###Test Plan for Ensuring Automatic Linking dialog box displays correctly Steps | Desired Results | Complete | Comments --------------------------|--------------------------------------------|----------| -------- Open Open Live Writer | | | Click on File | | | Click on Options | | | Click on Automatic Linking | Ensure dialog box matches below, note that you may have entries | | Toggle Automatic Linking Options to off | Ensure that link is greyed out | | Click on Cancel | | | Click on File | | | Click on Options | | | Click on Automatic Linking | Ensure that both Automatic Linking and Link to Each Term is on | | *This seems to be default behavior* Toggle off Link to Each Term | | | Click Apply | Ensure that dialog box stays the same | | Click OK | | | Click on File | | | Click on Options | | | Click on Automatic Linking | Ensure that both Automatic Linking is on and Link to Each Term is off | | Click off Automatically Link | | Click on Ok | | | Click on File | | | Click on Options | | | Click on Automatic Linking | Ensure that both Automatic Linking is off and Link to Each Term is off | | Toggle Automatically Link to On | Ensure that Automatic Linking is on and Link to Each Term is on | | Click on OK | | | Click on File | | | Click on Options | | | Click on Automatic Linking | Ensure that both Automatic Linking is on and Link to Each Term is on | | Click on OK | | | | | | | Click on Add | Ensure Add Automatic Link dialog appears and matches below | | Click OK | Ensure error message appears - Enter the text to display hyperlink | | Add Text | Ensure it appears | | Click OK | Ensure error message appears - Enter a valid hyperlink | | Add valid hyperlink | Ensure it appears | | Click OK | Ensure the new information appears on the Automatic Linking Dialog Box and it is highlighted | | Click on Edit | Ensure Edit Automatic Link Dialog box appears (same as add, only edit in title) | | | Ensure information is correct | | Edit text | Ensure information is changed | | Edit hyperlink | Ensure information is changed | | Click OK | Ensure new information is in Automatic Link Dialog box | | | Ensure that that current entry is highlighted | | Click on Edit | Ensure Edit Automatic Link Dialog box appears (same as add, only edit in title) | | Click on Cancel | Ensure that box closes | | | Ensure that current entry is highlighted | | | Ensure that entry does not change | | Click on Remove | Ensure Are you sure that you want to delete this auto-link entry? displays | | Click on No | Ensure message box closes | | | Ensure nothing is selected | | *Seems to be default behavior* Click on a entry | Ensure entry is highlighted | | Click on Remove | Ensure Are you sure that you want to delete this auto-link entry? displays | | Click on Yes | Ensure entry is deleted | | | | | **Ensure advanced options is working** | | | Click on File | | | Click on Options | | | Click on Automatic Linking | | | Click on Add | | | Click on Advanced | Ensure that the dialog box is expanded | | | Ensure Title field is available | | | Ensure that Rel field is available | | | Fill in all options correctly | | Click on OK | | | Click on Edit | Ensure that the entry is filled out correctly | | Click OK or cancel | | | Select an exisitng entry without advanced options | | Click on Edit | | | Click on Advanced | | | | Fill in all options correctly | | Click on OK | | | Click on Edit | Ensure that the entry is filled out correctly | | | | | **Ensure automatic linking is working** | | | Enter at least one automatic linking term and address | | | Create a blog post with at least one of the term, the hyperlink should be created automatically as you type | | | ![Automatic Linking Dialog Box](images/automaticLinkingDialogBox.png) ![Add Automatic Link Dialog Box](images/addAutomaticLinkDialogBox.png)