/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2018, Andy Janata * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY * WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * Display the list of games on the server, and enable the player to join a game. This is a * singleton. * * @author Andy Janata (ajanata@socialgamer.net) * @constructor */ cah.GameList = function() { /** * The game list DOM element. * * @type {HTMLDivElement} * @private */ this.element_ = $("#game_list")[0]; /** * Map all game lobby objects, id -> game lobby. * * @type {Object} * @private */ this.games_ = {}; /** * Regular Expression for simple filtering of game list. * * @type {RegExp} * @private */ this.filter_ = null; $("#create_game").click(cah.bind(this, this.createGameClick_)); $("#refresh_games").click(cah.bind(this, this.refreshGamesClick_)); $("#filter_games").keyup(cah.bind(this, this.filterGamesChange_)); }; $(document).ready(function() { /** * The singleton instance of GameList. * * @type {cah.GameList} */ cah.GameList.instance = new cah.GameList(); }); /** * Show the game list. */ cah.GameList.prototype.show = function() { $(this.element_).show(); $("#create_game").show(); $("#refresh_games").show(); $("#filter_games").show(); }; /** * Hide the game list. */ cah.GameList.prototype.hide = function() { $(this.element_).hide(); $("#create_game").hide(); $("#refresh_games").hide(); $("#filter_games").hide(); }; /** * Query the server to update the game list. */ cah.GameList.prototype.update = function() { if ($(this.element_).is(":visible") && cah.windowActive) { // TODO display a loading indicator of some sort cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.GAME_LIST).run(); cah.missedGameListRefresh = false; } else { cah.missedGameListRefresh = true; } }; /** * Update the list of games with fresh data from the server. * * @param {Object} * gameData The game data returned by the server. */ cah.GameList.prototype.processUpdate = function(gameData) { for ( var key in this.games_) { this.games_[key].dispose(); } this.games_ = {}; // Sort the games into multiple lists: // * not passworded, not full // * passworded, not full // * full var passworded = new Array(); var notPassworded = new Array(); var full = new Array(); for ( var key in gameData[cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAMES]) { var game = gameData[cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAMES][key]; if (game[cah.$.GameInfo.PLAYERS].length >= game[cah.$.GameInfo.GAME_OPTIONS][cah.$.GameOptionData.PLAYER_LIMIT]) { full.push(game); } else if (game[cah.$.GameInfo.HAS_PASSWORD]) { passworded.push(game); } else { notPassworded.push(game); } } var games = notPassworded.concat(passworded).concat(full); var bannedSets = cah.Preferences.getBannedCardSetIds(); var requiredSets = cah.Preferences.getRequiredCardSetIds(); for (var i = 0; i < games.length; i++) { var game = games[i]; var gameOptions = game[cah.$.GameInfo.GAME_OPTIONS]; var hasBanned = false; $(bannedSets).each(function(index, value) { if (-1 !== $.inArray(value, gameOptions[cah.$.GameOptionData.CARD_SETS])) { hasBanned = true; return false; } }); var missingRequired = false; $(requiredSets).each(function(index, value) { if (-1 === $.inArray(value, gameOptions[cah.$.GameOptionData.CARD_SETS])) { missingRequired = true; return false; } }); if (hasBanned || missingRequired) { continue; } var lobby = new cah.GameListLobby(this.element_, game); this.games_[game[cah.$.GameInfo.ID]] = lobby; } if (gameData[cah.$.AjaxResponse.GAMES].length < gameData[cah.$.AjaxResponse.MAX_GAMES]) { $("#create_game").removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $("#create_game").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } this.applyFilter(); }; /** * Join the given game. * * @param {Number} * id The id of the game to join. */ cah.GameList.prototype.joinGame = function(id) { var game = this.games_[Number(id)]; if (game) { game.join(); } else { throw 'Game ' + id + ' does not exist.'; } }; /** * Sets the current game filter regular expression */ cah.GameList.prototype.setFilter = function(filterRegExp) { try { this.filter_ = new RegExp(filterRegExp || '.', 'i'); } catch (err) { // console.log('Invalid filter: ' + String(filterRegExp)) } }; /** * Filters the visibility of the current game list by regular expression */ cah.GameList.prototype.applyFilter = function(filterRegExp) { if (filterRegExp || filterRegExp === '') { this.setFilter(filterRegExp); } var filter = this.filter_, gamelist = $('.gamelist_lobby').show(); if (filter && filter.test) { gamelist.filter(function(i) { return !filter.test($(this).text()); }).hide(); } }; /** * Event handler for the clicking the Create Game button. * * @private */ cah.GameList.prototype.createGameClick_ = function() { cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.CREATE_GAME).run(); }; /** * Event handler for clicking the Refresh Games button. * * @private */ cah.GameList.prototype.refreshGamesClick_ = function() { this.update(); }; /** * Event handler for typing in the filter games input. * * @private */ cah.GameList.prototype.filterGamesChange_ = function() { this.applyFilter($('#filter_games').val()); }; // /////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A single entry in the game list. * * @param {HTMLElement} * parentElem Element under which to display this. * @param {Object} * data This game's data. * @constructor */ cah.GameListLobby = function(parentElem, data) { /** * The game id represented by this lobby. * * @type {number} * @private */ this.id_ = data[cah.$.GameInfo.ID]; /** * The element we live under. * * @type {HTMLElement} * @private */ this.parentElem_ = parentElem; /** * This game lobby's dom element. * * @type {HTMLDivElement} * @private */ this.element_ = $("#gamelist_lobby_template").clone()[0]; /** * This game's data. * * @type {object} * @private */ this.data_ = data; var options = data[cah.$.GameInfo.GAME_OPTIONS]; this.element_.id = "gamelist_lobby_" + this.id_; $(parentElem).append(this.element_); $(this.element_).removeClass("hide"); $(".gamelist_lobby_id", this.element_).text(this.id_); $(".gamelist_lobby_host", this.element_).text(data[cah.$.GameInfo.HOST]); $(".gamelist_lobby_players", this.element_).text(data[cah.$.GameInfo.PLAYERS].join(", ")); $(".gamelist_lobby_spectators", this.element_).text(data[cah.$.GameInfo.SPECTATORS].join(", ")); var statusMessage = cah.$.GameState_msg[data[cah.$.GameInfo.STATE]]; $(".gamelist_lobby_status", this.element_).text(statusMessage); $(".gamelist_lobby_join", this.element_).click(cah.bind(this, this.joinClick)); $(".gamelist_lobby_spectate", this.element_).click(cah.bind(this, this.spectateClick)); $(".gamelist_lobby_player_count", this.element_).text(data[cah.$.GameInfo.PLAYERS].length); $(".gamelist_lobby_max_players", this.element_).text(options[cah.$.GameOptionData.PLAYER_LIMIT]); $(".gamelist_lobby_spectator_count", this.element_).text(data[cah.$.GameInfo.SPECTATORS].length); $(".gamelist_lobby_max_spectators", this.element_).text( options[cah.$.GameOptionData.SPECTATOR_LIMIT]); $(".gamelist_lobby_goal", this.element_).text(options[cah.$.GameOptionData.SCORE_LIMIT]); var cardSets = options[cah.$.GameOptionData.CARD_SETS]; var cardSetNames = []; cardSets.sort(); for ( var key in cardSets) { var cardSetId = cardSets[key]; cardSetNames.push(cah.CardSet.list[cardSetId].getName()); } $(".gamelist_lobby_cardset", this.element_).html(cardSetNames.join(', ')); if (data[cah.$.GameInfo.HAS_PASSWORD]) { $(".gamelist_lobby_join", this.element_).val("Join (Passworded)"); } $(this.element_).attr( "aria-label", data[cah.$.GameInfo.HOST] + "'s game, with " + data[cah.$.GameInfo.PLAYERS].length + " of " + options[cah.$.GameOptionData.PLAYER_LIMIT] + " players, and " + data[cah.$.GameInfo.SPECTATORS].length + " of " + options[cah.$.GameOptionData.SPECTATOR_LIMIT] + "spectators. " + statusMessage + ". Goal is " + options[cah.$.GameOptionData.SCORE_LIMIT] + " Awesome Points. Using " + cardSetNames.length + " card set" + (cardSetNames.length == 1 ? "" : "s") + ". " + (data[cah.$.GameInfo.HAS_PASSWORD] ? "Has" : "Does not have") + " a password."); }; /** * Event handler for clicking the Join button in a game lobby. */ cah.GameListLobby.prototype.joinClick = function() { var password = ""; if (this.data_[cah.$.GameInfo.HAS_PASSWORD]) { password = prompt("Enter the game's password."); if (password == null) { password = ""; } } cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.JOIN_GAME).withGameId(this.id_).withPassword(password).run(); }; /** * Join this game, by simulating a click of its join button. */ cah.GameListLobby.prototype.join = function() { $('.gamelist_lobby_join', this.element_).click(); }; /** * Event handler for clicking the View button in a game lobby. */ cah.GameListLobby.prototype.spectateClick = function() { var password = ""; if (this.data_[cah.$.GameInfo.HAS_PASSWORD]) { password = prompt("Enter the game's password."); if (password == null) { password = ""; } } cah.Ajax.build(cah.$.AjaxOperation.SPECTATE_GAME).withGameId(this.id_).withPassword(password) .run(); }; /** * Remove the game lobby from the document and free up resources. */ cah.GameListLobby.prototype.dispose = function() { this.parentElem_.removeChild(this.element_); $(".gamelist_lobby_join", this.element_).unbind(); $(".gamelist_lobby_spectate", this.element_).unbind(); };