package filtering import ( "bytes" "fmt" "net/netip" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { testutil.DiscardLogOutput(m) } const ( sbBlocked = "" pcBlocked = "" ) // Helpers. func newForTest(t testing.TB, c *Config, filters []Filter) (f *DNSFilter, setts *Settings) { setts = &Settings{ ProtectionEnabled: true, FilteringEnabled: true, } if c != nil { c.SafeBrowsingCacheSize = 10000 c.ParentalCacheSize = 10000 c.SafeSearchCacheSize = 1000 c.CacheTime = 30 setts.SafeSearchEnabled = c.SafeSearchConf.Enabled setts.SafeBrowsingEnabled = c.SafeBrowsingEnabled setts.ParentalEnabled = c.ParentalEnabled } else { // It must not be nil. c = &Config{} } f, err := New(c, filters) require.NoError(t, err) return f, setts } func newChecker(host string) Checker { return hashprefix.New(&hashprefix.Config{ CacheTime: 10, CacheSize: 100000, Upstream: aghtest.NewBlockUpstream(host, true), }) } func (d *DNSFilter) checkMatch(t *testing.T, hostname string, setts *Settings) { t.Helper() res, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "host %q", hostname) assert.Truef(t, res.IsFiltered, "host %q", hostname) } func (d *DNSFilter) checkMatchIP(t *testing.T, hostname, ip string, qtype uint16, setts *Settings) { t.Helper() res, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, qtype, setts) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "host %q", hostname, err) require.NotEmpty(t, res.Rules, "host %q", hostname) assert.Truef(t, res.IsFiltered, "host %q", hostname) r := res.Rules[0] require.NotNilf(t, r.IP, "Expected ip %s to match, actual: %v", ip, r.IP) assert.Equalf(t, ip, r.IP.String(), "host %q", hostname) } func (d *DNSFilter) checkMatchEmpty(t *testing.T, hostname string, setts *Settings) { t.Helper() res, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "host %q", hostname) assert.Falsef(t, res.IsFiltered, "host %q", hostname) } func TestDNSFilter_CheckHost_hostRules(t *testing.T) { addr := "" addr6 := "::1" text := fmt.Sprintf(` %s # enforce google's safesearch %s host2 host2 ::1 host2 `, addr, addr6) filters := []Filter{{ ID: 0, Data: []byte(text), }} d, setts := newForTest(t, nil, filters) t.Cleanup(d.Close) d.checkMatchIP(t, "", addr, dns.TypeA, setts) d.checkMatchIP(t, "", addr, dns.TypeA, setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) // IPv4 match. d.checkMatchIP(t, "", "", dns.TypeA, setts) // Empty IPv6. res, err := d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeAAAA, setts) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, res.IsFiltered) require.Len(t, res.Rules, 1) assert.Equal(t, "", res.Rules[0].Text) assert.Empty(t, res.Rules[0].IP) // IPv6 match. d.checkMatchIP(t, "", addr6, dns.TypeAAAA, setts) // Empty IPv4. res, err = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, res.IsFiltered) require.Len(t, res.Rules, 1) assert.Equal(t, "::1", res.Rules[0].Text) assert.Empty(t, res.Rules[0].IP) // Two IPv4, both must be returned. res, err = d.CheckHost("host2", dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, res.IsFiltered) require.Len(t, res.Rules, 2) assert.Equal(t, res.Rules[0].IP, netip.AddrFrom4([4]byte{0, 0, 0, 1})) assert.Equal(t, res.Rules[1].IP, netip.AddrFrom4([4]byte{0, 0, 0, 2})) // One IPv6 address. res, err = d.CheckHost("host2", dns.TypeAAAA, setts) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, res.IsFiltered) require.Len(t, res.Rules, 1) assert.Equal(t, res.Rules[0].IP, netutil.IPv6Localhost()) } // Safe Browsing. func TestSafeBrowsing(t *testing.T) { logOutput := &bytes.Buffer{} aghtest.ReplaceLogWriter(t, logOutput) aghtest.ReplaceLogLevel(t, log.DEBUG) sbChecker := newChecker(sbBlocked) d, setts := newForTest(t, &Config{ SafeBrowsingEnabled: true, SafeBrowsingChecker: sbChecker, }, nil) t.Cleanup(d.Close) d.checkMatch(t, sbBlocked, setts) require.Contains(t, logOutput.String(), fmt.Sprintf("safebrowsing lookup for %q", sbBlocked)) d.checkMatch(t, "test."+sbBlocked, setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, pcBlocked, setts) // Cached result. d.checkMatch(t, sbBlocked, setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, pcBlocked, setts) } func TestParallelSB(t *testing.T) { d, setts := newForTest(t, &Config{ SafeBrowsingEnabled: true, SafeBrowsingChecker: newChecker(sbBlocked), }, nil) t.Cleanup(d.Close) t.Run("group", func(t *testing.T) { for i := range 100 { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("aaa%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() d.checkMatch(t, sbBlocked, setts) d.checkMatch(t, "test."+sbBlocked, setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, pcBlocked, setts) }) } }) } // Parental. func TestParentalControl(t *testing.T) { logOutput := &bytes.Buffer{} aghtest.ReplaceLogWriter(t, logOutput) aghtest.ReplaceLogLevel(t, log.DEBUG) d, setts := newForTest(t, &Config{ ParentalEnabled: true, ParentalControlChecker: newChecker(pcBlocked), }, nil) t.Cleanup(d.Close) d.checkMatch(t, pcBlocked, setts) require.Contains(t, logOutput.String(), fmt.Sprintf("parental lookup for %q", pcBlocked)) d.checkMatch(t, "www."+pcBlocked, setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) // Test cached result. d.checkMatch(t, pcBlocked, setts) d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "", setts) } // Filtering. func TestMatching(t *testing.T) { const nl = "\n" const ( blockingRules = `||^` + nl allowlistRules = `||^` + nl + `@@||` + nl importantRules = `@@||^` + nl + `||^$important` + nl regexRules = `/example\.org/` + nl + `@@||^` + nl maskRules = `test*^` + nl + `exam*.com` + nl dnstypeRules = `||^$dnstype=AAAA` + nl + `@@||^` + nl ) testCases := []struct { name string rules string host string wantReason Reason wantIsFiltered bool wantDNSType uint16 }{{ name: "sanity", rules: "||^", host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "sanity", rules: "||^", host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "sanity", rules: "||^", host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "sanity", rules: "||^", host: sbBlocked, wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "blocking", rules: blockingRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "blocking", rules: blockingRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "blocking", rules: blockingRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "blocking", rules: blockingRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "blocking", rules: blockingRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "allowlist", rules: allowlistRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "allowlist", rules: allowlistRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredAllowList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "allowlist", rules: allowlistRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredAllowList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "allowlist", rules: allowlistRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "allowlist", rules: allowlistRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "important", rules: importantRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredAllowList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "important", rules: importantRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "important", rules: importantRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "important", rules: importantRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "important", rules: importantRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "regex", rules: regexRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "regex", rules: regexRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredAllowList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "regex", rules: regexRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredAllowList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "regex", rules: regexRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "regex", rules: regexRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "mask", rules: maskRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "dnstype", rules: dnstypeRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "dnstype", rules: dnstypeRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredNotFound, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "dnstype", rules: dnstypeRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeAAAA, }, { name: "dnstype", rules: dnstypeRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredAllowList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeA, }, { name: "dnstype", rules: dnstypeRules, host: "", wantIsFiltered: false, wantReason: NotFilteredAllowList, wantDNSType: dns.TypeAAAA, }} for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s",,, func(t *testing.T) { filters := []Filter{{ID: 0, Data: []byte(tc.rules)}} d, setts := newForTest(t, nil, filters) t.Cleanup(d.Close) res, err := d.CheckHost(, tc.wantDNSType, setts) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equalf(t, tc.wantIsFiltered, res.IsFiltered, "Hostname %s has wrong result (%v must be %v)",, res.IsFiltered, tc.wantIsFiltered) assert.Equalf(t, tc.wantReason, res.Reason, "Hostname %s has wrong reason (%v must be %v)",, res.Reason, tc.wantReason) }) } } func TestWhitelist(t *testing.T) { rules := `||host1^ ||host2^ ` filters := []Filter{{ ID: 0, Data: []byte(rules), }} whiteRules := `||host1^ ||host3^ ` whiteFilters := []Filter{{ ID: 0, Data: []byte(whiteRules), }} d, setts := newForTest(t, nil, filters) err := d.setFilters(filters, whiteFilters, false) require.NoError(t, err) t.Cleanup(d.Close) // Matched by white filter. res, err := d.CheckHost("host1", dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoError(t, err) assert.False(t, res.IsFiltered) assert.Equal(t, res.Reason, NotFilteredAllowList) require.Len(t, res.Rules, 1) assert.Equal(t, "||host1^", res.Rules[0].Text) // Not matched by white filter, but matched by block filter. res, err = d.CheckHost("host2", dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, res.IsFiltered) assert.Equal(t, res.Reason, FilteredBlockList) require.Len(t, res.Rules, 1) assert.Equal(t, "||host2^", res.Rules[0].Text) } // Client Settings. func applyClientSettings(setts *Settings) { setts.FilteringEnabled = false setts.ParentalEnabled = false setts.SafeBrowsingEnabled = true rule, _ := rules.NewNetworkRule("||^", 0) s := ServiceEntry{} s.Name = "facebook" s.Rules = []*rules.NetworkRule{rule} setts.ServicesRules = append(setts.ServicesRules, s) } func TestClientSettings(t *testing.T) { d, setts := newForTest(t, &Config{ ParentalEnabled: true, SafeBrowsingEnabled: false, SafeBrowsingChecker: newChecker(sbBlocked), ParentalControlChecker: newChecker(pcBlocked), }, []Filter{{ ID: 0, Data: []byte("||^\n"), }}, ) t.Cleanup(d.Close) type testCase struct { name string host string before bool wantReason Reason } testCases := []testCase{{ name: "filters", host: "", before: true, wantReason: FilteredBlockList, }, { name: "parental", host: pcBlocked, before: true, wantReason: FilteredParental, }, { name: "safebrowsing", host: sbBlocked, before: false, wantReason: FilteredSafeBrowsing, }, { name: "additional_rules", host: "", before: false, wantReason: FilteredBlockedService, }} makeTester := func(tc testCase, before bool) func(t *testing.T) { return func(t *testing.T) { t.Helper() r, err := d.CheckHost(, dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoError(t, err) if before { assert.True(t, r.IsFiltered) assert.Equal(t, tc.wantReason, r.Reason) } else { assert.False(t, r.IsFiltered) } } } // Check behaviour without any per-client settings, then apply per-client // settings and check behavior once again. for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, makeTester(tc, tc.before)) } applyClientSettings(setts) for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, makeTester(tc, !tc.before)) } } // Benchmarks. func BenchmarkSafeBrowsing(b *testing.B) { d, setts := newForTest(b, &Config{ SafeBrowsingEnabled: true, SafeBrowsingChecker: newChecker(sbBlocked), }, nil) b.Cleanup(d.Close) for range b.N { res, err := d.CheckHost(sbBlocked, dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoError(b, err) assert.Truef(b, res.IsFiltered, "expected hostname %q to match", sbBlocked) } } func BenchmarkSafeBrowsingParallel(b *testing.B) { d, setts := newForTest(b, &Config{ SafeBrowsingEnabled: true, SafeBrowsingChecker: newChecker(sbBlocked), }, nil) b.Cleanup(d.Close) b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) { for pb.Next() { res, err := d.CheckHost(sbBlocked, dns.TypeA, setts) require.NoError(b, err) assert.Truef(b, res.IsFiltered, "expected hostname %q to match", sbBlocked) } }) }