#!/bin/sh verbose="${VERBOSE:-0}" readonly verbose # Set verbosity. if [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ] then set -x fi # Set $EXIT_ON_ERROR to zero to see all errors. if [ "${EXIT_ON_ERROR:-1}" -eq '0' ] then set +e else set -e fi # We don't need glob expansions and we want to see errors about unset variables. set -f -u # Deferred Helpers not_found_msg=' looks like a binary not found error. make sure you have installed the linter binaries using: $ make go-tools ' readonly not_found_msg # TODO(a.garipov): Put it into a separate script and source it both here and in # go-lint.sh? not_found() { if [ "$?" -eq '127' ] then # Code 127 is the exit status a shell uses when a command or # a file is not found, according to the Bash Hackers wiki. # # See https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/dict/terms/exit_status. echo "$not_found_msg" 1>&2 fi } trap not_found EXIT git ls-files -- '*.md' '*.yaml' '*.yml' 'client/src/__locales/en.json'\ | xargs misspell --error