Help and FPS will now display at the same time. A lot less confusing.

This commit is contained in:
Shamus Young 2009-05-07 14:34:07 +00:00
parent fd21a23081
commit 3f8f9bb1f0
1 changed files with 3 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ void static do_help (void)
text = strtok (parse, "\n");
x = 10;
while (text) {
RenderPrint (line + 1, text);
RenderPrint (line + 2, text);
text = strtok (NULL, "\n");
@ -791,13 +791,8 @@ void RenderUpdate (void)
do_effects (effect);
//Framerate tracker
if (show_fps && !show_help) {
RenderPrint (2, "FPS=%d", current_fps);
RenderPrint (3, "Entities=%d", EntityCount () + LightCount () + CarCount ());
RenderPrint (4, "Lights=%d", LightCount ());
RenderPrint (5, "Polys=%d", EntityPolyCount () + LightCount () + CarCount ());
RenderPrint (6, "Building=%1.2f", EntityProgress () * 100);
RenderPrint (7, "%d", GetTickCount ());
if (show_fps) {
RenderPrint (1, "FPS=%d : Entities=%d : polys=%d", current_fps, EntityCount () + LightCount () + CarCount (), EntityPolyCount () + LightCount () + CarCount ());
//Show the help overlay
if (show_help)