--- title: About Me --- Hi! I'm Matthew Connelly, best known as Maff. I'm a Systems Administrator, hobbyist photographer and scripting fanatic from Scotland. I currently manage infrastructure at [IPXcore][1] and work on (mostly Perl) [projects][2] in my spare time. My current "constantly improving" project is my home network, which I've added multiple access points to, and have set up external monitoring for my OpenWRT-based hardware through [Munin][3], for which I've developed the [openwrt-munin-node][4] project. As well as this, I've worked on other projects including a [daemon][5] for monitoring directories and performing actions on files added to them, and a [basic blogging system][6] which powers this site. Contact information: - email: [matthew@maff.scot][11] - PGP: [0x7B8A457D282B7CB6][9] (keybase: [maff][10]) - iMessage: hi@maff.scot - telegram: [@Maffsie][13] - skype: [matthew.connelly][14] - twitter: [@Maffsie][12] - irc: Maff @ [Freenode][7] and [EntropyNet][8] [1]: https://www.ipxcore.com/ [2]: https://github.com/Maffsie/ [3]: http://munin-monitoring.org/ [4]: https://github.com/Maffsie/openwrt-munin-node/ [5]: https://github.com/Maffsie/ayudante-lobo/ [6]: https://github.com/Maffsie/BlogAlba/ [7]: https://freenode.net/ [8]: https://entropynet.net/ [9]: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7B8A457D282B7CB6 [10]: https://keybase.io/maff/ [11]: mailto:matthew@maff.scot [12]: https://twitter.com/maffsie [13]: https://telegram.me/Maffsie [14]: skype:matthew.connelly?chat