
1071 lines
30 KiB

// Enumerator.m
// cameraUsers
// Created by Patrick Wardle on 9/9/16.
// Copyright (c) 2016 Objective-See. All rights reserved.
#import "main.h"
#import "Consts.h"
#import "Logging.h"
#import "Utilities.h"
#import "Enumerator.h"
#import <libproc.h>
#import <sys/sysctl.h>
//ignored mach sender procs
static NSArray* ignoredProcs = nil;
@implementation Enumerator
@synthesize audioActive;
@synthesize userClients;
@synthesize videoActive;
@synthesize coreAudioProcess;
@synthesize machSendersAudio;
@synthesize machSendersVideo;
@synthesize cameraAssistantProcess;
if(self = [super init])
//init ignored procs
ignoredProcs = @[
return self;
//singleton interface
static Enumerator* sharedEnumerator = nil;
//once token
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
// ->only exec'd once though :)
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedEnumerator = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedEnumerator;
//forever, baseline by getting all current procs that have sent a mach msg to *Assistant / coreaudio
// ->logic only exec'd while camera/mic is not in use, so these are all just baselined procs
BOOL nap = NO;
//baseline forever
// ->though logic will skip if video or mic is active (respectively)
//le sleep?
if(nap == YES)
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:30];
//set flag
// from now on, want to wait a bit
nap = YES;
//sync baselining
//only baseline if video isn't active
if(YES != self.videoActive)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"baselining mach senders for video...");
//find camera assistant
// only do this once, or again, if it died
if( (0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess) ||
(YES != isProcessAlive(self.cameraAssistantProcess)) )
//find camera assistant
// ->first look for 'VDCAssistant'
self.cameraAssistantProcess = findProcess(VDC_ASSISTANT);
if(0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess)
//look for 'AppleCameraAssistant'
self.cameraAssistantProcess = findProcess(APPLE_CAMERA_ASSISTANT);
if(0 != self.cameraAssistantProcess)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"camera assistent process: %d", self.coreAudioProcess]);
//enumerate procs that have send mach messages
self.machSendersVideo = [self enumMachSenders:self.cameraAssistantProcess];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu baselined mach senders: %@", (unsigned long)self.machSendersVideo.count, self.machSendersVideo]);
//only baseline if audio isn't active
if(YES != self.audioActive)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"baselining mach senders for audio...");
//find core audio
// only do this once, or again, if it died
if( (0 == self.coreAudioProcess) ||
(YES != isProcessAlive(self.coreAudioProcess)) )
//find core audio
self.coreAudioProcess = findProcess(CORE_AUDIO);
if(0 != self.coreAudioProcess)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"camera core audio process: %d", self.coreAudioProcess]);
//enumerate procs that have send mach messages
self.machSendersAudio = [self enumMachSenders:self.coreAudioProcess];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu baselined mach senders: %@", (unsigned long)self.machSendersAudio.count, self.machSendersVideo]);
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"baselining i/o registry entries for audio...");
//enumerate procs that have i/o registry entries
self.userClients = [self enumDomainUserClients];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu baselined i/or registry senders: %@", (unsigned long)self.userClients.count, self.userClients]);
//enumerate all (recent) process that appear to be using video
//current procs
NSMutableArray* videoProcs = nil;
//mach senders
NSMutableDictionary* currentSenders = nil;
//candidate video procs
// ->those that have new mach message
NSMutableArray* candidateVideoProcs = nil;
//foreground app
pid_t activeApp = 0;
candidateVideoProcs = [NSMutableArray array];
//sync this logic
// ->prevent baselining thread from doing anything
//find camera assistant
// only do this once, or again, if it died
if( (0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess) ||
(YES != isProcessAlive(self.cameraAssistantProcess)) )
//find camera assistant
// ->first look for 'VDCAssistant'
self.cameraAssistantProcess = findProcess(VDC_ASSISTANT);
if(0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess)
//look for 'AppleCameraAssistant'
self.cameraAssistantProcess = findProcess(APPLE_CAMERA_ASSISTANT);
//sanity check
if(0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, @"failed to find VDCAssistant/AppleCameraAssistant process");
goto bail;
//get procs that currrently have sent Mach msg to *Assistant
// ->returns dictionary of process id, and number of mach messages
currentSenders = [self enumMachSenders:self.cameraAssistantProcess];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu current mach senders: %@", (unsigned long)currentSenders.count, currentSenders]);
//remove any known/existing senders
for(NSNumber* processID in currentSenders.allKeys)
//add any candidate procs
// ->those that have new mach message
if([currentSenders[processID] intValue] > [self.machSendersVideo[processID] intValue])
//ignore client/requestor
if(clientPID == processID.intValue)
[candidateVideoProcs addObject:processID];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu candidate video procs: %@", (unsigned long)candidateVideoProcs.count, candidateVideoProcs]);
self.machSendersVideo = currentSenders;
//didn't find any?
// ->when not polling, add foreground process (and sample it below)
if( (0 == candidateVideoProcs.count) &&
(YES != polling))
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"didn't find any candidate video apps, and not polling, so will grab (and sample) active application");
//get active app
activeApp = frontmostApplication();
if(-1 != activeApp)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found active application: %d", activeApp]);
//add it
[candidateVideoProcs addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:activeApp]];
//invoke 'sample' to confirm that candidates are using CMIO/video inputs
// ->note, will skip FaceTime.app on macOS Sierra, as it doesn't do CMIO stuff directly
videoProcs = [self sampleCandidates:candidateVideoProcs];
return videoProcs;
//enumerate all (recent) process that appear to be using the mic
//current procs
NSMutableArray* audioProcs = nil;
//current mach senders
NSMutableDictionary* currentSenders = nil;
//new senders
NSMutableArray* newSenders = nil;
//current domain user clients (from i/o registry)
NSMutableDictionary* currentUserClients = nil;
//new user clients
NSMutableArray* newUserClients = nil;
//candidate audio procs
// ->those that have new mach message
NSMutableArray* candidateAudioProcs = nil;
//itersection set
NSMutableSet* intersection = nil;
//'frontmost' application
pid_t activeApp = -1;
//alloc array
newSenders = [NSMutableArray array];
//alloc array
newUserClients = [NSMutableArray array];
//sync this logic
// ->prevent baselining thread from doing anything
//find coreaudio
//find core audio
// only do this once, or again, if it died
if( (0 == self.coreAudioProcess) ||
(YES != isProcessAlive(self.coreAudioProcess)) )
//find core audio
self.coreAudioProcess = findProcess(CORE_AUDIO);
//sanity check
if(0 == self.coreAudioProcess)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, @"failed to find coreaudio process");
goto bail;
//get procs that currrently have sent Mach msg to core audio
// ->returns dictionary of process id, and number of mach messages
currentSenders = [self enumMachSenders:self.coreAudioProcess];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu current mach senders: %@", (unsigned long)currentSenders.count, currentSenders]);
//add new senders or those w/ new mach msgs
for(NSNumber* processID in currentSenders.allKeys)
//ignore client/requestor (self)
if(clientPID == processID.intValue)
//skip any that don't have new mach message
if( (nil != self.machSendersAudio[processID]) &&
([self.machSendersAudio[processID] intValue] >= [currentSenders[processID] intValue]) )
//ok new, so add
[newSenders addObject:processID];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"new mach senders: %@", newSenders]);
//update iVar
self.machSendersAudio = currentSenders;
//grab current 'IOPMrootDomain/RootDomainUserClient/IOUserClientCreator's
currentUserClients = [self enumDomainUserClients];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu current i/o registry user clients: %@", (unsigned long)currentUserClients.count, currentUserClients]);
//add new user clients
for(NSNumber* processID in currentUserClients.allKeys)
//ignore client/requestor (self)
if(clientPID == processID.intValue)
//skip any that don't have new mach message
if( (nil != self.userClients[processID]) &&
([self.userClients[processID] intValue] >= [currentUserClients[processID] intValue]) )
//ok new, so add
[newUserClients addObject:processID];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"new user clients: %@", newUserClients]);
//update iVar
self.userClients = currentUserClients;
//init set for intersection
intersection = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:newSenders];
//get procs that have sent mach messages *and* have an entry in the i/o registry
[intersection intersectSet:[NSMutableSet setWithArray:newUserClients]];
candidateAudioProcs = [[intersection allObjects] mutableCopy];
//if there aren't any new i/o registy clients might just be siri
if(0 == candidateAudioProcs.count)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"no new user clients");
//1 new mach msg sender
// just use that as candidate
if(1 == newSenders.count)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"but only found one new mach sender, so using that!");
//assign as candidate
[candidateAudioProcs addObject:newSenders.firstObject];
//more than
// ->check if any are siri ('assisantd')?
//check each new ones
for(NSNumber* newSender in newSenders)
//check each
if(YES == [SIRI isEqualToString:getProcessPath([newSender intValue])])
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"found a mach sender that's 'siri' so using that!");
//assign as candidate
[candidateAudioProcs addObject:newSenders.firstObject];
//all set
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found %lu candidate audio procs: %@", (unsigned long)candidateAudioProcs.count, candidateAudioProcs]);
//only one candidate?
// ->all set, so assign, then bail here
if(1 == candidateAudioProcs.count)
audioProcs = candidateAudioProcs;
goto bail;
//still none
// ->add active app as candiate (and sample it, below)
if(0 == candidateAudioProcs.count)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"didn't find any candidate audio apps, will grab (and sample) active application");
//get active app
activeApp = frontmostApplication();
if(-1 != activeApp)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found active application: %d", activeApp]);
//add it
[candidateAudioProcs addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:activeApp]];
//got one or more candidate application
// ->invoke 'sample' to determine which candidate is using CMIO/video inputs
// note: will skip FaceTime.app on macOS Sierra, as it doesn't do CMIO stuff directly
audioProcs = [self sampleCandidates:candidateAudioProcs];
return audioProcs;
//get procs that currrently have sent Mach msg to a target process
// ->returns dictionary of process id, and number of mach messages
NSMutableDictionary* senders = nil;
//results from 'lsmp' cmd
NSString* results = nil;
NSArray* subStrings = nil;
//process id
NSNumber* processID = nil;
//process path
NSString* processPath = nil;
senders = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
//exec 'lsmp' w/ pid of camera asssistant to get mach ports
results = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:execTask(LSMP, @[@"-p", @(targetProcess).stringValue], YES) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if( (nil == results) ||
(0 == results.length) )
goto bail;
//parse results
// ->looking for (<pid>) process name
for(NSString* line in [results componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\n"]])
//skip blank lines
if(0 == line.length)
//parse on '()'
subStrings = [line componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"()"]];
if(subStrings.count < 3)
//skip 'unknown' processes
// output looks like "(-) Unknown Process"
if(YES == [[subStrings objectAtIndex:0x1] isEqualToString:@"-"])
//extract process id
// ->insides '()', so will be second substring
processID = @([[subStrings objectAtIndex:0x1] integerValue]);
if(nil == processID)
//ignore target process
if(targetProcess == processID.intValue)
//get process path
// ->skip blank/unknown procs
processPath = getProcessPath(processID.intValue);
if( (nil == processPath) ||
(0 == processPath.length) )
//ignore apple daemons (that send mach messages, etc)
if(YES == [ignoredProcs containsObject:processPath])
//add/inc to dictionary
senders[processID] = @([senders[processID] unsignedIntegerValue] + 1);
return senders;
//iterate thru i/o registry to get all RootDomainUserClient under IOPMrootDomain
// ->returns dictionary of process id, and number of user client entries
//array of RootDomainUserClients
NSMutableDictionary* clients = nil;
//matching service
io_service_t matchingService = 0;
io_iterator_t iterator = 0;
io_registry_entry_t child = 0;
//client creator
CFTypeRef creator = 0;
//for parsing
NSArray* components = nil;
//process id
NSNumber* processID = nil;
clients = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
//get IOPMrootDomain obj
matchingService = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("IOPMrootDomain"));
if(0 == matchingService)
goto bail;
//get iterator
if(noErr != IORegistryEntryGetChildIterator(matchingService, kIOServicePlane, &iterator))
goto bail;
//iterator over all children
// ->store all that have 'IOUserClientCreator'
while((child = IOIteratorNext(iterator)))
//try get creator
creator = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(child, CFSTR("IOUserClientCreator"), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
//always release child
child = 0;
//if couldn't get a creator
// ->might just not be of RootDomainUserClient, so skip
if(0 == creator)
components = [(__bridge NSString*)creator componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@" ,"]];
//extact pid and save
if(components.count >= 4)
//grab pid
// format is: "pid 4781, process"
processID = [NSNumber numberWithShort:[components[0x1] intValue]];
if(0 != processID.intValue)
//add/inc to dictionary
clients[processID] = @([clients[processID] unsignedIntegerValue] + 1);
creator = 0;
//release iterator
if(0 != iterator)
iterator = 0;
//release obj
if(0 != matchingService)
matchingService = 0;
return clients;
//invoke 'sample' to confirm candidates are using CMIO/video/av inputs
// note: path audio/vide invoke 'CMIOGraph::DoWork'
//av procs
NSMutableArray* avProcs = nil;
//results from 'sample' cmd
NSString* results = nil;
//process path
NSString* processPath = nil;
avProcs = [NSMutableArray array];
//invoke 'sample' on each
// ->skips FaceTime.app though on macOS Sierra
for(NSNumber* processID in currentSenders)
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"processing %d for sampling", processID.intValue]);
//get process path
// ->skip ones that fail
processPath = getProcessPath(processID.intValue);
if( (nil == processPath) ||
(0 == processPath.length) )
//if we're running on macOS Sierra and there is only 1 candidate proc and its FaceTime
// ->don't sample, as it does thing wierdly....
if( (YES == [processPath isEqualToString:FACE_TIME]) &&
([getOSVersion() [@"minorVersion"] intValue] >= 12) )
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"not sampling as candidate app is FaceTime on macOS Sierra");
[avProcs addObject:processID];
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"sampling %d", processID.intValue]);
//exec 'sample' to get threads/dylibs
// ->uses 1.0 seconds for sampling time
results = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:execTask(SAMPLE, @[processID.stringValue, @"1"], YES) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if( (nil == results) ||
(0 == results.length) )
//sampling a process creates a temp file
//->make sure we delete it this file to clean up ;)
[self deleteSampleFile:processPath];
//for now, just check for 'CMIOGraph::DoWork'
// ->note: both audio/video invoke this, so this method works for both!
if(YES != [results containsString:@"CMIOGraph::DoWork"])
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"processing %d for has 'CMIOGraph::DoWork', as adding to list of candidates", processID.intValue]);
//looks like a av proc!
[avProcs addObject:processID];
return avProcs;
//'sample' binary creates a file
// ->this looks for that file and deletes it
NSError* error = nil;
NSArray* files = nil;
//grab all files in /tmp
files = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:@"/tmp/" error:&error];
if(nil != error)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"failed to enumerate files in /tmp, %@", error]);
goto bail;
//find/delete file
for(NSString* file in files)
//skip non-sample files
if(YES != [file hasSuffix:@".sample.txt"])
//ignore files that don't contain process name
if(YES != [file containsString:[processPath lastPathComponent]])
//dbg msg
#ifdef DEBUG
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"deleting sample file: %@", file]);
if(YES != [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[@"/tmp" stringByAppendingPathComponent:file] error:&error])
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"failed to delete %@ (%@)", file, error]);
goto bail;
}//all files
//set status of video
// ->extra logic is executed to 'refresh' iVars when video is disabled
self.videoActive = isEnabled;
//when video disabled
// ->re-enumerate mach senders
if(YES != isEnabled)
//find camera assistant
// only do this once, or again, if it died
if( (0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess) ||
(YES != isProcessAlive(self.cameraAssistantProcess)) )
//find camera assistant
// ->first look for 'VDCAssistant'
self.cameraAssistantProcess = findProcess(VDC_ASSISTANT);
if(0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess)
//look for 'AppleCameraAssistant'
self.cameraAssistantProcess = findProcess(APPLE_CAMERA_ASSISTANT);
//sanity check
if(0 == self.cameraAssistantProcess)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, @"failed to find VDCAssistant/AppleCameraAssistant process");
goto bail;
//enumerate mach senders
self.machSendersVideo = [self enumMachSenders:self.cameraAssistantProcess];
//set status of audio
// ->extra logic is executed to 'refresh' iVars when audio is disabled
self.audioActive = isEnabled;
//when audio disabled
// ->re-enumerate mach senders & i/o registry user clients
if(YES != isEnabled)
//find coreaudio
//find core audio
// only do this once, or again, if it died
if( (0 == self.coreAudioProcess) ||
(YES != isProcessAlive(self.coreAudioProcess)) )
//find core audio
self.coreAudioProcess = findProcess(CORE_AUDIO);
if(0 != self.coreAudioProcess)
//enumerate mach senders
self.machSendersAudio = [self enumMachSenders:self.coreAudioProcess];
//enumerate i/o registry user clients
self.userClients = [self enumDomainUserClients];