#include "androidusbdriver.h" #include "QStandardPaths" androidUsbDriver::androidUsbDriver(QWidget *parent) : unixUsbDriver(parent) { qDebug() << "androidUsbDriver object created!"; mainActivity = QtAndroid::androidActivity(); } androidUsbDriver::~androidUsbDriver(void){ qDebug() << "\n\nandroidUsbDriver destructor ran!"; mainActivity.callMethod<void>("closeDevice"); } unsigned char androidUsbDriver::usbInit(unsigned long VIDin, unsigned long PIDin){ qDebug() << "Entering androidUsbDriver::usbInit"; mainActivity.callMethod<void>("nonStaticTest"); qDebug() << "If you cannot see 'nonStaticTest' above, then the _______JAVA CLASS DOES NOT EXIST____"; mainActivity.callMethod<void>("findDevice"); //QAndroidJniObject usbfs_path_java = mainActivity.getObjectField<jstring>("usbfs_path"); //QString usbfs_path_qstring = usbfs_path_java.toString(); //char *usbfs_path = usbfs_path_qstring.toUtf8().data(); QAndroidJniObject usbfs_path_java = mainActivity.getObjectField<jstring>("usbfs_path"); QString usbfs_path_qstring = usbfs_path_java.toString(); std::string usbfs_path_stdstr = usbfs_path_qstring.toStdString(); char usbfs_path[128]; strcpy(usbfs_path, usbfs_path_stdstr.c_str()); jint file_descriptor_java = mainActivity.getField<jint>("file_descriptor"); int file_descriptor = (int)file_descriptor_java; qDebug() << "usbfs path = " << usbfs_path; qDebug() << "file descriptor = " << file_descriptor; if(file_descriptor == -69){ qDebug() << "DEVICE NOT DETECTED"; return -69; } int error = libusb_init(&ctx); if(error){ qDebug() << "libusb_init FAILED"; return error; } else qDebug() << "Libusb context initialised"; libusb_set_debug(ctx, 3); qDebug() << "Opening Device!"; //libusb_device * device_ptr = libusb_get_device2(ctx, usbfs_path); //error = libusb_open2(device_ptr, &handle, file_descriptor); error = libusb_wrap_fd(ctx, file_descriptor, &handle); if(error){ qDebug() << "ERROR OPENING DEVICE"; return error; } qDebug() << "Device Found!!"; /*qDebug("Looking for device %x:%x", VIDin, PIDin); handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(ctx, VIDin, PIDin); if(handle==NULL){ qDebug() << "DEVICE NOT FOUND"; return -1; } qDebug() << "Device found!!"; */ qDebug() << (libusb_kernel_driver_active(handle, 0) ? "KERNEL DRIVER ACTIVE" : "KERNEL DRIVER INACTIVE"); if(libusb_kernel_driver_active(handle, 0)){ libusb_detach_kernel_driver(handle, 0); } error = libusb_claim_interface(handle, 0); if(error){ qDebug() << "libusb_claim_interface FAILED"; qDebug() << "ERROR" << error << libusb_error_name(error); return error; } else qDebug() << "Interface claimed!"; return 0; } int androidUsbDriver::get_new_bootloader_ctx(libusb_device **device_ptr, libusb_device_handle **handle, libusb_context **ctx){ *(ctx) = NULL; *(handle) = NULL; *(device_ptr) = NULL; mainActivity.callMethod<void>("closeDevice"); //Find device in Java mainActivity.callMethod<void>("findDevice_bootloader"); QAndroidJniObject usbfs_path_java = mainActivity.getObjectField<jstring>("usbfs_path"); QString usbfs_path_qstring = usbfs_path_java.toString(); std::string usbfs_path_stdstr = usbfs_path_qstring.toStdString(); char usbfs_path[128]; strcpy(usbfs_path, usbfs_path_stdstr.c_str()); jint file_descriptor_java = mainActivity.getField<jint>("file_descriptor"); int file_descriptor = (int)file_descriptor_java; qDebug() << "usbfs path = " << usbfs_path; qDebug() << "file descriptor = " << file_descriptor; //Initialise libusb-martin-kuldeep int error = libusb_init(ctx); if(error){ qDebug() << "libusb_init FAILED"; return error; } else qDebug() << "Libusb context initialised"; libusb_set_debug(*(ctx), 3); qDebug() << "Opening Device!"; //*(device_ptr) = libusb_get_device2(*(ctx), usbfs_path); //error = libusb_open2(*(device_ptr), handle, file_descriptor); error = libusb_wrap_fd(*(ctx), file_descriptor, handle); if(error){ qDebug() << "ERROR OPENING DEVICE"; return error; } qDebug() << "Device Found!!"; /*qDebug("Looking for device %x:%x", VIDin, PIDin); handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(ctx, VIDin, PIDin); if(handle==NULL){ qDebug() << "DEVICE NOT FOUND"; return -1; } qDebug() << "Device found!!"; */ qDebug() << (libusb_kernel_driver_active(*(handle), 0) ? "KERNEL DRIVER ACTIVE" : "KERNEL DRIVER INACTIVE"); if(libusb_kernel_driver_active(*(handle), 0)){ libusb_detach_kernel_driver(*(handle), 0); } error = libusb_claim_interface(*(handle), 0); if(error){ qDebug() << "libusb_claim_interface FAILED"; qDebug() << "ERROR" << error << libusb_error_name(error); return error; } else qDebug() << "Interface claimed!"; return 0; } int androidUsbDriver::flashFirmware(void){ //File name char fname[128]; qDebug() << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFIRMWARE MISMATCH!!!! FLASHING....\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; sprintf(fname, "assets:/firmware/labrafirm_%04x_%02x.hex", EXPECTED_FIRMWARE_VERSION, DEFINED_EXPECTED_VARIANT); qDebug() << "FLASHING " << fname; //Copy to somewhere that fopen can access QFile asset_file(fname); qDebug() << "asset_file.exists()" << asset_file.exists(); QString filePath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::StandardLocation::AppDataLocation ); filePath.append( "/firmware.hex"); if (asset_file.exists()) { if( QFile::exists( filePath ) ){ qDebug() << "File already exists in temporary path. Removing...."; QFile::remove( filePath ); } if( asset_file.copy( filePath ) ){ QFile::setPermissions( filePath, QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::ReadOwner ); qDebug() << "firmware temp file copied to" << filePath; } else { qDebug() << "\n\n\nERROR: COULD NOT CREATE TEMP FIRMWARE FILE\n\n\n"; } } else qDebug() << "File not found in assets"; std::string filePath_stdstr = filePath.toStdString(); char filePath_cstring[256]; strcpy(filePath_cstring, filePath_stdstr.c_str()); qDebug() << "File path is" << filePath_cstring; //Switch modes bootloaderJump(); mainActivity.callMethod<void>("closeDevice"); libusb_release_interface(handle, 0); libusb_close(handle); libusb_exit(ctx); qDebug() << "BA94 closed"; QThread::msleep(2000); //Initialise libusb-martin-kuldeep libusb_context *ctx; libusb_device * device_ptr; libusb_device_handle *handle; int error = get_new_bootloader_ctx(&device_ptr, &handle, &ctx); if(error){ qDebug() << "get_new_bootloader_ctx FAILED"; return 69; } /* //Extract bus/device number usbfs_path[16] = NULL; char *busNumber = &usbfs_path[13]; char *devNumber = &usbfs_path[17]; qDebug() << "Thingo thinks it's octal!!"; qDebug() << busNumber; qDebug() << devNumber; qDebug() << "Remove those leading zeros"; for (int i=0; i<3; i++){ if(busNumber[0] == '0') busNumber++; if(devNumber[0] == '0') devNumber++; } qDebug() << "Here we go!"; qDebug() << busNumber; qDebug() << devNumber; */ //Set up interface to dfuprog int exit_code; char command1[256]; sprintf(command1, "dfu-programmer atxmega32a4u erase --force --debug 300"); char command2[256]; sprintf(command2, "dfu-programmer atxmega32a4u flash %s --debug 300", filePath_cstring); char command3[256]; sprintf(command3, "dfu-programmer atxmega32a4u launch"); char command4[256]; sprintf(command4, "dfu-programmer atxmega32a4u launch"); qDebug() << "\n\nFlashing Firmware, stage 1.\n\n"; //Run stage 1 exit_code = dfuprog_virtual_cmd(command1, device_ptr, handle, ctx, 0); if(exit_code){ qDebug() << "ERROR ERASING FIRMWARE."; //return exit_code+100; } error = get_new_bootloader_ctx(&device_ptr, &handle, &ctx); if(error){ qDebug() << "\n\n\nget_new_bootloader_ctx FAILED\n\n\n"; return 169; } qDebug() << "\n\nFlashing Firmware, stage 2.\n\n"; //Run stage 2 exit_code = dfuprog_virtual_cmd(command2, device_ptr, handle, ctx, 0); if(exit_code){ qDebug() << "\n\n\nERROR WRITING NEW FIRMWARE TO DEVICE.\n\n\n"; //return exit_code+200; } error = get_new_bootloader_ctx(&device_ptr, &handle, &ctx); if(error){ qDebug() << "get_new_bootloader_ctx FAILED"; return 269; } qDebug() << "\n\nFlashing Firmware, stage 3.\n\n"; //Run stage 3 exit_code = dfuprog_virtual_cmd(command3, device_ptr, handle, ctx, 0); if(exit_code){ qDebug() << "\n\n\nERROR LAUNCHING DEVICE (INITIAL).\n\n\n"; //return exit_code+300; } QThread::msleep(2000); error = get_new_bootloader_ctx(&device_ptr, &handle, &ctx); if(error){ qDebug() << "get_new_bootloader_ctx FAILED"; return 369; } qDebug() << "\n\nFlashing Firmware, stage 4.\n\n"; //Run stage 4 - double launch to clear the eeprom flag from bootloaderJump. exit_code = dfuprog_virtual_cmd(command4, device_ptr, handle, ctx, 0); if(exit_code){ qDebug() << "\n\n\nERROR LAUNCHING DEVICE (SECONDARY).\n\n\n"; //return exit_code+300; } mainActivity.callMethod<void>("closeDevice"); return 0; }