using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace ScriptTool { class Program { // Options static CommandOptions options; // ROMs static byte[] ebRom; static byte[] m12Rom; // Decompiler setup static Decompiler m12Decompiler; static Decompiler ebDecompiler; static IDictionary m12CharLookup; static IDictionary ebCharLookup; // Compiler setup static Compiler m12Compiler; static StreamWriter IncludeFile; static int Main(string[] args) { try { options = ParseCommandLine(args); if (options == null) { Usage(); return -1; } m12CharLookup = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(Asset.ReadAllText("m12-char-lookup.json")); ebCharLookup = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(Asset.ReadAllText("eb-char-lookup.json")); if (options.Command == CommandType.Decompile) { // Set up decompilers m12Decompiler = new Decompiler(M12ControlCode.Codes, m12CharLookup, (rom, address) => rom[address + 1] == 0xFF); ebDecompiler = new Decompiler(EbControlCode.Codes, ebCharLookup, (rom, address) => rom[address] < 0x20); // Load ROMs ebRom = File.ReadAllBytes(options.EbRom); m12Rom = File.ReadAllBytes(options.M12Rom); // Decompile misc string tables if (options.DoMiscText) { //DecompileEbMisc(); DecompileM12Misc(); } // Decompile main string tables if (options.DoMainText) { DecompileEb(); DecompileM12(); } } else if (options.Command == CommandType.Compile) { // Set up compilers m12Compiler = new Compiler(M12ControlCode.Codes, (rom, address) => rom[address + 1] == 0xFF); using (IncludeFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, "m12-includes.asm"))) { IncludeFile.WriteLine(".gba"); IncludeFile.WriteLine(".open \"../bin/m12.gba\",0x8000000"); // Compile main string tables if (options.DoMainText) { CompileM12(); } // Compile misc string tables if (options.DoMiscText) { CompileM12Misc(); } IncludeFile.WriteLine(".close"); } } return 0; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception:"); Console.WriteLine(ex); return -1; } } static void Usage() { Console.WriteLine("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine(" ScriptTool.exe [-decompile or -compile] [-misc] [-main] workingdirectory [ebrom m12rom]");; } static CommandOptions ParseCommandLine(string[] args) { var argList = new List(args); // Check for decompile switch CommandType command; if (argList.Contains("-decompile") && !argList.Contains("-compile")) { command = CommandType.Decompile; argList.Remove("-decompile"); } else if (argList.Contains("-compile") && !argList.Contains("-decompile")) { command = CommandType.Compile; argList.Remove("-compile"); } else { return null; } // Check for main and misc flags bool doMain = false; bool doMisc = false; if (argList.Contains("-main")) { doMain = true; argList.Remove("-main"); } if (argList.Contains("-misc")) { doMisc = true; argList.Remove("-misc"); } // Check for working directory if (argList.Count < 1) return null; string working = argList[0]; if (!Directory.Exists(working)) { Console.WriteLine("Directory does not exist: " + Path.GetFullPath(working)); return null; } // Check for ROM paths string ebRom = null; string m12Rom = null; if (command == CommandType.Decompile && argList.Count == 3) { ebRom = argList[1]; m12Rom = argList[2]; if (!File.Exists(ebRom)) { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist: " + Path.GetFullPath(ebRom)); return null; } if (!File.Exists(m12Rom)) { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist: " + Path.GetFullPath(m12Rom)); return null; } } return new CommandOptions { WorkingDirectory = working, EbRom = ebRom, M12Rom = m12Rom, Command = command, DoMainText = doMain, DoMiscText = doMisc }; } static void DecompileEb() { // Pull all string refs from the ROM var allRefs = new List>(); var tptTuple = EbTextTables.ReadTptRefs(ebRom); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-tpt-primary", tptTuple.Item1)); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-tpt-secondary", tptTuple.Item2)); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-battle-actions", EbTextTables.ReadBattleActionRefs(ebRom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-prayers", EbTextTables.ReadPrayerRefs(ebRom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-item-help", EbTextTables.ReadItemHelpRefs(ebRom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-psi-help", EbTextTables.ReadPsiHelpRefs(ebRom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-phone", EbTextTables.ReadPhoneRefs(ebRom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-enemy-encounters", EbTextTables.ReadEnemyEncounters(ebRom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-enemy-deaths", EbTextTables.ReadEnemyDeaths(ebRom))); // Decompile var allPointers = allRefs.SelectMany(rl => rl.Item2).Select(r => r.OldPointer); ebDecompiler.LabelMap.AddRange(allPointers); IList textRanges = new List(); textRanges.Add(new int[] { 0x50000, 0x5FFEC }); textRanges.Add(new int[] { 0x60000, 0x6FFE3 }); textRanges.Add(new int[] { 0x70000, 0x7FF40 }); textRanges.Add(new int[] { 0x80000, 0x8BC2D }); textRanges.Add(new int[] { 0x8D9ED, 0x8FFF3 }); textRanges.Add(new int[] { 0x90000, 0x9FF2F }); textRanges.Add(new int[] { 0x2F4E20, 0x2FA460 }); var strings = new List(); foreach (var range in textRanges) { ebDecompiler.ScanRange(ebRom, range[0], range[1]); } // Bit of a hack for now -- to avoid messing up label order, add new refs *after* scanning the ROM var doorStuff = EbTextTables.ReadDoors(ebRom); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-doors", doorStuff[0])); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-doorgaps", doorStuff[1])); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("eb-dungeonman", doorStuff[2])); ebDecompiler.LabelMap.AddRange(allRefs.Skip(9).SelectMany(r1 => r1.Item2).Select(r => r.OldPointer)); foreach (var range in textRanges) { strings.Add(ebDecompiler.DecompileRange(ebRom, range[0], range[1], true)); } // Update labels for all refs and write to JSON foreach (var refList in allRefs) { foreach (var stringRef in refList.Item2) stringRef.Label = ebDecompiler.LabelMap.Labels[stringRef.OldPointer]; File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, refList.Item1 + ".json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(refList.Item2, Formatting.Indented)); } // Write the strings File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, "eb-strings.txt"), String.Join(Environment.NewLine, strings)); } static void DecompileM12() { // Pull all string refs from the ROM var allRefs = new List>(); var tptTuple = M12TextTables.ReadTptRefs(m12Rom); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-tpt-primary", tptTuple.Item1)); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-tpt-secondary", tptTuple.Item2)); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-psi-help", M12TextTables.ReadPsiHelpRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-battle-actions", M12TextTables.ReadBattleActionRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-item-help", M12TextTables.ReadItemHelpRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-movements", M12TextTables.ReadMovementRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-objects", M12TextTables.ReadObjectRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-phone-list", M12TextTables.ReadPhoneRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-unknown", M12TextTables.ReadUnknownRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-enemy-encounters", M12TextTables.ReadEnemyEncounters(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-enemy-deaths", M12TextTables.ReadEnemyDeaths(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-prayers", M12TextTables.ReadPrayerRefs(m12Rom))); allRefs.Add(Tuple.Create("m12-asmrefs", M12TextTables.ReadAsmRefs(m12Rom))); // Decompile var allPointers = allRefs.SelectMany(rl => rl.Item2).Select(r => r.OldPointer); m12Decompiler.LabelMap.AddRange(allPointers); var strings = new List(); m12Decompiler.ScanRange(m12Rom, 0x3697F, 0x8C4B0); strings.Add(m12Decompiler.DecompileRange(m12Rom, 0x3697F, 0x8C4B0, true)); // Update labels for all refs foreach (var refList in allRefs) { foreach (var stringRef in refList.Item2) stringRef.Label = m12Decompiler.LabelMap.Labels[stringRef.OldPointer]; } // Write to JSON foreach (var refList in allRefs) { File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, refList.Item1 + ".json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(refList.Item2, Formatting.Indented)); } // Write the strings File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, "m12-strings.txt"), String.Join(Environment.NewLine, strings)); } static void DecompileM12Misc() { // Item names var itemNames = M12TextTables.ReadItemNames(m12Rom); DecompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-itemnames", itemNames); // Menu choices var menuChoices = M12TextTables.ReadMenuChoices(m12Rom); DecompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-menuchoices", menuChoices); // Misc text var miscText = M12TextTables.ReadMiscText(m12Rom); DecompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-misctext", miscText); // Dad var dadText = M12TextTables.ReadDadText(m12Rom); DecompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-dadtext", dadText); // PSI text var psiText = M12TextTables.ReadPsiText(m12Rom); DecompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-psitext", psiText); // Enemy names var enemyNames = M12TextTables.ReadEnemyNames(m12Rom); DecompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-enemynames", enemyNames); // PSI names var psiNames = M12TextTables.ReadPsiNames(m12Rom); DecompileFixedStringCollection(m12Decompiler, m12Rom, "m12-psinames", psiNames); // PSI targets var miscText2 = M12TextTables.ReadPsiTargets(m12Rom); DecompileFixedStringCollection(m12Decompiler, m12Rom, "m12-psitargets", miscText2); // Other DecompileHardcodedStringCollection(m12Decompiler, m12Rom, "m12-other", 0xB1B492, 0xB1B497, 0xB1B49C, 0xB1B4A1, 0xB1B4A6, 0xB1BA00, 0xB1BA05, 0xB1BA0A, 0xB1BA0F, 0xB1BA14, 0xB1BA1A, 0xB1BA20, 0xB1BA26, 0xB1BA2C, 0xB1BA36, 0xB1BA40, 0xB1BA4A, 0xB1BA54, 0xB1BA61, 0xB1BA6E, 0xB1BA7B); // Teleport destinations var teleportNames = M12TextTables.ReadTeleportNames(m12Rom); DecompileFixedStringCollection(m12Decompiler, m12Rom, "m12-teleport-names", teleportNames); } static void DecompileM12MiscStringCollection(string name, MiscStringCollection miscStringCollection) { // Decompile the strings foreach (var miscStringRef in miscStringCollection.StringRefs) { string decompiledString; if (miscStringRef.BasicMode) { decompiledString = m12Decompiler.ReadFFString(m12Rom, miscStringRef.OldPointer); } else { decompiledString = m12Decompiler.DecompileString(m12Rom, miscStringRef.OldPointer, false); } miscStringRef.Old = miscStringRef.New = decompiledString; } // Write JSON File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(miscStringCollection, Formatting.Indented)); } static void DecompileFixedStringCollection(IDecompiler decompiler, byte[] rom, string name, FixedStringCollection fixedStringCollection) { // Decompile the strings foreach (var fixedStringRef in fixedStringCollection.StringRefs) { fixedStringRef.Old = fixedStringRef.New = decompiler.DecompileString(rom, fixedStringRef.OldPointer, false); } // Write JSON File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fixedStringCollection, Formatting.Indented)); } static void DecompileHardcodedStringCollection(IDecompiler decompiler, byte[] rom, string name, params int[] pointers) { var hardcodedRefs = new List(); foreach (int pointer in pointers) { string str = decompiler.DecompileString(rom, pointer, false); var references = new List(); // Search for all references for (int refAddress = 0; refAddress < 0x100000; refAddress += 4) { int value = rom.ReadGbaPointer(refAddress); if (value == pointer) { references.Add(refAddress); } } var hardcodedRef = new HardcodedString { Old = str, New = "", PointerLocations = references.ToArray(), OldPointer = pointer }; hardcodedRefs.Add(hardcodedRef); } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hardcodedRefs, Formatting.Indented)); } static void CompileM12() { int baseAddress = 0xC10000; int referenceAddress = baseAddress; var buffer = new List(); // Get the strings string m12Strings = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, "m12-strings-english.txt")); // Compile m12Compiler.ScanString(m12Strings, ref referenceAddress, ebCharLookup, false); referenceAddress = baseAddress; m12Compiler.CompileString(m12Strings, buffer, ref referenceAddress, ebCharLookup); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, "m12-main-strings.bin"), buffer.ToArray()); // Update labels string[] labelFiles = { "m12-tpt-primary", "m12-tpt-secondary", "m12-psi-help", "m12-battle-actions", "m12-item-help", "m12-movements", "m12-objects", "m12-phone-list", "m12-unknown", "m12-asmrefs", "m12-enemy-encounters", "m12-enemy-deaths", "m12-prayers" }; using (var labelAsmFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, "m12-main-strings.asm"))) { labelAsmFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: .incbin \"m12-main-strings.bin\"", baseAddress | 0x8000000)); labelAsmFile.WriteLine(); foreach (var file in labelFiles) { var mainStringRefs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText( Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, file + ".json"))); foreach (var stringRef in mainStringRefs) { labelAsmFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: dw 0x{1:X8}", stringRef.PointerLocation | 0x8000000, m12Compiler.AddressMap[stringRef.Label] | 0x8000000)); } } } IncludeFile.WriteLine(".include \"m12-main-strings.asm\""); // Dump labels using (var labelFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, "m12-labels.txt"))) { foreach (var kv in m12Compiler.AddressMap.OrderBy(kv => kv.Key, new LabelComparer())) { labelFile.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-30}: 0x{1:X8}", kv.Key, kv.Value | 0x8000000)); } } } static void CompileM12Misc() { int referenceAddress = 0xC00000; // Item names CompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-itemnames", ref referenceAddress); // Misc text CompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-misctext", ref referenceAddress); // PSI text CompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-psitext", ref referenceAddress); // Enemy names CompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-enemynames", ref referenceAddress); // Menu choices CompileM12MiscStringCollection("m12-menuchoices", ref referenceAddress); // PSI names var newPsiPointers = CompileM12FixedStringCollection("m12-psinames", ref referenceAddress); // Fix pointers to specific PSI strings int psiPointer = newPsiPointers[1]; int[] updateAddresses = { 0xC21AC, 0xC2364, 0xC2420, 0xC24DC, 0xD3998 }; IncludeFile.WriteLine(); IncludeFile.WriteLine("// Fix pointers to \"PSI \""); IncludeFile.WriteLine(".definelabel psitext, 0x{0:X8}", psiPointer | 0x8000000); foreach (var address in updateAddresses) { IncludeFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: dw psitext", address | 0x8000000)); } // PSI targets CompileM12FixedStringCollection("m12-psitargets", ref referenceAddress); // Battle command strings CompileM12BattleCommands("m12-battle-commands", ref referenceAddress); // Other CompileM12HardcodedStringCollection("m12-other", ref referenceAddress); // Teleport destinations CompileM12FixedStringCollection("m12-teleport-names", ref referenceAddress); } static void CompileM12MiscStringCollection(string name, ref int referenceAddress) { int baseAddress = referenceAddress; var buffer = new List(); // Read the JSON MiscStringCollection stringCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".json"))); // Open the offset ASM file using (var offsetFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".asm"))) { // Include the binfile offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: .incbin \"{1}.bin\"", baseAddress | 0x8000000, name)); offsetFile.WriteLine(); // Compile all strings foreach (var str in stringCollection.StringRefs.OrderBy(s => s.Index)) { offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: dw 0x{1:X8}", str.OffsetLocation | 0x8000000, referenceAddress - stringCollection.StringsLocation)); m12Compiler.CompileString(str.New, buffer, ref referenceAddress, ebCharLookup); } } // Write the buffer File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".bin"), buffer.ToArray()); // Add to the include file IncludeFile.WriteLine(".include \"" + name + ".asm\""); } static IList CompileM12FixedStringCollection(string name, ref int referenceAddress) { // Align to 4 bytes referenceAddress = referenceAddress.AlignTo(4); int baseAddress = referenceAddress; var buffer = new List(); var newPointers = new List(); // Read the JSON FixedStringCollection stringCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".json"))); // Open the data ASM file using (var offsetFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".asm"))) { // Include the binfile offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: .incbin \"{1}.bin\"", baseAddress | 0x8000000, name)); offsetFile.WriteLine(); // Update table pointers foreach (int tablePointer in stringCollection.TablePointers) { offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: dw 0x{1:X8}", tablePointer | 0x8000000, baseAddress | 0x8000000)); } // Compile all strings foreach (var str in stringCollection.StringRefs.OrderBy(s => s.Index)) { newPointers.Add(referenceAddress); m12Compiler.CompileString(str.New, buffer, ref referenceAddress, ebCharLookup, stringCollection.EntryLength); } } // Write the buffer File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".bin"), buffer.ToArray()); // Add to the include file IncludeFile.WriteLine(".include \"" + name + ".asm\""); return newPointers; } static int[] CompileM12HardcodedStringCollection(string name, ref int referenceAddress) { int baseAddress = referenceAddress; var buffer = new List(); // Read the JSON var hardcodedStrings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".json"))); var stringAddresses = new int[hardcodedStrings.Length]; // Open the data ASM file using (var offsetFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".asm"))) { // Include the binfile offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: .incbin \"{1}.bin\"", baseAddress | 0x8000000, name)); offsetFile.WriteLine(); // Compile all strings int i = 0; foreach (var str in hardcodedStrings) { offsetFile.WriteLine($".definelabel {name.Replace('-', '_')}_str{i},0x{referenceAddress | 0x8000000:X}"); foreach (int ptr in str.PointerLocations) { offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: dw 0x{1:X8}", ptr | 0x8000000, referenceAddress | 0x8000000)); } stringAddresses[i++] = referenceAddress; m12Compiler.CompileString(str.New, buffer, ref referenceAddress, ebCharLookup); } } // Write the buffer File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".bin"), buffer.ToArray()); // Add to the include file IncludeFile.WriteLine(".include \"" + name + ".asm\""); return stringAddresses; } static void CompileM12BattleCommands(string name, ref int referenceAddress) { int baseAddress = referenceAddress; var buffer = new List(); // Read the JSON var hardcodedStrings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".json"))); // Open the data ASM file using (var offsetFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".asm"))) { // Include the binfile offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: .incbin \"{1}.bin\"", baseAddress | 0x8000000, name)); offsetFile.WriteLine(); // The first ten strings will be fixed to 16 bytes per string; // the rest are variable-length for (int i = 0; i < hardcodedStrings.Length; i++) { var str = hardcodedStrings[i]; offsetFile.WriteLine($".definelabel {name.Replace('-', '_')}_str{i},0x{referenceAddress | 0x8000000:X}"); foreach (int ptr in str.PointerLocations) { offsetFile.WriteLine(String.Format(".org 0x{0:X} :: dw 0x{1:X8}", ptr | 0x8000000, referenceAddress | 0x8000000)); } if (i < 10) m12Compiler.CompileString(str.New, buffer, ref referenceAddress, ebCharLookup, 16); else m12Compiler.CompileString(str.New, buffer, ref referenceAddress, ebCharLookup); } } // Write the buffer File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(options.WorkingDirectory, name + ".bin"), buffer.ToArray()); // Add to the include file IncludeFile.WriteLine(".include \"" + name + ".asm\""); } } class LabelComparer : IComparer { public int Compare(string x, string y) { if (x == null) return (y == null) ? 0 : -1; if (y == null) return 1; if (x.Length == 0 || y.Length == 0) return x.CompareTo(y); if (x[0] == 'L' && y[0] == 'L') { if (int.TryParse(x.Substring(1), out int xInt) && int.TryParse(y.Substring(1), out int yInt)) { return xInt.CompareTo(yInt); } } return x.CompareTo(y); } } }