pyx.cookie_domain=.localhost pyx.max_users=100 pyx.max_games=25 pyx.include_inactive_cardsets=true pyx.broadcast_connects_and_disconnects=true pyx.global_chat_enabled=true # allow identification codes to be used without HTTPS pyx.insecure_id_allowed=true # set this to some secure random value, and never change it, unless you want to break all codes pyx.id_code_salt= # comma-separated listed of IP addresses (v4 or v6) from which users are considered admins. pyx.admin_addrs=,::1 # Settings for global chat protection. Some of these do not apply to game chats. # Ratio of 'basic' characters to length of message. Basic characters are defined by # Character.isJavaIdentifierPart, which stipulates: # -it is a letter # -it is a currency symbol (such as '$') # -it is a connecting punctuation character (such as '_') # -it is a digit # -it is a numeric letter (such as a Roman numeral character) # -it is a combining mark # -it is a non-spacing mark # -isIdentifierIgnorable(codePoint) returns true for the character # A message must have at least this many characters for that ratio to apply. # messages longer than min_len characters require at least min_count spaces between words # this many messages to global chat in that many seconds is considered chatting too fast. # seconds # Settings for game chat protection. If it isn't listed here, it isn't supported. # same but for game chats # seconds # for production use, use postgres #hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect #hibernate.driver_class=org.postgresql.Driver #hibernate.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/pyx # for local use, you can also use sqlite hibernate.dialect=net.socialgamer.cah.hibernate.SqliteDialect hibernate.driver_class=org.sqlite.JDBC hibernate.url=jdbc:sqlite:pyx.sqlite # these likely need specified even with sqlite, even though they don't matter hibernate.username=pyx hibernate.password=CorrectHorseBatteryStaple # debugging information hibernate.sql.format=false # second-level hibernate cache. # vastly reduces database load at expense of data potentially being stale. # use an in-memory cache provider. this is not suitable for long-term use, however I am using it for # my servers for the time being -- better than nothing #hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache=true #hibernate.cache.use_query_cache=true #hibernate.cache.provider_class=org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider # to turn it off, use these settings instead. you will hit the db a lot more often. hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache=false hibernate.cache.use_query_cache=false hibernate.cache.provider_class=org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider # Metrics implementation. pyx.metrics.impl=net.socialgamer.cah.metrics.NoOpMetrics # for kafka metrics kafka.topic=pyx-metrics # if this is false, the rest don't matter kafka.ssl=false kafka.truststore.path= kafka.truststore.password= # if this is false, the rest don't matter kafka.ssl.usekey=false kafka.keystore.path= kafka.keystore.password= kafka.key.password= # only SCRAM-SHA-512 supported; if this is false, the rest don't matter # must be used with ssl, does not need client key kafka.sasl=false kafka.sasl.username= kafka.sasl.password= # GeoIP database for analytics. If unset, will not be used. # Only used if the above is not NoOpMetrics. # See for instructions. geoip.db=