Mirror of cybercase/webminidisc@github.com - NetMD implementation using WebUSB
Updated 2023-03-03 09:54:17 +00:00
Accessible, simple and fast web client for Mastodon
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Mirror of funkey-project/funkey-os@github.com - OS for the FunKey kickstarter-funded handheld games console.
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Mirror of nolanlawson/pinafore
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Mirror of netsyms/captcheck@source.netsyms.com
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Library and UI projects for being a front-end for plaza.one Unofficial, of course.
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Mirror of mstdn/Bird-UI-Theme-Admins
Updated 2023-07-06 15:30:54 +01:00
Mastodon customisations for queer.party
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Build caching packages for use in sr.ht pipelines
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Mirror of ghidraninja/game-and-watch-backup@github.com - Software to back-up the contents of the flash inside a Mario Game-and-Watch
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Mirror of flipperdevices/blackmagic-esp32-s2@github.com
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Mirror of glitch-soc/mastodon@github.com
Updated 2023-10-20 05:27:01 +01:00
A nimble Mastodon web client
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Mirror of EspoTek/Labrador@github.com - Drivers and firmware for the Labrador board
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Mirror of micropython/micropython@github.com - Python for microcontrollers
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Mirror of openlivewriter/openlivewriter@github.com - Open-source implementation of Windows Live Writer
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Mirror of objective-see/OverSight@github.com - Tool to alert you when your microphone or webcam are in use
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Mirror of nothings/stb@github.com - Single-file C libraries
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Mirror of hometown-fork/hometown@github.com
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