; L0113.asm ship blows up battleground BA ; Generated 07.09.2000 by mlevel ; Modified 07.09.2000 by Abe Pralle INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc" INCLUDE "Source/levels.inc" CRATERINDEX EQU 30 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION "Level0113Section",ROMX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0113_Contents:: DW L0113_Load DW L0113_Init DW L0113_Check DW L0113_Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Load ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0113_Load: DW ((L0113_LoadFinished - L0113_Load2)) ;size L0113_Load2: call ParseMap ;load in tiles used for sprite ship ;bg tiles 1454-1457 to Bank 0 100-189 ldio a,[curROMBank] push af ld a,BANK(BGTiles1024) call SetActiveROM xor a ;bank 0 ld c,4 ;number of tiles to copy ld de,$8000+1600 ld hl,BGTiles1024 + 430*16 call VMemCopy pop af call SetActiveROM ret L0113_LoadFinished: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Map ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0113_Map: INCBIN "Data/Levels/L0113_intro_ba2.lvl" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE_CREATE_BOMBER EQU 0 STATE_BOMBER_RUN EQU 1 STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE1 EQU 2 STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE2 EQU 3 STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE3 EQU 4 STATE_NORMAL EQU 5 VAR_DELAY EQU 0 VAR_METASPRITE EQU 1 ;1-5 L0113_Init: DW ((L0113_InitFinished - L0113_Init2)) ;size L0113_Init2: ld bc,((GROUP_MONSTERB<<8) | GROUP_HERO) ld a,1 ;make soldiers friends with hero call SetFOF ldio a,[mapState] cp STATE_NORMAL call z,((.removeShip-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ret .removeShip ;remove crouton ship from map ld hl,$d1cf ld c,4 call ((.removeRow-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ld c,6 ld hl,$d20e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d24e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d28e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d2ce call ((.removeRow-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d30e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d34e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Init2) + levelCheckRAM) ;add crater to map ld a,MAPBANK ldio [$ff70],a ld hl,$d20f ld a,CRATERINDEX ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ld hl,$d24f ld a,CRATERINDEX+3 ld [hl+],a xor a ld [hl+],a ld [hl+],a ld a,CRATERINDEX+5 ld [hl+],a ld hl,$d28f ld a,CRATERINDEX+6 ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ret .removeRow push bc ld a,MAPBANK ldio [$ff70],a xor a .removeRowLoop ld [hl+],a dec c jr nz,.removeRowLoop pop bc ret L0113_InitFinished: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- L0113_Check: DW ((L0113_CheckFinished - L0113_Check2)) ;size L0113_Check2: ldio a,[mapState] cp STATE_NORMAL jr nz,.checkCreateBomber ret .checkCreateBomber cp STATE_CREATE_BOMBER jr nz,.checkBomberRun ;create bomber ld a,128 ld [metaSprite_x],a ld a,220 ld [metaSprite_y],a ld bc,$0202 ld d,100 ld e,5 ld hl,levelVars+VAR_METASPRITE call CreateMetaSprite ld a,STATE_BOMBER_RUN ldio [mapState],a ret .checkBomberRun cp STATE_BOMBER_RUN jr nz,.checkExplosionStage1 ld bc,$00fc ld hl,levelVars+VAR_METASPRITE call ScrollMetaSprite ;get top sprite y coord ld h,((spriteOAMBuffer>>8) & $ff) ld a,[levelVars+VAR_METASPRITE+1] ld l,a ld a,[hl] ;play sound effect? cp 144 jr nz,.afterPlayShipSound ld hl,((shipSound-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) call PlaySound ret .afterPlayShipSound ;reached bombing position? cp 44 jr nz,.afterCheckBombPosition ;first explosion from bomb ld a,5 ld [bulletColor],a ld bc,$0405 ld de,$0a01 ld hl,$d1ce call CreateBigExplosion ld a,20 ld b,8 call SetupFadeFromSaturated ld hl,((bigExplosionSound-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) call PlaySound ld a,10 ldio [jiggleDuration],a ret .afterCheckBombPosition ;off top of screen? cp 240 ;wrapped around to bottom ret nz ;remove bomber ld hl,levelVars+VAR_METASPRITE call FreeMetaSprite ld a,5 ld [bulletColor],a ld bc,$0405 ld de,$0601 ld hl,$d1ce call CreateBigExplosion ld a,20 ld b,8 call SetupFadeFromSaturated ld hl,((bigExplosionSound-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) call PlaySound ld a,10 ldio [jiggleDuration],a ld a,16 ld [levelVars + VAR_DELAY],a ld a,STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE1 ldio [mapState],a ret .checkExplosionStage1 cp STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE1 jr nz,.checkExplosionStage2 ld hl,levelVars+VAR_DELAY ld a,[hl] or a jr z,.stage1explosion dec [hl] ret .stage1explosion ld a,5 ld [bulletColor],a ld bc,$0405 ld de,$0a04 ld hl,$d1ce call CreateBigExplosion ld de,$0502 call CreateBigExplosion ld a,20 ld b,8 call SetupFadeFromSaturated ld hl,((bigExplosionSound-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) call PlaySound ld a,10 ldio [jiggleDuration],a ld a,30 ld [levelVars + VAR_DELAY],a ld a,STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE2 ldio [mapState],a ret .checkExplosionStage2 cp STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE2 jr nz,.checkExplosionStage3 ld hl,levelVars+VAR_DELAY ld a,[hl] or a jr z,.stage2explosion dec [hl] ret .stage2explosion ld a,5 ld [bulletColor],a ld bc,$0405 ld de,$1001 ld hl,$d1ce call CreateBigExplosion ld a,20 ld b,8 call SetupFadeFromSaturated ld hl,((bigExplosionSound-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) call PlaySound ld a,10 ldio [jiggleDuration],a ld a,20 ld [levelVars + VAR_DELAY],a ld a,STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE3 ldio [mapState],a ret .checkExplosionStage3 cp STATE_EXPLOSION_STAGE3 ret nz ld hl,levelVars+VAR_DELAY ld a,[hl] or a jr z,.stage3explosion dec [hl] ret .stage3explosion ;remove crouton ship from map ld hl,$d1cf ld c,4 call ((.removeRow-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) ld c,6 ld hl,$d20e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d24e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d28e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d2ce call ((.removeRow-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d30e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) ld hl,$d34e call ((.removeRow-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) ld a,5 ld [bulletColor],a ld bc,$0405 ld de,$0804 ld hl,$d1ce call CreateBigExplosion ld de,$1803 call CreateBigExplosion ld a,30 call SetupFadeFromWhite ;ld b,15 ;call SetupFadeFromSaturated ld hl,((bigExplosionSound-L0113_Check2) + levelCheckRAM) call PlaySound ld a,15 ldio [jiggleDuration],a ld a,1 call Delay ;add crater to map ld a,MAPBANK ldio [$ff70],a ld hl,$d20f ld a,30 ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ld hl,$d24f ld a,33 ld [hl+],a xor a ld [hl+],a ld [hl+],a ld a,35 ld [hl+],a ld hl,$d28f ld a,36 ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ld [hl+],a inc a ld [hl+],a ld a,STATE_NORMAL ldio [mapState],a ret .removeRow push bc ld a,MAPBANK ldio [$ff70],a xor a .removeRowLoop ld [hl+],a dec c jr nz,.removeRowLoop pop bc ret shipSound: DB 1,$1f,$80,$f5,$80,$86 bigExplosionSound: DB 4,$00,$f3,$81,$80 L0113_CheckFinished: PRINTT "0113 Script Sizes (Load/Init/Check) (of $500): " PRINTV (L0113_LoadFinished - L0113_Load2) PRINTT " / " PRINTV (L0113_InitFinished - L0113_Init2) PRINTT " / " PRINTV (L0113_CheckFinished - L0113_Check2) PRINTT "\n"