// Inject intl statements into a Svelte v2 HTML file as well as some JS files like timeago.js // We do this for perf reasons, to make the output smaller and avoid needing to have a huge JSON file of translations import parse from 'format-message-parse' import { getIntl, warningOrError, trimWhitespace } from '../bin/getIntl.js' export default function (source) { const res = source // replace {@intl.foo} .replace(/{intl\.([^}]+)}/g, (match, p1) => trimWhitespace(getIntl(p1))) // replace {@html intl.foo} .replace(/{@html intl\.([^}]+)}/g, (match, p1) => { const html = trimWhitespace(getIntl(p1)) return `{@html ${JSON.stringify(html)}}` }) // replace formatIntl('intl.foo' which requires the full AST object .replace(/formatIntl\('intl\.([^']+)'/g, (match, p1) => { const text = trimWhitespace(getIntl(p1)) const ast = parse(text) return `formatIntl(${JSON.stringify(ast)}` }) // replace 'intl.foo', which doesn't require the AST, just the string .replace(/'intl\.([^']+)'/g, (match, p1) => { const text = trimWhitespace(getIntl(p1)) return JSON.stringify(text) }) const match = res.match(/[^(][^']intl\.([\w.]+)/) || res.match(/formatIntl\('([\w.]+)/) if (match && match[1] !== 'js') { // don't warn on `import { formatIntl } from 'intl.js'` return warningOrError('You probably made a typo with an intl string: ' + match[1]) } return res }