FROM debian:buster-20200514-slim LABEL \ maintainer="Michel Stempin " \ vendor="FunKey Project" \ description="Container with everything needed to build FunKey-OS" # Setup environment ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive RUN \ # Install dependencies # See apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y -q --no-install-recommends \ # MANDATORY build tools #which \ #sed \ make \ binutils \ build-essential \ gcc \ g++ \ #bash \ patch \ #gzip \ bzip2 \ perl \ #tar \ cpio \ unzip \ rsync \ file \ bc \ # MANDATORY source fetching tools wget \ # OPTIONAL recommended dependencies python \ python-dev \ xxd \ # OPTIONAL configuration interface dependencies libncurses5-dev \ #libqt5-dev \ #libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libglade2-dev \ # OPTIONAL source fetching tools #bazaar \ # bzr \ cvs \ git \ mercurial \ rsync \ liblscp-dev \ subversion \ # OPTIONAL java related packages #javacc \ #jarwrapper \ # OPTIONAL documentation generation tools #asciidoc \ #w3m \ python3 \ python3-dev \ python3-distutils \ python3-setuptools \ #dblatex \ # OPTIONAL graph generation tools #graphviz \ #python-matplotlib \ # # ADDITIONAL dependency to get root certificates ca-certificates \ # ADDITIONAL dependency to get client ssh openssh-client \ # ADDITIONAL dependency to get unbuffer expect \ # ADDITIONAL dependency to get locale-gen locales \ # ADDITIONAL nice to have dependencies sudo \ procps \ && \ apt-get -y autoremove && \ apt-get -y clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \ # # Set locale sed -i 's/# \(en_US.UTF-8\)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen && \ locale-gen --purge --lang en_US.UTF-8 && \ # # Add user useradd -ms /bin/bash funkey && \ usermod -a -G sudo funkey && \ echo "funkey:funkey" | chpasswd && \ # # Clone the FunKey-OS repository git clone /home/funkey/FunKey-OS && \ # # Set file ownership chown -R funkey:funkey /home/funkey # Set user USER funkey # Set working directory WORKDIR /home/funkey/FunKey-OS # Set environment ENV \ HOME=/home/funkey \ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 # VOLUME ["/home/funkey/.buildroot-ccache", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/buildroot", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/dowload", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/images", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/Recovery/output/build", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/Recovery/output/host", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/Recovery/output/target", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/FunKey/output/host", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/FunKey/output/build", \ # "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/FunKey/output/target"] CMD ["/usr/bin/make", "-C", "/home/funkey/FunKey-OS"]