-- Pretend You're Xyzzy cards by Andy Janata is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
-- Based on a work at www.cardsagainsthumanity.com.
-- For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
-- This file contains the Black Cards and White Cards for Cards Against Humanity, as a script for importing into PostgreSQL. There should be a user named cah.
-- Includes the First, Second, and Third Expansions, as well as the Canadian version cards, 2012 Holiday Pack, and PAX East 2013 packs.
-- Also includes a lot of custom card sets.
-- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 9.1.9
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.2.2
-- Started on 2013-08-10 16:48:55
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
-- TOC entry 169 (class 3079 OID 11677)
-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner:
-- TOC entry 1943 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 169
-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:
COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- TOC entry 161 (class 1259 OID 16386)
-- Name: black_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE black_cards (
id integer NOT NULL,
text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
draw smallint DEFAULT 0,
pick smallint DEFAULT 1,
watermark character varying(5)
ALTER TABLE public.black_cards OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 162 (class 1259 OID 16393)
-- Name: black_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: cah
CREATE SEQUENCE black_cards_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public.black_cards_id_seq OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 1944 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 162
-- Name: black_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER SEQUENCE black_cards_id_seq OWNED BY black_cards.id;
-- TOC entry 163 (class 1259 OID 16395)
-- Name: card_set; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE card_set (
id integer NOT NULL,
active boolean NOT NULL,
name character varying(255),
base_deck boolean NOT NULL,
description character varying(255),
weight integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.card_set OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 164 (class 1259 OID 16398)
-- Name: card_set_black_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE card_set_black_card (
card_set_id integer NOT NULL,
black_card_id integer NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.card_set_black_card OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 165 (class 1259 OID 16401)
-- Name: card_set_white_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE card_set_white_card (
card_set_id integer NOT NULL,
white_card_id integer NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.card_set_white_card OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 168 (class 1259 OID 24580)
-- Name: hibernate_sequence; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: cah
CREATE SEQUENCE hibernate_sequence
ALTER TABLE public.hibernate_sequence OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 166 (class 1259 OID 16404)
-- Name: white_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE white_cards (
id integer NOT NULL,
text character varying(255) NOT NULL,
watermark character varying(5)
ALTER TABLE public.white_cards OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 167 (class 1259 OID 16409)
-- Name: white_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: cah
CREATE SEQUENCE white_cards_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public.white_cards_id_seq OWNER TO cah;
-- TOC entry 1945 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 167
-- Name: white_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER SEQUENCE white_cards_id_seq OWNED BY white_cards.id;
-- TOC entry 1907 (class 2604 OID 16411)
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE ONLY black_cards ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('black_cards_id_seq'::regclass);
-- TOC entry 1909 (class 2604 OID 16412)
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE ONLY white_cards ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('white_cards_id_seq'::regclass);
-- TOC entry 1928 (class 0 OID 16386)
-- Dependencies: 161
-- Data for Name: black_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COPY black_cards (id, text, draw, pick, watermark) FROM stdin;
16 Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? 0 1 \N
504 What is the next great Kickstarter project? 0 1 RS
27 What's the next superhero? 0 1 \N
505 ____ 2012. 0 1 RS
100230 ____. 0 1 TGWTG
5097 Personals ad: Seeking a female who doesn't mind ____, might also be willing to try a male if they're ____. 0 2 Furry
5099 I tell everyone I'm not a furry, but I've drawn a lot of ____. 0 1 Furry
1 Why can't I sleep at night? 0 1 \N
4 What's that smell? 0 1 \N
15 What's that sound? 0 1 \N
9 What ended my last relationship? 0 1 \N
7 What is Batman's guilty pleasure? 0 1 \N
3 What's a girl's best friend? 0 1 \N
22 What does Dick Cheney prefer? 0 1 \N
25 What's the most emo? 0 1 \N
39 What are my parents hiding from me? 0 1 \N
36 What will always get you laid? 0 1 \N
38 What did I bring back from Mexico? 0 1 \N
48 What don't you want to find in your Chinese food? 0 1 \N
49 What will I bring back in time to convince people that I am a powerful wizard? 0 1 \N
50 How am I maintaining my relationship status? 0 1 \N
58 What gives me uncontrollable gas? 0 1 \N
62 What do old people smell like? 0 1 \N
59 What's my secret power? 0 1 \N
41 What's there a ton of in heaven? 0 1 \N
42 What would grandma find disturbing, yet oddly charming? 0 1 \N
43 What did the U.S. airdrop to the children of Afghanistan? 0 1 \N
40 What helps Obama unwind? 0 1 \N
73 What did Vin Diesel eat for dinner? 0 1 \N
76 Why am I sticky? 0 1 \N
75 What gets better with age? 0 1 \N
71 What's the crustiest? 0 1 \N
70 What's Teach for America using to inspire inner city students to succeed? 0 1 \N
86 Make a haiku. 2 3 \N
66 Why do I hurt all over? 0 1 \N
63 What am I giving up for Lent? 0 1 \N
77 What's my anti-drug? 0 1 \N
56 What never fails to liven up the party? 0 1 \N
44 What's the new fad diet? 0 1 \N
1273 And that's how Equestria was made! 0 1 MLP
2 I got 99 problems but ____ ain't one. 0 1 \N
8 TSA guidelines now prohibit ____ on airplanes. 0 1 \N
10 MTV's new reality show features eight washed-up celebrities living with ____. 0 1 \N
11 I drink to forget ____. 0 1 \N
12 I'm sorry, Professor, but I couldn't complete my homework because of ____. 0 1 \N
13 During Picasso's often-overlooked Brown Period, he produced hundreds of paintings of ____. 0 1 \N
14 Alternative medicine is now embracing the curative powers of ____. 0 1 \N
18 Anthropologists have recently discovered a primitive tribe that worships ____. 0 1 \N
19 It's a pity that kids these days are all getting involved with ____. 0 1 \N
20 ____. That's how I want to die. 0 1 \N
21 In the new Disney Channel Original Movie, Hannah Montana struggles with ____ for the first time. 0 1 \N
23 I wish I hadn't lost the instruction manual for ____. 0 1 \N
24 Instead of coal, Santa now gives the bad children ____. 0 1 \N
26 In 1,000 years, when paper money is but a distant memory, ____ will be our currency. 0 1 \N
28 A romantic, candlelit dinner would be incomplete without ____. 0 1 \N
29 Next from J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Chamber of ____. 0 1 \N
30 ____. Betcha can't have just one! 0 1 \N
31 White people like ____. 0 1 \N
32 ____. High five, bro. 0 1 \N
33 During sex, I like to think about ____. 0 1 \N
35 BILLY MAYS HERE FOR ____. 0 1 \N
37 When I'm in prison, I'll have ____ smuggled in. 0 1 \N
45 When I am the President of the United States, I will create the Department of ____. 0 1 \N
46 Major League Baseball has banned ____ for giving players an unfair advantage. 0 1 \N
47 When I am a billionare, I shall erect a 50-foot statue to commemorate ____. 0 1 \N
51 ____. It's a trap! 0 1 \N
52 Coming to Broadway this season, ____: The Musical. 0 1 \N
54 After Hurricane Katrina, Sean Penn brought ____ to all the people of New Orleans. 0 1 \N
55 Due to a PR fiasco, Walmart no longer offers ____. 0 1 \N
57 But before I kill you, Mr. Bond, I must show you ____. 0 1 \N
60 When Pharaoh remained unmoved, Moses called down a plague of ____. 0 1 \N
61 The class field trip was completely ruined by ____. 0 1 \N
64 In Michael Jackson's final moments, he thought about ____. 0 1 \N
65 In an attempt to reach a wider audience, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has opened an interactive exhibit on ____. 0 1 \N
67 Studies show that lab rats navigate mazes 50% faster after being exposed to ____. 0 1 \N
68 I do not know with which weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with ____. 0 1 \N
69 Life was difficult for cavemen before ____. 0 1 \N
72 ____: Good to the last drop. 0 1 \N
74 ____: kid-tested, mother-approved. 0 1 \N
78 And the Academy Award for ____ goes to ____. 0 2 \N
79 For my next trick, I will pull ____ out of ____. 0 2 \N
80 ____ is a slippery slope that leads to ____. 0 2 \N
81 In M. Night Shyamalan's new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that ____ had really been ____ all along. 0 2 \N
82 In a world ravaged by ____, our only solace is ____. 0 2 \N
83 In his new summer comedy, Rob Schneider is ____ trapped in the body of ____. 0 2 \N
85 I never truly understood ____ until I encountered ____. 0 2 \N
88 When I was tripping on acid, ____ turned into ____. 0 2 \N
89 That's right, I killed ____. How, you ask? ____. 0 2 \N
90 ____ + ____ = ____. 2 3 \N
506 What is Curious George so curious about? 0 1 RS
1001 test 0 1 \N
1003 Starting Canadian Black Cards 0 1 \N
1009 End Canadian Black Cards 0 1 \N
1033 end bonus misprint bonus card 0 1 \N
1044 begin First Expansion 0 1 \N
1065 end first expansion 0 1 \N
1004 O Canada, we stand on guard for ____. 0 1 CAN
1005 Air Canada guidelines now prohibit ____ on airplanes. 0 1 CAN
1006 In an attempt to reach a wider audience, the Royal Ontario Museum has opened an interactive exhibit on ____. 0 1 CAN
1007 CTV presents ____, the story of ____. 0 2 CAN
1008 What's the Canadian government using to inspire rural students to succeed? 0 1 CAN
1045 He who controls ____ controls the world. 0 1 X1
1046 The CIA now interrogates enemy agents by repeatedly subjecting them to ____. 0 1 X1
1047 Dear Sir or Madam, We regret to inform you that the Office of ____ has denied your request for ____. 0 2 X1
1048 In Rome, there are whisperings that the Vatican has a secret room devoted to ____. 0 1 X1
1049 Science will never explain the origin of ____. 0 1 X1
1050 When all else fails, I can always masturbate to ____. 0 1 X1
1051 I learned the hard way that you can't cheer up a grieving friend with ____. 0 1 X1
1052 In its new tourism campaign, Detroit proudly proclaims that it has finally eliminated ____. 0 1 X1
1053 An international tribunal has found ____ guilty of ____. 0 2 X1
1054 The socialist governments of Scandinavia have declared that access to ____ is a basic human right. 0 1 X1
1055 In his new self-produced album, Kanye West raps over the sounds of ____. 0 1 X1
1056 What's the gift that keeps on giving? 0 1 X1
1057 This season on Man vs. Wild, Bear Grylls must survive in the depths of the Amazon with only ____ and his wits. 0 1 X1
1058 When I pooped, what came out of my butt? 0 1 X1
1059 In the distant future, historians will agree that ____ marked the beginning of America's decline. 0 1 X1
1060 In a pinch, ____ can be a suitable substitute for ____. 0 2 X1
1061 What has been making life difficult at the nudist colony? 0 1 X1
1062 Michael Bay's new three-hour action epic pits ____ against ____. 0 2 X1
507 What is the next big sideshow attraction? 0 1 RS
508 Praise ____! 0 1 RS
93 What's the next superhero/sidekick duo? 0 2 1.2
509 Keith Richards enjoys ____ on his food. 0 1 RS
1032 Daddy, why is Mommy crying? 0 1 B
1063 And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for ____! 0 1 X1
1064 What brought the orgy to a grinding halt? 0 1 X1
1156 During his midlife crisis, my dad got really into ____. 0 1 X2
1157 ____ would be woefully incomplete without ____. 0 2 X2
1158 My new favorite porn star is Joey "____" McGee. 0 1 X2
1159 Before I run for president, I must destroy all evidence of my involvement with ____. 0 1 X2
1160 This is your captain speaking. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for ____. 0 1 X2
1161 In his newest and most difficult stunt, David Blaine must escape from ____. 0 1 X2
1162 The Five Stages of Grief: denial, anger, bargaining, ____, acceptance. 0 1 X2
1163 My mom freaked out when she looked at my browser history and found ____.com/____. 0 2 X2
1164 I went from ____ to ____, all thanks to ____. 2 3 X2
1165 Members of New York's social elite are paying thousands of dollars just to experience ____. 0 1 X2
1166 This month's Cosmo: "Spice up your sex life by bringing ____ into the bedroom." 0 1 X2
1167 Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and ____. 0 1 X2
1168 If God didn't want us to enjoy ____, he wouldn't have given us ____. 0 2 X2
1169 My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of ____. 0 1 X2
1170 After months of debate, the Occupy Wall Street General Assembly could only agree on "More ____!" 0 1 X2
1171 I spent my whole life working toward ____, only to have it ruined by ____. 0 2 X2
1172 Next time on Dr. Phil: How to talk to your child about ____. 0 1 X2
1173 Only two things in life are certain: death and ____. 0 1 X2
1174 Everyone down on the ground! We don't want to hurt anyone. We're just here for ____. 0 1 X2
1175 The healing process began when I joined a support group for victims of ____. 0 1 X2
1176 The votes are in, and the new high school mascot is ____. 0 1 X2
1177 Charades was ruined for me forever when my mom had to act out ____. 0 1 X2
1178 Before ____, all we had was ____. 0 2 X2
1179 Tonight on 20/20: What you don't know about ____ could kill you. 0 1 X2
1180 You haven't truly lived until you've experienced ____ and ____ at the same time. 0 2 X2
1275 Big Mac sleeps soundly whenever ____ is with him. 0 1 MLP
1257 ____ has won the national Equestrian award for ____. 0 2 MLP
1260 ____ is best pony. 0 1 MLP
1262 ____ should ____ ____. 2 3 MLP
1264 ____? That's future Spike's problem. 0 1 MLP
1265 After a wild night of crusading, Applebloom learned that ____ was her super special talent. 0 1 MLP
1267 After a wild night of partying, Fluttershy awakens to find ____ in her bed. 0 1 MLP
1268 After living for thousands of years Celestia can only find pleasure in ____. 0 1 MLP
1270 Aloe and Lotus have been experimenting with a radical treatment that utilizes the therapeutic properties of ____. 0 1 MLP
5 ____? There's an app for that. 0 1 \N
91 Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's ____. 0 1 1.2
94 In L.A. County Jail, word is you can trade 200 cigarettes for ____. 0 1 1.2
95 After the earthquake, Sean Penn brought ____ to the people of Haiti. 0 1 1.2
96 Next on ESPN2, the World Series of ____. 0 1 1.2
97 Step 1: ____. Step 2: ____. Step 3: Profit. 0 2 1.2
98 Life for American Indians was forever changed when the White Man introduced them to ____. 0 1 1.2
1277 BUY SOME ____! 0 1 MLP
1281 Daring Do and the quest for ____. 0 1 MLP
1283 Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned about ____. 0 1 MLP
1285 Despite everypony's expectations, Sweetie Belle's cutie mark ended up being ____. 0 1 MLP
1287 Equestrian researchers have discovered that ____ is The 7th Element of Harmony. 0 1 MLP
1289 Every Morning, Princess Celestia Rises ____. 0 1 MLP
1303 In a stroke of unparalleled evil, Discord turned ____ into ____. 0 2 MLP
1305 In a world without humans, saddles are actually made for ____. 0 1 MLP
1306 Inexplicably, the only thing the parasprites wouldn't eat was ____. 0 1 MLP
1309 It turns out Hitler's favorite pony was ____. 0 1 MLP
1311 It's not a boulder! It's ____! 0 1 MLP
1313 Lauren Faust was shocked to find ____ in her mailbox. 0 1 MLP
1315 Luna didn't help in the fight against Chrysalis because she was too busy with ____. 0 1 MLP
1317 My cutie mark would be ____. 0 1 MLP
1319 Not many people know that Tara Strong is also the voice of ____. 0 1 MLP
1321 Nothing makes Pinkie smile more than ____. 0 1 MLP
1458 This holiday season, Tim Allen must overcome his fear of ____ to save Christmas. 0 1 ❄
1459 Jesus is ____. 0 1 ❄
1462 On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: three French hens, two turtle doves, and ____. 0 1 ❄
1463 Wake up, America. Christmas is under attack by secular liberals and their ____. 0 1 ❄
1291 Everypony was shocked to discover that Scootaloo's cutie mark was ____. 0 1 MLP
1292 Giggle at ____! 0 1 MLP
1295 I never knew what ____ could be, until you all shared its ____ with me. 0 2 MLP
1297 I'd like to be ____. 0 1 MLP
1301 In a fit of rage, Princess Celestia sent ____ to the ____ for ____. 2 3 MLP
1323 Once upon a time, the land of Equestria was ruled by ____ and ____. 0 2 MLP
1325 Ponyville is widely known for ____. 0 1 MLP
1327 Ponyville was shocked to discover ____ in Fluttershy's shed. 0 1 MLP
1329 Prince Blueblood's cutie mark represents ____. 0 1 MLP
1330 Rainbow Dash has always wanted ____. 0 1 MLP
1345 Rainbow Dash is the only pony in all of Equestria who can ____. 0 1 MLP
1347 Rainbow Dash received a concussion after flying into ____. 0 1 MLP
1350 Rarity has a long forgotten line of clothing inspired by ____. 0 1 MLP
1352 Rarity was supposed to have a song about ____, but it was cut. 0 1 MLP
1353 Rarity's latest dress design was inspired by ____. 0 1 MLP
1354 Should the Elements of Harmony fail, ____ is to be used as a last resort. 0 1 MLP
1355 Super Speedy ____ Squeezy 5000. 0 1 MLP
1356 Surprisingly, Canterlot has a museum of ____. 0 1 MLP
1359 ____. That is my fetish. 0 1 MLP
1361 The Elements of Harmony were originally the Elements of ____. 0 1 MLP
1363 The Everfree forest is full of ____. 0 1 MLP
1365 The national anthem of Equestria is ____. 0 1 MLP
1366 The only way to get Opal in the bath is with ____. 0 1 MLP
1369 The worst mishap caused by Princess Cadance was when she made ____ and ____ fall in love. 0 2 MLP
1370 To much controversy, Princess Celestia made ____ illegal. 0 1 MLP
1371 Today, Mayor Mare announced her official campaign position on ____ and ____. No pony was the least bit surprised. 0 2 MLP
1372 Twilight got bored with the magic of friendship, and now studies the magic of ____. 0 1 MLP
1373 Twilight Sparkle owns far more books on ____ than she'd like to admit. 0 1 MLP
1374 When Luna got to the moon, she was greeted with ____. 0 1 MLP
1375 When Spike is asleep, Twilight likes to read books about ____. 0 1 MLP
1376 Without any warning, Pinkie Pie burst into a song about ____. 0 1 MLP
1377 You're a human transported to Equestria! The first thing you'd look for is ____. 0 1 MLP
1378 Zecora is a well known supplier of ____ and ____. 0 2 MLP
1460 Every Christmas, my uncle gets drunk and tells the story about ____. 0 1 ❄
1461 What keeps me warm during the cold, cold winter? 0 1 ❄
1457 After blacking out during New Year's Eve, I was awoken by ____. 0 1 ❄
99 ____ Jesus is the Jesus of ____. 0 2 VS
100 ____ ALL THE ____. 0 2 VS
101 There were ALOT of ____ doing ____. 0 2 VS
102 Dogimo would give up ____ to type a six sentence paragraph in a thread. 0 1 VS
103 Simple dog ate and vomited ____. 0 1 VS
104 When I was 25, I won an award for ____. 0 1 VS
105 I'm more awesome than a T-rex because of ____. 0 1 VS
106 ____ in my pants. 0 1 VS
107 We need to talk about your whole gallon of ____. 0 1 VS
108 Clean ALL the ____. 0 1 VS
109 The first rule of Jade Club is ____. 0 1 VS
110 The forum nearly broke when ____ posted ____ in The Dead Thread. 0 2 VS
111 A mod war about ____ occurred during ____. 0 2 VS
112 No one likes me after I posted ____ in the TMI thread. 0 1 VS
113 ____ was banned from tinychat because of ____. 0 2 VS
114 ____ for president! 0 1 VS
115 I did ____, like a fucking adult. 0 1 VS
116 Domo travelled across ____ to win the prize of ____. 0 2 VS
117 Roses and her hammer collection defeated an entire squadron of ____. 0 1 VS
118 After Blue posted ____ in chat, I never trusted his links again. 0 1 VS
119 Fuck you, I'm a ____. 0 1 VS
120 Cunnilungus and psychiatry brought us to ____. 0 1 VS
121 I CAN ____ ACROSS THE ____. 0 2 VS
122 ____ is the only thing that matters. 0 1 VS
123 I'm an expert on ____. 0 1 VS
510 What can you always find in between the couch cushions? 0 1 RS
125 I want ____ in my mouflon RIGHT MEOW. 0 1 VS
126 Don't get mad, get ____. 0 1 VS
127 Have fun, don't be ____. 0 1 VS
128 It's the end of ____ as we know it. 0 1 VS
129 ____ is my worst habit. 0 1 VS
130 Everything's better with ____. 0 1 VS
131 Yaar's mother is ____. 0 1 VS
132 What would you taste like? 0 1 VS
133 What have you accomplished today? 0 1 VS
134 What made you happy today? 0 1 VS
135 Why are you frothing with rage? 0 1 VS
136 What mildy annoyed you today? 0 1 VS
137 We'll always have ____. 0 1 VS
138 ____ uses ____. It is SUPER EFFECTIVE! 0 2 VS
139 Let's all rock out to the sounds of ____. 0 1 VS
140 Take ____, it will last longer. 0 1 VS
141 You have my bow. AND MY ____. 0 1 VS
142 VS: Where the ____ happens! 0 1 VS
143 ____? FRY. EYES. 0 1 VS
144 A wild ____ appeared! It used ____! 0 2 VS
145 I thought being a ____ was the best thing ever, until I became a ____. 0 2 VS
146 Live long and ____. 0 1 VS
511 The victim was found with ____. 0 1 RS
148 I'm under the ____. 0 1 VS
149 If life gives you ____, make ____. 0 2 VS
150 Who needs a bidet when you have ____? 0 1 VS
151 Kill it with ____! 0 1 VS
152 My ____ is too big! 0 1 VS
153 Best drink ever: One part ____, three parts ____, and a splash of ____. 2 3 VS
154 ____ makes me uncomfortable. 0 1 VS
155 Stop, drop, and ____. 0 1 VS
156 Think before you ____. 0 1 VS
157 The hills are alive with ____ of ____. 0 2 VS
512 What is love without ____? 0 1 RS
100004 test®
↑ 0 1 test
100006 ____ is the name of my ____ cover band. 0 2 SG
100016 Alcoholic games of Clue® lead to ____. 0 1 SG
100027 I have an idea even better than Kickstarter, and it's called ____starter. 0 1 PAX A
100028 You have been waylaid by ____ and must defend yourself. 0 1 PAX A
100037 Action stations! Action stations! Set condition one throughout the fleet and brace for ____! 0 1 PAX B
100038 In the final round of this year's Omegathon, Omeganauts must face off in a game of ____. 0 1 PAX B
100047 Press ↓↓←→B to unleash ____. 0 1 PAX C
100048 I don't know exactly how I got the PAX plague, but I suspect it had something to do with ____. 0 1 PAX C
100054 ____: Hours of fun. Easy to use. Perfect for ____! 0 2 X3
100058 Turns out that ____-Man was neither the hero we needed nor wanted. 0 1 X3
100059 What left this stain on my couch? 0 1 X3
100065 Call the law offices of Goldstein & Goldstein, because no one should have to tolerate ____ in the workplace. 0 1 X3
100066 A successful job interview begins with a firm handshake and ends with ____. 0 1 X3
100070 Lovin' you is easy 'cause you're ____. 0 1 X3
100074 Money can't buy me love, but it can buy me ____. 0 1 X3
100078 Listen, son. If you want to get involved with ____, I won't stop you. Just steer clear of ____. 0 2 X3
100085 During high school, I never really fit in until I found ____ club. 0 1 X3
100089 Hey baby, come back to my place and I'll show you ____. 0 1 X3
100093 To prepare for his upcoming role, Daniel Day-Lewis immersed himself in the world of ____. 0 1 X3
100094 Finally! A service that delivers ____ right to your door. 0 1 X3
100095 My gym teacher got fired for adding ____ to the obstacle course. 0 1 X3
100096 When you get right down to it, ____ is just ____. 0 2 X3
100097 As part of his daily regimen, Anderson Cooper sets aside 15 minutes for ____. 0 1 X3
100098 In the seventh circle of Hell, sinners must endure ____ for all eternity. 0 1 X3
100100 After months of practice with ____, I think I'm finally ready for ____. 0 2 X3
100103 The blind date was going horribly until we discovered our shared interest in ____. 0 1 X3
100104 ____. Awesome in theory, kind of a mess in practice. 0 1 X3
100105 With enough time and pressure, ____ will turn into ____. 0 2 X3
100106 I'm not like the rest of you. I'm too rich and busy for ____. 0 1 X3
100108 And what did you bring for show and tell? 0 1 X3
100110 Having problems with ____? Try ____! 0 2 X3
100113 As part of his contract, Prince won't perform without ____ in his dressing room. 0 1 X3
100155 ____.tumblr.com 0 1 SG
17 What's the next Happy Meal® toy? 0 1 \N
100092 My life is ruled by a vicious cycle of ____ and ____. 0 2 X3
124 After I saw ____, I needed ____. 0 2 VS
100007 ____ with ____ in ____. 2 3 SG
147 There's ____ in my soup. 0 1 VS
158 ____ caused Northernlion to take stupid damage. 0 1 NL
159 ____ Is the best item in The Binding of Isaac. 0 1 NL
160 ____ is the worst item in The Binding of Isaac. 0 1 NL
161 ____ is/are Northernlion's worst nightmare. 0 1 NL
162 ____ sounds like a great alternative rock band. 0 1 NL
163 ____: The Northernlion Story. 0 1 NL
164 ____? Well, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth on that one. 0 1 NL
165 ____. Everything else is uncivilized. 0 1 NL
166 "Hey everybody and welcome to Let's Look At ____!" 0 1 NL
167 As always, I will ____ you next time! 0 1 NL
168 Best game of 2013? ____, of course. 0 1 NL
169 But that ____ has sailed. 0 1 NL
87 Lifetime® presents ____, the story of ____. 0 2 \N
92 Dear Abby,
I'm having some trouble with ____ and would like your advice. 0 1 1.2
170 Even ____ is/are better at video games than Northernlion. 0 1 NL
171 Everything's coming up ____. 0 1 NL
172 Finding something like ____ would turn this run around. 0 1 NL
173 Fuck the haters, this is ____. 0 1 NL
174 Get in my ____ zone. 0 1 NL
175 How do you get your dog to stop humping your leg? 0 1 NL
176 I can do ____ and die immediately afterward. 0 1 NL
177 I don't even see ____ anymore; all I see are blondes, brunettes, redheads... 0 1 NL
178 I'm in the permanent ____ state. 0 1 NL
179 If sloth ____ are wrong I don’t want to be right. 0 1 NL
180 Invaded the world of ____. 0 1 NL
181 It's ____, ya dangus! 0 1 NL
182 JSmithOTI: Total ____. 0 1 NL
183 Legend has it, the Thug of Porn was arrested for ____. 0 1 NL
184 Let's Look At: ____. 0 1 NL
185 Northernlion's latest novelty Twitter account is @____. 0 1 NL
186 More like the Duke of ____, right? 0 1 NL
187 No one man should have all that ____. 0 1 NL
188 Northernlion has been facing ridicule for calling ____ a rogue-like. 0 1 NL
189 Northernlion always forgets the name of ____. 0 1 NL
190 Northernlion's refusal to Let's Play ____ was probably a good call. 0 1 NL
191 Of all the things that Ryan and Josh have in common, they bond together through their mutual love of ____. 0 1 NL
192 Oh god, I can't believe we ate ____ at PAX. 0 1 NL
193 One thing Northernlion was right about was ____. 0 1 NL
194 Only in Korea can you see ____. 0 1 NL
195 Praise the ____! 0 1 NL
196 Recently, Northernlion has felt woefully insecure due to ____. 0 1 NL
197 Roguelike? How about ___-like. 0 1 NL
198 Sometimes, a man's just gotta ____. 0 1 NL
199 The hero of the stream was ____. 0 1 NL
200 The stream was going well until ____. 0 1 NL
201 The Youtube chat proved ineffective, so instead we had to communicate via ____. 0 1 NL
202 ____? It's a DLC item. 0 1 NL
203 This new game is an interesting ____-like-like. 0 1 NL
204 We're rolling in ____! 0 1 NL
205 Whenever I ___, take a drink. 0 1 NL
206 Today's trivia topic is ____. 0 1 NL
207 What do you give to the CEO of Youtube as a gift? 0 1 NL
208 The only way NL is ever going to make it to Hell in Spelunky is by using ____. 0 1 NL
209 That ____ has sailed. 0 1 NL
210 Welcome back to The Binding of Isaac. Today's challenge run will be based on ____. 0 1 NL
211 Well there's nothing wrong with ____ by any stretch of the imagination. 0 1 NL
212 I'd sacrifice ____ at the Altar. 0 1 NL
213 Fox would still be here if not for ____. 0 1 NL
214 The Holy Trinity: ____, ____, and ____! 2 3 NL
215 I wasn't even that drunk! I just had some ____, ____, and ____. 2 3 NL
216 ____ was indicted on account of ____. 0 2 NL
217 ____: The ____ Story. 0 2 NL
8710 What does Alucard have nightmares about? 0 1 ANX1
219 Hello everybody, welcome to a new episode of ____ plays ____. 0 2 NL
220 I beat Blue Baby with only ____ and ____! 0 2 NL
221 Northernlion has alienated fans of ____ by calling them ____. 0 2 NL
222 Northernlion was fired from his teaching job and had to flee South Korea after an incident involving ____ and ____. 0 2 NL
8711 I've always wanted to become a voice actor, so I could play the role of ____. 0 1 ANX1
5100 My original species combines ____ and ____. It's called ____. 2 3 Furry
5101 ____. And now I'm bleeding. 0 1 Furry
100159 Don't slow down in East Cleveland or ____. 0 1 SG
53 While the United States raced the Soviet Union to the moon, the Mexican government funneled millions of pesos into research on ____. 0 1 \N
226 My life for ____! 0 1 RS
513 Who let the dogs out? 0 1 RS
514 In his next movie, Will Smith saves the world from ____. 0 1 RS
515 Lady Gaga has revealed her new dress will be made of ____. 0 1 RS
516 Justin Beiber's new song is all about ____. 0 1 RS
517 The new fad diet is all about making people do ____ and eat ____. 0 2 RS
518 Grand Theft Auto™: ____. 0 1 RS
519 I whip my ____ back and forth. 0 1 RS
520 When North Korea gets ____, it will be the end of the world. 0 1 RS
521 Plan a three course meal. 2 3 RS
522 Tastes like ____. 0 1 RS
523 What is literally worse than Hitler? 0 1 RS
524 ____ ruined many people's childhood. 0 1 RS
525 ____ and ____ are the new hot couple. 0 2 RS
526 Who needs college when you have ____. 0 1 RS
527 When short on money, you can always ____. 0 1 RS
528 What will Xyzzy take over the world with? 0 1 RS
529 The next pokemon will combine ____ and ____. 0 2 RS
530 Who is GLaDOS's next test subject? 0 1 RS
531 Instead of playing Cards Against Humanity, you could be ____. 0 1 RS
532 The next Assassin's Creed game will take place in ____. 0 1 RS
533 I wouldn't fuck ____ with ____'s dick. 0 2 RS
534 One does not simply walk into ____. 0 1 RS
535 In the next Punch Out!!, ____ will be the secret final boss. 0 1 RS
536 Welcome to my secret lair on ____. 0 1 RS
537 Dustin Browder demands more ____ in StarCraft®. 0 1 RS
538 What is the answer to life's question? 0 1 RS
539 I've got the whole world in my ____. 0 1 RS
540 I never thought ____ would be so enjoyable. 0 1 RS
541 In his second term, Obama will rid America of ____. 0 1 RS
542 What is Japan's national pastime? 0 1 RS
5102 Suck my ____. 0 1 Furry
543 In the future, ____ will fuel our cars. 0 1 RS
544 The lion, the witch, and ____. 0 1 RS
545 In the next episode, SpongeBob gets introduced to ____. 0 1 RS
546 ____ Game of the Year Edition. 0 1 RS
547 What was going through Osama Bin Laden's head before he died? 0 1 RS
548 In a news conference, Obama pulled out ____, to everyone's surprise. 0 1 RS
549 Nights filled with ____. 0 1 RS
738 To top One More Day, future comic writers will use ____ to break up a relationship. 0 1 TGWTG
739 The real reason MAGFest was ruined was ____. 0 1 TGWTG
740 The reason Linkara doesn't like milk in his cereal is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
741 The secret of Linkara's magic gun is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8712 If the anime industry is dying, what will be the final nail in it's coffin? 0 1 ANX1
743 For the next Anniversary event, the TGWTG producers must battle ____ to get ____. 0 2 TGWTG
744 If a dog and a dolphin can get along, why not ____ and ____? 0 2 TGWTG
745 If I wanted to see ____, I'll stick with ____, thank you very much. 0 2 TGWTG
746 I asked Linkara to retweet ____, but instead, he retweeted ____. 0 2 TGWTG
747 I write slash fanfiction pairing ____ with ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8713 Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ____... COVERED IN BEES!!! 0 1 ANX1
749 Next time on Obscurus Lupa Presents: " ____ IV: The Return of ____". 0 2 TGWTG
8714 Don't stand behind him, if you value your ____. 0 1 ANX1
751 Todd in the Shadows broke the Not a Rhyme button when the singer tried to rhyme ____ with ____. 0 2 TGWTG
752 Welshy is to ____ as Sad Panda is to ____. 0 2 TGWTG
753 Linkara's next story arc will involve him defeating ____ with the power of ____. 0 2 TGWTG
754 Rock and Roll is nothing but ____ and the rage of ____! 0 2 TGWTG
8715 What the hell is "Juvijuvibro"?! 0 1 ANX1
756 Being fed up with reviewing lamps, what obscure topic did Linkara review next? 0 1 TGWTG
225 When I was a kid, all we had in Lunchables were three ____ and ____. 0 2 NL
224 On its last dying breath, ____ sent out a cry for help. A bunch of ____ heard the cry. 0 2 NL
5103 I also take ____ as payment for commissions. 0 1 Furry
5015 ____ looks pretty in all the art, but have you seen one in real life? 0 1 Furry
100203 At the last PAX, Paul and Storm had ____ thrown at them during "Opening Band". 0 1 SG
100206 How did I lose my virginity? 0 1 1.3
100207 Here is the church
Here is the steeple
Open the doors
And there is ____. 0 1 1.3
100208 During his childhood, Salvador Dalí produced hundreds of paintings of ____. 0 1 1.3
6 This is the way the world ends \\ This is the way the world ends \\ Not with a bang but with ____. 0 1 \N
100209 In 1,000 years, when paper money is a distant memory, how will we pay for goods and services? 0 1 1.3
34 War!
What is it good for? 0 1 \N
100210 What don't you want to find in your Kung Pao chicken? 0 1 1.3
84 Rumor has it that Vladimir Putin's favorite delicacy is ____ stuffed with ____. 0 2 \N
100217 The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has just opened an exhibit on ____. 0 1 1.3
100218 What did the commenters bitch about next to Doug? 0 1 TGWTG
5016 At first I couldn't understand ____, but now it's my biggest kink. 0 1 Furry
5017 Long story short, I ended up with ____ in my ass. 0 1 Furry
5018 Don't knock ____ until you've tried it. 0 1 Furry
5019 Who knew I'd be able to make a living off of ____? 0 1 Furry
5020 It's difficult to explain to friends and family why I know so much about ____. 0 1 Furry
5021 Once I started roleplaying ____, it was all downhill from there. 0 1 Furry
5022 ____ are so goddamn cool. 0 1 Furry
5023 ____, by Bad Dragon™. 0 1 Furry
5024 No, look, you don't understand. I REALLY like ____. 0 1 Furry
5025 I don't think my parents will ever accept that the real me is ____. 0 1 Furry
5026 I can't believe I spent most of my paycheck on ____. 0 1 Furry
5027 You can try to justify ____ all you want, but you don't have to be ____ to realize it's just plain wrong. 0 2 Furry
5028 I've been waiting all year for ____. 0 1 Furry
5029 I can't wait to meet up with my internet friends for ____. 0 1 Furry
771 The next crossover will have ____ and ____ review ____. 2 3 TGWTG
772 We all made a mistake when we ate ____ at MAGFest. 0 1 TGWTG
773 Kyle's next student film will focus on ____. 0 1 TGWTG
774 The RDA chat knew Nash was trolling them when he played ____. 0 1 TGWTG
775 Why does Linkara have all of those Cybermats? 0 1 TGWTG
776 ____ will be the subject of the next TGWTG panel at MAGFest. 0 1 TGWTG
777 At his next con appearance, Linkara will cosplay as ____. 0 1 TGWTG
778 WAIT! I have an idea! It involves using ____! 0 1 TGWTG
779 What does Linkara eat with his chicken strips? 0 1 TGWTG
780 If you value your life, never mention ____ around Oancitizen. 0 1 TGWTG
781 Arlo P. Arlo's newest weapon combines ____ and ____! 0 2 TGWTG
782 ____ and ____ are in the worst comic Linkara ever read. 0 2 TGWTG
783 ____ is only on the site because of ____. 0 2 TGWTG
784 The newest fanfic trend is turning ____ into ____. 0 2 TGWTG
785 Every weekend, Golby likes to ____ then ____ before finally ____. 2 3 GFC
786 Every weekend, Golby enjoys drinking ____ before getting into a fight with ____ and having sex with ____. 2 3 GFC
787 Connie the Condor often doesn't talk on skype because of ____. 0 1 GFC
788 Jorgi the Corgi most definitely enjoys ____. 0 1 GFC
789 Tom is good, but he's not ____ good. 0 1 GFC
790 It's DJ Manny in the hizouse, playing ____ all night long! 0 1 GFC
791 BENCH ALL THE ____. 0 1 GFC
792 Hey guys, check out my ____ montage! 0 1 GFC
793 ____ + ____ = Golby. 0 2 GFC
653 ____ is the reason Linkara doesn't like to swear. 0 1 TGWTG
654 ____ was completely avoidable! 0 1 TGWTG
655 ____ will live! 0 1 TGWTG
656 ____ is something else Diamanda Hagan has to live with every day. 0 1 TGWTG
657 ____ should be on TGWTG. 0 1 TGWTG
658 ____ was the first thing to go when Hagan took over the world. 0 1 TGWTG
659 ____! What are you doing here? 0 1 TGWTG
660 ____! You know, for kids. 0 1 TGWTG
661 I love ____. It's so bad. 0 1 TGWTG
8716 As part of a recent promotion, Japanese KFCs are now dressing their Colonel Sanders statues up as ____. 0 1 ANX1
663 ____. With onions. 0 1 TGWTG
664 ____ is the theme of this year's anniversary crossover. 0 1 TGWTG
665 A ____ Credit Card!? 0 1 TGWTG
8717 Fighting ____ by moonlight! Winning ____ by daylight! Never running from a real fight! She is the one named ____! 2 3 ANX1
8718 It's no secret. Deep down, everybody wants to fuck ____. 0 1 ANX1
8719 Behold! My trap card, ____! 0 1 ANX1
669 Blip checks are way smaller in January so I'll spend the month riffing on ____ to gain more views. 0 1 TGWTG
670 Brad Tries ____. 0 1 TGWTG
671 Doug still regrets the day he decided to do a Let's Play video for "Bart Simpson's ____ Adventure". 0 1 TGWTG
672 Enemies of Diamanda Hagan have been known to receive strange packages filled with ____. 0 1 TGWTG
673 High and away on a wing and a prayer, who could it be? Believe it or not, it's just ____. 0 1 TGWTG
674 What broke Nash this week? 0 1 TGWTG
675 I ____ so you don't have to. 0 1 TGWTG
677 I prefer for MY exploitation films to have ____, thank you very much. 0 1 TGWTG
678 I watch movies just to see if I can find a Big Lipped ____ Moment. 0 1 TGWTG
679 I'm looking forward to Jesuotaku's playthrough of Fire Emblem: ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8720 After eating a Devil Fruit, I now have the power of ____. 0 1 ANX1
681 In his latest review, Phelous was killed by ____. 0 1 TGWTG
682 It was all going well until they found ____. 0 1 TGWTG
683 JW confirms, you can play ____, 0 1 TGWTG
684 Next January, the Nostalgia Critic is doing ____ Month. 0 1 TGWTG
685 No one wants to see your ____. 0 1 TGWTG
686 Of Course! Don't you know anything about ____? 0 1 TGWTG
688 On the other side of the Plot Hole, the Nostalgia Critic found ____. 0 1 TGWTG
689 Reactions were mixed when ____ joined TGWTG. 0 1 TGWTG
690 Sage has presented JO with the new ecchi series ____. 0 1 TGWTG
691 Sean got his head stuck in ____. 0 1 TGWTG
692 STOP OR I WILL ____. 0 1 TGWTG
693 The invasion of Molassia was tragically thwarted by ____. 0 1 TGWTG
694 The newest reviewer addition to the site specializes in ____. 0 1 TGWTG
695 The next person to leave Channel Awesome will announce their departure via ____. 0 1 TGWTG
696 The next Renegade Cut is about ____ in a beloved children's movie. 0 1 TGWTG
697 The Nostalgia Critic will NEVER review ____. 0 1 TGWTG
698 The only thing Linkara would sell his soul for is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
699 What is the real reason Demo Reel failed? 0 1 TGWTG
8721 By far, the most mind-bogglingly awesome thing I've ever seen in anime is ____. 0 1 ANX1
8722 My Little Sister Can't Be ____! 0 1 ANX1
702 This weekend, the nation of Haganistan will once again commence its annual celebration of ____. 0 1 TGWTG
703 To troll the RDA chat this time, Todd requested a song by ____. 0 1 TGWTG
704 Todd knew he didn't have a chance after trying to seduce Lupa with ____. 0 1 TGWTG
705 Turns out, that wasn't tea in MikeJ's cup, it was ____. 0 1 TGWTG
706 Viewers were shocked when Paw declared ____ the best song of the movie. 0 1 TGWTG
708 Well, I've read enough fanfic about ____ and Lupa to last a lifetime. 0 1 TGWTG
709 What does Nash like to sing about? 0 1 TGWTG
710 What does Todd look like under his mask? 0 1 TGWTG
711 What doesn't go there? 0 1 TGWTG
712 What doesn't work that way? 0 1 TGWTG
713 What else does Diamanda Hagan have to live with every day? 0 1 TGWTG
714 What is in Sci Fi Guy's vest? 0 1 TGWTG
715 What the fuck is wrong with you? 0 1 TGWTG
716 What will Tara name her next hippo? 0 1 TGWTG
717 What's holding up the site redesign? 0 1 TGWTG
718 What's really inside the Plot Hole? 0 1 TGWTG
719 What's the real reason nobody has ever played the TGWTG Panel Drinking Game? 0 1 TGWTG
720 What's up next on WTFIWWY? 0 1 TGWTG
721 When the JesuOtaku stream got to the "awful part of the night," the GreatSG video featured ____. 0 1 TGWTG
722 Why can't Film Brain stop extending his final vowels? 0 1 TGWTG
723 Why was Radio Dead Air shut down this time? 0 1 TGWTG
724 90's Kid's favorite comic is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
725 Because poor literacy is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
726 He is a glitch. He is missing. He is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
727 In a surprise twist, the villain of Linkara's next story arc turned out to be ____. 0 1 TGWTG
728 Linkara now prefers to say ____ in lieu of "fuck". 0 1 TGWTG
729 Of course! Don't you know anything about ___? 0 1 TGWTG
730 Snowflame feels no ____. 0 1 TGWTG
731 Snowflame found a new love besides cocaine. What is it? 0 1 TGWTG
732 So let's dig into ____ #1. 0 1 TGWTG
734 Where'd he purchase that? 0 1 TGWTG
735 When is the next History of Power Rangers coming out? 0 1 TGWTG
736 What is as low as the standards of the 90's Kid? 0 1 TGWTG
737 What delayed the next History of Power Rangers? 0 1 TGWTG
100163 ____ has the "mount" keyword. 0 1 SG
794 On a night out, Golby will traditionally get into a fight with a ____ then have sex with a ____ before complaining about a hangover from too much ____. 2 3 GFC
795 You're so _____ I'll have to delete you. 0 1 GFC
796 Cindi suddenly turned into Steven after ____. 0 1 GFC
797 When Barta isn't talking he's ____. 0 1 GFC
798 I got a new tattoo, it looks a bit like ____. 0 1 GFC
799 What strange Korean delicacy will Mark enjoy today? 0 1 GFC
800 ____ is camping my lane. 0 1 GFC
801 The OGN was fun, but there was far too much ____ cosplay. 0 1 GFC
802 "What are you thinking?" "You know, ____ and stuff." 0 1 GFC
100223 Drunken games of Pretend You're Xyzzy lead to ____ and ____. 0 2 SG
803 Vegeta, what does the scouter say? 0 1 AN
804 ____. BELIEVE IT! 0 1 AN
805 Make a contract with me, and become ____! 0 1 AN
806 You guys are so wrong. Obviously, ____ is best waifu. 0 1 AN
807 In the latest chapter of Toriko, our hero hunts down, kills, and eats a creature made entirely of ____. 0 1 AN
809 My favorite episode of ____ is the one with ____. 0 2 AN
810 Make a yaoi shipping. 0 2 AN
811 This doujinshi I just bought has ____ and ____ getting it on, hardcore. 0 2 AN
812 On the next episode of Dragon Ball Z, ____ is forced to do the fusion dance with ____. 0 2 AN
813 You are already ____. 0 1 AN
814 Who the hell do you think I am?! 0 1 AN
815 On the next episode of Dragon Ball Z, Goku has a fierce battle with ____. 0 1 AN
5096 Most cats are ____. 0 1 Furry
818 Fresh from Japan: The new smash hit single by ____ titled ____. 0 2 AN
819 ____ vs. ____. BEST. FIGHT. EVER. 0 2 AN
820 So wait, ____ was actually ____? Wow, I didn't see that one coming! 0 2 AN
821 Real men watch ____. 0 1 AN
822 When it comes to hentai, nothing gets me hotter than ____. 0 1 AN
823 Whenever I'm splashed with cold water, I turn into ____. 0 1 AN
824 No matter how you look at it, ultimately ____ is responsible for ____. 0 2 AN
825 S-Shut up!! I-It's not like I'm ____ or anything. 0 1 AN
826 The English dub of ____ sucks worse than ____. 0 2 AN
827 What is moé? 0 1 AN
828 Hayao Miyazaki's latest family film is about a young boy befriending ____. 0 1 AN
829 Congratulations, ____. 0 1 AN
830 By far the best panel at any anime convention is the one for ____. 0 1 AN
831 One thing you almost never see in anime is ____. 0 1 AN
832 The rarest Pokémon in my collection is ____. 0 1 AN
833 What do I hate most about anime? 0 1 AN
834 Mamoru Oshii's latest film is a slow-paced, two hour-long cerebral piece about the horrors of ____. 0 1 AN
835 What do I love most about anime? 0 1 AN
836 This morning, hundreds of Japanese otaku lined up outside their favorite store to buy the limited collector's edition of ____. 0 1 AN
837 Every now and then, I like to participate in the time-honored Japanese tradition of ____. 0 1 AN
838 There are guilty pleasures. And then there's ____. 0 1 AN
839 Watch it! Or I'll take your ____. 0 1 AN
840 New from Studio GAINAX: ____ the Animation. 0 1 AN
841 Using my power of Geass, I command you to do... THIS! 0 1 AN
842 Chicks. Dig. ____. Nice. 0 1 AN
843 When it comes to Japanese cuisine, there's simply nothing better than ____. 0 1 AN
844 The next big Tokusatsu show: "Super Sentai ____ Ranger!" 0 1 AN
845 In the name of the moon, I will punish ____! 0 1 AN
846 Just announced: The brand new anime adaptation of ____, starring ____ as the voice of ____. 2 3 AN
847 Don't worry, he's okay! He survived thanks to ____. 0 1 AN
848 ____. Goddammit, Japan. 0 1 AN
849 In the latest chapter of Golgo 13, he kills his target with ____. 0 1 AN
850 Welcome home, Master! Is there anything your servant girl can bring you today? 0 1 AN
851 In the latest episode of Case Closed, Conan deduces that it was ____ who killed ____ because of ____. 2 3 AN
852 I have never in my life laughed harder than the first time I watched ____. 0 1 AN
853 Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my ____! 0 1 AN
854 Karaoke night! I'm totally gonna sing my favorite song, ____. 0 1 AN
855 Digimon! Digivolve to: ____-mon! 0 1 AN
856 Now! Face my ultimate attack! 0 1 AN
857 Behold the name of my Zanpakuto, ____! 0 1 AN
858 From the twisted mind of Nabeshin: An anime about ____, ____, and ____. 2 3 AN
859 ____. Only on Toonami 0 1 AN
860 I am in despair! ____ has left me in despair! 0 1 AN
861 The new manga from ____ is about a highschool girl discovering ____. 0 2 AN
862 To save the world, you must collect all 7 ____. 0 1 AN
863 Sasuke has ____ implants. 0 1 AN
864 In truth, the EVA units are actually powered by the souls of ____. 0 1 AN
865 Dreaming! Don't give it up ____! Dreaming! Don't give it up ____! Dreaming! Don't give it up ____! 2 3 AN
817 Lupin the III's latest caper involves him trying to steal ____. 0 1 AN
666 A piece of ____ is missing. 0 1 TGWTG
667 What do Brad and Floyd like to do after a long day? 0 1 TGWTG
668 At least he didn't fuck ____. 0 1 TGWTG
742 Hello, and welcome to Atop ____, where ____ burns. 0 2 TGWTG
8723 No matter how I look at it, it's your fault I'm not ____! 0 1 ANX1
662 Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember ____ so you don't have to! 0 1 TGWTG
5098 Taking pride in one's collection of ____. 0 1 Furry
755 If you are able to deflect ____ with ____, we refer to it as "Frying ____". 2 3 TGWTG
8724 They are the prey, and we are the ____. 0 1 ANX1
5030 Did you hear about the guy that smuggled ____ into the hotel? 0 1 Furry
867 The new Gurren Lagann blurays from Aniplex will literally cost you ____. 0 1 AN
868 The most overused anime cliche is ____. 0 1 AN
869 The inspiration behind the latest hit show is ____. 0 1 AN
870 While writing Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama would occasionally take a break from working to enjoy ____. 0 1 AN
871 The show was great, until ____ showed up. 0 1 AN
872 Nothing ruins a good anime faster than ____. 0 1 AN
873 People die when they are ____. 0 1 AN
874 I want to be the very best, like no one ever was! ____ is my real test, ____ is my cause! 0 2 AN
875 Okay, I'll admit it. I would totally go gay for ____. 0 1 AN
876 Who are you callin' ____ so short he can't see over his own ____?!?! 0 2 AN
877 If you ask me, there need to be more shows about ____. 0 1 AN
878 ____. That is the kind of man I was. 0 1 AN
879 I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to accidentally walk in on you while you were ____! 0 1 AN
880 After a long, arduous battle, ____ finally met their end by ____. 0 2 AN
881 This is our final battle. Mark my words, I will defeat you, ____! 0 1 AN
882 You used ____. It's super effective! 0 1 AN
883 The best English dub I've ever heard is the one for ____. 0 1 AN
884 I know of opinions and all that, but I just don't understand how anyone could actually enjoy ____. 0 1 AN
885 ____. HE DEDD. 0 1 AN
886 She'll thaw out if you try ____. 0 1 AN
887 You see, I'm simply ____. 0 1 AN
888 Yoko Kanno's latest musical score features a song sung entirely by ____. 0 1 AN
889 Truly and without question, ____ is the manliest of all men. 0 1 AN
890 WANTED: $50,000,000,000 reward for the apprehension of____. 0 1 AN
891 This year, I totally lucked out and found ____ in the dealer's room. 0 1 AN
892 How did I avoid your attack? Simple. By ____. 0 1 AN
893 If I was a magical girl, my cute mascot sidekick would be ____. 0 1 AN
894 From the creators of Tiger & Bunny: ____ & ____!! 0 2 AN
895 In the future of 199X, the barrier between our world and the demon world is broken, and thousands of monsters invade our realm to feed upon ____. 0 1 AN
896 Animation studio ____ is perhaps best known for ____. 0 2 AN
897 ____. So kawaii!! <3 <3 0 1 AN
898 The most annoying kind of anime fans are ____. 0 1 AN
899 Cooking is so fun! Cooking is so fun! Now it's time to take a break and see what we have done! ____. YAY! IT'S READY!! 0 1 AN
900 My favorite hentai is the one where ____ is held down and violated by ____. 0 2 AN
901 The government of Japan recently passed a law that effectively forbids all forms of ____. 0 1 AN
902 Mom, I swear! Despite it's name, ____ is NOT a porno! 0 1 AN
903 This year, I'm totally gonna cosplay as ____. 0 1 AN
904 Coming to Neon Alley: ____, completely UNCUT & UNCENSORED. 0 1 AN
905 No matter how many times I see it, ____ always brings a tear to my eye. 0 1 AN
906 Of my entire collection, my most prized possession is ____. 0 1 AN
907 Who placed first in the most recent Shonen Jump popularity poll? 0 1 AN
908 Someday when I have kids, I want to share with them the joys of ____. 0 1 AN
909 So, what have you learned from all of this? 0 1 AN
910 In this episode of Master Keaton, Keaton builds ____ out of ____ and ____. 2 3 AN
911 The World Line was changed when I sent a D-mail to myself about ____. 0 1 AN
912 My ____ is the ____ that will pierce the heavens!! *same white card used for both blanks* 0 1 AN
913 After years of searching, the crew of the Thousand Sunny finally found out that the One Piece is actually ____. 0 1 AN
914 When I found all 7 Dragon Balls, Shenron granted me my wish for ____. 0 1 AN
915 The best part of my ____ costume is ____. 0 2 AN
916 Cards Against Anime: It's more fun than ____! 0 1 AN
917 On the mean streets of Tokyo, everyone knows that ____ is the leader of the ________ Gang. 0 2 AN
918 He might just save the universe, if he only had some ____! 0 1 AN
920 Make a harem. 3 5 AN
921 Make a dub cast. ____ as ____, ____ as ____, & ____ as ____. 4 6 AN
922 So just who is this Henry Goto fellow, anyway? 0 1 AN
923 When Henry Goto is alone and thinks that no one's looking, he secretly enjoys ____. 0 1 AN
924 Dr. Black Jack, please hurry! The patient is suffering from a terminal case of ____! 0 1 AN
925 I'M-A FIRIN' MAH ____! 0 1 AN
926 Make a love triangle. 2 3 AN
919 This ____ of mine glows with an awesome power! Its ____ tells me to defeat you! 0 2 AN
866 Yo-Ho-Ho! He took a bite of ____. 0 1 AN
927 Scientists have reverse engineered alien technology that unlocks the secrets of ____. 0 1 MrMan
928 It is often argued that our ancestors would have never evolved without the aid of ____. 0 1 MrMan
929 The sad truth is, that at the edge of the universe, there is nothing but ____. 0 1 MrMan
930 The 1930's is often regarded as the golden age of ____. 0 1 MrMan
931 ____ a day keeps ____ away. 0 2 MrMan
932 There is a time for peace, a time for war, and a time for ____. 0 1 MrMan
933 If a pot of gold is at one end of the rainbow, what is at the other? 0 1 MrMan
934 A fortune teller told me I will live a life filled with ____. 0 1 MrMan
935 The Himalayas are filled with many perils, such as ____. 0 1 MrMan
936 The road to success is paved with ____. 0 1 MrMan
937 I work out so I can look good when I'm ____. 0 1 MrMan
938 What's the time? ____ time! 0 2 MrMan
939 And on his farm he had ____, E-I-E-I-O! 0 1 MrMan
940 Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% ____. 0 1 MrMan
941 I will not eat them Sam-I-Am. I will not eat ____. 0 1 MrMan
942 ____ is the root of all evil. 0 1 MrMan
943 The primitive villagers were both shocked and amazed when I showed them ____. 0 1 MrMan
944 And it is said his ghost still wanders these halls, forever searching for his lost ____. 0 1 MrMan
945 Disney presents ____, on ice! 0 1 MrMan
946 The best part of waking up is ____ in your cup. 0 1 MrMan
947 Though Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb, he is also known for giving us ____. 0 1 MrMan
948 Little Miss. Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her ____ and ____. 0 2 MrMan
949 What do I keep hidden in the crawlspace? 0 1 MrMan
950 Go-Go-Gadget, ____! 0 1 MrMan
951 I qualify for this job because I have several years experience in the field of ____. 0 1 MrMan
952 We just adopted ____ from the pound. 0 1 MrMan
953 It was the happiest day of my life when I became the proud parent of ____. 0 1 MrMan
954 I finally realized I hit rock bottom when I started digging through dumpsters for ____. 0 1 MrMan
955 With a million times the destructive force of all our nuclear weapons combined, no one was able to survive ____. 0 1 MrMan
956 You have been found guilty of 5 counts of ____, and 13 counts of ____. 0 2 MrMan
957 And the award for the filthiest scene in an adult film goes to "5 women and ____." 0 1 MrMan
958 The seldom mentioned 4th little pig build his house out of ____. 0 1 MrMan
959 "Why Grandma", said Little Red Riding Hood, "What big ____ you have!" 0 1 MrMan
960 Pay no attention to ____ behind the curtain! 0 1 MrMan
961 Who would have guessed that the alien invasion would be easily thwarted by ____. 0 1 MrMan
962 With Democrats and Republicans in a dead heat, the election was snatched by ____ party. 0 1 MrMan
963 Mama always said life was like ____. 0 1 MrMan
100226 Who could have guessed that the alien invasion would be easily thwarted by ____. 0 1 MrMan
100227 With the Democrats and Republicans in a dead heat, the election was snatched by the ____ party. 0 1 MrMan
5001 The panel I'm looking forward to most at AC this year is... 0 1 Furry
5002 My Original Character's name is ____. 0 1 Furry
5003 My secret tumblr account where I post nothing but ____. 0 1 Furry
5004 Only my internet friends know that I fantasize about ____. 0 1 Furry
5005 Everyone really just goes to the cons for ____. 0 1 Furry
5006 It all started with ____. 0 1 Furry
5007 I'll roleplay ____, you can be ____. 0 2 Furry
5008 I'm no longer allowed near ____ after the incident with ____. 0 2 Furry
5009 I've been into ____ since before I hit puberty, I just didn't know what it meant. 0 1 Furry
5010 Realizing, too late, the implications of your interest in ____ as a child. 0 1 Furry
5011 Whoa, I might fantasize about ____, but I'd never actually go that far in real life. 0 1 Furry
5012 I realized they were a furry when they mentioned ____. 0 1 Furry
5013 Everyone on this site has such strong opinions about ____. 0 1 Furry
5014 My landlord had a lot of uncomfortable questions for me when when he found ____ in my bedroom while I was at work. 0 1 Furry
5031 I'm not even aroused by normal porn anymore, I can only get off to ____ or ____. 0 2 Furry
5032 ____? Oh, yeah, I could get my mouth around that. 0 1 Furry
5033 What wouldn't I fuck? 0 1 Furry
5034 When I thought I couldn't go any lower, I realized I would probably fuck ____. 0 1 Furry
5035 I knew my boyfriend was a keeper when he said he'd try ____, just for me. 0 1 Furry
5036 Fuck ____, get ____. 0 2 Furry
5038 I would bend over for ____. 0 1 Furry
5039 I think having horns would make ____ complicated. 0 1 Furry
5040 In my past life, I was ____. 0 1 Furry
5041 ____ is my spirit animal. 0 1 Furry
5042 ____. This is what my life has come to. 0 1 Furry
5043 I'm not even sad that I devote at least six hours of each day to ____. 0 1 Furry
5044 I never felt more accomplished than when I realized I could fit ____ into my ass. 0 1 Furry
5045 Yeah, I know I have a lot of ____ in my favorites, but I'm just here for the art. 0 1 Furry
5046 I'm not a "furry," I prefer to be called ____. 0 1 Furry
5047 Okay, ____? Pretty much the cutest thing ever. 0 1 Furry
5048 ____. Yeah, that's a pretty interesting way to die. 0 1 Furry
5049 I didn't believe the rumors about ____, until I saw the videos. 0 1 Furry
5050 I knew I needed to leave the fandom when I realized I was ____. 0 1 Furry
5051 After being a furry for so long, I can never see ____ without getting a little aroused. 0 1 Furry
5052 It's really hard not to laugh at ____. 0 1 Furry
5053 If my parents ever found ____, I'd probably be disowned. 0 1 Furry
5054 ____ ruined the fandom. 0 1 Furry
5055 The most recent item in my search history. 0 1 Furry
5056 Is it weird that I want to rub my face on ____? 0 1 Furry
680 In her newest review, Diamanda Hagan finds herself in the body of ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8725 My love for you is like ____. BERSERKER! 0 1 ANX1
748 Last time I took bath salts, I ended up ____ in ____. 0 2 TGWTG
750 Tara taught me that if you're going to engage in ____, then ____ isn't a good idea. 0 2 TGWTG
700 The website was almost called "thatguywith____.com". 0 1 TGWTG
701 They even took ____! Who does that?! 0 1 TGWTG
733 You may be a robot, but I AM ____! 0 1 TGWTG
223 Northernlion's doctor diagnosed him today with ____, an unfortunate condition that would lead to ____. 0 2 NL
218 And now we're going to be fighting ____ on ____. 0 2 NL
8681 The comment section was nothing but ____ arguing about ____. 0 2 DAH
8726 IT'S ____ TIME! 0 1 ANX1
8727 It has been said... That there are entire forests of ____, made from the sweetest ____. 0 2 ANX1
8728 Attention, duelists: My hair is ____. 0 1 ANX1
8729 What do otaku smell like? 0 1 ANX1
8730 Madoka Kyouno's nickname for Muginami's older brother is ____. 0 1 ANX1
8731 "____."
"What the hell, man?!"
"Oh, okay." 0 2 ANX1
8732 And from Kyoto Animation, a show about cute girls doing ____. 0 1 ANX1
8733 Anime has taught me that classic literature can always be improved by adding ____. 0 1 ANX1
8734 The moé debate was surprisingly civil until someone mentioned ____. 0 1 ANX1
8735 That's not a squid! It's ____! 0 1 ANX1
8736 The Chocolate Underground stopped the Good For You Party by capturing their ____ and exposing their leader as ____. 0 2 ANX1
8737 Who cares about the printing press, did that medieval peasant girl just invent ____?! 0 1 ANX1
8747 Eating ____ gave me ____. 2 2 AI
8748 The reason I go to church is to learn about ____. 0 1 AI
8749 Show me on ____, where he ____. 0 2 AI
8750 I wouldn't ____ you with ____. 0 2 AI
8751 All attempts at ____, have met with failure and crippling economic sanctions. 0 1 AI
8752 Despite our Administration's best efforts, we are still incapable of ____. 0 1 AI
8753 Technology improves every day. One day soon, surfing the web will be replaced by ____. 0 1 AI
8754 Choosy Moms Choose ____. 0 1 AI
8755 At camp, we'd scare each other by telling stories about ____ around the fire. 0 1 AI
5037 ____? Oh murr. 0 1 Furry
5106 Why are you making chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning? 0 1 Vidya
5107 The newest feature of the Xbox One is ____. 0 1 Vidya
5108 PS3: It only does ____. 0 1 Vidya
5109 The new TF2 promo items are based on ____. 0 1 Vidya
5110 If Gordon Freeman spoke, what would he talk about? 0 1 Vidya
5111 >tfw when ____. 0 1 Vidya
5112 All you had to do was follow the damn ____, CJ! 0 1 Vidya
5113 Liquid! How can you still be alive? 0 1 Vidya
5114 What can change the nature of a man? 0 1 Vidya
5115 Microsoft revealed that the Xbox One's demos had actually been running on ____ 0 1 Vidya
5116 What if ____ was a girl? 0 1 Vidya
5117 What did I preorder at gamestop? 0 1 Vidya
5118 ____ confirmed for Super Smash Bros! 0 1 Vidya
5119 Based ____. 0 1 Vidya
5120 The newest IP from Nintendo, Super ____ Bros. 0 1 Vidya
5121 ____ only, no items, Final Destination. 0 1 Vidya
5122 Enjoy ____ while you play your Xbox one! 0 1 Vidya
5123 The future of gaming lies with the ____. 0 1 Vidya
5124 The best way to be comfy when playing video games is with ____. 0 1 Vidya
5125 ____ has no games. 0 1 Vidya
5126 PC gamers have made a petition to get ____ on their platform. 0 1 Vidya
5127 The new Nintendo ____ is a big gimmick. 0 1 Vidya
5128 >implying you aren't ____ 0 1 Vidya
5129 WHAT IS A MAN? 0 1 Vidya
5130 What is a ___ but a ____? 0 2 Vidya
5132 Wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and ____. 0 1 Vidya
5133 All your ____ are belong to us 0 1 Vidya
5134 I'm in ur base, ____ 0 1 Vidya
5135 Pop Quiz: Beatles Song- ___ terday. 0 1 Vidya
5136 ___ would like to play. 0 1 Vidya
5137 A mod of doom was made that was based off of ____. 0 1 Vidya
5138 I really didn't like what they did with the ____ Movie adaption. 0 1 Vidya
5140 Pumpkin doesn't want this. 0 1 Vidya
5141 NEXT TIME ON GAME GRUMPS: ____. 0 1 Vidya
5142 I used to be an adventurer like you, until ____. 0 1 Vidya
5143 Yeah, well, my dad works for ____. 0 1 Vidya
5144 Kotaku addresses sexism in ____ in their latest article. 0 1 Vidya
5145 Get double XP for Halo 3 with purchase of ____. 0 1 Vidya
5146 Sorry Mario, but ____ is in another castle. 0 1 Vidya
5147 LoL stole their new character design off of ____. 0 1 Vidya
5148 ____ is the cancer killing video games. 0 1 Vidya
5149 Suffer, like ____ did. 0 1 Vidya
5150 The ____ is a lie. 0 1 Vidya
5151 It's like ____ with guns! 0 1 Vidya
5152 Is a man not entitiled to ____? 0 1 Vidya
5153 ____ has changed. 0 1 Vidya
5154 But you can call me ____ the ____. Has a nice ring to it dontcha think? 0 1 Vidya
5155 Objective: ____ 0 1 Vidya
5156 EA Sports! It's ____. 0 1 Vidya
5157 ____ is waiting for your challenge! 0 1 Vidya
5158 ____ sappin' my sentry. 0 1 Vidya
5159 I'm here to ____ and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum. 0 1 Vidya
5160 I've covered ____, you know. 0 1 Vidya
5161 It's dangerous to go alone! Take this: 0 1 Vidya
5162 You were almost a ____ sandwich! 0 1 Vidya
5163 That's the second biggest ____ I've ever seen! 0 1 Vidya
5164 ____. ____ never changes. 0 1 Vidya
5165 ____ has changed. 0 1 Vidya
5166 You have been banned. Reason: ____. 0 1 Vidya
5167 The newest trope against women in video games: ____. 0 1 Vidya
5168 Fans started a kickstarter for a new ____ game. 0 1 Vidya
5169 Huh? What was that noise? 0 1 Vidya
5170 Viral marketers are trying to push the new ____. 0 1 Vidya
5171 I wouldn't call it a Battlestation, more like a ____. 0 1 Vidya
5172 ____: Gotta go fast! 0 1 Vidya
5173 The best final fantasy game was ____. 0 1 Vidya
5174 I love the ____, it's so bad 0 1 Vidya
5175 Valve is going to make ____ 2 before they release HL3. 0 1 Vidya
5176 ____ is a pretty cool guy 0 1 Vidya
5177 Ah! Your rival! What was his name again? 0 1 Vidya
5178 What's in the box, /v/? 0 1 Vidya
5179 Why is the ____ fandom the worst? 0 1 Vidya
5180 Achievement Unlocked: ____ ! 0 1 Vidya
5181 I'm ____ under the table right now! 0 1 Vidya
5182 brb guys, ____ break 0 1 Vidya
5183 OH MY GOD JC, A ____ 0 1 Vidya
5184 wooooooow, it took all 3 of you to ____ 0 1 Vidya
5185 Rev up those ____, because I am sure hungry for one- HELP! HELP! 0 1 Vidya
5186 ____ is 2deep and edgy for you. 0 1 Vidya
5187 Only casuals like ____. 0 1 Vidya
5188 The princess is in another ____ 0 1 Vidya
5189 I have the bigger ____. 0 1 Vidya
5190 ____ TEAM RULES!! 0 1 Vidya
5191 When you see it... you don't see ____. 0 1 Vidya
5194 This will be the 6th time we've posted ____; we've become increasingly efficient at it. 0 1 Vidya
5195 appealing to a larger audience 0 1 Vidya
5196 we must embrace ____ and burn it as fuel for out journey. 0 1 Vidya
5197 In Kingdom Hearts, Donald Duck will be replaced with ____ . 0 1 Vidya
5198 >walk into gamestop
>see ____
>walk out 0 1 Vidya
5199 Because of the lastest school shooting, ____ is being blamed for making kids too violent. 0 1 Vidya
5200 Here lies ____: peperony and chease 0 1 Vidya
5201 Throwaway round: Get rid of those shit cards you don't want. Thanks for all the suggestions, /v/ 0 1 Vidya
5202 The president has been kidnapped by ____. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president? 0 1 Vidya
5203 We ____ now. 0 1 Vidya
5204 What is the new mustard paste? 0 1 Vidya
5205 >____
>ISHYGDDT 0 2 Vidya
5206 All you had to do was ____ the damn ____! 0 2 Vidya
5207 The new ititeration in the Call of Duty franchise has players fighting off ____ deep in the jungles of ____ 0 2 Vidya
5208 Check your privilege, you ____ ____. 0 2 Vidya
5209 Jill, here's a ____. It might come in handy if you, the master of ____, take it with you. 0 2 Vidya
5210 ____ is a pretty cool guy, eh ____ and doesn't afraid of anything. 0 2 Vidya
5211 Ironic ____ is still ____. 0 2 Vidya
5212 It's like ____with ____! 0 2 Vidya
5057 I never thought I'd be comfortable with ____, but now it's pretty much the only thing I masturbate to. 0 1 Furry
5058 My next fursuit will have ____. 0 1 Furry
5059 I'm writing a porn comic about ____ and ____. 0 2 Furry
5060 I tell everyone that I make my money off "illustration," when really, I just draw ____. 0 1 Furry
5061 Oh, you're an artist? Could you draw ____ for me? 0 1 Furry
5062 Everyone thinks they're so great, but the only thing they're good at drawing is ____. 0 1 Furry
5063 They're just going to spend all that money on ____. 0 1 Furry
5064 While everyone else seems to have a deep, instinctual fear of ____, it just turns me on. 0 1 Furry
5065 Lying about having ____ to get donations, which you spend on ____. 0 2 Furry
5066 It's not bestiality, it's ____. 0 1 Furry
5067 Everyone thinks that because I'm a furry, I'm into ____. Unfortunately, they're right. 0 1 Furry
5068 I'm only gay for ____. 0 1 Furry
5069 Excuse you, I'm a were-____. 0 1 Furry
5070 If you like it, then you should put ____ on it. 0 1 Furry
5071 My girlfriend won't let me do ____. 0 1 Furry
5072 The most pleasant surprise I've had this year. 0 1 Furry
5073 I knew I had a problem when I had to sell ____ to pay for ____. 0 2 Furry
5074 I'm about 50% ____. 0 1 Furry
5075 ____: Horrible tragedy, or sexual opportunity? 0 1 Furry
5076 It's a little worrying that I have to compare the size of ____ to beverage containers. 0 1 Furry
5077 Hey, you guys wanna come back to my place? I've got ____ and ____. 0 2 Furry
5078 Jizzing all over ____. 0 1 Furry
5079 It's just that much creepier when 40-year-old men are into ____. 0 1 Furry
5080 ____ is no substitute for social skills, but it's a start. 0 1 Furry
5081 The real reason I got into the fandom? ____. 0 1 Furry
5082 ____ are definitely the new huskies. 0 1 Furry
5083 I remember when ____ was just getting started. 0 1 Furry
5084 When no one else is around, sometimes I consider doing things with ____. 0 1 Furry
5085 Actually coming inside ____. 0 1 Furry
5086 I don't know how we got on the subject of dragon cocks, but it probably started with ____. 0 1 Furry
5087 ____ is a shining example of what those with autism can really do. 0 1 Furry
5088 It is my dream to be covered with ____. 0 1 Furry
5089 ____ fucking ____. Now that's hot. 0 2 Furry
5090 Would you rather suck ____, or get dicked by ____? 0 2 Furry
5091 It never fails to liven up the workplace when you ask your coworkers if they'd rather have sex with ____ or ____. 0 2 Furry
5093 What are the two worst cards in your hand right now? 0 2 Furry
5094 Nobody believes me when I tell that one story about walking in on ____. 0 1 Furry
5095 You don't know who ____ is? They're the one that draws ____. 0 2 Furry
5104 You sometimes wish you'd encounter ____ while all alone, in the woods. With a bottle of lube. 0 1 Furry
5105 I used to avoid talking about ____, but now it's just a part of normal conversation with my friends. 0 1 Furry
8377 ____ didn't make it onto the first AT4W DVD. 0 1 TGWTG
8378 ____ is part of the WTFIWWY wheelhouse. 0 1 TGWTG
8379 ____ is the subject of the Critic's newest review. 0 1 TGWTG
8380 ____ is the subject of the missing short from The Uncanny Valley. 0 1 TGWTG
8381 ____ needs more gay. 0 1 TGWTG
8382 ____ will be Linkara's next cosplay. 0 1 TGWTG
8383 ____ wound up in this week's top WTFIWWY story. 0 1 TGWTG
8384 After getting snowed in at MAGfest, the reviewers were stuck with ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8385 ALL OF ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8386 An intervention was staged for Linkara after ____ was discovered in his hat. 0 1 TGWTG
8387 As a way of apologizing for a poorly received episode, E Rod promised to review ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8388 Being done with My Little Pony, 8-Bit Mickey has moved onto ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8389 Birdemic 3: ____ 0 1 TGWTG
8390 E Rod has a new dance move called ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8391 Even Kyle thinks ____ is pretentious. 0 1 TGWTG
8392 Florida's new crazy is about ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8393 Hello, I'm a ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8394 Here There Be ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8395 Hey kids, I'm Nash, and I couldn't make ____ up if I tried. 0 1 TGWTG
8396 Hey Nash, whatcha playin'? 0 1 TGWTG
8397 How is Bennett going to creep out Ask That Guy this time? 0 1 TGWTG
8398 In his most recent Avatar vlog, Doug's favorite thing about the episode was ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8399 In the newest Cheap Damage, CR looks at the trading card game version of ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8400 IT'S NOT ____! 0 1 TGWTG
8401 It's not nudity if there's ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8402 Leon Thomas almost named his show Renegade ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8403 Linkara was shocked when he found out Insano was secretly ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8404 Linkara's Yu-Gi-Oh deck is built up with nothing but ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8405 Luke Mochrie proved he was still part of the site by____. 0 1 TGWTG
8406 MikeJ's next sexual conquest is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8407 Nash had a long day at work, so tonight he'll stream ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8408 Nash rejected yet another RDA request for ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8409 Nash's recent rant about Microsoft led to ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8410 Nash's Reviewer Spotlight featured ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8411 New rule in the RDA Drinking Game: Every time ____ happens, take a shot! 0 1 TGWTG
8412 On the next WTFIWWY, Nash will give us a brief history of ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8413 The best Bad Movie Beatdown sketch is where Film Brain ropes Lordhebe into ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8414 The controversy over ad-blocking could be easily solved by ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8415 The easiest way to counteract a DMCA takedown notice is with ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8416 The last time Welshy and Film Brain were in a room together, they ended up ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8417 The new site that will overtake TGWTG is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8418 The newest Rap Libs makes extensive use of the phrase "____." 0 1 TGWTG
8419 The theme of this week's WTFIWWY is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8420 This week, Nash's beer is made with ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8421 What did Doug bring to the set of To Boldly Flee? 0 1 TGWTG
8422 What does Ven have to do now? 0 1 TGWTG
8423 What hot, trendy new dance will feature in Paw's next Dance Spectacular? 0 1 TGWTG
8424 What is hidden in Linkara's hat? 0 1 TGWTG
8425 What is literally the only thing tastier than a dragon's soul? 0 1 TGWTG
8426 What is Snowflame's only known weakness? 0 1 TGWTG
8427 What is the name of the next new Channel Awesome contributor? 0 1 TGWTG
8428 What killed Harvey Finevoice's son? 0 1 TGWTG
8429 What made Dodger ban someone from the RDA chat this week? 0 1 TGWTG
8430 What new upgrade did Nash give Laura? 0 1 TGWTG
8431 What was the first sign that Linkara was turning evil? 0 1 TGWTG
8432 What will Nash try to kill next with his hammer? 0 1 TGWTG
8433 When Arlo The Orc turns into a werewolf, he likes to snack on ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8434 When interviewing Linkara, be sure to ask him about ____! 0 1 TGWTG
8435 When not reviewing or ruling Haganistan with an iron fist, Hagan's hobby is ____. 0 1 TGWTG
8436 Who REALLY called Oancitizen to help him snap out of his ennui? 0 1 TGWTG
8437 Whose ass did Zodann kick this time? 0 1 TGWTG
8438 Why did Nash go to Chicago? 0 1 TGWTG
8439 Why doesn't Doug ever attend MAGFest? 0 1 TGWTG
8440 Why doesn't Film Brain have an actual reviewer costume? 0 1 TGWTG
8441 The MAGFest Nerf War took a dark turn when ____ was waylaid by ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8442 For a late night snack, Nash made a sandwich of ____ and ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8443 The next TGWTG porn spoof? ____ with ____! 0 2 TGWTG
8444 Putting ____ in ____? That doesn't go there! 0 2 TGWTG
8445 In trying to ban ____, Florida accidentally banned ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8446 If ____ got to direct an Uncanny Valley short, it would have featured ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8447 At ConBravo, ____ will be hosting a panel on ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8448 At MAGFest, ____ will host a panel focusing on ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8449 "Greetings, dear listeners. Won't you join ____ for ____?" 0 2 TGWTG
8450 Sad Panda is actually ____ and ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8451 I'm going to die watching ____ review ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8452 In a new latest announcement video, ____ has announced an appearance at ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8453 After ____, Phelous regenerated into ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8454 ____ and ____ would make awesome siblings. 0 2 TGWTG
8455 Some fangirls lay awake all night thinking of ____ and ____ together. 0 2 TGWTG
8456 In my new show, I review ____ while dressed like ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8457 Luke's newest character is ____, the Inner ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8458 Good evening! I am ____ of ____. 0 2 TGWTG
8459 ____ is the reason that ____ picked "AIDS." 0 2 TGWTG
8460 Nash's newest made-up curse word is ____-____-____! 2 3 TGWTG
8461 Using alchemy, combine ____ and ____ to make ____! 2 3 TGWTG
8462 Write Linkara's next storyline as a haiku. 2 3 TGWTG
8463 Nash will build his next contraption with just ____, ____, and ____. 2 3 TGWTG
8464 ____ did ____ to avoid ____. 2 3 TGWTG
8465 Make a WTFIWWY story. 2 3 TGWTG
8466 Dang it, ____! 0 1 NL
8467 ____ was full of leeches. 0 1 NL
8468 Pimp your ___! 0 1 NL
8469 My apologies to the ____ estate. 0 1 NL
8470 What interrupted the #NLSS? 0 1 NL
8471 Travel by ____. 0 1 NL
8472 The stream broke when Ryuka stepped on the ____ key. 0 1 NL
8473 Say that to my face one more time and I'll start ____. 0 1 NL
8474 Oh my god, he's using ____ magic! 0 1 NL
8475 Krazy Mike lost to ____! 0 1 NL
8476 What would you do if Ohm really did just die? 0 1 NL
8477 ____ has invaded! 0 1 NL
8478 We're having technical difficulties due to ____. 0 1 NL
8479 JSmithOTI is referred to as a Scumlord, but his friends call him ____. 0 1 NL
8480 Ohmwrecker is known for his MLG online play. What people don't know is that he's also MLG at ____. 0 1 NL
8481 Follow MichaelALFox on Twitter and you can see pictures of ____. 0 1 NL
8482 After Mars, ____ is the next furthest planet from the sun. 0 1 NL
8483 What would Ohm do? 0 1 NL
8484 The next movie reading will be of ____. 0 1 NL
8485 How did Northernlion unite Scotland? 0 1 NL
8486 Green loves the new Paranautical Activity item ____, but keeps comparing it to the crossbow. 0 1 NL
8487 ____ is really essential to completing the game. 0 1 NL
8488 My channel is youtube.com/____. 0 1 NL
8489 Northernlion's cat Ryuka is known for ____ while he records. 0 1 NL
8490 What gave Ohmwrecker his gaming powers? 0 1 NL
8491 Hello anybody, I am ____Patrol. 0 1 NL
8492 I have ____, can you ____ me? 0 2 NL
8493 ____! Get off the ____! 0 2 NL
8494 My name is ____ and today we'll be checking out ____. 0 2 NL
8495 It's true that Green9090 is ____, but we must all admit that Ohm is better at ____ 0 2 NL
8496 That's the way ____ did it, that's the way ____ does it, and it''s worked out pretty well so far. 0 2 NL
8497 Today on Crusader Kings 2, NL plays King ____ the ____. 0 2 NL
8498 After winning yet another race, Josh made ____ tweet about ____. 0 2 NL
8499 This time on ____ vs. ____, we're playing ____. 2 3 NL
8500 Welcome back to ____. 0 1 GG
8501 Welcome to Sonic Team! We make ____, I think! 0 1 GG
8502 What am I willing to put up with today? 0 1 GG
8503 What can be found in Arin's chins? 0 1 GG
8504 What do Mumbo's magic words mean? 0 1 GG
8505 What is the boopinest shit? 0 1 GG
8506 WHAT THE FUCK IS A ____?! 0 1 GG
8507 What's better than Skyward Sword? 0 1 GG
8508 What's the real reason Jon left? 0 1 GG
8509 When I look in the mirror I see ____. 0 1 GG
8510 Who replaced Jon when he left GameGrumps? 0 1 GG
8511 Who's an asshole? 0 1 GG
8512 Why is Steam Train so controversial? 0 1 GG
8513 WOOP WOOP WOOP I'M A ____! 0 1 GG
8514 You know what fan mail makes me the happiest every time I see it? It's the ones where people are like, "____." 0 1 GG
8515 You're ruining my integrity! ____ won't hire me now! 0 1 GG
8516 I've been ____ again! 0 1 GG
8517 Rolling around at the speed of ____! 0 1 GG
8518 This time on Guest Grumps, we have ____. 0 1 GG
8519 Top five games, go! 1? Mega Man X. 2-5? ____. 0 1 GG
8520 Use your ____! 0 1 GG
8521 Look at this guy, he's like ____. 0 1 GG
8522 Look, it's ____! 0 1 GG
8523 Next time on Game Grumps, ____! 0 1 GG
8524 Nightshade: The Claws of ____. 0 1 GG
8525 Number one! With a bullet! Zoom in on the ____! 0 1 GG
8526 Oh, it's ____! 0 1 GG
8527 One slice of ____ please. 0 1 GG
8528 Pikachu, use your ____ attack! 0 1 GG
8529 Put a hole in that ____! 0 1 GG
8530 Real talk? ____. 0 1 GG
8531 Jon's mom called him to tell him about ____. 0 1 GG
8532 Kirby has two iconic abilities: suck and ____. 0 1 GG
8533 Listen to the ____ on this shit. 0 1 GG
8534 Jon believes that the most important part of any video game is ____. 0 1 GG
8535 Jon can't get enough of ____. 0 1 GG
8536 Jon can't survive air travel without ____. 0 1 GG
8537 Jon just wants to touch ____. 0 1 GG
8538 Is there anything to gain from this? 0 1 GG
8539 It's no use! Take ____! 0 1 GG
8540 Jon and Arin suck at ____. 0 1 GG
8541 Jon and Arin win! They realize ____ is more important. 0 1 GG
8542 If the ____ wasn't there, I would do. But it's there, so it's not. 0 1 GG
8543 How many ____ does Mega Man get? 0 1 GG
8544 How many nose hairs does ____ have? 0 1 GG
8545 I certainly can't do it without you, and I know you can't do it without ____! 0 1 GG
8546 I tell you once, I tell you twice! ____ is good for economy! 0 1 GG
8547 I wanna put my ____ in her! 0 1 GG
8548 I'm not even SELLING ____! 0 1 GG
8549 Do you remember the episode where Ash caught a ____? 0 1 GG
8550 Don't throw ____! It's expensive to somebody! 0 1 GG
8551 Dude, real talk? ____. 0 1 GG
8552 Eat your ____, son. 0 1 GG
8553 Egoraptor's fiancee is actually a ____. 0 1 GG
8554 Everybody wants to know about me, but they don't know about my ____. 0 1 GG
8555 Fool me once, I'm mad. Fool me twice? How could you. Fool me three times, you're officially ____. 0 1 GG
8556 For my first attack, I will juggle ____ to impress you. 0 1 GG
8557 Fuck, I found a ____. 0 1 GG
8558 Game Grumps: sponsored by ____. 0 1 GG
8559 Give ____ a chance! He'll grow on you! 0 1 GG
8560 ____? Ten-outta-ten! 0 1 GG
8562 ____. It's no use! 0 1 GG
8563 ____. MILLIONS ARE DEAD!!! 0 1 GG
8564 ____. Put that in, Barry. 0 1 GG
8565 ____. This is like one of my Japanese animes! 0 1 GG
8566 ...What the bloody hell are you two talking about?! 0 1 GG
8567 "These new ____ t-shirts are gonna change some lives, Arin." 0 1 GG
8568 "You want cheese pizza?" "No. ____." 0 1 GG
8569 And then, as a fuckin' goof, I'd put a hole in ____. 0 1 GG
8570 And there it was...Kirby had finally met the ____ of the lost city. 0 1 GG
8571 Arin believes that the most important part of any video game is ____. 0 1 GG
8572 Arin has an adverse reaction to ____. 0 1 GG
8573 Barry entertains himself by watching old episodes of ____. 0 1 GG
8574 Barry, add ____ into the video! 0 1 GG
8575 Barry, we need a replay on ____. 0 1 GG
8576 BARRY! SHOW ____ AGAIN! 0 1 GG
8577 Barry's sheer skill at ____ is unmatched. 0 1 GG
8578 I don't like the ____ flavor. 0 1 GG
8579 ____ don't even cost this less! 0 1 GG
8580 ____ Grumps! 0 1 GG
8581 ____ has aged really well. 0 1 GG
8582 ____ is GREAT GREAT GREAT! 0 1 GG
8583 ____ is Jon's favorite video game of all time. 0 1 GG
8584 ____ is not Jon's strong suit. 0 1 GG
8585 ____ Train! 0 1 GG
8586 ____ WINS! 0 1 GG
8587 ____: Better than deer shit! 0 1 GG
8588 Welcome back to ____ ____! 0 2 GG
8589 Real talk? Is that ____ ____? 0 2 GG
8590 Look at that ____-ass ____! 0 2 GG
8591 JON'S ____, SHOW US YOUR ____. 0 2 GG
8592 The Grumps' latest silly player names are ____ and ____. 0 2 GG
8593 If you don't know what ____ is, you can't go to ____. 0 2 GG
8594 In this corner, ____; in the other corner, ____; it's Game Grumps VS! 0 2 GG
8595 IF I CAN'T BE ____, I SURE AS HELL CAN BE ____!! 0 2 GG
8596 COME ON AND ____, AND WELCOME TO THE ____! 0 2 GG
8597 If ____ evolved from ____, why the fuck is there still ____, dude?! 2 3 GG
8598 ____? Pretty smart. ____? Pretty fuckin' smart. ____? FUCKING GENIUS!!!! 2 3 GG
8599 ____ is probably a Venusaur kind of guy. 0 1 RT
8600 ____ is the greatest Canadian. 0 1 RT
8601 ____ is the worst on the Podcast. 0 1 RT
8602 ____. That's top. 0 1 RT
8603 After getting wasted at PAX, Burnie announced that "I am ____!" 0 1 RT
8604 Barbara sucks ____. 0 1 RT
8605 Close up of my ____. 0 1 RT
8606 Come to Fort ____! 0 1 RT
8607 Describe yourself in one word/phrase. 0 1 RT
8608 Detective ____ is down! 0 1 RT
8609 Does our house say "We love ____?" 0 1 RT
8610 Dude, I got sixteen ____! 0 1 RT
8611 Fight, fight, fight, ____? 0 1 RT
8612 Fuck it, I mean ____, right? 0 1 RT
8613 I'ma smother you in my ____! 0 1 RT
8614 If Jack was frog and you kissed him, what would he turn into? 0 1 RT
8615 If you could fuck anyone in the world, who would you choose? 0 1 RT
8616 If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 0 1 RT
8617 If you were allowed to do one illegal thing, what would it be? 0 1 RT
8618 It's a ____ out there. 0 1 RT
8619 It's not my fault. Somebody put ____ in my way. 0 1 RT
8620 Joel plays ____. 0 1 RT
8621 Let's do ____ again! This is fun! 0 1 RT
8622 Lindsay could fuck up ____. 0 1 RT
8624 My ____ is trying to die. 0 1 RT
8625 On tonight's Let's Play, the AH crew plays ____. 0 1 RT
8626 People like ____. 0 1 RT
8627 RT Recap, featuring ____! 0 1 RT
8628 Shout out to ____! 0 1 RT
8629 Shout out to my mom. Called my Teddy Bear ____. 0 1 RT
8630 So, I was just walking along, until suddenly ____ came along and attacked me. 0 1 RT
8631 Thanks to ____ for this week's theme song. 0 1 RT
8632 The next RvB cameo will be voiced by ____. 0 1 RT
8633 They questioned Ryan's sanity after finding ____ in his house. 0 1 RT
8634 This week on AHWU, ____. 0 1 RT
8635 This week on Immersion, we are going to test ____. 0 1 RT
8636 What are fire hydrants called in England? 0 1 RT
8637 What does Ryan's kid listen to? 0 1 RT
8638 What is Game Night? 0 1 RT
8639 What is the meaning of life? 0 1 RT
8640 What is the saddest thing you've ever seen? 0 1 RT
8641 What is the worst thing anyone could say in front of the police? 0 1 RT
8642 What is your biggest feature? 0 1 RT
8643 What is your favorite book? 0 1 RT
8644 What is your mating call? 0 1 RT
8645 What makes Caboose angry? 0 1 RT
8646 What makes Michael the angriest? 0 1 RT
8647 What mysteries lie beyond Jack's beard? 0 1 RT
8648 What would be your chosen catchphrase? 0 1 RT
8649 What's in Gavin's desk? 0 1 RT
8650 Where are we going for lunch? 0 1 RT
8651 Where does Ray belong? 0 1 RT
8652 Who has a fake Internet girlfriend? 0 1 RT
8654 Why are we here? 0 1 RT
8655 Why is Geoff cool? 0 1 RT
8656 Why was Michael screaming at Gavin? 0 1 RT
8657 Would you guys still like me if my name was ____? 0 1 RT
8658 You threw it against the wall like a ____! 0 1 RT
8659 ____ is ____ as dicks. 0 2 RT
8660 ____ is the best ____ ever. Of all time. 0 2 RT
8661 ____ wins! ____ is a horse! 0 2 RT
8662 If you got $1,000,000 per week, would you ____, but in the next day, you'd have to ____? 0 2 RT
8663 My name is ____, and I hate ____! 0 2 RT
8664 No one in the office expected the bromance between ____ and ____. 0 2 RT
8665 Select two cards to create your team name. 0 2 RT
8666 This week on VS, ____ challenges ____ to a game of ____. 2 3 RT
8667 The war's over. We're holding a parade in ____'s honor. ____ drives the float, and ____ is in charge of confetti. 2 3 RT
8668 What's a paladin? 0 1 DAH
8669 One of these days i'm just gonna shit my ____. 0 1 DAH
8670 You need to ____ your asshole, it's vital to this operation. 0 1 DAH
8671 I'm sorry Timmy, but I must ____ you. 0 1 DAH
8672 It took hours to edit ____ into the video. 0 1 DAH
8673 In this week's gauntlet, Tehsmarty challenges ChilledChaos to ____. 0 1 DAH
8674 In this week's gauntlet, ChilledChaos challenges Tehsmarty to ____. 0 1 DAH
8675 I AM THE ____ CZAR!!! 0 1 DAH
8676 ZeRoyalViking's up and coming game company, "ZEA" accredits their success to ____. 0 1 DAH
8677 Tehsmarty loves the smell of ____ in the morning. 0 1 DAH
8678 The Creatures' next member is ____. 0 1 DAH
8679 Come on and slam, and welcome to the ____. 0 1 DAH
8680 ____, the one you want to get DDoS'd 0 1 DAH
8653 Why are there six ____ when there are only four ____? 0 2 RT
8682 GaLmHD is so pro at almost every game he plays yet he can`t play____! 0 1 DAH
8683 Smarty's darkest fear is ____. 0 1 DAH
8684 Pewdiepie's going to play ____!? 0 1 DAH
8685 And here we have ____. Strike it's weakness for MASSIVE damage! 0 1 DAH
8686 But Beardman! Why do you think that ____? 0 1 DAH
8687 In the next episode of Press Heart to Continue: Dodger talks about ____. 0 1 DAH
8688 What did Criken do this time to break ARMA III? 0 1 DAH
8689 What was the big prize this time around at the Thrown Controllers panel? 0 1 DAH
8690 What did Mitch or Bajan Canadian find in the fridge today? 0 1 DAH
8691 In ____ We Trust. 0 1 DAH
8692 When Sp00n finally removed his horsemask on the livestream, we saw ____. 0 1 DAH
8693 I give this game a rating of ____. 0 1 DAH
8694 What did Pewdiepie overreact to on his channel today? 0 1 DAH
8695 This time on Brutalmoose's Top 10, his guest was ____. 0 1 DAH
8696 Only Totalbiscuit would spend an hour long video discussing ____. 0 1 DAH
8697 Last Thursday, Riorach was identified in public and she proceeded to ____. 0 1 DAH
8698 On this episode of PKA Woody and Wings talk about ____. 0 1 DAH
8699 Bro's Angels. We ____ hard. 0 1 DAH
8700 TotalBiscuit's top hat is actually ____. 0 1 DAH
8701 GTA shenanigans would not be GTA shenanigans without Seananners dropping ____ on ____. 0 2 DAH
8702 Knowing Chilled's knowledge with Minecraft, he'll probably use ____ on ____ in his next video. 0 2 DAH
8703 The Xbox One's DRM policy isn't half as bad as ____. 0 2 DAH
8704 In today's Driftor in-depth episode we shall look at ____. 0 2 DAH
8705 What will YouTube add in its next unneeded update? 0 2 DAH
8706 Two Best Friends Play ____. 0 2 DAH
8707 Oh great, ____ is doing another ____ game LP. 0 2 DAH
8708 In his new Co-op work SSoHPKC will be playing ____ with ____. 0 2 DAH
8709 My name is-a ____ and i likea da ____. 0 2 DAH
-- TOC entry 1946 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 162
-- Name: black_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: cah
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('black_cards_id_seq', 8755, true);
-- TOC entry 1930 (class 0 OID 16395)
-- Dependencies: 163
-- Data for Name: card_set; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COPY card_set (id, active, name, base_deck, description, weight) FROM stdin;
1151 t First Version t The original version of the Cards Against Humanity base game. 1
1152 t Second Version t The updated version of the Cards Against Humanity base game. 2
100211 t Third Version t Another updated version of the Cards Against Humanity base game. 3
1155 t The First Expansion f The official First Expansion. 10
1256 t The Second Expansion f The official Second Expansion. 11
1153 t Canadian f Cards included in Canadian orders. 20
1154 t Misprint Replacement Bonus Cards f Bonus cards included with replacements for misprinted cards. 21
1488 t 2012 Holiday Pack f The 2012 Holiday Pack. 22
100154 t The Third Expansion f The official Third Expansion. 12
100051 t PAX East 2013 Pack "C" f PAX East 2013 Pack "C". 32
100049 t PAX East 2013 Pack "A" f PAX East 2013 Pack "A". 30
100050 t PAX East 2013 Pack "B" f PAX East 2013 Pack "B". 31
100001 t [CUSTOM] r/MLPLounge f http://www.reddit.com/r/mlplounge/ 500
100002 t [CUSTOM] Very Serious f http://forum.verysrs.com/ 501
100157 t [CUSTOM] Northernlion f http://www.youtube.com/user/Northernlion 502
100161 t [CUSTOM] That Guy With The Glasses t http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/ 503
100160 t [CUSTOM] Ridiculously Stupid f 504
100003 t [CUSTOM] Admin's Picks f Custom cards that I think are particularly fitting. 100
100017 t [CUSTOM] SocialGamer f Custom cards from the SocialGamer.net community. 101
100219 t [CUSTOM] Golby Fan Club f 505
100224 t [CUSTOM] Anime t http://www.desudesbrigade.com/ 506
100233 t [CUSTOM] Derps Against Humanity f 520
100232 t [CUSTOM] Rooster Teeth f 519
100231 t [CUSTOM] Game Grumps f 518
100229 t [CUSTOM] Vidya f by Sl0nderman 517
100228 t [CUSTOM] Sodomy Dog's Furry Pack f 516
100225 t [CUSTOM] Mr. Man Collection f 515
100234 f [CUSTOM] Anime Expansion #1 f http://www.desudesbrigade.com/ 507
100236 f [CUSTOM] Antisocial Injustice f 521
-- TOC entry 1931 (class 0 OID 16398)
-- Dependencies: 164
-- Data for Name: card_set_black_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COPY card_set_black_card (card_set_id, black_card_id) FROM stdin;
1151 1
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1256 1180
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-- TOC entry 1932 (class 0 OID 16401)
-- Dependencies: 165
-- Data for Name: card_set_white_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COPY card_set_white_card (card_set_id, white_card_id) FROM stdin;
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-- TOC entry 1947 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 168
-- Name: hibernate_sequence; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: cah
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('hibernate_sequence', 100236, true);
-- TOC entry 1933 (class 0 OID 16404)
-- Dependencies: 166
-- Data for Name: white_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COPY white_cards (id, text, watermark) FROM stdin;
282 Michelle Obama's arms. \N
124 White people. \N
393 An erection that lasts longer than four hours. \N
141 Panda sex. \N
121 Stifling a giggle at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis. \N
269 A middle-aged man on roller skates. \N
1 Coat hanger abortions. \N
138 Scrubbing under the folds. \N
275 Wearing underwear inside-out to avoid doing laundry. \N
3662 Canadian Kindness. RS
1146 end First Expansion \N
3663 The world's tallest midget. RS
462 MechaHitler. 1.2
463 Getting naked and watching Nickelodeon. 1.2
464 Charisma. 1.2
465 Morgan Freeman's voice. 1.2
466 Breaking out into song and dance. 1.2
467 Soup that is too hot. 1.2
468 Chutzpah. 1.2
469 Unfathomable stupidity. 1.2
470 Horrifying laser hair removal accidents. 1.2
471 Boogers. 1.2
3664 The shitty remains of Taco Bell®. RS
473 Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor. 1.2
474 A defective condom. 1.2
475 Teenage pregnancy. 1.2
476 Hot cheese. 1.2
477 A mopey zoo lion. 1.2
478 Shapeshifters. 1.2
479 The Care Bear Stare. 1.2
480 Erectile dysfunction. 1.2
481 The chronic. 1.2
483 "Tweeting." 1.2
484 Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog. 1.2
485 Nicolas Cage. 1.2
3665 Master Chief. RS
1110 Leveling up. X1
1111 Literally eating shit. X1
1112 Making the penises kiss. X1
1113 Media coverage. X1
3666 Four Loko. RS
1115 Moral ambiguity. X1
1116 My machete. X1
1117 One thousand Slim Jims. X1
1118 Ominous background music. X1
1119 Overpowering your father. X1
1120 Pistol-whipping a hostage. X1
1121 Quiche. X1
1122 Quivering jowls. X1
1123 Revenge fucking. X1
1124 Ripping into a man's chest and pulling out his still-beating heart. X1
1125 Ryan Gosling riding in on a white horse. X1
1126 Santa Claus. X1
1127 Scrotum tickling. X1
1128 Sexual humiliation. X1
1129 Sexy Siamese twins. X1
1130 Slow motion. X1
1131 Space muffins. X1
1132 Statistically validated stereotypes. X1
1133 Sudden Poop Explosion Disease. X1
1134 The boners of the elderly. X1
1135 The economy. X1
225 Dropping a chandelier on your enemies and riding the rope up. \N
297 Public ridicule. \N
265 A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis. \N
218 Vehicular manslaughter. \N
3667 Xyzzy playing around with gender roles. RS
160 The token minority. \N
3668 Walt Disney's frozen head. RS
3669 Sponge baths. RS
488 A gentle caress of the inner thigh. 1.2
489 Poor life choices. 1.2
490 Embryonic stem cells. 1.2
491 Customer service representatives. 1.2
492 The Little Engine That Could. 1.2
493 Lady Gaga. 1.2
494 A death ray. 1.2
495 Vigilante justice. 1.2
496 Exactly what you'd expect. 1.2
497 Natural male enhancement. 1.2
498 Passive-aggressive Post-it notes. 1.2
499 Inappropriate yodeling. 1.2
500 A homoerotic volleyball montage. 1.2
501 Actually taking candy from a baby. 1.2
502 Jibber-jabber. 1.2
503 Crystal meth. 1.2
504 My inner demons. 1.2
505 Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum. 1.2
506 My vagina. 1.2
3670 Sonic brutally murdering Mario. RS
508 The true meaning of Christmas. 1.2
3671 Mario brutally murdering Sonic. RS
1137 The Gulags. X1
1138 The harsh light of day. X1
1139 The hiccups. X1
1140 The shambling corpse of Larry King. X1
1141 The four arms of Vishnu. X1
1142 Being a busy adult with many important things to do. X1
1143 Tripping balls. X1
1144 Words, words, words. X1
1145 Zeus's sexual appetites. X1
1066 A big black dick. X1
1067 A beached whale. X1
1068 A bloody pacifier. X1
1069 A crappy little hand. X1
1070 A low standard of living. X1
1071 A nuanced critique. X1
1072 Panty raids. X1
1073 A passionate Latino lover. X1
1074 A rival dojo. X1
1075 A web of lies. X1
1076 A woman scorned. X1
1078 Apologizing. X1
1079 Appreciative snapping. X1
1080 Neil Patrick Harris. X1
1081 Beating your wives. X1
1082 Being a dinosaur. X1
1083 Shaft. X1
1217 A soulful rendition of "Ol' Man River." X2
1218 Intimacy problems. X2
1219 A sweaty, panting leather daddy. X2
1220 Spring break! X2
1221 Being awesome at sex. X2
1222 Dining with cardboard cutouts of the cast of "Friends." X2
461 Flying sex snakes. 1.2
1077 Clams. X1
1223 Another shot of morphine. X2
1226 Bullshit. X2
1227 The Google. X2
3672 Getting high on bath salts. RS
1229 The new Radiohead album. X2
1230 An army of skeletons. X2
1231 A man in yoga pants with a ponytail and feather earrings. X2
1232 Mild autism. X2
1233 Nunchuck moves. X2
1234 Whipping a disobedient slave. X2
1235 An ether-soaked rag. X2
1236 A sweet spaceship. X2
1237 A 55-gallon drum of lube. X2
1238 Special musical guest, Cher. X2
1239 The human body. X2
1240 Boris the Soviet Love Hammer. X2
1241 The grey nutrient broth that sustains Mitt Romney. X2
1242 Tiny nipples. X2
1243 Power. X2
1244 Oncoming traffic. X2
1245 A dollop of sour cream. X2
1246 A slightly shittier parallel universe. X2
1247 My first kill. X2
1248 Graphic violence, adult language, and some sexual content. X2
1249 Fetal alcohol syndrome. X2
1250 The day the birds attacked. X2
1251 One Ring to rule them all. X2
1252 Grandpa's ashes. X2
1253 Basic human decency. X2
1254 A Burmese tiger pit. X2
1255 Death by Steven Seagal. X2
1002 testtest \N
1031 End Canadian White Cards \N
1010 Mr. Dressup. CAN
1011 Being Canadian. CAN
1012 The Famous Five. CAN
1013 Stephen Harper. CAN
1014 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. CAN
1015 An icy handjob from an Edmonton hooker. CAN
1016 Poutine. CAN
1017 Newfies. CAN
1018 The Official Languages Act. La Loi sur les langues officielles. CAN
1019 Terry Fox's prosthetic leg. CAN
1020 The FLQ. CAN
1021 Canada: America's Hat. CAN
1022 Don Cherry's wardrobe. CAN
1023 Burning down the White House. CAN
1024 Heritage minutes. CAN
1025 Homo milk. CAN
1026 Naked News. CAN
1027 Syrupy sex with a maple tree. CAN
1028 Snotsicles. CAN
1029 Schmirler the Curler. CAN
1030 A Molson muscle. CAN
1181 A bigger, blacker dick. X2
3673 Snorting Pixie Stix. RS
1183 A sad fat dragon with no friends. X2
1184 Catastrophic urethral trauma. X2
1185 Hillary Clinton's death stare. X2
1186 Existing. X2
3674 Poorly written Star Wars® fan fiction. RS
1188 Mooing. X2
1189 Swiftly achieving orgasm. X2
1190 Daddy's belt. X2
1191 Double penetration. X2
1192 Weapons-grade plutonium. X2
1193 Some really fucked-up shit. X2
1194 Subduing a grizzly bear and making her your wife. X2
1195 Rising from the grave. X2
1196 The mixing of the races. X2
1197 Taking a man's eyes and balls out and putting his eyes where his balls go and then his balls in the eye holes. X2
1198 Scrotal frostbite. X2
1199 All of this blood. X2
1200 Loki, the trickster god. X2
1201 Whining like a little bitch. X2
1202 Pumping out a baby every nine months. X2
1203 Tongue. X2
1204 Finding Waldo. X2
1205 Upgrading homeless people to mobile hotspots. X2
1206 Wearing an octopus for a hat. X2
1207 An unhinged ferris wheel rolling toward the sea. X2
1208 Living in a trashcan. X2
1209 The corporations. X2
1210 A magic hippie love cloud. X2
1211 Fuck Mountain. X2
1212 Survivor's guilt. X2
1213 Me. X2
1214 Getting hilariously gang-banged by the Blue Man Group. X2
1215 Jeff Goldblum. X2
1216 Making a friend. X2
44 German dungeon porn. \N
40 Praying the gay away. \N
63 Dying. \N
41 Same-sex ice dancing. \N
70 Dying of dysentery. \N
19 Roofies. \N
22 The Big Bang. \N
23 Amputees. \N
74 Men. \N
18 Concealing a boner. \N
87 Agriculture. \N
51 Making a pouty face. \N
60 Hormone injections. \N
55 Tom Cruise. \N
56 Object permanence. \N
92 Consultants. \N
26 Being marginalized. \N
54 The profoundly handicapped. \N
96 Party poopers. \N
48 Nickelback. \N
7 Doing the right thing. \N
65 The invisible hand. \N
49 Heteronormativity. \N
29 Cuddling. \N
84 Raptor attacks. \N
38 Fear itself. \N
91 Sniffing glue. \N
58 An icepick lobotomy. \N
109 Being rich. \N
79 The clitoris. \N
71 Sexy pillow fights. \N
105 Michael Jackson. \N
101 Sexting. \N
33 Horse meat. \N
8 Hunting accidents. \N
9 A cartoon camel enjoying the smooth, refreshing taste of a cigarette. \N
15 Abstinence. \N
17 Mountain Dew Code Red. \N
21 Tweeting. \N
43 Making sex at her. \N
64 Stunt doubles. \N
69 Flavored condoms. \N
100 Heath Ledger. \N
110 Muzzy. \N
97 Sunshine and rainbows. \N
68 Flash flooding. \N
57 Goblins. \N
13 Spectacular abs. \N
72 The Three-Fifths compromise. \N
4 Vigorous jazz hands. \N
106 Skeletor. \N
80 Vikings. \N
34 Genital piercings. \N
3675 The final circle of Hell. RS
67 A really cool hat. \N
102 An Oedipus complex. \N
82 The Underground Railroad. \N
77 Heartwarming orphans. \N
47 Cheating in the Special Olympics. \N
108 Sharing needles. \N
46 Ethnic cleansing. \N
103 Eating all of the cookies before the AIDS bake-sale. \N
93 My humps. \N
10 The violation of our most basic human rights. \N
35 Fingering. \N
53 The placenta. \N
5 Flightless birds. \N
37 Stranger danger. \N
107 Chivalry. \N
76 Sean Penn. \N
73 A sad handjob. \N
66 Jew-fros. \N
12 Self-loathing. \N
61 A falcon with a cap on its head. \N
75 Historically black colleges. \N
30 Aaron Burr. \N
25 Former President George W. Bush. \N
94 Geese. \N
99 Mutually-assured destruction. \N
88 Bling. \N
27 Smegma. \N
90 The South. \N
83 Pretending to care. \N
59 Arnold Schwarzenegger. \N
20 Glenn Beck convulsively vomiting as a brood of crab spiders hatches in his brain and erupts from his tear ducts. \N
104 A sausage festival. \N
62 Foreskin. \N
95 Being a dick to children. \N
52 Chainsaws for hands. \N
86 A Gypsy curse. \N
31 The Pope. \N
16 A balanced breakfast. \N
36 Elderly Japanese men. \N
6 Pictures of boobs. \N
39 Science. \N
32 A bleached asshole. \N
3 Autocannibalism. \N
50 William Shatner. \N
85 A micropenis. \N
78 Waterboarding. \N
45 Bingeing and purging. \N
89 A clandestine butt scratch. \N
2 Man meat. \N
28 Laying an egg. \N
14 An honest cop with nothing left to lose. \N
42 The terrorists. \N
81 Friends who eat all the snacks. \N
1043 end misprint bonus card \N
1034 A bitch slap. B
1035 One trillion dollars. B
1036 Chunks of dead prostitute. B
1037 The entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir. B
1038 The female orgasm. B
1039 Extremely tight pants. B
1040 Stormtroopers. B
1041 The Boy Scouts of America. B
1042 Throwing a virgin into a volcano. B
120 Cookie Monster devouring the Eucharist wafers. \N
123 Letting yourself go. \N
3676 The Bible. RS
131 A LAN party. \N
133 A grande sugar-free iced soy caramel macchiato. \N
143 Will Smith. \N
156 Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. \N
158 Dave Matthews Band. \N
164 Substitute teachers. \N
177 Garth Brooks. \N
188 Keeping Christ in Christmas. \N
190 That one gay Teletubby. \N
216 Passive-agression. \N
3677 Borat's one piece. RS
248 The People's Elbow. \N
230 Guys who don't call. \N
152 AIDS. \N
187 The Rapture. \N
244 Eugenics. \N
181 Taking off your shirt. \N
139 A drive-by shooting. \N
217 Ronald Reagan. \N
195 Jewish fraternities. \N
198 All-you-can-eat shrimp for $4.99. \N
233 Scalping. \N
196 Edible underpants. \N
154 Figgy pudding. \N
240 Intelligent design. \N
207 Nocturnal emissions. \N
119 Uppercuts. \N
180 The American Dream. \N
226 Testicular torsion. \N
201 The folly of man. \N
153 The KKK. \N
241 The taint; the grundle; the fleshy fun-bridge. \N
237 Saxophone solos. \N
200 That thing that electrocutes your abs. \N
176 Oversized lollipops. \N
161 Friends with benefits. \N
137 Teaching a robot to love. \N
205 Me time. \N
250 The heart of a child. \N
252 Smallpox blankets. \N
127 Yeast. \N
214 Full frontal nudity. \N
175 Authentic Mexican cuisine. \N
253 Licking things to claim them as your own. \N
174 Genghis Khan. \N
209 The hardworking Mexican. \N
189 RoboCop. \N
112 Spontaneous human combustion. \N
128 Natural selection. \N
245 A good sniff. \N
212 Nipple blades. \N
126 Leaving an awkward voicemail. \N
213 Assless chaps. \N
191 Sweet, sweet vengeance. \N
243 Keg stands. \N
232 Darth Vader. \N
114 Necrophilia. \N
144 Toni Morrison's vagina. \N
159 Preteens. \N
185 A cooler full of organs. \N
178 Keanu Reeves. \N
166 A thermonuclear detonation. \N
186 A moment of silence. \N
142 Catapults. \N
118 Emotions. \N
151 Balls. \N
234 Homeless people. \N
173 Old-people smell. \N
117 Farting and walking away. \N
206 The inevitable heat death of the universe. \N
24 The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. \N
136 Sperm whales. \N
204 A murder most foul. \N
208 Daddy issues. \N
199 Britney Spears at 55. \N
210 Natalie Portman. \N
223 The Holy Bible. \N
220 Pulling out. \N
163 Pixelated bukkake. \N
168 Waiting 'til marriage. \N
235 The World of Warcraft. \N
116 Global warming. \N
224 World peace. \N
170 A can of whoop-ass. \N
148 A zesty breakfast burrito. \N
221 Picking up girls at the abortion clinic. \N
146 Land mines. \N
113 College. \N
228 A time travel paradox. \N
155 Seppuku. \N
211 Waking up half-naked in a Denny's parking lot. \N
149 Christopher Walken. \N
236 Gloryholes. \N
169 A tiny horse. \N
184 Child abuse. \N
219 Menstruation. \N
135 A sassy black woman. \N
162 Re-gifting. \N
122 Penis envy. \N
179 Drinking alone. \N
215 Hulk Hogan. \N
3679 A 1971 Ford Pinto. RS
140 Whipping it out. \N
171 Dental dams. \N
157 Gandhi. \N
239 God. \N
150 Friction. \N
147 A sea of troubles. \N
197 Poor people. \N
183 Flesh-eating bacteria. \N
125 Dick Cheney. \N
246 Lockjaw. \N
165 Take-backsies. \N
132 Opposable thumbs. \N
222 The homosexual agenda. \N
202 Fiery poops. \N
203 Cards Against Humanity. \N
3680 Shitting on the White House lawn. RS
238 Sean Connery. \N
227 The milk man. \N
115 The Chinese gymnastics team. \N
231 Eating the last known bison. \N
134 Soiling oneself. \N
182 Giving 110%. \N
242 Friendly fire. \N
111 Count Chocula. \N
172 Feeding Rosie O'Donnell. \N
251 Seduction. \N
194 Being a motherfucking sorcerer. \N
264 Eastern European Turbo-Folk music. \N
273 Douchebags on their iPhones. \N
281 The deformed. \N
285 Donald Trump. \N
288 This answer is postmodern. \N
301 African children. \N
307 Have some more kugel. \N
310 Crippling debt. \N
313 Shorties and blunts. \N
328 (I am doing Kegels right now.) \N
331 Bestiality. \N
333 Drum circles. \N
338 Inappropriate yelling. \N
341 The Thong Song. \N
342 A vajazzled vagina. \N
3681 Mountain Dew® Baja Blast. RS
3682 Nessie. RS
363 Tiger Woods. \N
371 PCP. \N
383 Mr. Snuffleupagus. \N
394 A disappointing birthday party. \N
319 Puppies! \N
308 A windmill full of corpses. \N
340 Being on fire. \N
372 A lifetime of sadness. \N
258 Pterodactyl eggs. \N
289 Crumpets with the Queen. \N
344 Exchanging pleasantries. \N
276 Republicans. \N
321 Kim Jong-il. \N
366 Glenn Beck being harried by a swarm of buzzards. \N
254 A salty surprise. \N
330 The Jews. \N
324 Incest. \N
3683 Princess Peach's Cake. RS
391 Nazis. \N
292 Repression. \N
287 Attitude. \N
361 Passable transvestites. \N
395 Puberty. \N
374 Swooping. \N
4221 Rob Liefeld. TGWTG
379 A look-see. \N
348 Lactation. \N
266 Pabst Blue Ribbon. \N
357 The gays. \N
278 A foul mouth. \N
377 A hot mess. \N
268 My collection of high-tech sex toys. \N
318 Bees? \N
388 Getting drunk on mouthwash. \N
277 The glass ceiling. \N
286 Sarah Palin. \N
291 Team-building exercises. \N
290 Frolicking. \N
380 Not giving a shit about the Third World. \N
345 My relationship status. \N
384 Barack Obama. \N
302 Mouth herpes. \N
386 Wiping her butt. \N
263 Pedophiles. \N
373 Doin' it in the butt. \N
347 Being fabulous. \N
389 An M. Night Shyamalan plot twist. \N
294 A bag of magic beans. \N
296 Dead parents. \N
257 My sex life. \N
343 Riding off into the sunset. \N
364 Dick fingers. \N
362 The Virginia Tech Massacre. \N
387 Queefing. \N
339 Tangled Slinkys. \N
337 Civilian casualties. \N
316 Leprosy. \N
325 Grave robbing. \N
376 Tentacle porn. \N
304 Bill Nye the Science Guy. \N
370 New Age music. \N
261 72 virgins. \N
322 Hope. \N
314 Passing a kidney stone. \N
299 A mime having a stroke. \N
368 Classist undertones. \N
298 A mating display. \N
382 The Kool-Aid Man. \N
349 Not reciprocating oral sex. \N
352 Date rape. \N
306 Italians. \N
256 My soul. \N
3684 Two midgets stacked up pretending to be one person. RS
312 A stray pube. \N
279 Jerking off into a pool of children's tears. \N
280 Getting really high. \N
378 Too much hair gel. \N
303 Overcompensation. \N
272 Free samples. \N
346 Shaquille O'Neal's acting career. \N
271 Half-assed foreplay. \N
283 Explosions. \N
392 White privilege. \N
293 Road head. \N
255 Poorly-timed Holocaust jokes. \N
323 8 oz. of sweet Mexican black-tar heroin. \N
355 Judge Judy. \N
259 Altar boys. \N
358 Scientology. \N
329 Justin Bieber. \N
327 Alcoholism. \N
351 My genitals. \N
332 Winking at old people. \N
385 Golden showers. \N
365 Racism. \N
336 Auschwitz. \N
262 Raping and pillaging. \N
334 Kids with ass cancer. \N
274 Hurricane Katrina. \N
356 Lumberjack fantasies. \N
381 American Gladiators. \N
295 An asymmetric boob job. \N
326 Asians who aren't good at math. \N
335 Loose lips. \N
270 The Blood of Christ. \N
317 A brain tumor. \N
315 Prancing. \N
375 The Hamburglar. \N
360 Police brutality. \N
260 Forgetting the Alamo. \N
369 Booby-trapping the house to foil burglars. \N
359 Estrogen. \N
390 A robust mongoloid. \N
309 Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II. \N
193 Pooping back and forth. Forever. \N
320 Cockfights. \N
305 Bitches. \N
300 Stephen Hawking talking dirty. \N
403 Those times when you get sand in your vagina. \N
424 Faith healing. \N
428 Impotence. \N
454 Bananas in Pajamas. \N
399 Getting so angry that you pop a boner. \N
414 Tasteful sideboob. \N
396 Two midgets shitting into a bucket. \N
406 Racially-biased SAT questions. \N
449 Glenn Beck catching his scrotum on a curtain hook. \N
398 The forbidden fruit. \N
459 Anal beads. \N
367 Surprise sex! \N
426 Dead babies. \N
129 Masturbation. \N
452 The Hustle. \N
3685 Apples to Apples®. RS
409 Obesity. \N
429 Child beauty pageants. \N
422 Goats eating coins. \N
457 Kamikaze pilots. \N
443 Powerful thighs. \N
450 A big hoopla about nothing. \N
433 Women's suffrage. \N
442 John Wilkes Booth. \N
425 Parting the Red Sea. \N
435 Harry Potter erotica. \N
416 Grandma. \N
407 Porn stars. \N
423 A monkey smoking a cigar. \N
439 Mathletes. \N
437 Lance Armstrong's missing testicle. \N
434 Children on leashes. \N
445 Multiple stab wounds. \N
411 Oompa-Loompas. \N
451 Peeing a little bit. \N
421 The miracle of childbirth. \N
448 Another goddamn vampire movie. \N
3686 The tears of a college student. RS
455 Active listening. \N
402 A gassy antelope. \N
412 BATMAN!!! \N
413 Black people. \N
447 Serfdom. \N
418 The Trail of Tears. \N
453 Ghosts. \N
436 The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. \N
420 Finger painting. \N
249 Robert Downey, Jr. \N
405 Muhammed (Praise Be Unto Him). \N
419 Famine. \N
431 AXE Body Spray. \N
458 The Force. \N
446 Cybernetic enhancements. \N
444 Mr. Clean, right behind you. \N
401 Third base. \N
438 Dwarf tossing. \N
408 A fetus. \N
441 Women in yogurt commercials. \N
417 Copping a feel. \N
400 Sexual tension. \N
456 Dry heaving. \N
430 Centaurs. \N
397 Wifely duties. \N
415 Hot people. \N
432 Kanye West. \N
427 The Amish. \N
410 When you fart and a little bit comes out. \N
1084 Bosnian chicken farmers. X1
1085 Nubile slave boys. X1
1086 Carnies. X1
1087 Coughing into a vagina. X1
1088 Suicidal thoughts. X1
1089 Dancing with a broom. X1
1090 Deflowering the princess. X1
1091 Dorito breath. X1
1092 Eating an albino. X1
1093 Enormous Scandinavian women. X1
1094 Fabricating statistics. X1
1095 Finding a skeleton. X1
1096 Gandalf. X1
1097 Genetically engineered super-soldiers. X1
1098 George Clooney's musk. X1
1099 Getting abducted by Peter Pan. X1
1100 Getting in her pants, politely. X1
1101 Gladiatorial combat. X1
1102 Good grammar. X1
1103 Hipsters. X1
1104 Historical revisionism. X1
1105 Insatiable bloodlust. X1
1106 Jafar. X1
1107 Jean-Claude Van Damme. X1
1108 Just the tip. X1
1109 Mad hacky-sack skills. X1
1224 Beefin' over turf. X2
1225 A squadron of moles wearing aviator goggles. X2
1258 A cutie mark. MLP
1259 A daisy sandwich. MLP
1261 A decorative toaster cozy. MLP
1263 A giant horse cock. MLP
1266 A hoof in the ass. MLP
1269 A horny stallion. MLP
1271 A human fetish. MLP
1272 A juice box fetish. MLP
1274 A juice box. MLP
1276 A mare in heat. MLP
1278 A racially pure Cloudsdale. MLP
1280 A sexy saddle. MLP
1282 A sock fetish. MLP
1284 A Sonic Raingasm. MLP
1286 A tactical sonic rainnuke. MLP
1288 A tree. MLP
1290 Actually cumming inside Rainbow Dash. MLP
1293 An epic pony war in the distant future. MLP
1294 An extremely horny Granny Smith. MLP
1296 Another doughnut! With extra sprinkles! MLP
1298 Applebucking. MLP
1299 Applejack. MLP
1300 Avasting Fluttershy's Ass. MLP
1302 Baked Bads. MLP
1304 Banned From Equestria (Daily). MLP
1307 Being trapped on the Moon for 1000 years. MLP
1308 Best Pony. MLP
1310 Big Macintosh. MLP
1312 BonBon. MLP
1314 Books. MLP
1316 Celestia's Hoof. MLP
1318 Celestia's massive harem of foals. MLP
1320 Cider. MLP
1322 Clopfics. MLP
1324 Clopping. MLP
1326 Crippled foals. MLP
1328 Cupcakes. MLP
1331 Da Magicks. MLP
1332 Daring Do fanfiction. MLP
1333 Dark Magicks. MLP
1334 Derpy Hooves. MLP
1335 Diamond Dog roleplay. MLP
1336 Discord. MLP
1337 Equestria. MLP
1338 Facehoofing. MLP
1339 Fillidelphia. MLP
1340 Filly fiddling. MLP
1341 Fluffy Pony. MLP
1342 Fluttershy. MLP
1343 Fluttershy's secret stash. MLP
1344 Fluttershy's Shed. MLP
1346 Fluttertree. MLP
1348 Foal abuse. MLP
1349 Foodmanes. MLP
1351 Friendship. MLP
1357 Futaloo. MLP
1358 Gabby Gums. MLP
1360 Gently stroking the horn. MLP
1362 Getting 20% cooler! MLP
1364 Gypsies. MLP
1367 Having hot pony sex with Bloomberg. MLP
1368 Horn Necrosis. MLP
1379 Hugging a pony non-sexually. MLP
1380 Jappleack. MLP
1381 Joe's Donut Hole. MLP
1382 John Joseco. MLP
1383 Lesbians. MLP
1384 Zecora's meth lab. MLP
1385 Lyra Heartstrings. MLP
1386 Worst pony. MLP
1387 Magic. MLP
1388 Wolfieshy. MLP
1389 Winter Wrap Up. MLP
1390 Making Magic. MLP
1391 Wincest. MLP
1392 Whipping the Earth Pony slaves. MLP
1393 Vinyl Scratch / DJ Pon-3. MLP
1394 Unicorn Privilege. MLP
1395 Man Spike. MLP
1396 Two fillies shitting into a bucket. MLP
1397 Manehatten. MLP
1398 Twist. MLP
1399 Mare Supremacy. MLP
1400 Twilight's secret clop stash. MLP
1401 Molestia's sex dungeon. MLP
1402 Twilight Sparkle. MLP
1404 My OC. MLP
1405 The Rainbow Factory. MLP
1406 Nightmare Moon. MLP
1407 The Pegasus Master Race. MLP
1408 Octavia. MLP
1409 The Moon. MLP
1410 Orphaned foals. MLP
1411 Pants. MLP
1412 The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon. MLP
1413 The Grand Galloping Gala. MLP
1414 Pegasus wing deformities. MLP
1415 The Friendship Express. MLP
1416 Pinkamena Diane Pie. MLP
1417 The Chocolate Mousse Moose. MLP
1418 The Cakes. MLP
1419 Pinkamena's hacksaw. MLP
1420 That squee noise. MLP
1421 That Lyra plushie. MLP
1422 Sweetie Bot. MLP
1423 Sweetie Belle's virgin marshmallow pussy. MLP
1424 Sweetie Belle. MLP
1425 Pinkie Pie in full latex. MLP
1426 Surprise. MLP
1427 Stretching those glutes. MLP
1428 Pinkie Pie. MLP
1429 Steven Magnets. MLP
1430 Plot. MLP
1431 Spike's understanding of biology. MLP
1432 Speaking Fancy. MLP
1433 Poison Joke. MLP
1434 Socks. MLP
1435 Ponies wearing clothes. MLP
1436 Sloppy clop. MLP
1437 Shipping. MLP
1438 Ponies with fucking lasers on their heads. MLP
1439 Shaking Dat Plot. MLP
1440 Secretly being a changeling all along. MLP
1441 Ponies. MLP
1442 Scootabuse. MLP
1443 Pony racism. MLP
1444 Scoot, Scoot-A-Loo. MLP
1445 Pony-Griffon marriage. MLP
1446 Rarity. MLP
1447 Rainbow Dash. MLP
1448 Rainbow Crash. MLP
1449 Ponychan. MLP
1450 Raging wingboners. MLP
1451 Queen Chrysalis. MLP
1452 Princess Molestia. MLP
1453 Princess Celestia. MLP
1454 Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. MLP
1455 Princess Luna. MLP
1464 Santa's heavy sack. ❄
1465 Clearing a bloody path through Walmart with a scimitar. ❄
1466 Another shitty year. ❄
1467 Whatever Kwanzaa is supposed to be about. ❄
1468 A Christmas stocking full of coleslaw. ❄
1469 Elf cum. ❄
1470 The tiny, calloused hands of the Chinese children that made this card. ❄
1471 Taking down Santa with a surface-to-air missle. ❄
1473 Socks. ❄
1474 Pretending to be happy. ❄
1475 Krampus, the Austrian Christmas monster. ❄
1476 The Star Wars Holiday Special. ❄
11 Viagra®. \N
1478 Mall Santa. ❄
1479 Several intertwining love stories featuring Hugh Grant. ❄
1481 Gift-wrapping a live hamster. ❄
1482 Space Jam on VHS. ❄
1483 Immaculate conception. ❄
1484 Fucking up "Silent Night" in front of 300 parents. ❄
1485 A visually arresting turtleneck. ❄
1486 A toxic family environment. ❄
1487 Eating an entire snowman. ❄
3687 Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo. RS
509 Show me your tits! VS
510 Thanking your sex slaves. VS
511 Dickcheese. VS
512 Googly eyes on a cock. VS
513 Typing with your genitals. VS
514 Pirate hookers. VS
515 Poopcake. VS
516 Mandatory Sex Party. VS
518 Games you can play with bricks. VS
519 Lewhora. VS
520 Fancy tampons. VS
521 Very Serious Island. VS
523 Ferngully. VS
524 Velociraptor. VS
525 Thundercunting. VS
526 Werewolf. VS
527 Cultist. VS
528 Vejazzled vagina. VS
530 Simple dog. VS
531 Butt oranges. VS
532 Sweater kittens. VS
533 Baby batter. VS
534 Meat curtains. VS
535 Strawberry Shortcake sexing up a Carebear and giving birth to NyanCat. VS
536 Blowjob Jesus. VS
538 Welcome Taco. VS
539 Boobs. VS
540 Moobs. VS
541 Tinychat. VS
542 Centaur Therapist Jesus. VS
545 Swinging an axe in the air while cornholing a bear. VS
547 A Wende head tilt. VS
548 Chris Gaines. VS
549 Fuck you, I'm a bear. VS
550 Doctor Who. VS
552 Landshark. VS
553 Bearshark. VS
554 SCIENCE!!1! VS
555 The Great Dildo, Thor. VS
556 Just the tip! VS
557 Daddy foam. VS
558 PooooooP! VS
10001 Dragon dildos. Furry
560 Buttpirate Pokemon. VS
561 A really good booby weight. VS
562 Tubemonster. VS
563 Bevis. VS
564 Trouser snakes. VS
566 Barfstab. VS
568 Drinking on live TV. VS
569 Shooting heroin into my eyeballs. VS
570 Skittering ovaries. VS
571 Ricardo. VS
572 The Power of Greyskull. VS
573 The revolution. VS
574 The establishment. VS
575 Queer Lesbian Jesus. VS
576 Hello Kitty. VS
577 Readying my torch for burnination. VS
578 Tots. VS
579 Getting drunk before noon. VS
580 In a sneaky hate spiral. VS
581 Clown strippers. VS
583 Certified Breast Maintenance Engineer. VS
584 A test tube baby. VS
585 Dancing naked. VS
586 Moist and Juicy. VS
587 Orgy. VS
588 Premature ejaculation. VS
589 Bounty, the Quicker Picker Upper. VS
590 Lotion. VS
591 Rapey dolphin. VS
592 Werepoo. VS
593 Handbra. VS
594 A moose giving birth in Maggly's yard. VS
595 More bandaids. VS
596 Fuckweasel. VS
597 Curious hands. VS
598 Spagbag. VS
599 Tears of manly pain. VS
130 Twinkies®. \N
600 Cthulu. VS
601 Surprise penis. VS
602 SEX. VS
603 Mr. Tinycheeks. VS
604 A spoon that is too big. VS
605 Bleeding Anuses. VS
606 Not being pregnant. VS
607 An Olive Ewe. VS
608 Hookers and blow. VS
609 Dropbears. VS
610 Standing next to short people to use them as armrests. VS
611 Making a random guess in Werewolf that gets you killed later. VS
613 The jitters you get before a meetup. VS
614 Shenaniganty. VS
616 Noble whore. VS
617 Kangaroo stripper. VS
618 Droopums. VS
619 Nonni's mantis. VS
620 Ginger baby. VS
621 Drunk foruming. VS
1477 My hot cousin. ❄
100008 The sound a single ThunderStix® makes. SG
100009 The Chilled Knife. SG
145 Five-Dollar Footlongs™. \N
100011 Dr. Phil. SG
100012 Paul and Storm. SG
100013 Jonathan Coulton. SG
100014 MC Frontalot. SG
100015 Pretending you're Xyzzy. SG
100018 Cleveland (it's not Detroit!). SG
100019 An immediately regrettable $9 hot dog from the Boston Convention Center. PAX A
100020 Running out of stamina. PAX A
100021 Casting Magic Missile at a bully. PAX A
100022 Getting bitch slapped by Dhalsim. PAX A
100023 Firefly: Season 2. PAX A
100024 Rotating shapes in mid-air so that they fit into other shapes when they fall. PAX A
100025 Jiggle physics. PAX A
100026 Paying the iron price. PAX A
100029 Loading from a previous save. PAX B
100030 Sharpening a foam broadsword on a foam whetstone. PAX B
100031 The rocket launcher. PAX B
100032 The depression that ensues after catching 'em all. PAX B
100033 Violating the First Law of Robotics. PAX B
100034 Getting inside the Horadric Cube with a hot babe and pressing the transmute button. PAX B
100035 Punching a tree to gather wood. PAX B
100036 Spending the year's insulin budget on Warhammer 40k figurines. PAX B
100039 Achieving 500 actions per minute. PAX C
100040 Forgetting to eat, and consequently dying. PAX C
100041 Wil Wheaton crashing an actual spaceship. PAX C
100042 The Klobb. PAX C
100043 Charging up all the way. PAX C
100044 Vespene gas. PAX C
100045 Judging elves by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character. PAX C
100046 Smashing all the pottery in a Pottery Barn in search of rupees. PAX C
100052 The best card in my hand. SG
100053 The primal, ball-slapping sex your parents are having right now. X3
100055 A cat video so cute that your eyes roll back and your spine slides out of your anus. X3
100056 Cock. X3
100057 The biggest, blackest dick. SG
100060 A cop who is also a dog. X3
100061 Dying alone and in pain. X3
100062 Gay aliens. X3
100063 The way white people is. X3
100064 Reverse cowgirl. X3
100067 The Quesadilla Explosion Salad™ from Chili's®. X3
100068 Actually getting shot, for real. X3
100069 Not having sex. X3
100071 Vietnam flashbacks. X3
100072 Running naked through a mall, pissing and shitting everywhere. X3
100073 Nothing. X3
100075 Warm, velvety muppet sex. X3
100076 Self-flagellation. X3
100077 The systematic destruction of an entire people and their way of life. X3
100079 Samuel L. Jackson. X3
100080 A boo-boo. X3
100081 Going around punching people. X3
100082 The entire Internet. X3
100083 Some kind of bird-man. X3
100084 Chugging a lava lamp. X3
100086 Having sex on top of a pizza. X3
100087 Indescribable loneliness. X3
100088 An ass disaster. X3
100090 Shutting the fuck up. X3
100091 All my friends dying. X3
100099 Putting an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the VCR. X3
100101 Spending lots of money. X3
100102 Some douche with an acoustic guitar. X3
100107 Flying robots that kill people. X3
100109 A greased-up Matthew McConaughey. X3
100111 An unstoppable wave of fire ants. X3
100112 Not contributing to society in any meaningful way. X3
100114 An all-midget production of Shakespeare's Richard III. X3
100115 Screaming like a maniac. X3
100116 The moist, demanding chasm of his mouth. X3
100117 Filling every orifice with butterscotch pudding. X3
100118 Unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks. X3
100119 Crying into the pages of Sylvia Plath. X3
10002 Adam Wan. Furry
100121 A PowerPoint presentation. X3
100122 A surprising amount of hair. X3
100123 Eating Tom Selleck's mustache to gain his powers. X3
100124 Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king. X3
100125 That ass. X3
100126 A pile of squirming bodies. X3
100127 Buying the right pants to be cool. X3
100128 Blood farts. X3
100129 Three months in the hole. X3
100130 A botched circumcision. X3
100131 The Land of Chocolate. X3
100132 Slapping a racist old lady. X3
100133 A lamprey swimming up the toilet and latching onto your taint. X3
100134 Jumping out at people. X3
100135 A black male in his early 20s, last seen wearing a hoodie. X3
100136 Mufasa's death scene. X3
100137 Bill Clinton, naked on a bearskin rug with a saxophone. X3
100138 Demonic possession. X3
100139 The Harlem Globetrotters. X3
100140 Vomiting mid-blowjob. X3
100141 My manservant, Claude. X3
100142 Having shotguns for legs. X3
100143 Letting everyone down. X3
100144 A spontaneous conga line. X3
100145 A vagina that leads to another dimension. X3
100146 Disco fever. X3
100147 Getting your dick stuck in a Chinese finger trap with another dick. X3
100148 Fisting. X3
100149 The thin veneer of situational causality that underlies porn. X3
100150 Girls that always be textin'. X3
100151 Blowing some dudes in an alley. X3
3688 The Columbine Shooting. RS
100153 Sneezing, farting, and coming at the same time. X3
167 The Tempur-Pedic® Swedish Sleep System™. \N
192 Fancy Feast®. \N
229 Hot Pockets®. \N
247 A neglected Tamagotchi™. \N
267 Domino's™ Oreo™ Dessert Pizza. \N
284 The Übermensch. \N
311 Adderall™. \N
350 Sobbing into a Hungry-Man® Frozen Dinner. \N
353 Ring Pops™. \N
354 GoGurt®. \N
404 A Super Soaker™ full of cat pee. \N
440 Lunchables™. \N
460 The Make-A-Wish® Foundation. \N
472 A Bop It™. 1.2
482 Home video of Oprah sobbing into a Lean Cuisine®. 1.2
486 Euphoria™ by Calvin Klein. 1.2
487 Switching to Geico®. 1.2
507 The Donald Trump Seal of Approval™. 1.2
1114 Medieval Times® Dinner & Tournament. X1
1136 The Fanta® girls. X1
1182 The mere concept of Applebee's®. X2
1187 A piñata full of scorpions. X2
1228 Pretty Pretty Princess Dress-Up Board Game®. X2
1480 A Hungry-Man™ Frozen Christmas Dinner for One. ❄
3689 Shag carpeting. RS
100156 Suddenly realizing you're retarded. SG
3001 Steven Docking. NL
3002 /r/Letsplay. NL
3003 /r/sloths. NL
3004 #Krazymike. NL
3005 A Bane impression. NL
3006 A big wet pink laser sword. NL
3007 A brief moment of aptitude. NL
3008 A bunch of jabronies. NL
3009 A butt egg. NL
15368 Rock-hard, glistening abs. ANX1
3011 A delicious baby. NL
3012 A docking sleeve. NL
3013 A little bit of added defense. NL
3014 A street cleaning simulator. NL
3015 An old man carrying a box of glass down stairs. NL
3016 Anything from http://www.thenorthernlionstory.com/. NL
3017 Beating it on camera. NL
3018 Being terrible at games. NL
3019 Bejeweed. NL
3020 Big Hat Logan. NL
3021 Blondes, brunettes, and redheads. NL
3022 Blue Baby. NL
3024 Bow to your sensei! NL
3025 Brimstone. NL
3026 Butt meat. NL
3027 Checking the wiki. NL
3028 Cheeseysaurus Rex. NL
3029 Classic Northernlion. NL
3030 Coming on Milhouse. NL
3031 Corner fucking. NL
3032 Crazy Mike. NL
3033 Cross-dimensional fucking. NL
3034 Dark holes. NL
3035 Detroit Dock City. NL
3036 Docking. NL
3037 DockLeeSmile. NL
3038 Dung pies. NL
3039 Dying in a hang gliding accident. NL
3040 Excuse me? NL
3041 Eyeless ooze guys. NL
3042 Falling down the stairs with a bag full of glass. NL
3043 Fat Robert Downey Jr. NL
3044 Feline eugenics. NL
3045 Fuck tables. NL
3046 Fucking during a Diphtheria epidemic. NL
3047 Garglebutts. NL
3048 Getting corner fucked. NL
3049 Getting wood. NL
3050 Greed. NL
3051 Harry Potter and the Chamber of a Salty Surprise. NL
3052 Hookers, blow, and JSmithOTI. NL
3053 Infomercials. NL
3054 John Madden. NL
3055 JSmithOTI. NL
3056 Kate's Mario Party skills. NL
3057 Krazy Mike doing a backflip, throwing a talking nut, and chanting "Hello!" NL
3058 Krazy Mike. NL
3059 Laura Croft. NL
3060 Like you, but not rogue-like you. NL
3061 Losing to Monstro after 300 hours of experience. NL
3062 The backroom casting couch. NL
3063 The fuck zone. NL
3064 Losing to Quelaag 12 times in 72 minutes. NL
3065 Maple syrup. NL
3066 Michael Caine's spider collection. NL
3067 Michaelalfox. NL
3068 Michaelalfox's love of cheese. NL
3069 Michaelalfox's muscles. NL
3070 A mile-long penis. NL
3071 Milking the poop for red hearts. NL
3072 Mom's knife. NL
3073 Mom's pad. NL
3074 Monty. NL
3075 A motherfucker. NL
3076 Motherfucking. NL
3077 Nipple hair. NL
3078 Northernlion. NL
100152 Drinking ten 5-hour ENERGYs® to get fifty continuous hours of energy. X3
3079 Northernlion's cancelled Assassin's Creed II let's play. NL
3080 Northernlion's coffee maker. NL
3081 Northernlion's hair. NL
3082 Northernlion's pooping album. NL
3083 Not Satan, I promise. NL
3084 Novelty Twitter accounts. NL
3085 Olmec. NL
3086 Permanent Polaroid invincibility. NL
3087 Poison Mushroom. NL
3088 Poutine-induced diabetes. NL
3089 Pretending youtube let's playing is a real job. NL
3090 Projectile annoyance. NL
3091 Putting your balls in her butt. NL
3092 Puzzle platformers with rogue-like elements. NL
3093 Quelaag's Furysword. NL
3094 Reddit. NL
3095 Residue. NL
3096 RockLeeSmile. NL
3097 Rogue-like likes. NL
3098 Roll Fizzlebeef. NL
3099 Ronald McDonald. NL
3100 Sex. NL
3101 Shit happens. NL
3102 Shooting the poop. NL
3103 Solaire of Astora. NL
3104 South Korea. NL
3105 Stream lag. NL
3106 Stupid damage. NL
3107 A tactical backflip. NL
3108 The Northernlion Story. NL
3109 Whispering sweet nothings into your rear. NL
3110 The notorious Grey's Anatomy let's play. NL
3111 The Binding of Isaac wiki. NL
3112 Thornforg. NL
3113 When you fuck a dog in the ass and it shits all over your dick. NL
3114 The USS Buttfucker. NL
3115 Vaginal silk worms. NL
3116 The Anor Londo Archers. NL
3117 YouTube. NL
3118 The saga of Krazy Mike. NL
3119 A urination break. NL
3120 The World Docking Champion. NL
3121 Type-C Tetris music. NL
3122 The Thug of Porn. NL
3123 That damned HDPVR. NL
3124 The NLSS: drawing unwanted attention from the actual docking community. NL
3125 Patrick Dempsey thrusting violently into my midsection. NL
3126 Well, what is it? NL
3127 The Four Horsemen of The Apocolypse. NL
3128 Talking nuts. NL
3129 The Ozymandias head. NL
3130 A total scumbag. NL
3131 Striking fear into the hearts of your enemies. NL
100158 Using the tears of an abused toddler to conquer my foes. NL
3690 The Eiffel Tower. RS
3691 Chicken and Waffles. RS
3692 The Oculus Rift. RS
3693 Banana Hammocks. RS
3694 Dirty hippies. RS
3695 Hey Arnold! RS
3696 Air Bud. RS
3697 Yankee Stadium. RS
3698 Hump Day. RS
3699 Sheepskin Condoms. RS
3700 Cranky Kong. RS
3701 The DK Rap. RS
3702 Donkey Shows. RS
3703 Hordes of zombies. RS
3704 Monkeys throwing shit. RS
3705 Rainbows and magic. RS
3706 Tits. RS
3707 The brown note. RS
3708 Hentai. RS
3709 Indiana Jones. RS
3710 ALL the things! RS
3711 Hitler's mustache. RS
3712 Gerudo Valley. RS
3713 Song of Storms. RS
3714 Bill Gates pissing on Steve Jobs's grave. RS
3715 A giant purple dildo sword. RS
3716 Hipsters on their iPhones at Starbucks. RS
3717 Catdog. RS
3718 A boat load of cocaine. RS
3719 Smooth jazz. RS
3720 Lemon grenades. RS
3721 Blue Waffles. RS
3722 360 no scopes. RS
3723 Soviet Russia. RS
3724 The Mushroom Kingdom. RS
3725 Outsourcing jobs to India. RS
3726 Hooters. RS
3727 The Hokey Pokey. RS
3728 Kaizo Mario. RS
3729 FrankerZ. RS
3730 Spontaneous Combustion. RS
3731 Kappa. RS
3732 Insane Clown Posse. RS
3733 Nu Metal. RS
3734 The Wiggles. RS
3735 Blue's Clues. RS
3736 Using hot sauce as lube. RS
3737 Mating season. RS
3738 The Ouya. RS
3739 Jew-Fros. RS
3740 Fruit Fuckers. RS
3741 Blowing your hand off with a firework. RS
3742 Beer Pong. RS
3743 Duke Nukem Forever. RS
3744 Rule 34. RS
3745 Made-for-TV movies. RS
3746 Spanish soap operas. RS
3747 Teh Urn. RS
3748 Viking Metal. RS
3749 Tickle Me Elmo. RS
3750 Barney's rape dungeon. RS
3751 Nurse Joy. RS
3752 Canadian tuxedo. RS
3753 Hungry Hungry Hippos. RS
3754 The smallest, whitest dick. RS
3755 Abusive fathers. RS
3756 Rich, chocolatey Ovaltine®. RS
3757 Ringworm. RS
3758 The hero of time. RS
3759 Terabytes of horse porn. RS
3760 Blowing the President. RS
3761 Skullcrusher Mountain. RS
3762 Mr. Fancy Pants. RS
3763 TotalBiscuit's top hat. RS
3764 Demi Moore's bush. RS
3765 Eating 120 White Castle burgers®. RS
3766 A walrus with a beret. RS
3767 Speedrunning life. RS
3768 Scotsman marring their sheep. RS
3769 The truffle shuffle. RS
3770 An 8-ball. RS
3771 Quiznos®. RS
3772 Bong hits for Jesus. RS
3773 Penn and Teller. RS
3774 Indentured servants. RS
3775 Sex in your mouth. RS
3776 Hoola hoops. RS
4109 Literally drinking bottled fangirl tears. TGWTG
4110 LordKaT's used nipple tassles. TGWTG
4111 Luke's curly hair. TGWTG
4112 Lupa's brand of hair dye. TGWTG
4113 Ma-Ti being castrated and having his balls shipped to Oancitizen in the mail by Diamanda Hagan. TGWTG
4114 Magical fairy sex. TGWTG
4115 Making angry love to a DVD copy of "Neverending Story III". TGWTG
4116 Mako. TGWTG
4117 Malachite's Hand. TGWTG
4118 Maven's secret sparkling vampire dildo. TGWTG
4119 Melvin, brother of the Joker. TGWTG
4120 My mom. TGWTG
4121 My penis catching fire. TGWTG
4122 Naked crazy. TGWTG
4123 Nash breaking his ass. TGWTG
4124 Nash dressed in drag. TGWTG
4125 Nash in a gimp suit. TGWTG
4126 Nash popping a blood vessel over Florida. TGWTG
4127 Nash. TGWTG
4128 Nash's long, long hair. TGWTG
4129 Newborn porn. TGWTG
4130 Nun fuckery. TGWTG
4131 Oancitizen. TGWTG
4132 Over-intrusive fanboys. TGWTG
4133 Having sex at a screening of Mr. Popper's Penguins. TGWTG
4134 Phelous making love to his Turtles collection. TGWTG
4135 Poop, as a plan. TGWTG
4136 Punching your foe in the stomach and screaming "I AM A MAN!" TGWTG
4137 PushingUpRoses' bird tattoos. TGWTG
4138 Putting sexy pantyhose on your dog. TGWTG
4139 Radio Dead Air. TGWTG
10003 Non-consensual sex with Zaush. Furry
4141 Reading fan fiction on a live stream. TGWTG
4142 Reading the comments. TGWTG
4143 Requesting John Cage's "4'33" on Radio Dead Air. TGWTG
4144 Reviewer dibs. TGWTG
4145 Robotic sex slaves that are made to feel sadness. TGWTG
4146 Rule 34 of Linkara and a lamp. TGWTG
4147 Sad Panda. TGWTG
4148 Santa Christ. TGWTG
4149 Santa Christ's raging boner. TGWTG
10004 My tailhole. Furry
4151 Sharkleberry Finn-flavored Kool-Aid. TGWTG
4152 Shooting colored corn syrup up your nose. TGWTG
4153 Slightly creepy comments about Tara's hair. TGWTG
4154 Smoking kittens. TGWTG
4155 Snowdicking. TGWTG
4156 Snowflame, feeling no pain. TGWTG
4157 Sodomizing a loved one with a baseball bat. TGWTG
4158 Space Guy. TGWTG
4159 Spoony's fans. TGWTG
4160 Spoony's sexy goth pixie girlfriend. TGWTG
4161 Stick figure porn. TGWTG
4162 Stickboy. TGWTG
4163 Storing your dead friend's ashes into a Quaker Oats can. TGWTG
4164 Suggestively eating a banana at the sight of David Bowie. TGWTG
4166 Taking someone by the shoulders, throwing them on the bed and riding them like a stallion. TGWTG
4167 That Aussie Guy. TGWTG
4168 That goddamned Colossus roar. TGWTG
4169 That one guy with snails. TGWTG
4170 The Angry Video Game Nerd. TGWTG
4171 The Blockbuster Buster. TGWTG
4172 The Cinema Snob Movie DVD. TGWTG
4174 The Continuity Alarm. TGWTG
4175 The elephant in the room. TGWTG
4176 The Film Renegado. TGWTG
4177 The five months when the Nostalgia Critic was dead. TGWTG
4179 The Makeover Fairy. TGWTG
4180 The Nostalgia Critic. TGWTG
4181 The pig fucking movie. TGWTG
4182 The plot hole. TGWTG
4183 The Power Glove. TGWTG
4184 The RDA drinking game. TGWTG
4185 The RDA IRC channel. TGWTG
4186 The Spocker. TGWTG
4187 The TGWTG site redesign. TGWTG
4188 The Wunder Boner. TGWTG
4189 This fecal matter you call "Fluttershy". TGWTG
4190 Throwing a Baby Tumbles Surprise down a staircase. TGWTG
4191 Time travel. TGWTG
4192 Timing. TGWTG
4193 Todd's unmasked visage. TGWTG
4194 Using Crystal Pepsi as a substitute for lube. TGWTG
4195 Using your underwear to shoplift raw meat from your local Wal-Mart. TGWTG
4196 Vigorously shagging your sister while holding a mug of warm tea. TGWTG
4197 Welshy. TGWTG
4199 Whatever the hell Barfiesta was supposed to be. TGWTG
4200 Yet another Thunderdome reference. TGWTG
4201 Your mom. TGWTG
4202 Zodan The Unbouncable. TGWTG
4203 90's Kid's comic collection. TGWTG
4204 A Linkara cameo. TGWTG
4205 A plushie cybermat. TGWTG
4207 Bees! TGWTG
4208 Being fed up with reviewing lamps, what obscure topic did Linkara review next? TGWTG
4209 Harvey Finevoice's fine voice. TGWTG
4210 Killing clowns. TGWTG
4211 Linkara crying in his Gatorade made of cybermat tears. TGWTG
4212 Linkara stalking Gail Simone on Twitter. TGWTG
4213 Linkara's cybermat invasion force. TGWTG
4214 Linkara's fangirl support group. TGWTG
4215 Linkara's magic gun. TGWTG
4216 Linkara's masculine arms. TGWTG
4217 MAGfest. TGWTG
4218 Marzkara fanfiction. TGWTG
4219 Mechakara's phallic drill. TGWTG
4220 Reviews of $20 lamps. TGWTG
4198 What did the commenters bitch about next to Doug? TGWTG
15369 A diet consisting almost entirely of potatoes. ANX1
3994 A baseball to the nuts. TGWTG
3995 A bat credit card. TGWTG
3996 A Big Lipped Alligator Moment. TGWTG
3997 A big long pink ding dong penis. TGWTG
3998 A bird fucking a horse. TGWTG
3999 A Blip check. TGWTG
4000 A bootleg ninja turtle action figure possessed by Satan. TGWTG
4001 A car landing on a roof. TGWTG
4002 A case of disappearing bears. TGWTG
4003 A Chia-Child. TGWTG
4004 A congregation of bums. TGWTG
4005 A Crystal Pepsi®-flavored enema. TGWTG
10005 Adoptables with visible genitalia. Furry
10006 An embarrassingly long F-List profile. Furry
4008 A drugged Oancitizen in a schoolgirl outfit. TGWTG
4009 A greased-up meth guy. TGWTG
10007 Catching STDs at conventions. Furry
4011 A killer rabbit. TGWTG
4012 A mexican car wash. TGWTG
4013 A misguided Tumblr activism campaign. TGWTG
4014 A mobile meth lab in your pants. TGWTG
10008 Fursuit adventures. Furry
4016 A novelty slot machine. TGWTG
4017 A Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. TGWTG
4018 A poorly-written ugly mess. TGWTG
4019 A really pimped out DeLorean. TGWTG
4020 A talking snail in a suit. TGWTG
4021 A tiny white dick. TGWTG
4022 A titanic, undead, six-headed space dragon spewing bubbles. TGWTG
4023 A zombie fisherman. TGWTG
4024 Accidentally punching your cohost in the face. TGWTG
4026 Almost dying at Sesame Street. TGWTG
4027 An art film Kyle's reviewed. TGWTG
4028 An autoclitorodectomy. TGWTG
10009 A semen-stained fursuit. Furry
4030 An obscure reference only two people will get. TGWTG
4031 Anal tearing. TGWTG
4032 Andrew Dickman. TGWTG
4033 Angrily playing piano. TGWTG
4034 Ash. TGWTG
4035 Ash and Checkers. TGWTG
4036 Ask That Guy raped by Ma-Ti live. TGWTG
4038 Ass demons. TGWTG
4039 Awkward pity sex with a sparkly teenage Cthulu. TGWTG
10010 Fake furry girls. Furry
4041 Because no one wants to see your dick. TGWTG
4042 Because the Kool-Aid Man is red. TGWTG
4043 Because there's nothing sexy at the Wal-Mart. TGWTG
4044 Bees. My God. TGWTG
4045 Being frozen today. TGWTG
4046 Beppo the Invisible Monkey. TGWTG
4048 Big Jim Slade. TGWTG
4049 Blockbuster Buster busting a nut. TGWTG
4050 Breaking someone's spine by fucking. TGWTG
4051 Carl Copenhagen. TGWTG
4052 Casper. TGWTG
4053 Chuck Norris. TGWTG
4054 Confusing The Last Angry Geek and Linkara. TGWTG
4055 CR's collection of My Little Pony pins. TGWTG
4056 Creepy fans at cons buying expensive stuff for MarzGurl. TGWTG
4057 Creepy guys in the RDA chat hitting on Tara. TGWTG
4058 Nash's creepy face. TGWTG
4059 Crying your eyes out at a bunch of online reviewers. TGWTG
4060 Crystal Pepsi®. TGWTG
4061 Dark Nella. TGWTG
4062 David Bowie's package. TGWTG
10011 That one straight guy at the party. Furry
4064 Diamanda Hagan's sexbot. TGWTG
4065 Diamanda's copy of Cockhammer. TGWTG
4066 Disney's Anne Frank. TGWTG
4067 Dogs wearing pantyhose. TGWTG
4068 Dolphin rape. TGWTG
4069 A douchequake. TGWTG
4070 Dr. Insano. TGWTG
4071 Dr. Wiki. TGWTG
4072 Explosively masturbating with Malachite's Hand. TGWTG
4073 Ferdinand Von Turrell. TGWTG
4074 Film Brain's lovely accent. TGWTG
4075 Finding out that "it's not Pop Tarts!" TGWTG
4076 Firing a blue shell at the opposing house ship. TGWTG
4077 Florida. TGWTG
4078 Florida Man. TGWTG
4079 Flying sex snakes in monocles and bow ties. TGWTG
4080 Fort Super-Awesome. TGWTG
10012 An apartment full of internet-obsessed losers. Furry
4084 Fuck you, I do what I want. TGWTG
4086 Fucking bubbles. TGWTG
4087 Getting buggered by a giant hamster. TGWTG
4088 Getting mauled by a mountain lion AND a grizzly bear at the same time. TGWTG
4089 Glenn Beck being torn apart by zombies. TGWTG
4090 Going full retard. TGWTG
4091 Going through the effort to build a wall in your back yard just to bash your head into it over and over again. TGWTG
4092 Gooby. TGWTG
4093 Hagan's dictator tendencies. TGWTG
4094 Hagan's make up artist. TGWTG
4095 Hagan's masturbating minion. TGWTG
4096 Ham? TGWTG
4097 Hippo Queen Tara. TGWTG
4098 Hitler without the mustache. TGWTG
15370 Mamoru Oshii's dog love. ANX1
4100 Humping a can of trash. TGWTG
4102 Invading a micronation in Nevada and making it your own. TGWTG
4103 JewWario's solar penis. TGWTG
4104 Kickassia. TGWTG
4105 Kitler. TGWTG
4106 Kyle humping a trashcan. TGWTG
4107 Linkara's 'special' comic books. TGWTG
4108 Linkara's hat. TGWTG
4222 Superboy Prime. TGWTG
4223 The Entity. TGWTG
4224 The legendary MAGFest orgy. TGWTG
4225 The most important job, reviewing a crappy comic book. TGWTG
4226 The next History of Power Rangers. TGWTG
4227 Youngblood's disease. TGWTG
4228 Twin clones of Hitler. TGWTG
559 Thundercunt. VS
4006 A disembodied orgasm hippo. TGWTG
4007 A doppelganger in black leather with a sword. TGWTG
4010 A guest appearance by Giovanni Jones, the talking lobster. TGWTG
4015 A naked rampage. TGWTG
4029 An awkward slash fic between The Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd. TGWTG
4040 Bath salts. TGWTG
4063 Diamanda Hagan. TGWTG
4082 Frying the Coke. TGWTG
4140 Rapidly pounding themselves in the face with a hammer. TGWTG
100120 Velcro™. X3
4150 Sci-Fi Guy's ponytail. TGWTG
4229 A beef swarm. NL
3010 A butt pooping upwards an egg. NL
100162 The League of Legends. SG
100164 Advice from a wise, old black man. 1.3
100165 The Devil himself. 1.3
100166 The art of seduction. 1.3
100167 Funky fresh rhymes. 1.3
100168 The light of a billion suns. 1.3
10013 A tub of Vaseline. Furry
100170 Destroying the evidence. 1.3
10014 Sex with strangers. Furry
100172 Silence. 1.3
100173 Growing a pair. 1.3
100174 Synergistic management solutions. 1.3
100175 Wet dreams. 1.3
100176 A live studio audience. 1.3
100177 The Great Depression. 1.3
100178 An M16 assault rifle. 1.3
100179 Poopy diapers. 1.3
100180 Tickling Sean Hannity, even after he tells you to stop. 1.3
100181 Stalin. 1.3
100182 A spastic nerd. 1.3
100183 Rush Limbaugh's soft, shitty body. 1.3
100184 Capturing Newt Gingrich and forcing him to dance in a monkey suit. 1.3
100185 Battlefield amputations. 1.3
100186 Brown people. 1.3
100187 Rehab. 1.3
100188 An ugly face. 1.3
100189 Menstrual rage. 1.3
100190 An uppercut. 1.3
100191 Shiny objects. 1.3
100192 50,000 volts straight to the nipples. 1.3
100193 A bucket of fish heads. 1.3
100194 Hospice care. 1.3
100195 Being fat and stupid. 1.3
100196 Getting married, having a few kids, buying some stuff, retiring to Florida, and dying. 1.3
100197 A pyramid of severed heads. 1.3
100198 Crucifixion. 1.3
100199 A subscription to Men's Fitness. 1.3
100200 Some god-damn peace and quiet. 1.3
100201 A micropig wearing a tiny raincoat and booties. 1.3
100202 Used panties. 1.3
100204 The penny whistle solo from "My Heart Will Go On." 1.3
100205 A tribe of warrior women. 1.3
100212 An oversized lollipop. 1.3
100213 Helplessly giggling at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis. 1.3
100214 Not wearing pants. 1.3
100215 Consensual sex. 1.3
100216 Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. 1.3
4230 Angry Joe. TGWTG
4231 Marzgurl. TGWTG
4232 Chester A. Bum. TGWTG
4233 Ask That Guy With The Glasses. TGWTG
4234 Dominic the Bartender. TGWTG
4235 Obscurus Lupa. TGWTG
4236 ChaosD1. TGWTG
4237 Skitch. TGWTG
4238 Y Ruler Of Time. TGWTG
4239 Linkara. TGWTG
4240 Mechakara. TGWTG
4241 Lord Vyce. TGWTG
4242 90's Kid. TGWTG
4243 Corporate Commander. TGWTG
4244 JewWario. TGWTG
4245 A demonic Teddy Ruxpin doll. TGWTG
4246 Luke. TGWTG
4247 Luke's inners. TGWTG
4248 PhelousD1. TGWTG
4249 Phelous. TGWTG
4250 Filmbrain. TGWTG
4251 Iron Liz. TGWTG
4252 Malachite. TGWTG
4253 Zodd. TGWTG
4254 The Executor. TGWTG
4255 PhilBuni. TGWTG
4256 Ven Gethenian. TGWTG
4257 That Sci-Fi Guy. TGWTG
4258 Black Lantern Spoony. TGWTG
4259 The Trousers Cosmic. TGWTG
4260 Nash's folksy, velvety voice. TGWTG
4261 Australia, Florida of the Pacific. TGWTG
4262 Angrily eating lettuce. TGWTG
4263 Mary Sewage. TGWTG
4264 A legion of mechawolves. TGWTG
4265 Linkara's futon. TGWTG
4266 The Gooby Curse. TGWTG
4268 An obligatory cameo. TGWTG
4269 Dodger of Zion. TGWTG
4270 An elevator party. TGWTG
4271 Pants that need to be darkened. TGWTG
4272 Only being on the site because of the influence of famous acquaintences. TGWTG
4273 Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven TARA Way. TGWTG
4274 JSmith's salty nuts. NL
4275 #ShotsFired. NL
4276 Banana bread. NL
4277 Butterjail. NL
10015 People who cosplay at furry conventions. Furry
10016 Fursuiters at anime conventions. Furry
10017 Embarrassing craigslist ads. Furry
10018 Pounced.org. Furry
10019 A large, flared Chance. Furry
10020 Stretching your anus in preparation for horse cock. Furry
10021 A hermaphrodite foxtaur. Furry
10022 Babyfurs. Furry
10023 Uncomfortably attractive animals. Furry
10024 Confusing feelings about cartoon characters. Furry
10025 PetSmart. Furry
10026 Krystal, the fox. Furry
10027 StarFox. Furry
10028 Sonic the Hedgehog. Furry
10029 Bowser's sweaty balls. Furry
10030 A furpile. Furry
10031 The stench of half a dozen unwashed bronies. Furry
10032 Intimacy with the family dog. Furry
10033 Horses. Furry
10034 Fursecution. Furry
10035 Chakats. Furry
10036 DeviantArt. Furry
10037 Otherkin. Furry
10038 Heated debates about human genitalia versus animal genitalia. Furry
10039 Taking the knot. Furry
10040 Really, really liking Disney's Robin Hood. Furry
10041 Applying your obscure, unrealistic fetishes to 90's cartoon characters. Furry
10042 The texture and color of raw meat. Furry
10043 An oversized clitoris that acts as a functional penis. Furry
10044 A hermaphrodite snow leopard. Furry
10045 Drawing furry porn. Furry
10046 Lovingly rendered dragon anus. Furry
10047 Cloaca. Furry
10048 Animal genitalia. Furry
10049 Motherfucking wolves. Furry
10050 Christian furries. Furry
10051 Barbed penises. Furry
10052 Two knots. Furry
10053 A really attractive wolf. Furry
10054 A slutty gay fox. Furry
10055 A surprisingly attractive anteater. Furry
10056 FUCK YOU, I'M A DRAGON. Furry
10057 Tumbles, the Stair Dragon. Furry
10058 Furry Weekend Atlanta. Furry
10059 Further Confusion. Furry
10060 AnthroCon. Furry
10061 Literally a bucket of semen. Furry
10062 Sexual interest in pretty much anything with a hole. Furry
10063 Attraction to pretty much anything with a penis. Furry
10064 Transformation porn. Furry
10065 Anatomically incorrect genitalia. Furry
10066 When you catch yourself glancing at the crotches of animated characters. Furry
10067 Belly rubs leading to awkward boners. Furry
10068 Scritches. Furry
10069 Lifting your tail. Furry
10070 Experimenting with fisting. Furry
10071 Bad decisions. Furry
10072 A little bitch. Furry
10073 A lime Citra. Furry
10074 Sergals. Furry
10075 An autistic knife fight. Furry
10076 The noises red pandas make during sex. Furry
10077 About 16 ounces of horse semen. Furry
10078 Dog cum. Furry
10079 Oral knotting. Furry
10080 Leaving your orifices bloody and sore. Furry
10081 Rubbing peanut butter on your genitals. Furry
10082 Bad Dragon™ cumlube. Furry
10083 Piss. Furry
10084 Smells. Furry
10085 When "blowing ten bucks" makes you think of a long night with a bunch of deer. Furry
10086 Forgetting which set of fursuit paws you use for handjobs. Furry
10087 A strategically placed hole. Furry
10088 Shitting on my face. Furry
10089 Barking at strangers. Furry
10090 Sitting on your face. Furry
10091 Spending more money on commissions than food in a given week. Furry
10092 A dick so big you have to give it a hugjob. Furry
10093 The fine line between feral and outright bestiality. Furry
10094 Anal training. Furry
10095 Discovering monster porn. Furry
10096 Realizing that rimming is pretty cool. Furry
10097 Endearing social ineptitude. Furry
10098 All this lube. Furry
10099 That thing that gives your dick a knot IRL. Furry
10100 Gay. Furry
10101 Really, truly heterosexual. Furry
10102 Drenching your fursuit in Febreeze. Furry
10103 That time you let your dog go a little further than just sniffing your crotch. Furry
10104 Poodles with afros. Furry
10105 Offensively stereotyped African animals. Furry
10106 A sassy lioness. Furry
10107 Surprise hermaphrodites. Furry
10152 Taking special interest in nature documentaries. Furry
10153 Becoming a veterinarian for all the wrong reasons. Furry
10154 The premise of every furry comic ever. Furry
10155 Anal sex you didn't know you wanted. Furry
10156 The incredibly satisfying sound it makes when you pull it out. Furry
10157 Bear tits. Furry
10158 Big cute paws. Furry
10159 Paws. Furry
10160 Furry porn, shamelessly taped to the walls. Furry
10161 Grabby-paws. Furry
10162 Masturbating, with claws. Furry
10163 Pawing-off. Furry
10164 Tail-sex. Furry
10165 Mary, the anthro mare. Furry
10166 Natascha, the anthro husky. Furry
10167 Nipple buffet. Furry
10168 Crotch-tits. Furry
10169 The tailstar tango. Furry
10170 Furries in heat. Furry
10171 Fantasizing about sex with just about every monster you encounter in your video game. Furry
10172 Impure thoughts about Kobolds. Furry
10173 Erotic roleplay. Furry
10174 Monsters with bedroom eyes. Furry
10175 Accurate avian anatomy. Furry
10176 Getting fur stuck in your teeth. Furry
10177 Getting feathers stuck in your teeth. Furry
10178 Ignoring a person's faults because their character is hot. Furry
4099 A legion of spiders. TGWTG
3993 A secret goat porn stash. TGWTG
15371 An 8 million yen debt to a club of rich pretty boys. ANX1
15372 Hideaki Anno's poor, tortured therapist. ANX1
4360 Golby. GFC
15373 Fucking postcards as a cheap-ass pack-in gift. ANX1
15374 Wild Tiger's Hundred Power. ANX1
15375 Totoro. ANX1
15376 Traps. ANX1
15377 Korean Jesus. ANX1
15378 Astro Boy. ANX1
15379 Jacking off into a bottle of formaldehyde and calling it our firstborn. ANX1
15380 Valvrape the Dominator. ANX1
15381 Piles of dead children. ANX1
15382 An unending, unquenchable thirst for orange Fanta. ANX1
15383 Breaking the fourth wall to kill the mangaka. ANX1
15384 Hentai voice acting. ANX1
15385 A vampire ninja. ANX1
15386 A potato committing seppuku. ANX1
15387 A giant robot German suplex. ANX1
4358 Benchpressing. GFC
4359 Mother's debit card. GFC
4361 Kevin Golby. GFC
4362 That Kevin Golby. GFC
4363 The Golbies: like the jitters but with a concern towards stabbings. GFC
4365 Norwegian Oil. GFC
4366 Grandiosa. GFC
4367 Drilling. GFC
4368 Barta's glorious hair. GFC
4370 Taking the second and third blue buff. GFC
4371 Invisible stabwounds. GFC
4372 Lulu's double E. GFC
4373 A blurry picture. GFC
4374 The Merchant Navy. GFC
4375 Extensive research by Trygve. GFC
4376 The Trygvipedia. GFC
4377 Chak looking like Ross Kemp on a good day. GFC
4378 Manny's epic laugh. GFC
4379 Clearly jealous. GFC
4380 A very tight vest from Primark. GFC
4381 Fisting a nun. GFC
4382 Teabagging a siamese midget while benchpressing a cybernetically enhanced bear. GFC
4383 From Primark. GFC
4384 smoochy moochy. GFC
4385 A Superman tattoo. GFC
4386 Gary Glitter. GFC
4387 Blanda Upp!. GFC
4388 Hestkuk. GFC
4389 A nice guy. GFC
4390 My 6.3 KDA ratio. GFC
4391 bronze scrub. GFC
4392 Get on my level. GFC
4393 Fucking tryhard. GFC
4394 Those moments when you're bored and pucker your anus to a good beat. GFC
4395 An undetermined but significant quantity of penis. GFC
4397 The Shawk. GFC
4398 They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! GFC
4399 Confounding jerry at every turn. GFC
4400 Jumanji. GFC
4401 Wards. GFC
4402 Build an Aegis! GFC
4403 Wildturtle's vast range of emotions. GFC
4404 K-Pop. GFC
4405 Doing Gangnam Style at a funeral. GFC
4406 joseph gordon-Levitt wearing nothing but a kitten. GFC
4407 125% Reccomended Daily Allowance of cock. GFC
4408 Barta not being sarcastic. GFC
4409 Golby's itchy testicles. GFC
4410 Surgery to move the male g-spot to the naval. GFC
4411 The Kirk vs Spock fight scene music. GFC
4412 Golby not jungling. GFC
4413 Feeling a fart pushing against your prostate. GFC
4414 I'm Batman. WHERE ARE THEY?!? GFC
4415 Band Camp. GFC
4416 A corgi wearing a hat. GFC
4417 A corgi wearing a sailor moon outfit. GFC
4418 a corgi dressed as a viking. GFC
4419 A corgi. GFC
4420 Chak's bald spot. GFC
4422 When Aunt Erma visits. GFC
4423 Jamiroquai. GFC
4425 Black people's nostrils. GFC
4429 Because Froggen did it. GFC
4430 Meowing Ride of the Valkyries during intercourse. GFC
4432 Dryhumping. GFC
4433 Gilbert Gotfried. GFC
4434 50 Shades of Gay. GFC
4435 Maple Bourbon Bacon Jam. GFC
4436 Chak making a sandwich. GFC
4437 Jealous. GFC
4438 Frozen Heart Ashe. GFC
4439 Yorick Ult on Anivia Egg. GFC
4440 David. GFC
4441 A healthy dose of Vitamin Cock and Vitamin Dick. GFC
4442 Questioning my sexuality. GFC
4445 Tons of Damage. GFC
15388 A Godzilla attack. ANX1
15389 Eating KFC on Christmas day. ANX1
15390 Hello Kitty! pregnancy doujins. ANX1
15391 Waving it around all willy-nilly. ANX1
15392 Hot anime moms. ANX1
15393 Pissing yourself. ANX1
15394 GAO! GAI! GAR!!! ANX1
15395 Vocaloid death metal. ANX1
15396 The Dark Lord Shawne Kleckner. ANX1
15397 Yaoi paddles. ANX1
15398 Bad Steven Foster dubs. ANX1
15399 Mr. Satan. ANX1
15400 An actual, honest-to-God black guy. ANX1
15401 4,000 tacos, and one Diet Coke. ANX1
15402 Sick with the cancer. ANX1
15403 Black and white samurai movies. ANX1
15404 A promotional crossover with Pizza Hut. ANX1
15405 Transvestite police officers. ANX1
15406 Con funk. ANX1
15407 Star-shaped nipples. ANX1
15408 A laser horse. ANX1
15409 Girls with guns AND glasses. ANX1
15410 Teenaged miniskirt-wearing space pirates. ANX1
15411 Gas station sushi. ANX1
4443 Deman making a racist pun. GFC
4444 Phreak staring at you and never blinking. GFC
4447 I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. GFC
4448 A Wanksock. GFC
4449 An arsehole like a wellington top. GFC
4450 Emma Watson dressed as a crab dancing to K-Pop. GFC
4451 BORK. GFC
4452 Handicapped people on Takeshi's Castle. GFC
4453 The Chuckle Brothers at their mother's funeral. GFC
4454 A 3am phone call. GFC
4455 A cardboard cutout of Jennifer Lawrence. GFC
4456 Robert Pattinson with Freddy Mercury's moustache and Gilbert. GFC
4457 Gotfried's voice. GFC
4458 Ezreal's hot sugary ass. GFC
100220 A Canadian penny. SG
100221 dho's penis. SG
100222 Griffy's tits. SG
4459 Kyubey. AN
4460 Weeaboos. AN
4461 Narutards. AN
4462 Dead catgirls. AN
4463 Aniplex of America. AN
4464 Steve Motherfuckin' Blum. AN
4465 Norio Wakamoto. AN
4466 Tentacle rape. AN
4467 Eating an entire box of Pocky in a single bite. AN
4468 Lolis. AN
4469 Hot-blooded shonen protagonists. AN
4470 Crispin Freeman. AN
4471 A fuck-mothering vampire. AN
4472 A big-breasted 14-year-old wearing a bikini and sucking on a popsicle. AN
4473 Henry Goto being savagely raped by a bear. AN
4474 Yet another goddamn Goku vs. Superman argument. AN
4476 Gen Fukunaga counting his money. AN
4477 FUNimation. AN
4478 Hatsune Miku. AN
4479 Strangling hardcore otaku nerds with razor wire. AN
4480 Aya Hirano being gang-banged by her entire band. AN
4481 Bukkake. AN
4482 OVER 9000!! AN
4483 Little Kuriboh. AN
4484 Bulma's panties. AN
4485 Mami getting her head bitten off. AN
4486 A Captain Harlock body pillow. AN
4487 Onii-chan. AN
4489 Idiots who don't seem to realize that Avatar: The Last Airbender isn't really an anime. AN
4490 Christopher R. Sabat. AN
4492 Johnny Yong Bosch. AN
4493 Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series. AN
4494 A fat middle-aged man in a Sailor Moon costume. AN
4495 $300 anime bluray boxsets. AN
4496 Man-Faye. AN
4499 Dio Brando. AN
4500 Hokuto! Hyakurestu-ken! AN
4501 Vic Micderpaderp. AN
4502 Goku. AN
4503 Soldier A. AN
4504 Red-headed tsunderes. AN
4505 That sound effect in every hentai when the guy ejaculates. AN
4506 Sarah Fuckin' Palin. AN
4507 Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV. AN
4508 "Bang." AN
4509 Prof's legs. AN
4510 Naruto. AN
4511 Wendee Lee. AN
4512 Rice balls. AN
4513 Monkey D. Luffy. AN
4514 JesuOtaku's ginormous lips. AN
4515 Princess Tutu. AN
4516 Fujiko's boobs. AN
4517 Vash the Stampede. AN
4518 Shinji being a whiny little bitch. AN
4519 Third Impact. AN
4520 Kenshiro. AN
4521 Puella Magi Madoka Magica. AN
4522 Cowboy Bebop. AN
4523 Fullmetal Alchemist. AN
4524 Futanari. AN
4525 Taking a potato chip... and EATING IT. AN
4526 Unreasonably long transformation sequences. AN
4527 Ass dance!! Ass dance!! AN
4528 Stupid fucking Kululu. AN
4530 The Gripper. AN
4531 Thinking Misty from Pokémon is... kinda sexy. AN
4532 Garzey's Wing. AN
4533 Reverse harems. AN
4534 Mewtwo. AN
4535 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. AN
4536 Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. AN
4537 Wearing panties on the head. AN
4538 Brina Palencia as an angsty teenage boy, Monica Rial as his bratty little sister, and Shelley Calene-Black as their hot mom. AN
4540 Nice boat. AN
4541 Boku no Pico. AN
4542 The One Piece rap. AN
4543 A Bleach hentai doujin where Rukia rapes Ichigo. AN
4544 Walpurgisnacht. AN
4545 Bludgeoning Haruhi Suzumiya to death with a tire iron. AN
4546 Girls with glasses. AN
4547 Eating the wrong end of a chocolate cornet. AN
4548 Being eaten by a titan. AN
4549 Casca's hairy unshaven vag. AN
4550 Tits on your hand. AN
4551 That little fat kid from Accel World. AN
4552 The Death Note. AN
4553 A "read the manga" style ending. AN
4554 Giant robots. AN
4555 Osamu Tezuka. AN
4556 Studio Ghibli. AN
4557 Masa! <3 AN
4559 Ladd Russo. AN
4560 Home For Infinite Losers (HFIL). AN
4561 Moe Moe Kyun! AN
4562 El Psy Congroo. AN
4563 Sailor Moon and the 7 Ballz. AN
4564 Gratuitous panty shots. AN
4565 Sucking Kyle Hebert's dick for hamburgers. AN
4566 Cartoon buttholes. AN
4567 Muscle-bound shirtless MEN. AN
4568 Recap episodes. AN
4569 An overly defensive fanbase. AN
4570 Fuckin' Bronies. AN
4571 Groping strangers on a train. AN
4572 My Cresta. AN
4573 Nerdy kids in Speedos. AN
4574 Bad K-on! fanart. AN
4575 That stupid opening song from Steel Angel Kurumi getting stuck in your head. AN
4576 Mamoru Miyano. AN
4577 A Hello Kitty! vibrator. AN
4579 Wibble. AN
4580 Black cosplayers. AN
4581 Fake Nendoroids. AN
4582 Eating ramen noodles for a month because you HAD to have that out of print Macross boxset. AN
4583 Showing Serial Experiments Lain to toddlers. AN
4584 A mindfuck. AN
4585 A puppy being beaten to death with a flower pot. AN
4586 Gantz. Just.... Gantz. AN
4587 Snapping the nipple off of a prostitute's breast and eating it. AN
4588 Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. AN
4589 Punching a man so hard his clothes fly off. AN
4590 Banana sushi. AN
4591 Oro? AN
4592 Creamy Mami. AN
4593 Whatever the hell the Utena movie was about. AN
4594 Carl Macek. AN
4595 The ungodly abomination that is Robotech. AN
4596 Kira worshippers. AN
4597 The thousands upon thousands of women that Golgo 13 has slept with. AN
4598 Uguu... AN
4599 Old man dragon dick. AN
4600 Apocalypse Zero. AN
4601 Ikki Tousen. AN
4602 ". . . ." AN
4603 The inevitable beach episode. AN
4604 A Japanese schoolgirl covered head-to-toe in semen. AN
4605 Satoshi Kon. AN
4606 Kigurumi. AN
4607 Good ol' fashioned Japanese sexism. AN
4608 Guro. AN
4609 Dr. Who fans showing up at anime cons despite not being invited. AN
4610 Plot armor. AN
4611 Nekomimi. AN
4612 Pure grade-A opium. AN
4613 Banging 1,000 dudes. AN
4614 A drunken Japanese businessman. AN
4615 Maid cafes. AN
4616 Host clubs. AN
4617 Shooting out nearly an entire liter of cum. AN
4618 The Hare Hare Yukai dance. AN
4619 Shining Finger! AN
4620 The inkvasion. AN
4621 School swimsuits. AN
4622 Underpants. Underpants. Underpants. Underpants. Under- AN
4623 Acidic breast milk. AN
4624 Kamen Rider. AN
4625 The Major's hips and bust. AN
4626 Captain Bravo. AN
4627 Kirino's ass. AN
4628 Crystal Boy's creepy smile. AN
4629 Gackt. AN
4630 Used panty vending machines. AN
4631 Butt sniffing. AN
4632 Vegeta's sweet goatee. AN
4633 Sub-only releases. AN
4634 Getting drunk on sake. AN
4635 Flying Vortex of Fear. AN
4636 Fishcake. AN
4637 Go Nagai sideburns. AN
4639 Getting the bad ending of a visual novel. AN
4640 The Tsukihime anime. AN
4641 Jacuzzi Splot. AN
4642 Juvijuvibro. AN
4643 Bear punching, tiger chopping, shark suplexing, & helicopter bodyslamming. AN
4644 Getting your penis cut in half. AN
4645 Stupid sexy Johan. AN
4646 Naoki Urasawa. AN
4647 Tachikoma-kun. AN
4648 Dancin' on the Planet Dance. AN
4649 Super Milk-chan. AN
4650 You dumbass! AN
4651 Being the uke. AN
4652 The power of friendship. AN
4653 An arm and a leg. AN
4654 The entire cast of School Days. AN
4655 Giant naked Rei. AN
4656 Masturbating over Asuka's comatose body. AN
4657 Let's Fighting Love! AN
4658 Cousin marriage. AN
4659 4Kids. AN
4660 Making someone's head explode. AN
4661 Michelle Ru-
er, I mean... "Sophie Roberts." AN
4662 Calling out the name of your attack. AN
4663 Multi-episode fights. AN
4664 M.D. Geist. AN
4665 Blue Water Studios. AN
4666 Darrel Guilbeau trying to act. AN
4667 Highschool of the Dead. AN
4668 Girls with guns. AN
4669 The goddamn Maho. AN
4670 Fat, sweaty otaku. AN
4671 Ganguro girls. AN
4672 Magical girls. AN
4673 Hot female bass players. AN
4674 Goku, Luffy, Toriko, and Lina Inverse in an eating contest. AN
4675 BlackStar AN
*does the Monkey* AN
4677 You cactus bastard! AN
4678 Underwater Ray Romano. AN
4679 Sexy schoolteacher types. AN
4680 Tig ol' bitties. AN
4681 Lesbian subtext. AN
4682 Watching FLCL while tripping on acid. AN
4683 Inspector Zenigata. AN
4684 Pure fighting spirit. AN
4685 The GARtender. AN
4686 Mad Bull 34. AN
4687 Sticking your finger up her ass. AN
4688 Freddie riding to school on a wild black stallion. AN
4689 Whatever turns you on, big guy. AN
4690 Standing outside the gates of the White House completely naked with a revolver in your hand. AN
4692 KITTEH. :3 AN
4693 Manly tears of manliness. AN
4694 Zetman. AN
4695 Giant mutant cockroaches. AN
4696 Bible Black. AN
4697 Rape fantasies. AN
4698 Keith David's voice. AN
4699 Scott McNeil. AN
4700 The eternal pervert, Eric Vale. AN
4701 The Irresponsible Captain Tylor. AN
4702 Birdy the Mighty. AN
4703 Prying SpacemanHardy's Master Keaton boxset from his cold, dead hands. AN
4704 Satan worshipping Christians. AN
4705 Hunting down every single copy of Ninja Resurrection and setting them on fire. AN
4706 R-R-R-R-R-REDLINE!!! AN
4707 Catholic priests who drink, smoke, and carry guns. AN
4708 Badass 15-year-olds. AN
4709 Losing 20 gallons of blood... and surviving. AN
4710 One HELL of a butler. AN
4711 Being beaten to a bloody pulp by a middle school student. AN
4712 Anime News Network. AN
4713 Having blackmail sex with your teacher. AN
4714 A large paper fan. AN
4715 The Shikon Jewel. AN
4716 "INUYASHA!!"
4717 Sneaking a peek at the girls' open bath. AN
4718 Revy Two-Hands. AN
4719 A Claymore swimsuit issue. AN
4720 A samurai terminator. AN
4721 Physics. AN
4722 Gangnam Style. AN
4723 MUNGLE!!
*shakes fist* AN
4724 A talking motorcycle. AN
4725 Rie Kugimiya. AN
4726 The Animatrix. AN
4727 Your virgin soul. AN
4728 Franky's awesome Speedo dance. AN
4729 Soul traveling. AN
4730 Production I.G. AN
4731 GONZO. AN
4732 Really shitty CGI effects. AN
4733 The hot buttered sex voice of Patrick Seitz. AN
4734 Sticking a chopstick in your pee-hole. AN
4735 A copy of Trigun signed by Micah Solusod. AN
4736 Gilgamesh. AN
4737 That one guy who always dresses up as the Red Ranger. AN
4738 Engrish. AN
4739 A dead meme. AN
4740 Madhouse. AN
4741 ARMS. AN
4742 Mr. Tadakichi. AN
4743 Showing episodes of Toriko to starving children. AN
4744 Governor Ishihara. AN
4745 Shrine maidens. AN
4746 Taking a shit in the shrine's donation box. AN
4747 Farting... tadpoles? AN
4748 Heavily-tattooed yakuza henchmen. AN
4749 The life-sized Gundam statue. AN
4750 Forcing someone to watch every episode of Dragon Ball GT. AN
4752 Eating a banana all sexy-like. AN
4753 Awesome Prussia. AN
4754 Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! AN
4755 A shitload of yen. AN
4756 Johannes Krauser II. AN
4757 Raccoon testicles. AN
4758 Beautiful bishonen boys. AN
4759 Rule 63'd Death the Kid. AN
4760 Hetalia porn. AN
4761 1,000 years of pain. AN
4762 Rally Vincent firing a gun in her underwear. AN
4763 A Maka Chop. AN
4764 Twincest. AN
4765 Broken-ass Aizen. AN
4766 The Garden of Sinners. AN
4767 Romi Paku. AN
4768 My Johnny! AN
4769 Petite Princess Yucie. AN
4770 Ice cold water
(and it's only a dollar). AN
4771 Me wearing a penguin suit. AN
4772 Farting on your cat. AN
4773 Combat afros. AN
4774 A brand new, mint condition copy of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vol. 4, still in shrinkwrap. AN
4775 Grave of the Fireflies. AN
4776 Strapping hand grenades to your pubes. AN
4777 Toilet worship. AN
4778 My badass numchucks. AN
4779 Trying to get your die-cast Gundam model through airport security. AN
4780 Black★Star AN
4781 Octopus balls. AN
4782 Getting in a fistfight with an earthquake. AN
4783 WcDonald's. AN
4784 Undead body-swapping space vampire teens. AN
4785 The alpha bitch. AN
4786 Eating someone else's drool. AN
4787 My hot zombie girlfriend.. AN
4788 Puppets made from the skin of children. AN
4789 Swallowing an entire carton of cigarettes before barfing them back up. AN
4790 Giving a girl an orgasm using only your shoulderpads. AN
4791 Being accidentally turned into a girl by aliens. AN
4792 Ghosts that come out of your asscrack. AN
4793 #DesuDes4Life. AN
4794 Fucking a nun. AN
4795 Raping Tokyo Tower. AN
4796 A succubus living inside your testes. AN
4797 Saber Starblast. AN
4798 An argument lasting over an hour about what moé really is. AN
4799 Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, aka. "The D.I.L.F." AN
4800 Japanese Spider-Man. AN
4801 A bass guitar straight to the face. AN
4802 Sonny Strait's manly parts. AN
4803 Asian cock. AN
4804 Guts. AN
4805 Holy dildos. AN
4806 Finger nigiri. AN
4807 Dragon Balls. AN
4808 Drills for hands. AN
4809 Suplexing your teacher. AN
4810 A leopard print fundoshi. AN
4811 Breast envy. AN
4812 The entire last episode of Blood-C. AN
4813 Origami sex toys. AN
4815 Japanese rope bondage. AN
4816 Griffith's mysterious disappearing penis. AN
4817 Naughty geishas. AN
4818 Ninjas! AN
4819 Pubic hair needle attack. AN
4820 Sexy jutsu. AN
4821 Getting your fingernails ripped out. AN
4822 Shinichiro Watanabe single-handedly curing cancer, ending world hunger, and bringing peace to the Middle East. AN
4823 Love Machine. AN
4824 Rapping samurai. AN
4825 Putting all the condiments on your steak. ALL OF THEM. AN
4826 Naga's extremely annoying laugh. AN
4827 A dolphin in a mech suit. AN
4828 Flying Nimbus. AN
4829 Strikeman and his "Balls of Justice". AN
4830 A busty, blonde, blue-eyed, dumb-as-rocks American. AN
4831 Running during the credits. AN
4832 Red bean paste. AN
4833 Gender-swapped Oda Nobunaga. AN
4834 Cutting off a finger to restore your honor. AN
4835 Robots with tits. AN
4836 Henry Goto. AN:HG
4837 Henry Goto having an accident in his pants during the live Aniplex of America panel. AN:HG
4838 Henry Goto's massive peyote & wine cooler addiction. AN:HG
4839 Henry Goto, John Sirabella, and Stu Levy in a three man fight to the death. AN:HG
4840 Henry Goto fapping to a photograph of himself. AN:HG
4841 Henry Goto being eaten by a group of backwoods hillbilly cannibals. AN:HG
4842 Henry Goto ending up homeless on the streets and sucking dick for coke. AN:HG
4843 Two gallons of elephant shit being dropped on Henry Goto's desk. AN:HG
4844 Henry Goto falling down the stairs, receiving a massive head injury, and believing he's really Sailor Moon. AN:HG
4845 A Henry Goto joke that no one will laugh at other than SpacemanHardy. AN:HG
4846 Henry Goto bleeding profusely from his groin after having his penis bitten off by a 15-year-old Vietnamese prostitute. AN:HG
4847 A 30-year-old man who's obsessed with K-on! AN
4848 LAZAR! AN
4850 Getting kicked in the nuts by a mermaid. AN
4851 Taking a seat with Chris Hansen. MrMan
4852 The Village People. MrMan
4853 A Cleveland steamer. MrMan
4854 A big floppy donkey dick. MrMan
4855 Pooping in the bathtub. MrMan
4856 Bathing the homeless. MrMan
4857 An awkward sponge bath. MrMan
4858 Toilet paper. MrMan
4859 Getting off on anime porn. MrMan
4860 Enemas. MrMan
4861 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. MrMan
4862 Mining for nose gold. MrMan
4863 Laxatives. MrMan
4864 Putting the fucking lotion in the basket. MrMan
4865 The tears of a clown. MrMan
4866 Gangrene. MrMan
4867 Gingivitis. MrMan
4868 Two dogs humping. MrMan
4869 Genital warts. MrMan
4870 Suppositories. MrMan
4871 Face painting. MrMan
4872 A prolapse. MrMan
4873 Digital piracy. MrMan
4874 A poop sandwich. MrMan
4875 Executive parking. MrMan
4876 A dead hooker. MrMan
4877 A skeptical sheriff. MrMan
4878 A chatroom predator. MrMan
4879 A loud mouth-breather. MrMan
4880 The crushed dreams of a stripper. MrMan
4881 Anorexia. MrMan
4882 Gobots. MrMan
4883 A Motown group. MrMan
4884 a classy smoking jacket. MrMan
4885 Giant areolas. MrMan
4886 Peanutbutter jelly time. MrMan
4887 A sexy senior citizen. MrMan
4888 Granny panties. MrMan
4889 A stuttering auctioneer. MrMan
4890 Farting into a fancy handkerchief. MrMan
4891 Lot lizards. MrMan
4892 A LARPing sleeper cell. MrMan
4893 A Fleshlite™. MrMan
4894 A molotov cocktail. MrMan
4895 A cockblocker. MrMan
4896 Public schooling. MrMan
4897 The end of the world. MrMan
4898 Dickjitsu. MrMan
4899 A mushy tushy. MrMan
4900 Don Knotts. MrMan
4901 Morbid obesity. MrMan
4902 Geriatric diaper rash. MrMan
4903 A MILF. MrMan
4904 Bigfoot. MrMan
4905 Yellow snow. MrMan
4906 A limp wrist. MrMan
4907 An angry leprechaun. MrMan
4908 The Tin Man. MrMan
4909 Giving yourself a stranger. MrMan
4910 Shitting into someone's hat for revenge. MrMan
4911 Learning hypnosis to get laid. MrMan
4912 The War of Northern Aggression. MrMan
4913 A snot rocket. MrMan
4914 Miss. Piggy. MrMan
4915 Sailor Moon. MrMan
4916 Mass graves. MrMan
4917 A victim. MrMan
4918 Soiling ones self. MrMan
4919 A clone army. MrMan
4920 Raw sewage. MrMan
4921 War crimes. MrMan
4922 A collapsed lung. MrMan
4923 The town drunk. MrMan
4924 The face of pure evil. MrMan
4925 Spontaneous pie fights. MrMan
4926 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. MrMan
4927 Being screamed at in German. MrMan
4928 A lesson in pain. MrMan
4929 Talking like a pirate. MrMan
4930 A Facebook stalker. MrMan
4931 Sausage. MrMan
4932 A compound fracture. MrMan
4933 The magical land of Oz. MrMan
4934 Pow-Pow-PowerWheeels®! MrMan
4935 Cheating death. MrMan
4936 Clown Shoes. MrMan
4937 Clown college. MrMan
4938 A lousy comb-over. MrMan
4939 Chaz Bono. MrMan
4940 Hoarders. MrMan
4941 Bed wetting. MrMan
4942 Nuns. MrMan
4943 A closed casket funeral. MrMan
4944 Scotch. MrMan
4945 A really ugly baby. MrMan
4946 Dunkenly texting an ex. MrMan
4947 Realizing, too late, that there is no toilet paper left. MrMan
4948 Illegal immigrants. MrMan
4949 Elder abuse. MrMan
15412 Jerry Jewell's serial killer face. ANX1
15414 A school bus orgy. ANX1
15415 Super Aryan Hitler. ANX1
15416 Having sex with a dragon. ANX1
15417 Manga Jesus. ANX1
15418 Manly pink sparkles. ANX1
15419 7 ft. tall red-headed Alexander the Great. ANX1
15420 Training a dinosaur to ride a ball. ANX1
15421 Samba-dancing dinosaurs. ANX1
15422 An armored truck full of shit. ANX1
15423 A Togepi omelet. ANX1
15424 The Puchuu. ANX1
15425 Dying over and over again. ANX1
15426 Fuckingham Palace. ANX1
15427 Epic old bald dudes. ANX1
15428 A smashed-in face. ANX1
15429 A Dragon Slave. ANX1
15430 Zelgadis' flame-proof bikini briefs. ANX1
15431 Morphin'. ANX1
15432 A naughty nurse outfit. ANX1
15433 A sweaty shirtless man holding a large, writhing fish against his chest. ANX1
15434 Millionaire Beaver. ANX1
15435 Dick Saucer. ANX1
15436 A couple that spends over 30 manga volumes trying to get to first base. ANX1
15437 Alice in Sexland. ANX1
15438 Succubus-on-futanari action. ANX1
15439 High-stakes mahjong. ANX1
15440 Garbage collectors... IN SPACE!! ANX1
15441 Magical friendship lasers. ANX1
15442 The War on Pants. ANX1
15443 An ending where everyone dies. ANX1
15444 A cyborg assassin dressed as a magical girl fighting a talking lion and a floating psychic electric jellyfish. ANX1
15445 J-pop idols. ANX1
15446 Chest-hair afros. ANX1
15447 Cowboy Andy. ANX1
15448 A chainsaw-wielding male magical girl zombie. ANX1
15449 Inoue Kikoku, 17-years old. ANX1
15450 Fujoshi. ANX1
15451 Matrix boobs. ANX1
15452 Completely losing your shit over Endless Eight. ANX1
15453 Violently beating your friends to death with a baseball bat. ANX1
15454 Clothing-dissolving slime. ANX1
15455 Involuntary crossdressing. ANX1
15456 Getting sucked into a fantasy world. ANX1
15457 Hentai artists who don't change their pen name when they go legit. ANX1
15458 A Masamune Shirou artbook. ANX1
15459 Loli in a box. ANX1
15460 Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but everyone is gender-swapped. ANX1
15461 Moé schoolgirl Hitler. ANX1
15462 Franken Fran. ANX1
15463 A washpan falling onto someone's head from out of nowhere. ANX1
15464 SHAFT being SHAFT. ANX1
15465 A third-grader seducing her 23-year-old teacher. ANX1
15466 Shotas. ANX1
15467 One a them bamboo things that goes "doonk". ANX1
15468 Banging your adopted daughter. ANX1
15469 Tripping, falling, and landing with your face in a girl's breasts. ANX1
15470 A bunny girl having a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. ANX1
15471 A 10-year old with boobs twice the size of her head. ANX1
15472 An ancient vampire who looks like she's 10. ANX1
15473 Literally ripping your own heart out. ANX1
15474 Japanese-style elf ears. ANX1
15475 Flamboyantly gay William Shakespeare. ANX1
15476 Gen "The Uro-Butcher". ANX1
15477 Mikuru Beam! ANX1
15478 Tons and tons of close-up underaged schoolgirl ass-shots. ANX1
15479 Starfish Hitler. ANX1
15480 Pokémon tears. ANX1
15481 Pokésexuality. ANX1
15482 Chopstick-based martial arts. ANX1
15483 All the gayness in GetBackers. ANX1
15484 Naming yourself after the method of your suicide. ANX1
15485 The Chupacabra. ANX1
15486 Blowing a child's head off with a rocket launcher. ANX1
15487 Erotic incestuous toothbrushing. ANX1
15488 An artbox that feels like human skin. ANX1
15489 Polygamy jokes in a kid's show. ANX1
15490 Urd, Kana, and Misato in a drinking contest. ANX1
15491 Cute stuff. ANX1
15492 A robot having an orgasm. ANX1
15493 Villagulio. ANX1
15494 Dangling Pokéballs. ANX1
15495 Having a giant drill for a dick. ANX1
15522 An ingrown toenail on the tip of a penis. AI
15523 Feline Leukemia. AI
15524 Marky Mark's foam rubber penis from Boogie Nights. AI
15525 My Spankerchief. AI
15526 Pumping a chemical toilet. AI
15527 The fine line between kinky and perverted. AI
15528 A Rotisserie Chicken. AI
15529 Vultures circling a birthday party. AI
15530 An All White Jury. AI
15531 Frottage. AI
15532 Michael J. Fox trying to use a rotary phone. AI
15533 The Five Knuckle Truffle Punch. AI
15534 Flipper Babies. AI
15535 Ejaculating into an insulin pump. AI
15536 Rocky Dennis and John Merrick's lovechild. AI
15537 The syrupy goop inside a Stretch Armstrong doll. AI
15538 Finding an adhesive bandage at the bottom of your ice cream. AI
15539 Life after Parole. AI
15540 A cat's sand papery tongue bath. AI
15541 A Pit Bull named Genghis. AI
10108 Discovering that it's never just a big vagina. Furry
10109 Dragoneer. Furry
10110 A horny dragon. Furry
10111 A sexually frustrated griffon. Furry
10112 Species stereotypes. Furry
10114 Convention sluts. Furry
10115 Horns and hooves. Furry
10116 Being "prison gay." Furry
10117 Microwaving diapers. Furry
10118 Adorable dog people. Furry
10119 Sexy the Cat. Furry
10120 That one episode of CSI. Furry
10121 SecondLife. Furry
10122 The Gay Yiffy Club. Furry
10123 Hyper-endowed squirrels. Furry
10124 A spider furry who isn't even into bondage. Furry
10125 Being really, really into monsters. Furry
10126 Sexual arousal from children's cartoons. Furry
10127 No males, no herms, no cuntboys, no shemales, no trannys, no furries, no aliens, no vampires, and no werewolves. ONLY STRAIGHT OR BI HUMAN FEMALES. Furry
10128 Overcompensating with a huge horse penis. Furry
10129 A fedora enthusiast. Furry
10130 A tongue-beast. Furry
10131 Frisky tentacles. Furry
10132 A very steampunk rat. Furry
10133 Canine superiority. Furry
10134 Oviposition. Furry
10135 Flares. Furry
10136 Dogs wearing panties. Furry
10137 Monster boys in lingerie. Furry
10138 Power bottoms. Furry
10139 Sheath licking. Furry
10140 Sex with Pokémon. Furry
10141 Making out with dogs. Furry
10142 YouTube videos of horse breeding. Furry
10143 Pissing on your significant other to show ownership. Furry
10144 Being able to recognize your friends by the scent of their asses. Furry
10145 A notebook full of embarrassing niche porn sketches. Furry
10146 Cockvore. Furry
10147 A prehensile penis. Furry
10148 Puns involving the word "knot." Furry
10149 Jerking off on an unconscious friend's feet. Furry
10150 CrusaderCat. Furry
10151 Your Character Here. Furry
15542 Sphincter Bleaching. AI
15543 Bringing the Hamburglar to Justice. AI
15544 Toilet Wine. AI
15545 An Amputee's chapped limb nub. AI
15546 Febreezing your Taint. AI
15547 Leftist Propaganda. AI
15548 Cookie Monster's substance abuse issues. AI
14817 ____. TGWTG
14818 *liveshot*. TGWTG
14819 8-Bit Mickey on an unstoppable merry-go-round. TGWTG
14820 80's Dan. TGWTG
14821 A Blip ad for the most embarrassing reality show ever. TGWTG
14822 A Brad Jones impersonation. TGWTG
14823 A crossover. TGWTG
14824 A Cybermat in a bow tie. TGWTG
14825 A delicious fried chicken holocaust. TGWTG
14826 A DMCA takedown notice. TGWTG
14827 A fan artist. TGWTG
14829 A giant go-fuck-yourself spider. TGWTG
14830 A half naked, fencing JewWario. TGWTG
14831 A hand-basket of lobsters. TGWTG
14832 A Mr. T Trading Card. TGWTG
14833 A pile of skulls. TGWTG
14834 A pink tutu. TGWTG
14835 A plushie TARDIS. TGWTG
14836 A poorly made knockoff action figure. TGWTG
14837 A REALLY big hoopla about nothing. TGWTG
14838 A Serbian Film. TGWTG
14839 A smoking, muscled ice cream cone shooting guns and eye lasers. TGWTG
14840 A speeding NERF dart to the junk. TGWTG
14841 A squadron of attack Corgis. TGWTG
14842 A squadron of line-dancing hippos. TGWTG
14843 A strip-tease from the Nostalgia Critic. TGWTG
14844 A tauntaun puppy. TGWTG
14845 A very serious hat. TGWTG
14846 Ambiguously nude Linkara. TGWTG
14847 An electronic cigarette that resembles a Sonic Screwdriver. TGWTG
14848 An evangelizing minion. TGWTG
14849 An existential crisis over internet reviews. TGWTG
14850 An impassioned plea for understanding. TGWTG
14851 An unhinged Oancitizen rolling towards the sea. TGWTG
14852 Angry Joe dancing in a squid suit. TGWTG
14853 Angry Joe's raging boner. TGWTG
14854 Another fucking Iron Liz pun. TGWTG
14855 Another goddamn PhilBuni Vine. TGWTG
14856 Aplos, or Steve, the Wizard. TGWTG
14857 Arlo P. Arlo. TGWTG
14858 Arlo the Orc. TGWTG
14859 Ashens taking a blowtorch to a crappy toy. TGWTG
14860 Ashens. TGWTG
14861 Because...hippos. TGWTG
14862 Becoming possessed and insulting your colleague. TGWTG
14863 Being awkward around your favorite reviewer. TGWTG
14864 Bennett the Sage. TGWTG
14865 Big Butter Jesus. TGWTG
14866 Blip. TGWTG
14867 Brad, drinking a Turkey-flavored Jones Soda. TGWTG
14868 Bruno Matei. TGWTG
14869 Butchered Dutch. TGWTG
14870 Comicron One. TGWTG
14871 CR. TGWTG
14872 Cynthia Rothrock TGWTG
14874 Derek the Bard. TGWTG
14875 Derek the Bard's hat. TGWTG
14876 Disturbing comments in the RDA chat. TGWTG
14877 Dodger's ban chain. TGWTG
14878 Dodging blowjobs. TGWTG
14879 Dr. Tease & Dr. Block. TGWTG
14880 Dragging Oancitizen back home from a wild night of partying. TGWTG
14881 Dump cards. TGWTG
14882 E Rod's smooth, smooth dance skills. TGWTG
14883 Eating the flesh of your foes while howling at the moon. TGWTG
14884 Evilina. TGWTG
14885 Evilina's monstrous visage. TGWTG
14886 Film Brain, dressed tastefully in fashionable clothing. TGWTG
14887 Film Brain's hair. TGWTG
14888 Film Renegado creaming himself over Pacific Rim. TGWTG
14889 Forcing an NPC to haul your crap. TGWTG
14890 Fuckstick the Magic Dragon. TGWTG
14891 Gargoyle Cat. TGWTG
14892 Haganistan. TGWTG
14893 Harmony Korine. TGWTG
14895 Holly. TGWTG
14896 Il Neige in a freakishly accurate Film Brain costume. TGWTG
14897 Jaeris, the Gunslinger. TGWTG
14898 Joe Quesada. TGWTG
14899 Kali. TGWTG
14900 Kung Tai Ted. TGWTG
14901 Kyle playing GTA while drunk. TGWTG
14902 Kyle's "unicorns." TGWTG
14903 Laura, the Fender Stratocaster Goddess. TGWTG
14904 Linkara lying naked on his futon, playing with a Cybermat. TGWTG
14905 Linkara, dressed as the Green Ranger. TGWTG
14906 Linkara, dropping an F-Bomb. TGWTG
14907 Linkara, sexily eating a salad. TGWTG
14908 Linkara's massive ego. TGWTG
14909 Little Pluckies Ninja Protects. TGWTG
14910 Luke Mochrie's trust fund. TGWTG
14911 Maven of ze Eventide. TGWTG
14912 Mexican Spider-Man. TGWTG
14913 MikeJ. TGWTG
14914 Moarte. TGWTG
14915 Nash, dressed as The Undertaker. TGWTG
14916 Nash, making "vroom vroom" noises. TGWTG
14917 Nash, making train sounds in a bathtub. TGWTG
14918 Nella. TGWTG
14919 Nella's cleavage Altoids. TGWTG
14920 Not reading the FAQ. TGWTG
14921 Obelisk Blue Linkara. TGWTG
14922 Paw. TGWTG
14923 Paw's soul patch. TGWTG
14924 Penis whiskers. TGWTG
10509 the 8 million jews. Vidya
10510 George Costanza Viyda
10511 Honk! Honk! Vidya
10512 Hideo Kojima Vidya
10513 Alright Vidya
10514 LIQUID! Vidya
10515 BROTHER! Vidya
10516 Gaben Vidya
10517 Kirby's Air Ride Vidya
10518 Yume Nikki Vidya
10519 HL3 confirmed! Vidya
10520 That feel Vidya
10521 Tim Buckley Vidya
10522 Bum Tickley Vidya
10523 Star Wars: Battlefront Vidya
10524 The Wii U Vidya
10525 the PS4 Vidya
10526 the NES Vidya
10527 the SNES Vidya
10528 the SEGA Genesis Vidya
10529 the PSX Vidya
10530 Silent Hill Vidya
10531 Harry Mason Vidya
10532 James Sunderland Vidya
10533 the plot of MGS4 Vidya
10534 Kramer Vidya
10535 no games Vidya
10536 Words, Words, Words Vidya
10537 Le /v/ culture Vidya
10538 Mods Vidya
10539 Furfags Vidya
10540 HERESY! Vidya
10541 My waifu Vidya
10542 Jews Vidya
10543 the duck hunt dog Vidya
10544 Max Payne Vidya
10545 L.A. Noire Vidya
10546 Call of Duty 4 Vidya
10547 Cowadooty Franchise Vidya
10548 Master Chef Vidya
10549 Samus Aran Vidya
10550 Kamiya Vidya
10551 The red ring of death Vidya
10552 Toady Vidya
10553 the mustard race Vidya
10554 Klonies Vidya
10555 Valve Vidya
10556 source engine Vidya
10557 Wii-tier graphics Vidya
10558 brown and bloom Vidya
10560 Mountain Dew Vidya
10561 Doritoes Vidya
10562 Dante, but you an call him Dante the demon killer Vidya
10563 FUCK YOU Vidya
10564 Princess Peach Vidya
10565 Ronnie Vidya
10566 Wreck-It Ralph Vidya
10567 Destroy-It Dan Vidya
10568 Rape-It Randy Vidya
10569 Bayonetta Vidya
10570 Fifa 2014 Vidya
10571 Superman 64 Vidya
10572 E.T. for Atari Vidya
10573 Dark Souls Vidya
10574 Devil May Cry Vidya
10575 Wubs Vidya
10576 a custom built PC Vidya
10577 making an email to gabe newell one post at a time Vidya
10578 Warioware Vidya
10579 Earthbound Vidya
10580 Pikmen Vidya
10581 Duck Hunt Vidya
10582 Egoraptor Vidya
10583 Cory in the House Vidya
10584 Katawa Shoujio Vidya
10585 Donte Vidya
10586 /sp/ Vidya
10587 /pol/ Vidya
10588 /a/ Vidya
10589 Traps Vidya
10590 Capitan Falcon Vidya
10591 knowing that feel Vidya
10592 my sides Vidya
10593 wagglan Vidya
10594 playing vidya Vidya
10595 being a casual fuck Vidya
10596 JonTron Vidya
10597 Two Best Friends Vidya
10598 Tropes vs Women in Video Games Vidya
10599 Anita Vidya
10600 Wiimote Vidya
10601 Xbox Hueg Vidya
10602 Japan Time Vidya
10603 the orignal Xbox controller Vidya
10604 Solid Snake's Ass Vidya
10605 Big Boss Vidya
10606 Kirby Vidya
10607 Waluigi Vidya
10608 Geno Vidya
10609 Ridley Vidya
10610 GLaDOS Vidya
10611 Shigeru Miyamoto Vidya
10612 Mother 3 Vidya
10613 Shigesato Itoi Vidya
10614 Alexey Pajinov Vidya
10615 Sam & Max Vidya
10616 Banjo-Kazooie Vidya
10617 Hank Hill Vidya
10618 Pheonix Wright Vidya
10619 the orange gem from Bejeweled™ Vidya
10620 thowing bottles of holy water in the original Castlevania Vidya
10621 using your PC as a heater in the winter Vidya
10622 Wii Fit Trainer Vidya
10623 Nanomachines, son Vidya
10624 Creating a LttP vs Majora's Mask Vidya
10625 Following the damn train Vidya
10626 Kotaku Vidya
10627 checking your privledge Vidya
10628 having fun Vidya
10629 Call of Cthulhu Vidya
10630 Corruption of Champions Vidya
10631 Sanic Vidya
10632 Sanic Adventure 2 Vidya
10633 Civillization IV Vidya
10634 League of Legends Vidya
10635 DoTA 2 Vidya
10636 HoN Vidya
10637 asking br? when joining a server Vidya
10638 Geralt Vidya
10639 Halo Vidya
10640 Doomguy Vidya
10641 Regginator Vidya
10642 tfw no qt gf Vidya
10643 Atelier Vidya
10644 Asura Vidya
10645 Obsidrones Vidya
10646 Nintenyearolds Vidya
10647 Xbots Vidya
10648 Sonyggers Vidya
10649 Hitscan Vidya
10650 xX420blazeitXx Vidya
10651 Sakurai Vidya
10652 blowing into a catridge Vidya
10653 Dragon Dildos Vidya
10654 Nintendo Vidya
10655 Sony Vidya
10656 Microsoft Vidya
10657 Sega Vidya
10658 Konami Vidya
10659 Game Freak Vidya
10660 Fez Vidya
10661 Cave Story Vidya
10662 Wololololololololo Vidya
10663 pirating games because you hate the government Vidya
10664 New Super Luigi Bros Vidya
10665 the Demoman (who takes skill) Vidya
10666 the Pyro (who takes skill) Vidya
10667 on disk DLC Vidya
10668 sports games the come out year after year Vidya
10669 Ass Creed Vidya
10670 playing counterstrike too seriously Vidya
10671 Minecraft Vidya
10672 Notch Vidya
10673 Buzzwords Vidya
10674 OFF by Mortis Ghost Vidya
10675 an indie dev that no one knows about Vidya
10676 the Secret of Monkey Island Vidya
10677 watching let's plays on youtube Vidya
10678 grumpy dumpies Vidya
10679 Spaghetti Vidya
10680 the best Final Fantasy game Vidya
10681 Grayson Hunt Vidya
10682 not completing all the side quests Vidya
10683 artificial difficulty Vidya
10684 padding Vidya
10685 artificial fun Vidya
10686 Matt and Pat Vidya
10687 Hamberger Helper Vidya
10688 Yahtzee Vidya
10689 iJustine Vidya
10690 Jack Thompson Vidya
10691 rebbit Vidya
10692 The /v/idya gaem awards Vidya
10693 Emi (from Katawa Shoujo) Vidya
10694 Rin (from Katawa Shuojo) Vidya
10695 Lilly (from Katawa Shuojo) Vidya
10696 Hanako (from Katawa Shuojo) Vidya
10697 Shizune (from Katawa Shuojo) Vidya
10698 Misha (from Katawa Shuojo) Vidya
10699 Kenji (from Katawa Shuojo) Vidya
10700 The Last of Us Vidya
10701 /v/ Vidya
10702 Video Games Vidya
10703 NSA Vidya
10704 Christopher Robin Vidya
10705 The Master Race Vidya
10706 /mlp/ Vidya
10707 Bronies Vidya
10708 /vg/ Vidya
10709 /vr/ Vidya
10710 /vp/ Vidya
10711 p2w Vidya
10712 the delay time of Duke Nukem Forever Vidya
10713 Duke Nukem Vidya
10714 WoW Vidya
10715 Worth the Weight Vidya
10716 anything but video games Vidya
10717 Tom Preston Vidya
10718 Andrew Dobson Vidya
10719 nogames Vidya
10720 2spooky Vidya
10721 599 US Dollars Vidya
10722 Eight Point Eight Vidya
10723 RAGE Vidya
14925 Playing TGWTG Cards Against Humanity at stupid o'clock. TGWTG
14926 Pol Pot pies. TGWTG
14927 Rachel Tietz, trying to Kill the Nostalgia Critic. TGWTG
14928 Ripping off part of your penis. TGWTG
14931 Sad Panda's lanky, manly chest. TGWTG
14932 Sage's "RAPE!" face. TGWTG
14933 Sean. TGWTG
14934 Sex, violence, and Daffy Duck screaming. TGWTG
14935 Shouting "FUS-RO-DAH!" at a puppy. TGWTG
14936 Smarty. TGWTG
14937 Smarty's special bag of AIDS. TGWTG
14938 Snowflame's cocaine flavored popsicles. TGWTG
14939 Snowflame's fuzzy slippers. TGWTG
14940 Space Core. TGWTG
14941 Stealing money off dead wolves. TGWTG
14942 Surprise blowjobs. TGWTG
14943 Tara's tramautic childhood stories. TGWTG
14944 That Dude In The Suede. TGWTG
14945 The Adventures of Horsemeat and the Placenta #1. TGWTG
14946 The Amazing Bulk. TGWTG
14947 The Channel Awesome satellite. TGWTG
14948 The Hippo Lantern Corps. TGWTG
14949 The Last Angry Geek. TGWTG
14950 The Longbox of the Damned. TGWTG
14951 The Nostalgia Ranger. TGWTG
14952 The Rap Critic. TGWTG
14953 The thick, muscular arms of ChaosD1. TGWTG
14954 The Uncanny Valley. TGWTG
14955 The Wal-Mart. TGWTG
14956 Todd in the Shadows. TGWTG
14957 Todd trolling Chris Brown on Twitter. TGWTG
14958 Tommy Wiseau. TGWTG
14959 Turtle. TGWTG
14960 Using a frontloader to steal deodorant. TGWTG
14961 Using donation money for weed. TGWTG
14962 Vangelus TGWTG
14963 Ven's voice, a gift from the fairies. TGWTG
14964 Zeo Linkara. TGWTG
14965 A DraculaFetus animation. NL
14966 A profile pic that looks like a dick and balls. NL
14967 Spy Party racism. NL
14968 The ghost of Ohmwrecker. NL
14969 Shooting the black guy. NL
14970 Ohm's mindgames. NL
14971 DOTA 2. NL
14972 Magic: The Gathering. NL
14973 A failed challenge run. NL
14974 Setting the world on fire. NL
14975 Pot magic. NL
14976 Josh's washing machine. NL
14977 Dang it, Bobby! NL
14978 Up in the air like a George Clooney movie. NL
14979 A lemon mishap. NL
14980 This cat, I swear to god. NL
14981 Ohmwrecker. NL
14982 youtube.com/Ohmwrecker. NL
14983 Drinkable fire. NL
14984 Ohmsdrawings.tumblr.com. NL
14985 Soul level 1 invasions. NL
14986 Ryuka. NL
14987 The blue candle. NL
14988 JSmith's laundry. NL
14989 Mount Your Friends: Docking Edition. NL
14990 Childlike bukakke. NL
14991 A water supply full of leeches. NL
14992 Travelling by bones. NL
14993 AlpacaPatrol. NL
14994 Zen. NL
14995 Green9090. NL
14996 #MikeBithell. NL
14997 RedPandaGamer. NL
14998 Ohm, our god. NL
14999 ...Metal Gear?! GG
15000 A beautiful little moment. GG
15001 A couch stinking of naked people. GG
15002 A humanlike bat with tits. GG
15003 A little dingle-dang. GG
15004 A pretty epic poo. GG
15005 A replay from Barry. GG
15006 A Scottish bloke that talks too fast. GG
15007 A smaller, whiter dick. GG
15008 A Sonic. GG
15009 A testicle examination. GG
15010 A whale making a seal noise. GG
15011 Accidentally resetting a video game. GG
15012 An expensive rental costume. GG
15013 Anne Frank doing a striptease. GG
15014 Arin actually winning a Game Grumps VS. GG
15015 Arin Hanson / Egoraptor. GG
15016 Arin's big floppy penis. GG
15017 Arin's dicksaber. GG
15018 Arin's voice acting. GG
15019 Barry Kramer. GG
15020 Barry's censorship noises. GG
15021 Becoming a vegetarian, then becoming clinically depressed. GG
15022 Being forced to replay the same section of the game over and over. GG
15023 Birdemic. GG
15024 Borderline narcissism. GG
15025 Breaking a basketball net's back board. GG
15026 Breaking into song. GG
15027 Brian / Frank / Steve / Willard / Jonathan / Michael IV / Michael III / Michael Jordan / Scott. GG
15028 Bumping butts. GG
15029 Buying chicken fingers for homeless people. GG
15030 Carefully escorting Anna. GG
15031 Catharsis. GG
15032 Cheese pizza. GG
15033 Chu Chu Rocket. GG
15034 Chulip. GG
15035 Comparing someone to a trainwreck. GG
15036 Completely missing the tutorials and instructions. GG
15037 Cumfaggots. GG
15038 Dan getting some action with one of Egoraptor's action figures. GG
15039 Danny Sexbang. GG
15040 Danny's crippling Skittles addiction. GG
15041 Dipping your balls in the sand. GG
15042 Dixon. GG
15043 Donkey-ass Kong. GG
15044 Drakkhen's realistic fight sequences. GG
15045 Drawing the line in the fucking sand. GG
15046 Eating the Holocaust. GG
15047 Eating your peas. GG
15048 Egofaptor. GG
15049 Ending an episode on "Heil Hitler!" GG
15050 The eyeless girl demographic. GG
15051 Fart science. GG
15052 Fast-forwarding. GG
15053 Fighting Iblis for the hundredth time. GG
15054 Fooling me three times. GG
15055 Fuckin' Larry. GG
15057 Game feel. GG
15058 Game Grumps remixes. GG
15059 Game Grumps VS. GG
15060 Game Grumps. GG
15061 Garshstostoles. GG
15062 GeorgLopez. GG
15063 Getting censored by a stampede of elephants. GG
15064 Getting diddled again. GG
15065 Getting fucking ganked. GG
15066 Getting horribly diarrhea'd on by an owl. GG
15067 Getting killed by a motherfucking paralyzed Taillow. GG
15068 Getting stuck on the ceiling for no explicable reason. GG
15069 Getting violently sick at MAGfest. GG
15070 Goof Troop. GG
15071 Goofy masturbating in the fields. GG
15072 Grade A meat. GG
15073 Grant Kirkhope. GG
15074 Grant Kirkhope’s knackers. GG
15076 Grep. GG
15077 Grumping it. GG
15078 Güf Troop. GG
15079 Half the deal for twice the price! GG
15080 Having a cough that lasts forever. GG
15081 Helicopter tits. GG
15082 Hepatitis Sea. GG
15083 Hitting a Nightshade cartridge with Thor’s Hammer only to break the hammer. GG
15084 Homoerotic subtext between two grown men playing video games. GG
15085 Ice hair. GG
15086 Incriminating footage of Jon. GG
15087 Insta-killing your partner with the Select button. GG
15088 It being no use. GG
15089 Jacques. GG
15090 JonTron. GG
15091 Jon winning. AS USUAL. GG
15092 Jon's soulful singing. GG
15093 Jon/Arin slash fiction. GG
15094 JonTron’s musical theater voice. GG
15095 Js'keep goin'. GG
15096 Killing zombies by typing on a keyboard-gun. GG
15097 Kirby. GG
15098 Kitty Cat Dance Party. GG
15099 Learning that your son is dead, but not caring because you didn't want him anyway. GG
15100 Lemon and Bill. GG
15101 Lightsaber Fightsaber. GG
15102 Literally going to Hell. GG
15103 Mediocrity, as a power. GG
15104 Mega Man. GG
15105 Mike Tyson. GG
15106 Mispronouncing Duran Duran. GG
15107 Mister Mosquito. GG
15108 MomTron. GG
15109 Moundo. GG
15110 Naughty Bear. GG
15111 Nazi von Killyou. GG
15112 Ninja Sex Party. GG
15113 Nixon. GG
15114 NO JON NO. GG
15116 Not knowing the controls to Nickelodeon GUTS. GG
15117 Not reading the game's instructions. GG
15118 Obeying Protoman and burning down a forest. GG
15119 Pacific Rim. GG
15120 Pause balls. GG
15121 Pelistorm. GG
15122 Playing a terrible game for more than a hundred episodes. GG
15123 Playing slaps to break a tie. GG
15124 PONY.MOV. GG
15125 Poopy butt. GG
15126 Poppy Bros. GG
15127 Princess Elise's octopus face. GG
15128 Punching a hole in a gingerbread house. GG
15129 Queefing bombs out of your vagina. GG
15130 Racial slurs. GG
15131 Reading the manual. GG
15132 RIDIN’ ON CARS!!! GG
15133 Robots ordering cheese pizza. GG
15134 Rocket. To the moon. GG
15135 Rolling around at the speed of sound. GG
15136 RubberRoss. GG
15137 Rouge's gross bat face. GG
15138 Screaming out Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” in primal agony. GG
15139 Sequelitis. GG
15140 Seven asses. GG
15141 Signing and destroying a copy of Sonic '06. GG
15142 Silver the Hedgehog. GG
15143 Sneaking dirty British humour into an unassuming video game about a bear and a bird. GG
15144 Snow white shit. GG
15145 Snowboarding uphill GG
15146 Solid Snake. GG
15147 Sonic '06. GG
15148 Spice World. GG
15149 Spraying compressed air with a bittering agent in your face, and subsequently vomiting. GG
15150 Stairfax Temperatures. GG
15151 Staring at a menu while Ross stuffs his disgusting face with candy. GG
15152 Stasis-ing the drill. GG
15153 Steam Train. GG
15154 Sticky sap. GG
15155 Stretch Panic. GG
15156 STRGG. GG
15157 Struggling to fight Silver the Hedgehog. GG
15158 Sucking blood from a Japanese girl's tits. GG
15159 Suzy the Goose. GG
15161 That guy. GG
15162 The Awesome Series. GG
15163 The band Egoraptor. GG
15164 The Chinless Wonder. GG
15165 The Goshdangodon. GG
15166 The Higgs Boson. GG
15167 The Knuckles wall glitch. GG
15168 The rarest form of Arin having fun. GG
15169 The realization that friendship is more important. GG
15170 Three big feet of pleasure. GG
15171 Tonguing up. GG
15172 Typing "C D PLAYER" and getting "MODEL CAR." GG
15174 Walking around in my banana shoes. GG
15175 World Dick Barf Syndrome. GG
15176 Man-Gobbler, the turkey bestiality movie. RT
15177 RoosterTeeth. RT
15178 Michael Jones. RT
15179 Gavin Free. RT
15180 Surgeon Simulator 2013. RT
15181 Ray Narvaez, Jr. RT
15182 Burnie Burns. RT
15183 Geoff Lazer Ramsey. RT
15184 Jack Pattillo. RT
15185 Ryan Haywood. RT
15186 Gus Sorola. RT
15187 The cardboard cutout of Gus. RT
15188 Joel Heyman. RT
15189 Going cakeless. RT
15190 Headlight fluid. RT
15191 Playing Hitler twice. RT
15192 Sarge. RT
15193 Lopez la Pesado. RT
15194 Franklin Delano Donut. RT
15195 Dexter Grif. RT
15196 Dick Simmons. RT
15197 Agent Washington. RT
15198 Andy the bomb. RT
15199 Picking up chicks in a tank. RT
15200 Michael J. Caboose. RT
15201 Sheila the tank. RT
15202 Leonard Church. RT
15203 Lavernius Tucker. RT
15204 Agent Texas / Allison. RT
15205 Omega / O'Malley. RT
15206 Agent Maine / the Meta. RT
15207 Frank "Doc" DuFresne. RT
15208 Screen looking. RT
15209 A wet paper towel. RT
15210 Minecraft. RT
15211 MOGAR! RT
15212 X-Ray and Vav. RT
15213 Slo Mo Guys. RT
15214 #DantheMan. RT
15215 Joe the cat. RT
15216 Pongo. RT
15217 Soggy bread. RT
15218 Rage Quit. RT
15219 Achievement Hunter. RT
15220 Team-killing fucktards. RT
15221 Calling dibs on a spaceship. RT
15222 Sarge's funeral. RT
15223 Camping, as a legitimate strategy. RT
15224 Epsilon's laser face. RT
15226 Because people like grapes. RT
15227 Upside-down Kerry. RT
15228 Ray's sombrero. RT
15229 Doing a dig-down. RT
15230 Mark Nutt. RT
15231 AHWU. RT
15232 Throwing shit at the AHWU announcer. RT
15233 Red vs. Blue. RT
15234 Geoff's cancer-curing laugh. RT
15235 The Tower of Pimps. RT
15236 The Frienderman. RT
15237 Beating a man to death with his own skull. RT
15238 Fighting to the death on pigback. RT
15239 RWBY. RT
15240 RT Shorts. RT
15241 RT Animated Adventures. RT
15242 Mega64. RT
15243 Immersion. RT
15244 Reaching a billion total views on YouTube. RT
15245 Doing a double barrel roll and immediately running someone over. RT
15246 A Ray-Cam masturbation moment. RT
15247 Tackling Gavin to stop him from winning. RT
15248 Losing an hour's worth of footage to a brief blackout. RT
15249 Fails of the Weak. RT
15250 Achievement HORSE. RT
15251 Trials PIG. RT
15252 Slapping the controller out of a competitor's hands. RT
15253 Cockbites. RT
15254 Achievement City. RT
15255 Two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoop-dee-fuckin'-doo. RT
15256 Blood Gulch. RT
15257 Parkour. RT
15258 Faffy Waffle. RT
15259 Something that is top. RT
15260 A plan that involves Grif dying. RT
15261 Using CPR to treat a bullet wound to the head. RT
15262 Front flip for style! RT
15263 Trying to eat a five-pound gummy bear in one sitting. RT
15264 RTX. RT
15265 Randy Newman. RT
15266 Slenderman. RT
15267 The R&R Connection. RT
15268 The Internet Box. RT
15269 Performing surgery in space. RT
15270 Jack's dick. RT
15271 The Crev. RT
15272 Team Nice Dynamite. RT
15273 Team Lads. RT
15274 Team Gents. RT
15275 Plan G. RT
15276 Team Neighborhood Watch. RT
15277 Ray winning. RT
15278 Edgar the cow. RT
15279 Gavin's Trophy Room of Victory. RT
15280 Jack's beard. RT
15281 Being trapped in a dog cage. RT
15282 Geoff's hobo beard. RT
15283 Killing Gavin. RT
15284 Discovering your long-lost Creeper parents. RT
15285 A megalomaniac with a beard. RT
15286 Ray's douche-cut. RT
15287 The adventures of Batman and Randy Newman. RT
15288 Because they'd like it. RT
15289 Knobs. RT
15290 Gubbins. RT
15291 Meatspin. RT
15292 Flynt Coal. RT
15293 Tupperware. RT
15294 A miniature Tower of Pimps. RT
15295 Giving up and building a house. RT
15296 Gavin's dick. RT
15297 Wearing your headphones backwards during a podcast week after week. RT
15298 Flicking the bean. RT
15299 Getting minged up your quelch. RT
15300 Grand Theft Auto IV. RT
15301 Ray's wet sponge. RT
15302 Bankrupting your company over a crane game. RT
15303 A bag of dicks. RT
15304 ENDERMAN!!! RT
15305 Lightish red. RT
15306 In denial. RT
15307 Enwrong. RT
15308 Papa BrownMan. RT
15309 Caleb's house. RT
15310 Evil Ryan. RT
15311 Randy Savage. RT
15312 RT Confessions. RT
15313 Two dumb cunts. RT
15314 Smegpot. RT
15315 Guffpap. RT
15316 Launching dump trucks off an unfinished bridge. RT
15317 Because bitches ain't shit. RT
15318 Gavino. RT
15319 Monoray. RT
15320 Montages no one will watch. RT
15321 A gay cave. A gayve. RT
15322 A squid orgy. RT
15323 Getting boned. RT
15324 300,000 Gamerscore. RT
15325 Team Magnum Dong. RT
15326 Lindsay Tuggey. RT
15327 Barbara Dunkelman. RT
15328 Mavin slash fiction. RT
15329 Caleb Denecour. RT
15330 Monty Oum. RT
15331 The league of being a big faggot. DAH
15332 GaLm's sunglasses. DAH
15333 The Card Czar. DAH
15334 Inside Shrek's asshole. DAH
15335 Solving a rubiks cube with your bare nipples. DAH
15336 A canoe with enough room for Phil. DAH
15337 The Black Seed. DAH
15338 That video of EatMyDiction1 twerking. DAH
15339 The Sips Co. Dirt Factory. DAH
15340 DarkSydePhil playing Dark Souls. DAH
15341 Hitler's Train! DAH
15342 That time when Machinima played actual machinima videos. DAH
15343 Bajan Canadian's fridge. DAH
15344 Seananners' dolphin laugh. DAH
15345 Chilledchaos' homosexual tendencies. DAH
15346 Bolshevik the wolf. DAH
15347 Diction watching a burly outdoorsman skin a bear while eating honey and crying. DAH
15348 The Tom Shark. DAH
15349 #TysLeftFoot DAH
15350 Seananners joyously dropping "presents" on the African minority in GTA. DAH
15351 Jah be dwarfin' it up! DAH
15352 Tom drunk off his ass. DAH
15353 Getting anally violated by a silverback gorilla. DAH
15354 A Big 'Ol Bowl of Fruit! DAH
15355 An LP Smarty finished. DAH
15356 BEARS! DAH
15357 The Blue Yeti microphone. DAH
15358 A Machinima contract. DAH
15359 Criken's Fun House. DAH
15360 A smart joke. DAH
15361 One of Chuggaconroy's awful puns. DAH
15362 The Great Youtube Unsubbing of 2012. DAH
15363 A robot bird. DAH
15364 Time to cancel Smash Fighter. DAH
15365 Smash Fighter. DAH
15366 Totalbiscuit and Angry Joe frolicking in a meadow. DAH
15367 Chilled and Smarty's wedding. DAH
-- TOC entry 1948 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 167
-- Name: white_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: cah
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('white_cards_id_seq', 15548, true);
-- TOC entry 1911 (class 2606 OID 16414)
-- Name: black_cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY black_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT black_cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- TOC entry 1913 (class 2606 OID 16416)
-- Name: black_cards_text_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY black_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT black_cards_text_key UNIQUE (text);
-- TOC entry 1917 (class 2606 OID 16418)
-- Name: card_set_black_card_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_black_card
ADD CONSTRAINT card_set_black_card_pkey PRIMARY KEY (card_set_id, black_card_id);
-- TOC entry 1915 (class 2606 OID 16420)
-- Name: card_set_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT card_set_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- TOC entry 1919 (class 2606 OID 16422)
-- Name: card_set_white_card_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_white_card
ADD CONSTRAINT card_set_white_card_pkey PRIMARY KEY (card_set_id, white_card_id);
-- TOC entry 1921 (class 2606 OID 16424)
-- Name: white_cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY white_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT white_cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- TOC entry 1923 (class 2606 OID 16426)
-- Name: white_cards_text_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY white_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT white_cards_text_key UNIQUE (text);
-- TOC entry 1924 (class 2606 OID 16427)
-- Name: fk513da45c997611f9; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_black_card
ADD CONSTRAINT fk513da45c997611f9 FOREIGN KEY (black_card_id) REFERENCES black_cards(id);
-- TOC entry 1925 (class 2606 OID 16432)
-- Name: fk513da45cb2505f39; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_black_card
ADD CONSTRAINT fk513da45cb2505f39 FOREIGN KEY (card_set_id) REFERENCES card_set(id);
-- TOC entry 1926 (class 2606 OID 16437)
-- Name: fkc2487272b2505f39; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_white_card
ADD CONSTRAINT fkc2487272b2505f39 FOREIGN KEY (card_set_id) REFERENCES card_set(id);
-- TOC entry 1927 (class 2606 OID 16442)
-- Name: fkc2487272bfd29b4d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_white_card
ADD CONSTRAINT fkc2487272bfd29b4d FOREIGN KEY (white_card_id) REFERENCES white_cards(id);
-- TOC entry 1942 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 5
-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
-- Completed on 2013-08-10 16:48:57
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete