#!/bin/sh # This comment is used to simplify checking local copies of the script. Bump # this number every time a significant change is made to this script. # # AdGuard-Project-Version: 4 verbose="${VERBOSE:-0}" readonly verbose if [ "$verbose" -gt '1' ] then set -x v_flags='-v=1' x_flags='-x=1' elif [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ] then set -x v_flags='-v=1' x_flags='-x=0' else set +x v_flags='-v=0' x_flags='-x=0' fi readonly v_flags x_flags set -e -f -u go="${GO:-go}" readonly go # Remove only the actual binaries in the bin/ directory, as developers may add # their own scripts there. Most commonly, a script named “go” for tools that # call the go binary and need a particular version. rm -f\ bin/errcheck\ bin/fieldalignment\ bin/gocognit\ bin/gocyclo\ bin/gofumpt\ bin/gosec\ bin/govulncheck\ bin/ineffassign\ bin/misspell\ bin/nilness\ bin/shadow\ bin/staticcheck\ bin/unparam\ ; # Reset GOARCH and GOOS to make sure we install the tools for the native # architecture even when we're cross-compiling the main binary, and also to # prevent the "cannot install cross-compiled binaries when GOBIN is set" error. env\ GOARCH=""\ GOBIN="${PWD}/bin"\ GOOS=""\ GOWORK='off'\ "$go" install\ --modfile=./internal/tools/go.mod\ "$v_flags"\ "$x_flags"\ github.com/fzipp/gocyclo/cmd/gocyclo\ github.com/golangci/misspell/cmd/misspell\ github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign\ github.com/kisielk/errcheck\ github.com/securego/gosec/v2/cmd/gosec\ github.com/uudashr/gocognit/cmd/gocognit\ golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/fieldalignment/cmd/fieldalignment\ golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/nilness/cmd/nilness\ golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/shadow/cmd/shadow\ golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck\ honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck\ mvdan.cc/gofumpt\ mvdan.cc/unparam\ ;