diff --git a/Assets/Dialog/apocalypse/apocalypse.script b/Assets/Dialog/apocalypse/apocalypse.script index d016c83..43ab3c6 100644 --- a/Assets/Dialog/apocalypse/apocalypse.script +++ b/Assets/Dialog/apocalypse/apocalypse.script @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -l1104_whereisgyro +L1104_whereisgyro Brainstorming|begins|Where did the|General go|In his tiny ship? -l1104_station +L1104_station Looks like there's|a Crouton space|station not too far|from here...| -l1104_apocalypse +L1104_apocalypse ...Space Station|"Apocalypse." I'll|bet he went there!|| -l1104_letsgo +L1104_letsgo I'll show them an|apocalypse! Let's|go!|| -l0012_bombs +L0012_bombs bs: This must be the|command core. It'll|have to wait,|though: sensors are|picking up four|bombs planted around|the station! I'd|better disarm them! haiku: @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ See the command|core||Station scans reveal|four bombs||I must disarm them ba: This is the|command core.|Scanners show four|bombs planted around|the station. That's|four places I have|to go and rough|things up. Better|get started. -l0012_defused +L0012_defused bs: I defused this|bomb; on to the|next! haiku: @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ This bomb is|defused||But it is not the|last one||On to another ba: This bomb's|disarmed. Where's|the next one? -l0012_alldefused +L0012_alldefused bs: That's the last! I|haven't seen Gyro|though; I'd better|get to the command|core and try to|track him from|there. haiku: @@ -34,30 +34,30 @@ That bomb was the|last||Now it's to the|command core||Need to find Gyro ba: I better head over|to the command core|and find Gyro. He's|outta bombs and he's|outta time. -l1204_gyro_notthere +L1204_gyro_notthere You've reached the|Command Core. Too|bad I'm not there!|I'm on Space Station|Armageddon far away! -l1204_gyro_ofcourse +L1204_gyro_ofcourse Apocalypse would|be the obvious place|for me to... retreat|to, so of course I|didn't go there! -l1204_gyro_unfortunately +L1204_gyro_unfortunately It all goes to|show why I'm a gen-|eral and you're not!|I'd love to chat but|unfortunately... -l1204_gyro_explode +L1204_gyro_explode ...the space station|is about to explode!|There's too much top|secret information|stored there. -l1204_gyro_escape +L1204_gyro_escape Don't worry,|there's plenty of|time to escape. You|have about... 5|seconds!Hah-hah-hah! -l1204_gyro_button +L1204_gyro_button Hah-ha! Ha! Hum.|Actually, could you|press that blinking|red button over|there? Oh darn... -l1204_gotitall +L1204_gotitall Scan shows inbound|Crouton warships!|They must be ticked|about losing that|data! We get it all? -l1204_datahere +L1204_datahere The data is here|All twelve|exabytes of it|That's really a lot| -l1204_letsroll +L1204_letsroll Tight! Let's roll!|||| diff --git a/Assets/Dialog/talk/talk.script b/Assets/Dialog/talk/talk.script index 8b3a42c..c229aae 100644 --- a/Assets/Dialog/talk/talk.script +++ b/Assets/Dialog/talk/talk.script @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -l0000_hero_honey +L0000_hero_honey bs: Let's see what old|queenie has tucked|away... aha, some|honey! I'll just|snag that! haiku: @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ Is that candy? No.||Soda? No. Fruit? No.|Wax? No.||It is sweet honey any: What's this? I got|stung all those|times for lousy|honey? Give me a|break! -l0002_bees +L0002_bees Hey. Watch out,|there's bees|everywhere. You|might think about|getting some bug|spray to keep them|disoriented. -l0002_hero_spray +L0002_hero_spray bs: Not a problem,|friend-o; those bees|mess with me and|they'll be in a|world of hurt. Where|did you say the bug|spray was again? haiku: @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ Stealth and clever|tricks||Is the ninja way of|life||Where to find the|spray ba: How can I get|some? -l0002_village +L0002_village There's some at my|village down south,|past Sunset. I'd|show you myself but|I have to hide out|and shoot some folks|if they walk by.|Have you met anyone|named Biss, Bah, or...|what was it... Poem? -l0002_hero_no +L0002_hero_no bs: Nope! haiku: @@ -28,34 +28,34 @@ Well-no not at all||No... no. I haven't|seen them||Even a little ba: Why do you wanna|shoot 'em? -l0002_croutons +L0002_croutons ba: Oh there's a|secret deal going on|between us tree-folk|and the croutons...|very hush-hush. You|didn't hear this|from me but I|wouldn't be|surprised if that|insufferable Lady|Flower and her lot|aren't around too|much longer! any: Oh well; keep an|eye out! -l0003_wolves +L0003_wolves Howdy, partner.|Billy said he saw|some wolves slinkin'|about, so keep an|eye out. Sneaky|devils, those|wolves! -l0003_shootfast +L0003_shootfast Out here in the|green pastures life|can be pretty rough|and tumble. Between|the wolves and the|bees ya have ter|shoot fast or die|tryin'. If yer|lookin' fer lessons|ol' Jeb can learn|ya. -l0003_hero_jeb +L0003_hero_jeb haiku: Jeb? Jeb did you|say?||Tell me more about|this Jeb||Where can he be|found? any: Jeb? -l0003_nevermind +L0003_nevermind Never mind, ya|don't look the type. -l0003_aboutjeb +L0003_aboutjeb Yep, ol' Jeb. He's|one acre over|eastwise. -l0004_howdypilgrim +L0004_howdypilgrim Howdy, pilgrim.|This here's the|start of the green|pastures, loveliest|country ya ever|seen! We been havin'|some problems with|Trakktors lately-|would ya like ter|help out? -l0004_sure +L0004_sure bs: Those blue sucky|things? Sure, I'll|help. haiku: @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ The Trakktors are|strange||They are blue and|they vacuum||So I will help you any: Whatever. -l0004_mindyourbusiness +L0004_mindyourbusiness Well I reckon ya|can help best by|mindin' yer own|business and movin'|along! We don't need|a bunch of strangers|makin' a fuss. And|we don't take kindly|ter sheep-rustlers|'round here neither! -l0006_avacado +L0006_avacado Ich zerquetsche|Sie mag ein avacado! -l0006_hero_sayagain +L0006_hero_sayagain bs: Exsqueeze me? haiku: @@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ What language is|that?||I am a simple Ninja||I don't understand any: How about I crush|your face, rock-|brain?! -l0006_fixbridge +L0006_fixbridge Oh, so sorry! We|were on our way to|fix bridge when we|find tool shed|infested with bees!|Can you help us get|rid of bees? Middle|house. -l0006_fixed +L0006_fixed Thank you for|getting rid of bees|long enough for we|to grab tools! We|fixed the bridge,|you can cross it!|Kreuzen Sie es, wenn|Sie sich trauen. -l0008_findspray +L0008_findspray bs: Ah, some cheapo|bug spray. The label|reads: intoxicates|bees and other bugs|while providing a|full day's supply of|vitamin C! haiku: @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ I take this bug|spray||And somewhere along|the path||The bees are|confused any: Bug spray. Can.|Cool. -l0010_mattermitter +L0010_mattermitter bs: Wonder-Port 400|mattermitter:|activate! haiku: @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Oh see: a lever||I wonder what it|will do?||Why don't we find|out? any: Clear!!! -l0010_foundmask +L0010_foundmask bs: Here's a gas mask|shaped to fit... a|giant mouse head!|Weird! Fits okay on|me though. haiku: @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ What hidden|meaning||And unspoken tragedy||A mouse head gas|mask any: Here's a gas mask.|I'll save it for|later. -l0010_crate +L0010_crate bs: What's this? A|bunch of ammo. Way|too big for my gun...|I'll leave it. haiku: @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ A box of ammo||Extremely large|caliber||Not interested ba: Hmm, a crate of|Magnus .50 caliber|high-impact rounds.|Lock and load! -l0105_hero_wrangling +L0105_hero_wrangling bs: Oh no way, there's|a wrangling iron|under the hive!|Score! haiku: @@ -123,28 +123,28 @@ What's that on the|ground||It's metallic and|twisted||A wrangling iron any: What the heck is|this under the hive?|It's a stupid|wrangling iron! -l0103_shootinfast +L0103_shootinfast Jeb be my name,|shootin' fast be my|game. -l0103_wrangling +L0103_wrangling Jeb be my name,|shootin' fast be my|game. If ya want|ter learn I can|teach ya, 'ceptin'|I'm too worried|about losin' my|wranglin' iron ter|concentrate right|now. -l0103_bs_where +L0103_bs_where Okay first off|what exactly is a|wrangling iron? You|know what: never|mind. I don't want|to know. Just tell|me where this thing|is and I'll go grab|it for you. -l0103_forest +L0103_forest Well, thank ya|kindly! It so|happens I let it|drop beneath a bee|hive in the rainy|forest. -l0103_bs_figures +L0103_bs_figures Bees. Typical. -l0103_learn +L0103_learn There's my|wranglin' iron!|Thank ya! Lemme|learn ya how ter|shoot fast. First ya|drawl like .this.|and then you shoot|like .that. Got it?|See ya round,|partner! -l0103_honey +L0103_honey My name's Lil' Ed.|I sure do love|honey! Lordy, but I|love that stuff! And|do ya know what the|best honey of all|is? Queen Bee honey,|that's right! -l0103_hero_honeyresponse +L0103_hero_honeyresponse bs: I think I see|where this is going. haiku: @@ -152,19 +152,19 @@ Very interesting||I love sticky sweet|honey||And you love it too any: I'm more of a|saccharin person|myself. -l0103_gethoney +L0103_gethoney There's a lil'|hive up yonder|northwise, got some|good Queen Bee|honey. I've got a|snake bite kit fer|the feller brave|enough to get me|some o' that honey. -l0103_snakebitekit +L0103_snakebitekit Ya brought me some|honey! That there's|mighty good stuff.|Here's that snake|bite kit fer yer|trouble. -l0103_seenyoubefore +L0103_seenyoubefore My name's Lil' Ed.|I sure do love... wait|a minute, I seen you|before. Hey, I|already gave ya a|snake bite kit - let|me be! -l0106_heysonny +L0106_heysonny Hey sonny yer|tearin' through here|a mite fast, ain't|ya? You'd best slow|down and watch out|for snakes; if you|don't have a snake|bite kit they're|deadly! -l0106_hero_seethem +L0106_hero_seethem bs: Hey yourself, old|dude. Did you like|see anybody come|through here just|now? haiku: @@ -172,19 +172,19 @@ I look for my|captain||A bag of flour,|kidnapped||By a begonia ba: Did you see a|begonia and a bag of|flour come through|here? The begonia|might have had a|gun. -l0106_sure +L0106_sure Sure! I seen Lady|Flower and her new|gentleman friend|strollin' through,|headed fer the|palace. Heard there|was goin' ter be a|weddin! -l0106_headnorth +L0106_headnorth To get on ter the|palace just head|north one acre and|then due east fer|four. You can't|scarcely miss it! -l0108_sign +L0108_sign "This is Landing|Zone +@@@. Press|start in a landing|zone to see its|coordinates." -l0205_idiot +L0205_idiot Ein idiot sagt what? -l0205_what +L0205_what bs: What? haiku: @@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ What was that you|said||I did not quite|understand||Your foreign|language any: You talking to me? -l0205_forgive +L0205_forgive Oh forgive me! How|you say... the|bridge is out. I|wait for my friends|from Sunset Village|to help fix, but|they not come long|time. You tell them,|yes? -l0205_okay +L0205_okay bs: Sure. Eh, where's|this Sunset Village? haiku: @@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ I will tell your|friends||When I find Sunset|Village||To give you a hand any: Whatever. Which|way? -l0205_west +L0205_west Just travel two|acres west, one|south. Yellow|houses, lots of|bats. Goodby, my|friend! Der|Auslander wird|vermutlich verloren. -l0304_spores +L0304_spores bs: Whoa, freakadelic!|These spores are|giving me a|headache; if it gets|any worse I might|need an oxy mask or|something. haiku: @@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ The silent fungus||Releasing spores in|the air||I should find a|filter any: Nrarg! Spores...|hurting head...|must... go back...|find... gas mask! -l0405_ho +L0405_ho Ho, miscreant!|Thou shalt not pass!|Milady's wedding|draws nigh and I|will not permit|scoundrels through|the gates. -l0405_hero_reaction +L0405_hero_reaction bs: Verily! Why don't|you get off your|high horse, drop the|oldskool guard|routine, and let me|sneak a peek at the|wedding? haiku: @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Please sir let me|pass||To stop that|wedding, perhaps||Another way in ba: Scoundrel?! I'll|show you scoundrel! -l0405_final_word +L0405_final_word bs: Oh yeah? Well why|don't you just... stop|being a... stupid blue|guy and... go away! haiku: @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Are thine ears|shut?! Verily I say:|'tis no way in! The|west gate is closed,|and any: Nay, stay thy|wrath, Barium. Me|and mine fellows far|outnumber thee and|would surely be|victorious in|battle. -l0612_plan +L0612_plan bs: Scary! This must|be where the armies|teleport in from the|Crouton Homeworld!|That control panel|on the far wall|looks promising... haiku: @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ A sinister place||It is a teleport|chamber||I see some controls any: Nice teleport|chamber. Better blow|it up. Those|controls on the far|wall might do the|trick. -l0612_clearance +L0612_clearance bs: Oops! Looks like I|need Zeta-level|clearance to use|these controls! I|could maybe forge a|Group 6 access but|that never works|right. haiku: @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ Access is denied||I need high level|clearance||Like Zeta Clearance any: Grr... says I need|Zeta Clearance to|use these controls.|Looks like I'll be|visiting some|Crouton outposts! -l0612_controls +L0612_controls bs: Okay it's locking|on to Planet|Crouton. In 90|seconds I can jump|in one of these|stations and blow up|their generators|from the other side. haiku: @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ In ninety seconds||I will enter a|station||Bound for Crouton|World any: Too many buttons...|okay... setting|coordinates for|Planet Crouton... blow|up the generators|real good. Better|get to a teleport|chamber... Delay of 90|seconds?! Roids! -l0612_go +L0612_go bs: Here we go! haiku: @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ I'm set for travel||To distant Crouton|Homeworld||It is beginning any: ...88 Mississippi,|89 Mississippi, 90|Mississipi! Let's|go! -l0612_duke +L0612_duke bs: Wait!|What's that? Oh no!|That stupid monkey|is messing with the|controls! haiku: @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ An anomaly||Is there someone|tampering?||An orangutan any: Hold on... Someone's|screwing with the|controls! It's a|monkey! -l0612_return +L0612_return bs: Ah, good old Kiwi|Firma! I guess|that'll stop the|teleporters for a|while and give those|grenade guys a|break! haiku: @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ Haiku has returned||The teleporters|silent||Grenades have free|time any: I came. I saw. I'm|back. -l0912_sign +L0912_sign bs: Hmm,|"Monkey Library." haiku: @@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ Here's a little|sign||It reads "Monkey|Library"||That is what it says any: "Monkey Library."|Very cute. I hate|monkeys and I hate|reading. -l0912_welcome +L0912_welcome Welcome, comrad,|to the Monkey|Homeworld. It's been|under Crouton rule,|but the monkeys are|revolting! -l0912_hero_revolt +L0912_hero_revolt bs: Yes they are! How|do you get out of|this joint? haiku: @@ -300,10 +300,10 @@ It's a nice planet||I must leave to|travel to||The Crouton|Homeworld any: This isn't the|Crouton Homeworld!|That's where I was|trying to go. -l0912_justit +L0912_justit That's just it:the|monkeys destroyed|the outbound|teleport generators!|What happened is|that my identical|robotic twin Patsy-|who's in the disco|right now-will time|travel into the past|twenty minutes from|now and start the|revolution! -l0912_hero_losing +L0912_hero_losing bs: You're losing me,|doc. haiku: @@ -311,10 +311,10 @@ That sounds very|good||But I do not|understand||Any word you said ba: You're talking|jibber-jabber! -l0912_killpatsy +L0912_killpatsy Just go into the|disco right now and|shoot Patsy in the|orange shirt! He|won't mind, and I|can fix him later!|Then you can|teleport to planet|Crouton! -l0912_hero_brokenteleport +L0912_hero_brokenteleport bs: Hmm this rig seems|broken. haiku: @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ In the teleport||I am vexed and|frustrated||It does not function any: This gimmick's|broken! That chaps|my hide. -l0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword +L0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword bs: Fire up this ride,|daddy-o! haiku: @@ -330,10 +330,10 @@ Set coordinates||For the Crouton Home|Planet||Bid monkeys goodbye any: Activate teleport! -l0912_needpassword +L0912_needpassword I'm sorry, you|need a password! -l0912_hero_startteleport_password +L0912_hero_startteleport_password bs: Fire up this ride,|daddy-o!|Password is Gravy. haiku: @@ -341,10 +341,10 @@ Set coordinates||For the Crouton Home|Planet||Password is Gravy any: Activate teleport! -l0912_ba_givepassword +L0912_ba_givepassword I'll give you a|password: shut up|and do it! -l1000_needbomb +L1000_needbomb bs: This gate is sooo|not jake. I'm gonna|need a really big|bomb or something to|blow it up! haiku: @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Your end is|near, O evil|ones. I am the bomb! any: Gonna need a big|bomb to get through|here! Oh yeah. -l1000_freeze +L1000_freeze bs: Hey! Back away|from the space ship,|General Wacko! haiku: @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ You crazy crouton||If you know what's|good for you||You'll hold it right|there any: It's over, Gyro! -l1000_toolate +L1000_toolate bs: Too late! And by|the way, it's|General "Gyro,"|though I suspect you|knew that! haiku: @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ Too late! I'm|outta here! any: When monkeys|fly, BA! You're|too late; I'm outta|here! -l1000_follow +L1000_follow bs: Woo but he's|slippery! We have to|follow him! haiku: @@ -378,19 +378,19 @@ Gyro has escaped||We won't let him|get away||We will follow him any: It's never too|late. -l1010_amking +L1010_amking I am King|Grenade. Maybe|you need some help?|Maybe you want to|blow something up?|I am the bomb. -l1010_cannotleave +L1010_cannotleave But I cannot|leave now. Every|day, more Croutons|teleport here from|their homeworld. You|need my help? I need|your help. Find the|teleport generators,|destroy them! -l1010_readytogo +L1010_readytogo You have|destroyed the|teleport generators!|I shall go with you,|help you now. I will|wait for you in your|space ship. -l1012_hero_readbook +L1012_hero_readbook "Monkeys and|Croutons have been|enemies since|ancient times. While|Croutons are|smarter, they're|also lazier. For|instance, 'Gravy'|has been the Crouton|password for over|four centuries now..." -l1212_anytime +L1212_anytime bs: Get ready, gang.|That annoying|blue guy should be|coming through from|Kiwi any minute now!|We're ready for him|this time! haiku: @@ -398,12 +398,12 @@ Get ready, gang.|That weird green|guy should be coming|through from Kiwi|any min any: Get ready, gang.|That stupid red|guy should be coming|through from Kiwi|any minute now!|We're ready for him|this time! -l1212_yeah +L1212_yeah Yeah! Yeah! -l1212_makesure +L1212_makesure Just make sure|he doesn't make|it up North and blow|up the teleport|generators. -l1212_suckstobehim +L1212_suckstobehim Sucks to be him|when he comes|through this|teleport! diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0000_hive.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0000_hive.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcf8d81 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0000_hive.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0001.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0001.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23a13a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0001.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0001_bees.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0001_bees.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4a57fa Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0001_bees.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0002.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0002.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e8f71f Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0002.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0002_bees.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0002_bees.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29dd522 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0002_bees.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0003_green.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0003_green.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0a9f3a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0003_green.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0004_ranch.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0004_ranch.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcd076c Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0004_ranch.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0005.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0005.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f20c3e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0005.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0005_path.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0005_path.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3942961 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0005_path.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0006_sunset.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0006_sunset.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..658e74b Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0006_sunset.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0006_sunsetvill.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0006_sunsetvill.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..025edd7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0006_sunsetvill.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0007_forest.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0007_forest.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3d43db Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0007_forest.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0008_forest.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0008_forest.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd032fe Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0008_forest.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0009_mouse.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0009_mouse.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86be7f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0009_mouse.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0010_serpent.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0010_serpent.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf53faf Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0010_serpent.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0011_seasons.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0011_seasons.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b8918a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0011_seasons.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0012_ssa_cmdcore.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0012_ssa_cmdcore.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c8ef3a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0012_ssa_cmdcore.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0013_intro_ba1.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0013_intro_ba1.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d6e7f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0013_intro_ba1.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0014_intro_haiku1.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0014_intro_haiku1.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9803d3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0014_intro_haiku1.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0015_intro_bs1.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0015_intro_bs1.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c1cc22 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0015_intro_bs1.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0100_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0100_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0100_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0101_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0101_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0101_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0102_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0102_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9c0050 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0102_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0103_green.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0103_green.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae158e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0103_green.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0104_spring.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0104_spring.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68cd96b Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0104_spring.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0105_path.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0105_path.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19343a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0105_path.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0106_path.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0106_path.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1587c3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0106_path.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0107_landing.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0107_landing.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ad90d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0107_landing.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0108_forest_landing.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0108_forest_landing.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..105becd Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0108_forest_landing.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0109_mouse.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0109_mouse.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a571749 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0109_mouse.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0110_mouse.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0110_mouse.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67cc772 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0110_mouse.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0111_tower.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0111_tower.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25646eb Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0111_tower.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0112_hive_entrance.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0112_hive_entrance.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe17097 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0112_hive_entrance.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0113_intro_ba2.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0113_intro_ba2.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80935f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0113_intro_ba2.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0114_intro_haiku2.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0114_intro_haiku2.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..983d107 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0114_intro_haiku2.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0115_intro_bs2.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0115_intro_bs2.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd28e54 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0115_intro_bs2.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0200_evilvill.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0200_evilvill.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..881e8c0 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0200_evilvill.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0201_mist.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0201_mist.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec972d3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0201_mist.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0202_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0202_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03a40fe Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0202_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0203_path.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0203_path.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2616314 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0203_path.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0203_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0203_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0203_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0204_path.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0204_path.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55cd860 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0204_path.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0204_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0204_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0204_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0205_bridge.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0205_bridge.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4800076 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0205_bridge.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0206_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0206_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0206_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0207_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0207_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0207_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0208_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0208_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0208_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0209_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0209_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0209_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0210_river.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0210_river.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57703cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0210_river.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0211_tower.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0211_tower.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67860da Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0211_tower.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0212_sunsethouseup.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0212_sunsethouseup.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1075a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0212_sunsethouseup.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0213_intro_ba3.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0213_intro_ba3.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4266f54 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0213_intro_ba3.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0214_intro_haiku3.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0214_intro_haiku3.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91f0dfe Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0214_intro_haiku3.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0215_intro_bs3.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0215_intro_bs3.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8fa880 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0215_intro_bs3.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0300_mist.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0300_mist.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..338cc70 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0300_mist.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0301_mist.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0301_mist.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be7cdb8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0301_mist.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0302_mistland.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0302_mistland.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da8dfbe Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0302_mistland.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0303_bridge.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0303_bridge.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfb59f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0303_bridge.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0303_stone_mist.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0303_stone_mist.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97dd63b Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0303_stone_mist.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0304_shroom.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0304_shroom.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..497f2bb Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0304_shroom.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0305_path.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0305_path.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e35dce0 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0305_path.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0306_twoguns.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0306_twoguns.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11d5b51 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0306_twoguns.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0307_outpost.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0307_outpost.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0638834 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0307_outpost.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0308_drylake.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0308_drylake.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0037ef8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0308_drylake.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0309_desert.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0309_desert.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..667251b Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0309_desert.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0310_desertland.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0310_desertland.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23d4dac Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0310_desertland.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0311_tower.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0311_tower.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..838ed03 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0311_tower.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0312_sunsethousedown.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0312_sunsethousedown.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34557f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0312_sunsethousedown.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0313_intro_ba4.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0313_intro_ba4.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbf9fee Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0313_intro_ba4.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0314_intro_haiku4.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0314_intro_haiku4.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37c992d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0314_intro_haiku4.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0315_intro_bs4.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0315_intro_bs4.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dd027b Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0315_intro_bs4.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0400_ice_out.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0400_ice_out.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c40c3f Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0400_ice_out.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0401_pitch_black.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0401_pitch_black.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f53faf Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0401_pitch_black.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0402_dusk.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0402_dusk.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e566be Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0402_dusk.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0403_shroom.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0403_shroom.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26d8f27 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0403_shroom.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0404_shroom.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0404_shroom.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d98d7d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0404_shroom.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0405_garden.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0405_garden.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc707f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0405_garden.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0406_bios.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0406_bios.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b13bfa3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0406_bios.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0407_bios.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0407_bios.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1407381 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0407_bios.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0408_deathvalley.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0408_deathvalley.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f0b6e2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0408_deathvalley.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0409_desert.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0409_desert.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a926f43 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0409_desert.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0410_outpost.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0410_outpost.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aa77ee Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0410_outpost.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0411_tower.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0411_tower.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82d85c7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0411_tower.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethousedown.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethousedown.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48c687c Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethousedown.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethouseup.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethouseup.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4f64d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethouseup.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethousewest.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethousewest.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dfca7a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethousewest.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0500_ice.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0500_ice.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35f2d80 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0500_ice.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0501_winter.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0501_winter.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6440bdd Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0501_winter.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0502_chill.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0502_chill.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7bef85 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0502_chill.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0503_hermit.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0503_hermit.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5c8016 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0503_hermit.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0504_garden.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0504_garden.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fb568a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0504_garden.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0505_palace.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0505_palace.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..960ba2e Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0505_palace.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0506_garden.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0506_garden.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb89b59 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0506_garden.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0507_swamp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0507_swamp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..842d684 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0507_swamp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0508_witch.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0508_witch.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dc0096 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0508_witch.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0509_bigdesert.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0509_bigdesert.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d8a8e3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0509_bigdesert.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0510_summer.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0510_summer.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71abca4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0510_summer.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0512_witch_house.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0512_witch_house.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c36cc5e Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0512_witch_house.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0600_ice.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0600_ice.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2849f23 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0600_ice.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0601_wolf.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0601_wolf.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56c4249 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0601_wolf.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0602_hillpeople.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0602_hillpeople.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41ec0b8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0602_hillpeople.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0603_hillpeople.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0603_hillpeople.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e28e28 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0603_hillpeople.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0604_tower.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0604_tower.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..589602c Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0604_tower.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0605_garden.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0605_garden.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df5489a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0605_garden.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0606_mooreslanding.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0606_mooreslanding.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7f62c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0606_mooreslanding.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0607_swampthang.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0607_swampthang.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78ad140 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0607_swampthang.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0608_moores.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0608_moores.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca62429 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0608_moores.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0609_outback.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0609_outback.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..add7e59 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0609_outback.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0610_outback.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0610_outback.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fcb6df Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0610_outback.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0612_teleport.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0612_teleport.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf8a9c7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0612_teleport.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0700_ice.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0700_ice.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9494fe6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0700_ice.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0701_kiwikeep.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0701_kiwikeep.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9390008 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0701_kiwikeep.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0702_caverns.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0702_caverns.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ea5980 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0702_caverns.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0703_caverns.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0703_caverns.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3042a4e Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0703_caverns.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0704_canyon.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0704_canyon.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87276ca Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0704_canyon.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0705_jungle.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0705_jungle.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a819e9f Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0705_jungle.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0706_swamp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0706_swamp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d1a2f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0706_swamp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0707_barrows.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0707_barrows.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27d987d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0707_barrows.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0708_swamp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0708_swamp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d715513 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0708_swamp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0709_outback.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0709_outback.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ed9e7d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0709_outback.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0710_outback.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0710_outback.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5138f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0710_outback.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0711_spacestation.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0711_spacestation.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4d4629 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0711_spacestation.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0712_farmlanding.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0712_farmlanding.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4100bf3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0712_farmlanding.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0800_ice.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0800_ice.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2001dd Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0800_ice.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0801_escape.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0801_escape.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a420322 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0801_escape.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0802_windypass.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0802_windypass.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..caf37a9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0802_windypass.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0803_djinn.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0803_djinn.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fc71c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0803_djinn.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0804_canyon.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0804_canyon.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6a220b Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0804_canyon.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0805_jungle.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0805_jungle.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3186b1d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0805_jungle.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0806_moores.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0806_moores.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a9cb9d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0806_moores.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0807_swamp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0807_swamp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9d0063 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0807_swamp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0808_warcamp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0808_warcamp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77edbb5 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0808_warcamp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0809_warzone.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0809_warzone.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43c31d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0809_warzone.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0810_graveslanding.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0810_graveslanding.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bce8f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0810_graveslanding.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0811_ssa_nw.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0811_ssa_nw.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ed337d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0811_ssa_nw.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0812_warp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0812_warp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faf13b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0812_warp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0900_guardpost.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0900_guardpost.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0ccbd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0900_guardpost.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0901_slavecamp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0901_slavecamp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7214ad Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0901_slavecamp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0902_iceplainland.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0902_iceplainland.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24870bc Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0902_iceplainland.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0903_cornville.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0903_cornville.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1ef93a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0903_cornville.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0904_canyon.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0904_canyon.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f88587 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0904_canyon.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0905_junglelanding.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0905_junglelanding.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e92547 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0905_junglelanding.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0906_stone_wisp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0906_stone_wisp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36ca58c Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0906_stone_wisp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0907_bullseye.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0907_bullseye.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..657fa7c Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0907_bullseye.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0908_warzone.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0908_warzone.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8f52ec Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0908_warzone.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0909_warzone.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0909_warzone.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dad0e64 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0909_warzone.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0910_warzone.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0910_warzone.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb72653 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0910_warzone.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0911_ssa_ne.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0911_ssa_ne.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d2be25 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0911_ssa_ne.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L0912_monkeyworld.lvl b/Data/Levels/L0912_monkeyworld.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b17a3d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L0912_monkeyworld.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1000_basecamp.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1000_basecamp.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ae1fc7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1000_basecamp.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1001_iceplain.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1001_iceplain.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b1246d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1001_iceplain.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1002_guardpost.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1002_guardpost.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..601cd5a Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1002_guardpost.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1003_beach.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1003_beach.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a469f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1003_beach.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1004_pumpkins.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1004_pumpkins.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae08b13 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1004_pumpkins.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1005_autumn.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1005_autumn.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdba0d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1005_autumn.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1006_outpost.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1006_outpost.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67b8a35 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1006_outpost.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1007_stoneheads.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1007_stoneheads.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98b9c9c Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1007_stoneheads.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1008_graves.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1008_graves.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49c854d Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1008_graves.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1009_warzone.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1009_warzone.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd70138 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1009_warzone.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1010_kinggrenade.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1010_kinggrenade.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a10f5f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1010_kinggrenade.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1011_ssa_sw.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1011_ssa_sw.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cac022e Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1011_ssa_sw.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1012_library.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1012_library.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0e31ac Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1012_library.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1111_ssa_se.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1111_ssa_se.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45dd980 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1111_ssa_se.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1112_disco.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1112_disco.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c78a449 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1112_disco.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1212_crouton_hw1.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1212_crouton_hw1.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0972e8e Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1212_crouton_hw1.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1300_appomattox.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1300_appomattox.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d335e13 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1300_appomattox.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1312_crouton_hw2.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1312_crouton_hw2.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecfa031 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1312_crouton_hw2.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1412_crouton_hw3.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1412_crouton_hw3.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8599161 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1412_crouton_hw3.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1504_landing.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1504_landing.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fff01f Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1504_landing.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Levels/L1512_crouton_hw4.lvl b/Data/Levels/L1512_crouton_hw4.lvl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a2f3da Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Levels/L1512_crouton_hw4.lvl differ diff --git a/Data/Sprites/explosions0-85.bin b/Data/Sprites/explosions0-85.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6102d22 Binary files /dev/null and b/Data/Sprites/explosions0-85.bin differ diff --git a/Source/L0313.asm b/Source/L0313.asm index b77a28a..4864de3 100644 --- a/Source/L0313.asm +++ b/Source/L0313.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0313.asm ba ships quarters +; L0313.asm ba ships quarters ; Generated 07.28.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.28.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ L0313_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0313_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0313_intro_ba4.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0313_intro_ba4.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/USER.ASM b/Source/USER.ASM index e29460f..879f423 100644 --- a/Source/USER.ASM +++ b/Source/USER.ASM @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ UserMain:: call InitGfx ;set up initial location + hero - ;initial level 0009 (demo intro) + ;initial L0009 (demo intro) ld a,LEVELSTATEBANK ld [$ff70],a xor a @@ -2787,7 +2787,7 @@ HandleInput: ;--if no link, attempt link connection ---------------------- ld a,[amLinkMaster] cp $ff - jr z,.afterLinkAttempt ;l1101 attempts link as slave + jr z,.afterLinkAttempt ;L1101 attempts link as slave cp $fe ;attempt link as master? jr nz,.afterLinkAttempt diff --git a/Source/gfx.asm b/Source/gfx.asm index 4a023e3..a87b491 100644 --- a/Source/gfx.asm +++ b/Source/gfx.asm @@ -7712,7 +7712,3 @@ DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 -;SECTION "InGameGraphicsSection1",ROMX -;select_hero_bg:: -; INCBIN "gamebg/select_hero.bg" - diff --git a/Source/l0000.asm b/Source/l0000.asm index 74851a4..4acea05 100644 --- a/Source/l0000.asm +++ b/Source/l0000.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level0000.asm hive +;L0000.asm hive ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ SECTION "LevelsSection0000",ROMX,BANK[MAP0ROM] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0000_hero_honey_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0000_hero_honey.gtx" +L0000_hero_honey_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0000_hero_honey.gtx" L0000_Contents:: DW L0000_Load @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ L0000_Load2: L0000_LoadFinished: L0000_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0000_hive.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0000_hive.lvl" ;gtx_intro: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro.gtx" ;gtx_intro2: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro2.gtx" @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ L0000_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0000_hero_honey_gtx + ld de,L0000_hero_honey_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog call ClearDialog diff --git a/Source/l0001.asm b/Source/l0001.asm index b1ad036..eb476fc 100644 --- a/Source/l0001.asm +++ b/Source/l0001.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0001.asm outside the hive +; L0001.asm outside the hive ; Generated 08.27.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.27.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0001_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0001_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0001_bees.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0001_bees.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0002.asm b/Source/l0002.asm index f8e65bc..126895e 100644 --- a/Source/l0002.asm +++ b/Source/l0002.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0002.asm bee border +; L0002.asm bee border ; Generated 08.27.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.27.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ SECTION "Level0002Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0002_bees_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0002_bees.gtx" +L0002_bees_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0002_bees.gtx" -l0002_hero_spray_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0002_hero_spray.gtx" +L0002_hero_spray_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0002_hero_spray.gtx" -l0002_village_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0002_village.gtx" +L0002_village_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0002_village.gtx" -l0002_hero_no_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0002_hero_no.gtx" +L0002_hero_no_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0002_hero_no.gtx" -l0002_croutons_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0002_croutons.gtx" +L0002_croutons_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0002_croutons.gtx" L0002_Contents:: DW L0002_Load @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ L0002_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0002_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0002_bees.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0002_bees.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -104,23 +104,23 @@ L0002_Check2: call SetDialogSkip ;Careful; bees - ld de,l0002_bees_gtx + ld de,L0002_bees_gtx call ShowDialogNPC ;Where's the spray? - ld de,l0002_hero_spray_gtx + ld de,L0002_hero_spray_gtx call ShowDialogHero ;Down south; seen anybody? - ld de,l0002_village_gtx + ld de,L0002_village_gtx call ShowDialogNPC ;No - ld de,l0002_hero_no_gtx + ld de,L0002_hero_no_gtx call ShowDialogHero ;tell about croutons - ld de,l0002_croutons_gtx + ld de,L0002_croutons_gtx call ShowDialogNPC .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l0003.asm b/Source/l0003.asm index 774161c..adf86fd 100644 --- a/Source/l0003.asm +++ b/Source/l0003.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0003.asm green pastures big sheep pen +; L0003.asm green pastures big sheep pen ; Generated 08.26.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.26.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ SECTION "Level0003Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0003_wolves_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0003_wolves.gtx" +L0003_wolves_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0003_wolves.gtx" -l0003_shootfast_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0003_shootfast.gtx" +L0003_shootfast_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0003_shootfast.gtx" -l0003_hero_jeb_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0003_hero_jeb.gtx" +L0003_hero_jeb_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0003_hero_jeb.gtx" -l0003_nevermind_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0003_nevermind.gtx" +L0003_nevermind_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0003_nevermind.gtx" -l0003_aboutjeb_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0003_aboutjeb.gtx" +L0003_aboutjeb_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0003_aboutjeb.gtx" L0003_Contents:: DW L0003_Load @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ L0003_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0003_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0003_green.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0003_green.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ L0003_Check2: ;Warn about wolves ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0003_wolves_gtx + ld de,L0003_wolves_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop call ClearDialog @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ L0003_Check2: ;Out here ya gotta shoot fast ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0003_shootfast_gtx + ld de,L0003_shootfast_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop call ClearDialog @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ L0003_Check2: ld a,[dialogNPC_heroIndex] ld c,a call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0003_hero_jeb_gtx + ld de,L0003_hero_jeb_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom call ClearDialog @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ L0003_Check2: ;nevermind ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0003_aboutjeb_gtx + ld de,L0003_aboutjeb_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop jr .afterJebDialog @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ L0003_Check2: ;nevermind ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0003_nevermind_gtx + ld de,L0003_nevermind_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop .afterJebDialog diff --git a/Source/l0004.asm b/Source/l0004.asm index 92f5e01..2363d33 100644 --- a/Source/l0004.asm +++ b/Source/l0004.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0004.asm start of green pastures +; L0004.asm start of green pastures ; Generated 08.24.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.24.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ SECTION "Level0004Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0004_howdypilgrim_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0004_howdypilgrim.gtx" +L0004_howdypilgrim_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0004_howdypilgrim.gtx" -l0004_sure_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0004_sure.gtx" +L0004_sure_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0004_sure.gtx" -l0004_mindyourbusiness_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0004_mindyourbusiness.gtx" +L0004_mindyourbusiness_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0004_mindyourbusiness.gtx" L0004_Contents:: DW L0004_Load @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ L0004_Check2: ;Howdy pilgrim ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0004_howdypilgrim_gtx + ld de,L0004_howdypilgrim_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop call ClearDialog @@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ L0004_Check2: ld a,[dialogNPC_heroIndex] ld c,a call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0004_sure_gtx + ld de,L0004_sure_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom call ClearDialog ;Mind your own business ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0004_mindyourbusiness_gtx + ld de,L0004_mindyourbusiness_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l0005.asm b/Source/l0005.asm index 4214378..0658d71 100644 --- a/Source/l0005.asm +++ b/Source/l0005.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0005.asm trakktor clearing +; L0005.asm trakktor clearing ; Generated 08.24.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.24.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0006.asm b/Source/l0006.asm index 76f7655..2d1c9d2 100644 --- a/Source/l0006.asm +++ b/Source/l0006.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0006.asm Sunset Village +; L0006.asm Sunset Village ; Generated 08.24.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.24.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0007.asm b/Source/l0007.asm index 9e41758..83a3a09 100644 --- a/Source/l0007.asm +++ b/Source/l0007.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0007.asm +; L0007.asm ; Generated 09.04.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.04.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0007_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0007_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0007_forest.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0007_forest.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0008.asm b/Source/l0008.asm index 9e3918c..eac6ea7 100644 --- a/Source/l0008.asm +++ b/Source/l0008.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0008.asm +; L0008.asm ; Generated 09.04.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.04.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ SECTION "Level0008Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0008_findspray_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0008_findspray.gtx" +L0008_findspray_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0008_findspray.gtx" L0008_Contents:: DW L0008_Load @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ L0008_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0008_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0008_forest.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0008_forest.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ L0008_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0008_findspray_gtx + ld de,L0008_findspray_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog call ClearDialog diff --git a/Source/l0009.asm b/Source/l0009.asm index 9d22da2..f70f7d2 100644 --- a/Source/l0009.asm +++ b/Source/l0009.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0009.asm +; L0009.asm ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0009_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0009_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0009_mouse.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0009_mouse.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0010.asm b/Source/l0010.asm index 7401ff5..16fc07f 100644 --- a/Source/l0010.asm +++ b/Source/l0010.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0010.asm mouse teleport room +; L0010.asm mouse teleport room ; Generated 11.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.06.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ SECTION "Level0010Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0010_mattermitter_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0010_mattermitter.gtx" +L0010_mattermitter_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0010_mattermitter.gtx" -l0010_foundmask_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0010_foundmask.gtx" +L0010_foundmask_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0010_foundmask.gtx" -l0010_crate_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0010_crate.gtx" +L0010_crate_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0010_crate.gtx" L0010_Contents:: DW L0010_Load @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ L0010_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0010_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0010_serpent.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0010_serpent.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ L0010_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0010_mattermitter_gtx + ld de,L0010_mattermitter_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterTportDialog call ClearDialogSkipForward @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ L0010_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0010_crate_gtx + ld de,L0010_crate_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterSignDialog call ClearDialog @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ L0010_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0010_foundmask_gtx + ld de,L0010_foundmask_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog call ClearDialog diff --git a/Source/l0011.asm b/Source/l0011.asm index 6e99662..2f70cf7 100644 --- a/Source/l0011.asm +++ b/Source/l0011.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0011.asm House of the Seasons +; L0011.asm House of the Seasons ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0012.asm b/Source/l0012.asm index ffa4dd4..3360418 100644 --- a/Source/l0012.asm +++ b/Source/l0012.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0012.asm Command Core +; L0012.asm Command Core ; Generated 04.26.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.26.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ SECTION "Level0012Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0012_bombs_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l0012_bombs.gtx" +L0012_bombs_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L0012_bombs.gtx" -l0012_defused_gtx:: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l0012_defused.gtx" +L0012_defused_gtx:: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L0012_defused.gtx" -l0012_alldefused_gtx:: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l0012_alldefused.gtx" +L0012_alldefused_gtx:: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L0012_alldefused.gtx" L0012_Contents:: DW L0012_Load @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ L0012_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0012_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0012_ssa_cmdcore.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0012_ssa_cmdcore.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ L0012_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerToFirstHero - ld de,l0012_bombs_gtx + ld de,L0012_bombs_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l0013.asm b/Source/l0013.asm index 7249161..d71b4f7 100644 --- a/Source/l0013.asm +++ b/Source/l0013.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0013.asm - first map, ba lands on the moon +; L0013.asm - first map, ba lands on the moon ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ L0013_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0013_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0013_intro_ba1.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0013_intro_ba1.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0014.asm b/Source/l0014.asm index 53f895f..959f3f8 100644 --- a/Source/l0014.asm +++ b/Source/l0014.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0014.asm +; L0014.asm ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ L0014_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0014_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0014_intro_haiku1.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0014_intro_haiku1.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0015.asm b/Source/l0015.asm index c73eac0..3d76d55 100644 --- a/Source/l0015.asm +++ b/Source/l0015.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0015.asm +; L0015.asm ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ L0015_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0015_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0015_intro_bs1.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0015_intro_bs1.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0103.asm b/Source/l0103.asm index 2e5fc85..453bd48 100644 --- a/Source/l0103.asm +++ b/Source/l0103.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0103.asm east farm +; L0103.asm east farm ; Generated 08.27.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.27.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -20,38 +20,38 @@ SECTION "Level0103Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0103_shootinfast_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_shootinfast.gtx" +L0103_shootinfast_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_shootinfast.gtx" -l0103_wrangling_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_wrangling.gtx" +L0103_wrangling_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_wrangling.gtx" -l0103_bs_where_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_bs_where.gtx" +L0103_bs_where_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_bs_where.gtx" -l0103_forest_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_forest.gtx" +L0103_forest_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_forest.gtx" -l0103_bs_figures_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_bs_figures.gtx" +L0103_bs_figures_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_bs_figures.gtx" -l0103_learn_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_learn.gtx" +L0103_learn_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_learn.gtx" -l0103_honey_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_honey.gtx" +L0103_honey_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_honey.gtx" -l0103_hero_honeyresponse_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_hero_honeyresponse.gtx" +L0103_hero_honeyresponse_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_hero_honeyresponse.gtx" -l0103_gethoney_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_gethoney.gtx" +L0103_gethoney_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_gethoney.gtx" -l0103_snakebitekit_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_snakebitekit.gtx" +L0103_snakebitekit_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_snakebitekit.gtx" -l0103_seenyoubefore_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0103_seenyoubefore.gtx" +L0103_seenyoubefore_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0103_seenyoubefore.gtx" L0103_Contents:: @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ L0103_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0103_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0103_green.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0103_green.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -147,19 +147,19 @@ L0103_Check2: ld de,((.afterUpgradeDialog-L0103_Check2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogSkip - ld de,l0103_wrangling_gtx + ld de,L0103_wrangling_gtx call ShowDialogNPC ;Where's the wrangling iron? - ld de,l0103_bs_where_gtx + ld de,L0103_bs_where_gtx call ShowDialogHero ;under a bee hive - ld de,l0103_forest_gtx + ld de,L0103_forest_gtx call ShowDialogNPC ;Typical - ld de,l0103_bs_figures_gtx + ld de,L0103_bs_figures_gtx call ShowDialogHero jr .afterUpgradeDialog @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ L0103_Check2: call SetDialogSkip ;How to shoot fast - ld de,l0103_learn_gtx + ld de,L0103_learn_gtx call ShowDialogNPC .afterLearnDialog @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ L0103_Check2: call SetDialogSkip ;"Jeb is my name" - ld de,l0103_shootinfast_gtx + ld de,L0103_shootinfast_gtx call ShowDialogNPC .afterUpgradeDialog @@ -215,15 +215,15 @@ L0103_Check2: call SetDialogSkip ;I love honey - ld de,l0103_honey_gtx + ld de,L0103_honey_gtx call ShowDialogNPC ;Hero's response to honey lover - ld de,l0103_hero_honeyresponse_gtx + ld de,L0103_hero_honeyresponse_gtx call ShowDialogHero ;Get me some honey - ld de,l0103_gethoney_gtx + ld de,L0103_gethoney_gtx call ShowDialogNPC jr .afterHoneyDialog @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ L0103_Check2: call SetDialogSkip ;seen you before - ld de,l0103_seenyoubefore_gtx + ld de,L0103_seenyoubefore_gtx call ShowDialogNPC jr .afterHoneyDialog @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ L0103_Check2: call SetDialogSkip ;give snake bite kit - ld de,l0103_snakebitekit_gtx + ld de,L0103_snakebitekit_gtx call ShowDialogNPC .giveKit diff --git a/Source/l0104.asm b/Source/l0104.asm index a712498..b0fa095 100644 --- a/Source/l0104.asm +++ b/Source/l0104.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0104.asm Spring +; L0104.asm Spring ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0105.asm b/Source/l0105.asm index 00906fa..e2d5b83 100644 --- a/Source/l0105.asm +++ b/Source/l0105.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level0105.asm rainy forest w/hive & wrangling iron +;L0105.asm rainy forest w/hive & wrangling iron ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ SECTION "LevelsSection0105",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0105_hero_wrangling_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0105_hero_wrangling.gtx" +L0105_hero_wrangling_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0105_hero_wrangling.gtx" L0105_Contents:: DW L0105_Load @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ L0105_Load2: L0105_LoadFinished: L0105_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0105_path.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0105_path.lvl" ;gtx_intro: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro.gtx" ;gtx_intro2: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro2.gtx" @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ L0105_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerToFirstHero - ld de,l0105_hero_wrangling_gtx + ld de,L0105_hero_wrangling_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog call ClearDialog diff --git a/Source/l0106.asm b/Source/l0106.asm index 849f5a7..647535a 100644 --- a/Source/l0106.asm +++ b/Source/l0106.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level0106.asm +;L0106.asm ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" @@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ SECTION "LevelsSection0106",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0106_heysonny_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0106_heysonny.gtx" +L0106_heysonny_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0106_heysonny.gtx" -l0106_hero_seethem_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0106_hero_seethem.gtx" +L0106_hero_seethem_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0106_hero_seethem.gtx" -l0106_sure_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0106_sure.gtx" +L0106_sure_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0106_sure.gtx" -l0106_headnorth_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0106_headnorth.gtx" +L0106_headnorth_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0106_headnorth.gtx" L0106_Contents:: DW L0106_Load @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ L0106_Load2: L0106_LoadFinished: L0106_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0106_path.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0106_path.lvl" ;gtx_intro: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro.gtx" ;gtx_intro2: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro2.gtx" @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ L0106_Check2: ;Hey Sonny ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0106_heysonny_gtx + ld de,L0106_heysonny_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop call ClearDialog @@ -114,18 +114,18 @@ L0106_Check2: ld a,[dialogNPC_heroIndex] ld c,a call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0106_hero_seethem_gtx + ld de,L0106_hero_seethem_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom call ClearDialog ;Sure ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0106_sure_gtx + ld de,L0106_sure_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop ;Head north - ld de,l0106_headnorth_gtx + ld de,L0106_headnorth_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l0107.asm b/Source/l0107.asm index 0a91662..69458ac 100644 --- a/Source/l0107.asm +++ b/Source/l0107.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level0107.asm first landing +;L0107.asm first landing ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ STATE_WAITPANSIES EQU 3 STATE_WAITGATE EQU 4 STATE_WAITRETURN EQU 5 -;referenced in l1401 lz_brokenwall_bg +;referenced in L1401 lz_brokenwall_bg STATE_NORMAL EQU 6 EXPORT bigLaserSound @@ -48,12 +48,6 @@ L0107_Load: DW ((L0107_LoadFinished - L0107_Load)-2) ;size L0107_Load2: call ParseMap - - ;ld a,BANK(arrows_bin) - ;ld hl,arrows_bin - ;ld c,5 - ;ld de,$8300 - ;call LoadSprites ret L0107_LoadFinished: @@ -62,8 +56,6 @@ L0107_LoadFinished: L0107_Map: INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0107_landing.lvl" -arrows_bin: INCBIN "arrows0-4.bin" - dialog: hero_checkgate_gtx: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/landing/hero_checkgate.gtx" @@ -187,22 +179,6 @@ L0107_Init2: call DeleteObjectsOfClass .afterDeletePansies - ;ldio a,[mapState] - ;cp 3 - ;jr nz,.afterSetupArrow - - ;ld a,128 - ;ld [metaSprite_x],a - ;ld a,120 - ;ld [metaSprite_y],a - ;ld bc,$0202 ;2x2 - ;ld de,$3105 - ;ld hl,(arrowInfo + (levelCheckRAM-L0107_Check2)) - ;call CreateMetaSprite - ;ld a,45 - ;ldio [mapState+1],a - -;.afterSetupArrow ret .closeGate diff --git a/Source/l0108.asm b/Source/l0108.asm index 9a4c816..925aa23 100644 --- a/Source/l0108.asm +++ b/Source/l0108.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0108.asm forest landing +; L0108.asm forest landing ; Generated 09.04.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.04.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ SECTION "Level0108Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0108_sign_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0108_sign.gtx" +L0108_sign_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0108_sign.gtx" L0108_Contents:: DW L0108_Load @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ L0108_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0108_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0108_forest_landing.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0108_forest_landing.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ L0108_Check2: call MakeIdle call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0108_sign_gtx + ld de,L0108_sign_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop .afterSignDialog call ClearDialogSkipForward diff --git a/Source/l0109.asm b/Source/l0109.asm index c36a032..007ebd9 100644 --- a/Source/l0109.asm +++ b/Source/l0109.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0109.asm +; L0109.asm ; Generated 09.04.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.04.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0109_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0109_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0109_mouse.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0109_mouse.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0110.asm b/Source/l0110.asm index f1bf00b..27e6e0d 100644 --- a/Source/l0110.asm +++ b/Source/l0110.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0110.asm +; L0110.asm ; Generated 11.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.06.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0110_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0110_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0110_mouse.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0110_mouse.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0111.asm b/Source/l0111.asm index 9dffd53..321cfe4 100644 --- a/Source/l0111.asm +++ b/Source/l0111.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0111.asm +; L0111.asm ; Generated 10.20.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.20.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ L0111_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0111_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0111_tower.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0111_tower.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0112.asm b/Source/l0112.asm index c6786b6..b896c92 100644 --- a/Source/l0112.asm +++ b/Source/l0112.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0112.asm hive entrance +; L0112.asm hive entrance ; Generated 08.31.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.31.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0112_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0112_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0112_hive_entrance.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0112_hive_entrance.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0113.asm b/Source/l0113.asm index ccdbee9..54f7a2b 100644 --- a/Source/l0113.asm +++ b/Source/l0113.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0113.asm ship blows up battleground BA +; L0113.asm ship blows up battleground BA ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ L0113_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0113_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0113_intro_ba2.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0113_intro_ba2.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0114.asm b/Source/l0114.asm index 7cba2ad..4d12fe4 100644 --- a/Source/l0114.asm +++ b/Source/l0114.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0114.asm haiku in moonbase tunnel +; L0114.asm haiku in moonbase tunnel ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0114_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0114_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0114_intro_haiku2.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0114_intro_haiku2.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0115.asm b/Source/l0115.asm index 1264e84..5cbac69 100644 --- a/Source/l0115.asm +++ b/Source/l0115.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0115.asm BS sneaks in the crouton base +; L0115.asm BS sneaks in the crouton base ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ L0115_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0115_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0115_intro_bs2.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0115_intro_bs2.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0200.asm b/Source/l0200.asm index 70a03c0..5bd06d9 100644 --- a/Source/l0200.asm +++ b/Source/l0200.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0200.asm evil village +; L0200.asm evil village ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ L0200_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0200_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0200_evilvill.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0200_evilvill.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0201.asm b/Source/l0201.asm index 5383bfa..c9b7872 100644 --- a/Source/l0201.asm +++ b/Source/l0201.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0201.asm mist south of evil village +; L0201.asm mist south of evil village ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0201_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0201_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0201_mist.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0201_mist.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0203.asm b/Source/l0203.asm index d60342f..f0207e0 100644 --- a/Source/l0203.asm +++ b/Source/l0203.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level0203.asm +;L0203.asm ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ L0203_Load2: L0203_LoadFinished: L0203_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0203_path.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0203_path.lvl" ;gtx_intro: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro.gtx" ;gtx_intro2: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro2.gtx" diff --git a/Source/l0204.asm b/Source/l0204.asm index 5d150aa..91d6bb2 100644 --- a/Source/l0204.asm +++ b/Source/l0204.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level0204.asm +;L0204.asm ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ L0204_Load2: L0204_LoadFinished: L0204_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0204_path.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0204_path.lvl" ;gtx_intro: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro.gtx" ;gtx_intro2: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro2.gtx" diff --git a/Source/l0205.asm b/Source/l0205.asm index 3d25731..3b86655 100644 --- a/Source/l0205.asm +++ b/Source/l0205.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level0205.asm bridge +;L0205.asm bridge ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ STATE_TALK_GOWEST EQU 7 STATE_TALK_AFTER EQU 8 STATE_WAIT_DIALOG EQU 9 -;from l0312 +;from L0312 STATE_HIVE_DESTROYED EQU 2 @@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ SECTION "LevelsSection0205",ROMX,BANK[MAP0ROM] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0205_idiot_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0205_idiot.gtx" +L0205_idiot_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0205_idiot.gtx" -l0205_what_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0205_what.gtx" +L0205_what_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0205_what.gtx" -l0205_forgive_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0205_forgive.gtx" +L0205_forgive_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0205_forgive.gtx" -l0205_okay_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0205_okay.gtx" +L0205_okay_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0205_okay.gtx" -l0205_west_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0205_west.gtx" +L0205_west_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0205_west.gtx" L0205_Contents:: DW L0205_Load @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ L0205_Load2: L0205_LoadFinished: L0205_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0205_bridge.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0205_bridge.lvl" ;gtx_intro: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro.gtx" ;gtx_intro2: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/Landing/intro2.gtx" @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ L0205_Check2: call SetDialogForward ld de,((.afterDialog-L0205_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogSkip - DIALOGTOP l0205_idiot_gtx + DIALOGTOP L0205_idiot_gtx WAITDIALOG STATE_TALK_WHAT ret @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ L0205_Check2: call ClearDialog ld a,[dialogNPC_heroIndex] ld c,a - DIALOGBOTTOM l0205_what_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L0205_what_gtx WAITDIALOG STATE_TALK_FORGIVE ret @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ L0205_Check2: call ClearDialog ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - DIALOGTOP l0205_forgive_gtx + DIALOGTOP L0205_forgive_gtx WAITDIALOG STATE_TALK_OKAY ret @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ L0205_Check2: call ClearDialog ld a,[dialogNPC_heroIndex] ld c,a - DIALOGBOTTOM l0205_okay_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L0205_okay_gtx WAITDIALOG STATE_TALK_GOWEST ret @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ L0205_Check2: call ClearDialog ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - DIALOGTOP l0205_west_gtx + DIALOGTOP L0205_west_gtx WAITDIALOG STATE_TALK_AFTER ret diff --git a/Source/l0211.asm b/Source/l0211.asm index 37cc473..2cfd15d 100644 --- a/Source/l0211.asm +++ b/Source/l0211.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0211.asm +; L0211.asm ; Generated 10.20.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.20.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ L0211_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0211_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0211_tower.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0211_tower.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0212.asm b/Source/l0212.asm index dde8690..8755ea6 100644 --- a/Source/l0212.asm +++ b/Source/l0212.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0212.asm +; L0212.asm ; Generated 08.31.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.31.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0212_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0212_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0212_sunsethouseup.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0212_sunsethouseup.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0213.asm b/Source/l0213.asm index da8e513..ffa0274 100644 --- a/Source/l0213.asm +++ b/Source/l0213.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0213.asm storming moonbase obliteration +; L0213.asm storming moonbase obliteration ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.31.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ L0213_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0213_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0213_intro_ba3.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0213_intro_ba3.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0214.asm b/Source/l0214.asm index 1d45169..cb678d5 100644 --- a/Source/l0214.asm +++ b/Source/l0214.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0214.asm skippy's prison +; L0214.asm skippy's prison ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ L0214_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0214_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0214_intro_haiku3.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0214_intro_haiku3.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0215.asm b/Source/l0215.asm index 7afc7ca..ce751aa 100644 --- a/Source/l0215.asm +++ b/Source/l0215.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0215.asm BRAINIAC computer room +; L0215.asm BRAINIAC computer room ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ L0215_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0215_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0215_intro_bs3.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0215_intro_bs3.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0300.asm b/Source/l0300.asm index 5389db3..8be7770 100644 --- a/Source/l0300.asm +++ b/Source/l0300.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0300.asm +; L0300.asm ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0300_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0300_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0300_mist.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0300_mist.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0301.asm b/Source/l0301.asm index 3ca516d..918c75d 100644 --- a/Source/l0301.asm +++ b/Source/l0301.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0301.asm mist se of evil village +; L0301.asm mist se of evil village ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0301_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0301_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0301_mist.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0301_mist.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0302.asm b/Source/l0302.asm index 135c74d..65f71c7 100644 --- a/Source/l0302.asm +++ b/Source/l0302.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0302.asm mist landing +; L0302.asm mist landing ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ L0302_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0302_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0302_mistland.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0302_mistland.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0303.asm b/Source/l0303.asm index 170f33b..3cb4c6e 100644 --- a/Source/l0303.asm +++ b/Source/l0303.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0303.asm mist stone henge +; L0303.asm mist stone henge ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0303_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0303_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0303_stone_mist.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0303_stone_mist.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0304.asm b/Source/l0304.asm index b40e836..8ee4fac 100644 --- a/Source/l0304.asm +++ b/Source/l0304.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0304.asm pansies eat shrooms +; L0304.asm pansies eat shrooms ; Generated 08.03.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.03.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ SECTION "Level0304Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0304_spores_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0304_spores.gtx" +L0304_spores_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0304_spores.gtx" L0304_Contents:: DW L0304_Load @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ L0304_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0304_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0304_shroom.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0304_shroom.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ L0304_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerToFirstHero - ld de,l0304_spores_gtx + ld de,L0304_spores_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterTalk call ClearDialogSkipForward diff --git a/Source/l0305.asm b/Source/l0305.asm index 470abdc..2827e49 100644 --- a/Source/l0305.asm +++ b/Source/l0305.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0305.asm +; L0305.asm ; Generated 08.24.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.24.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0306.asm b/Source/l0306.asm index e3cc717..d1bc392 100644 --- a/Source/l0306.asm +++ b/Source/l0306.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0306.asm Two Guns +; L0306.asm Two Guns ; Generated 11.07.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.07.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0306_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0306_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0306_twoguns.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0306_twoguns.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0307.asm b/Source/l0307.asm index 051bc21..1d83a12 100644 --- a/Source/l0307.asm +++ b/Source/l0307.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0307.asm crouton outpost: desolation +; L0307.asm crouton outpost: desolation ; Generated 11.07.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.07.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ L0307_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0307_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0307_outpost.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0307_outpost.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0308.asm b/Source/l0308.asm index 6c760fa..0af25c7 100644 --- a/Source/l0308.asm +++ b/Source/l0308.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0308.asm desert bridge +; L0308.asm desert bridge ; Generated 11.07.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.07.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0308_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0308_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0308_drylake.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0308_drylake.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0309.asm b/Source/l0309.asm index dadbbda..e8a6a31 100644 --- a/Source/l0309.asm +++ b/Source/l0309.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0309.asm +; L0309.asm ; Generated 11.14.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.14.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0309_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0309_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0309_desert.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0309_desert.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0310.asm b/Source/l0310.asm index 375be81..d7df974 100644 --- a/Source/l0310.asm +++ b/Source/l0310.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0310.asm desert landing +; L0310.asm desert landing ; Generated 11.03.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.03.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0310_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0310_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0310_desertland.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0310_desertland.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0311.asm b/Source/l0311.asm index 01a590b..7414a96 100644 --- a/Source/l0311.asm +++ b/Source/l0311.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0311.asm +; L0311.asm ; Generated 10.20.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.20.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ L0311_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0311_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0311_tower.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0311_tower.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0312.asm b/Source/l0312.asm index 8275a58..93dc461 100644 --- a/Source/l0312.asm +++ b/Source/l0312.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0312.asm sunset bee house +; L0312.asm sunset bee house ; Generated 08.31.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.31.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ L0312_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0312_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0312_sunsethousedown.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0312_sunsethousedown.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0314.asm b/Source/l0314.asm index d9f43a2..461888f 100644 --- a/Source/l0314.asm +++ b/Source/l0314.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0314.asm skippy runs for it +; L0314.asm skippy runs for it ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ L0314_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0314_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0314_intro_haiku4.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0314_intro_haiku4.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0315.asm b/Source/l0315.asm index 3d291d5..c9b3a40 100644 --- a/Source/l0315.asm +++ b/Source/l0315.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0315.asm +; L0315.asm ; Generated 07.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0315_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0315_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0315_intro_bs4.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0315_intro_bs4.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0400.asm b/Source/l0400.asm index 3aefd5e..0628c66 100644 --- a/Source/l0400.asm +++ b/Source/l0400.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0400.asm crouton ice post +; L0400.asm crouton ice post ; Generated 08.24.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.24.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0401.asm b/Source/l0401.asm index 8e71259..9d0ef93 100644 --- a/Source/l0401.asm +++ b/Source/l0401.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0401.asm pitch black +; L0401.asm pitch black ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0402.asm b/Source/l0402.asm index 58185b6..b0a5cfb 100644 --- a/Source/l0402.asm +++ b/Source/l0402.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0402.asm +; L0402.asm ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0403.asm b/Source/l0403.asm index 12483f3..426624c 100644 --- a/Source/l0403.asm +++ b/Source/l0403.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0403.asm +; L0403.asm ; Generated 08.26.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.26.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ L0403_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0403_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0403_shroom.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0403_shroom.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0404.asm b/Source/l0404.asm index c77d189..4e21eb2 100644 --- a/Source/l0404.asm +++ b/Source/l0404.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0404.asm +; L0404.asm ; Generated 08.26.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.26.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ L0404_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0404_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0404_shroom.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0404_shroom.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0405.asm b/Source/l0405.asm index ee2e45d..5bca89d 100644 --- a/Source/l0405.asm +++ b/Source/l0405.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0405.asm west gardens +; L0405.asm west gardens ; Generated 10.16.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.16.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ VAR_ALARM EQU 1 STATE_NORMAL EQU 1 STATE_TALKED EQU 2 -;for l0505 +;for L0505 STATE_AFTERWEDDING EQU 2 @@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ SECTION "Level0405Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0405_ho_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0405_ho.gtx" +L0405_ho_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0405_ho.gtx" -l0405_hero_reaction_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0405_hero_reaction.gtx" +L0405_hero_reaction_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0405_hero_reaction.gtx" -l0405_final_word_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0405_final_word.gtx" +L0405_final_word_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0405_final_word.gtx" L0405_Contents:: DW L0405_Load @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ L0405_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0405_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0405_garden.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0405_garden.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ L0405_Check2: call SetDialogSkip ;Ho, miscreant! - ld de,l0405_ho_gtx + ld de,L0405_ho_gtx call ShowDialogNPC ;Reaction - ld de,l0405_hero_reaction_gtx + ld de,L0405_hero_reaction_gtx call ShowDialogHero ;Final word - ld de,l0405_final_word_gtx + ld de,L0405_final_word_gtx call ShowDialogNPC .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l0406.asm b/Source/l0406.asm index e775866..2a7c30f 100644 --- a/Source/l0406.asm +++ b/Source/l0406.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0406.asm +; L0406.asm ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0406_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0406_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0406_bios.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0406_bios.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0407.asm b/Source/l0407.asm index b64acf3..09b7878 100644 --- a/Source/l0407.asm +++ b/Source/l0407.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0407.asm +; L0407.asm ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0407_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0407_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0407_bios.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0407_bios.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0408.asm b/Source/l0408.asm index d663efb..6e3e44f 100644 --- a/Source/l0408.asm +++ b/Source/l0408.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0408.asm death valley +; L0408.asm death valley ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0408_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0408_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0408_deathvalley.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0408_deathvalley.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0409.asm b/Source/l0409.asm index 8abed53..5b0fdad 100644 --- a/Source/l0409.asm +++ b/Source/l0409.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0409.asm +; L0409.asm ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0409_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0409_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0409_desert.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0409_desert.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0410.asm b/Source/l0410.asm index 34202be..eb463d7 100644 --- a/Source/l0410.asm +++ b/Source/l0410.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0410.asm crouton outpost +; L0410.asm crouton outpost ; Generated 11.07.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.07.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ L0410_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0410_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0410_outpost.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0410_outpost.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0411.asm b/Source/l0411.asm index c7eec25..06830d3 100644 --- a/Source/l0411.asm +++ b/Source/l0411.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0411.asm top of tower +; L0411.asm top of tower ; Generated 10.20.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.20.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ L0411_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0411_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0411_tower.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0411_tower.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0412.asm b/Source/l0412.asm index e6107db..f23f6de 100644 --- a/Source/l0412.asm +++ b/Source/l0412.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0412.asm sunset village stonehead house +; L0412.asm sunset village stonehead house ; Generated 08.31.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.31.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ SECTION "Level0412Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0006_avacado_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0006_avacado.gtx" +L0006_avacado_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0006_avacado.gtx" -l0006_hero_sayagain_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0006_hero_sayagain.gtx" +L0006_hero_sayagain_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0006_hero_sayagain.gtx" -l0006_fixbridge_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0006_fixbridge.gtx" +L0006_fixbridge_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0006_fixbridge.gtx" -l0006_fixed_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0006_fixed.gtx" +L0006_fixed_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0006_fixed.gtx" L0412_Contents:: DW L0412_Load @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ L0412_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0412_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0412_sunsethousewest.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0412_sunsethousewest.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -142,21 +142,21 @@ L0412_Check2: ;Crush you like avacado ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0006_avacado_gtx + ld de,L0006_avacado_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop call ClearDialog ;say again? ld a,[dialogNPC_heroIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0006_hero_sayagain_gtx + ld de,L0006_hero_sayagain_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom call ClearDialog ;Fix bridge ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0006_fixbridge_gtx + ld de,L0006_fixbridge_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop .afterFixDialog @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ L0412_Check2: ;bridge fixed ld a,[dialogNPC_speakerIndex] ld c,a - ld de,l0006_fixed_gtx + ld de,L0006_fixed_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop .afterFixedDialog call ClearDialog diff --git a/Source/l0413.asm b/Source/l0413.asm index 67bdf94..6a7131e 100644 --- a/Source/l0413.asm +++ b/Source/l0413.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0413.asm +; L0413.asm ; Generated 04.22.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.22.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0500.asm b/Source/l0500.asm index 2259adc..677f8c1 100644 --- a/Source/l0500.asm +++ b/Source/l0500.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0500.asm +; L0500.asm ; Generated 08.24.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.24.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0501.asm b/Source/l0501.asm index 431c332..aa344c3 100644 --- a/Source/l0501.asm +++ b/Source/l0501.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0501.asm +; L0501.asm ; Generated 09.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0501_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0501_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0501_winter.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0501_winter.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0502.asm b/Source/l0502.asm index c4ca252..a875bbe 100644 --- a/Source/l0502.asm +++ b/Source/l0502.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0502.asm +; L0502.asm ; Generated 09.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0502_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0502_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0502_chill.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0502_chill.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0503.asm b/Source/l0503.asm index c22b1fe..59b7eba 100644 --- a/Source/l0503.asm +++ b/Source/l0503.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0503.asm +; L0503.asm ; Generated 09.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0503_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0503_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0503_hermit.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0503_hermit.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0504.asm b/Source/l0504.asm index e9f26ac..1704624 100644 --- a/Source/l0504.asm +++ b/Source/l0504.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0504.asm north gardens +; L0504.asm north gardens ; Generated 10.16.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.16.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0505.asm b/Source/l0505.asm index 9955a5a..e14b613 100644 --- a/Source/l0505.asm +++ b/Source/l0505.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0505.asm palace / wedding +; L0505.asm palace / wedding ; Generated 10.19.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.19.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ VAR_HERO EQU 11 STATE_INIT EQU 0 STATE_WEDDING EQU 1 -;STATE_AFTERWEDDING referenced in l0405 and l0505 +;STATE_AFTERWEDDING referenced in L0405 and L0505 STATE_AFTERWEDDING EQU 2 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ L0505_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0505_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0505_palace.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0505_palace.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0506.asm b/Source/l0506.asm index 033ac4d..b74e97f 100644 --- a/Source/l0506.asm +++ b/Source/l0506.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0506.asm +; L0506.asm ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ L0506_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0506_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0506_garden.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0506_garden.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0507.asm b/Source/l0507.asm index 6d2766f..26fd170 100644 --- a/Source/l0507.asm +++ b/Source/l0507.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0507.asm swamp +; L0507.asm swamp ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0507_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0507_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0507_swamp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0507_swamp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0508.asm b/Source/l0508.asm index 65556e8..7a8f7bb 100644 --- a/Source/l0508.asm +++ b/Source/l0508.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0508.asm +; L0508.asm ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0508_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0508_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0508_witch.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0508_witch.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0509.asm b/Source/l0509.asm index 985edef..7a7862e 100644 --- a/Source/l0509.asm +++ b/Source/l0509.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0509.asm big desert +; L0509.asm big desert ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0509_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0509_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0509_bigdesert.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0509_bigdesert.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0510.asm b/Source/l0510.asm index bd122cd..ba0a08e 100644 --- a/Source/l0510.asm +++ b/Source/l0510.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0510.asm +; L0510.asm ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0512.asm b/Source/l0512.asm index 3ce8414..b37d3d1 100644 --- a/Source/l0512.asm +++ b/Source/l0512.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0512.asm +; L0512.asm ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0512_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0512_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0512_witch_house.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0512_witch_house.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0600.asm b/Source/l0600.asm index 4497f9b..b153979 100644 --- a/Source/l0600.asm +++ b/Source/l0600.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0600.asm +; L0600.asm ; Generated 08.24.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.24.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0600_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0600_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0600_ice.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0600_ice.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0601.asm b/Source/l0601.asm index c3e41c1..df84243 100644 --- a/Source/l0601.asm +++ b/Source/l0601.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0601.asm +; L0601.asm ; Generated 09.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0601_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0601_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0601_wolf.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0601_wolf.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0602.asm b/Source/l0602.asm index 4855de4..a48d3d5 100644 --- a/Source/l0602.asm +++ b/Source/l0602.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0602.asm +; L0602.asm ; Generated 10.25.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.25.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0602_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0602_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0602_hillpeople.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0602_hillpeople.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0603.asm b/Source/l0603.asm index a6f24b1..a89a8b6 100644 --- a/Source/l0603.asm +++ b/Source/l0603.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0603.asm +; L0603.asm ; Generated 10.23.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.23.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0603_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0603_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0603_hillpeople.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0603_hillpeople.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0604.asm b/Source/l0604.asm index 8fd8302..d3be583 100644 --- a/Source/l0604.asm +++ b/Source/l0604.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0604.asm outside of tower +; L0604.asm outside of tower ; Generated 10.20.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.20.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0604_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0604_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0604_tower.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0604_tower.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0605.asm b/Source/l0605.asm index 7e90ea5..f0ebef0 100644 --- a/Source/l0605.asm +++ b/Source/l0605.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0605.asm +; L0605.asm ; Generated 09.14.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.14.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ L0605_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0605_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0605_garden.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0605_garden.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0606.asm b/Source/l0606.asm index 47d55ec..8dc4a54 100644 --- a/Source/l0606.asm +++ b/Source/l0606.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0606.asm moores landing +; L0606.asm moores landing ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0606_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0606_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0606_mooreslanding.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0606_mooreslanding.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0607.asm b/Source/l0607.asm index 12c12e2..ce7ed9d 100644 --- a/Source/l0607.asm +++ b/Source/l0607.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0607.asm swampy +; L0607.asm swampy ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0607_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0607_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0607_swampthang.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0607_swampthang.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0608.asm b/Source/l0608.asm index 8d2fad3..7eea327 100644 --- a/Source/l0608.asm +++ b/Source/l0608.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0608.asm +; L0608.asm ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0608_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0608_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0608_moores.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0608_moores.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0609.asm b/Source/l0609.asm index c81b98f..0aba6b6 100644 --- a/Source/l0609.asm +++ b/Source/l0609.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0609.asm outback farm +; L0609.asm outback farm ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0609_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0609_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0609_outback.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0609_outback.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0610.asm b/Source/l0610.asm index 06fee93..afb9a1c 100644 --- a/Source/l0610.asm +++ b/Source/l0610.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0610.asm outback +; L0610.asm outback ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0610_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0610_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0610_outback.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0610_outback.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0612.asm b/Source/l0612.asm index 958fa8f..0717632 100644 --- a/Source/l0612.asm +++ b/Source/l0612.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0612.asm crouton teleport chamber +; L0612.asm crouton teleport chamber ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ SECTION "Level0612Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0612_plan_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0612_plan.gtx" +L0612_plan_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0612_plan.gtx" -l0612_clearance_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0612_clearance.gtx" +L0612_clearance_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0612_clearance.gtx" -l0612_controls_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0612_controls.gtx" +L0612_controls_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0612_controls.gtx" -l0612_go_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0612_go.gtx" +L0612_go_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0612_go.gtx" -l0612_duke_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0612_duke.gtx" +L0612_duke_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0612_duke.gtx" -l0612_return_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0612_return.gtx" +L0612_return_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0612_return.gtx" L0612_Contents:: DW L0612_Load @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ L0612_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0612_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0612_teleport.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0612_teleport.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ L0612_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerToFirstHero - ld de,l0612_plan_gtx + ld de,L0612_plan_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterTalkPlanDialog @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ L0612_Check2: ld de,((.afterControlsDialog-L0612_Check2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogSkip - ld de,l0612_controls_gtx + ld de,L0612_controls_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterControlsDialog @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ L0612_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerToFirstHero - ld de,l0612_clearance_gtx + ld de,L0612_clearance_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterClearanceDialog @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ L0612_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0612_go_gtx + ld de,L0612_go_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterGoDialog @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ L0612_Check2: ld [camera_i],a ld [camera_j],a - ld de,l0612_duke_gtx + ld de,L0612_duke_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom ld c,7 @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ L0612_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerToFirstHero - ld de,l0612_return_gtx + ld de,L0612_return_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterReturnDialog diff --git a/Source/l0700.asm b/Source/l0700.asm index 0e9a11d..e8a53f7 100644 --- a/Source/l0700.asm +++ b/Source/l0700.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0700.asm +; L0700.asm ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0701.asm b/Source/l0701.asm index 8bf1093..22a4892 100644 --- a/Source/l0701.asm +++ b/Source/l0701.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0701.asm kiwi keep +; L0701.asm kiwi keep ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0701_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0701_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0701_kiwikeep.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0701_kiwikeep.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0702.asm b/Source/l0702.asm index 8dd0ebc..fbaf1fa 100644 --- a/Source/l0702.asm +++ b/Source/l0702.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0702.asm +; L0702.asm ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0702_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0702_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0702_caverns.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0702_caverns.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0703.asm b/Source/l0703.asm index 61735aa..029f6d3 100644 --- a/Source/l0703.asm +++ b/Source/l0703.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0703.asm +; L0703.asm ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0703_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0703_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0703_caverns.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0703_caverns.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0704.asm b/Source/l0704.asm index fea6096..75ac02d 100644 --- a/Source/l0704.asm +++ b/Source/l0704.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0704.asm Canyon Landing +; L0704.asm Canyon Landing ; Generated 09.18.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.18.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ L0704_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0704_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0704_canyon.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0704_canyon.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0705.asm b/Source/l0705.asm index c033830..c86af4f 100644 --- a/Source/l0705.asm +++ b/Source/l0705.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0705.asm +; L0705.asm ; Generated 10.26.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.26.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0705_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0705_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0705_jungle.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0705_jungle.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0706.asm b/Source/l0706.asm index 3c85f16..356571e 100644 --- a/Source/l0706.asm +++ b/Source/l0706.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0706.asm +; L0706.asm ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0706_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0706_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0706_swamp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0706_swamp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0707.asm b/Source/l0707.asm index c337ed5..77fd058 100644 --- a/Source/l0707.asm +++ b/Source/l0707.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0707.asm +; L0707.asm ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0707_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0707_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0707_barrows.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0707_barrows.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0708.asm b/Source/l0708.asm index 4bfb162..303031d 100644 --- a/Source/l0708.asm +++ b/Source/l0708.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0708.asm +; L0708.asm ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0708_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0708_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0708_swamp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0708_swamp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0709.asm b/Source/l0709.asm index 1a29a87..f7f961f 100644 --- a/Source/l0709.asm +++ b/Source/l0709.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0709.asm scardie +; L0709.asm scardie ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0709_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0709_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0709_outback.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0709_outback.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0710.asm b/Source/l0710.asm index c14fc12..34f08c8 100644 --- a/Source/l0710.asm +++ b/Source/l0710.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0710.asm outback croc keeper +; L0710.asm outback croc keeper ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0710_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0710_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0710_outback.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0710_outback.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0711.asm b/Source/l0711.asm index 94919ed..8aab1db 100644 --- a/Source/l0711.asm +++ b/Source/l0711.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0711.asm Space Station Apocalypse Exterior +; L0711.asm Space Station Apocalypse Exterior ; Generated 04.25.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.25.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ L0711_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0711_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0711_spacestation.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0711_spacestation.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0712.asm b/Source/l0712.asm index 543ccda..4d6c0eb 100644 --- a/Source/l0712.asm +++ b/Source/l0712.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0712.asm farm landing +; L0712.asm farm landing ; Generated 11.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0712_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0712_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0712_farmlanding.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0712_farmlanding.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0800.asm b/Source/l0800.asm index 76933ae..3d9f27c 100644 --- a/Source/l0800.asm +++ b/Source/l0800.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0800.asm ice bridge +; L0800.asm ice bridge ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ L0800_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0800_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0800_ice.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0800_ice.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0801.asm b/Source/l0801.asm index 38d4fcf..32d0b14 100644 --- a/Source/l0801.asm +++ b/Source/l0801.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0801.asm +; L0801.asm ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0801_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0801_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0801_escape.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0801_escape.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0802.asm b/Source/l0802.asm index b6b54dc..2daec21 100644 --- a/Source/l0802.asm +++ b/Source/l0802.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0802.asm windy passage +; L0802.asm windy passage ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0802_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0802_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0802_windypass.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0802_windypass.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0803.asm b/Source/l0803.asm index 7a442d6..4376679 100644 --- a/Source/l0803.asm +++ b/Source/l0803.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0803.asm genie +; L0803.asm genie ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0803_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0803_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0803_djinn.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0803_djinn.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0804.asm b/Source/l0804.asm index 57153c6..628efd5 100644 --- a/Source/l0804.asm +++ b/Source/l0804.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0804.asm grand canyon +; L0804.asm grand canyon ; Generated 09.18.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.18.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ L0804_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0804_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0804_canyon.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0804_canyon.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0805.asm b/Source/l0805.asm index 85e6f35..f188788 100644 --- a/Source/l0805.asm +++ b/Source/l0805.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0805.asm +; L0805.asm ; Generated 10.27.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.27.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l0806.asm b/Source/l0806.asm index 71b3d97..49d8420 100644 --- a/Source/l0806.asm +++ b/Source/l0806.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0806.asm +; L0806.asm ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0806_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0806_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0806_moores.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0806_moores.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0807.asm b/Source/l0807.asm index d00e552..11800e8 100644 --- a/Source/l0807.asm +++ b/Source/l0807.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0807.asm +; L0807.asm ; Generated 11.03.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.03.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0807_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0807_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0807_swamp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0807_swamp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0808.asm b/Source/l0808.asm index 45d184c..841e712 100644 --- a/Source/l0808.asm +++ b/Source/l0808.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0808.asm crouton war camp +; L0808.asm crouton war camp ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ L0808_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0808_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0808_warcamp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0808_warcamp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0809.asm b/Source/l0809.asm index 098a375..9fd35fe 100644 --- a/Source/l0809.asm +++ b/Source/l0809.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0809.asm grenade vs goblin charge +; L0809.asm grenade vs goblin charge ; Generated 11.01.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.01.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0809_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0809_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0809_warzone.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0809_warzone.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0810.asm b/Source/l0810.asm index 26b08c0..77b1b08 100644 --- a/Source/l0810.asm +++ b/Source/l0810.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0810.asm graves landing +; L0810.asm graves landing ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0810_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0810_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0810_graveslanding.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0810_graveslanding.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0811.asm b/Source/l0811.asm index d2b817c..c186e1c 100644 --- a/Source/l0811.asm +++ b/Source/l0811.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0811.asm ssa nw goblin module +; L0811.asm ssa nw goblin module ; Generated 04.26.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.26.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0811_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0811_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0811_ssa_nw.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0811_ssa_nw.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0811_ssa_nw.lvl" L0811_Init: DW ((L0811_InitFinished - L0811_Init2)) ;size L0811_Init2: - ld a,BANK(l0012_defused_gtx) + ld a,BANK(L0012_defused_gtx) ld [dialogBank],a call SetPressBDialog @@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ L0811_Check2: cp 3 jr nz,.bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_alldefused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_alldefused_gtx jr .dialog .bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_defused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_defused_gtx .dialog call MakeIdle diff --git a/Source/l0812.asm b/Source/l0812.asm index f9afd4d..f31000e 100644 --- a/Source/l0812.asm +++ b/Source/l0812.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0812.asm demo warp zone +; L0812.asm demo warp zone ; Generated 12.01.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 12.01.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0812_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0812_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0812_warp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0812_warp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0900.asm b/Source/l0900.asm index 4d137ff..ee78205 100644 --- a/Source/l0900.asm +++ b/Source/l0900.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0900.asm Crouton Guard Post +; L0900.asm Crouton Guard Post ; Generated 01.03.1980 by mlevel ; Modified 01.03.1980 by Abe Pralle @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ L0900_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0900_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0900_guardpost.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0900_guardpost.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0901.asm b/Source/l0901.asm index 7fb217f..5e2b030 100644 --- a/Source/l0901.asm +++ b/Source/l0901.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0901.asm +; L0901.asm ; Generated 01.03.1980 by mlevel ; Modified 01.03.1980 by Abe Pralle @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ L0901_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0901_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0901_slavecamp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0901_slavecamp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0902.asm b/Source/l0902.asm index 90fa2a9..c41ed67 100644 --- a/Source/l0902.asm +++ b/Source/l0902.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0902.asm Ice Plain Landing +; L0902.asm Ice Plain Landing ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0902_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0902_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0902_iceplainland.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0902_iceplainland.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0903.asm b/Source/l0903.asm index 0b3fed7..3a783c7 100644 --- a/Source/l0903.asm +++ b/Source/l0903.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0903.asm +; L0903.asm ; Generated 01.03.1980 by mlevel ; Modified 01.03.1980 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0903_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0903_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0903_cornville.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0903_cornville.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0904.asm b/Source/l0904.asm index 23e0a58..12d8948 100644 --- a/Source/l0904.asm +++ b/Source/l0904.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0904.asm +; L0904.asm ; Generated 09.18.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.18.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0904_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0904_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0904_canyon.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0904_canyon.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0905.asm b/Source/l0905.asm index d5306f4..456b9b8 100644 --- a/Source/l0905.asm +++ b/Source/l0905.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0905.asm monkey landing +; L0905.asm monkey landing ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0905_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0905_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0905_junglelanding.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0905_junglelanding.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0906.asm b/Source/l0906.asm index cb85056..be93578 100644 --- a/Source/l0906.asm +++ b/Source/l0906.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0906.asm +; L0906.asm ; Generated 10.29.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.29.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0906_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0906_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0906_stone_wisp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0906_stone_wisp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0907.asm b/Source/l0907.asm index 3c4bd00..9bb9c2d 100644 --- a/Source/l0907.asm +++ b/Source/l0907.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0907.asm bullseye village +; L0907.asm bullseye village ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0907_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0907_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0907_bullseye.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0907_bullseye.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0908.asm b/Source/l0908.asm index bc5603d..944ca3a 100644 --- a/Source/l0908.asm +++ b/Source/l0908.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0908.asm +; L0908.asm ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0908_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0908_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0908_warzone.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0908_warzone.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0909.asm b/Source/l0909.asm index e0796c1..a9a3153 100644 --- a/Source/l0909.asm +++ b/Source/l0909.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0909.asm +; L0909.asm ; Generated 11.01.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.01.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L0909_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0909_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0909_warzone.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0909_warzone.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0910.asm b/Source/l0910.asm index 8e4182a..77551b5 100644 --- a/Source/l0910.asm +++ b/Source/l0910.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0910.asm +; L0910.asm ; Generated 11.05.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.05.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ L0910_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0910_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0910_warzone.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0910_warzone.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l0911.asm b/Source/l0911.asm index 7a102f7..89dae60 100644 --- a/Source/l0911.asm +++ b/Source/l0911.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0911.asm apocalypse NE goblin module +; L0911.asm apocalypse NE goblin module ; Generated 04.26.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.26.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L0911_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0911_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0911_ssa_ne.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0911_ssa_ne.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0911_ssa_ne.lvl" L0911_Init: DW ((L0911_InitFinished - L0911_Init2)) ;size L0911_Init2: - ld a,BANK(l0012_defused_gtx) + ld a,BANK(L0012_defused_gtx) ld [dialogBank],a call SetPressBDialog @@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ L0911_Check2: cp 3 jr nz,.bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_alldefused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_alldefused_gtx jr .dialog .bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_defused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_defused_gtx .dialog call MakeIdle diff --git a/Source/l0912.asm b/Source/l0912.asm index a5d020f..a0e92fc 100644 --- a/Source/l0912.asm +++ b/Source/l0912.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l0912.asm monkey homeworld +; L0912.asm monkey homeworld ; Generated 04.09.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.09.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -18,38 +18,38 @@ VAR_TALKEDTELEPORT EQU 2 SECTION "Level0912Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l0912_sign_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_sign.gtx" +L0912_sign_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_sign.gtx" -l0912_welcome_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_welcome.gtx" +L0912_welcome_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_welcome.gtx" -l0912_hero_revolt_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_hero_revolt.gtx" +L0912_hero_revolt_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_hero_revolt.gtx" -l0912_justit_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_justit.gtx" +L0912_justit_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_justit.gtx" -l0912_hero_losing_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_hero_losing.gtx" +L0912_hero_losing_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_hero_losing.gtx" -l0912_killpatsy_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_killpatsy.gtx" +L0912_killpatsy_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_killpatsy.gtx" -l0912_hero_brokenteleport_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_hero_brokenteleport.gtx" +L0912_hero_brokenteleport_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_hero_brokenteleport.gtx" -l0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword.gtx" +L0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword.gtx" -l0912_needpassword_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_needpassword.gtx" +L0912_needpassword_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_needpassword.gtx" -l0912_hero_startteleport_password_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_hero_startteleport_password.gtx" +L0912_hero_startteleport_password_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_hero_startteleport_password.gtx" -l0912_ba_givepassword_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l0912_ba_givepassword.gtx" +L0912_ba_givepassword_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L0912_ba_givepassword.gtx" L0912_Contents:: DW L0912_Load @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ L0912_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0912_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l0912_monkeyworld.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0912_monkeyworld.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ L0912_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword_gtx + ld de,L0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom call ClearDialog push bc ld c,CROUTON_INDEX - ld de,l0912_needpassword_gtx + ld de,L0912_needpassword_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop pop bc @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ L0912_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0912_hero_startteleport_password_gtx + ld de,L0912_hero_startteleport_password_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterHasPasswordDialog @@ -227,17 +227,17 @@ L0912_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword_gtx + ld de,L0912_hero_startteleport_nopassword_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom push bc ld c,CROUTON_INDEX - ld de,l0912_needpassword_gtx + ld de,L0912_needpassword_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom pop bc call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0912_ba_givepassword_gtx + ld de,L0912_ba_givepassword_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterBATeleportDialog @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ L0912_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0912_hero_brokenteleport_gtx + ld de,L0912_hero_brokenteleport_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterTeleportDialog @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ L0912_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l0912_sign_gtx + ld de,L0912_sign_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterSignDialog @@ -335,19 +335,19 @@ L0912_Check2: ld de,((.afterDialog-L0912_Check2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogSkip - ld de,l0912_welcome_gtx + ld de,L0912_welcome_gtx call ShowDialogNPC - ld de,l0912_hero_revolt_gtx + ld de,L0912_hero_revolt_gtx call ShowDialogHero - ld de,l0912_justit_gtx + ld de,L0912_justit_gtx call ShowDialogNPC - ld de,l0912_hero_losing_gtx + ld de,L0912_hero_losing_gtx call ShowDialogHero - ld de,l0912_killpatsy_gtx + ld de,L0912_killpatsy_gtx call ShowDialogNPC .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l1000.asm b/Source/l1000.asm index 05464c0..248382e 100644 --- a/Source/l1000.asm +++ b/Source/l1000.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1000.asm crouton base camp landing +; L1000.asm crouton base camp landing ; Generated 01.02.1998 by mlevel ; Modified 01.02.1998 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ SECTION "Level1000Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l1000_needbomb_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1000_needbomb.gtx" +L1000_needbomb_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1000_needbomb.gtx" -l1000_freeze_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1000_freeze.gtx" +L1000_freeze_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1000_freeze.gtx" -l1000_toolate_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1000_toolate.gtx" +L1000_toolate_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1000_toolate.gtx" -l1000_follow_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1000_follow.gtx" +L1000_follow_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1000_follow.gtx" L1000_Contents:: DW L1000_Load @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ L1000_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1000_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1000_basecamp.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1000_basecamp.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ L1000_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l1000_freeze_gtx + ld de,L1000_freeze_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom call ClearDialog - ld de,l1000_toolate_gtx + ld de,L1000_toolate_gtx ld c,GYRO_INDEX call ShowDialogAtTop @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ L1000_Check2: ld a,[levelVars+VAR_SPEAKER] ld c,a - ld de,l1000_follow_gtx + ld de,L1000_follow_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterConfrontDialog @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ L1000_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l1000_needbomb_gtx + ld de,L1000_needbomb_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l1001.asm b/Source/l1001.asm index 9da5eb3..d275302 100644 --- a/Source/l1001.asm +++ b/Source/l1001.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1001.asm +; L1001.asm ; Generated 11.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.13.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L1001_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1001_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1001_iceplain.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1001_iceplain.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1002.asm b/Source/l1002.asm index 4a3434e..43ad87e 100644 --- a/Source/l1002.asm +++ b/Source/l1002.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1002.asm +; L1002.asm ; Generated 01.02.1998 by mlevel ; Modified 01.02.1998 by Abe Pralle @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ L1002_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1002_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1002_guardpost.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1002_guardpost.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1003.asm b/Source/l1003.asm index a5ac2ed..c6f477d 100644 --- a/Source/l1003.asm +++ b/Source/l1003.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1003.asm beach +; L1003.asm beach ; Generated 01.03.1980 by mlevel ; Modified 01.03.1980 by Abe Pralle @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ L1003_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1003_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1003_beach.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1003_beach.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1004.asm b/Source/l1004.asm index a51641e..dc70314 100644 --- a/Source/l1004.asm +++ b/Source/l1004.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1004.asm +; L1004.asm ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1005.asm b/Source/l1005.asm index 840e2ed..99ba4cb 100644 --- a/Source/l1005.asm +++ b/Source/l1005.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1005.asm +; L1005.asm ; Generated 09.06.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 09.06.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1006.asm b/Source/l1006.asm index 397cf09..a7d80eb 100644 --- a/Source/l1006.asm +++ b/Source/l1006.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1006.asm crouton outpost +; L1006.asm crouton outpost ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ L1006_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1006_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1006_outpost.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1006_outpost.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1007.asm b/Source/l1007.asm index a38c5aa..4ef8831 100644 --- a/Source/l1007.asm +++ b/Source/l1007.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1007.asm liars heads +; L1007.asm liars heads ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L1007_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1007_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1007_stoneheads.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1007_stoneheads.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1008.asm b/Source/l1008.asm index c32cc78..eb07cb5 100644 --- a/Source/l1008.asm +++ b/Source/l1008.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1008.asm east graves +; L1008.asm east graves ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L1008_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1008_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1008_graves.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1008_graves.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1009.asm b/Source/l1009.asm index 2e7791b..df3f168 100644 --- a/Source/l1009.asm +++ b/Source/l1009.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1009.asm +; L1009.asm ; Generated 10.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 10.30.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ L1009_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1009_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1009_warzone.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1009_warzone.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1010.asm b/Source/l1010.asm index 3b7ba79..926458a 100644 --- a/Source/l1010.asm +++ b/Source/l1010.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1010.asm king grenade +; L1010.asm king grenade ; Generated 11.08.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 11.08.2000 by Abe Pralle @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ SECTION "Level1010Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l1010_amking_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1010_amking.gtx" +L1010_amking_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1010_amking.gtx" -l1010_cannotleave_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1010_cannotleave.gtx" +L1010_cannotleave_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1010_cannotleave.gtx" -l1010_readytogo_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1010_readytogo.gtx" +L1010_readytogo_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1010_readytogo.gtx" L1010_Contents:: DW L1010_Load @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ L1010_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1010_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1010_kinggrenade.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1010_kinggrenade.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ L1010_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l1010_amking_gtx + ld de,L1010_amking_gtx ld c,KING_INDEX call ShowDialogAtTop @@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ L1010_Check2: or a jr nz,.blownUp - ld de,l1010_cannotleave_gtx + ld de,L1010_cannotleave_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop jr .afterDialog .blownUp - ld de,l1010_readytogo_gtx + ld de,L1010_readytogo_gtx call ShowDialogAtTop .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l1011.asm b/Source/l1011.asm index acd6bde..966960c 100644 --- a/Source/l1011.asm +++ b/Source/l1011.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1011.asm +; L1011.asm ; Generated 04.26.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.26.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L1011_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1011_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1011_ssa_sw.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1011_ssa_sw.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1011_ssa_sw.lvl" L1011_Init: DW ((L1011_InitFinished - L1011_Init2)) ;size L1011_Init2: - ld a,BANK(l0012_defused_gtx) + ld a,BANK(L0012_defused_gtx) ld [dialogBank],a call SetPressBDialog @@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ L1011_Check2: cp 3 jr nz,.bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_alldefused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_alldefused_gtx jr .dialog .bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_defused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_defused_gtx .dialog call MakeIdle diff --git a/Source/l1012.asm b/Source/l1012.asm index 1c66449..8a018b8 100644 --- a/Source/l1012.asm +++ b/Source/l1012.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1012.asm library +; L1012.asm library ; Generated 04.10.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.10.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ SECTION "Level1012Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l1012_hero_readbook_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1012_hero_readbook.gtx" +L1012_hero_readbook_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1012_hero_readbook.gtx" L1012_Contents:: DW L1012_Load @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ L1012_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1012_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1012_library.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1012_library.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ L1012_Check2: call SetDialogSkip call SetSpeakerFromHeroIndex - ld de,l1012_hero_readbook_gtx + ld de,L1012_hero_readbook_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog diff --git a/Source/l1100.asm b/Source/l1100.asm index bea06e5..3ae3a23 100644 --- a/Source/l1100.asm +++ b/Source/l1100.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level1100 character select +;L1100 character select ;Abe Pralle 4.3.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" diff --git a/Source/l1101.asm b/Source/l1101.asm index 96c76c8..e4ac9de 100644 --- a/Source/l1101.asm +++ b/Source/l1101.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level1101.asm main menu +;L1101.asm main menu ;Abe Pralle 3.4.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" diff --git a/Source/l1102.asm b/Source/l1102.asm index c29b450..5a2ff99 100644 --- a/Source/l1102.asm +++ b/Source/l1102.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1102.asm main intro cinema +; L1102.asm main intro cinema ; Generated 07.26.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.26.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1103.asm b/Source/l1103.asm index 7ad1fb2..0e594c5 100644 --- a/Source/l1103.asm +++ b/Source/l1103.asm @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ -; l1103.asm wedding / gyro pops from tree +; L1103.asm wedding / gyro pops from tree ; Generated 08.03.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.03.2000 by Abe Pralle INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" INCLUDE "Source/levels.inc" -;from l0505 +;from L0505 VAR_HERO EQU 11 diff --git a/Source/l1104.asm b/Source/l1104.asm index 3fb52c8..6ce9ff2 100644 --- a/Source/l1104.asm +++ b/Source/l1104.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1104.asm To Space Station Apocalypse +; L1104.asm To Space Station Apocalypse ; Generated 04.22.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.22.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ SECTION "Level1104Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l1104_whereisgyro_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1104_whereisgyro.gtx" +L1104_whereisgyro_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1104_whereisgyro.gtx" -l1104_station_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1104_station.gtx" +L1104_station_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1104_station.gtx" -l1104_apocalypse_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1104_apocalypse.gtx" +L1104_apocalypse_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1104_apocalypse.gtx" -l1104_letsgo_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1104_letsgo.gtx" +L1104_letsgo_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1104_letsgo.gtx" L1104_Contents:: @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ L1104_Load2: call SetupFadeFromStandard ld c,3 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1104_whereisgyro_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1104_whereisgyro_gtx ld a,150 call Delay @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ L1104_Load2: call SetDialogForward ld c,2 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1104_station_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1104_station_gtx ld a,150 call Delay @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ L1104_Load2: ld c,2 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1104_apocalypse_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1104_apocalypse_gtx ;blink station id ld c,15 @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ L1104_Load2: call ((.quickFromBlack-L1104_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ld c,1 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1104_letsgo_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1104_letsgo_gtx ld a,75 call Delay diff --git a/Source/l1105.asm b/Source/l1105.asm index 88ba42a..0b90389 100644 --- a/Source/l1105.asm +++ b/Source/l1105.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1105.asm Save game screen +; L1105.asm Save game screen ; Generated 05.09.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 05.09.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1111.asm b/Source/l1111.asm index b8f8684..b1d781c 100644 --- a/Source/l1111.asm +++ b/Source/l1111.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1111.asm ssa se hulk module +; L1111.asm ssa se hulk module ; Generated 04.26.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.26.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ L1111_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1111_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1111_ssa_se.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1111_ssa_se.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1111_ssa_se.lvl" L1111_Init: DW ((L1111_InitFinished - L1111_Init2)) ;size L1111_Init2: - ld a,BANK(l0012_defused_gtx) + ld a,BANK(L0012_defused_gtx) ld [dialogBank],a call SetPressBDialog @@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ L1111_Check2: cp 3 jr nz,.bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_alldefused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_alldefused_gtx jr .dialog .bombsRemain - ld hl,l0012_defused_gtx + ld hl,L0012_defused_gtx .dialog call MakeIdle diff --git a/Source/l1112.asm b/Source/l1112.asm index a0de58d..506688c 100644 --- a/Source/l1112.asm +++ b/Source/l1112.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1112.asm duke's disco +; L1112.asm duke's disco ; Generated 04.10.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.10.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ L1112_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1112_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1112_disco.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1112_disco.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1200.asm b/Source/l1200.asm index 6940746..3f20394 100644 --- a/Source/l1200.asm +++ b/Source/l1200.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level1200 logo cinema +;L1200 logo cinema ;Abe Pralle 5.2.2000 INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" diff --git a/Source/l1201.asm b/Source/l1201.asm index dc2dad8..f615d3d 100644 --- a/Source/l1201.asm +++ b/Source/l1201.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;level1201.asm +;L1201.asm ;Abe Pralle 6.13.2000 ;called when the level the guest is going to is the same as the one diff --git a/Source/l1202.asm b/Source/l1202.asm index b63b473..37f52b2 100644 --- a/Source/l1202.asm +++ b/Source/l1202.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1202.asm dropship leaving triumph +; L1202.asm dropship leaving triumph ; Generated 07.30.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.30.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1203.asm b/Source/l1203.asm index ad2c6f0..a99f2f1 100644 --- a/Source/l1203.asm +++ b/Source/l1203.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1203.asm Rescue From The Tower Cinema +; L1203.asm Rescue From The Tower Cinema ; Generated 03.31.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 03.31.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1204.asm b/Source/l1204.asm index e2c167d..40502b4 100644 --- a/Source/l1204.asm +++ b/Source/l1204.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1204.asm Escape from the space station +; L1204.asm Escape from the space station ; Generated 05.02.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 05.02.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -44,32 +44,32 @@ SECTION "Level1204Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l1204_gyro_notthere_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_gyro_notthere.gtx" +L1204_gyro_notthere_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_gyro_notthere.gtx" -l1204_gyro_ofcourse_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_gyro_ofcourse.gtx" +L1204_gyro_ofcourse_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_gyro_ofcourse.gtx" -l1204_gyro_unfortunately_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_gyro_unfortunately.gtx" +L1204_gyro_unfortunately_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_gyro_unfortunately.gtx" -l1204_gyro_explode_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_gyro_explode.gtx" +L1204_gyro_explode_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_gyro_explode.gtx" -l1204_gyro_escape_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_gyro_escape.gtx" +L1204_gyro_escape_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_gyro_escape.gtx" -l1204_gyro_button_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_gyro_button.gtx" +L1204_gyro_button_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_gyro_button.gtx" -l1204_gotitall_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_gotitall.gtx" +L1204_gotitall_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_gotitall.gtx" -l1204_datahere_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_datahere.gtx" +L1204_datahere_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_datahere.gtx" -l1204_letsroll_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/l1204_letsroll.gtx" +L1204_letsroll_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/apocalypse/L1204_letsroll.gtx" blank_gtx: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/main_intro/blank.gtx" @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ L1204_Load2: .notThere ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_gyro_notthere_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_gyro_notthere_gtx ld de,((.ofCourse-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,4 @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ L1204_Load2: .ofCourse ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_gyro_ofcourse_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_gyro_ofcourse_gtx ld de,((.unfortunately-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,4 @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ L1204_Load2: .unfortunately ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_gyro_unfortunately_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_gyro_unfortunately_gtx ld de,((.explode-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,4 @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ L1204_Load2: .explode ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_gyro_explode_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_gyro_explode_gtx ld de,((.escape-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,4 @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ L1204_Load2: .escape ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_gyro_escape_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_gyro_escape_gtx ld de,((.button-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,4 @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ L1204_Load2: call ((.quickFromBlack-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_gyro_button_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_gyro_button_gtx ld de,((.minuteslater-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ L1204_Load2: call LoadCinemaBG call ((.quickFromBlack-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_gotitall_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_gotitall_gtx ld de,((.datahere-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,4 @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ L1204_Load2: call LoadCinemaBG call ((.quickFromBlack-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_datahere_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_datahere_gtx ld de,((.letsroll-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,4 @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ L1204_Load2: call LoadCinemaBG call ((.quickFromBlack-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ld c,0 - DIALOGBOTTOM l1204_letsroll_gtx + DIALOGBOTTOM L1204_letsroll_gtx ld de,((.descending-L1204_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld d,2 diff --git a/Source/l1212.asm b/Source/l1212.asm index 196133d..cb53af9 100644 --- a/Source/l1212.asm +++ b/Source/l1212.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1212.asm Crouton Homeworld 1 +; L1212.asm Crouton Homeworld 1 ; Generated 04.19.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.19.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ SECTION "Level1212Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- dialog: -l1212_anytime_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1212_anytime.gtx" +L1212_anytime_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1212_anytime.gtx" -l1212_yeah_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1212_yeah.gtx" +L1212_yeah_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1212_yeah.gtx" -l1212_makesure_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1212_makesure.gtx" +L1212_makesure_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1212_makesure.gtx" -l1212_suckstobehim_gtx: - INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/l1212_suckstobehim.gtx" +L1212_suckstobehim_gtx: + INCBIN "Data/Dialog/talk/L1212_suckstobehim.gtx" L1212_Contents:: DW L1212_Load @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ L1212_Check2: call ClearDialog ld c,GOBLIN_INDEX - ld de,l1212_yeah_gtx + ld de,L1212_yeah_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottom .afterDialog @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ L1212_Check2: ret .dialogLookup - DW 0,l1212_anytime_gtx,l1212_makesure_gtx,l1212_suckstobehim_gtx + DW 0,L1212_anytime_gtx,L1212_makesure_gtx,L1212_suckstobehim_gtx L1212_CheckFinished: PRINTT "1212 Script Sizes (Load/Init/Check) (of $500): " diff --git a/Source/l1300.asm b/Source/l1300.asm index 7d42e06..92fc697 100644 --- a/Source/l1300.asm +++ b/Source/l1300.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1300.asm appomattox interior +; L1300.asm appomattox interior ; Generated 02.16.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 02.16.2001 by Abe Pralle @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ L1300_LoadFinished: ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1300_Map: -INCBIN "Data/Levels/l1300_appomattox.lvl" +INCBIN "Data/Levels/L1300_appomattox.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init diff --git a/Source/l1301.asm b/Source/l1301.asm index 66e38cb..4a282b9 100644 --- a/Source/l1301.asm +++ b/Source/l1301.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1301.asm map view +; L1301.asm map view ; Generated 02.22.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 02.22.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1302.asm b/Source/l1302.asm index 5f2d678..417eaa6 100644 --- a/Source/l1302.asm +++ b/Source/l1302.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1302.asm gyves cornered cinema +; L1302.asm gyves cornered cinema ; Generated 07.31.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.31.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1304.asm b/Source/l1304.asm index af5f953..4fde820 100644 --- a/Source/l1304.asm +++ b/Source/l1304.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1304.asm +; L1304.asm ; Generated 05.08.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 05.08.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1312.asm b/Source/l1312.asm index 67913a1..2bb2925 100644 --- a/Source/l1312.asm +++ b/Source/l1312.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1312.asm Crouton Homeworld 2 +; L1312.asm Crouton Homeworld 2 ; Generated 04.19.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.19.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1400.asm b/Source/l1400.asm index d696689..18e6ec3 100644 --- a/Source/l1400.asm +++ b/Source/l1400.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1400.asm Appomattox flying +; L1400.asm Appomattox flying ; Generated 02.21.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 02.21.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1401.asm b/Source/l1401.asm index c5a7b0c..92a0783 100644 --- a/Source/l1401.asm +++ b/Source/l1401.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1401.asm Appomattox control panel / destination select +; L1401.asm Appomattox control panel / destination select ; Generated 02.27.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 02.27.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1402.asm b/Source/l1402.asm index f5fe786..6e8bea7 100644 --- a/Source/l1402.asm +++ b/Source/l1402.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1402.asm lady flower intervenes +; L1402.asm lady flower intervenes ; Generated 08.13.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 08.13.2000 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1403.asm b/Source/l1403.asm index a87a328..137c046 100644 --- a/Source/l1403.asm +++ b/Source/l1403.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1403.asm approaching kiwi +; L1403.asm approaching kiwi ; Generated 03.08.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 03.08.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1412.asm b/Source/l1412.asm index bb85949..0cb7114 100644 --- a/Source/l1412.asm +++ b/Source/l1412.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1412.asm Crouton Homeworld 3 +; L1412.asm Crouton Homeworld 3 ; Generated 04.19.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.19.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1500.asm b/Source/l1500.asm index 8f48cc3..acbecca 100644 --- a/Source/l1500.asm +++ b/Source/l1500.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1500.asm +; L1500.asm ; Generated 03.22.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 03.22.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1502.asm b/Source/l1502.asm index 80d7b76..da02c20 100644 --- a/Source/l1502.asm +++ b/Source/l1502.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1502.asm approach to kiwi +; L1502.asm approach to kiwi ; Generated 03.06.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 03.06.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1503.asm b/Source/l1503.asm index 1773784..1de844d 100644 --- a/Source/l1503.asm +++ b/Source/l1503.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1503.asm +; L1503.asm ; Generated 03.08.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 03.08.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1504.asm b/Source/l1504.asm index 4e65460..53a371e 100644 --- a/Source/l1504.asm +++ b/Source/l1504.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1504.asm kidnap +; L1504.asm kidnap ; Generated 03.09.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 03.09.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/l1512.asm b/Source/l1512.asm index 75e0c60..60b297a 100644 --- a/Source/l1512.asm +++ b/Source/l1512.asm @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; l1512.asm Crouton Homeworld 4 +; L1512.asm Crouton Homeworld 4 ; Generated 04.19.2001 by mlevel ; Modified 04.19.2001 by Abe Pralle diff --git a/Source/map.asm b/Source/map.asm index c5bee29..1961d15 100644 --- a/Source/map.asm +++ b/Source/map.asm @@ -3686,7 +3686,7 @@ SECTION "MapLookupTableSection",ROMX MapLookupTable: ;calculate index number 0-255 from xxyy with "i = yy*16 + xx" -;e.g. l0205 = 5*16 + 2 = 82 +;e.g. L0205 = 5*16 + 2 = 82 DW BANK(L0000_Contents),L0000_Contents ;0 The Hive DW BANK(L0100_Contents),L0100_Contents ;1 DW BANK(L0200_Contents),L0200_Contents ;2