#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool. # # Copyright (C) 2005-2012 by Jordi Sanfeliu # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # require 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin . '/lib'; use Monitorix; use RRDs; use POSIX; use Config::General; use File::Basename; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Simple; use Socket; use DBI; use Getopt::Std; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use locale; use Data::Dumper; # Force a standard locale $ENV{LANG} = ""; setlocale(LC_TIME, "C"); $SIG{'INT' } = 'INT_handler'; $SIG{'ABRT'} = 'INT_handler'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'INT_handler'; $SIG{'TRAP'} = 'INT_handler'; $SIG{'STOP'} = 'INT_handler'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'INT_handler'; $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'CHLD_handler'; $SIG{'HUP' } = 'HUP_handler'; $SIG{'ALRM'} = 'ALRM_handler'; use constant VERSION => "2.9.901"; use constant RELDATE => "06-Nov-2012"; my @suppsys = ("Linux", "FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD"); my %config; my @graphs; our %options; sub INT_handler { my ($signal) = @_; logger("SIG$signal caught."); flush_accounting_rules(); logger("Exiting."); exit(0); } sub CHLD_handler { my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); } sub HUP_handler { my ($signal) = @_; my $myself = (caller(0))[3]; logger("SIG$signal caught."); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); unless(open(STDOUT, ">> $config{log_file}")) { logger("Can't write to LOG: $!"); } unless(open(STDERR, ">> $config{log_file}")) { # >>&STDOUT XXX logger("Can't write to LOG: $!"); } logger("$myself: reopening log file."); } sub ALRM_handler { my $myself = (caller(0))[3]; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday) = localtime(time); if($sec == 0) { foreach my $g (@graphs) { my ($d) = split('_', $g); logger("$myself: calling $g()") unless !$options{d}; undef($d) if(!grep {trim($_) eq $d} (@{$config{debug}})); if(defined($options{d}) && $options{d} eq "all") { $d = $g; } { no strict "refs"; eval { &$g(\%config, $d); }; if($@) { logger("$g(): $@"); } } } if(lc($config{graph_enable}->{pc}) eq "y" && lc($config{pc_enable_monthly_reports}) eq "y") { if($min == 0 && $hour == 0) { get_counters(); if($mday == 1) { send_reports(); } } } } alarm(1); } sub daemonize { if(fork) { exit(0); # parent exits } setsid(); foreach(0 .. (sysconf(&POSIX::_SC_OPEN_MAX) || 1024)) { close($_); } unless(chdir("/")) { die("Can't chdir to /: $!"); } unless(umask(022)) { die("Unable to umask 022: $!"); } # unless(open(STDIN, "< /dev/null")) { # die("Can't read /dev/null: $!"); # } unless(open(STDOUT, ">> $config{log_file}")) { die("Can't write to LOG: $!"); } unless(open(STDERR, ">> $config{log_file}")) { # >>&STDOUT XXX die("Can't write to LOG: $!"); } } sub usage { print(STDERR << "EOF"); Usage: monitorix -c configfile [-p pidfile] [-d none | graph[,graph] | all ] [-v] EOF exit(1); } sub create_index { my $myself = (caller(0))[3]; my $n; my $gname; my $theme = $config{theme}; my $bgcolor; my $table_back_color; my $title_back_color; my $title_fore_color; if($theme eq "black") { $bgcolor = $config{$theme}->{main_bg}; $table_back_color = $config{$theme}->{graph_bg}; $title_back_color = $config{$theme}->{title_bg}; $title_fore_color = $config{$theme}->{title_fg}; } elsif(!$theme || $theme eq "white") { $bgcolor = "#ffffff"; $table_back_color = "#CCCCCC"; $title_back_color = "#777777"; $title_fore_color = "#CCCC00"; } else { logger("$myself: ERROR: invalid value in 'theme' option") unless !$options{d}; } if(!open(OUT, "> $config{base_dir}/index.html")) { die "unable to create '${config{base_dir}}index.html'. $!"; } print(OUT < $config{title}


EOF print(OUT " \n"); print(OUT " \n"); print(OUT <
 Hostname   Graph 
\n"); print(OUT " \n"); print(OUT " \n"); print(OUT " \n"); print(OUT "

Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Yearly 

EOF close(OUT); } sub flush_accounting_rules { my $num = 0; # flushes out any Monitorix iptables/ipfw rules if($config{os} eq "Linux") { logger("Flushing out iptables rules.") unless !$options{d}; if(open(IN, "iptables -nxvL INPUT --line-numbers |")) { my @rules; my @names; while() { my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_); if($name =~ /monitorix_IN/ || /monitorix_nginx_IN/) { push(@rules, $rule); push(@names, $name); } } close(IN); @rules = reverse(@rules); foreach(@rules) { system("iptables -D INPUT $_"); $num++; } foreach(@names) { system("iptables -X $_"); } } if(open(IN, "iptables -nxvL OUTPUT --line-numbers |")) { my @rules; my @names; while() { my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_); if($name =~ /monitorix_OUT/ || /monitorix_nginx_OUT/) { push(@rules, $rule); push(@names, $name); } } close(IN); @rules = reverse(@rules); foreach(@rules) { system("iptables -D OUTPUT $_"); $num++; } foreach(@names) { system("iptables -X $_"); } } logger("$num iptables rules have been flushed.") unless !$options{d}; } if($config{os} eq "FreeBSD" || $config{os} eq "OpenBSD") { logger("Flushing out ipfw rules.") unless !$options{d}; system("ipfw delete $config{port_rule} 2>/dev/null"); system("ipfw delete $config{nginx_rule} 2>/dev/null"); } } # Main # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- getopts("d:vc:p:", \%options) || usage(); if($options{v}) { print("Monitorix version " . VERSION . " (" . RELDATE . ")\n"); print("by Jordi Sanfeliu \n"); print("http://www.monitorix.org/\n\n"); exit(0); } if(!$options{c}) { usage(); exit(1); } $options{c} = abs_path($options{c}) unless $^V lt 5.6.2; if(!stat($options{c})) { die("can't open file '$options{c}'.\n"); } # load configuration file my $conf = new Config::General( -ConfigFile => $options{c}, ); %config = $conf->getall; $config{debug} = (); # get the current OS and kernel version and check its support my $release; ($config{os}, undef, $release) = uname(); my ($major, $minor) = split('\.', $release); $config{kernel} = $major . "." . $minor; if(!grep {$_ eq $config{os}} @suppsys) { die("FATAL: your operating system ($config{os}) is not supported.\n"); } if(grep {$_ eq $config{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) { $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT'; } $0 = sprintf("%s %s%s%s%s", $^V lt 5.6.2 ? "monitorix" : abs_path($0), $options{c} ? "-c $options{c}" : "", $options{p} ? " -p $options{p}" : "", $options{d} ? " -d $options{d}" : "", $options{v} ? " -v" : ""); #daemonize(); logger("Starting Monitorix version " . VERSION . " (pid $$)."); if($options{p}) { $options{p} = abs_path($options{p}); open(OUT, "> $options{p}") || die("could not open '$options{p}' for writing"); print(OUT "$$"); close(OUT); } # change to a safety directory unless(chdir("/tmp")) { logger("can't chdir to /tmp: $!"); unless(chdir("/lost+found")) { die("Can't chdir to /lost+found: $!"); } } if($options{d}) { if($options{d} ne "none" && $options{d} ne "all") { @{$config{debug}} = split(',', $options{d}); foreach my $t (@{$config{debug}}) { if(!grep {trim($_) eq $t} (split(',', $config{graph_name}))) { die("Invalid debug key '$t'"); } } } logger("Entering in debug mode."); logger("Changed process name to '$0'."); } # save the path of the configuration file if(open(OUT, "> " . $config{base_dir} . "/cgi-bin/monitorix.conf.path")) { print(OUT "$options{c}\n"); close(OUT); } else { logger("Unable to create the file '$config{base_dir}/cgi-bin/monitorix.conf.path'."); } flush_accounting_rules(); logger("Initializing graphs.") unless !$options{d}; foreach (split(',', $config{graph_name})) { my $g = trim($_); if(lc($config{graph_enable}->{$g}) eq "y") { my $init = $g . "_init"; my $d = $g; undef($d) if(!grep {trim($_) eq $d} (@{$config{debug}})); if(defined($options{d}) && $options{d} eq "all") { $d = $g; } eval "use $g qw(" . $init . " " . $g . "_update)"; if($@) { logger("WARNING: unable to find module '$g'"); next; } { no strict "refs"; eval { &$init($g, \%config, \@graphs, $d); }; } logger("WARNING: unexpected errors in function $init()") if($@); } } print Dumper(@graphs); if(!scalar(@graphs)) { logger("nothing to do, exiting."); exit(0); } logger("Generating the 'index.html' file.") unless !$options{d}; create_index(); logger("Ok, done.") unless !$options{d}; alarm(1); while(1) { pause(); }