/* * Copyright (c) 2012, Andy Janata * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY * WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * Class to manage the game interface. * * @author Andy Janata (ajanata@socialgamer.net) * @param {Number} * id The game id. * @constructor */ cah.Game = function(id) { /** * The game id. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.id_ = id; /** * The element for this game lobby. * * @type {HTMLDivElement} * @private */ this.element_ = $("#game_template").clone()[0]; this.element_.id = "game_" + id; $(this.element_).removeClass("hide"); /** * The element for the scoreboard for this game. * * @type {HTMLDivElement} * @private */ this.scoreboardElement_ = $("#scoreboard_template").clone()[0]; this.scoreboardElement_.id = "scoreboard_" + id; $(this.scoreboardElement_).removeClass("hide"); /** * User->value mapping of scorecards in the scoreboard. * * @type {Object} * @private */ this.scoreCards_ = {}; /** * The cards in the player's hand. * * @type {Array} * @private */ this.hand_ = Array(); /** * Map of id to card object arrays for round cards. * * @type {Object} * @private */ this.roundCards_ = {}; /** * The game's state. * * @type {cah.$.GameState} * @private */ this.state_ = cah.$.GameState.LOBBY; /** * The black card for the current round. * * @type {cah.card.BlackCard} * @private */ this.blackCard_ = null; /** * The black card for the previous round. * * @type {cah.card.BlackCard} * @private */ this.lastBlackCard_ = null; /** * Selected card from the player's hand. * * @type {cah.card.WhiteCard} * @private; */ this.handSelectedCard_ = null; /** * Selected card from the round's white cards. * * @type {cah.card.WhiteCard} * @private; */ this.roundSelectedCard_ = null; /** * The name of the judge of the current round. * * @type {String} * @private */ this.judge_ = null; /** * Scale factor for hand cards when zoomed out. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.handCardSmallScale_ = .35; /** * Scale factor for hand cards when zoomed in. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.handCardLargeScale_ = .6; /** * Size for hand cards when zoomed out. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.handCardSmallSize_ = 83; /** * Size for hand cards when zoomed in. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.handCardLargeSize_ = 142; /** * Scale factor for round cards when zoomed out. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.roundCardSmallScale_ = 1; /** * Scale factor for round cards when zoomed in. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.roundCardLargeScale_ = 1; /** * Size for round cards when zoomed out. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.roundCardSmallSize_ = 236; /** * Size for round cards when zoomed in. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.roundCardLargeSize_ = 236; /** * Whether we are showing the result of the last round. * * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.showingLastRound_ = false; $("#leave_game").click(cah.bind(this, this.leaveGameClick_)); $("#start_game").click(cah.bind(this, this.startGameClick_)); $(".confirm_card", this.element_).click(cah.bind(this, this.confirmClick_)); $(".game_show_last_round", this.element_).click(cah.bind(this, this.showLastRoundClick_)); $(window).on("resize.game_" + this.id_, cah.bind(this, this.windowResize_)); }; /** * Load game data from the server and display the game lobby. * * TODO reload round win state * * @param {Number} * gameId The game id. */ cah.Game.joinGame = function(gameId) { cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.GET_GAME_INFO).withGameId(gameId).run(); cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.GET_CARDS).withGameId(gameId).run(); cah.GameList.instance.hide(); var game = new cah.Game(gameId); cah.currentGames[gameId] = game; game.insertIntoDocument(); }; /** * Toggle showing the previous round result. * * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.showLastRoundClick_ = function() { if (this.showingLastRound_) { $(".game_show_last_round", this.element_).attr("value", "Show Last Round"); $(".game_black_card_round_indicator", this.element_).text("this round is"); $(".game_black_card", this.element_).empty().append(this.blackCard_.getElement()); $(".game_white_card_wrapper", this.element_).removeClass("hide"); $(".game_last_round", this.element_).addClass("hide"); } else { $(".game_show_last_round", this.element_).attr("value", "Show Current Round"); $(".game_black_card_round_indicator", this.element_).text("last round was"); $(".game_black_card", this.element_).empty().append(this.lastBlackCard_.getElement()); $(".game_white_card_wrapper", this.element_).addClass("hide"); $(".game_last_round", this.element_).removeClass("hide"); } this.showingLastRound_ = !this.showingLastRound_; }; /** * @return {HTMLDivElement} This object's element. */ cah.Game.prototype.getElement = function() { return this.element_; }; /** * Set the black card on display. * * @param {Object} * card Black card data from server. */ cah.Game.prototype.setBlackCard = function(card) { this.blackCard_ = new cah.card.BlackCard(true, card[cah.$.BlackCardData.ID]); this.blackCard_.setText(card[cah.$.BlackCardData.TEXT]); this.blackCard_.setDraw(card[cah.$.BlackCardData.DRAW]); this.blackCard_.setPick(card[cah.$.BlackCardData.PICK]); if (1 != card[cah.$.BlackCardData.PICK] && this.judge_ != cah.nickname) { cah.log.status("Play " + card[cah.$.BlackCardData.PICK] + " cards, in the order you wish them to be judged."); } if (!this.showingLastRound_) { $(".game_black_card", this.element_).empty().append(this.blackCard_.getElement()); } }; /** * Add multiple cards to the player's hand. * * @param {Array} * cards The array of card objects sent from the server. */ cah.Game.prototype.dealtCards = function(cards) { for ( var index in cards) { var thisCard = cards[index]; var card = new cah.card.WhiteCard(true, thisCard[cah.$.WhiteCardData.ID]); card.setText(thisCard[cah.$.WhiteCardData.TEXT]); this.dealtCard(card); } }; /** * Add a card to the player's hand. * * @param {cah.card.WhiteCard} * card Card to add to hand. */ cah.Game.prototype.dealtCard = function(card) { this.hand_.push(card); var element = card.getElement(); $(".game_hand_cards", this.element_).append(element); $(element).css("transform-origin", "0 0"); var data = { card : card, }; $(element).on("mouseenter.hand", data, cah.bind(this, this.handCardMouseEnter_)).on( "mouseleave.hand", data, cah.bind(this, this.handCardMouseLeave_)).on("click.hand", data, cah.bind(this, this.handCardClick_)); this.resizeHandCards_(); }; /** * Remove a card from the hand. * * @param {cah.card.WhiteCard} * card Card to remove. */ cah.Game.prototype.removeCardFromHand = function(card) { var cardIndex = -1; for ( var index in this.hand_) { if (this.hand_[index] == card) { cardIndex = index; break; } } if (cardIndex != -1) { $(card.getElement()).css("width", "").css("height", "").css("transform-origin", "").css( "z-index", "").css("-moz-transform", "").css("-ms-transform", "").css("-webkit-transform", "").css("-o-transform", "").off(".hand"); this.hand_.splice(cardIndex, 1); } $(card.getElement(), $("game_hand_cards", this.element_)).remove(); this.resizeHandCards_(); }; /** * Set the round white cards. * * @param {Array} * cardSets Array of arrays of cah.$.WhiteCardData to display. */ cah.Game.prototype.setRoundWhiteCards = function(cardSets) { for ( var setIndex in cardSets) { var thisSet = Array(); for ( var index in cardSets[setIndex]) { var cardData = cardSets[setIndex][index]; var card; var id = cardData[cah.$.WhiteCardData.ID]; if (id >= 0) { card = new cah.card.WhiteCard(true, id); card.setText(cardData[cah.$.WhiteCardData.TEXT]); } else { card = new cah.card.WhiteCard(); } thisSet.push(card); } this.addRoundWhiteCard_(thisSet); } }; /** * Add a white card to the round white cards area. * * @param {Array} * cards Array of cah.card.WhiteCard to add to area. * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.addRoundWhiteCard_ = function(cards) { var parentElem; if (cards.length > 1) { parentElem = $("#game_white_cards_binder_template").clone()[0]; parentElem.id = ""; $(parentElem).removeClass("hide"); $(".game_white_cards", this.element_).append(parentElem); } else { parentElem = $(".game_white_cards", this.element_)[0]; } for ( var index in cards) { var card = cards[index]; var element = card.getElement(); $(parentElem).append(element); $(element).css("transform-origin", "0 0"); var data = { card : card, }; $(element).on("mouseenter.round", data, cah.bind(this, this.roundCardMouseEnter_)).on( "mouseleave.round", data, cah.bind(this, this.roundCardMouseLeave_)).on("click.round", data, cah.bind(this, this.roundCardClick_)); } this.roundCards_[cards[0].getServerId()] = cards; this.resizeRoundCards_(); }; /** * Event handler for hand card mouse enter. * * @param e * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.handCardMouseEnter_ = function(e) { $(e.data.card.getElement()).css("z-index", "2").animate({ scale : this.handCardLargeScale_, width : this.handCardLargeSize_, }, { duration : 200, queue : false, }); }; /** * Event handler for hand card mouse leave. * * @param e * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.handCardMouseLeave_ = function(e) { $(e.data.card.getElement()).animate({ scale : this.handCardSmallScale_, "z-index" : 1, width : this.handCardSmallSize_, }, { duration : 200, queue : false, }); }; /** * Event handler for round card mouse enter. * * @param e * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.roundCardMouseEnter_ = function(e) { $(e.data.card.getElement()).css("z-index", "2").animate({ scale : this.roundCardLargeScale_, width : this.roundCardLargeSize_, }, { duration : 200, queue : false, }); }; /** * Event handler for round card mouse leave. * * @param e * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.roundCardMouseLeave_ = function(e) { $(e.data.card.getElement()).animate({ scale : this.roundCardSmallScale_, "z-index" : 1, width : this.roundCardSmallSize_, }, { duration : 200, queue : false, }); }; /** * Event handler for window resize. * * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.windowResize_ = function() { this.resizeHandCards_(); this.resizeRoundCards_(); }; /** * Resize cards in hand to fit window size and hand size. * * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.resizeHandCards_ = function() { var data = { class : ".game_hand_cards", cardSmallSize : this.handCardSmallSize_, cardLargeSize : this.handCardLargeSize_, cardSmallScale : this.handCardSmallScale_, cardLargeScale : this.handCardLargeScale_, maxSmallSize : 150, minSmallSize : 66, smallSize : function() { return ($(".game_hand_cards", this.element_).width() - 20) / ($(".game_hand_cards .card_holder", this.element_).length + 1); }, }; this.resizeCardHelper_(data); this.handCardSmallSize_ = data.cardSmallSize; this.handCardLargeSize_ = data.cardLargeSize; this.handCardSmallScale_ = data.cardSmallScale; this.handCardLargeScale_ = data.cardLargeScale; }; /** * Resize cards in the round white cards are to fit window size and number of players. * * TODO This will need some more consideration when there are multiple cards played per player, * though it seems to mostly work. * * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.resizeRoundCards_ = function() { $(".game_right_side", this.element_).width( $(window).width() - $(".game_left_side", this.element_).width() - 30); var data = { class : ".game_white_cards", cardSmallSize : this.roundCardSmallSize_, cardLargeSize : this.roundCardLargeSize_, cardSmallScale : this.roundCardSmallScale_, cardLargeScale : this.roundCardLargeScale_, maxSmallSize : 236, minSmallSize : 118, smallSize : function() { return ($(window).width() - $(".game_left_side", this.element_).width() - 60) / $(".game_white_cards .card_holder", this.element_).length; }, }; this.resizeCardHelper_(data); this.roundCardSmallSize_ = data.cardSmallSize; this.roundCardLargeSize_ = data.cardLargeSize; this.roundCardSmallScale_ = data.cardSmallScale; this.roundCardLargeScale_ = data.cardLargeScale; }; /** * Helper for resizing cards, so the logic only needs to be in one place. * * @param {Object} * data In/out. Scale, size, and callback helper. * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.resizeCardHelper_ = function(data) { var elems = $(data.class + " .card_holder", this.element_); data.cardSmallSize = data.smallSize(); if (data.cardSmallSize > data.maxSmallSize) { data.cardSmallSize = data.maxSmallSize; } if (data.cardSmallSize < data.minSmallSize) { data.cardSmallSize = data.minSmallSize; } var maxScale = 236 / data.cardSmallSize; var scale = maxScale < 1.8 ? maxScale : 1.8; data.cardLargeSize = data.cardSmallSize * scale; if (data.cardLargeSize > 236) { data.cardLargeSize = 236; } data.cardSmallScale = data.cardSmallSize / 236; data.cardLargeScale = data.cardSmallScale * scale; if (data.cardLargeScale > maxScale) { data.cardLargeScale = maxScale; } elems.width(data.cardSmallSize).height(data.cardSmallSize).animate({ scale : data.cardSmallScale, }, { duration : 0, }); }; /** * Insert this game into the document. */ cah.Game.prototype.insertIntoDocument = function() { $("#main_holder").empty().append(this.element_); $("#info_area").empty().append(this.scoreboardElement_); $("#leave_game").show(); this.windowResize_(); // TODO display a loading animation }; /** * Update game status display. * * @param {Object} * data Game data returned from server. */ cah.Game.prototype.updateGameStatus = function(data) { if (data[cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_INFO][cah.$.GameInfo.HOST] == cah.nickname && data[cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_INFO][cah.$.GameInfo.STATE] == cah.$.GameState.LOBBY) { $("#start_game").show(); } else { $("#start_game").hide(); } if (data[cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAME_INFO][cah.$.GameInfo.STATE] == cah.$.GameState.PLAYING) { $(".game_white_cards", this.element_).empty(); } var playerInfos = data[cah.$.AjaxResponse.PLAYER_INFO]; for ( var index in playerInfos) { this.updateUserStatus(playerInfos[index]); } }; /** * Update a single player's info. * * @param {Object} * playerInfo The PlayerInfo from the server. */ cah.Game.prototype.updateUserStatus = function(playerInfo) { var playerName = playerInfo[cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.NAME]; var playerStatus = playerInfo[cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.STATUS]; var panel = this.scoreCards_[playerName]; if (!panel) { // new score panel panel = new cah.GameScorePanel(playerName); $(this.scoreboardElement_).append(panel.getElement()); this.scoreCards_[playerName] = panel; } var oldStatus = panel.getStatus(); panel.update(playerInfo[cah.$.GamePlayerInfo.SCORE], playerStatus); if (playerName == cah.nickname) { $(".game_message", this.element_).text(cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2[playerStatus]); if (playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.PLAYING && this.handSelectedCard_ != null) { $(".confirm_card", this.element_).removeAttr("disabled"); } else if (playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGING && this.roundSelectedCard_ != null) { $(".confirm_card", this.element_).removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $(".confirm_card", this.element_).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } if (playerStatus != cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.PLAYING) { if (this.handSelectedCard_ != null) { // we have a card selected, but we're changing state. this almost certainly is an // out-of-order reception of events. remove it from hand, we don't need to do anything else this.removeCardFromHand(this.handSelectedCard_); } this.handSelectedCard_ = null; $(".selected", $(".game_hand", this.element_)).removeClass("selected"); } if (playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.HOST) { $("#start_game").show(); } if (playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGE) { $(".game_hand_filter", this.element_).removeClass("hide"); $(".game_hand_filter_text", this.element_).text(cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg_2[playerStatus]); } else if (playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.PLAYING) { $(".game_hand_filter", this.element_).addClass("hide"); } } if (playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGE || playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGING) { this.judge_ = playerName; } if (oldStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.PLAYING && playerStatus == cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.IDLE) { // this player played a card. display a face-down white card in the area, or nothing if it is // us. we put the card there when we get the acknowledgement from the server from playing. // also, don't put the card up if we're already into judging state -- we already displayed all // of the cards! if (playerName != cah.nickname && this.state_ == cah.$.GameState.PLAYING) { // TODO make this not suck for multiple selection. it only shows one card when they're done. // TODO have some sort of way to know, from the server, how far along everybody is playing // for multi-play this.addRoundWhiteCard_(Array(new cah.card.WhiteCard())); } } }; /** * Round has completed. Update display of round cards to show winner. * * @param {Object} * data Data from server. */ cah.Game.prototype.roundComplete = function(data) { var cards = this.roundCards_[data[cah.$.LongPollResponse.WINNING_CARD]]; for ( var index in cards) { var card = cards[index]; $(".card", card.getElement()).addClass("selected"); } var roundWinner = data[cah.$.LongPollResponse.ROUND_WINNER]; var scoreCard = this.scoreCards_[roundWinner]; $(scoreCard.getElement()).addClass("selected"); $(".confirm_card", this.element_).attr("disabled", "disabled"); cah.log.status("The next round will begin in " + (data[cah.$.LongPollResponse.INTERMISSION] / 1000) + " seconds."); // update the previous round display $(".game_last_round_winner", this.element_).text(roundWinner); $(".game_last_round_cards", this.element_).empty().append( $(".game_white_card_wrapper .card_holder", this.element_).clone()); this.lastBlackCard_ = this.blackCard_; $(".game_show_last_round", this.element_).removeAttr("disabled"); }; /** * Notify the player that a deck has been reshuffled. * * @param {String} * deck Deck name which has been reshuffled. */ cah.Game.prototype.reshuffle = function(deck) { cah.log.status("The " + deck + " deck has been reshuffled."); }; /** * Notify the player that the judge has left the game and cards are being returned to hands. */ cah.Game.prototype.judgeLeft = function() { cah.log .status("The judge has left the game. Cards played this round are being returned to hands."); }; /** * Event handler for confirm selection button. * * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.confirmClick_ = function() { if (this.judge_ == cah.nickname) { if (this.roundSelectedCard_ != null) { cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.JUDGE_SELECT).withGameId(this.id_).withCardId( this.roundSelectedCard_.getServerId()).run(); } } else { if (this.handSelectedCard_ != null) { cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.PLAY_CARD).withGameId(this.id_).withCardId( this.handSelectedCard_.getServerId()).run(); } } }; /** * Event handler for clicking on a card in the hand. * * @param e * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.handCardClick_ = function(e) { // judge can't select a card. if (this.judge_ == cah.nickname) { return; } // this player isn't in playing state var scorecard = this.scoreCards_[cah.nickname]; if (scorecard && scorecard.getStatus() != cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.PLAYING) { return; } /** @type {cah.card.WhiteCard} */ var card = e.data.card; // remove style from existing selected card if (this.handSelectedCard_) { $(".card", this.handSelectedCard_.getElement()).removeClass("selected"); } // if the user clicked on the same card, deselect it. if (card == this.handSelectedCard_) { this.handSelectedCard_ = null; $(".confirm_card", this.element_).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { this.handSelectedCard_ = card; $(".card", card.getElement()).addClass("selected"); $(".confirm_card", this.element_).removeAttr("disabled"); } }; /** * Event handler for clicking on a card in the round. * * @param e * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.roundCardClick_ = function(e) { // this player isn't in judging state. var scorecard = this.scoreCards_[cah.nickname]; if (scorecard && scorecard.getStatus() != cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.JUDGING) { return; } /** @type {cah.card.WhiteCard} */ var card = e.data.card; // remove style from existing selected card if (this.roundSelectedCard_) { $(".card", this.roundSelectedCard_.getElement()).removeClass("selected"); } // if the user clicked on the same card, deselect it. if (card == this.roundSelectedCard_) { this.roundSelectedCard_ = null; $(".confirm_card", this.element_).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { this.roundSelectedCard_ = card; $(".card", card.getElement()).addClass("selected"); $(".confirm_card", this.element_).removeAttr("disabled"); } }; /** * Event handler for leave game button. * * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.leaveGameClick_ = function() { // TODO make sure everything cleans up right, I got an error when I tried to start a different // game after leaving one cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.LEAVE_GAME).withGameId(this.id_).run(); }; /** * Event handler for start game button. * * @private */ cah.Game.prototype.startGameClick_ = function() { // TODO make the button go disabled cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.START_GAME).withGameId(this.id_).run(); }; /** * Called when the call to the server to start the game has completed successfully. */ cah.Game.prototype.startGameComplete = function() { $("#start_game").hide(); }; /** * Called when the call to the server to play a card has completed successfully. */ cah.Game.prototype.playCardComplete = function() { if (this.handSelectedCard_) { $(".card", this.handSelectedCard_.getElement()).removeClass("selected"); // TODO support for multiple play, though it seems to be working now... this.removeCardFromHand(this.handSelectedCard_); this.addRoundWhiteCard_(Array(this.handSelectedCard_)); this.handSelectedCard_ = null; } $(".confirm_card", this.element_).attr("disabled", "disabled"); }; /** * Free resources used by this game and remove from the document. */ cah.Game.prototype.dispose = function() { $(this.element_).remove(); $(this.scoreboardElement_).remove(); $("#leave_game").unbind().hide(); $("#start_game").unbind().hide(); $(window).off("resize.game_" + this.id_); }; /** * A player has joined the game. * * @param {String} * player Player that joined. */ cah.Game.prototype.playerJoin = function(player) { if (player != cah.nickname) { cah.log.status(player + " has joined the game."); this.refreshGameStatus(); } else { cah.log.status("You have joined the game."); } }; /** * A player has left the game. * * @param {String} * player Player that left. */ cah.Game.prototype.playerLeave = function(player) { if (player != cah.nickname) { cah.log.status(player + " has left the game."); this.refreshGameStatus(); } else { cah.log.status("You have left the game."); } var scorecard = this.scoreCards_[player]; if (scorecard) { $(scorecard.getElement()).remove(); } delete this.scoreCards_[player]; }; /** * Refresh game scoreboard, etc. */ cah.Game.prototype.refreshGameStatus = function() { cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.GET_GAME_INFO).withGameId(this.id_).run(); }; /** * The game state has changed. * * @param {Object} * data Data from server. */ cah.Game.prototype.stateChange = function(data) { this.state_ = data[cah.$.LongPollResponse.GAME_STATE]; $(".scorecard", this.scoreboardElement_).removeClass("selected"); switch (this.state_) { case cah.$.GameState.LOBBY: var handCount = this.hand_.length; for ( var i = 0; i < handCount; i++) { this.removeCardFromHand(this.hand_[0]); } this.handSelectedCard_ = null; this.judge_ = null; $(".confirm_card", this.element_).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(".game_black_card", this.element_).empty(); for ( var index in this.roundCards_) { $(this.roundCards_[index]).off(".round"); } this.roundCards_ = {}; $(".game_white_cards", this.element_).empty(); break; case cah.$.GameState.PLAYING: this.refreshGameStatus(); this.setBlackCard(data[cah.$.LongPollResponse.BLACK_CARD]); break; case cah.$.GameState.JUDGING: $(".game_white_cards", this.element_).empty(); this.setRoundWhiteCards(data[cah.$.LongPollResponse.WHITE_CARDS]); break; default: cah.log.error("Game " + this.id_ + " changed to unknown state " + this.state_); return; } }; // /////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create a scoreboard panel for a player. * * @param {String} * player Player name. * @constructor */ cah.GameScorePanel = function(player) { /** * Player name. * * @type {String} * @private */ this.player_ = player; /** * @type {HTMLDivElement} * @private */ this.element_ = $("#scorecard_template").clone()[0]; this.element_.id = ""; $(this.element_).removeClass("hide"); /** * The score on this scorecard. * * @type {Number} * @private */ this.score_ = 0; /** * The status of the player for this scorecard. * * @type {cah.$.GamePlayerStatus} * @private */ this.status_ = cah.$.GamePlayerStatus.IDLE; jQuery(".scorecard_player", this.element_).text(player); this.update(this.score_, this.status_); }; cah.GameScorePanel.prototype.getElement = function() { return this.element_; }; /** * Update the score panel. * * TODO add some color for different statuses * * @param {Number} * score The player's score * @param {cah.$.GamePlayerStatus} * status The player's status. */ cah.GameScorePanel.prototype.update = function(score, status) { this.score_ = score; this.status_ = status; $(".scorecard_score", this.element_).text(score); $(".scorecard_status", this.element_).text(cah.$.GamePlayerStatus_msg[status]); $(".scorecard_s", this.element_).text(score == 1 ? "" : "s"); }; /** * @returns {cah.$.GamePlayerStatus} The status of the player represented by this panel. */ cah.GameScorePanel.prototype.getStatus = function() { return this.status_; }; /* * confirm card as judge without selecting a round card did ... something * * don't always see your card after playing it */