; l1302.asm gyves cornered cinema ; Generated 07.31.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.31.2000 by Abe Pralle INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" INCLUDE "Source/levels.inc" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION "Level1302Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1302_Contents:: DW L1302_Load DW L1302_Init DW L1302_Check DW L1302_Map gyro_cornered_bg: INCBIN "../fgbpix/main_intro/gyrocornered.bg" gyro_cornered_gun_sp: INCBIN "../fgbpix/main_intro/gyro_cornered_gun.sp" dialog: gyro_cornered1_gtx: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/main_intro/gyro_cornered1.gtx" gyro_cornered2_gtx: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/main_intro/gyro_cornered2.gtx" gyro_cornered3_gtx: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/main_intro/gyro_cornered3.gtx" gyro_cornered4_gtx: INCBIN "Data/Dialog/main_intro/gyro_cornered4.gtx" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Load ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1302_Load: DW ((L1302_LoadFinished - L1302_Load2)) ;size L1302_Load2: ld a,BANK(dialog) ld [dialogBank],a ld a,BANK(main_in_game_gbm) ld hl,main_in_game_gbm call InitMusic ld a,BANK(gyro_cornered_bg) ld hl,gyro_cornered_bg call LoadCinemaBG ld a,BANK(gyro_cornered_gun_sp) ld hl,gyro_cornered_gun_sp call LoadCinemaSprite ld d,162 call ScrollSpritesRight ld d,40 call ScrollSpritesDown ;cur palette to game palette + gun quarter-bright ld hl,gamePalette ld de,fadeFinalPalette call FadeCommonCopyPalette ;fade from black to gun quarter-bright ;cur palette to all white ld hl,fadeCurPalette call FadeCommonSetPaletteToBlack ld hl,fadeFinalPalette + 64 ld d,8 call ((.paletteToQuarterBright - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ld a,16 call FadeInit call WaitFade ld de,((.endCinema - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogSkip ld de,((.dialog1 - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld a,16 call Delay ;----focus on gun--------------------------------------------- call ((.setupFadeToFocusOnGun-L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ld a,60 call FadeInit ;slide gun out as fade is happening ld c,60 .slideGunOutLoop ld d,1 call ScrollSpritesLeft ld a,1 call Delay dec c jr nz,.slideGunOutLoop ld a,30 call Delay ld a,BANK(gyro_cornered1_gtx) ld c,0 ld de,gyro_cornered1_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottomNoWait .dialog1 call ((.showGunForSure - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ;----gyro says wait------------------------------------------- ld de,((.dialog2 - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld b,3 call ((.animateGyro-L1302_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ;----focus on gyro-------------------------------------------- call ((.setupFadeToFocusOnGyro-L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ld a,60 call FadeInit ld c,120 ld b,0 .hideGunLoop ld a,b srl a and 1 ld d,a call ScrollSpritesRight ld a,1 call Delay inc b dec c jr nz,.hideGunLoop .dialog2 call ((.hideGunForSure - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ;----gyro makes the deal-------------------------------------- ld de,((.dialog3 - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld a,BANK(gyro_cornered2_gtx) ld c,0 ld de,gyro_cornered2_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottomNoWait ld b,4 call ((.animateGyro-L1302_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) .dialog3 ld de,((.dialog4 - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld a,BANK(gyro_cornered3_gtx) ld c,0 ld de,gyro_cornered3_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottomNoWait ld b,5 call ((.animateGyro-L1302_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) .dialog4 ld de,((.endCinema - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) call SetDialogForward ld a,BANK(gyro_cornered4_gtx) ld c,0 ld de,gyro_cornered4_gtx call ShowDialogAtBottomNoWait ld b,5 call ((.animateGyro-L1302_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) .endCinema call ClearDialog ld a,16 call SetupFadeToStandard call WaitFade ld hl,$1202 ld a,l ld [curLevelIndex],a ld a,h ld [curLevelIndex+1],a ld a,EXIT_D ld [hero0_enterLevelFacing],a ld [hero1_enterLevelFacing],a ld a,1 ld [timeToChangeLevel],a ret .animateGyro ;b already set up with # of loops sla b ;b*=4 sla b .gyroEyes ld c,4 .gyroTalk push bc ld a,3 call Delay ld a,b cp 8 ld a,2 jr nc,.animate ld a,1 .animate ;animate mouth ld bc,$0604 ld de,$0806 ld hl,$1402 call CinemaSpotAnimationRandomVerticalFrames pop bc dec c jr nz,.gyroTalk ;animate eye push bc ld a,4 ld bc,$0202 ld de,$0704 ld hl,$1400 call CinemaSpotAnimationRandomHorizontalFrames pop bc dec b jr nz,.gyroEyes ;open eye at end ld a,1 ld bc,$0202 ld de,$0704 ld hl,$1400 call CinemaSpotAnimationRandomHorizontalFrames ld a,10 call Delay ret .paletteToQuarterBright push bc push de push hl ld a,FADEBANK ldio [$ff70],a .quarterBrightLoop ld a,[hl+] ld c,a ld a,[hl-] ld b,a call GetRedComponent srl a srl a call SetRedComponent call GetGreenComponent srl a srl a call SetGreenComponent call GetBlueComponent srl a srl a call SetBlueComponent ld a,c ld [hl+],a ld a,b ld [hl+],a dec d jr nz,.quarterBrightLoop pop hl pop de pop bc ret .setupFadeToFocusOnGun ld a,FADEBANK ldio [$ff70],a ld hl,gamePalette ld de,fadeFinalPalette call FadeCommonCopyPalette ld de,fadeCurPalette call FadeCommonCopyPalette ld hl,fadeFinalPalette + 8 ld d,28 call ((.paletteToQuarterBright - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,fadeCurPalette + 64 ld d,8 call ((.paletteToQuarterBright - L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ret .setupFadeToFocusOnGyro ld a,FADEBANK ldio [$ff70],a ld hl,gamePalette ld de,fadeFinalPalette call FadeCommonCopyPalette ld de,fadeCurPalette call FadeCommonCopyPalette ld hl,fadeFinalPalette + 64 ld d,8 call ((.paletteToQuarterBright-L1302_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ld hl,fadeCurPalette + 8 ld d,28 call ((.paletteToQuarterBright-L1302_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ret .showGunForSure ld hl,spriteOAMBuffer + 1 ld a,[hl] ;first sprite x pos sub 102+8 ;minus desired x pos ld d,a call ScrollSpritesLeft ;is amount to scroll sprites call ((.setupFadeToFocusOnGun-L1302_Load2) + levelCheckRAM) ld a,1 call FadeInit ret .hideGunForSure ld hl,spriteOAMBuffer + 1 ld a,162+8 ;desired x pos sub [hl] ;minus first sprite x pos ld d,a call ScrollSpritesRight ;is amount to scroll sprites call ((.setupFadeToFocusOnGyro-L1302_Load2)+levelCheckRAM) ld a,1 call FadeInit ret L1302_LoadFinished: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1302_Map: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1302_Init: DW ((L1302_InitFinished - L1302_Init2)) ;size L1302_Init2: ret L1302_InitFinished: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L1302_Check: DW ((L1302_CheckFinished - L1302_Check2)) ;size L1302_Check2: ret L1302_CheckFinished: PRINTT "1302 Script Sizes (Load/Init/Check) (of $500): " PRINTV (L1302_LoadFinished - L1302_Load2) PRINTT " / " PRINTV (L1302_InitFinished - L1302_Init2) PRINTT " / " PRINTV (L1302_CheckFinished - L1302_Check2) PRINTT "\n"