - Gherkin: - GL shaders: - Groovy: - Haskell: - IDL: - Io: - Java: - JavaScript: - Lasso: - LLVM: - Logtalk: - Lua: - Matlab: - MiniD: - Modelica: - Modula-2: - MuPad: - Nemerle: - Nimrod: - Objective-C: - Objective-J: - Octave: - OCaml: - PHP: - Perl: - PovRay: - PostScript: - PowerShell: - Prolog: - Python: - REBOL: - Red: - Redcode: - Ruby: - Rust: - R: - S: - S-Plus: - Scala: - Scheme: - Scilab: - Smalltalk: - SNOBOL: - Tcl: - Vala: - Verilog: - VHDL: - Visual Basic.NET: vbnet - Visual FoxPro: foxpro - XQuery: - Zephir: - Template Languages: - Cheetah: - Django: - ERB: - Genshi: - Jinja: - JSP: - Mako: - Myghty: - Smarty: - Tea: - Configuration Markup: - ApacheConf: - INI-style: ini - Lighttpd: - Nginx: - Other Markups: - BBCode: - CMake: - CSS: - Debian control file: control - Diff: - DTD: - Gettext Catalogs: pot - Gnuplot: - Groff: - HTML: - HTTP Session: http - IRC log (irssi-format): irc - Makefile: - MoinMoin/Trac wiki markup: moin - MySQL: - POV-Ray Scenes: pov - Ragel: - Redcode: - ReST: - SQL: - PostgreSQL: psql - SQLite: - Squid Configuration: squid - TeX: - tcsh: - VimScript: vim - Windows Batch Script: bat - XML: - XSLT: - YAML: