#!/bin/sh # AdGuard Home Installation Script # # 1. Download the package # 2. Unpack it # 3. Install as a service # # Requirements: # . bash # . which # . printf # . uname # . id # . head, tail # . curl # . tar or unzip # . rm set -e log_info() { printf "[info] %s\\n" "$1" } log_error() { printf "[error] %s\\n" "$1" } # Get OS # Return: darwin, linux, freebsd detect_os() { UNAME_S="$(uname -s)" OS= case "$UNAME_S" in Linux) OS=linux ;; FreeBSD) OS=freebsd ;; Darwin) OS=darwin ;; *) return 1 ;; esac echo $OS } # Get CPU endianness # Return: le, "" cpu_little_endian() { ENDIAN_FLAG="$(head -c 6 /bin/bash | tail -c 1)" if [ "$ENDIAN_FLAG" = "$(printf '\001')" ]; then echo 'le' return 0 fi } # Get CPU # Return: amd64, 386, armv5, armv6, armv7, arm64, mips_softfloat, mipsle_softfloat, mips64_softfloat, mips64le_softfloat detect_cpu() { UNAME_M="$(uname -m)" CPU= case "$UNAME_M" in x86_64 | x86-64 | x64 | amd64) CPU=amd64 ;; i386 | i486 | i686 | i786 | x86) CPU=386 ;; armv5l) CPU=armv5 ;; armv6l) CPU=armv6 ;; armv7l | armv8l) CPU=armv7 ;; aarch64) CPU=arm64 ;; mips) LE=$(cpu_little_endian) CPU=mips${LE}_softfloat ;; mips64) LE=$(cpu_little_endian) CPU=mips64${LE}_softfloat ;; *) return 1 esac echo "${CPU}" } # Get package file name extension # Return: tar.gz, zip package_extension() { if [ "$OS" = "darwin" ]; then echo "zip" return 0 fi echo "tar.gz" } # Download data to a file # Use: download URL OUTPUT download() { log_info "Downloading package from $1 -> $2" if is_command curl ; then curl -s "$1" --output "$2" || error_exit "Failed to download $1" else error_exit "curl is necessary to install AdGuard Home" fi } # Unpack package to a directory # Use: unpack INPUT OUTPUT_DIR PKG_EXT unpack() { log_info "Unpacking package from $1 -> $2" mkdir -p "$2" if [ "$3" = "zip" ]; then unzip -qq "$1" -d "$2" || return 1 elif [ "$3" = "tar.gz" ]; then tar xzf "$1" -C "$2" || return 1 else return 1 fi } # Print error message and exit # Use: error_exit MESSAGE error_exit() { log_error "$1" exit 1 } # Check if command exists # Use: is_command COMMAND is_command() { check_command="$1" command -v "${check_command}" >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Entry point main() { log_info "Starting AdGuard Home installation script" CHANNEL=${1} if [ "${CHANNEL}" != "beta" ] && [ "${CHANNEL}" != "edge" ]; then CHANNEL=release fi log_info "Channel ${CHANNEL}" OS=$(detect_os) || error_exit "Cannot detect your OS" CPU=$(detect_cpu) || error_exit "Cannot detect your CPU" PKG_EXT=$(package_extension) PKG_NAME=AdGuardHome_${OS}_${CPU}.${PKG_EXT} SCRIPT_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/master/scripts/install.sh" URL="https://static.adguard.com/adguardhome/${CHANNEL}/${PKG_NAME}" OUT_DIR=/opt AGH_DIR="${OUT_DIR}/AdGuardHome" # Root check if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then log_info "Script called with root privileges" else if is_command sudo ; then log_info "Please note, that AdGuard Home requires root privileges to install using this script." log_info "Restarting with root privileges" exec curl -sSL ${SCRIPT_URL} | sudo sh -s "$@" exit $? else log_info "Root privileges are required to install AdGuard Home using this installer." log_info "Please, re-run this script as root." exit 1 fi fi log_info "AdGuard Home will be installed to ${AGH_DIR}" [ -d "${AGH_DIR}" ] && [ -n "$(ls -1 -A -q ${AGH_DIR})" ] && error_exit "Directory ${AGH_DIR} is not empty, abort installation" download "${URL}" "${PKG_NAME}" || error_exit "Cannot download the package" unpack "${PKG_NAME}" "${OUT_DIR}" "${PKG_EXT}" || error_exit "Cannot unpack the package" # Install AdGuard Home service and run it ${AGH_DIR}/AdGuardHome -s install || error_exit "Cannot install AdGuardHome as a service" rm "${PKG_NAME}" log_info "AdGuard Home is now installed and running." log_info "You can control the service status with the following commands:" log_info " sudo ${AGH_DIR}/AdGuardHome -s start|stop|restart|status|install|uninstall" } main "$@"