
109 lines
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# Cause powershell to fail on errors rather than keep going
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
Checking solution exists
$solutionFile = "$PSSCRIPTROOT\src\managed\writer.sln"
if (-Not (Test-Path "$solutionFile" -PathType Leaf))
"Unable to find solution file at $solutionFile"
exit 100
"Solution found at '$solutionFile'"
Fetching MSBuild location
# Install module to allow us to find MSBuild
# See
Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser
$visualStudioLocation = (Get-VSSetupInstance `
| Select-VSSetupInstance -Version '[15.0,16.0)' -Latest).InstallationPath
$msBuildExe = $visualStudioLocation + "\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe"
IF (-Not (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$msBuildExe" -PathType Leaf))
"MSBuild not found at '$msBuildExe'"
"In order to build OpenLiveWriter either Visual Studio 2017 (any edition) or Build "
"Tools for Visual Studio 2017 must be installed."
"These can be downloadd from"
exit 101
"MSBuild.exe found at: '$msBuildExe'"
Ensureing nuget.exe exists
$nugetPath = "$env:LocalAppData\NuGet"
$nugetExe = "$nugetPath\NuGet.exe"
if (-Not (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$nugetExe" -PathType Leaf))
if (-Not (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$nugetPath" -PathType Container))
"Creating Directory '$nugetPath'"
New-Item "$nugetPath" -Type Directory
"Downloading nuget.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile "$nugetExe"
"Nuget.exe found at: '$nugetExe'"
Ensure nuget packages exist
$packageFolder = "$PSSCRIPTROOT\src\managed\packages"
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $packageFolder)
"Packages found at '$packageFolder'"
"Running nuget restore"
& $nugetExe restore $solutionFile
Check build type
if (-Not (Test-Path env:OLW_CONFIG))
"Environment variable OWL_CONFIG not set, setting to 'Debug'"
$env:OLW_CONFIG = 'Debug'
"Using build '$env:OLW_CONFIG'"
Starting build
$buildCommand = "`"$msBuildExe`" $solutionFile /nologo /maxcpucount /verbosity:minimal /p:Configuration=$env:OLW_CONFIG $ARGS"
"Running build command '$buildCommand'"
Invoke-Expression "& $buildCommand"