# AdGuard Home OpenAPI

We are using
[OpenAPI specification](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/about/)
to generate AdGuard Home API specification.

## How To Edit The API Spec

The easiest way would be to use
[Swagger Editor](http://editor.swagger.io/)
and just copy/paste the YAML file there.

## How To Read The API Doc

1. `yarn install`
2. `yarn start`
3. Open `http://localhost:4000/`

## Changelog

[Here](CHANGELOG.md) we keep track of all non-compatible changes that are being

## Authentication

If AdGuard Home's web user is password-protected, a web client must use
authentication mechanism when sending requests to server.  Basic access
authentication is the most simple method - a client must pass `Authorization`
HTTP header along with all requests:

Authorization: Basic BASE64_DATA

Where BASE64_DATA is base64-encoded data for `username:password` string.