* Logging functions.
* @author ajanata
cah.log = {};
cah.log.status = function(text) {
$("#log").append("[" + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + "] " + text + "
$("#log").prop("scrollTop", $("#log").prop("scrollHeight"));
cah.log.error = function(text) {
cah.log.status("Error: " + text + "");
* Log a message if debugging is enabled, optionally dumping the contents of an object.
* @param {string}
* text Text to display
* @param {object}
* [opt_obj] Optional. Object to dump along with message.
cah.log.debug = function(text, opt_obj) {
if (cah.DEBUG) {
if (opt_obj) {
if (JSON && JSON.stringify) {
cah.log.debug(text + ": " + JSON.stringify(opt_obj));
} else {
cah.log.debug(text + ": TODO: debug log without JSON.stringify()");
} else {
cah.log.status("DEBUG: " + text + "");