diff --git a/lib/emailreports.pm b/lib/emailreports.pm
index 27389c4..7a8b561 100644
--- a/lib/emailreports.pm
+++ b/lib/emailreports.pm
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ sub emailreports_send {
my ($config, $report, $when, $debug) = @_;
my $emailreports = $config->{emailreports};
- my $n;
my $base_cgi = $config->{base_cgi};
my $imgs_dir = $config->{imgs_dir};
my $images;
@@ -80,6 +79,8 @@ EOF
foreach (split(',', $emailreports->{$report}->{graphs})) {
my $g = trim($_);
+ my $n;
+ my $e;
# generate the graphs and get the html source
my $url = $emailreports->{url_prefix} . $base_cgi . "/monitorix.cgi?mode=localhost&graph=_$g&when=$when&color=white";
@@ -87,38 +88,43 @@ EOF
my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
my $data = $response->content;
- $data =~ s/\n/@@@/g;
- (my $graph) = $data =~ m/@@@(.*?)/;
+ $e = 0;
+ foreach ($data =~ //gi) {
+ $data =~ s/\n/@@@/g;
+ (my $graph) = $data =~ m/@@@(.*?)/;
- if(!$graph) {
- logger("$myself: unable to retrieve graphs from '$g'. It's enabled?");
- next;
- }
- $graph =~ s/@@@/\n/g;
- $graph =~ s///g;
- $graph =~ s/><\/a>/>/g;
- # get the images
- my @tmp = ();
- $n = 1;
- foreach (split('\n', $graph)) {
- if(/");
- $images->{"image_$g$n"} = "";
- ($url) = $_ =~ m/request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
- $images->{"image_$g$n"} = $response->content;
- $n++;
- } else {
- push(@tmp, $_);
+ if(!$graph) {
+ logger("$myself: unable to retrieve graphs from '$g'. It's enabled?");
+ next;
- }
- $html .= join("\n", @tmp);
- $html .= "
+ $graph =~ s/@@@/\n/g;
+ $graph =~ s///g;
+ $graph =~ s/><\/a>/>/g;
+ # get the images
+ my @tmp = ();
+ $n = 1;
+ foreach (split('\n', $graph)) {
+ if(/");
+ $images->{"image_$g$n"} = "";
+ ($url) = $_ =~ m/request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
+ $images->{"image_$g$e$n"} = $response->content;
+ $n++;
+ } else {
+ push(@tmp, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ $html .= join("\n", @tmp);
+ $html .= "
+ $data =~ s/.*?//;
+ $e++;
+ }
$html .= $html_footer;