
135 lines
4.6 KiB

// file: main.m
// project: OverSight (login item)
// description: main; 'nuff said
// created by Patrick Wardle
// copyright (c) 2017 Objective-See. All rights reserved.
// % log stream --level debug --predicate="subsystem='com.objective-see.oversight'"
Server data changed for media domain: <STMediaStatusDomainData: 0x12db069e0> {
audioAttributions = <STActivityAttributionCatalog: 0x12db05cf0> {
cameraAttributions = <STListData: 0x12db05290> {
<STMediaStatusDomainCameraCaptureAttribution: 0x12da088c0> {
cameraDescriptor = <STMediaStatusDomainCameraDescriptor: 0x12da088e0; cameraIdentifier: EAB7A68F-EC2B-4487-AADF-D8A91C1CB782; eligibleForPrivacyIndicator: NO>;
activityAttribution = <STActivityAttribution: 0x12da08850> {
attributedEntity = <STAttributedEntity: 0x12da092a0> {
executableIdentity = <STExecutableIdentity: 0x12da08fc0> {
auditToken = <BSAuditToken: 0x12da092e0; AUID: 501; EUID: 501; EGID: 20; RUID: 501; RGID: 20; PID: 72414; ASID: 100004; PIDVersion: 445476>;
websiteNonNil = NO;
systemService = NO;
<STMediaStatusDomainCameraCaptureAttribution: 0x12db06370> {
cameraDescriptor = <STMediaStatusDomainCameraDescriptor: 0x12db06390; cameraIdentifier: EAB7A68F-EC2B-4487-AADF-D8A91C1CB782; eligibleForPrivacyIndicator: NO>;
activityAttribution = <STActivityAttribution: 0x12db056f0> {
attributedEntity = <STAttributedEntity: 0x12db04ed0> {
executableIdentity = <STExecutableIdentity: 0x12db04f10> {
auditToken = <BSAuditToken: 0x12db06470; AUID: 501; EUID: 501; EGID: 20; RUID: 501; RGID: 20; PID: 72396; ASID: 100004; PIDVersion: 445425>;
websiteNonNil = NO;
systemService = NO;
@import Cocoa;
@import OSLog;
@import Sentry;
#import "consts.h"
#import "utilities.h"
//log handle
os_log_t logHandle = nil;
//main interface
// sanity checks, then kick off app
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
int status = 0;
//(v1.0) allowed items
NSArray* allowedItems = nil;
//init log
logHandle = os_log_create(BUNDLE_ID, "application");
//dbg msg(s)
os_log_debug(logHandle, "started: %{public}@ (pid: %d / uid: %d)", NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.firstObject, getpid(), getuid());
os_log_debug(logHandle, "arguments: %{public}@", NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments);
//init crash reporting
[SentrySDK startWithConfigureOptions:^(SentryOptions *options) {
options.dsn = SENTRY_DSN;
options.debug = YES;
//upgrade allowed items?
// convert into 'NSUserDefaults' and then exit
if(YES == [NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments containsObject:CMD_UPGRADE])
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "upgrading allowed items (from: %@)", NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.lastObject);
//load rules
allowedItems = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.lastObject];
if(0 != allowedItems.count)
//set & snyc
[NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setValue:allowedItems forKey:PREFS_ALLOWED_ITEMS];
[NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults synchronize];
goto bail;
//initial launch?
// set defaults/handle login item persistence
if(YES == [NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments containsObject:INITIAL_LAUNCH])
// autostart mode
// not specified? set to true
if(nil == [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults objectForKey:PREF_AUTOSTART_MODE])
//set & snyc
[NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setBool:YES forKey:PREF_AUTOSTART_MODE];
[NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults synchronize];
//autostart mode enabled?
// since this is initial launch, check that login item is set
if(YES == [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey:PREF_AUTOSTART_MODE])
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "first launch + auto-start is set ...will ensure app is persisted as login item");
toggleLoginItem([NSURL fileURLWithPath:NSBundle.mainBundle.bundlePath], NSControlStateValueOn);
//launch app normally
status = NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
return status;