
290 lines
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// file: HelperListener.m
// project: (open-source) installer
// description: XPC listener for connections for user components
// created by Patrick Wardle
// copyright (c) 2018 Objective-See. All rights reserved.
@import OSLog;
@import Foundation;
#import "consts.h"
#import "XPCProtocol.h"
#import "HelperListener.h"
#import "HelperInterface.h"
#import <bsm/libbsm.h>
#import <Security/AuthSession.h>
#import <EndpointSecurity/EndpointSecurity.h>
//log handle
extern os_log_t logHandle;
//interface for 'extension' to NSXPCConnection
// allows us to access the 'private' auditToken iVar
@interface ExtendedNSXPCConnection : NSXPCConnection
//private iVar
@property (nonatomic) audit_token_t auditToken;
//implementation for 'extension' to NSXPCConnection
// allows us to access the 'private' auditToken iVar
@implementation ExtendedNSXPCConnection
//private iVar
@synthesize auditToken;
@implementation HelperListener
@synthesize listener;
// create XPC listener
//init super
self = [super init];
if(nil != self)
//setup XPC listener
if(YES != [self initListener])
self = nil;
goto bail;
return self;
//setup XPC listener
BOOL result = NO;
//code signing requirement
NSString* requirement = nil;
//init listener
listener = [[NSXPCListener alloc] initWithMachServiceName:CONFIG_HELPER_ID];
if(nil == self.listener)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to create mach service %@", CONFIG_HELPER_ID);
goto bail;
//macOS 13+
// set code signing requirement for clients via 'setConnectionCodeSigningRequirement'
if(@available(macOS 13.0, *)) {
//init requirement
// OS Installer v2.0+
requirement = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"anchor apple generic and identifier \"%@\" and certificate leaf [subject.CN] = \"%@\" and info [CFBundleShortVersionString] >= \"2.0.0\"", INSTALLER_ID, SIGNING_AUTH];
//set requirement
[self.listener setConnectionCodeSigningRequirement:requirement];
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "set XPC requirement %{public}@", requirement);
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "created mach service %@", CONFIG_HELPER_ID);
//set delegate
self.listener.delegate = self;
//ready to accept connections
[self.listener resume];
result = YES;
return result;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NSXPCConnection method overrides
//automatically invoked
// allows NSXPCListener to configure/accept/resume a new incoming NSXPCConnection
// shoutout to: https://blog.obdev.at/what-we-have-learned-from-a-vulnerability/
-(BOOL)listener:(NSXPCListener *)listener shouldAcceptNewConnection:(NSXPCConnection *)newConnection
#pragma unused(listener)
BOOL shouldAccept = NO;
OSStatus status = !errSecSuccess;
//audit token
audit_token_t auditToken = {0};
//task ref
SecTaskRef taskRef = 0;
//code ref
SecCodeRef codeRef = NULL;
//code signing info
CFDictionaryRef csInfo = NULL;
//cs flags
uint32_t csFlags = 0;
//signing req string (main app)
NSString* requirement = nil;
//extract audit token
auditToken = ((ExtendedNSXPCConnection*)newConnection).auditToken;
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "received request to connect to XPC interface");
//obtain dynamic code ref
status = SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(NULL, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef _Nullable)(@{(__bridge NSString *)kSecGuestAttributeAudit : [NSData dataWithBytes:&auditToken length:sizeof(audit_token_t)]}), kSecCSDefaultFlags, &codeRef);
if(errSecSuccess != status)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: 'SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes' failed with': %#x", status);
goto bail;
//validate code
status = SecCodeCheckValidity(codeRef, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL);
if(errSecSuccess != status)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: 'SecCodeCheckValidity' failed with': %#x", status);
goto bail;
//get code signing info
status = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(codeRef, kSecCSDynamicInformation, &csInfo);
if(errSecSuccess != status)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: 'SecCodeCopySigningInformation' failed with': %#x", status);
goto bail;
//extract flags
csFlags = [((__bridge NSDictionary *)csInfo)[(__bridge NSString *)kSecCodeInfoStatus] unsignedIntValue];
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "code signing flags: %#x", csFlags);
//gotta have hardened runtime
if( !(CS_VALID & csFlags) &&
!(CS_RUNTIME & csFlags) )
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: invalid code signing flags: %#x", csFlags);
goto bail;
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "code signing flags, ok ('CS_RUNTIME' is set)");
//init signing req
requirement = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"anchor apple generic and identifier \"%@\" and certificate leaf [subject.CN] = \"%@\"", INSTALLER_ID, SIGNING_AUTH];
//step 1: create task ref
// uses NSXPCConnection's (private) 'auditToken' iVar
taskRef = SecTaskCreateWithAuditToken(NULL, ((ExtendedNSXPCConnection*)newConnection).auditToken);
if(NULL == taskRef)
goto bail;
//step 2: validate
// check that client is signed with Objective-See's dev cert and it's the BB's installer
if(0 != SecTaskValidateForRequirement(taskRef, (__bridge CFStringRef)(requirement)))
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to validate against %@", requirement);
goto bail;
//set the interface that the exported object implements
newConnection.exportedInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(XPCProtocol)];
//set object exported by connection
newConnection.exportedObject = [[HelperInterface alloc] init];
[newConnection resume];
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "allowed XPC connection: %{public}@", newConnection);
shouldAccept = YES;
//release task ref object
if(NULL != taskRef)
taskRef = NULL;
//free cs info
if(NULL != csInfo)
csInfo = NULL;
//free code ref
if(NULL != codeRef)
codeRef = NULL;
return shouldAccept;