# Please, DO NOT put your text editors' temporary files here. The more are # added, the harder it gets to maintain and manage projects' gitignores. Put # them into your global gitignore file instead. # # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/7335487/1892060. # # Only build, run, and test outputs here. Sorted. With negations at the # bottom to make sure they take effect. *.db *.log *.snap /agh-backup/ /bin/ /build/* /data/ /dist/ /filtering/tests/filtering.TestLotsOfRules*.pprof /filtering/tests/top-1m.csv /internal/next/AdGuardHome.yaml /launchpad_credentials /querylog.json* /snapcraft_login AdGuardHome AdGuardHome.exe AdGuardHome.yaml* coverage.txt node_modules/ !/build/gitkeep