'body': - 'attributes': 'description': > Please make sure that the issue is not a duplicate or a question. If it's a duplicate, please react to the original issue with a thumbs up. If it's a question, please post it to the GitHub Discussions page. 'label': 'Prerequisites' 'options': - 'label': > I have checked the [Wiki](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki) and [Discussions](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/discussions/categories/q-a) and found no answer 'required': true - 'label': > I have searched other issues and found no duplicates 'required': true - 'label': > I want to report a bug and not [ask a question or ask for help](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/discussions/categories/q-a) 'required': true - 'label': > I have set up AdGuard Home correctly and [configured clients to use it](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki/Clients). (Use the [Discussions](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/discussions/categories/q-a) for help with installing and configuring clients.) 'required': true 'id': 'prerequisites' 'type': 'checkboxes' - 'attributes': 'description': 'On which Platform does the issue occur?' 'label': 'Platform (OS and CPU architecture)' 'options': - 'Darwin (aka macOS)/AMD64 (aka x86_64)' - 'Darwin (aka macOS)/ARM64' - 'FreeBSD/386' - 'FreeBSD/AMD64 (aka x86_64)' - 'FreeBSD/ARM64' - 'FreeBSD/ARMv5' - 'FreeBSD/ARMv6' - 'FreeBSD/ARMv7' - 'Linux/386' - 'Linux/AMD64 (aka x86_64)' - 'Linux/ARM64' - 'Linux/ARMv5' - 'Linux/ARMv6' - 'Linux/ARMv7' - 'Linux/MIPS LE' - 'Linux/MIPS' - 'Linux/MIPS64 LE' - 'Linux/MIPS64' - 'Linux/PPC64 LE' - 'OpenBSD/AMD64 (aka x86_64)' - 'OpenBSD/ARM64' - 'Windows/386' - 'Windows/AMD64 (aka x86_64)' - 'Windows/ARM64' - 'Custom (please mention in the description)' 'id': 'os' 'type': 'dropdown' 'validations': 'required': true - 'attributes': 'description': 'How did you install AdGuard Home?' 'label': 'Installation' 'options': - 'GitHub releases or script from README' - 'Docker' - 'Snapcraft' - 'Custom package (OpenWrt, HomeAssistant, etc; please mention in the description)' - 'Other (please mention in the description)' 'id': 'install' 'type': 'dropdown' 'validations': 'required': true - 'attributes': 'description': 'How did you setup AdGuard Home?' 'label': 'Setup' 'options': - 'On one machine' - 'On a router, DHCP is handled by the router' - 'On a router, DHCP is handled by AdGuard Home' - 'Other (please mention in the description)' 'id': 'setup' 'type': 'dropdown' 'validations': 'required': true - 'attributes': 'description': 'What version of AdGuard Home are you using?' 'label': 'AdGuard Home version' 'id': 'version' 'type': 'input' 'validations': 'required': true - 'attributes': 'description': > Please describe what you did. An `nslookup` or a `dig` command is the best way. For crashes, please provide a full failure log. 'label': 'Action' 'value': | ```sh nslookup -debug -type=a 'www.example.com' '$YOUR_AGH_ADDRESS' ``` 'id': 'failing_action' 'type': 'textarea' 'validations': 'required': true - 'attributes': 'description': > What did you expect to see? Please add a description and/or screenshots, if applicable. 'label': 'Expected result' 'placeholder': > What did you expect to see? 'id': 'expected' 'type': 'textarea' 'validations': 'required': true - 'attributes': 'description': > What happened instead? Please add a description and/or screenshots, if applicable. 'label': 'Actual result' 'placeholder': > What did you see instead? 'id': 'result' 'type': 'textarea' 'validations': 'required': true - 'attributes': 'description': > Please add additional information, such as non-standard OS or port, here. You can also put screenshots here, if applicable. For example, it is better to copy and paste text from a terminal instead of posting a screenshot of the terminal. 'label': 'Additional information and/or screenshots' 'placeholder': > Additional OS information, screenshots of the UI, etc. 'id': 'additional' 'type': 'textarea' 'validations': 'required': false 'description': > Open a bug report. Please do not open bug reports for questions or help with configuring clients. If you want to ask for help, use the Discussions section. 'name': 'Bug'