This directory contains a benchmarking and testing program for fftw3. The `bench' program has a zillion options, because we use it for benchmarking other FFT libraries as well. This file only documents the basic usage of bench. Usage: bench where each command is as follows: -s --speed Benchmarks the speed of . The syntax for problems is [i|o][r|c][f|b], where i/o means in-place or out-of-place. Out of place is the default. r/c means real or complex transform. Complex is the default. f/b means forward or backward transform. Forward is the default. is an arbitrary multidimensional sequence of integers separated by the character 'x'. (The syntax for problems is actually richer, but we do not document it here. See the man page for fftw-wisdom for more information.) Example: ib256 : in-place backward complex transform of size 256 32x64 : out-of-place forward complex 2D transform of 32 rows and 64 columns. -y --verify Verify that FFTW is computing the correct answer. The program does not output anything unless an error occurs or verbosity is at least one. -v Set verbosity to , or 1 if is omitted. -v2 will output the created plans with fftw_print_plan. -oestimate -opatient -oexhaustive Plan with FFTW_ESTIMATE, FFTW_PATIENT, or FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE, respectively. The default is FFTW_MEASURE. If you benchmark FFTW, please use -opatient. -onthreads=N Use N threads, if FFTW was compiled with --enable-threads. N must be a positive integer; the default is N=1. -onosimd Disable SIMD instructions (e.g. SSE or SSE2). -ounaligned Plan with the FFTW_UNALIGNED flag. -owisdom On startup, read wisdom from a file wis.dat in the current directory (if it exists). On completion, write accumulated wisdom to wis.dat (overwriting any existing file of that name).