//go:build darwin || freebsd || linux || openbsd package dhcpd import ( "fmt" "net" "testing" "time" "github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs/netutil" "github.com/AdguardTeam/golibs/testutil" "github.com/insomniacslk/dhcp/dhcpv4" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) func TestParseOpt(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string in string wantCode dhcpv4.OptionCode wantVal dhcpv4.OptionValue wantErrMsg string }{{ name: "hex_success", in: "6 hex c0a80101c0a80102", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(6), wantVal: dhcpv4.OptionGeneric{Data: []byte{ 0xC0, 0xA8, 0x01, 0x01, 0xC0, 0xA8, 0x01, 0x02, }}, wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "ip_success", in: "6 ip", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(6), wantVal: dhcpv4.IP(net.IP{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}), wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "ips_success", in: "6 ips,", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(6), wantVal: dhcpv4.IPs([]net.IP{ {0xC0, 0xA8, 0x01, 0x01}, {0xC0, 0xA8, 0x01, 0x02}, }), wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "text_success", in: "252 text", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(252), wantVal: dhcpv4.String(""), wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "del_success", in: "61 del", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(dhcpv4.OptionClientIdentifier), wantVal: dhcpv4.OptionGeneric{Data: nil}, wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "bool_success", in: "19 bool true", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(dhcpv4.OptionIPForwarding), wantVal: dhcpv4.OptionGeneric{Data: []byte{0x01}}, wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "bool_success_false", in: "19 bool F", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(dhcpv4.OptionIPForwarding), wantVal: dhcpv4.OptionGeneric{Data: []byte{0x00}}, wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "dur_success", in: "24 dur 2h5s", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(dhcpv4.OptionPathMTUAgingTimeout), wantVal: dhcpv4.Duration(2*time.Hour + 5*time.Second), wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "u8_success", in: "23 u8 64", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(dhcpv4.OptionDefaultIPTTL), wantVal: dhcpv4.OptionGeneric{Data: []byte{0x40}}, wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "u16_success", in: "22 u16 1234", wantCode: dhcpv4.GenericOptionCode(dhcpv4.OptionMaximumDatagramAssemblySize), wantVal: dhcpv4.Uint16(1234), wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "bad_parts", in: "6 ip", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: `invalid option string "6 ip": bad option format`, }, { name: "bad_code", in: "256 ip", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: `invalid option string "256 ip": parsing option code: ` + `strconv.ParseUint: parsing "256": value out of range`, }, { name: "bad_type", in: "6 bad", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: `invalid option string "6 bad": unknown option type "bad"`, }, { name: "hex_error", in: "6 hex ZZZ", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: `invalid option string "6 hex ZZZ": decoding hex: ` + `encoding/hex: invalid byte: U+005A 'Z'`, }, { name: "ip_error", in: "6 ip 1.2.3.x", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: "invalid option string \"6 ip 1.2.3.x\": bad ipv4 address \"1.2.3.x\"", }, { name: "ip_error_v6", in: "6 ip ::1234", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: "invalid option string \"6 ip ::1234\": bad ipv4 address \"::1234\"", }, { name: "ips_error", in: "6 ips,192.168.1.x", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: "invalid option string \"6 ips,192.168.1.x\": " + "parsing ip at index 1: bad ipv4 address \"192.168.1.x\"", }, { name: "bool_error", in: "19 bool yes", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: "invalid option string \"19 bool yes\": decoding bool: " + "strconv.ParseBool: parsing \"yes\": invalid syntax", }, { name: "dur_error", in: "24 dur 3y", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: "invalid option string \"24 dur 3y\": decoding dur: " + "unmarshaling duration: time: unknown unit \"y\" in duration \"3y\"", }, { name: "u8_error", in: "23 u8 256", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: "invalid option string \"23 u8 256\": decoding u8: " + "strconv.ParseUint: parsing \"256\": value out of range", }, { name: "u16_error", in: "23 u16 65536", wantCode: nil, wantVal: nil, wantErrMsg: "invalid option string \"23 u16 65536\": decoding u16: " + "strconv.ParseUint: parsing \"65536\": value out of range", }} for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { code, val, err := parseDHCPOption(tc.in) testutil.AssertErrorMsg(t, tc.wantErrMsg, err) assert.Equal(t, tc.wantCode, code) assert.Equal(t, tc.wantVal, val) }) } } func TestPrepareOptions(t *testing.T) { oneIP, otherIP := net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4}, net.IP{5, 6, 7, 8} testCases := []struct { name string wantExplicit dhcpv4.Options opts []string }{{ name: "all_default", wantExplicit: nil, opts: nil, }, { name: "configured_ip", wantExplicit: dhcpv4.OptionsFromList( dhcpv4.OptBroadcastAddress(oneIP), ), opts: []string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d ip %s", dhcpv4.OptionBroadcastAddress, oneIP), }, }, { name: "configured_ips", wantExplicit: dhcpv4.OptionsFromList( dhcpv4.Option{ Code: dhcpv4.OptionDomainNameServer, Value: dhcpv4.IPs{oneIP, otherIP}, }, ), opts: []string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d ips %s,%s", dhcpv4.OptionDomainNameServer, oneIP, otherIP), }, }, { name: "configured_bad", wantExplicit: nil, opts: []string{ "19 bool yes", "24 dur 3y", "23 u8 256", "23 u16 65536", "20 hex", "23 hex abc", "32 ips 1,2,3,4", "28", }, }, { name: "configured_del", wantExplicit: dhcpv4.OptionsFromList( dhcpv4.OptBroadcastAddress(nil), ), opts: []string{ "28 del", }, }, { name: "rewritten_del", wantExplicit: dhcpv4.OptionsFromList( dhcpv4.OptBroadcastAddress(netutil.IPv4bcast()), ), opts: []string{ "28 del", "28 ip", }, }, { name: "configured_and_del", wantExplicit: dhcpv4.OptionsFromList( dhcpv4.Option{ Code: dhcpv4.OptionGeoConf, Value: dhcpv4.String("cba"), }, ), opts: []string{ "123 text abc", "123 del", "123 text cba", }, }} for _, tc := range testCases { s := &v4Server{ conf: &V4ServerConf{ Options: tc.opts, }, } t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { s.prepareOptions() assert.Equal(t, tc.wantExplicit, s.explicitOpts) for c := range s.explicitOpts { assert.NotContains(t, s.implicitOpts, c) } }) } }