# Keep the Makefile POSIX-compliant. We currently allow hyphens in # target names, but that may change in the future. # # See https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/make.html. .POSIX: CHANNEL = development CLIENT_BETA_DIR = client2 CLIENT_DIR = client COMMIT = $$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) DIST_DIR = dist GO = go # TODO(a.garipov): Add more default proxies using pipes after update to # Go 1.15. # # GOPROXY = https://goproxy.io|https://goproxy.cn|direct GOPROXY = https://goproxy.cn,https://goproxy.io,direct GPG_KEY = devteam@adguard.com GPG_KEY_PASSPHRASE = not-a-real-password NPM = npm NPM_FLAGS = --prefix $(CLIENT_DIR) SIGN = 1 VERBOSE = 0 VERSION = v0.0.0 YARN = yarn YARN_FLAGS = --cwd $(CLIENT_BETA_DIR) ENV = env\ COMMIT='$(COMMIT)'\ CHANNEL='$(CHANNEL)'\ GPG_KEY='$(GPG_KEY)'\ GPG_KEY_PASSPHRASE='$(GPG_KEY_PASSPHRASE)'\ DIST_DIR='$(DIST_DIR)'\ GO='$(GO)'\ GOPROXY='$(GOPROXY)'\ PATH="$${PWD}/bin:$$($(GO) env GOPATH)/bin:$${PATH}"\ SIGN='$(SIGN)'\ VERBOSE='$(VERBOSE)'\ VERSION='$(VERSION)'\ # Keep the line above blank. # Keep this target first, so that a naked make invocation triggers # a full build. build: deps quick-build quick-build: js-build go-build ci: deps test deps: js-deps go-deps lint: js-lint go-lint test: js-test go-test # Here and below, keep $(SHELL) in quotes, because on Windows this will # expand to something like "C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/sh.exe". build-docker: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/build-docker.sh build-release: deps js-build $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/build-release.sh clean: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/clean.sh init: ; git config core.hooksPath ./scripts/hooks js-build: $(NPM) $(NPM_FLAGS) run build-prod $(YARN) $(YARN_FLAGS) build js-deps: $(NPM) $(NPM_FLAGS) ci $(YARN) $(YARN_FLAGS) install js-lint: $(NPM) $(NPM_FLAGS) run lint $(YARN) $(YARN_FLAGS) lint js-test: $(NPM) $(NPM_FLAGS) run test go-build: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-build.sh go-deps: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-deps.sh go-lint: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-lint.sh go-test: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-test.sh go-tools: ; $(ENV) "$(SHELL)" ./scripts/make/go-tools.sh # TODO(a.garipov): Remove the legacy targets once the build # infrastructure stops using them. dependencies: @ echo "use make deps instead" @ $(MAKE) deps docker-multi-arch: @ echo "use make build-docker instead" @ $(MAKE) build-docker go-install-tools: @ echo "use make go-tools instead" @ $(MAKE) go-tools release: @ echo "use make build-release instead" @ $(MAKE) build-release