# vim: set syntax=yaml tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab : # upload block is self-documenting mostly. # upload->pubdomain is the domain/common URL portion of the resulting URL generated by uploading # upload->remotepath is where files will be uploaded to # upload->retry is boolean, set to 0 to disable upload retrying. upload: server: port: user: sshkeypath: pubdomain: pubssl: 0 remotepath: /usr/local/www retry: 1 # monitor block would hopefully be somewhat self-documenting. # format for a monitor block entry is as follows: # monitor: # monitor_name: # dir: directory_to_monitor # poll: seconds to wait between each directory poll # ignoreseen: 0 or 1, if set to 1 then previously-seen files will not be processed # match: # regexp: regular expression to check files for # spotlight_meta: metadata tag to check for. this only checks that the tag is set and has content # action: # actions you do not wish to have triggered can safely be omitted, with the exception of `rename` # upload: 0 or 1 # move: 0 or 1 # if set to 1, also specify `target` # delete: 0 or 1 # file will be deleted upon any actions taken being completed # rename: 0, 1, prepend, append # 0 will not rename the file, 1 renames it entirely, prepend and append will add `filename` to the beginning or end, with a '_' before or after it. # target: destination_path # must be specified if `move` is set to 1 monitor: screenshots: dir: ./Desktop poll: 1 match: regexp: (?:^|\/)Screen Shot .*$ action: upload: 1 delete: 1 # general configuration, basically self-documenting # general->home is optional. if empty, this will be determined by the $HOME env variable or the current working directory. # general->errlogfile and logfile will default to $home/.ayudante-lobo.err and .log if removed, leaving them blank will instead disable logging for either standard logs or error logs. if both are left blank, storelogs will internally be set to 0 at runtime. # general->tmp is required. general: home: tmp: /var/tmp filename: %Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S pidfile: storelogs: 1 logfile: errlogfile: notify: on: upload: 1 error: 0 macintalk: 1 macintalk_voice: Daniel macintalk_rate: 190 osxnotify: 1