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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package ipnauth
import (
// Identity is any caller identity.
// It typically represents a specific OS user, indicating that an operation
// is performed on behalf of this user, should be evaluated against their
// access rights, and performed in their security context when applicable.
// However, it can also represent an unrestricted identity (e.g. ipnauth.Self) when an operation
// is executed on behalf of tailscaled itself, in response to a control plane request,
// or when a user's access rights have been verified via other means.
type Identity interface {
// UserID returns an OS-specific UID of the user represented by the identity,
// or "" if the receiver does not represent a specific user.
// As of 2024-04-08, it is only used on Windows.
UserID() ipn.WindowsUserID
// Username returns the user name associated with the receiver,
// or "" if the receiver does not represent a specific user.
Username() (string, error)
// CheckAccess reports whether the receiver is allowed or denied the requested device access.
// This method ignores environment factors, Group Policy, and MDM settings that might
// override access permissions at a higher level than individual user identities.
// Therefore, most callers should use ipnauth.CheckAccess instead.
CheckAccess(requested DeviceAccess) AccessCheckResult
// CheckProfileAccess reports whether the receiver is allowed or denied the requested access
// to a specific profile and its prefs.
// This method ignores environment factors, Group Policy, and MDM settings that might
// override access permissions at a higher level than individual user identities.
// Therefore, most callers should use ipnauth.CheckProfileAccess instead.
CheckProfileAccess(profile ipn.LoginProfileView, prefs ipn.PrefsGetter, requested ProfileAccess) AccessCheckResult
type identityContextKey struct{}
var errNoSecContext = ipn.NewAccessDeniedError("security context not available")
// RequestIdentity returns a user identity associated with ctx,
// or an error if the context does not carry a user's identity.
func RequestIdentity(ctx context.Context) (Identity, error) {
switch v := ctx.Value(identityContextKey{}).(type) {
case Identity:
return v, nil
case error:
return nil, v
case nil:
return nil, errNoSecContext
// ContextWithConnIdentity returns a new context that carries the identity of the user
// owning the other end of the connection.
func ContextWithConnIdentity(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, c net.Conn) context.Context {
ci, err := GetConnIdentity(logf, c)
if err != nil {
return context.WithValue(ctx, identityContextKey{}, err)
return context.WithValue(ctx, identityContextKey{}, ci)