package dhcpd import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "os/exec" "regexp" "runtime" "strings" "" "" "" ) // HasStaticIP check if the network interface has a static IP configured // // Supports: Raspbian. func HasStaticIP(ifaceName string) (bool, error) { if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { body, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/dhcpcd.conf") if err != nil { return false, err } return hasStaticIPDhcpcdConf(string(body), ifaceName), nil } if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { return hasStaticIPDarwin(ifaceName) } return false, fmt.Errorf("cannot check if IP is static: not supported on %s", runtime.GOOS) } // SetStaticIP sets a static IP for the network interface. func SetStaticIP(ifaceName string) error { if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { return setStaticIPDhcpdConf(ifaceName) } if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { return setStaticIPDarwin(ifaceName) } return fmt.Errorf("cannot set static IP on %s", runtime.GOOS) } // for dhcpcd.conf func hasStaticIPDhcpcdConf(dhcpConf, ifaceName string) bool { lines := strings.Split(dhcpConf, "\n") nameLine := fmt.Sprintf("interface %s", ifaceName) withinInterfaceCtx := false for _, line := range lines { line = strings.TrimSpace(line) if withinInterfaceCtx && len(line) == 0 { // an empty line resets our state withinInterfaceCtx = false } if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' { continue } line = strings.TrimSpace(line) if !withinInterfaceCtx { if line == nameLine { // we found our interface withinInterfaceCtx = true } } else { if strings.HasPrefix(line, "interface ") { // we found another interface - reset our state withinInterfaceCtx = false continue } if strings.HasPrefix(line, "static ip_address=") { return true } } } return false } // Get gateway IP address func getGatewayIP(ifaceName string) string { cmd := exec.Command("ip", "route", "show", "dev", ifaceName) log.Tracef("executing %s %v", cmd.Path, cmd.Args) d, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil || cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode() != 0 { return "" } fields := strings.Fields(string(d)) if len(fields) < 3 || fields[0] != "default" { return "" } ip := net.ParseIP(fields[2]) if ip == nil { return "" } return fields[2] } // setStaticIPDhcpdConf - updates /etc/dhcpd.conf and sets the current IP address to be static func setStaticIPDhcpdConf(ifaceName string) error { ip := util.GetSubnet(ifaceName) if len(ip) == 0 { return errors.New("can't get IP address") } ip4, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(ip) if err != nil { return err } gatewayIP := getGatewayIP(ifaceName) add := updateStaticIPDhcpcdConf(ifaceName, ip, gatewayIP, ip4.String()) body, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/dhcpcd.conf") if err != nil { return err } body = append(body, []byte(add)...) err = file.SafeWrite("/etc/dhcpcd.conf", body) if err != nil { return err } return nil } // updates dhcpd.conf content -- sets static IP address there // for dhcpcd.conf func updateStaticIPDhcpcdConf(ifaceName, ip, gatewayIP, dnsIP string) string { var body []byte add := fmt.Sprintf("\ninterface %s\nstatic ip_address=%s\n", ifaceName, ip) body = append(body, []byte(add)...) if len(gatewayIP) != 0 { add = fmt.Sprintf("static routers=%s\n", gatewayIP) body = append(body, []byte(add)...) } add = fmt.Sprintf("static domain_name_servers=%s\n\n", dnsIP) body = append(body, []byte(add)...) return string(body) } // Check if network interface has a static IP configured // Supports: MacOS. func hasStaticIPDarwin(ifaceName string) (bool, error) { portInfo, err := getCurrentHardwarePortInfo(ifaceName) if err != nil { return false, err } return portInfo.static, nil } // setStaticIPDarwin - uses networksetup util to set the current IP address to be static // Additionally it configures the current DNS servers as well func setStaticIPDarwin(ifaceName string) error { portInfo, err := getCurrentHardwarePortInfo(ifaceName) if err != nil { return err } if portInfo.static { return errors.New("IP address is already static") } dnsAddrs, err := getEtcResolvConfServers() if err != nil { return err } args := make([]string, 0) args = append(args, "-setdnsservers", args = append(args, dnsAddrs...) // Setting DNS servers is necessary when configuring a static IP code, _, err := util.RunCommand("networksetup", args...) if err != nil { return err } if code != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to set DNS servers, code=%d", code) } // Actually configures hardware port to have static IP code, _, err = util.RunCommand("networksetup", "-setmanual",, portInfo.ip, portInfo.subnet, portInfo.gatewayIP) if err != nil { return err } if code != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to set DNS servers, code=%d", code) } return nil } // getCurrentHardwarePortInfo gets information the specified network interface func getCurrentHardwarePortInfo(ifaceName string) (hardwarePortInfo, error) { // First of all we should find hardware port name m := getNetworkSetupHardwareReports() hardwarePort, ok := m[ifaceName] if !ok { return hardwarePortInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("could not find hardware port for %s", ifaceName) } return getHardwarePortInfo(hardwarePort) } // getNetworkSetupHardwareReports parses the output of the `networksetup -listallhardwareports` command // it returns a map where the key is the interface name, and the value is the "hardware port" // returns nil if it fails to parse the output func getNetworkSetupHardwareReports() map[string]string { _, out, err := util.RunCommand("networksetup", "-listallhardwareports") if err != nil { return nil } re, err := regexp.Compile("Hardware Port: (.*?)\nDevice: (.*?)\n") if err != nil { return nil } m := make(map[string]string) matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(out, -1) for i := range matches { port := matches[i][1] device := matches[i][2] m[device] = port } return m } // hardwarePortInfo - information obtained using MacOS networksetup // about the current state of the internet connection type hardwarePortInfo struct { name string ip string subnet string gatewayIP string static bool } func getHardwarePortInfo(hardwarePort string) (hardwarePortInfo, error) { h := hardwarePortInfo{} _, out, err := util.RunCommand("networksetup", "-getinfo", hardwarePort) if err != nil { return h, err } re := regexp.MustCompile("IP address: (.*?)\nSubnet mask: (.*?)\nRouter: (.*?)\n") match := re.FindStringSubmatch(out) if len(match) == 0 { return h, errors.New("could not find hardware port info") } = hardwarePort h.ip = match[1] h.subnet = match[2] h.gatewayIP = match[3] if strings.Index(out, "Manual Configuration") == 0 { h.static = true } return h, nil } // Gets a list of nameservers currently configured in the /etc/resolv.conf func getEtcResolvConfServers() ([]string, error) { body, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/resolv.conf") if err != nil { return nil, err } re := regexp.MustCompile("nameserver ([a-zA-Z0-9.:]+)") matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(body), -1) if len(matches) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("found no DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf") } addrs := make([]string, 0) for i := range matches { addrs = append(addrs, matches[i][1]) } return addrs, nil }