// Rhythm Tengoku script for Atlas // Compiled by pelrun in 2008 // Edited by Spikeman 12/29/2010 // More edits by W hat and SirNiko 08/2012 // [; is end of text and [l is a line break. sjis_2.tbl lists all supported characters and, at the end, formatting codes. // Line breaks don't always work. End-of-game comments, for example, don't support them. // [[ is a quick and great way to announce that something needs to be fixed, or looked at later. Ctrl-f for [[ to see existing examples. // Translators: // Dirtie, S3v3nx3, BRPXQZME, Iq 132, 4ppleseed, Samutz, DarthNemesis, pelrun // #VAR(tbl, TABLE) #ADDTBL("sjis_2.tbl", tbl) #ACTIVETBL(tbl) // // Pointers for GBA are linear 32bit starting at $8000000 // (this used to have another zero, which might have broke it) #VAR(RtPtr, CUSTOMPOINTER) #CREATEPTR(RtPtr, "LINEAR", $-8000000, 32) // // Put all the text in the blank space at the end of the rom #JMP($D20600) #WRITE(RtPtr, $10678) // 0x804f384 // リズム資料室からお知らせ[; // --- Literal //[l //Notification from the Rhythm Reference Room[; // --- Edited Message of the Rhythm Reference Room[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1067C) // 0x804f3a0 //                    を入荷しました。[; // --- Literal // You have received _______ [; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10680) // 0x804f3dc //「 [; // --- Literal //[l //“[; // --- Edited “[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10684) // 0x804f3e4 // 」[; // --- Literal //[l //”[; // --- Edited ”[; //Lines 55 - 1385 were Cafe. Engrish and unformatted text gets confusing. //start cafe #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD2F8) // 0x804f3ec //[l //[l //では また。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //See you again.[; // --- Edited [l [l See you later.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD2F4) // 0x804f400 //[l //いま ちょっと しこみ中なので[l //また あとで きてくださいね。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //I'm still preparing, so please come again later.[; // --- Edited [l I'm still unpacking boxes, so[l please come back in a bit.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD2F0) // 0x804f444 //[l //わたしに できることが あれば、[l //ちからに なりますよ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //If there's anything I can do, I'll lend you my power.[; // --- Edited [l I'm pretty good at Rhythm Games.[l If you need help, come to the Cafe.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD2EC) // 0x804f488 //[l //ここは いわゆる キッサ店です。[l //ゲームが うまくできないときや[l //つかれたときにでも おいで下さい。[; // --- Literal //[l //This is the so-called coffee shop.[l //When you can't do well at games,[l //or when you're worn out, please drop by.[; // --- Edited This is the Cafe.[l When you can't finish a game, [l or when you just want a break,[l please come here and relax.[; //[[ comment out these lines and use the pointers elsewhere to test other lines in the “welcome” slot #WRITE(RtPtr, $131EA8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD2E8) // 0x804f4f4 //[l //いらっしゃいませ。[l //こちらに 来たのは はじめてですね?[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Welcome. [l //This is your first time here, isn't it?[; // --- Edited [l Welcome. This is your[l first time here, isn't it?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD300) // 0x804f530 //[l //[l //しばらく してから きてね■。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Come back a in while![; // --- Edited [l [l Come back in a while![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD310) // 0x804f554 //[l //あまり ムキに ならずに[l //楽しんで下さいね…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Without getting too serious about it,[l //please enjoy yourself....[; // --- Edited [l Don't let it frustrate you.[l You're supposed to enjoy yourself.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD30C) // 0x804f584 //[l //それと同時に 音楽に ノるのが[l //楽しくなるとも思うんです。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //At the same time as that, taking/joining in the music[l //will be fun, I think.[; // --- Edited [l Just keep moving to the music, [l and you'll have fun doing it, too.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD308) // 0x804f5c4 //[l //なんどか やるうちに コツが[l //つかめると 思いますよ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //I think you'll get the hang of it after a few tries, you know.[; // --- Edited [l You know, after a few tries[l I think you'll manage that superb.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD31C) // 0x804f600 //[l //パーフェクト がんばってくださいね。[l //ではまた。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Please do your best for those Perfects. [l //See you again.[; // --- Edited [l Please try your best[l for those Perfects.[l See you soon![l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD318) // 0x804f634 //[l //大きい声をだして すみません。[l //なんだか うれしかったものですから…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Sorry for yelling.[l //It was because I was somewhat happy....[; // --- Edited [l Sorry for yelling. I just got[l a little too excited there.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD328) // 0x804f67c //[l //ゲーム 楽しんでくださいね。[l //ではまた。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Please enjoy the game.[l //See you again.[; // --- Edited [l Please enjoy the[l game. See you![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD324) // 0x804f6a8 //[l //そうですか。[l //ウワサ話なんて してしまい[l //しつれいしました。[; // --- Literal //[l //Is that right?[l //For the gossip that has been done[l //please excuse me.[; // --- Edited //Was he the one telling gossip? Or did he just hear it? [[ [l Is that right? Loose lips can sink[l friendships... please forgive me.[l [l [; //all perfects complete #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD338) // 0x804f764 //[l //そうそう、[l //お祝いに ささやかでは ありますが[l //スタジオの曲をふやしておきました。[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Yes, yes,[l //in celebration, although it's not much,[l //I've increased the number of studio songs.[; // --- Edited [l Well, in celebration I've added[l more songs to the studio.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD33C) // 0x804f720 //[l //いやいや、しかし なんと まぁ[l //コンプリートですか。[l //やりますな■。[; // --- Literal //[l //Well well, wow,[l //complete, is it?[l //Not bad.[; // --- Edited //Complete all perfects? Or just one? [[ [l Wow. It looks like you've[l mastered the game. Not bad.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD340) // 0x804f6e4 //[l //おつかれでしょう?[l //少し 休んでくださいネ。[l //では また。[; // --- Literal //[l //Had enough, I suppose?[l //Please get some rest.[l //See you again.[; // --- Edited [l Had enough, I suppose? Go[l get some rest. I'll be waiting.[l [l [; // [[a small number of the existing localized translations (from 2010 or 2008) fit with my style, so I made minor edits to them and kept them in the script. But most of this is new material. (Note to self: remember to mention this in the credits.) - W hat, 01/2013 // also please be aware that SirNiko did most of these localizations. #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD334) // 0x804f7b8 //[l //なんだか 私も、すっごく[l //うれしくって ウルウルです…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Somehow, I, too, am terribly[l //happy and ''uru-uru''....[; // --- Edited [l Oh, I'm so happy I think[l I might just start to cry.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD330) // 0x804f7f4 //[l //もう、そこまで やりこんだら[l //リズム感 かなり 良くなって[l //いるでしょうネ![; // --- Literal //Already, if it's gone in to that extent,[l //the rhythm sense has considerably gotten good, hasn't it![; // --- Edited [l You must have excellent rhythm[l sense to have gotten this far.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD358) // 0x804f840 //[l //[l //アンビリーバボー!![; // --- Literal //Unbelievable!![; // --- Edited [l [l Unbelievable!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD354) // 0x804f868 //[l //[l //グッド ジョブ!![; // --- Literal //Good Job!![; // --- Edited [l [l Good Job!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD350) // 0x804f88c //[l //[l //おめでとー!![; // --- Literal //Congratulations!![; // --- Edited [l [l Congratulations!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD34C) // 0x804f8ac //[l //[l //やるじゃなーい!![; // --- Literal //[l //You're pretty good!![; // --- Edited [l [l You're good!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD348) // 0x804f8d0 //[l //[l //すごいじゃなーい!![; // --- Literal //Not too bad!![; // --- Edited [l [l Not too bad!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $F305C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $193674) #WRITE(RtPtr, $397CF0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD36C) // 0x804f8f8 //[l //[l //感動したー![; // --- Literal //[l //I was moved![; // --- Edited [l [l I was moved![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD368) // 0x804f918 //[l //[l //グッド ラック![; // --- Literal //Good Luck![; // --- Edited [l [l Good Luck![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD364) // 0x804f93c //[l //[l //イケイケー![; // --- Literal //Go! Go![; // --- Edited [l [l Go! Go![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD360) // 0x804f95c //[l //[l //ファイトー![; // --- Literal //Fight![; // --- Edited [l [l Fight![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD35C) // 0x804f97c //[l //[l //がんばれー![; // --- Literal //Go for it![; // --- Edited [l [l Go for it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3AC) // 0x804fc0c //[l //ま、ぼちぼち やっていきましょうネ。[l //では また。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Well, let's do it bit by bit, yes?[l //See you again.[; // --- Edited [l Well, nothing we can do but practice.[l Take care for now.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3A8) // 0x804fc44 //[l //空白を カウントするってのは[l //ムズいもんですね■。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Counting empty beats[l //is hard, isn't it?[; // --- Edited [l Counting to yourself is hard, isn't it?[l I always go too fast or lose my place.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3A4) // 0x804fc7c //[l //なかなか どうして 2つめのテストが うまく できないんですヨ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Quite how the second test isn't going so well, you know.[; // --- Edited [l I always have trouble with[l the rests in the second test.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3A0) // 0x804fcc0 //[l //私も ときどき やるんですけど[l //65点くらいが 限界なんですよねぇ…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //I do it too sometimes, but[l //it seems that about 65 points is the limit for me....[; // --- Edited [l I just tried it again yesterday, but[l 65 points seems to be my limit...[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD39C) // 0x804fd08 //[l //それはそうと、[l //最近 「リズム感測定」してます?[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //By the way,[l //have you been doing “Rhythm Sense Measurement” lately?[; // --- Edited [l Say, when was the last time you[l checked your “Rhythm Test” score?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD400) // 0x80500c0 //[l //お客さんは 人間ですよね?[l //まぁ、私は 犬ですが これからも[l //なかよくしてくださいネ■。[; // --- Literal //[l //Guest, you're a human, right?[l //Well, I'm a dog, but from now on,[l //let's please get along.[; // --- Edited [l Hey, you're a human, right?[l Well, despite our species I still[l hope that we can get along.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3FC) // 0x8050118 //[l //いやはや、このトシになると[l //時がたつのが はやいですねぇ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Dear me, if you're this age[l //time's pace is fast.[; // --- Edited [l When you get to be my age,[l time really does seem to fly.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3F8) // 0x8050158 //[l //かれこれ 9才で もう けっこう[l //いいトシなんです。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //In any case, I'm 9 years old, and at a pretty good age.[; // --- Edited [l I'm not one of those young pups,[l either. I'm nine years old.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3F4) // 0x8050190 //[l //それはそうと、[l //実は 私 犬なんですヨ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //By the way,[l //I'm actually a dog, you know.[; // --- Edited [l By the way, if you hadn't[l noticed, I'm actually a dog.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD414) // 0x80501bc //[l //まぁ、私には 詳しい理屈なんて[l //わからないですけどネ。ははは。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Well, to me, what an accurate theory[l //I don't understand, though. Ha ha ha![; // --- Edited [l Just don't think that good[l rhythm makes you qualified[l to be a doctor, ha ha ha.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $771C8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $BD6D8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $D187C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $D49EC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $E66D0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $148C34) #WRITE(RtPtr, $1AE1C8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $1B7C04) #WRITE(RtPtr, $1DA088) #WRITE(RtPtr, $20190C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $20272C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $2163E0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $29B210) #WRITE(RtPtr, $29C0F0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $2D4B58) #WRITE(RtPtr, $2DB53C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $38DAD8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $38EBB8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $391BD0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $3BAAC4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $455B78) #WRITE(RtPtr, $4ADFB4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $4DFCDC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $4F4800) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E872C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $61D2CC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $634D7C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $641144) #WRITE(RtPtr, $6703A0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $67CBFC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $6DC254) #WRITE(RtPtr, $6E24D4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $6F7690) #WRITE(RtPtr, $70A9A0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $7AE03C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $7DA178) #WRITE(RtPtr, $809E44) #WRITE(RtPtr, $8161F8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $83781C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $848F4C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $873714) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD410) // 0x8050200 //[l //音楽って フシギですよね■。[l //どうして あんなにも 心を[l //ゆさぶるんでしょうね。[; // --- Literal //Music is strange, isn't it?[l //How, in that way,[l //do you suppose it swings the heart?[; // --- Edited [l Music is strange, isn't it?[l It has this mysterious[l power to heal the heart.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD40C) // 0x8050250 //[l //けっこう古いレコードなんかを 出してきて 当時を 思い出したりすると、ホッとするんです。[; // --- Literal //Taking out something like a good old record and thinking about those days makes me feel relieved.[; // --- Edited [l Taking out a good old record and[l reminiscing about the past[l always makes me feel better.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD408) // 0x80502ac //[l //それはそうと、悲しいときって[l //どうしてますか?[l //私は もっぱら 音楽を ききますねぇ。[; // --- Literal //By the way, when you're sad,[l //what do you do?[l //I always listen to music.[; // --- Edited [l By the way, what do[l you do when you're sad?[l I always listen to music.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $128C90) #WRITE(RtPtr, $13BCD0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $1C8804) #WRITE(RtPtr, $1CBCB0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $2E9C5C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $632D44) #WRITE(RtPtr, $8979C0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD42C) // [[ the following line is probably unrelated to this string and was accidentally included in a search of the pointer 04 03 05 08. //#WRITE(RtPtr, $CEA094) // The preceding line breaks Tap Trial and is probably unneeded for anything. // 0x8050304 //[l //でも もし、ドラムで 選挙演説とか[l //ボンゴで 夫婦ゲンカとかあったら[l //やかましそうですネ。ははは。[; // --- Literal //But then, if we made election speeches with drums[l //or had couple-fights with bongos and such[l //it would be noisy, don't you think? Ha ha ha![; // --- Edited Then again, if we gave speeches[l with bongos or the neighbors[l argued with trumpets, it'd get[l noisy, don't you think? Ha ha ha.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD428) // 0x8050368 //[l //このまえ いらっしゃった お客さんが[l //教えてくれたんですけど、ちょっと[l //面白そうじゃないですか?[; // --- Literal //I learned it from the previous customer, but[l //doesn't it sound a little fun?[; // --- Edited [l I learned it from another[l customer, and now I want[l to try it for myself.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD424) // 0x80503c8 //[l //タイコの大きな音で リズムをきざんで[l //はなれた人と コミュニケーションを[l //とるらしいんですヨ。[; // --- Literal //Carving a rhythm with a big sound from a taiko,[l //it seems communication with far-away people can be done, you know.[; // --- Edited For example... you could play[l a drum beat to ask “How are[l you?” or say “Please come[l visit!” even from far away.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD420) // 0x8050428 //[l //リズムパターンに 言葉や 意味を 対応させて、会話をするんだそうです。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //By attaching things like words and meanings to rhythm patterns, I hear you can have a conversation.[; // --- Edited [l By attaching words and meanings[l to certain beats, you can have a[l conversation without speaking.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD41C) // 0x8050474 //[l //それはそうと、リズムで[l //会話ができるって 知ってました?[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //By the way, did you know that you can have conversation through rhythm?[; // --- Edited [l Say... did you know that you can[l have a conversation with rhythm?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD444) // 0x80504b0 //[l //ご存知でしたら つまらない話でしたネ。[l //すみません。ではまた。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //It's boring if you already knew that, isn't it.[l //Sorry. See you again.[; // --- Edited [l Oh... but if you already knew that,[l I'm sorry if I bored you.[l See you later.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD440) // 0x80504f4 //[l //メダルを 集めると いろいろな[l //おまけが 遊べるようになるので[l //がんばって 集めてくださいネ。[; // --- Literal //If you collect medals, you will be able to play with various prizes, so[l //please do your best and collect them, yes?[; // --- Edited Collecting lots of medals will[l unlock all sorts of prizes that[l you can play with. Please do your[l best to collect them all![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD43C) // 0x8050554 //[l //で、「ハイレベル」をとると[l //メダルが もらえるんです。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //And, if you get a “High Level”,[l //you can get a medal.[; // --- Edited [l If you get a “Superb”,[l you'll even get a medal.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD438) // 0x8050590 //[l //ゲームの成績は「やりなおし」「平凡」「ハイレベル」の3つが、あるんですヨ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //There are three game grades, you know: “Redo,” “Ordinary,” and “High Level.”[; // --- Edited [l There are three grades, you know:[l “Try again, ” “Okay” and “Superb”.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD434) // 0x80505e0 //[l //それはそうと、ゲームで[l //「ハイレベル」っていう成績を[l //とったことありますか?[; // --- Literal //By the way, on a game,[l //have you ever gotten a grade called “High Level”?[; // --- Edited [l By the way, have you ever[l gotten a “Superb” rating on a game?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10D04) // 0x805062c //[l //お、きたきた![l //待ってたヨ■!![l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Oh! You're here, you're here![l //I've been waiting, you know!![; // --- Edited [l Oh! You're here, you're here![l I've been waiting, you know!![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10D3C) // 0x8050650 //[l //ゲーム すすんでますか?[l //がんばって くださいね■。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Are the games progressing?[l //Please do your best![; // --- Edited [[This is Engrishy [l Are you making progress?[l Please do your best![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10D44) // 0x8050688 //[l //だいぶ つかれたのでは ないですか?[l //ときどき 休んだほうが よいですよ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Aren't you fairly tired?[l //You'd better rest once in a while.[; // --- Edited [l Aren't you getting tired?[l Don't forget to rest now and then.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10D40) // 0x80506d8 //[l //かなり はまってますねぇ。[l //すこしは 休んでくださいね。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //You're really into it, aren't you?[l //Please rest a little.[; // --- Edited [l You've been at this a while, haven't[l you? Please rest a little.[l [l [; // 0x8050716 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10EE4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $10F50) #WRITE(RtPtr, $10FB8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $11020) // 0x8050718 //[l //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10EE8) // 0x805071c //そうそう、[; // --- Literal //[l //Right, right.[; // --- Edited Was that you on [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10EEC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $10F58) #WRITE(RtPtr, $10FC0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $11028) #WRITE(RtPtr, $11098) // 0x8050728 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10EF0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $10F5C) // 0x8050730 //で[l //[; // --- Literal //and/at[; // --- Edited ?[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10EF4) // 0x8050738 //パーフェクト だしたんだって!?[; // --- Literal //I heard you got a Perfect!?[; // --- Edited I heard you just got a Perfect!?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10F54) // 0x805075c //そういえば、[; // --- Literal //Which reminds me,[; // --- Edited You're still on [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10F60) // 0x805076c //行きづまってませんか?[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Aren't you stuck?[; // --- Edited Are you having trouble?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10FBC) // 0x8050788 //う■む… [; // --- Literal //[l //Well...[; // --- Edited Hmm... is [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10FC4) // 0x8050794 //に[l //[; // --- Literal //to[; // --- Edited giving[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $10FC8) // 0x805079c //てこずってるんですねぇ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //You're having a lot of trouble, aren't you?[; // --- Edited you trouble earning that medal?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11024) // 0x80507b8 //ウワサを きいたんですけど、[l //[; // --- Literal //I heard a rumor but...[; // --- Edited Rumor has it [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1102C) // 0x80507d8 // ばかり[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //only[; // --- Edited [l was doing a perfect campaign.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11030) // 0x80507e8 //してるみたいですね。[; // --- Literal //[l //Looks like you're doing ____.[; // --- Edited [l Weren't you playing it just now?[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11048) #WRITE(RtPtr, $C74FB0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $C74FE8) // 0x8050800 //[l //[l //あ、 ちょっと 思い出しました![l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Ah! Wait, I remember![; // --- Edited [l Ah! Wait, I remember![l [l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11094) // 0x8050828 //そうそう、[l //もうすぐ[; // --- Literal //[l //Right, right.[l //Very soon[; // --- Edited [l Hey, here's a tip:[l Soon [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1109C) // 0x805083c //で、[l //パーフェクトキャンペーンを[l //するそうですヨ。[; // --- Literal //and,[l //looks like there's going to be a Perfect Campaign.[; // --- Edited is going[l to be having a perfect campaign. [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $110F4) // 0x8050874 //[l //これからも がんばってね。[l //おうえん してるからね■![l //[l //[; // --- Literal //From now on, keep working hard.[l //I'm rooting for you~![; // --- Edited [l Please keep on working hard.[l I'll be here rooting for you~![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11100) // 0x80508b0 //う■ん、もし よければ なんだけどね、[l //進めるようにしておくけど…?[l //[l //        「おねがいします」[l //        「けっこうです」[; // --- Literal //Yeah, then, what being if it's good, but[l //I'll promote in advance but...?[l //[l //“Please do it”[l //“I'm okay”[; // --- Edited If you like, I could let you[l skip that game if you want to...[l [l “Please skip it.”[l “No, thank you.”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1116C) // 0x8050944 //[l //[l //まかせとき![; // --- Literal //Time to leave it to me![; // --- Edited [l [l Leave it to me![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD370) // 0x804fa50 //[l //それはそうと、リズム感って 人間にとって どういうものなんでしょうねぇ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //By the way, I wonder how rhythm sense is for humans?[; // --- Edited [l By the way, I wonder how[l Rhythm Sense is for humans?[l [l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD374) // 0x804fa10 //[l //ま、私なんかは あんまり[l //いしきすることも ないんですがね。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Well, not that I'm very aware of it myself.[; // --- Edited [l Well, not that I'm very[l aware of it myself.[l [l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD378) // 0x804f9c0 //[l //でも、リズム感が よくなると きっと ちょっと ハッピーに なるんでしょうね。[; // --- Literal //But, if the rhythm sense becomes good, surely you'll become a bit happy, right?[; // --- Edited [l But you'll be a bit happier once you[l find your Rhythm Sense, I'm sure.[l [l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD37C) // 0x804f99c //[l //[l //私も ゲーム してみようかな…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Maybe I should try the game too...[; // --- Edited [l Maybe I should try a little harder[l to get good at Rhythm Heaven...[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD384) // 0x804fbbc //[l //それはそうと、この世界でよく聞く[l //「ウラ」って どういうものか[l //知ってますか?[; // --- Literal //By the way, in this world you often hear about[l //“down”, what kind of thing[l //is it, do you know?[; // --- Edited [l I hear the word “offbeat” often.[l Do you know what an “offbeat” is?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD388) // 0x804fb7c //[l //ま、私も それほど 詳しくはないので アレなんですけどネ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Well, I too, to that extent, do not know that well, so it's “that”, but isn't it? [; // --- Edited Honestly, I wasn't sure[l what it meant either.[l So, the other day I looked[l up the definition.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD38C) // 0x804fb40 //[l //たとえば、音楽にあわせて[l //自然に手をたたくとしますね。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //For example, you match the music[l //naturally clapping the hands, yes?[; // --- Edited [l How do I explain it...[l Well, you naturally clap[l your hands to music, right?[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD390) // 0x804fae8 //[l //その 手びょうしと手びょうしの[l //ちょうど まん中のタイミングが[l //「ウラ」なんだそうです。[; // --- Literal //That beat and the next's[l //very center's timing is[l //“down”, or so I hear.[; // --- Edited Halfway between one clap[l and the next (the “onbeats”)[l is called the “offbeat.”[l At least, so I understand.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD394) // 0x804fa9c //[l //まぁ、そういうモン らしいです。[l //テキトーで ごめんなさいネ。[l //では また。[; // --- Literal //Well, it seems like that kind of question/problem.[l //Sorry for being flippant.[l //See you again.[; // --- Edited Did you know that already?[l Sorry if it seems like I'm[l talking down to you.[l Anyways, see you again.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3B4) // 0x804fe88 //[l //それはそうと、おまけコーナーの ドラムレッスンって やったことあります?[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //By the way, have you tried the Drum Lesson in the Prize Corner?[; // --- Edited [l Let me ask... have you tried the[l Drum Lessons in the Prize Corner?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3B8) // 0x804fe38 //[l //私は 週に1回だけ レッスンを[l //うけてるんですが、なかなか[l //上達しませんねぇ。[; // --- Literal //[l //I take lessons only once a week, but I don't really seem to improve.[; // --- Edited [l I take lessons once a week, but[l I don't really seem to improve.[l [l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3BC) // 0x804fddc //[l //先生が、こういうのは すききらいが[l //あるから、ムリして しないでネって[l //言ってましたけど、[; // --- Literal //Because Teacher has such likes and dislikes,[l //he/she said that I/we should avoid doing the unreasonable/impossible, but[; // --- Edited //[[candidate for re-translation / explanation //[The Drum Samurai said that we should avoid the impossible until I get better at drumming. Have you seen him at his best? Wouldn't it be something to become that skilled? The teacher is really strict.[l I asked him for an easier[l lesson, but he told me to[l just keep on trying my best.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3C4) // 0x804fd3c //[l //ま、楽器は すぐには うまくならないでしょうし、じっくりと つきあってみましょうかね…[; // --- Literal //Well, for instruments, instantly getting good isn't possible; won't you carefully keep at it...?[; // --- Edited Maybe it's for the best.[l For musical instruments, you[l just have to keep at it.[l You should try your best, too.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3C0) // 0x804fd94 //[l //レッスンを やりだすと これが[l //なかなか やめられないんですよね■。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //If you start a lesson, this is[l //quite unable to quite, isn't it?[; // --- Edited [l You'll find it's hard to quit[l once you start a lesson.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3CC) // 0x804ff94 //[l //それはそうと、[l //なんだか 今 すごく ねむいのです…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //By the way,[l //somehow, right now, I'm terribly tired....[; // --- Edited [l By the way, right now[l I'm terribly tired...[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3D0) // 0x804ff68 //[l //[l //きのう おそくまで 遊んでたからなぁ…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //I was playing till late yesterday so...[; // --- Edited [l I was up all last night playing.[l I just couldn't stop myself...[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3D4) // 0x804ff24 //[l //あ、いや、こっちの話です。[l //ひとりごとですので… すみませんね。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Ah, no, I was talking to myself.[l //[l //It was a monologue... sorry.[; // --- Edited [l What? Oh, I was talking to myself.[l It was a monologue... sorry.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3D8) // 0x804fed4 //[l //こんど ドライブでも 行きませんか?[l //ま、よかったら ですけどネ。[l //では また。[; // --- Literal //Won't you go for a drive this time?[l //Well, only if it's good by you.[l //See you again.[; // --- Edited // [[retranslate? [l Learn from me, and don't forget[l to take a break every so often.[l Anyway, see you again.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3E0) // 0x8050094 //[l //それはそうと、[l //コーヒー 入りましたヨ。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //By the way,[l //I made some coffee.[; // --- Edited [l By the way, here's the[l coffee you ordered.[l [l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3E4) // 0x805004c //[l //え? たのんでないって? あぁ、これは おとなりから なんですが…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Hm? You didn't order it? Ah, actually this is from the guy next to you...[; // --- Edited [l Hm? You didn't order it?[l Ah, I see. This is actually[l for the guy next to you...[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3E8) // 0x805000c //[l //ま、まぁ 無口な方ですが[l //なかよくしたいんじゃないですか?[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Well, well... he/she isn't talkative person, but[l //isn't it good to get along?[; // --- Edited [l Well... he isn't a talkative person,[l but you seem to be getting along.[l [l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CD3EC) // 0x804ffcc //[l //私は、コーヒーを 入れるだけしか[l //できませんが… ははは…[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //I can only put in coffee but... hahaha...[; // --- Edited [l All I can do is pour[l the coffee but... heh.[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1117C) // 0x8050964 //そうですか。[l //じぶんの チカラで[l //がんばるんですね。[l //エライ!![; // --- Literal //Is that so?[l //through your own strength,[l //you're working hard, aren't you?[l //Excellent!![; // --- Edited Oh, is that so?[l You're determined to beat[l it with your own strength.[l Excellent!![l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11188) // 0x80509a4 //[l //次のゲーム どんなのでしょうね。[l //うまくできると いいね■。[l //ではまた。[; // --- Literal //I wonder how the next game will go?[l //It would be nice if it went well.[l //See you again.[; // --- Edited [l I hope the next game will go[l much better for you.[l Tell me about it next time.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11198) // 0x80509ec //[l //[l //では がんばってくださいね■。[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Well then, please do your best~![; // --- Edited [l Well then, please[l do your best![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $111B4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $8001DC) // 0x8050a10 //パーフェクト キャンペーン に そなえて れんしゅうですか?[l //[l //        「そうなんです」[l //        「ちがいますヨ」[; // --- Literal //Are you practicing for the Perfect Campaign?[l //[l //“That's right”[l //“Incorrect!”[; // --- Edited Were you practicing for the [l Perfect Campaign?[l [l “That's right.”[l “Not right now.”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11210) // 0x8050a98 //[l //がんばって パーフェクト、[l //とってくださいネ![l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Please do your best and get that Perfect![; // --- Edited [l Just try your best and[l go get that Perfect![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1121C) // 0x8050acc //[l //とうとう、[l //パーフェクト キャンペーンを[l //コンプリートしたんだって!?[; // --- Literal //Finally,[l //the Perfect Campaign,[l //have you completed it!?[; // --- Edited [l At long last...[l You have completed[l the Perfect Campaign![l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11238) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9962C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $59D978) #WRITE(RtPtr, $784334) // 0x8050b14 //[l //[l //めちゃすごーい!![; // --- Literal //Crazy awwwesome![; // --- Edited [l [l Crazy awesome![l [l [; //stop cafe #WRITE(RtPtr, $1167C) // 0x8050b38 //ゲームプレイ履歴[; // --- Literal //Gameplay History[; // --- Edited Gameplay History[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11898) #WRITE(RtPtr, $11960) // 0x8050b4c // [; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1189C) // 0x8050b50 //No. [; // --- Literal //No. [; // --- Edited No. [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $118A4) // 0x8050b58 //---[; // --- Literal //---[; // --- Edited ---[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11964) // 0x8050b5c //平均点 [; // --- Literal //Average points[; // --- Edited Average points [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1196C) // 0x8050b64 // (1000点満点)[; // --- Literal //(Out of 1000 Points)[; // --- Edited (Out of 1000 Points)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11974) // 0x8050b74 //遊んだ回数 [; // --- Literal //Number of times played[; // --- Edited Number of times played [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11978) // 0x8050b80 //回[; // --- Literal //times[; // --- Edited times[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1197C) // 0x8050b84 // ( 初合格: [; // --- Literal //(First success:[; // --- Edited (First success: [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11980) // 0x8050b94 //まだ[; // --- Literal //not yet[; // --- Edited not yet[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $119B4) // 0x8050b9c //回目[; // --- Literal //-th time[; // --- Edited -th time[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $119B8) // 0x8050ba4 // 初大合格: [; // --- Literal //First great success:[; // --- Edited First great success:[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $119BC) // 0x8050bb4 //まだ )[; // --- Literal //not yet)[; // --- Edited not yet )[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $119E8) // 0x8050bbc //回目 )[; // --- Literal //-th time )[; // --- Edited -th time )[; // 0x8050bc6 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $11FA4) // 0x8050bc8 //???[; // --- Literal //???[; // --- Edited ???[; // 0x8050bcf //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12CB0) // 0x8050bd0 //新ゲーム[; // --- Literal //New Game[; // --- Edited New Game[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12DC0) // 0x8050bdc //ただいま「[; // --- Literal //Welcome back, “[; // --- Edited [pc ”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12DC4) // 0x8050be8 //」でパーフェクトを達成すると[; // --- Literal //____“ if you get a perfect on[; // --- Edited ”[l Get a perfect on this[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12DC8) // 0x8050c08 //もれなく[; // --- Literal //in full[; // --- Edited //in full[; [l game, and you'll receive[l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12DCC) // 0x8050c14 //「[; // --- Literal //“[; // --- Edited ”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12DD0) // 0x8050c18 //」[; // --- Literal //“[; // --- Edited ”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12DD4) // 0x8050c1c //の曲[; // --- Literal //'s song[; // --- Edited //'s song[; // (song)[; // a better solution? (♪)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $12DD8) // 0x8050c24 //をプレゼント!![; // --- Literal //received as a present!![l[; // --- Edited Four line max on the perfect campaign notification, even though it looks like five. .[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CEA20) // 0x8052464 //プロデューサー「うちで、ガンバってみない?」[; // --- Literal //Producer: “Won't you try doing your best for me?”[; // --- Edited Producer: “Have you considered going on tour?”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CEA1C) // 0x8052494 //オーナー「キミ、なかなか スジあるヨ」[; // --- Literal //Owner: “You have got quite some talent, you know!”[; // --- Edited Owner: “You've got a lot of talent, you know!”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CEA18) // 0x80524bc //おばちゃん「またつぎ、がんばりなよ!」[; // --- Literal //Lady: “Keep at it on the next one!”[; // --- Edited Lady: “Do your best at the next show, too!”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CEA0C) // 0x80524e4 //ライブに出演だ![l //キミのリズム感は[l //よいと思うから[l //どうぞお気楽に■[; // --- Literal //It's a live performance![l //Your Rhythm Sense is[l //good, I think, so[l //go ahead and enjoy~![; // --- Edited It's a live concert![l Your Sense of Rhythm[l is good, so you get[l to play in the band![; //[[ This note is from 2010, not the latest batch of translators. EDITED TO HERE ****[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CEA08) // 0x8052528 //ライブ[; // --- Literal //Live[; // --- Edited Concert Hall[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE9EC) // 0x8052530 //もし よかったら[l //見てみてネ。[l //このゲームの[l //スタッフたちです。[; // --- Literal //Then, if you like,[l //try and take a look.[l //They're this game's staff.[; // --- Edited If you have the time, [l take a look. They're[l the people who made[l the game.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE9E8) // 0x8052570 //スタッフ[; // --- Literal //Staff[; // --- Edited Credits[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE9CC) // 0x805257c //メダルを あつめて[l //ドラムのレッスンを[l //うけてみよう。[l //上手になってネ![; // --- Literal //Collect medals and[l //let's try to receive drum lessons.[l //Get good! Okay?[; // --- Edited Our game comes with[l free drum lessons![l You paid good money[l for them, so why not?[l #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE9C8) // 0x80525c4 //ドラムレッスン[; // --- Literal //Drum Lesson[; // --- Edited Drum Lessons[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD710) // 0x8059550 //ハイテク 2[; // --- Literal //High Tech 2[; // --- Edited Expert 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD700) // 0x8059560 //ハイテク 1[; // --- Literal //High Tech 1[; // --- Edited Expert 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD6F0) // 0x8059570 //ロング 6[; // --- Literal //Long 6[; // --- Edited Long 6[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD6E0) // 0x805957c //ロング 5[; // --- Literal //Long 5[; // --- Edited Long 5[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD6D0) // 0x8059588 //ロング 4[; // --- Literal //Long 4[; // --- Edited Long 4[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD6C0) // 0x8059594 //ロング 3[; // --- Literal //Long 3[; // --- Edited Long 3[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD6B0) // 0x80595a0 //ロング 2[; // --- Literal //Long 2[; // --- Edited Long 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD6A0) // 0x80595ac //ロング 1[; // --- Literal //Long 1[; // --- Edited Long 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD690) // 0x80595b8 //ショート 9[; // --- Literal //Short 9[; // --- Edited Short 9[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD680) // 0x80595c8 //ショート 8[; // --- Literal //Short 8[; // --- Edited Short 8[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD670) // 0x80595d8 //ショート 7[; // --- Literal //Short 7[; // --- Edited Short 7[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD660) // 0x80595e8 //ショート 6[; // --- Literal //Short 6[; // --- Edited Short 6[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD650) // 0x80595f8 //ショート 5[; // --- Literal //Short 5[; // --- Edited Short 5[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD640) // 0x8059608 //ショート 4[; // --- Literal //Short 4[; // --- Edited Short 4[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD630) // 0x8059618 //ショート 3[; // --- Literal //Short 3[; // --- Edited Short 3[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD620) // 0x8059628 //ショート 2[; // --- Literal //Short 2[; // --- Edited Short 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD610) // 0x8059638 //ショート 1[; // --- Literal //Short 1[; // --- Edited Short 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD600) // 0x8059648 //ベーシック 2[; // --- Literal //Basic 2[; // --- Edited Basic 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD5F0) // 0x8059658 //ベーシック 1[; // --- Literal //Basic 1[; // --- Edited Basic 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41F78) // 0x8061704 //[l //今回は、スネアドラムという[l //タイコをたたいてみましょう。[l //[; // --- Literal //This time, let's try hitting/playing the drum called the “snare drum.”[; // --- Edited [drum lesson basic 1 Let's begin with the basics.[l For this lesson, let's try[l playing the drum known[l as the “snare drum.”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41FD8) // 0x8061740 //[l //Aボタンと十字ボタンの左、[l //どちらでもスネアドラムを[l //たたくことができるヨ![; // --- Literal //You can hit it with either the A Button or Left on the D-pad.[; // --- Edited [l You can hit it with[l either the A Button[l or Left on the D-Pad.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42038) // 0x806178c //[l //では さっそくですが[l //レッスンをはじめまーす![l //[; // --- Literal //Then, it might be a little quick, but I'll start the lesson![; // --- Edited [[I don't like how this sounds. Don't get discouraged[l if you have trouble at[l first. You can try as[l many times as you need.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41E9C) // 0x80613e4 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited Listen, and then repeat.[l Start whenever you like.[l If you stop playing, I'll[l play the lesson again.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41EAC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41EDC) // 0x80614cc //[l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [[drum lesson 1 starts here [l Alternate Left and A[l to get the fast beats.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A420EC) // 0x80617bc //[l //上で光っているランプは、[l //タイミングランプです。[; // --- Literal //The blinking lamp above is the Timing Lamp.[; // --- Edited [l The blinking lamp up[l there is the Timing Lamp.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4214C) // 0x80617f0 //[l //まん中のミドリがジャスト![l //それより左はハシリ気味、[l //右はモタリ気味です。[; // --- Literal //The center green is Just Right![l //[l //To the left of that is too fast/early,[l //[l //and to the right of that is too slow/late.[; // --- Edited [l The left is too early, [l and the right is too late.[l The center is just right![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A421AC) // 0x806183c //[l //うまく できないときは、[l //上のランプを見てズレを[l //チェックしてみてネ![; // --- Literal //When you're having trouble, look at the lamp above and check your gap.[; // --- Edited [l When you're having[l trouble, look at the lamp[l and check your timing.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4220C) // 0x8061884 //[l //では、つぎ行きまーす![; // --- Literal //OK then, let's go on the the next thing![; // --- Edited [l Okay then, let's get[l back to the lesson![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41EBC) // 0x8061578 //[l //さらに1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l We'll add another beat![l I know you can handle it.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A422B4) // 0x806189c //[l //演奏が速くて困ったら[l //スタートボタンを[l //押してネ!すると…[; // --- Literal //If you're having trouble because the performance is too fast, press the start button. If you do...[; // --- Edited [l If I'm going too fast[l and you're having trouble,[l press the Start Button.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42314) // 0x80618d8 //[l //演奏が、ゆっくりに[l //なるんだヨ![l //参考にしてみてネ。[l //[; // --- Literal //The performance slows down.[l //Reference it / keep that in mind.[; // --- Edited [l When you press the Start[l Button, the tempo will slow[l down so you can practice.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42374) // 0x8061910 //[l //もとのテンポに戻るには[l //再度スタートボタンを[l //押せばOKです。[; // --- Literal //If you want to return to the original tempo, simply press Start again.[; // --- Edited [l If you want to return[l to the original tempo,[l simply press Start again.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A423D4) // 0x8061950 //[l //ちなみにスロー演奏中は[l //レッスンが進まないヨ。[; // --- Literal //Incidentally, the lesson won't progress during Slow Performance.[; // --- Edited Please remember[l that the lesson[l won't progress while[l in slow motion.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42434) // 0x8061980 //[l //では、次いってみよう![; // --- Literal //OK then, let's go on to the next thing![; // --- Edited [l Now then, let's finish[l up this lesson![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41ECC) // 0x80615e4 //[l //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And we'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l And we'll add another[l beat right at the end![l Can you get it?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A425FC) // 0x8061d18 //今回は、バスドラムと[l //スネアドラムという、[l //2つのタイコを使って[l //レッスンをしましょう。[; // --- Literal //This time, let's do the lesson while using the two kinds of drums called “bass drum” and “snare drum.”[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 2 start In this lesson,[l we'll play two drums:[l the bass drum and[l the snare drum.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4265C) // 0x8061d70 //[l //Bボタンと十字ボタンの下、[l //どちらでもバスドラムを[l //たたくことができるヨ![; // --- Literal //You can hit the bass drum with either the B Button or Down on the D-Pad![; // --- Edited [l You can hit the bass drum[l with either the B Button or[l Down on the D-Pad.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A426BC) // 0x8061dbc //[l //しってると思うけど[l //スネアドラムはAボタンと[l //十字ボタンの左だからネ。[; // --- Literal //I think you already know, but the snare drum is either the A Button or Left on the D-Pad.[; // --- Edited I think you already know,[l but the snare drum is[l played with the A Button[l or Left on the D-Pad.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4271C) // 0x8061e04 //[l //では ぼちぼち[l //はじめますネ■[l //[; // --- Literal //Well then, by and by, I'm going to start~[; // --- Edited [l Keep that in mind[l as you play this set![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5F208C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5F24BC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $661124) #WRITE(RtPtr, $765948) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4123C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4153C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41704) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A418CC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41AE4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41CD4) //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A41E9C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42510) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4287C) //The 2 pointers below this are for lessons 3 and 5? They don't work. (One was for Long 6, the other for expert 2. Both are now deleted because thos lines are supposed to be different!) //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A42510) // 0x8061998 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited Listen, and then repeat.[l Start whenever you like.[l If you stop playing, I'll[l play the lesson again.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42520) // 0x8061a68 //[l //1カ所、音が変わるヨ![l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 2 continued [l Now let's swap a beat[l on the bass for a beat[l on the snare drum.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42530) // 0x8061ae4 //[l //さらに1カ所、[l //音が変わるヨ![l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Now we swap the second[l beat! Keep your focus.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42540) // 0x8061b64 //[l //こんどは1つ、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //This time we're adding another sound.[l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l This time, we're adding[l another bass beat.[l Can you get it?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42550) // 0x8061c00 //[l //さらに1つ、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l We'll add another beat.[l Alternate B and Down[l and it'll be easy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42560) // 0x8061cb0 //[l //またまた1つ、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l This is the last set[l in this lesson. Show me[l what you learned![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A41074) // [[ this is probably breaking drum lessons #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42A1C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42B94) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42D34) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42EAC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43074) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A431EC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43648) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41074) // 0x805f114 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [Drum Lesson 3 Listen, and then repeat.[l Start whenever you like.[l If you stop playing, I'll[l play the lesson again.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41084) // 0x805f1e4 //[l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l We'll add one more[l beat! Can you do it?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41094) // 0x805f278 //[l //さらに1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Now we'll add another![l Can you get it?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A410A4) // 0x805f32c //[l //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l And we'll add one[l more than that![l Can you keep up?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A410B4) // 0x805f3f8 //[l //そしてまたなんと![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And somehow, we'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Somehow, we'll fit[l in one more beat![l Can you do this?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A410C4) // 0x805f470 //[l //これまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And can you believe it, we're adding another sound!![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Surprise! We're adding[l in one last beat![l Can you fit it in?[; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A4287C) // 0x8061e24 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [[dr1a[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4288C) // 0x8061ef4 //[l //バスとスネアを[l //交互にたたくヨ![l //できるかな?[; // --- Literal //The bass and snare are hit in alternation.[l //[l //Can you do it?[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 4 starts here [l Alternate the bass[l and snare drums.[l One two one two![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4289C) // 0x8061ffc // //バスドラムのタイミングを[l //1カ所、ずらしてみるヨ。[l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //We're going to delay the timing of the bass drum at one part.[l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited We'll going to change[l the timing of the[l bass by just a bit.[l Can you get it?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A428AC) // 0x80620e4 //[l //こんどは1つ、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //This time we're going to add a sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l This time we're[l adding a beat![l Do your best![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A428BC) // 0x80621d4 //[l //さらに1つ、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l We'll add yet[l another beat![l Try to catch it![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A42A1C) // 0x80622d8 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42A2C) // 0x80623c0 //タムっていうのを[l //たたいてみよう![l //十字ボタンの右で[l //タムをたたくヨ![; // --- Literal //Let's try hitting/playing the thing called the “Tom tom”![l //[l //Hit it with Right on the D-Pad![; // --- Edited [drum lesson 5 start Now, let's try playing[l the “tom tom” drum.[l Hit it with Right[l on the D-Pad![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42A3C) // 0x8062488 //タムだったところを[l //十字ボタンの上に[l //かえてみるヨ![l //(ロールっていうみたい)[; // --- Literal //Let's try switching the part that was the tom tom with Up on the D-Pad![l //[l //(Apparently it's called a “roll”)[; // --- Edited Let's replace the tom tom[l with a drum “roll”.[l You can do a roll with[l Up on the D-Pad![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42A4C) // 0x8062558 //[l //さっきと ちがうところに[l //タムを1つ、ふやすヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We're going to add a tom tom at a different place from before.[l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited Now we're going to add[l the tom tom back in,[l but in a different spot.[l Don't get confused![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A4123C) // 0x805f560 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4124C) // 0x805f648 //[l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 6 [l Now we add one more beat![l We're just getting started![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4125C) // 0x805f6ac //さらに1つ、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:十字ボタン上[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: Up on the D-pad[; // --- Edited [l Now we add some hi-hat![l Push Up on the D-Pad.[l You can do this![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41370) // 0x805f9cc //十字ボタンの上で[l //たたいたパーツは[l //ハイハットっていう[l //シンバルです。[; // --- Literal //Pressing Up on the D-pad will hit the cymbal called the “high hat.”[; // --- Edited [l Pressing Up on the D-Pad[l will hit a cymbal called[l the “hi-hat”.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A413D0) // 0x805fa10 //ドラムセットによって[l //十字ボタンの上は[l //ハイハットだったり[l //ロールだったりします。[; // --- Literal //Depending on the drum set, Up on the D-pad will either be a hight hat or a roll.[; // --- Edited [l Whether Up is a hi-hat[l or a drum roll depends[l on the drum set you use.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41430) // 0x805fa60 //[l //では、つぎ行きまーす![; // --- Literal //OK then, let's go on to the next one![; // --- Edited [l You can unlock[l different drums to[l play in the Studio![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4126C) // 0x805f740 //[l //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l I added one more beat.[l This is starting to[l sound professional![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4127C) // 0x805f7f4 //そしてまたなんと![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:十字ボタン右[; // --- Literal //And somehow, we'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: Right on the D-pad[; // --- Edited [l Let's add a tom tom[l right at the end![l Use Right for the tom tom![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4128C) // 0x805f8dc //[l //これまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And can you believe it, we'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l This is the last one![l Add one more beat and[l you're all done![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A41704) // 0x805fea0 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41714) // 0x805ff7c //[l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:Rボタン[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: R Button[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 7 [l Now we add a cymbal crash![l Hit the R Button at the[l same time as the bass![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41724) // 0x805ffe4 //[l //さらに1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Now we add a beat[l on the snare.[l Listen carefully![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41734) // 0x8060080 //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:十字ボタン右[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: Right on the D-pad[; // --- Edited Add a tom tom by pushing[l Right on the D-Pad![l Remember that A or Left[l can be used for the snare![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41744) // 0x8060148 //[l //そしてまたなんと![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And somehow another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited Now we'll squeeze in[l one more snare right[l before the end![l This should be easy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41754) // 0x8060220 //[l //これまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And can you believe it, we'll add another sound!![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited You're not done yet![l Add one more snare[l hit at the end to[l wrap up this lesson![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A41CD4) // 0x8060fa0 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41CE4) // 0x8061070 //[l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:キックは前と同じ[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: The kick is the same as before[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 8 [l Now we add a snare hit[l right at the end.[l The bass beat is the same![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41CF4) // 0x8061110 //さらに1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:キックは前と同じ[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //The kick is the same as before[; // --- Edited [l Now we add a snare hit[l on the second beat![l The bass is still the same![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41D04) // 0x80611c0 //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:十字ボタン上[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: Up on the D-pad[; // --- Edited [l Now, add a hi-hat![l It's Up on the D-Pad![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41D14) // 0x8061288 //[l //そしてまたなんと![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And again somehow![l //[l //We're adding another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Now add another hi-hat![l Don't let your left and[l right hands get mixed up![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41D24) // 0x8061300 //[l //これまたなんと![l //ノリノリだヨ![l //できるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And can you believe it, we'll add another sound!![l //[l //It's getting really exciting![l //[l //Can you do it?[; // --- Edited [l I think we need to add[l even more hi-hat![l This is getting exciting![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A418CC) // 0x8060310 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A418DC) // 0x80603ec //[l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:Rボタン[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: R Button[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 9 Add a cymbal crash[l with the R Button![l Hit it at the same[l time as the bass.[l[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A418EC) // 0x8060454 //[l //さらに1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Now we add more snare![l This should be easy[l for you by now![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A418FC) // 0x80604f0 //[l //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Add another beat of[l bass! This shouldn't[l be a problem either![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4190C) // 0x8060568 //[l //そしてまたなんと![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And somehow another sound![l //[l //Can you get it? [; // --- Edited [l Another bass beat![l Now it's starting[l to get a bit tricky![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4191C) // 0x8060628 //[l //これまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And can you believe it, we'll add another sound!![l //[l //Can you get it? [; // --- Edited [l Okay, let's add one[l more beat on that bass![l You're doing great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $46F5D0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $6CFA10) #WRITE(RtPtr, $72F1B0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4192C) // 0x8060700 //[l //またまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Let's add another[l beat on top of that![l Keep going![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4193C) // 0x80607f0 //これでさいご!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:両手[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: Use both hands[; // --- Edited We're going to add[l a beat on the snare![l You'll need both hands[l to pull this one off![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A4153C) // 0x805fa78 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4154C) // 0x805fb60 //[l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:両手[; // --- Literal //We'll add one more sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: Both hands[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 10 [l Now we add more snare![l Use both hands for this![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4155C) // 0x805fc24 //[l //さらに1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l And now we slip in[l another bass beat![l Piece of cake![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4156C) // 0x805fc90 //[l //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l And another bass beat![l It's easiest if you use[l both Down and B for this![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4157C) // 0x805fd14 //[l //そしてまたなんと![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And somehow, we'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited Let's add just a little[l bit more bass! Push[l Start if you need to[l slow down to practice![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4158C) // 0x805fdbc //[l //これまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And can you believe it, we'll add another sound!![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited Oh, we're almost done![l Just one more beat of[l the bass! That's all[l that's left for today![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $5F208C) //#WRITE(RtPtr, $5F24BC) //#WRITE(RtPtr, $661124) //#WRITE(RtPtr, $765948) //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A41AE4) // 0x806090c //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41AF4) // 0x80609dc //[l //キックを2回ずつだヨ![l //できるかな?[l //ポイント:Bボタンだけで[; // --- Literal //There are two kicks each![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: Use only B[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 11 [l Now let's double the bass![l I recommend you only[l use B for this part![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41B04) // 0x8060af4 //さらに1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //ヒント:キックは前と同じ[; // --- Literal //We'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[l //[l //Hint: The kick is the same as before[; // --- Edited Let's add a snare beat[l right before the end.[l The bass part doesn't[l change at all![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41B14) // 0x8060be0 //[l //またまた1カ所、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And we'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited We're adding another[l snare beat immediately[l after that last one![l The bass is still the same![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41B24) // 0x8060cd0 //[l //そしてまたなんと![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And somehow another sound![l //[l //Can you get it? [; // --- Edited Okay, now some snare[l earlier in the set.[l Listen carefully and[l don't lose the beat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41B34) // 0x8060de4 //[l //これまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And can you believe it, we'll add another sound!![l //[l //Can you get it? [; // --- Edited Another snare beat![l It's funny how such a[l simple change makes it[l so much harder![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A41B44) // 0x8060f10 //[l //またまたなんと!![l //1カ所、音がふえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //And somehow we'll add another sound![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited Hit the snare right near[l the start of the set![l It's a tricky move that[l will sound really great!![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A43074) // 0x80639f8 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43084) // 0x8063b58 //[l //シンバルでキッチリと[l //まとめておこうネ![l //これは、できるよネ?[l //[; // --- Literal //Let's tightly bring it all together with the cymbal![l //[l //You can do this, right?[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 12 [l You've got the basic beat![l Now bring it together[l with a cymbal crash![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43094) // 0x8063bc8 //[l //チョットだけ かえるヨ![l //わかるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //Going to change it just a tiny bit![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Let's change the[l end just a tiny bit![l Try playing it now![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A430A4) // 0x8063cd4 //[l //1つだけ、音がふえるヨ![l //わりとカンタンだから[l //がんばってネ![l //[; // --- Literal //Going to add just one sound![l //[l //It's surprisingly simple, so do your best![; // --- Edited [l Now let's add one beat![l It's a simple rhythm,[l but still do your best![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A42D34) // 0x8062d98 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42D44) // 0x8062ee0 //[l //シンバルとスネアで[l //キメてみよう![l //できるかな?[; // --- Literal //Let's try nailing it with the bass and cymbal![l //[l //Can you do it?[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 13 Add a cymbal right[l at the beginning,[l and one more beat[l of snare at the end![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42D54) // 0x8063024 //[l //バスドラムを[l //チョットかえてみるネ。[l //できるかな?[l //[; // --- Literal //I'm going to change the bass drum a tiny bit.[l //[l //Can you do it?[; // --- Edited We're changing the bass[l around just a little bit![l Listen carefully and[l keep with the rhythm![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42D64) // 0x8063184 //バスドラムを[l //もうチョットだけ[l //かえてみるネ。[l //がんばって!![l //[; // --- Literal //I'm going to change the bass drum just a tiny bit.[l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited [l Finally, we'll add one[l more beat on the bass![l Now it's up to you!![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A42EAC) // 0x8063308 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42EBC) // 0x8063438 //[l //スネアドラムを[l //かさねてみるネ![l //ノリノリだヨ![; // --- Literal //I'm going to add up the snare drum![l //[l //It gets exciting![; // --- Edited [drum lesson 14 [l Keep that bass going[l and add some snare![l This is a peppy beat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42ECC) // 0x806354c //[l //シンバルでキッチリと[l //まとめておこうネ![l //これは、できるよネ?[l //[; // --- Literal //Let's tightly bring it all together with the cymbal![l //[l //You can do this, right?[; // --- Edited [l Bring it together[l with a cymbal crash![l We're still warming up![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42EDC) // 0x80635bc //スネアのパターンを[l //ちょっとかえるネ。[l //できると楽しいヨ![l //きっと。[l //[; // --- Literal //I'm going to change the snare pattern a tiny bit.[l //[l //It'll be really fun if you can do it![l //[l //Surely.[; // --- Edited Okay, now let's change[l the end of that set.[l Doesn't this make it[l sound even more cool?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42EEC) // 0x8063708 //[l //1つだけ、音がふえるヨ。[l //いがいとムズい!![l //がんばってネ![; // --- Literal //We're going to add just one sound.[l //[l //It's surprisingly difficult!![l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited Add one more beat[l on top of the last set![l It's a hard one, but[l don't you give up yet!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42EFC) // 0x8063870 //[l //またまた1つ、[l //音がふえるヨ![l //できたらカッコよすぎ![; // --- Literal //And another sound![l //[l //If you can do it, you're too cool![; // --- Edited This is the last change![l If you can pull this[l set off, you're in the[l professional league![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A42B94) // 0x8062634 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42BA4) // 0x8062794 //[l //シンバルとスネアで[l //キメてみよう![l //できるかな?[; // --- Literal //Let's nail it with the snare and cymbal![l //[l //Can you do it?[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 15 [l Next, let's tack on a[l cymbal and a snare![l Just follow my lead![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42BB4) // 0x80628f0 //たったの1つ、音がふえるヨ。[l //でも わりと フクザツな[l //カンジに なるんだ![l //ついてこれるかな?[; // --- Literal //We're going to add just one sound.[l //[l //But it will feel surprisingly more complicated![l //[l //Can you follow?[; // --- Edited [l Let's add one more beat![l It sounds complicated[l but it really isn't![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42BC4) // 0x8062a64 //[l //おわりのところを[l //カッコよくしてみるネ![l //がんばってみて![l //[; // --- Literal //I'm going to try making the last part cool/flashy![l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited We're going to make[l the last part sound[l a whole lot cooler![l Do your best to follow![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A42BD4) // 0x8062be4 //[l //アクセントをつけるヨ。[l //けっこうシブいかも■![l //やるしかない!![; // --- Literal //We'll add an accent.[l //[l //It might be pretty cool~![l //[l //You have no choice but to do it!![; // --- Edited Now we add a cymbal[l to make it really flashy![l You have no choice but[l to follow my lead!![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A431EC) // 0x8063e10 //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A431FC) // 0x80640d8 //[l //スネアとシンバルで[l //きっちり、まとめよう![l //がんばって![l //[; // --- Literal //Let's tightly bring it all together with the snare and cymbal![l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited [drum lesson 16 [l Now we add a snare[l and a cymbal to the set![l This is easy for you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4320C) // 0x806439c //[l //1ヵ所だけ、スネアを[l //タムにかえてみるヨ。[l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //Going to change just one snare part into a tom tom.[l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited Change one snare into[l a tom tom instead![l Just go with the beat[l and you'll be just fine![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4321C) // 0x80645fc //[l //さいごにスネアをもう1つ![l //手順をよく考えてみてネ。[l //がんばれ■![; // --- Literal //Lastly, one more snare![l //[l //Think well about the order.[l //[l //Do your best~![; // --- Edited Let's finish up by[l adding more snare![l Think carefully about the[l order you hit the drums!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43440) // 0x8065500 //[l //今回は、[l //1つ前のレッスンを[l //応用してみます。[; // --- Literal //This time,[l //we're going to apply/make use of[l //the previous lesson.[; // --- Edited [drum lesson 17 [l This lesson picks[l up from where the[l last lesson finished.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A434A0) // 0x8065530 //[l //1つ前のレッスンを[l //クリアしてから、[l //挑戦してネ![; // --- Literal //Please challenge after you've cleared the previous lesson.[; // --- Edited [l If you haven't cleared[l the previous lesson, you[l had better go do that![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43500) // 0x8065564 //[l //では、はじめまーす![; // --- Literal //OK then, we're going to start--![; // --- Edited [l You're good, then?[l Let's get started![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43364) // 0x8064874 //[l //まずは、おさらいです。[l //がんばってネ![; // --- Literal //First, let's review.[l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited [l First, we review[l the last lesson![l Show me you remember![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43374) // 0x8064b30 //[l //後半をかえてみます。[l //よ■くきいて、[l //ちゃんとマネしてネ![l //[; // --- Literal //I'm going to try changing the last half.[l //[l //Listen clooosely,[l //[l //and mimic properly![; // --- Edited Now we're going to[l change the last half![l It's an odd beat, so[l listen very closely![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43384) // 0x8064d70 //[l //シンバルをかさねて[l //ハデにしてみよう![l //できるかな?[; // --- Literal //Let's add another cymbal and make it more showy![l //[l //Can you do it?[; // --- Edited Let's add some cymbals[l to really show off![l It's not that much[l different from before![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43394) // 0x8064fd8 //[l //タムも入れて、もっと[l //ハデにしちゃおう![l //イケイケ■![; // --- Literal //Let's add the tom-tom and make it more showy![l //[l //Go go~![; // --- Edited [l Let's add in the tom tom[l to make this set shine![l Go, go, go!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A433A4) // 0x8065268 //[l //さっき入れたタムを[l //ロールにかえてみよう![l //シブすぎるかも!![; // --- Literal //Let's change the tom-tom that we just added into a roll![l //[l //It might be too cool![; // --- Edited Let's change that[l tom tom into a roll![l This might just be too[l cool for you to handle!![; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A43648) // 0x806557c //よくきいてマネしてね。[l //好きなタイミングでどうぞ。[l //演奏を止めると、[l //お手本がきけるヨ![; // --- Literal //Listen closely and mimic/copy.[l //[l //Start whenever you like.[l //[l //If you stop performing/playing,[l //[l //you can hear the model/pattern again.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43658) // 0x806582c //[l //ハイハットをいれて[l //カッコよくするヨ![l //[; // --- Literal //Let's make it cooler by adding a high hat![; // --- Edited [drum lesson 18 [l Let's make it a[l little bit cooler[l with some hi-hat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43668) // 0x8065ad0 //[l //さらに、もう少し[l //ハイハットをいれて[l //カッコよくするヨ![l //[; // --- Literal //Furthermore, let's make it more cool by adding a little more high hat![; // --- Edited If a little hi-hat makes[l it cool, then even[l more hi-hat makes[l it even more cool![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43678) // 0x8065d34 //[l //さいごにスネアを[l //1つ追加しちゃうヨ![l //わかるかな?[; // --- Literal //Lastly let's make an addition of a snare![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Finally, we add[l a little snare![l Can you do this?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A438DC) // 0x8067638 //[l //今回は、[l //1つ前のレッスンを[l //応用してみます。[; // --- Literal //This time we're going to apply/make use of the previous lesson.[; // --- Edited [drum lesson expert 2 We're going to use[l the techniques you[l learned in the[l previous lesson![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4393C) // 0x8067668 //[l //1つ前のレッスンを[l //クリアしてから、[l //挑戦してネ![; // --- Literal //Challenge after you've cleared the previous lesson![; // --- Edited [l If you haven't cleared[l the previous lesson this[l could be really difficult![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4399C) // 0x806769c //[l //では、はじめまーす![; // --- Literal //OK then, we're going to start--![; // --- Edited [l Are you all set?[l Let's get started!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A437C0) // 0x8065f9c //[l //まずは、おさらいです。[l //がんばってネ![; // --- Literal //First, some review.[l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited [l We start with a review.[l Do your best for me![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A437D0) // 0x8066258 //[l //ここからが勝負です![l //よ■くきいて、[l //ちゃんとマネしてネ![l //[; // --- Literal //It's a real bout from here on![l //[l //Listen clooosely and properly mimic/copy![; // --- Edited [drum lesson 19 From this point on,[l it's the real deal![l Listen carefully and[l follow along closely![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A437E0) // 0x8066480 //[l //バスとスネアを[l //ちょっと たすヨ![l //できるかな?[; // --- Literal //Going to add a little bass and snare![l //[l //Can you get it?[; // --- Edited [l Now we add a little[l bass and snare![l Can you get it?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A437F0) // 0x80666c0 //[l //バスドラムを1つ[l //ふやしてみるヨ。[l //がんばって![; // --- Literal //Going to add one bass drum.[l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited [l Let's add one bass beat.[l It's in a really tricky spot![l Do your very best![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43800) // 0x8066918 //さらに、またまた[l //バスとスネアを追加!![l //キミならできる![l //がんばれ■!![l //[; // --- Literal //And furthermore, again we add a bass and snare!![l //[l //I know you can do it![l //[l //Go for it~!![; // --- Edited Now we're adding some[l more bass and snare!![l I know you can handle it![l Put your heart into it!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43810) // 0x8066ba4 //[l //バスドラムを1つ[l //ふやしてみるヨ。[l //キメてネ!![; // --- Literal //Going to add one bass drum.[l //[l //Nail it!![; // --- Edited [l Now add one bass beat![l Focus and hit it with[l all your strength!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43820) // 0x8066e20 //さっきのバスドラに[l //シンバルをかさねるヨ![l //これは、ムズイ!![l //ファイトー!![; // --- Literal //Going to stack a cymbal to the bass drum we just added.[l //[l //This is hard!![l //[l //Fight--![; // --- Edited Stack a cymbal on the[l bass we just added![l No student of mine has[l ever gotten past this!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43830) // 0x80670c4 //[l //これまたムズイところに[l //スネアを1つ追加!![l //もう、いくしかない!!![; // --- Literal //Again we're going to add a snare in a difficult spot.[l //[l //You've no choice but to do it!!![; // --- Edited Again, we add a beat[l on the snare drum![l We're closing in on[l the grand finale!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43840) // 0x8067370 //これで さいご![l //タムを1つ追加するヨ![l //流れるようなイカした[l //プレイをよろしくです!![; // --- Literal //And with this, the last![l //[l //Going to make an addition of one tom tom![l //[l //Please (I request) a flowing, stylish play (performance)![; // --- Edited This is the final lesson![l Add a tom tom, just one![l When you play, feel the[l rhythm within your soul!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE9A8) // 0x805261c //ゲーム[; // --- Literal //Game[; // --- Edited Endless Games[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE9AC) // 0x80525d4 //メダルを あつめて[l //とくべつなゲームに[l //挑戦してみてネ![l //いくつかあるヨ。[; // --- Literal //Collect medals and[l //try to challenge a special game![l //There are a few of them, you know.[; // --- Edited Earn medals to[l unlock special[l games. See how[l far you can get![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD54C) // 0x8059544 //ウラおとこ[; // --- Literal //Upbeat Guy[; // --- Edited Mr. Upbeat[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A56F74) // 0x8068170 //またごう![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]](This first item appears when you start Mr. Upbeat. THe rest appear each time you clear a round. I haven't tested these very well, but tomorrow I'll break out the TAS toys to do it. It's possible some of these don't actually go to Mr. Upbeat. Please leave tags until I test. - Niko) Press A to hop over the needle! [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5701C) // 0x806817c //そうです。[; // --- Literal //That's right.[; // --- Edited That's it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A570C4) // 0x8068188 //そうそう![; // --- Literal //Right, right![; // --- Edited Okay, let's go![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5716C) // 0x8068194 //いいね■![; // --- Literal //Nice~![; // --- Edited That's the way![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A57214) // 0x80681a0 //よいヨ![; // --- Literal //That's good![; // --- Edited You can do it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A572BC) // 0x80681ac //しびれちゃう![; // --- Literal //I'm going to go numb![; // --- Edited You're a needle hopping ninja![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A57364) // 0x80681bc //ぎゃふん![; // --- Literal //Golly! / My goodness! / Dear me![; // --- Edited I'm so impressed, my feet are numb! [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5740C) // 0x80681c8 //スゴイッスー![; // --- Literal //This is the last--![; // --- Edited HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS?![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A574B4) // 0x80681d8 //うっそーん!?[; // --- Literal //No waaay![; // --- Edited I hope to work in a Game&Watch title. [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5755C) // 0x80681e8 //超人![; // --- Literal //Super human![; // --- Edited //Were you bitten by something radioactive?[; Were you bitten by a radioactive beatle? [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A57604) // 0x80681f0 //やばーい![; // --- Literal //Danger! / Uh oh![; // --- Edited Can my feet get some gel inserts? [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A576DC) // 0x80681fc //もれるー!![; // --- Literal //Leaking--![; // --- Edited ]]u20 through u24 appear at random once you clear round u19. Robert Upbeat. Corporal. #37,042,333.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A57700) // 0x806820c //まいった!![; // --- Literal //You're beat!! / You're in trouble!![; // --- Edited Let... me... rest... so... tired...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A57724) // 0x806821c //ウヒョー!![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [[I didn't see this one when testing. Might consider leaving the tag on it for now. You're a relentless, untiring machine! [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A57748) // 0x806822c //大丈夫!?[; // --- Literal //You okay!?[; // --- Edited I am truly a dancing machine this day. [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5776C) // 0x8068238 //なんてこった!![; // --- Literal //What is this!![; // --- Edited I-I think I see Rhythm Heaven... [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $351C4) // 0x805a674 //しんきろく![; // --- Literal //New Record![; // --- Edited (Prolly Mr. Upbeat too. Will test in future - Niko) Game Over. New record![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $351E0) // 0x805a684 //おつかれさま[; // --- Literal //Good job[; // --- Edited (Mr. Upbeat game over text - Niko) Game Over. Good job![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD55C) // 0x8059530 //バイキンはかせSP[; // --- Literal //Professor Bacteria SP[; // --- Edited Dr. Bacteria EX[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD56C) // 0x805951c //クイズ スペシャル[; // --- Literal //Quiz Special[; // --- Edited Quiz EX[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A59EA0) // 0x8069990 //こんばんは。[l //クイズナンダダ!?の時間です。[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [first three lines are the introduction Welcome to[l “Push Your[l Buttons EX.”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A59EC4) // 0x80699bc //今回は、 なんと[l //スペシャルです![; // --- Literal //[l //This time, it's a bit special![; // --- Edited Tonight, you'll[l be playing as[l long as you can.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A59EE8) // 0x80699e0 //では さっそく[l //いってみましょう![; // --- Literal //[l //OK then, let's proceed![; // --- Edited Of course, it's[l for charity. Try[l your best![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5A260) // 0x8069a04 //[l //そこまで!![; // --- Literal //[l //Time's up!![; // --- Edited [time is up, next he checks your answer That's time.[l Did you get it?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5A2C0) // 0x8069a14 //[l //さて、 正解は?[; // --- Literal //[l //OK then, and the answer is?[; // --- Edited [you have entered a number, the chairman is now checking to see if your answer is right The answer is...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5A38C) // 0x8069a28 //[l //正解!![; // --- Literal //[l //Correct answer!![; // --- Edited Correct!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5A41C) // 0x8069a34 //[l //では、 つぎです。[; // --- Literal //[l //Well then, next.[; // --- Edited [goes on to next question Keep it up[l for our next[l question.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A59D98) // 0x8069960 //[l //残念!![; // --- Literal //Too bad!![; // --- Edited Your game[l show career[l ends here.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A59E04) // 0x806996c //また挑戦して下さい。[l //さようなら。[; // --- Literal //Please challenge again.[l //[l //Goodbye/farewell.[; // --- Edited [you lost the game Come back for[l another chance.[l Goodbye![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD57C) // 0x805950c //マネキン工場[; // --- Literal //Mannequin Factory[; // --- Edited [[need better name Head Spinner[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE988) // 0x805266c //おもちゃ[; // --- Literal //Toys[; // --- Edited Rhythm Toys[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE98C) // 0x8052624 //メダルを あつめて[l //音のでるおもちゃで[l //あそんでみてネ![l //いくつかあるヨ。[; // --- Literal //Collect medals and[l //play with noise making toys![l //There are a few of them, you know.[; // --- Edited Collect medals[l to play with more[l toys. Everyone[l likes toys![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD4A8) // 0x80594fc //ネコ マシーン[; // --- Literal //Cat Machine[; // --- Edited Meow Mixer[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD4B8) // 0x80594ec //うま マシーン[; // --- Literal //Horse Machine[; // --- Edited Mechanical Horse[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EEB4) // 0x805c684 //あしおとに あわせて[; // --- Literal //Match to the footsteps (sounds)[; // --- Edited ]]Horse Machine in-game text starts here. Use special font for all Horse Machine text. -Niko Match my footsteps![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EEFC) // 0x805c69c //すきなボタンを おしてね。[; // --- Literal //Push any button you like.[; // --- Edited Push any button you like.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EF2C) // 0x805c6b8 //レッスン1 「ナミアシ」[; // --- Literal //Lesson 1 “Walking Pace / Slow March”[; // --- Edited [[I used the wikipedia article on Horse Gaits to get these four categories. Surprisingly, the article mentions beats that look a lot like the beats you use for these four lessons. Lesson 1 “Simple Walk”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F0A0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F3D0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F694) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F934) // 0x805c6d4 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F1C0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F4F0) // 0x805c6d8 //OK! つぎいきます。[; // --- Literal //OK! Let's go on to the next one.[; // --- Edited (appears after you clear lesson 1 and lesson 2 - Niko) OK! Let’s try the next lesson.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F298) // 0x805c6f0 //レッスン2 「ハヤアシ」[; // --- Literal //Lesson 2 “Quick Pace / Quick March / Trot”[; // --- Edited Lesson 2 “Quick Trot”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F5A4) // 0x805c70c //レッスン3 「カケアシ」[; // --- Literal //Lesson 3 “Running Fast / Double Time”[; // --- Edited Lesson 3 “Fast Canter”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F790) // 0x805c728 //OK! さいごです。[; // --- Literal //OK! Last one.[; // --- Edited (Appears after lesson 3, going on lesson 4 - Niko) OK! Last lesson.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0F844) // 0x805c740 //レッスン4 「シュウホ」[; // --- Literal (Via google translate. I dunno what's up with Japanese translating into more japanese. - Niko) //Lesson 4 “Zhou Yong Ho.”[; // --- Edited Lesson 4 “Full Gallop”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E040) // 0x805c3d4 //レッスン1が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 1 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [[The lines below look like they go to Horse Machine, but I've never seen them appear. - Niko [h30[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E03C) // 0x805c3f0 //レッスン1は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 1 is right on![; // --- Edited [h31[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E050) // 0x805c40c //レッスン2が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 2 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [h32[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E04C) // 0x805c428 //レッスン2は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 2 is right on![; // --- Edited [h33[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E060) // 0x805c444 //レッスン3が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 3 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [h34[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E05C) // 0x805c460 //レッスン3は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 3 is right on![; // --- Edited [h35[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E070) // 0x805c47c //レッスン4が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 4 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [h36[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E06C) // 0x805c498 //レッスン4は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 4 is right on![; // --- Edited [h36[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E0C8) // 0x805c4b4 //あしおとに あわせて[; // --- Literal //Match the footsteps (sounds)[; // --- Edited [[THis is a repeat of the Horse Machine “Practice”, but I don't think this one gets used in the game. Dunno where it goes. [[h1Don’t them escape![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E104) // 0x805c4cc //すきなボタンを おしてね。[; // --- Literal //Push any button you like.[; // --- Edited [h2Push any button[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E134) // 0x805c4e8 //レッスン1 「ナミアシ」[; // --- Literal //Lesson 1 “Walking Pace / Slow March”[l //[l //(Trans. note: If I'm not mistaken, these lessons are for the Horse Machine. I'm not familiar with technical equestrian terms in English, so I'll do a literal translation for now. But I'll try to find the more proper terms for the localized translation.)[; // --- Edited [h3Lesson1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E2B4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E5F0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E8D8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EC14) // 0x805c504 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E3D4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E710) // 0x805c508 //OK! つぎいきます。[; // --- Literal //OK! Let's go on to the next one.[; // --- Edited [h4OK! Next[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E4B8) // 0x805c520 //レッスン2 「ハヤアシ」[; // --- Literal //Lesson 2 “Quick Pace / Quick March / Trot”[; // --- Edited [h5lesson2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E7D0) // 0x805c53c //レッスン3 「カケアシ」[; // --- Literal //Lesson 3 “Running Fast / Double Time”[; // --- Edited [h6lesson3[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0E9E0) // 0x805c558 //OK! さいごです。[; // --- Literal //OK! Last one.[; // --- Edited [h7ok last[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EAC4) // 0x805c570 //レッスン4 「シュウホ」[; // --- Literal (via google translate - Niko) //Lesson 4 “Zhou Yong Ho.”[; // --- Edited [h8lesson4[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0ED64) // 0x805c58c //OK! おつかれさま![; // --- Literal //OK! Good job![; // --- Edited [h9OK!dun[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE20) // 0x805c5a4 //レッスン1が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 1 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [h10lesson1soso[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE1C) // 0x805c5c0 //レッスン1は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 1 was right on![; // --- Edited [h11Less1good[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE30) // 0x805c5dc //レッスン2が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 2 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [h12[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE2C) // 0x805c5f8 //レッスン2は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 1 is right on![; // --- Edited [h13[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE40) // 0x805c614 //レッスン3が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 3 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [h14[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE3C) // 0x805c630 //レッスン3は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 3 is right on![; // --- Edited [h15[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE50) // 0x805c64c //レッスン4が イマイチ。[; // --- Literal //Lesson 4 is so-so.[; // --- Edited [h16[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0EE4C) // 0x805c668 //レッスン4は バッチリ![; // --- Literal //Lesson 4 is right on![; // --- Edited [h17[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD4C8) // 0x80594dc //告白 マシーン[; // --- Literal //(Love) Confession Machine[; // --- Edited Love Machine[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DD4D8) // 0x80594cc //ラップ マシーン[; // --- Literal //Rap Machine[; // --- Edited Beat Box[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE96C) // 0x8052678 //最近の調子 どう?[l //なにか気になれば[l //ここで相談を[l //してみよう。[; // --- Literal //How's your mood been lately?[l //If something is bothering you[l //come here for consultation.[; // --- Edited How's your mood[l been lately?[l Come here for[l a consultation.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE968) // 0x80526b8 //喫茶カウンセル[; // --- Literal //Coffee-House Counsel[; // --- Edited Cafe[; //Start Game Text here #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE348) // 0x805451c //カラテ家[; // --- Literal //Karate-ist[; // --- Edited (This is the name of the game when you highlight it in the level select -Niko) Karate Man[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEAC) // 0x805988c //カラテカ[; // --- Literal //Karate Master[; // --- Edited (Debug Menu -Shaffy) Karate Man[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE34C) // 0x80544dc //とんでくるモノを[l //Aボタンでパンチ![l //よくあるゲーム?[l //…かもね。[; // --- Literal //Punch the incoming objects with button A![l //It's a common game... right?[; // --- Edited//ing//nse... This is karate[l training at its most[l intense! (Or, at its[l most unorthodox...)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF2B0) // 0x805abec //ようこそ![l //カラテ家のゲームへ。[; // --- Literal //Welcome![l //[l //to the Karate Master game.[; // --- Edited Welcome![l This is the[l Karate Man game.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF310) // 0x805ac0c //このゲームは、Aボタンで「モノ」をパンチするだけだけどもタイミングが超シビアです。[; // --- Literal //In this game, all you have to do is punch “things” by pressing the A button. But the timing is super severe.[; // --- Edited In this game, all you[l have to do is punch[l stuff by pressing the[l A Button. Easy?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF370) // 0x805ac60 //まずは、とんでくる[l //「モノ」を ビシッ と[l //パンチしてみよう。[; // --- Literal //First, let's try squarely punching the incoming “things.”[; // --- Edited Well, the timing is very[l precise. Want to try it?[l First, let's try squarely[l punching some stuff.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF4D8) // 0x805aca0 //どう?[l //タイミングのシビアさ、[l //わかってもらえたかな?[; // --- Literal //How is it?[l //Did you see the severity of the timing?[; // --- Edited How'd you do?[l Do you understand the precise timing?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF538) // 0x805acd8 //つぎは、音楽にあわせて[l //パンチしてみよう![; // --- Literal //Next, let's try punching to music![; // --- Edited Next, let's try[l jabbing to music![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF724) // 0x805ad04 //どうですか?[l //音楽にノると、やりやすくないですか?[; // --- Literal //How is it?[l //[l //Isn't it easier when you ride the music?[; // --- Edited How is it?[l Isn't it easier with[l music to guide you?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF784) // 0x805ad38 //では、そんなカンジで[l //音楽にノッて「モノ」を[l //ビシビシ たたきましょう![; // --- Literal //Then, in that manner[l //Let's hit the “things” squarely while riding the music![; // --- Edited Let's follow the music[l and give whatever[l flies at you a nice,[l square punch![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF7F0) // 0x805ad80 //[l //本番、スタート!![; // --- Literal //Real thing / Actually performance, START!![; // --- Edited Grunting might[l help too.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EDFCC) // 0x805abc4 //[l //ノるのを 忘れずにネ![; // --- Literal //Don't forget to get into it![; // --- Edited Don't forget to[l get into it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EEF08) // 0x805abdc //師匠のおことば[; // --- Literal //Master's words[; // --- Edited Wisdom from the Master[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EDF4C) // 0x805ab50 //きほんが できてない。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not set.[; // --- Edited Focus on the basics.[; // 0x805ab6a //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EDF5C) // 0x805ab6c //つづけざまは ニガテみたいだね。[; // --- Literal //It seems that you're not good at the successive parts (one after another parts)[; // --- Edited Practice your one-two punches.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EDF58) // 0x805ab90 //れんぞくパンチに キレがある![; // --- Literal //There's a slice (bite) to your successive punches![; // --- Edited Your one-two punches are great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EDF68) // 0x805abb0 //さいご キマってた![; // --- Literal //You got (nailed) the last part![; // --- Edited You nailed the last part![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE360) // 0x805448c //こんなに ブッとばしちゃった!![; // --- Literal //You sent this much flying!![; // --- Edited You sent all of this flying!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE35C) // 0x80544ac //とりあえず、ごはん 食べとこう![; // --- Literal //Let's eat first![; // --- Edited Let's break for lunch![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE358) // 0x80544cc //明日が あるさ。[; // --- Literal //There's always tomorrow.[; // --- Edited There's always tomorrow.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE448) // 0x8053fa8 //リズム脱毛[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Hair Removal[; // --- Edited Vegeta-Pull[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE44C) // 0x8053f64 //どんどん生えてくる[l //うっとうしい「毛」![l //ぬいちゃえ、 [l //ぬいちゃえ![; // --- Literal //The gloomy hairs that keep growing![l //Pluck'em,[l //pluck'em![; // --- Edited These weird hairs[l keep growing![l Pluck'em,[l pluck'em![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB17C) // 0x805b544 //ようこそ。[; // --- Literal //Welcome.[; // --- Edited Welcome.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB1F4) // 0x805b550 //Aボタン、または十字ボタンで 毛をぬいてネ![; // --- Literal //Pluck/pull the hairs with the A or directional buttons![; // --- Edited Pluck the hairs with A or the D-Pad![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB3EC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB5F0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB848) // 0x805b580 //OK[; // --- Literal //OK[; // --- Edited OK[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB428) // 0x805b590 //まきヒゲは ボタンを長く押して引っぱってネ。[; // --- Literal //The curly hairs, pull then for a long time by holding the button.[; // --- Edited The curly hairs take a while. Hold down the button.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB62C) // 0x805b5c8 //多いときは、両手でするとラクだヨ。[; // --- Literal //The parts where there's a lot, it's easier if you use both hands.[; // --- Edited Overwhelmed? Try alternating A and the D-Pad.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB884) // 0x805b5f4 //では、ほんばんです。[; // --- Literal //OK then, here's the real thing.[; // --- Edited Okay then, here's the real thing.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB95C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F9B68) // 0x805b6e4 //ムダ毛 チェック[; // --- Literal //Useless Hairs Check[; // --- Edited (This is for Epilation 1 - Niko) Useless Hairs Check[; //#WRITE(RtPtr, $9F9B68) // 0x805b530 //ムダ毛 チェック[; // --- Literal //Useless Hairs Check[; // --- Edited (This looks like it was originally pointing to Epilation 2, but the pointer was commented out and replaced above - Niko) Useless Hairs Check[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB904) // 0x805b614 //しっかり ぬいてください。[; // --- Literal //Please pluck them reliably/steadily/properly.[; // --- Edited Please pluck them properly.[; // 0x805b632 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F9B24) // 0x805b490 //しっかり ぬいてください。[; // --- Literal //Please pluck them reliably/tightly/steadily/properly.[; // --- Edited Please pluck them properly.[; //[[f If there's an issue, this may be causing it. // 0x805b4ae //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited //[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F9B34) // 0x805b4b0 //ながい毛が 処理できてません。[; // --- Literal //The long hairs were not taken care of / were not treated.[; // --- Edited //The long hairs aren't taken care of.[; The long hairs aren't taken care of.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F9B30) // 0x805b4d0 //ながい毛が すっきりです![; // --- Literal //The long hairs, are neat/clear![; // --- Edited The long hairs are neatly cut![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F9B44) // 0x805b4ec //多いところが ぬきのこしすぎです。[; // --- Literal //You've left too much unplucked on the parts where there's a lot.[; // --- Edited Lots of hair at once overwhelmed you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F9B40) // 0x805b510 //多かったところ、ツルツルです![; // --- Literal //The parts where there was a lot, it's slippery/smooth![; // --- Edited You're an expert with lots of hair at once![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE460) // 0x8053ef8 //スッキリそうかい! 空気がうまい!![; // --- Literal //Fresh and so clean! The air is delicious![; // --- Edited Fresh and so clean! The air is delicious![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE45C) // 0x8053f1c //なんで うちのヤサイは 毛がはえるんだ?[; // --- Literal //Why do our vegetables grow hair...?[; // --- Edited Why do our vegetables grow hair...?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE458) // 0x8053f44 //これじゃ 売りものに ならん![; // --- Literal //I can't sell this![; // --- Edited I can't sell this![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE608) // 0x8053654 //マーチャ[; // --- Literal //Marcher[; // --- Edited Marcher[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE60C) // 0x805360c //行進をするのだ。[l //かってな行動はチームをダメにする![l //がんばりたまえ。[; // --- Literal //It's time to march.[l //[l //Wrong moves will hurt the team![l //[l //Do your best.[; // --- Edited //Company, march![l //One man's mistake[l //will hurt the whole[l //team. Do your best.[; Time to march! ...But[l I wish the commander[l wouldn't speak in[l Japanese.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A11C38) // 0x805c8c4 //れんしゅうを はじめる![; // --- Literal //Let's start practice![; // --- Edited Mark time, march![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A124A8) // 0x805c8e20 //では ほんばんだ![; // --- Literal //Then, here's the real thing![; // --- Edited //Get ready! Here's the real thing![; Practice is over![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A119F8) // 0x805c8b4 //しゅつどう!![; // --- Literal //March out!![; // --- Edited Forward, march![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A115A8) // 0x805c8a8 //隊長の判断[; // --- Literal //The commander's judgement[; // --- Edited Commander's Review[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A11578) // 0x805c858 //きほんが できてないな。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not set.[; // --- Edited Nail down the basics.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A11574) // 0x805c874 //なかなか よろしい![; // --- Literal //Pretty good![; // --- Edited That was pretty good![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A11588) // 0x805c88c //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A11584) // 0x805c890 //すばらしい判断力だ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited //You have fantastic judgement![; You march confidently into the unknown![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE620) // 0x80535b0 //宇宙人の救出、大成功!![; // --- Literal //Alien rescue, big success!![; // --- Edited The alien rescue was a huge success![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE61C) // 0x80535cc //今日の任務は、おそうじでーす♪[; // --- Literal //Today's duty is cleaning~♪[; // --- Edited Today's duty is cleaning~♪[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE618) // 0x80535ec //わぁっ!おいてけぼりされた![; // --- Literal2 //Aaah! We got left behind![; // --- Edited Aaah! We got left behind![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE588) // 0x80538e4 //エアーバッター[; // --- Literal //Air Batter[; // --- Edited Spaceball Game[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE58C) // 0x805389c //ズームをきにするな![l //心でボールを打て![l //視覚に頼るな![l //どんと行け■![; // --- Literal //Don't worry about the zoom![l //Hit the ball with your heart![l //Don't depend on your sight![l //Go with a bang![; // --- Edited Don't worry about[l the zoom! Follow[l the trajectories[l in your heart![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08DD0) // 0x805bff8 //つうしんぼ[; // --- Literal //Report Card[; // --- Edited Scorecard[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08D78) // 0x805bf38 //きほんが できてません。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited [[Line 2190 Maybe you should try tee ball.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08D74) // 0x805bf54 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08D88) // 0x805bf58 //タメが かっこわるい。[; // --- Literal //The rests are uncool/unbecoming/off.[; // --- Edited Work on those rests.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08D84) // 0x805bf70 //タメが しっかりしている![; // --- Literal //The rests are firm/right on![; // --- Edited You wait patiently for the perfect moment![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08D98) // 0x805bf8c //見た目に たよりすぎです。[; // --- Literal //You're relying too much on appearance.[; // --- Edited You're a mess once we zoom in or out.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08D94) // 0x805bfa8 //見えなくても できている![; // --- Literal //You can do it even when you can't see![; // --- Edited You can do it even when you can't see![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5A0) // 0x8053848 //こんなの もらっちゃったー![; // --- Literal //I got something like this![; // --- Edited Look what I got![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE59C) // 0x8053864 //さらに上を目指して練習だ![; // --- Literal //Already/More practicing to rise further up![; // --- Edited Practice is the key to reaching new heights![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE598) // 0x8053880 //これで ゆるしてください。[; // --- Literal //Please forgive me for only this.[; // --- Edited I hope this makes it up to you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE388) // 0x80543d4 //パチパチ三人衆[; // --- Literal //Clap Clap Trio[; // --- Edited The Clappy Trio[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE38C) // 0x8054398 //順番に拍手をするヨ![l //あなたは3番目。[l //前の2人をよく見てネ![; // --- Literal //Clap in order![l //You're the third one.[l //Watch the two before you carefully![; // --- Edited The world-famous[l Clappy Trio never[l misses a beat. Watch[l the other two![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F1F74) // 0x805af14 //オレたち、パチパチ三人衆[; // --- Literal [[(I've edited in translations for the tutorial and the 'superb' comments from Youtube video reference, but I don't have the failure comments. I gave my copy of the game to my brother as a gift! You'll have to intentionally lose to get the fail messages. -Niko) //We're the Clap Clap Trio[; // --- Edited We're the Clappy Trio![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2040) // 0x805af30 //等間隔で手拍子をするヨ[; // --- Literal //We clap at the same intervals.[; // --- Edited Nobody claps like us![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F20F4) // 0x805af48 //あなたは3つめ担当です[; // --- Literal //You're in charge of the third beat/clap.[; // --- Edited You do the third clap, OK?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F21A8) // 0x805af60 //では、練習してみましょう[; // --- Literal //OK then, let's practice[; // --- Edited Let's practice![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F225C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F258C) // 0x805af7c //( Aボタンで3つめをたたいてネ )[; // --- Literal //(Hit the third part with the A button)[; // --- Edited (Press A to clap.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2400) // 0x805afa0 //OK[; // --- Literal //OK[; // --- Edited OK.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2448) // 0x805afa8 //そんなかんじ[; // --- Literal //In that manner (just like that)[; // --- Edited Just like that.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F24C0) // 0x805afb8 //少し、速くしてみます[; // --- Literal //Let's try it a little faster.[; // --- Edited Let's speed it up a bit.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2748) // 0x805afd0 //OK[; // --- Literal //OK[; // --- Edited OK.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F279C) // 0x805afd4 //それでは、本番です![; // --- Literal //OK then, here's the real thing![; // --- Edited All right, it's showtime![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F0954) // 0x805af08 //なかまの声[; // --- Literal //Friend's voices[; // --- Edited Peer Review[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F08F0) // 0x805ae40 //きほんが できてないね。[; // --- Literal //Looks like you don't have the basics down, yeah?[; // --- Edited You need to focus on the basics.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F08EC) // 0x805ae5c //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F0900) // 0x805ae60 //ウラが ニガテみたいだね。[; // --- Literal //Looks like you're not good at the upbeats.[; // --- Edited You struggled with the syncopated parts.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F08FC) // 0x805ae7c //ウラが サイコー![; // --- Literal //The upbeats are fantastic![; // --- Edited Your syncopation sounded great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F0910) // 0x805ae90 //ゆったりするとこが ヘンだ。[; // --- Literal //The calm/slow parts are... off.[; // --- Edited You missed more in the slow parts.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F090C) // 0x805aeb0 //ながれが 見えてる![; // --- Literal //The flow can be seen![; // --- Edited You showed a great sense of flow.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F0920) // 0x805aec8 //いそがしくなると ダメだねぇ…[; // --- Literal //It gets bad at the fast/busy parts...[; // --- Edited You couldn't keep up in the fast parts.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F091C) // 0x805aee8 //いそがしいところが カンペキ![; // --- Literal //The fast/busy parts are perfect![; // --- Edited You were on top of the fast parts![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3A0) // 0x8054340 //この三人衆、 息ピッタリだ!![; // --- Literal //This trio, is perfectly in sync!![; // --- Edited Trio-riffic![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE39C) // 0x8054360 //満足するのは まだ早いかもね。[; // --- Literal //It might be a little early to be satisfied.[; // --- Edited //You need to make it to more of our practice sessions...[; Please show up for more of our practice sessions.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE398) // 0x8054380 //仲間が帰っちゃった![; // --- Literal //Your friends went home![; // --- Edited The trio just went solo![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE868) // 0x8052ad4 //リミックス 1[; // --- Literal //Remix 1[; // --- Edited Remix 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE86C) // 0x8052a94 //キミの実力を[l //試してみてみる?[l //これまでの経験が[l //モノを言うヨ■![; // --- Literal //Want to try to test your merit?[l //Your experience so far speaks for itself, you know![; // --- Edited -(NP) means no practice. Text is limited! Want to test your[l merit? Your skill so[l far speaks for[l itself, you know! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE880) // 0x8052a2c //今回のデキ : なんと、 ディナークラス!![; // --- Literal //The quality this time: Why, dinner-class!![; // --- Edited Your performance was like... a filling dinner!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE87C) // 0x8052a58 //今回のデキ : 朝食クラス[; // --- Literal //The quality this time: Breakfast-class[; // --- Edited Your performance was like... a breakfast.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE878) // 0x8052a74 //今回のデキ : 猫のおやつクラス[; // --- Literal //The quality this time: Cat's snack class[; // --- Edited Your performance was like... a cat's snack.[; //[[Note: the game likes multiple (2?) bytes of 00 after a comment is written. The script writes one per [; so use more than one! If you can't figure it out, use the regular unpatched ROM as a guide. The number of characters per string also seems to have an effect? And so does lining up the ending of the string to a nice, regular byte like 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0C... or is it one more than that? (0x01 etc.) //Enough rambling. This stuff is weird, and if I'm still around, I might be able to help. - W hat, 2013 #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7B3C) // 0x8054f04 //あと、[; // --- Literal //Then,[; // --- Edited Then, [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7B38) // 0x8054f0c //また、[; // --- Literal //Again,[; // --- Edited Again, [; // 0x8054f16 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $19C98) // 0x8054f18 //…でもで[; // --- Literal //...but,[; // --- Edited //...but<$2C> [;[; ...but [;[;[; //う■ん.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $19D54) // 0x8054f24 //しかも、[; // --- Literal //Moreover,[; // --- Edited Also, [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $19CAC) // 0x8054f30 //さらに、[; // --- Literal //Furthermore, [; // --- Edited Also, [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7B4C) // 0x8054f3c //う■ん...[; // --- Literal //Yeah...[; // --- Edited Yeah...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7B48) // 0x8054f4c //まぁまぁ、 かな。[; // --- Literal //OK, I guess?[; // --- Edited [[does this belong here or with some other string? - W hat Eh. Good enough.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7B44) // 0x8054f60 //とりあえず...[; // --- Literal //Anyways....[; // --- Edited For now, that'll do...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7B40) // 0x8054f74 //よしと します。[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [[(I am certain this is one of the “Okay” comments you get for a barely passing grade.) || W hat: todo: look at Fever's JPN and US text for this situation. You barely made it.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A16740) // 0x805cba0 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //From the Mysterious Rhythm Organization[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A16684) // 0x805caf8 //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited That...could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A16680) // 0x805cb08 //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty great--![; // --- Edited That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE528) // 0x8053ad4 //しろいおばけ[; // --- Literal //White Ghost[; // --- Edited Sneaky Spirits[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE52C) // 0x8053a8c //白いヤツが こちらを[l //バカにしている![l //ムキーッ!![l //こらしめちゃおう![; // --- Literal //The white goons are taking us for fools![l //Argh![l //Let's shoot them down![; // --- Edited //Ghosts are trying to escape their haunted house! Grab your trusty bow, and don't let them get past you![; Ghosts are trying[l to escape their[l haunted house! Grab[l your trusty bow![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A030DC) // 0x805bb40 //その しろいヤツを、[; // --- Literal //Those white guys...[; // --- Edited //Stop the ghosts![; Stop the ghosts![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0322C) // 0x805bb58 //やっつけよう![; // --- Literal //let's get/finish/beat them![; // --- Edited //Don't let them escape![; Don’t let them escape![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0337C) // 0x805bb68 //タイミングは…[; // --- Literal //The timing is...[; // --- Edited //Your timing has to be...[; Your timing has to be...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A03544) // 0x805bb78 //   ココ![; // --- Literal //here![; // --- Edited //perfect![; perfect![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A038F8) // 0x805bb78 //   ココ![; // --- Literal //here![; // --- Edited //perfect![; now![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A036D0) // 0x805bb88 //よく みててネ![; // --- Literal //Watch carefully![; // --- Edited //Watch Carefully.[; Watch carefully.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A03844) // 0x805bb9c //いくよ…[; // --- Literal //Here we go...[; // --- Edited //now![; Right...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A03AA8) // 0x805bba8 //では ほんばん スタートです[; // --- Literal //OK then, it's the start of the real thing.[; // --- Edited //Don't let any get past you![; Don’t let any get past you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A03D3C) // 0x805bbc8 //雨のささやき[; // --- Literal //The rain's whispers[; // --- Edited Spiritual Commentary[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A02ED4) // 0x805ba80 //きほんが できてませんね。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited Your archery fundamentals needed work.[; // 0x805ba9e //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A02EE4) // 0x805baa0 //音が消えると あせるみたい...[; // --- Literal //Looks like you get a bit impatient/restless when sound disappears.[; // --- Edited The silent ghosts sneaked past you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A02EE0) // 0x805bac4 //音が消えても おちついている![; // --- Literal //You're steady even when the sound disappears![; // --- Edited You hit even when they were quiet.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A02EF4) // 0x805bae4 //ちゃんと カウント しようね。[; // --- Literal //Let's count properly.[; // --- Edited You should have counted to yourself.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A02EF0) // 0x805bb04 //体内カウント バッチシだ![; // --- Literal //Inner body counting is right on![; // --- Edited Your internal count was spot on![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A02F00) // 0x805bb20 //超ゆっくりでも すばらしい![; // --- Literal //Fantastic even when it's super slow![; // --- Edited You did superbly against the slow ones.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE540) // 0x8053a48 //いっぱい しとめた!![; // --- Literal //I shot down a bunch!![; // --- Edited No ghost escapes on your watch![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE53C) // 0x8053a60 //しとめた![; // --- Literal //I shot them down![; // --- Edited You got one![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE538) // 0x8053a6c //逃げたヤツにイタズラされた![; // --- Literal //You got teased by the ones that escaped![; // --- Edited Escaped ghosts are nothing but trouble.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE568) // 0x8053990 //ゐあひ斬り[; // --- Literal //Art of Cutting Drawing One's Sword, Cutting Down the Opponent, and Sheathing the Sword Again--Quickly[; // --- Edited Samurai Slice[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE56C) // 0x805394c //そこのけ そこのけ[l //奴らが通る。[l //おぬしは サムライ、[l //斬り捨て 御免![; // --- Literal //Make way, make way, they are coming through.[l //You are a samurai.[l //Permission to slay![; // --- Edited Run! They're coming![l You're a samurai, so[l you can stay behind[l and stop them. (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04600) // 0x805bd68 //てき を きれ![; // --- Literal //Cut/slice the enemy![; // --- Edited Slice the enemies![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0496C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04C24) // 0x805bd7c //ム...[; // --- Literal //Hm...[; // --- Edited [preceeds both the 'fog' and '2 of them' comments Hm...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A049CC) // 0x805bd88 //キリ が でてきたな...[; // --- Literal //Looks like the fog has appeared...[; // --- Edited [this is the perfect length. Try not to exceed this What is this fog?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04C9C) // 0x805bda4 //2ひき...!?[; // --- Literal //2 of them...!?[; // --- Edited Two of them...!?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05464) // 0x805bdb8 //見物人のはなし[; // --- Literal //The spectator's talk[; // --- Edited (Bubble text) Townspeople's Thanks[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A044F4) // 0x805bca8 //きほんが できてませんな。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited We thought you were a samurai...[; // 0x805bcc6 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04504) // 0x805bcc8 //てきが見えないと ダメっぽい...[; // --- Literal //Looks like it's no good when you can't see the enemy.[; // --- Edited A true samurai can fight in darkness.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04500) // 0x805bcec //てきが見えなくても イイカンジ![; // --- Literal //Even when you can't see the enemy, good feeling![; // --- Edited You could strike even in deep fog![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04514) // 0x805bd10 //速いのが ニガテみたい...[; // --- Literal //Looks like you're not good at the fast parts.[; // --- Edited You can't keep up with fast enemies.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04510) // 0x805bd30 //速いテンポが うまくとれてる![; // --- Literal //You got the fast tempo well![; // --- Edited Your sword moved so quickly![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04520) // 0x805bd50 //スローが おみごと![; // --- Literal //The slow parts are magnificent/perfect![; // --- Edited The slow foes were vanquished perfectly![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE580) // 0x80538f4 //切れあじ、 サイコーだ!![; // --- Literal //The feeling of the cutting edge is unbeatable!![; // --- Edited [Superb Text, samurai has chopped a boulder in half The feeling of a sharp blade is unbeatable!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE57C) // 0x8053910 //さらに精進(しょうじん)すべし![; // --- Literal //Must concentrate more![; // --- Edited [Okay text, samurai poses with gleaming sword Must concentrate more![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE578) // 0x8053934 //刃こぼれしちまった![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [failure text (shows picture of surprised samurai with a broken sword in midair and a flower, possibly he broke his sword trying to cut the flower?) You have bested me![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE728) // 0x8053148 //こっそり ラット[; // --- Literal //Stealthy Rat[; // --- Edited Cheese Heist[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE72C) // 0x8053108 //あなたはネズミ。[l //大スキなチーズを[l //めざして[l //ストップ&ゴー!![; // --- Literal //You are a mouse.[l //Aim for your[l //beloved cheese[l //Stop & Go!![; // --- Edited I got a family now.[l One last job, and[l I'm out of this[l business for good.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B6C4) // 0x805d184 //あいずを したら[; // --- Literal //At the signal[; // --- Edited ]]Use special font for this. 8-10 are said by the right rat, 11-14 are said by the left rat. 15-17 are said at the end of the tutorial, before the game starts. -Niko //At the signal[; Stick to the plan.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B718) // 0x805d198 //Aを おしつづけて[; // --- Literal //hold A[; // --- Edited [you have a surprisingly good amount of space here, all these lines fit and looked nice Hold A to stop.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B76C) // 0x805d1ac //ストップしろ![; // --- Literal //and stop![; // --- Edited Watch the signal.[; ...to stop![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B7D8) // 0x805d1bc //つぎの あいずで[; // --- Literal //At the next signal[; // --- Edited [this is the perfect length! You might even have another character or two longer At the 2nd signal,[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B82C) // 0x805d1d0 //Aを はなして[; // --- Literal //let go of A[; // --- Edited Let go of A to run![; ...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B880) // 0x805d1e0 //はしりだせ![; // --- Literal //and run![; // --- Edited We can’t be seen.[; to run![; ...  #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B8D4) // 0x805d1f0 //んじゃ いくぞ![; // --- Literal //Alright, here we go![; // --- Edited Use those plates![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1BA24) // 0x805d204 //もう あいずは[; // --- Literal //Now, signals[; // --- Edited No more signals.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1BA78) // 0x805d214 //しないから[; // --- Literal //won't appear[; // --- Edited Trust your gut,[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1BAE4) // 0x805d220 //しっかりやれよ![; // --- Literal //so do it right / be level headed / look alive![; // --- Edited and stay cool![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1C3B4) // 0x805d234 //なかまから ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from you friends[; // --- Edited [Your accomplices say... Rap Sheet[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B5B8) // 0x805d104 //キレが ないよ。[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Even a dog knows when to stay.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B5B4) // 0x805d118 //きっちり とまってる![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited You knew just when to stop![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B5C8) // 0x805d130 //でだしが ぐだぐだ・・・[; // --- Literal //The start is uneven/off...[; // --- Edited Your uneven starts made us crash.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B5C4) // 0x805d14c //でだしが バッチリ![; // --- Literal //The start is right on![; // --- Edited Your starts were right on![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B5D8) // 0x805d164 //もう! ジャマしないでよ![; // --- Literal //Geez! Don't interfere/mess things up![; // --- Edited Can we even call that “attempted” theft?[; // 0x805d182 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE740) // 0x80530c4 //みんな、 よかったネ![; // --- Literal //Everyone, it was good![; // --- Edited [Superb, picture of mice family, with many children Want to hear about Daddy's big heist?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE73C) // 0x80530dc //チーズ おいしいね。[; // --- Literal //Cheese is yummy.[; // --- Edited [okay, two mice eating a piece of cheese I love you... and this cheese![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE738) // 0x80530f0 //チーズ 食べたいよ■…[; // --- Literal //I wanna eat some cheese...[; // --- Edited [fail, mice crying, they have no cheese The important thing is that we're together.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE488) // 0x8053e1c //バイキン はかせ[; // --- Literal //Germ Professor[; // --- Edited ]]Dr. Bacteria game starts here. Edits were made by previous owner of script, maybe? Dr. Bacteria[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE48C) // 0x8053dd4 //助手からの知らせ[l //「大変です![l //バイキン発生です!![l //先生、たすけて■」[; // --- Literal //Notice from assistant[l //“It's terrible![l //It's a germ outbreak![l //Help, professor~”[; // --- Edited Memo from Assistant[l We have quite a germ[l outbreak on our[l hands. Help us! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FD1CC) // 0x805b764 //助手から ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from the assistant[; // --- Edited Scientific Findings[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FD050) // 0x805b6f8 //当たりそこねが 多かったですね。[; // --- Literal //There were a lot you just missed.[; // --- Edited There were a lot you just missed.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FD04C) // 0x805b71c //とても あざやかな退治でした![; // --- Literal //It was a very clear/brilliant extermination![; // --- Edited It was a brilliant extermination![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FD060) // 0x805b73c //けっこう にがしちゃいましたねぇ…[; // --- Literal //You let a lot go...[; // --- Edited You let a lot go...[; // 0x805b762 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4A0) // 0x8053d8c //ものすごいクスリができた!![; // --- Literal //A fantastic medicine was produced!![; // --- Edited (superb) This medicine will save lives!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE49C) // 0x8053dac //失敗は成功のもとカモ![; // --- Literal //Failure might be the origin of success![; // --- Edited (Okay) Unwanted results are a step towards success![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE498) // 0x8053dc4 //研究は失敗だ。[; // --- Literal //The research is a failure[; // --- Edited (fail) They'll cut my funding...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE828) // 0x8052bf8 //ザ☆ぼんおどり[; // --- Literal //The☆Bon-Odori[; // --- Edited The☆Bon-Odori[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE82C) // 0x8052bbc //ぼんおどりの[l //うたに あわせて[l //パンッと 手を[l //たたきましょう。[; // --- Literal //With the Bon-odori song,[l //Let's clap our hands with a PAN![; // --- Edited It's the traditional[l Bon festival![l Clap your hands[l and sing along![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48430) // 0x8067a84 //.6:1ぼんおどり しましょう![; // --- Literal //Let's Bon-odori![; // --- Edited .6:1Let’s do the Bon-Odori dance![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A484D8) // 0x8067aa4 //.6:1みんなの てびょうしを まねしてネ。[; // --- Literal //Mimic/copy everyone's clapping.[; // --- Edited .6:1Clap whenever you hear a “pan”.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48700) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A489B8) // 0x8067ad0 //.6:0OK![; // --- Literal //OK![; // --- Edited .6:0OK![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48784) // 0x8067adc //.6:1も■いっちょ いってみよう![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [tutorial text that appears right before you try rapid fire pan-pans. .6:1When you hear “panpa”, clap twice![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48A3C) // 0x8067b00 //.6:1では、 ほんばん がんばってネ![; // --- Literal //Then, do your best on the real thing![; // --- Edited .6:1The festival is starting! Do your best![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43F9C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A448CC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4603C) // 0x8067788 //.0:0ハァ■[; // --- Literal //Haa~[; // --- Edited [first line of song .0:0Ha~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43FCC) // 0x8067794 //.0:0はなび あがれば■[; // --- Literal //Hanabi agareba~ (When the fireworks go up)[; // --- Edited //.0:0When the fireworks go up~[; //.0:0In the fireworks bright aura~[; .0:0When rockets start to fly~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44104) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4459C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44A34) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44ECC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46138) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A465D0) // 0x80677ac //.1:0ど:1ーん .1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん[; // --- Literal //Do--n do--n pa--n pa--n[; // --- Edited .1:0Do-n do-n .2:0pa-n pa-n[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44134) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A445CC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44A64) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44EFC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A45850) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46168) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46600) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47020) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47D94) // 0x80677e8 //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //dondo pa--n pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Dondo .2:0pa-n pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44434) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44D64) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46468) // 0x8067814 //.0:0ハァ■ ア■[; // --- Literal //Ha~ Ah~[; // --- Edited .0:0Ha~ Ah~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44464) // 0x8067828 //.0:0かんせい あがる■[; // --- Literal //Kansei agaru~ (the cheers go up)[; // --- Edited //.0:0The cheers go upward~[; //.0:0Up goes a cheer anew~[; .0:0Cheers will fill the sky~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A448FC) // 0x8067840 //.0:0にんき あがれば■[; // --- Literal //Ninki agareba~ (If popularity goes up)[; // --- Edited //.0:0If passions climb upward~[; .0:0When the spirits are high~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A44D94) // 0x8067858 //.0:0きゅうりょう あがる■[; // --- Literal //Kyuuryou agaru~ (the wages/sales go up)[; // --- Edited //.0:0The sales will all go upward~[; .0:0The more people will buy~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A451FC) // 0x8067874 //.0:0まつりだ わっしょい![; // --- Literal //Matsuri da wasshoi! (It's a festival, wasshoi!)[; // --- Edited .0:0It’s a festival, hooray![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A452EC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A469F0) // 0x8067890 //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ .1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ[; // --- Literal //dondo panpa dondo panpa[; // --- Edited .1:0Dondo .2:0panpa .1:0dondo .2:0panpa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A454E4) // 0x80678d4 //.0:0にっぽんじゅうが わっしょい![; // --- Literal //Nippon juu ga wasshoi! (All of Japan says wasshoi!)[; // --- Edited .0:0All Japan says hooray![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A45604) // 0x80678f8 //.1:0ど:1ーん .1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //do--n do--n pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Do-n do-n .2:0pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A45790) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46F60) // 0x8067924 //.0:0ソレ ひっくり かえって[; // --- Literal //Sore hikkuri kaette (That's it! Twirl around and)[; // --- Edited .0:0Now we turn around and[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A45A18) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A471E8) // 0x8067944 //.0:0ハァ■ ぼんおどり[; // --- Literal //Haa~ Bon-Odori[; // --- Edited .0:0Haa~ Bon-Odori[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A45AF0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A45B20) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A472C0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A472F0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47710) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47740) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47FD4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48004) // 0x806795c //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ[; // --- Literal //Dondo panpa[; // --- Edited //As it was originally //.1:0Don:1do .2:0pa.2:1n.2:0pa[; .1:0Dondo .2:0panpa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A45B50) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47320) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47770) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48034) // 0x8067980 //.1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //Do--n pa--n pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Do-n .2:0pa-n pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4606C) // 0x80679ac //.0:0アメが あがれば■[; // --- Literal //Ame ga agareba~ (When the rain stops)[; // --- Edited .0:0When the rain is dry~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46498) // 0x80679c4 //.0:0やぐらに あがる■[; // --- Literal //Yagura ni agaru~ (go up to the turret/scaffold)[; // --- Edited .0:0Climb up the turret and spy~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A468D0) // 0x80679dc //.0:0ほら! まつりだ わっしょい![; // --- Literal //Hora! Matsuri da wasshoi! (Hey!/Look here! It's a festival, wasshoi!)[; // --- Edited .0:0Oh! It’s a festival, hooray![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46BE8) // 0x8067a00 //.0:0これぞ[; // --- Literal //This is it![; // --- Edited //.0:0Korezo[; .0:0This is it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A46CF0) // 0x8067a0c //.0:0メイド イン ジャ.2パ:1ン[; // --- Literal //Meido in Japan (Made in Japan)[; // --- Edited .0:0It’s made in Ja.2pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47B78) // 0x8067a2c //.2:0ぱ.2:1ん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //Pan pan[; // --- Edited .2:0Pan pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A47D64) // 0x8067a48 //.1:0ど:1ーん .1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //do--n do--n pa--n pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Do-n .1:0do-n .2:0pa-n .2:0pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43C6C) // 0x8067778 //まわりの評判[; // --- Literal //The surrounding's rating/judgment[; // --- Edited Crowd's Response[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43C14) // 0x80676b4 //前半が いまひとつだったなぁ。[; // --- Literal //The first half was so-so...[; // --- Edited The first half was so-so...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43C10) // 0x80676d4 //前半、ばっちりだね![; // --- Literal //The first half was right on![; // --- Edited The first half was right on![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43C24) // 0x80676ec //後半、もりさがっちゃってたなぁ。[; // --- Literal //The last half got a little dreary....[; // --- Edited The second half was dreadful...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43C20) // 0x8067710 //後半で もりあがったね■![; // --- Literal //The last half got really rousing~![; // --- Edited The second half was exciting![; // 0x806772e //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [bon[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43C30) // 0x8067730 //クライマックスが きまってた!![; // --- Literal //The climax was right on![; // --- Edited You nailed the climax![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A43C40) // 0x8067754 //さいごに ちゃんと シメてたね![; // --- Literal //You closed the end properly![; // --- Edited The last “pan pan” was good![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE840) // 0x8052b7c //あー、楽しかった![; // --- Literal //Ahhh, that was fun![; // --- Edited (superb) Whee! That was fun![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE83C) // 0x8052b90 //せんこう花火って、せつないね。[; // --- Literal //Sparklers are kind of melancholic, aren't they?[; // --- Edited Sparklers are kind of melancholic, aren't they?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE838) // 0x8052bb0 //さむいわ…[; // --- Literal //I'm cold....[; // --- Edited I'm cold...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE888) // 0x8052a1c //リミックス 2[; // --- Literal //Remix 2[; // --- Edited Remix 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE88C) The bacteria, mice, [l ghosts, and Samurai[l are partying at the[l Bon festival! (NP)[; //.1:0Don:1do .2:0pa.2:1n.2:0pa[; //.1:0Dondo .2:0panpa[; //.1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //Do--n pa--n pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Do-n .2:0pa-n pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5177C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A52DFC) // 0x8067f90 //.1:0ど:1ーん .1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //do--n do--n pa--n pan[; // --- Edited //.1:0D:1on .1:0d:1on .2:0p.2:1an .2:0p.2:1an[; .1:0Do-n .1:0do-n .2:0pa-n .2:0pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A51CA4) // 0x8067fcc //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //dondo pa--n pan[; // --- Edited //.1:0D:1ondo .2:0P.2:1an.2:0p.2:1a[; .1:0Dondo .2:0pa-n .2:0pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A52598) // 0x8067ff8 //こい してる?[; // --- Literal //[l //Are you in love?[; // --- Edited The next three lines are said by the mice in remix 2. It looks like only one line is chosen, seemingly randomly. Old note: or by how well you are doing. “Are you in love?” seems to appear if you do very well. Are you in love?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A525C8) // 0x8068008 //アセるー!![; // --- Literal [this is a mystery //Getting impatient--!! / In a hurry--!![; // --- Edited [remix 2 mice //We’re in a hurry![; //May be too long. //We don’t have all day![; Keep up the pace![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A525F8) // 0x8068018 //がんばって■![; // --- Literal //[l //Go for it![; // --- Edited [remix 2 mice. Seems to appear if you're doing badly. Go for it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FFDC) // 0x8067f74 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //[l //Notification from the Mysterious Rhythm Organization[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FE74) // 0x8067ecc //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Not yet / Still some ways to go.[; // --- Edited [remix 2 failure That...could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FE70) // 0x8067edc //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty SAIKO--! (Pretty great!)[; // --- Edited [remix 2 superb That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FE84) // 0x8067ef8 //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //Power of judgement is active.[; // --- Edited Your brain knew what to do.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FE80) // 0x8067f1c //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited Your brain knew exactly what to do![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FE94) // 0x8067f40 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish our skills more.[; // --- Edited Polish your skills more.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FE90) // 0x8067f5c //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //[l //Very technical![; // --- Edited [might be comments for remix 2 Very technical! [r2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8A0) // 0x80529a8 //今回の熱気 : すごい大会レベル!![; // --- Literal //The enthusiasm this time: Level of an incredible tournament!![; // --- Edited [superb Your hype level was... a baseball tournament![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE89C) // 0x80529cc //今回の熱気 : 楽しくキャッチボールレベル[; // --- Literal //The enthusiasm this time: Level of a pleasant round of catch.[; // --- Edited [okay Your hype level was... a short round of catch.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE898) // 0x80529f8 //今回の熱気 : ひとりで練習レベル[; // --- Literal //This enthusiasm this time: Level of practicing alone[; // --- Edited [fail Your hype level was... practicing alone.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE648) // 0x80534d8 //まほうつかい[; // --- Literal //Witch/Wizard[; // --- Edited Wizard's Waltz[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE64C) // 0x805348c //あなたはまほう使い。[l //さみしがりやの[l //おじょうちゃんに花を[l //プレゼントしよう。[; // --- Literal //You're a wizard/witch.[l //Let's give flowers as presents to the sad young lady.[; // --- Edited [this game has a practice, but there's no text like the spaceball game. Nothing brightens up[l a sad face like a[l beautiful flower![l Let's see some magic![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12C40) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A139B4) // 0x805ca20 //大魔道師の おつげ[; // --- Literal //The great Sorcerer's revelation/divination[; // --- Edited [ Sorcerer's Revelations[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12C10) // 0x805c9b0 //修行が足りないようね。[; // --- Literal //Not enough discipline.[; // --- Edited You just weren't feeling the magic.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12C0C) // 0x805c9c8 //ワルツに ノれているわ![; // --- Literal //You're able to ride the waltz![; // --- Edited Your wand could waltz with the best of them![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12C20) // 0x805c9e4 //目に たよりすぎだね。[; // --- Literal //You're relying too much on your eyes.[; // --- Edited You're relying too much on your eyes.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12C1C) // 0x805c9fc //「間」を ちゃんと とれてるわ![; // --- Literal //You're getting the spaces right![; // --- Edited You're getting the pauses just right![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE660) // 0x8053420 //わーい、 わたし もう さみしくないヨ![; // --- Literal //Hurray! I'm not lonely anymore![; // --- Edited (superb, surrounded by flowers and happy) Hooray! I'm not lonely any more![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE65C) // 0x8053448 //もっと 花がさくと うれしいな■。[; // --- Literal //I'd be more happy if more flowers bloomed.[; // --- Edited (Okay, some flowers around) I'd be even more happy if more flowers bloomed...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE658) // 0x805346c //こんなのヤダ■、 こわいヨ■![; // --- Literal //I don't like this~! It's scary~![; // --- Edited (Fail, Surrounded by carnivorous flowers) I don't like this! It was better when I was alone![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE768) // 0x8053010 //ショータイム[; // --- Literal //Showtime[; // --- Edited Showtime[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE76C) // 0x8052fd4 //ペンギン君たちの[l //ショータイムが[l //はじまるヨ![l //わーいわーい![; // --- Literal //The penguins'[l //showtime is[l //starting![l //Yaaaay![; // --- Edited It's a sold out show[l for the penguins'[l opening night![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34900) // 0x805e1d4 //ペンギンと ショーを やります。[; // --- Literal //We're/You're going to do a show with penguins.[; // --- Edited It’s the last rehearsal![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A349D8) // 0x805e1f8 //あいずに あわせて Aボタン![; // --- Literal //Press the A button at the signal![; // --- Edited Press the A Button at the signal![; // 0x805e21a //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ttt[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34B34) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34C3C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34EA0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34FA8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A352D8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A353C8) // 0x805e21c //1[; // --- Literal //1[; // --- Edited 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34B58) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34C60) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34EDC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34FE4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35308) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A353F8) // 0x805e220 //2[; // --- Literal //2[; // --- Edited 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34B7C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34C84) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34F18) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35020) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35320) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35410) // 0x805e224 //ハイ![; // --- Literal //HAI! (GO/NOW!)[; // --- Edited GO!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34CC0) // 0x805e22c //そんなかんじ[; // --- Literal //In that manner[; // --- Edited But Gwen isn’t our only star.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A34D68) // 0x805e23c //つぎは でっかいペンギン[; // --- Literal //Next, a HUGE penguin[; // --- Edited Next, we have Glacier![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3508C) // 0x805e258 //イイカンジです[; // --- Literal //Good feeling (good going)[; // --- Edited Good job.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35134) // 0x805e268 //つぎは しろいペンギン[; // --- Literal //Next, a white penguin[; // --- Edited Here comes Gonzales.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A351F4) // 0x805e280 //はやいヨ![; // --- Literal //It's fast![; // --- Edited He’s fast![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35470) // 0x805e28c //そろそろ はじまりまーす!![; // --- Literal //OK, here we go soon!![; // --- Edited [this is the last line of the tutorial. It does not appear if you skip the tutorial. Ladies and gentlemen...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33DE4) // 0x805e1bc //ほんばん スタート![; // --- Literal //The real thing, START![; // --- Edited [this is the first line of the game. This appears every time you play, even if you skip the tutorial. They are... Flightless Fancy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33D78) // 0x805e1a8 //ペンギンのようす[; // --- Literal //The penguins' appearance/state.[; // --- Edited [bubble text Word from the Dressing Room[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33D5C) // 0x805e180 //ペンギン、不満足。[; // --- Literal //The penguins are unsatisfied.[; // --- Edited [The "Satisfied and "Unsatisfied" comments are for superb and fail. The penguins are traumatized.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33D58) // 0x805e194 //ペンギンも満足。[; // --- Literal //The penguins are satisfied.[; // --- Edited The penguins are happy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE780) // 0x8052f68 //やった!! お客さん 楽しんでくれたー!![; // --- Literal //Woohoo! We made the customers happy![; // --- Edited Woohoo! The crowd loves us![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE77C) // 0x8052f94 //ボクたち こんなもんじゃないはず…[; // --- Literal //It shouldn't be a problem for us...[; // --- Edited [okay This shouldn't have been a problem for us...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE778) // 0x8052fb8 //お客さん、 おこってたネ…[; // --- Literal //The customers looked angry...[; // --- Edited [fail The customers looked angry...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE668) // 0x8053414 //ウサギとび[; // --- Literal //Rabbit Jump[; // --- Edited Bunny Hop[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE66C) // 0x80533d4 //ジャンプが得意な[l //白いウサギさん。[l //ビートにのって[l //海をわたろう![; // --- Literal //White rabbit who is good at jumping, ride the beat and cross the sea![; // --- Edited [this game has no practice White rabbit, jump[l to the beat and[l cross the sea![l (No practice.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A188F8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18B44) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18DCC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18FDC) // 0x805cc68 //つぎは[; // --- Literal //Next[; // --- Edited [["Next" appears almost for a fraction of a second, followed by "rest x" to tell what the next count will be. For the first two rests, there's a count down to guide you, but this isn't a tutorial. Jump![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18964) // 0x805cc70 //2つ やすむよ[; // --- Literal //rest 2[; // --- Edited Rest 2[; // 0x805cc82 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18BB0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18E38) // 0x805cc84 //4つ やすむよ[; // --- Literal //rest 4[; // --- Edited Rest 4[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18C34) // 0x805cc94 //1[; // --- Literal //1[; // --- Edited 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18C7C) // 0x805cc98 //2[; // --- Literal //2[; // --- Edited 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18CA0) // 0x805cc9c //3[; // --- Literal //3[; // --- Edited 3[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A18D3C) // 0x805cca0 //4[; // --- Literal //4[; // --- Edited 4[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19048) // 0x805cca4 //8つ やすむよ[; // --- Literal //rest 8[; // --- Edited Rest 8[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19234) // 0x805ccb4 //海のなかまたちの声[; // --- Literal //The voices of the ocean's friends[; // --- Edited Fishy Feedback[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A187C4) // 0x805cbbc //リズムが不安定だヨ。[; // --- Literal //The rhythm is unstable.[; // --- Edited (Suspect this is a rabbit jump comment - Niko) You kept tripping up your hops.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A187C0) // 0x805cbd4 //リズムが安定してるネ![; // --- Literal //The rhythm is stabilized![; // --- Edited You're a hopping machine![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A187D4) // 0x805cbec //ながれが わかってないみたい...[; // --- Literal //Looks like you don't get the flow...[; // --- Edited You're not feeling the flow.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A187D0) // 0x805cc10 //ながれが わかってる![; // --- Literal //You get the flow![; // --- Edited [[I got a superb and didn't see this. Might want to leave a [bun tag to identify it You were like one with the sea![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A187E4) // 0x805cc28 //ブレイクの シメが 甘いかも。[; // --- Literal //The breaks' end might be early.[; // --- Edited You couldn't land the big jumps.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A187E0) // 0x805cc48 //ブレイクが キマってるー!![; // --- Literal //The breaks are on--![; // --- Edited The dolphins were in awe of your leaps![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE680) // 0x805339c //まん点!![; // --- Literal //Perfect score!![; // --- Edited That one's a perfect 10![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE67C) // 0x80533a8 //着地は失敗しちゃった…[; // --- Literal //Failed the landing...[; // --- Edited Now you just need to practice the landing...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE678) // 0x80533c0 //月に帰りた■い![; // --- Literal //I want to go back to the moon![; // --- Edited I want to go back to the moon![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE748) // 0x80530b4 //トランとポリン[; // --- Literal //Tram & Poline[; // --- Edited [when naming this game, remember Tram wears a "T" on his shirt, and Poline has a "P" on her shirt Tram & Pauline[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE74C) // 0x805306c //こぎつねトラン、[l //そしてポリンの[l //アクロバティックショーがはじまるヨ![; // --- Literal //The acrobatic show with the little foxes Tram and Poline is starting![; // --- Edited Tram and Pauline are[l acrobatic foxes![l Quick, their show[l is about to start![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E1FC) // 0x805dba0 //トラン と、[; // --- Literal //Toran (Tram) and,[; // --- Edited [Tram says this Hi, I’m Tram and[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E298) // 0x805dbb0 //ポリン の、[; // --- Literal [poline says this //Porin's (Poline's),[; // --- Edited I’m Pauline! And we are[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E334) // 0x805dbc0 //レッツ トランポリン![; // --- Literal //”Let's Trampoline!”[; // --- Edited [both say this the Flying Foxes![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E3E8) // 0x805dbd8 //てっぺんに きたときに、[; // --- Literal //When you get to the apex/top/summit,[; // --- Edited [both say this When we get to the top of our jumps,[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E484) // 0x805dbf4 //ぼくは +ボタンで、[; // --- Literal [tram says this //for me, the D-pad,[; // --- Edited press the D-Pad for me[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E520) // 0x805dc0c //あたしは Aボタンで、[; // --- Literal [poline says this //and for me the A Button[; // --- Edited and the A Button for me[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E5BC) // 0x805dc24 //ヘンシン するよ![; // --- Literal //we transform![; // --- Edited [both say this and we’ll transform![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E670) // 0x805dc38 //ちょっと れんしゅう しよう![; // --- Literal //Let's practice a little![; // --- Edited Now for some kitsune calisthenics![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2E880) // 0x805dc58 //れんぞく ジャンプ![; // --- Literal //Successive Jump(s)![; // --- Edited Let’s try two in a row![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2EB98) // 0x805dc70 //ふたり じゅんばんに![; // --- Literal //Two, in turns![; // --- Edited Now we’ll take turns![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2ED6C) // 0x805dc88 //ふたり どうじに![; // --- Literal //Two, at the same time![; // --- Edited Finally we jump together![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2EF10) // 0x805dc9c //よしっ、 ホンバンいくよ![; // --- Literal //Alright, here's the real thing![; // --- Edited [doesn't appear if you skip practice It’s the curtain call! Let’s trampoline![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2CA20) // 0x805db94 //団長のゲキ[; // --- Literal //(Ring) Leader's manifesto[; // --- Edited Ring Leader's Manifesto[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C9B8) // 0x805dae0 //トランくん、やりなおし。[; // --- Literal //Toran-kun (Tram), redo.[; // --- Edited [[tram and poline Please stop fooling around, Tram.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C9B4) // 0x805dafc //かなり カッコよかったぞ![; // --- Literal //That was pretty cool/stylish![; // --- Edited You were looking stylish, Tram![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C9C8) // 0x805db18 //ポリンちゃん、やりなおし。[; // --- Literal //Porin-chan (Poline) redo.[; // --- Edited You kept missing your cues, Pauline.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C9C4) // 0x805db34 //とても ビューティフルだった![; // --- Literal //That was very beautiful![; // --- Edited You were as graceful as ever, Pauline![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C9D8) // 0x805db54 //あせったらダメ。集中してね。[; // --- Literal //It's no good if you rush. Concentrate.[; // --- Edited You need to slow down and concentrate.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C9D4) // 0x805db74 //すごい アクロバティックだ![; // --- Literal //Amazing acrobatics![; // --- Edited What an amazing acrobatic feat that was![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE760) // 0x8053020 //コンビネーション バッチシ!![; // --- Literal //Batch system combination! ![; // --- Edited [tram and pauline, as humans, bowing to the audience with big smiles Tram and Pauline, we're the perfect team![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE75C) // 0x8053040 //ちゅうとハンパでした…[; // --- Literal //Only got half way...[; // --- Edited ["halfway" means The foxes only transformed halfway - the image is of them laying exhausted by the trampoline, in their half-human, half fox form (like when you slightly miss the beat and get a half point) We could only get halfway there...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE758) // 0x8053058 //大しっぱいだ■!![; // --- Literal //A total failure!![; // --- Edited [tram and pauline as foxes, running away as objects are thrown at them Maybe we need to try a different act![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE788) // 0x8052f58 //スペースダンス[; // --- Literal //Space Dance[; // --- Edited Space Dance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE78C) // 0x8052f18 //ここは無重力の宇宙。[l //でも、 おどろうヨ![l //レッツスペースダンス![; // --- Literal //This is zero gravity outer space.[l //But, let's dance.[l //Let's Space Dance![; // --- Edited This is zero gravity[l outer space.[l But, let's dance.[l Let's Space Dance![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A361DC) // 0x805e38c //みんなで ダンスするぞ。[; // --- Literal //We're all going to dance.[; // --- Edited We’re all going to dance. Space Dance.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3626C) // 0x805e3a8 //まず、 3つの アクションを おぼえるのだ。[; // --- Literal //First, learn the 3 actions.[; // --- Edited The Space Dance only has three steps.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36314) // 0x805e3d8 //では、 1つめ。[; // --- Literal //Then, the first one.[; // --- Edited First, turn to the right.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3638C) // 0x805e3ec //マネするのだ![; // --- Literal //Mimic![; // --- Edited Remember to keep in sync![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36488) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A365FC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36770) // 0x805e3fc //OK![; // --- Literal //OK![; // --- Edited OK![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36518) // 0x805e404 //つぎ[; // --- Literal //Next[; // --- Edited Now, the drop.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3668C) // 0x805e40c //ラスト[; // --- Literal //Last[; // --- Edited Finally, the punch.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36818) // 0x805e414 //では、 ほんばんだ![; // --- Literal //Then, it's the real thing![; // --- Edited That’s it! Now... let’s Space Dance.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3566C) // 0x805e37c //レッツゴー![; // --- Literal //Let's go--![; // --- Edited [first line of game. Appears even if tutorial is skipped Let’s go!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35630) // 0x805e364 //スペースおじさんの意見[; // --- Literal //Space Uncle's opinion[; // --- Edited [bubble text Space Uncle's Opinion[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3558C) // 0x805e2ac //なんだか 乱れてるなぁ。[; // --- Literal //It's somehow disordered.[; // --- Edited You just weren't in sync.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35588) // 0x805e2c8 //息が あってるじゃないか![; // --- Literal //The breath is matching! (in tune)[; // --- Edited Your moves were perfectly aligned![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3559C) // 0x805e2e4 //ちょっと あわててたなぁ。[; // --- Literal //Got a little confused/flustered, huh?[; // --- Edited You got your moves mixed up, huh?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A35598) // 0x805e300 //よい判断をしてるじゃないか![; // --- Literal //What good judgement you have![; // --- Edited You nailed every move![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A355AC) // 0x805e320 //サビの手前が ガタガタだったなぁ。[; // --- Literal (google translate) //I wish it was in front of the rust ruins.[; // --- Edited [space dance, bad comment Your uncle is disappointed in you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A355A8) // 0x805e344 //サビの手前が キマってたヨ![; // --- Literal (google translate) //Yo I was in front of the rust Kemah![; // --- Edited [space dance, good comment Your Uncle is beaming with pride![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7A0) // 0x8052eb4 //ボクたちは スペーススーパースター!![; // --- Literal //We're space superstars![; // --- Edited We are space superstars![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE79C) // 0x8052edc //あの星のように かがやきたいな…[; // --- Literal //I wanna shine like that star...[; // --- Edited Someday we'll shine like the stars...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE798) // 0x8052efc //ブ、 ブラックホールだー!![; // --- Literal //B-black hole!![; // --- Edited We danced right into a black hole!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8A8) // 0x8052998 //リミックス 3[; //リミックス 3[; // --- Literal //Remix 3[; // --- Edited Remix 3[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8AC) This remix is about[l love. Love songs are[l popular these days.[l (No practice.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6072C) // 0x806a0d4 // ♪ 恋のハニースイ■トエンジェル[; // --- Literal //♪Honey Sweet Angel of Love[; // --- Edited [all but the "Sponsored by" text appears in the top left of the screen as white text, no background. It looks like it runs properly with these tags. ♪Love's Honey Sweet Angel[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A61E24) // 0x806a0fc // うた  時東 ぁみ[; // --- Literal //Sung by: Tokitou aMi[; // --- Edited Sung by: Tokitou aMi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A61F74) // 0x806a118 // 作詞 作曲  つんく[; // --- Literal //Lyrics/Song: Tsunku[; // --- Edited Lyrics & Song: Tsunku[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A620C4) // 0x806a134 // 編曲  鈴木Daichi秀行[; // --- Literal //Arrangement: Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki[; // --- Edited // abbreviated because it overlaps the "Go for it!" when doing perfect campaign //Arrange: Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki[; Arrangement: S. Daichi Hideyuki #WRITE(RtPtr, $A62340) // 0x806a154 //[l //提供  J.P.ROOM[; // --- Literal //Sponsored by: J.P.ROOM[; // --- Edited [this text is supposed to be vertically and horizontally centered on the screen. [l Sponsored by: J.P. ROOM[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60648) // 0x806a0b8 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //A message from the Mysterious Rhythm Organization[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60604) // 0x806a010 //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Not quite yet. / Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited [might be only fail comment That... could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60600) // 0x806a020 //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty grreeaaat![; // --- Edited [this may be the only superb comment That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60614) // 0x806a03c //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //You're power of judgement is active.[; // --- Edited [is this bad or good? Your judgement is so-so.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60610) // 0x806a060 //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //[l //Fantastic judgement![; // --- Edited Your judgement is fantastic![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60624) // 0x806a084 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish your skill more.[; // --- Edited Work on your skills some more.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60620) // 0x806a0a0 //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //Very Technical![; // --- Edited Technical finesse![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8C0) // 0x8052920 //今回のラブ : ラブラブでーす!![; // --- Literal //The love this time: It's lovey-dovey!![; // --- Edited Your love fortune... it's Lovey-Dovey![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8BC) // 0x8052944 //今回のラブ : とってもフレンドリーな感じ♪[; // --- Literal //The love this time: A very friendly feeling♪[; // --- Edited Your love fortune... you'll be best friends♪[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8B8) // 0x8052970 //今回のラブ : ブロークンハートかも…[; // --- Literal //The love this time: Might be broken hearted...[; // --- Edited Your love fortune... your heart might break soon...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE808) // 0x8052c94 //クイズ[; // --- Literal //Quiz[; // --- Edited Quiz[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE80C) // 0x8052c58 //司会者の、[l //「たたいた回数」を[l //当てるカンタンな[l //クイズです。[; // --- Literal //It's the chairman's[l //”Number of Times Hit”[l //simple guessing quiz.[; // --- Edited A gameshow that's[l all style and no[l substance... just[l what viewers want.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DE80) // 0x805edf4 //こんばんは。[l //クイズナンダダ!?の時間です。[; // --- Literal [google translate. "Kuiz" is the same as the "Quiz" name for the game, but the rest of the word seems to be gibberish. Maybe it's the name of the game show? //Good evening.[l //Kuizunandada! ? It's time.[; // --- Edited [tutorial starts here Welcome to[l “Push Your[l Buttons."[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DEA4) // 0x805ee20 //[l //ルールはかんたん[; // --- Literal //The rule is simple.[; // --- Edited //The rules[l //are simple.[l //Just match the[; The rules[l are simple:[l just copy me.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DEC8) // 0x805ee34 //私がボタンをたたいた回数を当てるだけ。[; // --- Literal //All you have to do is match/guess the number of times I've hit the buttons.[; // --- Edited //number of times[l //that I hit the[l //buttons.[; Match my[l count and[l you advance.[l #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DEEC) // 0x805ee5c //「どうぞ」のあと、同じ数だけたたいて下さい。[; // --- Literal //After “By all means,” hit (the buttons) the same number of times.[; // --- Edited //After I say[l //“go," hit[l //the buttons[; After I say[l “go," hit[l the buttons.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DF10) // 0x805ee8c //Aボタンと 十字ボタン、どちらでもOKです。[; // --- Literal //The A button or the D-pad, (pressing) either is fine.[; // --- Edited //as much as I do.[l //Use the A Button[l //or D-Pad, either[; Use the A Button[l or D-Pad, either[l will count.[l //Just copy the number of times.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DF34) // 0x805eebc //では、いってみましょう。[; // --- Literal //Then, let's give it a go.[; // --- Edited //is fine.[l //Ready? Let's[l //have a warm-up.[; Are you ready?[l Let's have[l a warm-up.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C3F8) // 0x805ece8 //[l //最初の問題です[; // --- Literal //It's the first question/problem.[; // --- Edited Say “S" in[l Morse code, [l after me.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C41C) // 0x805ecf8 //[l //では、2問目[; // --- Literal //Then, the second problem/question[; // --- Edited How many[l questions does[l this game have?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C440) // 0x805ed08 //[l //3問目です[; // --- Literal //It's the third question/problem[; // --- Edited This Apollo Moon[l mission (barely)[l returned safely.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C470) // 0x805ed14 //[l //さあ、4問目です![; // --- Literal //OK then.. it's the fourth question![; // --- Edited [this is the first line if you skip the tutorial Remember, the[l <$23> of presses is[l all that counts.[; //You can express[l //a lot with just[l //button presses.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C494) // 0x805ed28 //ここからが、[l //本番ですぞ![; // --- Literal //From here on,[l //[l //it's the real thing![; // --- Edited [said immediately after "it's the fourth question", but before the chairman pushes any buttons. The rest is just[l to spice it up for[l the TV audience.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C4B8) // 0x805ed44 //とうとう、[l //5問目です!![; // --- Literal //Finally[l //[l //it's the fifth question/problem!![; // --- Edited How's this for a[l knock to get into[l a secret cafe?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C4DC) // 0x805ed60 //[l //最終問題です!![; // --- Literal //Last question/problem!![; // --- Edited This one's tough.[l Which are best:[l cats or dogs?[; //Which would win[l //in a fight: a lion[l //or a gorilla?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3D778) // 0x805ed74 //[l //どうぞ[; // --- Literal //By all means / go ahead.[; // --- Edited [always said after the chairman stops pushing buttons, indicating it is your turn. Can you[l match that?[l Go![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3D970) // 0x805ed7c //[l //そこまで!![; // --- Literal //Stop right there!![; // --- Edited [time out, chairman checking your answer That's time.[l Did you get it?[l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3D9E8) // 0x805ed8c //[l //さて、正解は?[; // --- Literal //Then, the correct answer is?[; // --- Edited The answer is...[l [l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DC94) // 0x805ed9c //[l //正解!![; // --- Literal //Correct!![; // --- Edited [right answer for any question Correct!![l [l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DDB4) // 0x805eda8 //すばらしい![l //全問正解!![l //賞金100万点!![; // --- Literal //Fantastic![l //[l //All answers correct![l //[l //Prize of 1 million points!![; // --- Edited [if you answered last question correctly Fantastic! You[l smoked it! One[l million points![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $F65B8) //Wonder why this has two pointers - probably when you get the last question this pointer is used asdf[[[[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3DDD8) // 0x805edd8 //ではまた来週、[l //さようなら。[; // --- Literal //See you again next week, goodbye.[; // --- Edited [second line if you got last question. Next line is the bubble text and comments We'll see you[l again on next[l week's show. Bye![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C170) // 0x805eca4 //[l //残念!![; // --- Literal //Too bad!![; // --- Edited [you get this if you enter a wrong answer. Your game[l show career[l ends here.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C1DC) // 0x805ecb0 //また挑戦して下さい。[l //さようなら。[; // --- Literal //Please challenge again.[l //[l //Goodbye.[; // --- Edited [appears after a wrong answer. Next line is bubble text and comments Come back for[l another chance.[l Goodbye![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C38C) // 0x805ecd4 //司会者の ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from the chairman[; // --- Edited A Word from the Producer[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C0D8) // 0x805ec44 //次回、がんばって下さいネ。[; // --- Literal //Try your best next time.[; // --- Edited [may be random, doesn't display at same time as below comment. Might also appear if you get an okay. Try your best next time.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C0D4) // 0x805ec60 //おしかったですね■![; // --- Literal //You were so close~![; // --- Edited You were so close![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C0E8) // 0x805ec78 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3C0E4) // 0x805ec7c //全問正解、おめでとうございました■![; // --- Literal //Congratulations on correctly answering all questions~![; // --- Edited You answered every question![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE820) // 0x8052c08 //世界旅行 もらっちゃった![; // --- Literal //I received a world trip![; // --- Edited [flying in an airplane, with a map of the world in the background //Rhythm Heaven isn't a real place. If this idea is bad, "Easter Island" adds some continuity with RH DS.. //I've always wanted to visit Rhythm Heaven![; I won a trip to Rhythm Heaven![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE81C) // 0x8052c24 //次回に向けて 勉強、勉強…Zzz[; // --- Literal //Study, study for next time...zZz[; // --- Edited [player is studying books at his desk with waves of exhaustion literally hovering around his head. Must study for next time... after a nap.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE818) // 0x8052c44 //ま、 こんなものさ。[; // --- Literal //Well, this kind of thing.[; // --- Edited [player looking out at city skyline as though melancholy This is way better than any gameshow.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE408) // 0x805410c //ナイトウォーク[; // --- Literal //Night Walk[; // --- Edited Night Walk[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE40C) // 0x80540c4 //音楽にあわせて[l //ジャンプしてネ![l //星たちが あつまって[l //あなたも夜空へ…[; // --- Literal //Jump with the music![l //The stars will gather and also take you...[; // --- Edited Jump with the music![l The stars will gather[l and put a spring in[l your step. (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F5378) // 0x805b1fc //音楽にノって ジャンプしてネ![; // --- Literal //Jump by riding the music![; // --- Edited Jump by riding the music![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F5D14) // 0x805b220 //音楽が おわる前に 星でいっぱいにしてネ![; // --- Literal //Fill the sky with stars before the song is over![; // --- Edited Fill the sky with stars before the end![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F650C) // 0x805b250 //もうすぐ おわりだヨ![; // --- Literal //It's almost the end![; // --- Edited It's almost over![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F5288) // 0x805b1f4 //星の声[; // --- Literal //Voices of the stars[; // --- Edited The Stars Say[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F5190) // 0x805b158 //おっこちちゃったね...[; // --- Literal //You fell, eh...?[; // --- Edited You fell in a hole.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F518C) // 0x805b174 //ゴール おめでとう!![; // --- Literal //Congratulations on the goal!![; // --- Edited You made it to the end![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F51A0) // 0x805b18c //ノリが ガタガタです…[; // --- Literal //Your riding/groove is rattled/off/uneven.[; // --- Edited Your rhythm was off.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F519C) // 0x805b1a4 //キープ できてます![; // --- Literal //You have “keep”! (You are able to keep the beat!)[; // --- Edited You kept the beat well![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F51B0) // 0x805b1bc //わりと キメを はずしたよね。[; // --- Literal //Somehow you missed the ending.[; // --- Edited Somehow, you missed the ending.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F51AC) // 0x805b1dc //キメが バッチシだ![; // --- Literal //The ending is right on![; // --- Edited The ending was right on![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE420) // 0x8054068 //星たちが かんげいしてるヨ![; // --- Literal //The stars are welcoming you![; // --- Edited The stars welcome you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE41C) // 0x8054084 //夜空の おさんぽ、 たのしいな。[; // --- Literal //Night sky walks are so fun.[; // --- Edited Night sky walks are so fun.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE418) // 0x80540a4 //つぎは もっと がんばってネ…[; // --- Literal //Try harder next time.[; // --- Edited Try harder next time.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6A8) // 0x80532f8 //リズムお習字[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Penmanship/Calligraphy[; // --- Edited Power Calligraphy[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6AC) //Write Japanese with the brush.[l //You only do the tasty (fun) parts.[; Write Japanese[l with the brush.[l (You only have to[l do the fun parts.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6CC) // 0x80532b4 //筆を使って日本語を[l //書きます。[l //あなたがするのは[l //オイシイとこだけ。[; // --- Literal //Write Japanese with the brush.[l //You only do the tasty (fun) parts.[; // --- Edited [[yoyo[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F4B0) // 0x805d300 //日本語を書きましょう。[; // --- Literal //Let's write Japanese[; // --- Edited //Power Calligraphy 101Japanese writing requires both grace and form. And, it turns out, POWER!Today, we will practice two powerful techniques.Brushes ready!Press when the power builds up enough.Excellent brushmanship!Try again.OK.Looks like you've got it.Get writing! //Japanese writing requires both grace and form. And, it turns out, POWER! Calligraphy requires grace, form, and POWER![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F534) // 0x805d318 //気合がピークの時に、 Aボタン!![; // --- Literal //At the peak of the spirit/yell, (press the) A button!![; // --- Edited Press A when the power builds up enough.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F5C4) // 0x805d33c //よくできました。[; // --- Literal //Good work.[; // --- Edited Excellent brushmanship![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F60C) // 0x805d350 //もう 一回、 やってみましょう。[; // --- Literal //Let's try it one more time[; // --- Edited Let's try it one more time.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F6C0) // 0x805d374 //ふむ。[; // --- Literal //Hm.[; // --- Edited [succeeded at tutorial Looks like you've got it.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F720) // 0x805d37c //遊びは、 ここまで...[; // --- Literal //The play ends here...[; // --- Edited [end of tutorial Enough scribbles. Let's start.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1EBEC) // 0x805d2dc //いざ! お習字!![; // --- Literal //Now! Calligraphy!![; // --- Edited [start of game Get writing![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1ECC4) // 0x805d2f0 //先生のことば[; // --- Literal //The teacher's words[; // --- Edited //You needed more power in your strokes.You gave it a lot of oomph!Just...weak.You poured your heart into your brush!Your brush seemed lifeless.You weren't intimidated by the big one!Hooray for Japanese calligraphy!Who says calligraphy isn't fun?Maybe I should stick with pencils... Instructor Feedback[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1EB34) // 0x805d24c //気合が足りぬ。[; // --- Literal //Not enough spirit.[; // --- Edited Just... weak.[; // 0x805d25e //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1EB44) // 0x805d260 //力不足、 だな。[; // --- Literal //Not enough strength/power.[; // --- Edited You need more power in your strokes.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1EB40) // 0x805d274 //たいへん力強い![; // --- Literal //Very strong![; // --- Edited You gave it a lot of oomph![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1EB54) // 0x805d288 //心が こもってない、 だな。[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Your brush seemed lifeless.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1EB50) // 0x805d2a8 //心が こもっている![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [[got this to appear with an "OK" in which I stumbled on big letters. You poured your heart into your brush![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1EB60) // 0x805d2c0 //ココ一番で やってくれた![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Got this to appear on an "OK" runthrough. Each stroke was a work of art![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6C0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6E0) // 0x8053268 //お習字って ノリノリだネ!![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hooray for Japanese calligraphy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6BC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6DC) // 0x8053284 //お習字を もっと楽しもう![; // --- Literal //Let's enjoy penmanship/calligraphy more![; // --- Edited Who says calligraphy isn't fun?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6B8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6D8) // 0x80532a0 //ふ■… アカンわ。[; // --- Literal //Whew... that won't do.[; // --- Edited Maybe I should stick with pencils...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3C8) // 0x8054290 //ポリリズム[; // --- Literal //Polyrhythm[; // --- Edited Built to Scale[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3CC) // 0x8054244 //十字ボタンとAボタンの同時押しをマスターだ!けっこうカンタンだ。たぶん…[; // --- Literal //Master pressing the D-pad and the A button at the same time![l //It should be pretty easy. Hopefully...[; // --- Edited Master pressing[l different buttons[l at the same time! It[l should be easy... (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3C34) // 0x805b088 //工場長から[; // --- Literal //From the factory head/boss.[; // --- Edited Foreman's Report[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F27F8) // 0x805afec //ちゃんと 運んでくれないとダメ。[; // --- Literal (From google translate) //You are not useless carry me properly[; // --- Edited [appears if you fail completely You need some more training.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2808) // 0x805b014 //左手が あそんでるヨ。[; // --- Literal //(Your) left hand is playing around.[; // --- Edited Your left hand is playing around.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2804) // 0x805b02c //左手が しっかり仕事してるネ![; // --- Literal //(Your) left hand is working firmly/reliably/steadily![; // --- Edited Your left hand is a team player![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2818) // 0x805b04c //応用力を みにつけよう。[; // --- Literal //Let's find our practicality.[; // --- Edited What would you say you do here?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F2814) // 0x805b068 //リズミカルな 仕事ぶりだ!![; // --- Literal //A rhythmical working manner![; // --- Edited You got into the rhythm of the work![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3E0) // 0x80541e0 //赤いモノを 生産しまくりだネ!![; // --- Literal //Producing Red things like mad!![; // --- Edited Widgets, Inc. is a huge success![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3DC) // 0x8054200 //どんどん 赤いモノを 生産だ![; // --- Literal //Producing more Red Things![; // --- Edited You can't beat running your own business.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3D8) // 0x8054220 //赤いモノ、量産は たいへんだなぁ…[; // --- Literal //Red Thing mass production is quite difficult...[; // --- Edited Maybe I should be a craftsman...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7C8) // 0x8052e00 //ラップメン[; // --- Literal //[l //Rap Men[; // --- Edited Rap Men[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7CC) // 0x8052dc0 //クールなふたり組が[l //やってきた![l //アツいラップで[l //大コーフンだぜ![; // --- Literal //A cool pair has arrived![l //Great excitement with cool rap![; // --- Edited The Rap Men are here[l with a cool rap.[l Fitting, because they[l are pretty cool too.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A780) // 0x805ea44 //チワッス[; // --- Literal (google translate) //Chiwassu[; // --- Edited Wassup?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A828) // 0x805ea50 //いっしょに ノろうやないか[; // --- Literal //Let's ride (the beat) together[; // --- Edited Yo, let’s rap together![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A918) // 0x805ea6c //ノりかた、 おしえるし[; // --- Literal //We'll teach you how to ride[; // --- Edited We’ll teach you how, no sweat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A9E4) // 0x805ea84 //「ウッ」 っていうトコで Aボタンや[; // --- Literal //Press the A button at the “Uh!” part.[; // --- Edited Push the A Button at the “Uh!” part.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3AAD4) // 0x805eaac //ちょっと きいててな[; // --- Literal //Give it a listen[; // --- Edited Just listen to Yellow.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3AD5C) // 0x805eac4 //わかる?[; // --- Literal //Got it?[; // --- Edited Have you got the rhythm?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3AE4C) // 0x805ead0 //ちょっと、 やってみ[; // --- Literal //Give it a try[; // --- Edited Now you give it a try![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3AE70) // 0x805eae8 //がんばってや[; // --- Literal //Do your best[; // --- Edited Keep trying, you can do it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3AE94) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B5B4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3BB9C) // 0x805eaf8 //「ウッ」 ってトコやで■[; // --- Literal //It's the “Uh!” part~[; // --- Edited This is the “Uh!” part.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3AEB8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B5D8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3BBC0) // 0x805eb14 //「ウッ」 ってトコやっちゅーに[; // --- Literal [rap mystery 1 //[; // --- Edited [[This appears if you repeatedly fail the tutorial. Just leave it run for a bit without pushing anything. Push the A Button at the “Uh!” part.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B2A8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B9C8) // 0x805eb34 //OK![; // --- Literal //OK![; // --- Edited OK![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B308) // 0x805eb3c //いまのは、 「.b■ですか?.8」の ノリやねん[; // --- Literal //Just now is/was the “.b:1~desu ka?.8:0” ride (”is it?” ride)[l //[l //(Translator's note: i'm guessing those “.b” and “.8” are part of tags that make the text larger. I don't know how to properly use them, but I've included them. Just be aware that they are not part of the translation.)[; // --- Edited [tags as written below make it blue, but not big That was the “.bIsn’t it?.8” rap.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B41C) // 0x805eb6c //こんどは、 「.9■かもネ.8」の ノリや[; // --- Literal //This time it's the “.9~ka mo NE.8” ride (”might be/could be” ride)[; // --- Edited [tags correctly make it purple and then close the tag Next we’ll try the “.9Could be.8” rap.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B56C) // 0x805eb94 //いっぺん きいてみてな[; // --- Literal //Do not try to listen to one side[; // --- Edited [right before you try the KaMo ride This one has two “Uh”s![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3B590) // 0x805ebac //ほな、 がんばってや[; // --- Literal //Alright, do your best.[; // --- Edited You can do this! Listen carefully![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3BA28) // 0x805ebc4 //あといっこ、 「.a■サイコー!!.8」の ノリや[; // --- Literal //One more left, it's the “.a~SAIKO-!!.8” ride (”The best-!!” ride)[; // --- Edited [tag makes it yellow (right color for SAIKO) The last rap is a “.aThe BEST!.8” rap.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3BB54) // 0x805ebf4 //いっぺん きいてみてや[; // --- Literal (Google translate) //Ya I try to listen to one side[; // --- Edited [right before you try the SAIKO! ride Listen for the “Uh”s![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3BB78) // 0x805ec0c //よしゃ、 がんばってや[; // --- Literal //Alright, Do your best.[; // --- Edited Give it your best![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3BFBC) // 0x805ec24 //OK! ホンマ、 サイコーや[; // --- Literal //OK! It's/you're really great! (in Kansai dialect)[; // --- Edited OK! You can roll with us.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A38824) // 0x805ea18 //ほな、 ほんばん いこか[; // --- Literal [right before game, first line if you skip practice //OK, shall we go on to the real thing?[; // --- Edited C’mon, it’s time to make some rhythm.[; //Effing with 0x0179f5 makes the game freeze after the first desu ka. - W hat //Set 0x0179ff to $30 or $50 (probably anything) and you get an okay rank while not being able to make any "uh"s. //That block seems to start (or be made entirely of) the ruleset for Rap Men. Set 0x017a55 ~ a5c to (example) $20 and some of the timings are off. //0x017c9$ - mess with this and press a to get an exit from the matrix in many mini-games //Rap Men block inserted by W hat, 2013 || formatting codes omitted || old version inserted for debugging #WRITE(RtPtr, $A38B3C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A38E84) //PM3:00 ですか?[; .b:1It’s already 3 PM .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A38CE0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A395C8) //Rap Women //おやつ ですか?[; .b:1It’s time for a snack .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39184) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A396DC) //おいしい かもネ[; .9:1Something sweet it .9:0could be.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3937C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39904) //ヘルシー かもネ[; .9:1Something salty it .9:0could be.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A38FC8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39814) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39D54) //ほんとですか?[; .b:1It’s all good, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A258) //オレの せいかもネ[; .9:1Some sugar candies it .9:0could be.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A468) //それもそう かもネ[; //I see it as well or values .9:1A bag of chips it .9:0could be.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39A0C) //Rap Women saiko 1 //おやつは サイコー!![; .a:1That’s why snacks are .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39B14) //Rap Women //きぶんは サイコー!![; .a:1They make you feel .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39C1C) //オレって サイコー!![; .a:1I am .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39E20) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A39FB8) //キミって サイコー!![; //I soooo you! ! .a:1You are .a:0the BEST!!.8:0[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A150) //おやつが ナイヨー!![; //snacks are gone //lack of snack makes me depressed .a:1Hey, who swiped .a:0the rest?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A360) //オレ、 しら[; .a:1Lack of snacks makes me .a:0depressed!.8:1[; //[[unused? //わかりますか?[; //たのしい かもネ[; //end Rap Men rap //おやつがナイヨ■ってですか - snacks are gone #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3A5D0) // 0x805ea34 //またやろうな[; // --- Literal //Let's do it again[; // --- Edited [at the end of the game, before credits Aw yeah! Let’s do that again.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A387E8) // 0x805ea04 //アイツらのコメント[; // --- Literal //Their comments[; // --- Edited Red and Yellow's Rap Review[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A387A4) // 0x805e914 //「ですか?」の ノリが あかん。[; // --- Literal //The “desu ka?” riding was no good.[; // --- Edited Your “Isn't it?" just wasn't.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A387A0) // 0x805e938 //「ですか?」の ノリが バッチリや![; // --- Literal //The “desu ka?” riding is right on the mark![; // --- Edited Your “Isn't it?" sure was![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A387B4) // 0x805e960 //「かもネ」の ノリが キビシーッス。[; // --- Literal //The “ka mo NE” riding is severe.[; // --- Edited Your “Could be" couldn't cut it.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A387B0) // 0x805e988 //「かもネ」の ノリに シビれたで![; // --- Literal //We were nummed/electrocuted by the “ka mo NE” riding![; // --- Edited Your “Could be" couldn't be better![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A387C4) // 0x805e9ac //「サイコー!」の ノリが サイコーちゃう。[; // --- Literal //The “SAIKO-!” riding wasn't SAIKO. (Wasn't great/ the best)[; // --- Edited Your “The BEST!" wasn't your best.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $113CF4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A387C0) // 0x805e9d8 //「サイコー!」の ノリが サイコーやん![; // --- Literal //The “SAIKO-!” riding was SAIKO! (it's great/ the best!)[; // --- Edited Your “The BEST!" was exactly that![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7E0) // 0x8052d5c //これからも よろしく たのんまっせー!![; // --- Literal (google translate) //Sze asked まっ looking forward to hearing from you! ![; // --- Edited The record company wants a word with you two![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7DC) // 0x8052d84 //チェッ。 なんか 調子わるいわぁ。[; // --- Literal (google translate) //Checks. Wow something bad tone.[; // --- Edited I think our tone was off.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7D8) // 0x8052da8 //オレたち、 ダサいやん…[; // --- Literal //[l //Man, we're uncool.[; // --- Edited Man, we're uncool.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8C8) // 0x8052910 //リミックス 4[; // --- Literal //Remix 4[; // --- Edited Remix 4[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8CC) Sometimes all that[l you do is a blur and[l sometimes life just[l drags on and on. (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A54058) // 0x80680f0 //[l //いきます![; // --- Literal //[l //Here we go![; // --- Edited Listen! We got[l cool music in[l our studio![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A54184) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A567DC) // 0x80680fc //[l //どうぞ。[; // --- Literal //[l //Go ahead.[; // --- Edited Go ahead.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5422C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A56890) // 0x8068108 //[l //そこまで!![; // --- Literal //That's as far as you go!![; // --- Edited Freeze![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A542BC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A56A1C) // 0x8068118 //[l //ザンネン!![; // --- Literal //Too bad!![; // --- Edited Better luck[l next time.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5431C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A56AAC) // 0x8068128 //[l //おみごと!![; // --- Literal //[l //Impressive!![; // --- Edited Impressive![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5599C) //PM3:00 ですか? .b:1It’s 3 PM, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A55AA4) //a4b3cc //a53538 //おやつ ですか? .b:1It’s time for a snack, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; //unrelated? //#WRITE(RtPtr, $A6DC94) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A55BE8) //ほんとですか? .b:1That’s a bowl of chips, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A55CA8) //きぶんは サイコー!! .a:1Chips are .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A55DB0) // 0x8068138 //ゆっくり しよか[; // --- Literal //Let's slow it down[; // --- Edited [said by the Rap Men Okay, let’s slow it down.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5638C) // 0x806814c //[l //さいごです。[; // --- Literal //This is the last.[; // --- Edited Last one![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A56920) // 0x806815c //[l //さて、 正解は?[; // --- Literal //The, the correct answer?[; // --- Edited It all comes[l down to[l this.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A53A4C) // 0x80680d4 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //[l //A notification from a mysterious rhythm organization[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A534DC) // 0x806802c //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Not yet. / Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited That... could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A534D8) // 0x806803c //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty SAIKO--! (Pretty great!)[; // --- Edited That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A534EC) // 0x8068058 //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //Your power of judgement is active.[; // --- Edited You knew what was going on.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A534E8) // 0x806807c //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited You really knew what to do![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A534FC) // 0x80680a0 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish our skill more.[; // --- Edited Hone your skills a little more.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A534F8) // 0x80680bc //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //[l //Very technical![; // --- Edited Every detail was great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8E0) // 0x80528c0 //今回の天気 : ハッピーな晴れ!![; // --- Literal //The weather this time: Happy clear day!![; // --- Edited Your weather forecast... a happy, clear day![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8DC) // 0x80528e4 //今回の天気 : くもり[; // --- Literal //The weather this time: Cloudy[; // --- Edited Your weather forecast... cloudy and gray.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8D8) // 0x80528fc //今回の天気 : 雨[; // --- Literal //The weather this time: Rain[; // --- Edited Your weather forecast... rain, rain, and rain.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4A8) // 0x8053d78 //ホッピングロード[; // --- Literal //Hopping road[; // --- Edited Hopping Road[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4AC) // 0x8053d3c //とんでくる丸い玉。[l //あれはイイやつです。[l //落とさないでネ![; // --- Literal //The falling round balls.[l //Those are good things/guys.[l //Don't drop them![; // --- Edited (does have practice) The bouncing balls[l need your help.[l They're good to us, [l so don't drop them![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF0F0) // 0x805b810 //かぜのウワサ[; // --- Literal //The wind's gossip[; // --- Edited The Wind's Gossip[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF0AC) // 0x805b784 //きほんが できてないよね。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited Please practice a little more.[; // 0x805b7a2 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF0BC) // 0x805b7a4 //連続ジャンプで ミスが目立ちすぎよね。[; // --- Literal //The mistakes stand out on the successive/continuous jumps.[; // --- Edited Your inexperience shows on consecutive jumps.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF0B8) // 0x805b7cc //連続ジャンプが ファンタスティックだわ![; // --- Literal //The successive jumps are fantastic![; // --- Edited The successive hops are fantastic![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF0C8) // 0x805b7f8 //いい判断だったよね![; // --- Literal //It was good judgement![; // --- Edited Your rhythm kept everything flowing![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4C0) // 0x8053ce8 //かんたん かんたん♪[; // --- Literal //Simple simple♪[; // --- Edited This is super simple♪[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4BC) // 0x8053cfc //けっこうな コンビネーションだったネ![; // --- Literal //That was not a bad combination![; // --- Edited We're good partners![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4B8) // 0x8053d24 //なかなか ムズカシー![; // --- Literal //Pretty difficult-![; // --- Edited This is tough![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4E8) // 0x8053c40 //忍者[; // --- Literal //Ninja[; // --- Edited Ninja[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4EC) // 0x8053be8 //敵襲(てきしゅう)だ![l //十字ボタンとAボタンで応戦(おうせん)だ![l //フジヤマ(ふじさん)!![; // --- Literal //It's an enemy raid![l //Accepting the challange with the D-pad and the A-button![l //Fuji-yama (Fuji Mountain)!![; // --- Edited (no practice, but does have an opening scene) It's an enemy raid![l Take on their[l challenge with both[l of your hands. (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A012A0) // 0x805b988 //トノから ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from the feudal lord[; // --- Edited The Feudal Lord's Opinion[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A00080) // 0x805b8e0 //ちゃんと 守ってよネ…[; // --- Literal //Please protect properly...[; // --- Edited Please protect me properly...[; // 0x805b8fa //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A00090) // 0x805b8fc //すばやい 剣さばきが みじゅくである。[; // --- Literal //The fast sword handling is inexperienced/raw/unskilled.[; // --- Edited Your slow slashes are quickly angering me.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0008C) // 0x805b924 //すばやい 剣さばきであった![; // --- Literal //It was fast/agile sword handling![; // --- Edited Your agility with a sword is unmatched![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A000A0) // 0x805b944 //「四連矢」 に コテンパンである。[; // --- Literal (google translate) //It is Kotenpan to "four consecutive arrows."[; // --- Edited (It doesn't make sense for this to appear, might not be used in-game) You couldn't handle four arrows in a row.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0009C) // 0x805b968 //「四連矢返し」 が おみごと![; // --- Literal //The return/reflection/reaction to the 4 successive arrows was splendid/magnficent![; // --- Edited The four-arrow strike was rebuffed![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE500) // 0x8053b8c //アッパレって 言われちゃったゼ!![; // --- Literal //I was told, “bravo!,” baby!![; // --- Edited He told me “great job!"[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4FC) // 0x8053bb0 //トノ! ごめんなさ■い。[; // --- Literal //Feudal lord! Sooory~[; // --- Edited Forgive me, my lord![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4F8) // 0x8053bc8 //ゲッ! トノが きぜつしてる!![; // --- Literal //Uh oh! The feudal lord has fainted!![; // --- Edited No! The feudal lord has fainted![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6E8) // 0x8053248 //トスボーイズ[; // --- Literal //Toss Boys[; // --- Edited Toss Boys[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6EC) // 0x8053200 //なかよし3人組、[l //声をかけあいながら[l //いつも楽しくトスの[l //練習してます。[; // --- Literal //The close trio, they are always calling out to each other and practicing enjoyably.[; // --- Edited Practice your[l tossing technique[l with these three[l close friends![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A29194) // 0x805d7b4 //[l //なかよく れんしゅう中[; // --- Literal //In the middle of friendly practice[; // --- Edited We join our friends in the middle of practice...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A29614) // 0x805d7cc //ひっさつワザ 1[l //AB トストス[; // --- Literal //Killer Technique / Super Art 1[l //[l //A B Toss Toss[; // --- Edited Super Toss Technique 1[l A B Dual Toss[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A29BC0) // 0x805d7fc //[l //もう いっかい[; // --- Literal //One more time[; // --- Edited [l Try that one more time.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2A13C) // 0x805d80c //[l //いいね![; // --- Literal //Nice![; // --- Edited [l Nice technique![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2A1B4) // 0x805d818 //ひっさつワザ 2[l //セルフ ブルー[; // --- Literal //Killer Technique / Super Art 2[l //[l //Self Blue--[; // --- Edited Super Toss Technique 2[l Blue Blur Toss[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2A784) // 0x805d848 //[l //もう いっちょ■[; // --- Literal //One more timey~[; // --- Edited [l Do it one more time![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2AD24) // 0x805d85c //[l //そうそう!![; // --- Literal //Right right!![; // --- Edited [l That's exactly right![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2AD9C) // 0x805d86c //ひっさつワザ 3[l //イエロー クイック[; // --- Literal //Killer Technique / Super Art 3[l //[l //Yellow Quick[; // --- Edited Super Toss Technique 3[l Yellow Lightning Toss[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2B2E8) // 0x805d8a0 //[l //ワンス モア[; // --- Literal //Once more[; // --- Edited [l Once more, with heart![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2B804) // 0x805d8b0 //[l //オーケイ[; // --- Literal //Okay[; // --- Edited [l Okay![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2B888) // 0x805d8bc //[l //だいぶ いい感じなので、[; // --- Literal //Since it's fairly good,[; // --- Edited [l Since you seem to know what you're doing...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25C6C) // 0x805d78c //[l //ほんばん、 いきまーす![; // --- Literal //Here goes the real thing![; // --- Edited (first line of game when you skip practice) [l Let's toss for real![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2911C) // 0x805d7a8 //[l //おしまい。[; // --- Literal //The end.[; // --- Edited (appears at end of game) [l The End.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25BF4) // 0x805d778 //カントクのことば[; // --- Literal //The director's words[; // --- Edited Referee's Calls[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25BB0) // 0x805d6e0 //練習の成果が でてないな。[; // --- Literal //The results of practice are not appearing.[; // --- Edited Practice just isn't sticking with you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25BAC) // 0x805d6fc //きほんが できている![; // --- Literal //The basics are down![; // --- Edited Your tosses are looking good![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25BC0) // 0x805d714 //あせってないか?[; // --- Literal //Aren't you in a hurry?[; // --- Edited There's no need to rush.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25BBC) // 0x805d728 //かなり おちついてる![; // --- Literal //Pretty calm![; // --- Edited Everyone was calm and collected![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25BD0) // 0x805d740 //スピードに ついてこい。[; // --- Literal //Follow the speed.[; // --- Edited You need to keep pace better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25BCC) // 0x805d75c //速さをモノにしている!![; // --- Literal //You've made the speed yours!![; // --- Edited You've mastered the techniques![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE700) // 0x80531a0 //目標は、 トス世界選手権 優勝だー!![; // --- Literal (google translate) //The goal is to toss ー's World Champion! ![; // --- Edited Next, we'll become World Champion Tossers![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6FC) // 0x80531c8 //まだまだもっと上手にできるはず![; // --- Literal //We can still get much much better![; // --- Edited We're good, but we can get better![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6F8) // 0x80531ec //ダメダメだァ■![; // --- Literal //No good no good~!![; // --- Edited No good, no good at all!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE688) // 0x8053394 //花火[; // --- Literal //Fireworks[; // --- Edited Fireworks[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE68C) // 0x8053358 //夏といえばさ、[l //やっぱ花火かな?[l //色あざやかに[l //打ち上げよう![; // --- Literal //If it's summer, it's time for fireworks.[l //Let's launch them with vivid colors![; // --- Edited If it's summer, that[l means it's time for[l fireworks. The colors[l are amazing![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AAC4) // 0x805cde0 //・・・ おまつり まえ ・・・[; // --- Literal //... before the festival ...[; // --- Edited ... before the festival ...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AB24) // 0x805ce00 //とっくんだ![; // --- Literal //A crash course![; // --- Edited It’s time for a crash course![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AB6C) // 0x805ce10 //「ハイ!」 のあいずで Aボタン[; // --- Literal //The A button at the “HAI! (GO/NOW!)” signal[; // --- Edited You just press A on my signal![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1ABD8) // 0x805ce34 //まずは、 「 ふつう の ハナビ 」[; // --- Literal //First, “Ordinary Firework”[; // --- Edited First up is the “Rhythm Rocket”.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AC8C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AD88) // 0x805ce5c //.bいち .bに .bさん  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //one two three HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .bOne .bTwo .bThree .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1ACD4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1ADD0) // 0x805ce80 //.dいち .bに .bさん  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //one two three HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dOne .bTwo .bThree .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AD04) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AE00) // 0x805cea4 //.dいち .dに .bさん  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //one two three HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dOne .dTwo .bThree .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AD28) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AE24) // 0x805cec8 //.dいち .dに .dさん  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //one two three HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dOne .dTwo .dThree .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AD4C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AE48) // 0x805ceec // .cいち .cに .cさん .c:0ハイ![; // --- Literal //one two three HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .cOne .cTwo .cThree .cGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AECC) // 0x805cf10 //「 きあい の ハナビ 」[; // --- Literal //”Yelling/Spirit Fireworks”[; // --- Edited Next up, the fiery “Spirit Sparkler”![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AF80) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B088) // 0x805cf2c //.bぬ.bえ.bい.b!  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Nuei! HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .bRe.ba.bd.by! .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AFC8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B0D0) // 0x805cf4c //.dぬ.bえ.bい.b!  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Nuei! HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dRe.ba.bd.by! .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AFE0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B0E8) // 0x805cf6c //.dぬ.dえ.bい.b!  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Nuei! HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dRe.da.bd.by! .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1AFF8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B100) // 0x805cf8c //.dぬ.dえ.dい.b!  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Nuei! HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dRe.da.dd.dy! .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B010) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B118) // 0x805cfac //.dぬ.dえ.dい.d!  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Nuei! HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dRe.da.dd.dy! .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B040) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B148) // 0x805cfcc // .cぬ.cえ.cい.c! .c:0ハイ![; // --- Literal //Nuei! HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .cRe.ca.cd.cy! .cGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B1D8) // 0x805cfec //「 シメ の タイコボンバー 」[; // --- Literal //Drum/Taiko Bomber of Closure[; // --- Edited Finally, the “Taiko Drum Bomb”![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B28C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B370) // 0x805d010 //.bた.bま.bや.b■  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Tama ya~ (It's a ball~) HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .bIt’s .ba .bball.b~ .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B2BC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B3A0) // 0x805d030 //.dた.bま.bや.b■  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Tama ya~ (It's a ball~) HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dIt’s .ba .bball.b~ .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B2D4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B3B8) // 0x805d050 //.dた.dま.bや.b■  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Tama ya~ (It's a ball~) HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dIt’s .da .bball.b~ .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B2EC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B3D0) // 0x805d070 //.dた.dま.dや.b■  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Tama ya~ (It's a ball~) HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dIt’s .da .dball.b~ .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B304) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B3E8) // 0x805d090 //.dた.dま.dや.d■  .bハイ![; // --- Literal //Tama ya~ (It's a ball~) HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .dIt’s .da .dball.d~ .bGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B328) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B40C) // 0x805d0b0 // .cた.cま.cや.c■ .c:0ハイ![; // --- Literal //Tama ya~ (It's a ball~) HAI! (GO!/NOW!)[; // --- Edited .cIt’s .ca .cball.c~ .cGO![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B4B4) // 0x805d0d0 //さあ、 ではホンバン![; // --- Literal //Okay, now for the real thing![; // --- Edited Now you’re ready to play with fire![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1B514) // 0x805d0e8 //あいずは ナシだぜ・・・[; // --- Literal //No signals from now on...[; // --- Edited Listen for your cue, and don’t fizzle![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19DA4) // 0x805cdc8 //オヤカタから ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from the master[; // --- Edited //Words of the Master Fireworksmith[; Words from the Master Pyrotechnician[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19D74) // 0x805cd60 //もっとハデに キメようぜ![; // --- Literal //Let's hit the marks with more flash![; // --- Edited You fired a lot of duds![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19D70) // 0x805cd7c //すばらしい うちあげっぷりだ!![; // --- Literal //Fantastic launching/shooting manner!![; // --- Edited You filled the sky with beautiful light!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19D84) // 0x805cda0 //反応が おそいぞ![; // --- Literal //Your reaction is slow![; // --- Edited You kept missing the cues![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19D80) // 0x805cdb4 //いい反応してるな![; // --- Literal //Making good reactions![; // --- Edited You reacted right on cue!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6A0) // 0x8053308 //花火のことならオレにまかせろ!![; // --- Literal //Leave the fireworks to me!![; // --- Edited Just leave the fireworks to me!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE69C) // 0x805332c //なかなかのデキだぜ![; // --- Literal (google translate) //I'm quite a Deki![; // --- Edited I think I put on a pretty good show![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE698) // 0x8053344 //ゲホゲホッ… 失敗。[; // --- Literal //Cough cough... failure.[; // --- Edited Hack cough... where'd everyone go?![; //Begin Tap Trial section. #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5C8) // 0x8053790 //タップダンズ[; // --- Literal //Tap Dance[; // --- Edited Tap Trial[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5CC) // 0x805374c //あなたは女の子。[l //となりのサルたちに[l //合わせてタップを[l //きざむッス![; // --- Literal //You're a girl.[l //Tap by matching the monkeys at your side![; // --- Edited Think you've got[l what it takes to[l tap-dance with[l the monkeys?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DC30) // 0x805c348 //タップしましょ![; // --- Literal //Let's tap![; // --- Edited Let’s tap![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DCCC) // 0x805c35c //まず、 れんしゅう。[; // --- Literal //First, practice.[; // --- Edited Practice first![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DD44) // 0x805c374 //マネしてね。[; // --- Literal //Mimic, OK?[; // --- Edited Just copy us![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DDBC) // 0x805c384 //OK! つぎでーす。[; // --- Literal //OK! Next-![; // --- Edited OK, new step![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DE40) // 0x805c39c //OK! まだあるヨ。[; // --- Literal //OK! There's more![; // --- Edited Nice! One more![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DEC4) // 0x805c3b4 //OK! ラストです。[; // --- Literal //OK! Last one.[; // --- Edited Good! Last one![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DF60) // 0x805c3cc //OK![; // --- Literal //OK![; // --- Edited Ookii![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FE20) // 0x805c75c //OK! おつかれさま![; // --- Literal //OK! Good Job![; // --- Edited [tap okay good job[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0D12C) // 0x805c300 //ほんばん スタート![; // --- Literal //Real thing, START![; // --- Edited (first line of actual game) Let’s dance![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0D1A4) // 0x805c318 //チェックしちゃうもんね。[; // --- Literal //Gonna check, OK?[; // --- Edited (giraffe's first line) I love tap![; //Let's tap!Practice first!Just copy us!OK, new step!Nice! One more!Good! Last one! //Ookii!Let's dance!I love tap!What a performance! //Divine!Dazzling!Great technique!You're on top of it!I think I'm in love! #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E8064) // 0x805a8c0 //ホレたー!![; // --- Literal //I've fallen in love![; // --- Edited I think I’m in love![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E8060) // 0x805a8d0 //イカスッす!![; // --- Literal //Sharp/Stylish/Cool!![; // --- Edited Dazzling![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E805C) // 0x805a8e0 //テクニシャン![; // --- Literal //Technician![; // --- Edited Great technique![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E8058) // 0x805a8f0 //カッコイイ!![; // --- Literal //Cool!![; // --- Edited Divine![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E8054) // 0x805a900 //うまいっス!![; // --- Literal //Skillful/Splendid!![; // --- Edited You’re on top of it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0DBAC) // 0x805c334 //おつかれちゃん。[; // --- Literal //Good job. (in cutesy talk)[; // --- Edited (giraffe's last line) What a performance![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0D0C0) // 0x805c2ec //サルの ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from the Sarus (Monkey)[; // --- Edited Talent Scout Report[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CEAC) // 0x805c248 //きほんが できてないかも…[; // --- Literal //Might be that the basics are not down...[; // --- Edited Your basics were a little sloppy.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CEA8) // 0x805c264 //なじんでるネ![; // --- Literal //You've gotten the hang of it, huh!?[; // --- Edited You showed real rhythm potential![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CEBC) // 0x805c274 //判断力が たりないかも…[; // --- Literal //Might not have enough power of judgement.[; // --- Edited You seemed to be looking for the rhythm.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CEB8) // 0x805c290 //たいした 判断力だヨ![; // --- Literal //Great power of judgement![; // --- Edited You had nice rhythm awareness![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CECC) // 0x805c2a8 //もっと集中しよう。[; // --- Literal //Let's concentrate/focus more.[; // --- Edited You needed to concentrate more.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CEC8) // 0x805c2bc //すごい集中力だヨ■![; // --- Literal //Amazing concentration/focus![; // --- Edited You were clearly concentrating hard.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CEDC) // 0x805c2d4 //ツメが甘いかも。[; // --- Literal (google translate) [[ //Will be sweet nails[; // --- Edited [tap sweet nails??[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CED8) // 0x805c2e8 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5E0) // 0x8053700 //気分は もう、サイコー!![; // --- Literal //The best feeling-![; // --- Edited It feels good to belong![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5DC) // 0x805371c //ちょっと、 ヘンなトコあったけどネ![; // --- Literal //Although there were some strange parts![; // --- Edited Pretty good...for a human.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5D8) // 0x8053740 //無念だわ。[; // --- Literal //Regret.[; // --- Edited Disappointing...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8E8) // 0x80528b0 //リミックス 5[; // --- Literal //Remix 5[; // --- Edited Remix 5[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8EC) We edited together[l some footage from[l “Rhythm Heaven” for[l our music video! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A648C8) // 0x806a2f4 //♪ WISH 君を待てなくて [; // --- Literal //♪ WISH Couldn't Wait for You[; // --- Edited [[check the title is translated correctly ♪ WISH Couldn't Wait for You [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66818) // 0x806a314 // うた  田中 総史[; // --- Literal //Sung by: Tanaka Soushi[; // --- Edited Sung by: Tanaka Soushi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66B24) // 0x806a32c //作詞 作曲[l //        つんく[l //編曲[l //        湯浅 公一[; // --- Literal //Lyrics/Song by:Tsunku[l //[l //Arrangement by Yuasa Kouichi[; // --- Edited Lyrics by:[l         Tsunku[l Arrangement by:[l         Yuasa Kouichi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66C68) // 0x806a370 //提供  J.P.ROOM[; // --- Literal [[probably can be reworded - check with someone who knows Japanese //Sponsoring: J.P. ROOM[; // --- Edited Sponsored by: J.P. ROOM[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A64868) // 0x806a2d8 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //A message from the Mysterious Rhythm Organization.[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A64824) // 0x806a230 //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Not quite yet. / Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited That... could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A64820) // 0x806a240 //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty greeaaat![; // --- Edited That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A64834) // 0x806a25c //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //You power of judgement is active.[; // --- Edited Your judgement is so-so.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A64830) // 0x806a280 //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Amazing power of judgement![; // --- Edited Your judgement is fantastic![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A64844) // 0x806a2a4 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish your skill more.[; // --- Edited Work on your skills some more.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A64840) // 0x806a2c0 //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //Very Technical![; // --- Edited Technical finesse![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE900) // 0x8052834 //今回のふたり : 幸せになりました♪[; // --- Literal //The pair this time: They lived happily ever after♪[; // --- Edited The couple's future... happily ever after![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8FC) // 0x8052858 //今回のふたり : このさき、チョット不安かも…[; // --- Literal //The pair this time: From now on, a bit anxious...[; // --- Edited The couple's future... an awkward wedding.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE8F8) // 0x8052888 //今回のふたり : ジャマされてしまった![; // --- Literal //The pair this time: They were totally bothered![; // --- Edited The couple's future... forever apart![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3A8) // 0x8054330 //バリバリ三人衆[; // --- Literal //Hard Working Trio[; // --- Edited Trio On Tour[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3AC) // 0x80542f0 //ラフだった彼らが[l //バリっとスーツを[l //着てきたヨ![l //カッコイイ!![; // --- Literal (Google translate) //They were rough[l //Innovation Bali a suit[l //Yo I've been wearing![l //Cool!![; // --- Edited The Clappy Trio[l is on a world tour![l Their new style is[l just too cool! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A498F0) // 0x8067c74 //なかまの声[; // --- Literal //Voices of friends[; // --- Edited Peer Review[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A498AC) // 0x8067bc4 //イマイチだったねぇ…[; // --- Literal //It was so-so...[; // --- Edited You can do better than that...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A498A8) // 0x8067bdc //だいぶ よかったヨ![; // --- Literal //Over all pretty good![; // --- Edited You've got the basics down pat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A498BC) // 0x8067bf4 //ゆったりするところが なんだかなァ…[; // --- Literal //The slow/calm parts were kinda...[; // --- Edited The slow claps messed you up.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A498B8) // 0x8067c1c //ゆったりするところが よかったヨ![; // --- Literal //The calm/slow parts were good![; // --- Edited The slow claps were great![; // 0x8067c42 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A498C8) // 0x8067c44 //あんなトコ よく キメたネ■! すごいヨー!![; // --- Literal //You nailed THAT kind of part~! Amazing--!![; // --- Edited (Refers to the part where all three clap simultaneously, you must hit that for this comment to appear) Wow! You nailed the simultaneous clap![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3C0) // 0x805429c //息ピッタリでーす! イェーイ![; // --- Literal //Perfectly in sync! Yay![; // --- Edited The Clappy Trio is still in perfect sync![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3BC) // 0x80542bc //あとチョットなんだけどね…[; // --- Literal //Just a little more...[; // --- Edited I need just a little more practice...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3B8) // 0x80542d8 //キャー! ゆるしてー!![; // --- Literal //Ahh-! Forgive me![; // --- Edited Oh no! I've done it again![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE848) // 0x8052b70 //ボンダンス[; // --- Literal //Bon dance[; // --- Edited The☆Bon Dance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE84C) // 0x8052b34 //これが いまどきの[l //ぼんおどり![l //ノリノリだヨ![l //イェーイ![; // --- Literal //Bon-odori![l //I'm/We're in high spirits![l //Yay![; // --- Edited It's time for the[l Bon festival again![l We're all in high[l spirits, yay! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67160) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67AE4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69368) // 0x806a458 //.0:0ハァ■[; // --- Literal //Haa~[; // --- Edited .0:0Ha[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67190) // 0x806a464 //.0:0はなび あがれば■[; // --- Literal //Hanabi agareba~ (When the fireworks go up)[; // --- Edited .0:0When rockets start to fly[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A672C8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67C4C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69464) // 0x806a47c //.1:0ど:1ーん .1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん[; // --- Literal //Do--n do--n pa--n pa--n[; // --- Edited .1:0Don do .2:0pan pa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A672F8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67C7C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68B1C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69494) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6A3A0) // 0x806a4b8 //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //Dondo pa--n pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Dondo .2:0pan pa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A675F8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67F7C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69794) // 0x806a4e4 //.0:0ハァ■ ア■[; // --- Literal //Ha~ Ah~[; // --- Edited .0:0Ha Ah[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67628) // 0x806a4f8 //.0:0かんせい あがる■[; // --- Literal //Kansei agaru~ (Cheers go up)[; // --- Edited .0:0Cheers will fill the sky[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67760) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A680E4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A698FC) // 0x806a510 //.2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .1:0ど:1んど .1:0ど:1ーん[; // --- Literal //pa--n pa--n dondo do--n[; // --- Edited .2:0Pan .2:0pa .1:0dondo .1:0do[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67790) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68114) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6992C) // 0x806a54c //.2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ .1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //Panpa do--n pan[; // --- Edited .2:0Panpa .1:0do .2:0pa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67B14) // 0x806a57c //.0:0にんき あがれば■[; // --- Literal //Ninki agareba~ (If popularity goes up)[; // --- Edited .0:0When the spirits are high[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A67FAC) // 0x806a594 //.0:0きゅうりょう あがる■[; // --- Literal //Kyuuryou agaru~ (The wages/income/sales increase)[; // --- Edited .0:0The more people will buy[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68468) // 0x806a5b0 //.0:0まつりだ わっしょい![; // --- Literal //Matsuri da wasshoi! (It's a festival wasshoi!)[; // --- Edited .0:0It’s a festival, hooray![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68558) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69D70) // 0x806a5cc //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ .1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ[; // --- Literal //dondo panpa dondo panpa[; // --- Edited .1:0Dondo .2:0panpa .1:0dondo .2:0panpa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68750) // 0x806a610 //.0:0にっぽんじゅうが わっしょい![; // --- Literal //Nippon juu ga wasshoi! (All of Japan say/says wasshoi!)[; // --- Edited .0:0All Japan says hooray![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68870) // 0x806a634 //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //Dondo panpa pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Dondo .2:0panpa .2:0pa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68A5C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6A2E0) // 0x806a664 //.0:0ソレ ひっくり かえって[; // --- Literal //Sore hikkuri kaette (Yeah!/That's it! Twirl around and)[; // --- Edited .0:0Now we turn around and[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68CE4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6A568) // 0x806a684 //.0:0ハァ■ ぼんおどり[; // --- Literal //Haa~ Bon-odori[; // --- Edited .0:0Haa~ Bon-Odori[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68DBC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6A640) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6AAF0) // 0x806a69c //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ[; // --- Literal //dondo panpa[; // --- Edited .1:0Dondo .2:0panpa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68DEC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6A670) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6AB20) // 0x806a6c0 //.2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ .1:0ど:1んど[; // --- Literal //panpa dondo[; // --- Edited .2:0Panpa .1:0dondo[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A68E1C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6A6A0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6AB50) // 0x806a6e4 //.2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //Pa--n panpa pan[; // --- Edited .2:0Pan .2:0panpa .2:0pa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69398) // 0x806a718 //.0:0アメが あがれば■[; // --- Literal //Ame ga agareba~ (When/if the rain stops)[; // --- Edited .0:0When the rain is dry[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A697C4) // 0x806a730 //.0:0やぐらに あがる■[; // --- Literal //Yagura ni agaru~ (go up to the turret/scaffold)[; // --- Edited .0:0Climb the turret and spy[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69C50) // 0x806a748 //.0:0ほら! まつりだ わっしょい![; // --- Literal //Hora! Matsuri da wasshoi! (Hey! It's a festival wasshoi!)[; // --- Edited .0:0It’s a festival, hooray![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A69F68) // 0x806a76c //.0:0これぞ[; // --- Literal //Kore zo (This is it!)[; // --- Edited .0:0This is it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6A070) // 0x806a778 //.0:0メイド イン ジャ.2パ:1ン[; // --- Literal //Meido in Japan (Made in JaPAN)[; // --- Edited .0:0It’s made in Ja.2pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6AFB8) // 0x806a798 //.2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //pan[; // --- Edited .2:0Pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66E3C) // 0x806a448 //まわりの評判[; // --- Literal //The surroundings' rating/judgement[; // --- Edited Crowd's Reaction[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66DE4) // 0x806a384 //前半が いまひとつだったなぁ。[; // --- Literal //The first half was not quite...[; // --- Edited The first half wasn't so good...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66DE0) // 0x806a3a4 //前半、ばっちりだね![; // --- Literal //The first half was right on![; // --- Edited The first half was right on![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66DF4) // 0x806a3bc //後半、もりさがっちゃってたなぁ。[; // --- Literal //The last half got exciting/rousing.[; // --- Edited (this is a bad comment) The second half was kind of clumsy.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66DF0) // 0x806a3e0 //後半で もりあがったね■![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited The second half was fantastic![; // 0x806a3fe //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66E00) // 0x806a400 //クライマックスが きまってた!![; // --- Literal //You hit the climax!![; // --- Edited (superb comment) The climax was perfect!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A66E10) // 0x806a424 //さいごに ちゃんと シメてたね![; // --- Literal //You properly finished off the ending, huh![; // --- Edited (good but not superb comment) The last pan was good![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE860) // 0x8052ae4 //ボンダンスって すごく楽しいよネー![; // --- Literal //Bon dancing is awful fun![; // --- Edited Bon dancing is awfully fun![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE85C) // 0x8052b08 //うーん、雨がふってきちゃった。[; // --- Literal //Darn, it's raining.[; // --- Edited Oh darn, it's raining.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE858) // 0x8052b28 //もういや…[; // --- Literal //Forget it...[; // --- Edited Just forget it...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7A8) // 0x8052ea4 //コスモダンス[; // --- Literal //Cosmo Dance[; // --- Edited Cosmo Dance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7AC) // 0x8052e68 //宇宙を代表する[l //ダンサーたち![l //キレた動きに[l //くぎづけです!![; // --- Literal //Dancers that represent the space![l //Nailing down sharp moves![; // --- Edited We are emissaries[l from deep space.[l We come... in style.[l (No practice)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A578B4) // 0x8068310 //レッツゴー![; // --- Literal //Let's go![; // --- Edited (at start of game) Take us to your dance floor![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A57884) // 0x80682f4 //スペースおねえさんの意見[; // --- Literal //Space older sister's opinion[; // --- Edited Space Sister's Summary[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A577C8) // 0x806824c //なんだか 乱れてたなぁ。[; // --- Literal //Got somehow disorderly...[; // --- Edited You guys got all out of order.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A577C4) // 0x8068268 //息が あってたネ![; // --- Literal //Your breath was on the mark![; // --- Edited Hey, you all kept in time![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A577D8) // 0x806827c //ちょっと あわててたなぁ。[; // --- Literal //Got a little confused/disorganized.[; // --- Edited C'mon, try to remember the moves.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A577D4) // 0x8068298 //よい判断をしてるネ![; // --- Literal //You have good judgement![; // --- Edited Your choreography paid off![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A577E8) // 0x80682b0 //サビの手前が ガタガタだったなぁ。[; // --- Literal (google translate) //I wish it was in front of the rust ruins.[; // --- Edited Are you trying to hit each other?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A577E4) // 0x80682d4 //サビの手前が キマってたネ![; // --- Literal (google translate) //I was in front of the rust ネ Kemah![; // --- Edited Your dance moves were out of this world![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7C0) // 0x8052e0c //ボクたちは スーパーコスモスターさ!![; // --- Literal //We're super cosmo stars!![; // --- Edited We are super cosmo stars!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7BC) // 0x8052e34 //あなたたちって こんなものなの?[; // --- Literal //Is this what you guys are?[; // --- Edited Is that all you guys have?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7B8) // 0x8052e54 //お、おわりだー!![; // --- Literal //I-it's over!![; // --- Edited M-mission failed!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7E8) // 0x8052d4c //ラップウイメン[; // --- Literal //[l //Rap Women[; // --- Edited Rap Women[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7EC) // 0x8052d04 //あのラップメンに[l //ライバルが登場だ![l //キュートなボイスに[l //もう メロメロ![; // --- Literal //It's the appearance of rivals to those Rap Men![l //Intoxicated by that cute voice![; // --- Edited The rivals of the[l Rap Men are here![l Be charmed by their[l cute voices! (NP)[; //Coming soon![l //Twitter.com/[l //rh0updates[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B5D0) // 0x8067d84 //いこっか[; // --- Literal //Shall we?[; // --- Edited Like, shall we start?[; //Rap Women block #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B804) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4BEE8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C428) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C854) //AM10:00 ですか? //.b:1AM10:00 ですか?[; .b:1It’s 10 AM, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B654) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B9B4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C314) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C740) //おやつ ですか? .b:1It’s time for a snack, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4BDC8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C620) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4CE6C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D694) //ナイショですか? //Is it secret? .b:1It’s our little secret, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4BFFC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4CB78) //カレのおやつ だね //I guy his tail .9:1The Rap Men are out, .9:0it could be.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C53C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4CD88) //たべていー かもネ //Maybe ー and eat .9:1They’ve got snacks, I .9:0could see.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C104) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4CC80) //あけていー かもネ //Maybe ー is open .9:1Their door is open... .9:0could it be?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4BAD4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4CA70) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4CF8C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D5BC) //おやつは サイコー!! //Snack is soooo good! ! .a:1Snacks are .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4BCE4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D19C) //きぶんは サイコー!! //Mood is soooo good! ! .a:1They make you feel .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4BBDC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D094) //あまくて サイコー!! //Soooo sweet! ! .a:1Sweet or salty is .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D2A4) //べつばら サイコー!! //second stomach for snacks (per e-mail) .a:1Raps and snacks are .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C20C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4C968) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D3AC) //カレには ナイショー!! //He ー secret! ! .a:1Secret snacking is .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D4B4) //ダレにも ナイショ //Secret to anyone .a:1Now let’s wrap this rap to .a:0digest.8:1[; //End of Rap Women rap #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4D838) // 0x8067d90 //またやろな■[; // --- Literal //Let's do it again some time~[; // --- Edited Let’s totally do that again some time~![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B558) // 0x8067d70 //アノコらのコメント[; // --- Literal //Comments from those girls[; // --- Edited Pink and Blue's Rival Rap Review[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B514) // 0x8067c80 //「ですか?」の ノリが あかん。[; // --- Literal //The “Desu ka?” groove is no good.[; // --- Edited Your “Isn't it" totally wasn't.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B510) // 0x8067ca4 //「ですか?」の ノリが バッチリや![; // --- Literal //The “Desu ka?” groove is right on![; // --- Edited Your “Isn't it" totally was![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B524) // 0x8067ccc //「かもネ」の ノリが キビシーッス。[; // --- Literal //The “Kamo NE” groove is severe.[; // --- Edited Your “Could be" could use a rest.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B520) // 0x8067cf4 //「かもネ」の ノリに シビれたで![; // --- Literal //The “Kamo NE” groove is numb![; // --- Edited Your “Could be" will be a hit![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B534) // 0x8067d18 //「サイコー!」の ノリが サイコーちゃう。[; // --- Literal //The “SAIKO--!” groove is not saiko (not great).[; // --- Edited Like, your “The BEST" wasn't your best.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4B530) // 0x8067d44 //「サイコー!」の ノリが サイコーやん![; // --- Literal //The “SAIKO--!” groove is saiko (great)![; // --- Edited Your “The BEST" was, like, exactly that![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE800) // 0x8052c9c //そうそう コレコレ、これやわー!!イェーイ![; // --- Literal //Yes, yes! This! This! This is it!! Yay![; // --- Edited Those rap boys have nothing on us![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7FC) // 0x8052cc8 //なんか ちょっと イマイチかも…![; // --- Literal //It might not be very good...![; // --- Edited We can't lose to the Rap Men...![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE7F8) // 0x8052cec //こんなん ちゃうわぁ…[; // --- Literal //I'm in a fix....[; // --- Edited That was not our best take...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5E8) // 0x80536f0 //スーパータップ[; // --- Literal //Super Tap[; // --- Edited Turbo Tap Trial[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5EC) // 0x80536a8 //サルがパワーアップ![l //あなたは かれらに[l //ついていけるか!?[l //まけるな■![; // --- Literal //The monkeys power up![l //Can you follow them?[l //Don't lose![; // --- Edited The monkeys have[l powered up! Can you[l keep up? Don't lose![l (No practice.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48BA8) // 0x8067bb8 //ついてきナ[; // --- Literal //Follow.[; // --- Edited [Super Tap Trial Follow.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48B18) // 0x8067ba0 //SALUから ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from SALU[; // --- Edited A Word from MAN-K[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48AD4) // 0x8067b28 //イケてない。[; // --- Literal //Not good at it.[; // --- Edited Not good enough.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48AD0) // 0x8067b38 //イケてる! イケてる![; // --- Literal //You're good at it! You're good at it![; // --- Edited You're good at it! You're good at it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48AE4) // 0x8067b50 //スピードが 足りないナ。[; // --- Literal //The speed is insufficient.[; // --- Edited You can't keep up the speed.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48AE0) // 0x8067b6c //いいスピードだゼ![; // --- Literal //Nice speed, yo![; // --- Edited Your taps were like lightning![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48AF4) // 0x8067b80 //テク不足だナ。[; // --- Literal //The technique is insufficient.[; // --- Edited Your technique needs work.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A48AF0) // 0x8067b90 //テクが ある![; // --- Literal //You have technique![; // --- Edited Your technique is flawless![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE600) // 0x8053660 //この気持ち、とまらなーい![; // --- Literal //This feeling won't stop-![; // --- Edited With tap, we can do anything![; //This feeling won't stop![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5FC) // 0x805367c //う■ん… すこし ちがうカンジ…[; // --- Literal //Hmm... feels a little off.[; // --- Edited Hm... feels a little off.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5F8) // 0x805369c //ガーン![; // --- Literal (google translate) //Gah![; // --- Edited We're tapped out![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE908) // 0x8052824 //リミックス 6[; // --- Literal //Remix 6[; // --- Edited Remix 6[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE90C) This is it![l Everyone's here[l to test everything[l you've learned! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B300) // 0x806a86c //それでは ここで おさらいを はじめる![; // --- Literal //[l //Well then, here is where you start rehearsal![; // --- Edited Okay, here’s the opening act![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B474) // 0x806a898 //さきに いっとくが、 わりと カンタンだ!![; // --- Literal //[l //I'll say this ahead of time, but it's relatively simple!![; // --- Edited Don’t be daunted! It’s easy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B5E8) // 0x806a8c8 //たのしんでネ![; // --- Literal //[l //Have fun![; // --- Edited And above all, have fun![;[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6BE94) // 0x806a8d8 //[l //いきます![;[; // --- Literal //[l //Here we/you/I go![; // --- Edited How many are in[l the Clappy Trio?[;[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6BFCC) // 0x806a8e4 //[l //どうぞ。[;[; // --- Literal //[l //By all means.[; // --- Edited Let's hear you[l hit the buttons![;[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6C0A4) // 0x806a8f0 //[l //そこまで!![;[; // --- Literal //That's as far as you go!![; // --- Edited [l Survey says...[;[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6C164) // 0x806a900 //[l //ザンネン!![;[; // --- Literal //Too bad!![; // --- Edited Counting is[l not for you![;[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6C1C4) // 0x806a910 //[l //おみごと!![;[; // --- Literal //[l //Splendid!![; // --- Edited You're a[l winner again![;[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6DB5C) //キミって サイコー!! .a:1You are .a:0the BEST!!.8:1[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6DC94) //ほんとですか? .b:1It’s all good, .b:0isn’t it?.8:1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6E024) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6E054) // 0x806a920 //.1:0ど:1んど .2:0ぱ.2:1ん.2:0ぱ[; // --- Literal //dondo paana[; // --- Edited .1:0Dondo .2:0panpa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6E084) // 0x806a944 //.1:0ど:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ーん .2:0ぱ.2:1ん[; // --- Literal //do--n pa--n pan[; // --- Edited .1:0Do-n .2:0pa-n .2:0pan[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F3EC) // 0x806a970 //おわり![; // --- Literal //It's done! / Finish! / The end![; // --- Edited That’s the end![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B258) // 0x806a850 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //A message from the Mysterious Rhythm Organization[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B140) // 0x806a7a8 //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited That... could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B13C) // 0x806a7b8 //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty greeaaat![; // --- Edited That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B150) // 0x806a7d4 //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //Your power of judgement is active.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B14C) // 0x806a7f8 //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B160) // 0x806a81c //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish our skills more.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6B15C) // 0x806a838 //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //Very technical![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE920) // 0x80527b8 //今回の内容 : アンビリーバボーなカンジ!![; // --- Literal //The content this time: Unbelievable feeling!![; // --- Edited Your fishtank contains... something unbelievable![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE91C) // 0x80527e4 //今回の内容 : 意外なカンジ[; // --- Literal //The content this time: Unexpected feeling.[; // --- Edited Your fishtank contains... something unexpected![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE918) // 0x8052800 //今回の内容 : ややさみしいカンジ[; // --- Literal //The content this time: Lonely feeling[; // --- Edited Your fishtank contains... something lonely.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE368) // 0x8054480 //カラテ家 2[; // --- Literal //Karate-ist 2[; // --- Edited Karate Man 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE36C) // 0x805443c //とんでくるモノを[l //Aボタンでパンチ![l //でも、 スピードが[l //ヘンテコだヨ。[; // --- Literal //Punch the incoming objects with button A![l //But the speed changes![; // --- Edited Let's punch to the[l rhythm again...[l But watch for the[l tempo change! (NP)[; //Coming soon![l //Twitter.com/[l //rh0updates[;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F855C) // 0x805b480 //師匠のおことば[; // --- Literal //The master's words[; // --- Edited Wisdom from the Master[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F84F8) // 0x805b3a8 //きほんが できてませんね。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited You still need to focus on the basics.[; // 0x805b3c6 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F8508) // 0x805b3c8 //速いのに ついていけてないな。[; // --- Literal //You can't follow the fast parts.[; // --- Edited You couldn't keep up with the fast parts.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F8504) // 0x805b3e8 //速いのは バッチシだね![; // --- Literal //You're right on on the fast parts![; // --- Edited You kept your cool during the fast parts![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F8518) // 0x805b404 //スローで 乱れてるね。[; // --- Literal //The slow parts are in disorder.[; // --- Edited The slow parts were a mess.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F8514) // 0x805b41c //スローのとき おちついている![; // --- Literal //You're calm/steady during the slow parts![; // --- Edited You kept steady when it got slow![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F8528) // 0x805b43c //あそこは おさえてほしかった...[; // --- Literal //We wanted you to be able to control/check/supress that part...[; // --- Edited (appeared when I missed the super slow parts) You couldn't handle the super-slow parts.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F8524) // 0x805b460 //超スローでも どうじてない![; // --- Literal //You didn't get perturbed by the super slow part![; // --- Edited You punched through the super slow parts![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE380) // 0x80543e4 //ざっと こんなモンだぜー!![; // --- Literal //Roughly, it's like this, baby-!![; // --- Edited This is how you do it, baby![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE37C) // 0x8054400 //ま、さておき。 ごはん 食べよう![; // --- Literal (google translate) //Well, I aside. Let's eat![; // --- Edited Well, that's good enough. So let's eat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE378) // 0x8054424 //テンポが なんだー!![; // --- Literal //What is tempo-!!?/What's with your tempo-!![; // --- Edited What was wrong with the tempo?![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE468) // 0x8053ee8 //リズム脱毛 2[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Hair Removal 2[; // --- Edited Vegeta-Pull 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE46C) // 0x8053ea0 //またしても生えてくる[l //うっとうしい「毛」![l //ぬいちゃえ、 [l //ぬいちゃえ![; // --- Literal //The gloomy hairs are growing again![l //Pluck'em,[l //pluck'em![; // --- Edited The hairs are gone, [l but their heirs[l are a huge pain![l (No practice.)[; //It's five o'clock[l //and the weird[l //hairs are back![l //(No practice.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB914) // 0x805b634 //ながい毛が 処理できてません。[; // --- Literal //The long hairs aren't taken care of.[; // --- Edited Can you re-do the long hairs?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB910) // 0x805b654 //ながい毛が すっきりです![; // --- Literal //The long hairs are clear/neat![; // --- Edited The long hairs are no longer![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB924) // 0x805b670 //多いところが ぬきのこしすぎです。[; // --- Literal //There's too much left unplucked in the parts where there was a lot.[; // --- Edited [[re 2 When the cutting gets tough, you cut and run.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB920) // 0x805b694 //多かったところ、 ツルツルです![; // --- Literal //The parts where there was a lot are smooth![; // --- Edited Lots of hair today, was gone tomorrow![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FB930) // 0x805b6b8 //超すばやい ぬきっぷりです! エライ!![; // --- Literal //Super fast plucking manner! Excellent![; // --- Edited Super fast plucking style! Excellent![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE480) // 0x8053e2c //スッキリそうかい! 空気がうますぎ!![; // --- Literal //Refreshing! The air is too delicious!![; // --- Edited The air tastes as good as my produce![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE47C) // 0x8053e54 //しかしなんで うちのヤサイだけに 毛が…?[; // --- Literal //But why is it that only our vegetables grow hair...?[; // --- Edited I guess I could market these as “organic.”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE478) // 0x8053e80 //なんで 毛が はえるんだー!?[; // --- Literal //Why are hairs growing-!?[; // --- Edited Note to self: sell all veggies before five o'clock.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE508) // 0x8053b80 //忍者の子孫[; // --- Literal //Ninja's Descendant[; // --- Edited Ninja Reincarnate[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE50C) // 0x8053b44 //オレのじいちゃんの[l //じいちゃんの[l //じいちゃんは[l //忍者なんだぜ。[; // --- Literal //(Watch out), my grandfather's[l //grandfather's[l //grandfather was a ninja![; // --- Edited //Back off! My father's[l //grandfather's[l //father's father was[l //a ninja! (No practice.)[; Watch out! I'm a[l warrior just like[l my ancestors![l (No practice.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A02DF4) // 0x805ba68 //カノジョの ひとこと[; // --- Literal //A word from her / the girlfriend[; // --- Edited The Girlfriend's Note[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A01770) // 0x805b99c //ちゃんと 守ってよネ…[; // --- Literal //Please protect properly...[; // --- Edited I'm not safe around you.[; // 0x805b9b6 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A01780) // 0x805b9b8 //すばやい 棒さばきが みじゅくね。[; // --- Literal //(bit girly) The fast stick/bow handling is inexperienced/raw/unskilled.[; // --- Edited You need to be faster than that![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0177C) // 0x805b9dc //すばやい 棒さばきだったわ![; // --- Literal //(bit girly) It was fast/agile stick handling![; // --- Edited Wow, you're super fast![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A01790) // 0x805b9fc //「五連石」 に コテンパンね。[; // --- Literal (google translate) //I Kotenpan in stone "five consecutive".[; // --- Edited The five rock attack was scary.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0178C) // 0x805ba1c //「五連石返し」 が おみごとよ![; // --- Literal //(bit girly) The return/reflection of the 5 successive stones/rocks was magnificent![; // --- Edited The five rock attack didn't scare you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0179C) // 0x805ba40 //すごい! いっしゅんで2コの石を!![; // --- Literal //Amazing! 2 stones/rocks in one instant![; // --- Edited Woah! You hit two stones at the same time![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE520) // 0x8053ae4 //オヌシは強い。お幸せに…![; // --- Literal //Thou art strong. Live happily...![; // --- Edited Thou art strong. Live happily![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE51C) // 0x8053b00 //うむ、スジは良いな。がんばれ![; // --- Literal //Hm, good muscle/line/string. Work hard![; // --- Edited You have courage. Work harder![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE518) // 0x8053b20 //まけるな! おまえが頼りなのだー!![; // --- Literal //Don't lose! You are depended on-!![; // --- Edited Don't lose! People depend on you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE428) // 0x8054054 //ナイトウォーク 2[; // --- Literal //Night Walk 2[; // --- Edited Night Walk 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE42C) // 0x8054014 //音楽にあわせて[l //ジャンプしてネ![l //ビリビリウオに[l //気をつけよう。[; // --- Literal //Jump matching to the music![l //Let's watch out for those electric fish![; // --- Edited It's a beautiful night.[l We just have to[l watch out for those[l fish! (No practice.)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F6BAC) // 0x805b310 //音楽にノって ジャンプしてネ![; // --- Literal //Jump by riding the music![; // --- Edited Jump to the beat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F7230) // 0x805b334 //ビリビリウオに 当たらないでネ![; // --- Literal //Don't hit the buzz buzz (electric) fish![; // --- Edited Don't hit the electric fish![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F7668) // 0x805b35c //音楽が おわる前に 星でいっぱいにしてネ![; // --- Literal //Fill the sky with stars before the song ends![; // --- Edited Fill the sky with stars before the end![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F7F68) // 0x805b38c //もうすぐ おわりだヨ![; // --- Literal //It's almost the end![; // --- Edited It's almost over![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F6ABC) // 0x805b308 //星の声[; // --- Literal //Voices of the stars[; // --- Edited The Stars Say[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F69C4) // 0x805b26c //おっこちちゃったね...[; // --- Literal //You fell, eh...?[; // --- Edited You fell in a hole.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F69C0) // 0x805b288 //ゴール おめでとう!![; // --- Literal //Congratulations on the goal!![; // --- Edited You reached the goal![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F69D4) // 0x805b2a0 //ノリが ガタガタです…[; // --- Literal //Your riding/groove is off/uneven.[; // --- Edited Your rhythm was off.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F69D0) // 0x805b2b8 //キープ できてます![; // --- Literal //You have “keep”! (You are able to keep the beat)[; // --- Edited You kept the beat well![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F69E4) // 0x805b2d0 //わりと キメを はずしたよね。[; // --- Literal //Somehow you missed the ending.[; // --- Edited Somehow, you missed the ending.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F69E0) // 0x805b2f0 //キメが バッチシだ![; // --- Literal //The ending was right on![; // --- Edited The ending was right on![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE440) // 0x8053fb4 //星たちと おともだちだヨ![; // --- Literal //You're friends with the stars![; // --- Edited You're friends with the stars![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE43C) // 0x8053fd0 //夜風が とっても きもちいいな。[; // --- Literal //The night wind feels so nice.[; // --- Edited The night wind feels so nice~[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE438) // 0x8053ff0 //うひゃー! しっぱいしちゃった!![; // --- Literal //Eek-! I/You messed up![; // --- Edited Eek! You messed up![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE628) // 0x80535a4 //マーチャ 2[; // --- Literal //Marcher 2[; // --- Edited Marcher 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE62C) // 0x805355c //行進をするのだ。[l //こんどのは ちょっと[l //テクニカルだ![l //がんばりたまえ。[; // --- Literal (google translate) //I march to the. [l // A little of this time [l // It's a technical! [l // I will bestow good luck.[; // --- Edited Now let's march to[l a different beat.[l Listen to the cues[l and hop to it! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A125B4) // 0x805c9a0 //リーダーの感想[; // --- Literal //Leader's impressions/thoughts[; // --- Edited Commander's Review[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12570) // 0x805c8f4 //きほんが できてなーい![; // --- Literal //The basics are not down--![; // --- Edited (Marcher 2) Give me fifty then practice the basics![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1256C) // 0x805c910 //なかなか よろしいですヨ![; // --- Literal //Pretty good![; // --- Edited It's clear you remember the drills![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12580) // 0x805c92c //判断力が 欠けてるぅー。[; // --- Literal //Power of judgment is lacking--.[; // --- Edited You're not listening to the cues.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1257C) // 0x805c948 //すばらしい判断力だネ■![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement~![; // --- Edited Excellent job following orders![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A12590) // 0x805c964 //もっと ウデを みがいたら■?[; // --- Literal //How about polishing your skill more~?[; // --- Edited You need to practice your turns.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1258C) // 0x805c984 //とても テクニカルでーす![; // --- Literal //Very technical--![; // --- Edited Your turning technique is impeccable![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE640) // 0x80534e8 //ごほうびに、こんなのもらってしまった!![; // --- Literal //I got something like this as a prize![; // --- Edited The Hare-force will march on to victory![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE63C) // 0x8053514 //ぐっ! もっとカッコよくおどらなければ![; // --- Literal //Umph! Gotta dance more cool![; // --- Edited Hmph! You've gotta march cooler than that![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE638) // 0x805353c //こ、これでは、イカン!う■む…[; // --- Literal //Th This won't do! ugh...[; // --- Edited Th-this could be the end of the Marchers![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE928) // 0x80527a8 //リミックス 7[; // --- Literal //Remix 7[; // --- Edited Remix 7[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE92C) This time, we've[l remixed the remixes![l Don't let it get[l you mixed up! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6244C) // 0x806a214 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //A message from the Mysterious Rhythm Organization.[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A623C0) // 0x806a16c //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Not quite yet. / Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited That... could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A623BC) // 0x806a17c //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty greeaat![; // --- Edited That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A623D0) // 0x806a198 //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //Your power of judgement is active.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A623CC) // 0x806a1bc //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A623E0) // 0x806a1e0 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish your skills more.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A623DC) // 0x806a1fc //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //Very technical![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE940) // 0x8052740 //今回のきょうりゅう : 楽しすぎ■!![; // --- Literal //The dinosaur this time: Too much fun~!![; // --- Edited Your dinosaur was... having too much fun!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE93C) // 0x8052768 //今回のきょうりゅう : ほのぼの[; // --- Literal //The dinosaur this time: Faint.[; // --- Edited Your dinosaur was... feeling pretty lazy.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE938) // 0x8052788 //今回のきょうりゅう : いじわる[; // --- Literal //The dinosaur this time: Unkind.[; // --- Edited Your dinosaur was... not very friendly.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4C8) // 0x8053cd4 //ホッピングロード2[; // --- Literal //Hopping Road 2[; // --- Edited Hopping Road 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4CC) // 0x8053c90 //とんでくる丸い玉。[l //ほんとにイイやつ[l //なんですヨ■。[l //落とさないでネ![; // --- Literal //The falling round balls.[l //They're really good things/guys.[l //Don't drop them![; // --- Edited Protect those balls![l They're our good[l friends, and they[l need our help! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF9E8) // 0x805b8d0 //かぜのウワサ[; // --- Literal //The wind's gossip/rumor[; // --- Edited The Wind's Gossip[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF95C) // 0x805b820 //きほんが できてないよね。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited You really dropped the ball there.[; // 0x805b83e //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF96C) // 0x805b840 //連続ジャンプで ミスが目立ちすぎよね。[; // --- Literal //The mistakes on the successive jumps stand out.[; // --- Edited Successive jumps aren't your thing.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF968) // 0x805b868 //連続ジャンプが ファンタスティックだわ![; // --- Literal //The successive jumps are fantastic![; // --- Edited Successive jumps were no problem for you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF97C) // 0x805b894 //おちついて判断しないとダメだよね。[; // --- Literal //It's no good if you can't judge calmly.[; // --- Edited Calm down and watch the timing.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FF978) // 0x805b8b8 //いい判断だったよね![; // --- Literal //It was good judgement![; // --- Edited You've got the timing down pat![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4E0) // 0x8053c48 //らくちん らくちん♪[; // --- Literal //Easy-going easygoing♪[; // --- Edited Way too easy for us♪[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4DC) // 0x8053c5c //なかなか がんばっていたネ![; // --- Literal //You worked pretty hard![; // --- Edited Whew, that was hard![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE4D8) // 0x8053c78 //エーン! しっぱい!![; // --- Literal //Awww! Failure![; // --- Edited Ouch! I think I've sprained something.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE708) // 0x8053190 //トスボーイズ 2[; // --- Literal //Toss Boys 2[; // --- Edited Toss Boys 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE70C) The Toss Tourney[l is coming soon![l Time to pull out[l all the stops! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21EC4) // 0x805d6c4 //[l //いきまーす![; // --- Literal //Heeere we go![; // --- Edited Let's toss like we mean it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A25B48) // 0x805d6d4 //[l //おしまい。[; // --- Literal //The end.[; // --- Edited The End.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21E4C) // 0x805d6b0 //カントクのことば[; // --- Literal //The director's words[; // --- Edited Referee's Calls[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21DCC) // 0x805d618 //練習の成果が でてないな。[; // --- Literal //The results of practice are not appearing.[; // --- Edited You kids need way more practice.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21DC8) // 0x805d634 //きほんが できている![; // --- Literal //The basics are down![; // --- Edited You make basic tosses look easy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21DDC) // 0x805d64c //あせってないか?[; // --- Literal //Aren't you rushing?[; // --- Edited You keep rushing your moves.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21DD8) // 0x805d660 //かなり おちついてる![; // --- Literal //Pretty calm![; // --- Edited You're keeping a cool head out there![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21DEC) // 0x805d678 //スピードに ついてこい。[; // --- Literal //Follow the spead.[; // --- Edited The speedy tosses threw you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21DE8) // 0x805d694 //速さをモノにしている!![; // --- Literal //You've made the speed yours!![; // --- Edited You've mastered the Toss Arts![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE720) // 0x8053158 //最強メンバーのたんじょうだー!![; // --- Literal //The birth of the strongest member-!![; // --- Edited Together, we are unstoppable![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE71C) // 0x80537b8 //こんなところで 終われない![; // --- Literal //It's not over at this point![; // --- Edited (was also used for Spaceball game 2, okay caption) It's not over yet![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE718) // 0x805317c //ボロボロだァ■![; // --- Literal //Worn out![; // --- Edited We're completely pooped![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3E8) // 0x80541d0 //ポリリズム 2[; // --- Literal //Polyrhythm 2[; // --- Edited Built to Scale 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3EC) // 0x805418c //これぞ左右独立![l //テンポよく こなして[l //レッツ ポリリズム![l //イェーイ![; // --- Literal //This is it! Left and right seperately![l //Digest the rhythm and let's Polyrhythm![l //Yay![; // --- Edited Orders keep coming[l for our widgets! Use[l both hands to meet[l our quotas! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F4FCC) // 0x805b14c //工場長から[; // --- Literal //From the factory head/boss.[; // --- Edited Foreman's Report[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3DE0) // 0x805b094 //きほんが できてないね。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited Next time, try to remember your training.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3DDC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3DFC) // 0x805b0b0 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3DF0) // 0x805b0b4 //ウラが パッと してない。[; // --- Literal //The upbeat is not tight/exact/on.[; // --- Edited Your offbeats were way off beat.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3DEC) // 0x805b0d0 //ウラが バッチリだ![; // --- Literal //The upbeat is right on the mark![; // --- Edited The offbeats couldn't throw you off![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3E00) // 0x805b0e8 //ちょっと ややこしくなると ダメね。[; // --- Literal //Looks like it gets bad when things get complicated/busy.[; // --- Edited You lost control when it got complicated.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3E10) // 0x805b110 //左右の手が 独立してないヨ。[; // --- Literal //Your right and left hands are not independent![; // --- Edited Your hands aren't working independantly.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F3E0C) // 0x805b130 //左右の手が 独立している![; // --- Literal //Your right and left hands are independent![; // --- Edited Your hands are self-motivated workers![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE400) // 0x805411c //赤いモノを じゃんじゃん生産しちゃうヨ!![; // --- Literal (google translate) //Yo I would do things Janjan production red! ![; // --- Edited That's how you become employee of the year![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3FC) // 0x8054148 //もっともっと 赤いモノを 生産だ![; // --- Literal //Let's keep manufacturing Red Things![; // --- Edited Let's keep the production lines moving![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE3F8) // 0x805416c //赤いモノ、もっと生産しなきゃ…[; // --- Literal //Gotta manufacture more Red Things...[; // --- Edited At this rate, we'll go out of business.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5A8) // 0x8053834 //エアーバッター 2[; // --- Literal //Air Batter 2[; // --- Edited Spaceball Game 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5AC) // 0x80537ec //ズームをきにするな![l //心でボールを打て![l //視覚に頼るな![l //涙もふくな■![; // --- Literal //Don't let the zoom affect you![l //Hit the ball with your heart![l //Don't depend on your sight![l //And don't cry![; // --- Edited Close your eyes.[l Free your mind.[l Hit the ball.[l Don't cry. (NP)[; //Close your eyes and[l //hit the ball with your[l //spirit! Trust yourself[l //and don't cry! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A24C) // 0x805c0c4 //つうしんぼ[; // --- Literal //Report Card[; // --- Edited Score Card[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A1F4) // 0x805c004 //きほんが できてません。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited You just kept whiffing.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A1F0) // 0x805c020 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A204) // 0x805c024 //タメが かっこわるい。[; // --- Literal //The rests are uncool/unbecoming/off.[; // --- Edited You're missing after the rests.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A200) // 0x805c03c //タメが しっかりしている![; // --- Literal //The rests are firm/right on![; // --- Edited You're taking the rests in stride![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A214) // 0x805c058 //見た目に たよりすぎです。[; // --- Literal //You're relying too much on appearances.[; // --- Edited You're relying on sight too much.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A210) // 0x805c074 //見えなくても できている![; // --- Literal //You can do it even when you can't see![; // --- Edited You hit the ball even when you couldn't see![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A224) // 0x805c090 //スピードに やられてます。[; // --- Literal //You're losing to the speed.[; // --- Edited Did that get too fast for you?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0A220) // 0x805c0ac //速いのが カンペキ![; // --- Literal //The fast parts are perfect![; // --- Edited You're a light speed slugger![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5C0) // 0x80537a0 //みんな、見て見てー![; // --- Literal //Everybody, look![; // --- Edited Look mom, I finally made it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5BC) // 0x80537b8 //こんなところで 終われない![; // --- Literal //It's not over at this point![; // --- Edited (was also used for Toss Boys 2, okay caption) I'll make the big leagues yet![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE5B8) // 0x80537d4 //ナニスルノデスカー![; // --- Literal //What are you doing-![; // --- Edited What do you think you're doing?![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE548) // 0x8053a38 //しろいおばけ 2[; // --- Literal //White Monster 2[; // --- Edited Sneaky Spirits 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE54C) // 0x80539ec //白いヤツが こちらを[l //ナメきっている![l //ムカムカーッ!![l //こらしめちゃおう![; // --- Literal //The white goons are making fun of us![l //Infuriating![l //Let's teach them a lesson![; // For reference, Sneaky Spirits 1 //白いヤツが こちらを[l //バカにしている![l //ムキーッ!![l //こらしめちゃおう![; //The white goons are taking us for fools![l //Argh![l //Let's shoot them down![; // --- Edited Those ghosts are at[l it again! Grab your[l arrows and aim[l for their souls! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A04210) // 0x805bc98 //雨のささやき[; // --- Literal //The rain's whispers[; // --- Edited Spiritual Commentary[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A040A4) // 0x805bbd8 //きほんが できてませんね。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited You need more archery practice.[; // 0x805bbf6 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A040B4) // 0x805bbf8 //音が消えると あせるみたい...[; // --- Literal //Looks like you get impatient/nervous when the sound disappears...[; // --- Edited The silent ghosts spooked you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A040B0) // 0x805bc1c //音が消えても おちついている![; // --- Literal //Your're steady even when the sound disappears![; // --- Edited You kept your wits against the silent ones![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A040C4) // 0x805bc3c //ちゃんと カウント しようね。[; // --- Literal //Let's count properly.[; // --- Edited Practice counting to yourself.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A040C0) // 0x805bc5c //体内カウント バッチシだ![; // --- Literal //The inner body counting is right on![; // --- Edited Your internal count was perfect![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A040D0) // 0x805bc78 //超ゆっくりでも すばらしい![; // --- Literal //Fantastic even when it's super slow![; // --- Edited The slowest ghosts were no match for you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE560) // 0x805399c //みんな、反省してネ![; // --- Literal //Everyone, contemplate![; // --- Edited Time out! In the corner, all of you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE55C) // 0x80539b4 //おばけ「ナ、ナンダヨ■」[; // --- Literal //Ghost: “Hey~, what gives~?”[; // --- Edited “Let me go, please~?”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE558) // 0x80539d0 //うわー! やられほうだいだ![; // --- Literal (google translate) //Wow! All you can do what it was![; // --- Edited Wow! Put down the bow, and help me clean up.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE948) // 0x8052730 //リミックス 8[; // --- Literal //Remix 8[; // --- Edited Remix 8[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE94C) This final remix will[l put your punching, [l tapping and plucking[l skills to the test! (NP)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A70590) // 0x806aa40 //ガンバレ■!![; // --- Literal (spoken by Space Dancers) //[l //Go for it~!![; // --- Edited Go for it~!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A70884) // 0x806aa50 //がんばるのだー!![; // --- Literal //Do your best-!! / Let's do our best-!![; // --- Edited (spoken by marcher commander) Let’s do our best-!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A70BD8) // 0x806aa64 //ファイトー!![; // --- Literal //[l //Fight-!![; // --- Edited (spoken by tap trial giraffe) Fight-!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A70ECC) // 0x806aa74 //もう ひとふんばり!![; // --- Literal //Just a little bit more![; // --- Edited (spoken by Penguin show monkey) Just a bit more!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A711CC) // 0x806aa8c //つぎで おわりでチュー![; // --- Literal // [l //With the next one, it's the end! (in cute mouse talk)[; // --- Edited (spoken by Cheese Heist mice) This’s it, boys![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F4C8) // 0x806aa24 //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //A message from the Mysterious Rhythm Organization[; // --- Edited Rhythm League Notes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F484) // 0x806a97c //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal //Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited That... could have been better.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F480) // 0x806a98c //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //[l //Pretty greeaat![; // --- Edited That was great! Really great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F494) // 0x806a9a8 //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //Your power of judgment is active.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F490) // 0x806a9cc //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F4A4) // 0x806a9f0 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish our skill more.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6F4A0) // 0x806aa0c //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //[l //Very technical![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE960) // 0x80526c8 //今回のドライブ : とっても爽快!![; // --- Literal //The drive this time: Quite exhilarating!![; // --- Edited Today's trip was... an exhilarating drive!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE95C) // 0x80526ec //今回のドライブ : まだまだかかるなぁ[; // --- Literal //The drive this time: Still some work to be done....[; // --- Edited Today's trip was... long and stressful.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE958) // 0x8052714 //今回のドライブ : んもぅ…[; // --- Literal //The drive this time: Geez....[; // --- Edited Today's trip was... pretty much a total wreck.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CE6C8) // 0x8053258 //リズムお習字 2[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Penmanship/Calligraphy 2[; // --- Edited [[no such game, must be a leftover [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CF9FC) // 0x80548a4 //ランク ハイレベル[; // --- Literal //Rank High Level[; // --- Edited Rank Superb[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CF9F8) // 0x80548c8 //ランク 平凡[; // --- Literal //Rank Average[; // --- Edited Rank OK[; // 0x80548e7 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $165EC) // 0x8054950 //ホントに消すの?[l //       はい[l //       いいえ[; // --- Literal //[l //Are you sure you want to erase?[l //Yes[l //No[; // --- Edited Erase ALL data?[l         Erase[l          Cancel[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CFB18) // 0x8054998 //データのクリア[l //いままでの記録を全部けして、はじめから[l //やりなおします。よく考えてネ![; // --- Literal //Data Clear[l //This will erase all the records, and you'll have to start over from the beginning.[l //Think about it![; // --- Edited //Data Clear[l //This will erase all records, and you'll have to start over from the beginning.[l //Think about it![; Clear Save Data[l Erase progress, gifts, drum lessons,[l everything! Think about it![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CFB14) // 0x80549fc //サウンドモード[l //ステレオ  ヘッドホンならこっち!オススメ![l //モノラル  本体のスピーカーならこっち。[; // --- Literal //Sound Mode[l //Stereo Recommended for headphones![l //Mono For regular speakers.[; // --- Edited //[[ the prime symbol ′ is now set to a width of zero. useful for spacing 1px at a time Sound Mode[l Stereo ′For headphones, Nintendo DS, etc.[l Mono For GBAs without headphones.[; // is blue pink is white peach is black #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CFC84) // 0x8054a70 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CFC80) // 0x8054a74 //(リズム資料室で 見れるヨ)[l //[; // --- Literal //(You can see it in the Rhythm Reference Room)[; // --- Edited (This is all Perfect Gift text) You can read it[l in your e-mail. There are still [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CFC7C) // 0x8054a94 //(スタジオで たたけるヨ)[l //[; // --- Literal //(You can play it in the Studio)[; // --- Edited You can play it[l in the studio. There are still [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9CFC78) // 0x8054ab0 //(スタジオで きけるヨ) [l //[; // --- Literal //(You can hear it in the Studio)[; // --- Edited You can listen to[l it in the studio. There are now [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D00) // 0x8054acc //「[; // --- Literal //You get the “[; // --- Edited “[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D04) // 0x8054ae0 //」[; // --- Literal //”[; // --- Edited ”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D08) // 0x8054ae4 //の曲[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited - Commented out because Fever does it similarly to this and the next line indicates whether it's a song or not. //song[; [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D0C) // 0x8054aec //をプレゼント![l //[; // --- Literal //You get ____ as a present![; // --- Edited [lYou've earned a gift! [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D14) // 0x8054b00 //プレゼントは あと [; // --- Literal //There present comes later.[; // --- Edited -- //[; [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D18) // 0x8054b1c //コ あるから、[l //他のキャンペーンにもチャレンジしてみてネ![; // --- Literal //There's (number) more, so try challenging the other campaigns![; // --- Edited gifts[l left to get. Keep going![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D50) // 0x8054b5c //プレゼントは これでオシマイです。[l //[; // --- Literal //This is the end for the presents.[; // --- Edited 0 gifts left.[l You finally got them all![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $16D54) // 0x8054b88 //パーフェクトキャンペーン、コンプリートです![; // --- Literal //Perfect Campaign, complete![; // --- Edited // Perfect Campaign complete![; Congratulations![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7848) // 0x8054bb8 //う■ん…[; // --- Literal //Well...[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7844) // 0x8054bc4 //もう一歩。[; // --- Literal //One more step.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7840) // 0x8054bd0 //人並みです。[; // --- Literal //Average.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D783C) // 0x8054be0 //かなり良いです![; // --- Literal //Pretty good![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7838) // 0x8054bf4 //最高レベルです!![; // --- Literal //Top level!![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7994) // 0x8054c08 //:1.2S[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7990) // 0x8054c10 //:1.6A[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D798C) // 0x8054c18 //:1.4B[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7988) // 0x8054c20 //:1.5C[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7984) // 0x8054c28 //:1.1D[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79A0) // 0x8054c30 //なっとくの せいかくさ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D799C) // 0x8054c48 //リズムかん バッチシさ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7998) // 0x8054c60 //プロから みた ピッタシさ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79B0) // 0x8054c7c //あたまの かいてん スピード[; // --- Literal //Head Spinning Speed[; // --- Edited Reflexes[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79AC) // 0x8054c9c //てきおう のうりょく[; // --- Literal //Adaptation Ability[; // --- Edited Adaptability[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79A8) // 0x8054cb4 //テクニック レベル[; // --- Literal //Technique Level[; // --- Edited Technique Level[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79C0) // 0x8054cc8 //てがたい かんじ[; // --- Literal //Steady Feeling[; // --- Edited Steadiness[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79BC) // 0x8054cdc //ここ イッパツ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79B8) // 0x8054cec //せきにんかん[; // --- Literal //Sense of responsibility[; // --- Edited Responsibility[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79D0) // 0x8054cfc //ほどほどの せいかくさ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79CC) // 0x8054d14 //いっぱんてき バッチシど[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79C8) // 0x8054d30 //シロートめの ピッタシさ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79E0) // 0x8054d4c //おちつき[; // --- Literal //Calmness/composure[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79DC) // 0x8054d58 //ごうりてき さいのう[; // --- Literal //Reasoning Ability[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79D8) // 0x8054d70 //せつやく のうりょく[; // --- Literal //Economising Ability[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79F0) // 0x8054d88 //いっかんせい みたいなもの[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79EC) // 0x8054da4 //リズムの しん[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79E8) // 0x8054db4 //あんていの ほど[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A00) // 0x8054dc8 //まえむきな しせい[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79FC) // 0x8054ddc //どうたい しりょく[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D79F8) // 0x8054df0 //やるき[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A10) // 0x8054df8 //ちゅういぶかさ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A0C) // 0x8054e08 //じゅうなんせい[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A08) // 0x8054e18 //りんきおうへん[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A30) // 0x8054e28 //にんげんせい[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A2C) // 0x8054e38 //そだちの よさ[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A28) // 0x8054e48 //けつえきがた(すいそく)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A24) // 0x8054e64 //きのうの やしょく[; // --- Literal //Tonight's dinner.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A20) // 0x8054e78 //あしたの てんき[; // --- Literal //Tomorrow's weather.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A1C) // 0x8054e8c //ことしの きんせん うん[; // --- Literal //This year's money fortune.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7A18) // 0x8054ea8 //らいねんの れんあい うん[; // --- Literal //Next year's love fortune.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $19970) // 0x8054ec4 //:1****:0  さいてん  :1****[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $19A74) // 0x8054eec //.5:1R−IQ  .6:0[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7FA8) // 0x8054f88 //[l //鍛えよう[l //[l //誰でも持ってる[l //[l //リズム感[l //[l //「潜在的なリズム感は、訓練によって成長させることが可能。日々の反復練習が最も効果的」[l //[l //日常の[l //[l //動きはこんなに[l //[l //リズミカル[l //「リズム感は日常生活の中で常に感じ、育てると良い。歩き方や歯磨き、料理の時等、リズムを意識して動いてみるべし」[l //[l //リズム感[l //[l //ノリがよければ[l //[l //なおクール[l //[l //「ただし、リズム感とノリは別モノ。リズムを意識し鍛えながら、同時にノリの良さも身に付けよう」[l //[l //ブレイクを[l //[l //待てないアノ娘は[l //[l //ハンパモノ[l //「ブレイクを正確にカウントすることは難しく、つっこみ気味になりがち。落ち着いて待てるかどうかが、かっこよさを大きく左右する」[l //[l //大人でも[l //[l //メキメキ伸びる[l //[l //リズム感[l //[l //「リズムを意識しようとする心がけで、リズム感は成人してからでも格段に良くなってゆく」[l //[; // --- Literal //(Translator's note: These are supposed to be Haiku (5-7-5 syllable format), and each one has an explanation of its meaning right after. This literal English translation, as you can see, does not have yet have 5-7-5 format. I believe it can be done, though.)[l //[l //[l //Let's forge/hone[l //[l //that which everyone has:[l //[l //rhythm sense[l //[l //[l //”It is possible to develop latent rhythm sense with training/practice. Daily repetition is even more effective.”[l //[l //[l //Daily[l //[l //movement, is this[l //[l //rhythmical[l //[l //[l //”It's good to feel and raise/rear your rhythm sense during everyday life. While walking, brushing your teeth, while cooking, etc... you should move with consciousness of rhythm.”[l //[l //[l //Rhythm sense:[l //[l //if your riding/groove is good,[l //[l //it's even cooler.[l //[l //[l //”However, rhythm sense and riding/groove are separate things. While honing your rhythm consciousness, let's simultaneously obtain good riding/groove.[l //[l //[l //Break--[l //[l //that girl who can't wait during it is[l //[l //incomplete/a blockhead[l //[l //[l //”Counting a break accurately is difficult, and is easy to feel tempted to penetrate. The ability to stay composed and wait or not largely affects the coolness/stylishness.”[l //[l //[l //Even for adults[l //[l //that which grows markedly/visibly:[l //[l //rhythm sense[l //[l //[l //”From simply trying to be conscious of rhythm, rhythm sense will grow exceptionally even in adults.[; // --- Edited [l Together let's forge[l The skill that everyone has:[l Our sense of rhythm[l [l “It is possible to develop latent[l rhythm sense with practice.[l Daily repetition is even more effective.”[l [l [l Moving and doing[l As I go about my day.[l Is this called rhythm?[l [l “It's good to feel and embrace your rhythm[l sense during everyday life. While walking,[l brushing your teeth or cooking you should[l move with consciousness of your rhythm.”[l [l You have good rhythm,[l But if your flow is better,[l Your rhythm's its best.[l [l “Rhythm sense and flow are separate[l things. While honing your sense of rhythm,[l you should also try to develop good flow."[l [l [l Let's not be hasty.[l Wait patiently for the rest,[l And don't lose the flow.[l [l “Counting accurately during a rest is difficult,[l and it's tempting to start too soon. The ability[l to stay composed during the rests is[l critical to good flow and rhythm.”[l [l Even in old age,[l Rhythm sense can sprout and grow.[l Just go with your flow![l [l “Rhythm sense will grow exceptionally[l even in adults so long as you try[l to be conscious of your rhythm."[l [l [l The following are literal translations[l of the Rhythm Haiku Collection, presented[l without attempt to adjust the syllables.[l [l Let's forge[l that which everyone has:[l rhythm sense[l [l [l Daily[l movement, is this[l rhythmical[l [l Rhythm sense:[l if your flow is good,[l it's even cooler.[l [l [l Rest--[l that girl who can't wait during it is[l a blockhead[l [l Even for adults[l that which grows visibly:[l rhythm sense[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7FA4) // 0x8055304 //リズム俳句集[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Haiku Collection[; // --- Edited Rhythm Haiku Folio[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F98) // 0x8055314 //「そだてる」[l //[l //わたしはそれを育てている。[l //いつか大きく羽ばたく日のために。[l //なにげない日常の生活の中で、[l //より、自然に[l //より、楽しく。[l //今はまだちっぽけな、[l //わたしのリズム感を…[l //「Karate Rhythm」[l //[l //Hey! Baby! How's it going?[l //This beat is non stop.[l //Hey! Baby! Listen to my phrase.[l //I can give you[l //the sense of rhythm.[l //Oh, Yeah.[l //Awake,baby! Trust me![l //This beat is non stop![l //New groove in your soul.[l //Oh, Yeah![l //This beat![l //You are growing up well.[l //Hey, Baby![l //Hold onto your ambition.[l //Hey! Oh, Yeah![l //[; // --- Literal //”To raise/rear/bring up”[l //[l //I am raising it.[l //[l //For that day when it will widely flap its wings.[l //[l //Everyday in a life where there is nothing special,[l //[l //more naturally,[l //[l //more enjoyably.[l //[l //That which is now only very tiny,[l //[l //my rhythm sense...[l //[l //[l //”Karate Rhythm”[l //[l //Hey! Baby! How's it going?[l //This beat is non stop.[l //Hey! Baby! Listen to my phrase.[l //I can give you[l //the sense of rhythm.[l //Oh, Yeah.[l //Awake,baby! Trust me![l //This beat is non stop![l //New groove in your soul.[l //Oh, Yeah![l //This beat![l //You are growing up well.[l //Hey, Baby![l //Hold onto your ambition.[l //Hey! Oh, Yeah![; // --- Edited “Nurture”[l [l I nurture it,[l For the day it will spread its wings.[l Every day in my ordinary life,[l To live more naturally,[l To live more enjoyably,[l I nurture that which is yet so small,[l My sense of rhythm...[l // “Karate Rhythm”[l [l Hey! Baby! How's it going?[l This beat is non stop.[l Hey! Baby! Listen to my phrase.[l I can give you[l the sense of rhythm.[l Oh, Yeah.[l Awake, baby! Trust me![l // This beat is non stop![l New groove in your soul.[l Oh, Yeah![l This beat![l You are growing up well.[l Hey, Baby![l Hold onto your ambition.[l Hey! Oh, Yeah![;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F94) // 0x8055514 //リズムポエム集[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Poem Collection[; // --- Edited Rhythm Poem Digest[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F88) // 0x8055524 //リズム感タイプ診断[l //[l //あなたのリズム感を診断します。[l //当てはまるものを選んでいってネ![l //[l //自分はリズム感があるほうだと思う。[l //YES 2ページへGO![l // NO 3ページへGO![l //-1-[l //[l //ロックとポップス、好きなのは…[l //[l //ロック 4ページへGO![l //ポップス 5ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-2-[l //[l //ジャズとクラシック、好きなのは…[l //[l //ジャズ 6ページへGO![l //クラシック 7ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-3-[l //[l //リズム感がなければダンスは踊れないと思う。[l //[l //YES 8ページへGO![l // NO 9ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-4-[l //[l //リズム感は聴きとれれば、表現できるものだと思う。[l //[l //YES 10ページへGO![l // NO 11ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-5-[l //[l //リズム感の全くない人なんていないと思う。[l //[l //YES 9ページへGO![l // NO 8ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-6-[l //[l //リズム感は生まれつきのものなので、[l //訓練では成長しないと思う。[l //[l //YES 10ページへGO![l // NO 11ページへGO![l //[l //[l //-7-[l //[l //リズム感は、ノリがいいほうがカッコイイと思う。[l //[l //YES 12ページへGO![l // NO 13ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-8-[l //[l //リズム感とノリは、ほとんど同じものだと思う。[l //[l //YES 14ページへGO![l // NO 15ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-9-[l //[l //リズム感がよくても、モテないと思う。[l //[l //YES 16ページへGO![l // NO 17ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-10-[l //[l //リズム感がいいだけで、[l //オンチに聞こえにくいと思う。[l //[l //YES 18ページへGO![l // NO 19ページへGO![l //[l //[l //-11-[l //[l //リズム感は年齢が若い方が身につきやすいと思う。[l //[l //YES 23ページへGO![l // NO 21ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-12-[l //[l //成人してからではリズム感の成長は望めないと思う。[l //[l //YES 21ページへGO![l // NO 22ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-13-[l //[l //リズム感って、日常生活とは無縁だと思う。[l //[l //YES 23ページへGO![l // NO 22ページへGO![l //[l //[l //[l //-14-[l //[l //たとえ3年以上かけて身に付けたリズム感も[l //意識をしていなければすぐに忘れてしまうと思う。[l //[l //YES 23ページへGO![l // NO 20ページへGO![l //[l //[l //-15-[l //[l //リズム感は、あえてつらく厳しい[l //訓練をした方が身によくつくと思う。[l //[l //YES 23ページへGO![l // NO 22ページへGO![l //[l //[l //-16-[l //[l //リズム感は意識すれば、[l //たったの30分でもよくなると思う。[l //[l //YES 22ページへGO![l // NO 23ページへGO![l //[l //[l //-17-[l //[l //リズム感は、常に感じていると[l //かえってよくないと思う。[l //[l //YES 23ページへGO![l // NO 20ページへGO![l //[l //[l //-18-[l //[l //リズム感は、理論を理解するのではなく[l //繰り返しで身につけるものだと思う。[l //[l //YES 23ページへGO![l // NO 21ページへGO![l //[l //[l //-19-[l //あなたのリズム感タイプ[l //ノリノリ型[l //[l //あなたのリズム感に対する考え方は、とってもナイスです。もし今のリズム感に自信をもてなくても、これからリズムと いっしょに楽しい人生をおくれるでしょう。ノリノリでエンジョイしてネ![l //[l //-20-[l //あなたのリズム感タイプ[l //てれやさん型[l //[l //リズム感ということに対して、すこしビビってませんか?リズム感はみんながもっているものなんです。楽しみながらすこしずつでもリズムを意識すれば、リズム感は成長します。安心してネ。[l //[l //-21-[l //あなたのリズム感タイプ[l //おちょうし者型[l //[l //リズム感とノリのよさのちがいをもっと意識すると、ベターです。ノリがよくても肝心のリズム感がわるいと、ノリのよさが空回りしてしまってもったいないです。リズム感をしっかりとしたものにしておけば、あなたの元気はみんなをもっとハッピーにするかも!?[l //-22-[l //あなたのリズム感タイプ[l //カッチリ型[l //[l //あなたはリズム感ということを少しむずかしくとらえすぎかもしれません。もうすこしリズムと気軽につきあって、日常生活にとけこませると自然にリズム感がよくなるのではないでしょうか。そのほうが、きっと楽しいですヨ![l //-23-[l //[; // --- Literal //[l //Rhythm Sense Type Diagnosis[l //[l //[l //We're going to diagnose your Rhythm Sense.[l //[l //Please choose the applicable choice![l //[l //[l //I myself think that I have Rhythm Sense.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 2![l //[l //No Go to page 3![l //[l //-1-[l //[l //[l //Between Rock and Pop, I like...[l //[l //[l //Rock Go to page 4![l //[l //Pop Go to page 5![l //[l //[l //-2-[l //[l //[l //Between Jazz and Classic, I like...[l //[l //[l //Jazz Go to page 6![l //[l //Classic Go to page 7![l //[l //[l //-3-[l //[l //[l //I think that you can't dance if you don't have Rhythm Sense.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 8![l //[l //No Go to page 9![l //[l //[l //-4-[l //[l //[l //I think that if you can hear Rhythm Sense, then you can express it.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 10![l //[l //No Go to page 11![l //[l //[l //-5-[l //[l //[l //I think that there is no one that has absolutely no Rhythm Sense.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 9![l //[l //No Go to page 8![l //[l //[l //-6-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense inherent and that you can't improve it with training.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 10![l //[l //No Go to page 11![l //[l //[l //-7-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense is cooler when you have groove.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 12![l //[l //No Go to page 13![l //[l //[l //-8-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense and groove are just about the same thing.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 14![l //[l //No Go to page 15![l //[l //[l //-9-[l //[l //[l //I think that even if you have good Rhythm Sense, you won't be popular.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 16![l //[l //No Go to page 17![l //[l //[l //-10-[l //[l //[l //I think that if you have good Rhythm Sense, it's hard to be heard as tone deaf.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 18![l //[l //No Go to page 19![l //[l //[l //-11-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense is easier to acquire the younger you are.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 23![l //[l //No Go to page 21![l //[l //[l //-12-[l //[l //[l //I think that you can't desire/want/acquire Rhythm Sense after becoming an adult.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 21![l //[l //No Go to page 22![l //[l //[l //-13-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense and every day life are unrelated.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 23![l //[l //No Go to page 22![l //[l //[l //-14-[l //[l //[l //I think that, for instance, even a Rhythm Sense that you've had fro more than three years will quickly be lost if you don't keep conscious of it.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 23![l //[l //No Go to page 20![l //[l //[l //-15-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense will be better acquired if you train hard and strict/severe.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 23![l //[l //No Go to page 22![l //[l //[l //-16-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense will improve even in 30 seconds if you stay conscious of it.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 22![l //[l //No Go to page 23![l //[l //[l //-17-[l //[l //[l //I think that feeling Rhythm Sense constantly is rather not good.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 23![l //[l //No Go to page 20![l //[l //[l //-18-[l //[l //[l //I think that Rhythm Sense is acquired not by understanding the theory, but by repetition.[l //[l //[l //Yes Go to page 23![l //[l //No Go to page 21![l //[l //[l //-19-[l //[l //[l //Your Rhythm Sense Type[l //[l //Groovy Type[l //[l //[l //Your thinking toward Rhythm Sense is very nice. Even if you can't have confidence in your Rhythm Sense right now, you'll probably be able to lead an enjoyable life with Rhythm. Please enjoy groovily/excitingly![l //[l //[l //-20-[l //[l //[l //Your Rhythm Sense Type[l //[l //Shy Type[l //[l //[l //Isn't your thinking toward Rhythm Sense a little flustered/nervous? Rhythm Sense is something that everyone has. If you become conscious of Rhythm little by little while enjoying yourself, Rhythm Sense will grow. Be relieved / Relax.[l //[l //[l //-21-[l //[l //[l //Your Rhythm Sense Type[l //[l //Frivolous/Carefree Type[l //[l //[l //It would be better to be aware of the difference between the quality of Rhythm Sense and groove. Even if your groove is good, if your vital Rhythm Sense is bad, the quality of your groove goes to waste. If you steady/tighten your Rhythm Sense, your energy/spirit/pep might make others more happy![l //[l //[l //-22-[l //[l //[l //Your Rhythm Sense Type[l //[l //Tight Type[l //[l //[l //You might be perceiving Rhythm Sense a little difficultly. Mightn't Rhythm Sense improve naturally if you spend time with Rhythm lightheartedly and mix it into every day life? It's probably more enjoyable that way![l //[l //[l //-23-[l //[; // --- Edited #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F88) Your Rhythm Sense is really important![l What is Rhythm Sense?[l [l “Rhythm Sense” is just like it sounds. It's your[l sense of rhythm![l [l We're going to diagnose what style of rhythm[l you have. Please choose the choices you most[l agree with.[l [l [l Translator's note:[l “Flow" is the number directly below your rank[l on the game selection screen (like on the DS[l and Wii Rhythm Heaven games). “Flow" can be[l literally translated as “groove."[l [l [l -1-[l [l I have Rhythm Sense.[l [l True - Go to page 2![l False - Go to page 3![l [l [l -1-[l -2-[l [l Between rock music and pop music, I like...[l [l Rock - Go to page 4![l Pop - Go to page 5![l [l [l -2-[l -3-[l [l Between jazz music and classical music, I like...[l [l Jazz - Go to page 6![l Classical - Go to page 7![l [l [l -3-[l -4-[l You can't dance if you don't[l have a sense of rhythm.[l [l True - Go to page 8![l False - Go to page 9![l [l [l -4-[l -5-[l If you can recognize rhythm, then[l you personally can express it.[l [l True - Go to page 10![l False - Go to page 11![l [l [l -5-[l -6-[l [l Everyone has a sense of rhythm.[l [l True - Go to page 8![l False - Go to page 9![l [l [l -6-[l -7-[l Rhythm Sense is inherent; you can't[l improve it with practice.[l [l True - Go to page 10![l False - Go to page 11![l [l [l -7-[l -8-[l [l Having rhythm is cooler when you have flow.[l [l True - Go to page 12![l False - Go to page 13![l [l [l -8-[l -9-[l [l Rhythm and flow are just about the same thing.[l [l True - Go to page 14![l False - Go to page 15![l [l [l -9-[l -10-[l Even if you have good rhythm,[l you won't be popular.[l [l True - Go to page 16![l False - Go to page 17![l [l [l -10-[l -11-[l If you have good rhythm,[l it's hard to be tone-deaf.[l [l True - Go to page 18![l False - Go to page 19![l [l [l -11-[l -12-[l Rhythm is easier to acquire[l the younger you are.[l [l True - Go to page 23![l False - Go to page 21![l [l [l -12-[l -13-[l You can't seek Rhythm Sense[l after you're an adult.[l [l True - Go to page 21![l False - Go to page 22![l [l [l -13-[l -14-[l [l Rhythm and daily life are unrelated.[l [l True - Go to page 23![l False - Go to page 22![l [l [l -14-[l -15-[l Even a well-honed and long-standing[l Rhythm Sense will quickly fade if you[l don't consciously think about it.[l [l True - Go to page 23![l False - Go to page 20![l [l -15-[l -16-[l You'll train your Rhythm Sense better if[l you work hard at it with a strict regimen.[l [l True - Go to page 23![l False - Go to page 22![l [l [l -16-[l -17-[l Your rhythm will improve even in 30[l seconds if you're conscious of it.[l [l True - Go to page 22![l False - Go to page 23![l [l [l -17-[l -18-[l [l Feeling rhythm constantly is not good.[l [l True - Go to page 23![l False - Go to page 20![l [l [l -18-[l -19-[l Rhythm is gained not by understanding[l theory, but by repetition.[l [l True - Go to page 23![l False - Go to page 21![l [l [l -19-[l -20-[l Your Rhythm Sense - Groovy[l [l You have a good attitude towards rhythm. Even[l if you don't have confidence in your Rhythm[l Sense right now, you'll probably lead an[l enjoyable life full of rhythm. Rock on![l [l -20-[l -21-[l Your Rhythm Sense - Shy[l Isn't your attitude towards rhythm a little[l flustered? Rhythm is something that everyone[l has. If you become conscious of rhythm little by[l little and enjoy yourself while doing it, your[l Rhythm Sense will grow. Relax.[l [l -21-[l -22-[l Your Rhythm Sense - Carefree[l You should be aware of the difference[l between flow and rhythm. Even if your[l flow is good, if your Rhythm Sense is bad,[l your smooth flow goes to waste. Tighten up[l your Rhythm Sense, and your energy and[l spirit might make others happier![l -22-[l -23-[l Your Rhythm Type - Strict[l You might be having some trouble seeing your[l Rhythm Sense. Mightn't it improve naturally if[l you spend time working with it? Mix rhythm into[l every day life, and don't take it so seriously![l It would probably be more enjoyable that way.[l [l -23-[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F84) // 0x80560bc //リズム感タイプ診断[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Sense Type Diagnosis[; // --- Edited Rhythm Diagnosis[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F78) // 0x80560d0 //[l //[l //リズム感 ⊃ ノリ[l //[l //リズム感 ≠ ノリ[l //[l //[l //解説:ノリは、リズム感に含まれる要素の1つであり、リズム感そのものではないのだ。[l //[l //[l //リズム ≠ リズム感[l //[l //[l //[l //解説:リズムは時間を刻むもの、リズム感はノリで表現したり、感じたり、自然にかもし出したりするものなのだ。[l //[l //[l //[l //グッドなダンサー ≠ ナイスなリズム感[l //[l //[l //[l //解説:ダンスの上手な人が、「リズム感が良い」とは限らないのだ。[l //[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Sense ⊃ Groove[l //[l //Rhythm Sense ≠ Groove[l //[l //[l //Explanation:Groove is just one element contained in Rhythm Sense, and is not Rhythm Sense itself.[l //[l //[l //Rhythm ≠ Rhythm Sense[l //[l //[l //[l //Explanation:Rhythm is the ability to count time, while Rhythm Sense is what you express, feel, and naturally engender through Groove.[l //[l //[l //[l //Good dancer ≠ Nice Rhythm Sense[l //[l //[l //[l //Explanation:A good dancer does not necessarily always have good Rhythm Sense.[; // --- Edited [l [l Translator's note:[l “Flow" is the number directly below your rank[l on the game selection screen (like on the DS[l and Wii Rhythm Heaven games). “Flow" is literally[l translated as “groove."[l [l [l [l [l Rhythm Sense ⊃ Flow[l [l Rhythm Sense ≠ Flow[l [l Explanation: Flow is just one[l element of Rhythm Sense; Flow[l is not Rhythm Sense itself.[l [l [l Rhythm ≠ Rhythm Sense[l [l [l Explanation: rhythm is the ability to[l count time, while Rhythm Sense is[l what you express, feel, engender, and[l naturally create through Flow.[l [l [l Good dancer[l ≠[l Strong Rhythm Sense[l [l [l Explanation: A good dancer does not[l necessarily have good Rhythm Sense.[; [l [l [l グッドなダンサー ≠ ナイスなリズム感[l [l [l [l 解説:ダンスの上手な人が、「リズム感が良い」とは限らないのだ。[l [;[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F74) // 0x8056258 //わかる!リズムの公式[; // --- Literal //Understand! Rhythm Formula[; // --- Edited The Rhythm Formula[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F68) // 0x8056270 //[l //リズム天国を楽しんでいただいた方からたくさんのよろこびの声が届きました。あまりに多くの方からお手紙やメールをいただき(!)、すべては紹介しきれませんが、そのなかのごく一部をここで紹介させていただきます。みなさんも、ぜひ一度お試しくださり、その効果をお友達にもお伝えください!![l //[l //[l //リズム感が良くなっただけなのに…[l //[l //こんなにモテて、ホントにいいの!?[l //[l //「リズム天国」に出会うまでは、全く女性に縁のなかった私ですが、今ではモテモテで…人生観が変わりました。[l //Tさん 38才 会社員[l //[l //リズム感が良くなっただけなのに…[l //[l //歌が上手だねって言われちゃった!?[l //[l //「リズム天国」に出会うまでは、オンチの代表みたいに言われてた私なのに、最近よくホメられるんです。相変わらずオンチなのに不思議。でもうれしい![l //Hさん 29才 主婦[l //[; // --- Literal //We have received a lot of happy voices from people who've enjoyed Rhythm Tengoku. We have received so much (!) mail and email, that we can't introduce all of them, but please allow us to introduce just a tiny bit of them. Please try try it yourself once, and share the effect with your friends!![l //[l //[l //From only improving Rhythm Sense...[l //[l //is it really OK to become this popular!?[l //[l //Before meeting Rhythm Tengoku, I had completely no luck with women, but now i'm so popular... My outlook on life has changed.[l //Mr. T, 38 years old, a company employee[l //[l //From only improving Rhythm Sense...[l //[l //I've become a better singer!?[l //[l //Until I met Rhythm Tengoku, I was perceived as a representative tone-deaf person, but lately I've been getting complements. I'm still tone-deaf--how curious. But I'm happy![l //Mrs. H, 29 years old, house wife[; // --- Edited [l Since release, we have been inundated with[l fan mail from people who have been enjoying[l Rhythm Heaven Silver. We have received so[l many letters and emails that we can't possibly[l share them all, so here is just a taste of[l what our players have been saying.[l [l [l // I've been improving my sense of rhythm...[l and suddenly I'm the life of the party!?[l Before finding Rhythm Heaven Silver, I had[l absolutely no luck with women. Now, I've got a[l date every Friday. ... My whole outlook on life[l has changed. Thanks, Rhythm Heaven Silver![l [l Mr. T, accountant, age 38[l [l // I've been working on my sense of rhythm...[l and suddenly everyone loves my singing!?[l Before finding Rhythm Heaven Silver, I was just[l your typical tone-deaf person. Lately,[l though, I've been getting complements on my[l singing, even though I'm still tone-deaf...[l But it makes me happy anyway! Thank you![l [l Mrs. H, housewife, 29 years old[l // [l [l Now try it for yourself, to see where[l your sense of rhythm takes you! Tell your[l friends and share the magic of Rhythm[l Heaven Silver!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F64) // 0x8056548 //よろこびの声[; // --- Literal //Voices of Joy/Happiness[; // --- Edited Fan Mailbag[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F58) // 0x8056558 //きーやん「どうもー、きーやんでーす!」[l //あおくん「どうもー、あおくんでーす!」[l //ふたり「Y&Bでーす!よろしくどうぞ■!」[l //きーやん「なぁなぁ、あおくん。あんな、この前な、音楽教室に体験入学してん!」[l //あおくん「エー!ウソー!?きいてないよー!きーやん、楽器はじめるん!?ギター?ドラム?なになに?」[l //きーやん「オレのパートはな…」[l //あおくん「うんうん、なになに?」[l //きーやん「オレのパートは リズムやねん!」[l //あおくん「は?リズムって、きーやん、それ楽器ちゃうやん!なんやリズムって」[l //きーやん「ちゃうねん、ドラムやりたいって先生にゆうたらな、まずリズムをしなさいって言われてん!」[l //あおくん「きーやん、それ、たぶんな、リズム感をきたえなさいってゆうたんやと思うで」[l //きーやん「あ、そうや!たしかそう言ってたわ!あおくん、すごいな!なんで分かるん!?エスパーか?」[l //あおくん「なんでって…、分かるわ!!常識やわ!!!」[l //きーやん「まぁまぁ、そんなに怒らんといて■や」[l //あおくん「あ、あぁ、せやな、ごめんな…」[l //きーやん「あ!あおくん、チャックあいてるで」[l //あおくん「エッ!?うゎ、ウソ!!マジ!?」[l //きーやん「ウソ」[l //あおくん「ずるっ!」[l //きーやん「ずるって、古いな」[l //あおくん「うるさい!ほっとけ!!」[l //きーやん「ムカー!!!」[l //あおくん「うわっ!な、なんで逆ギレやねん。もう、わけわからんわ!」[l //きーやん「ほんでな、リズム感の話やけどな」[l //あおくん「あ、あぁ、そうやったな」[l //きーやん「まったく…、話を脱線させんといてや」[l //あおくん「あぁ、ごめんな…って、どっちがやねん!!!話、脱線させたん、きーやんやろがーーー!!チャックあいてるとかウソぶっこいといてー!!!」[l //きーやん「まぁまぁ、そんなに怒らんでも」[l //あおくん「やかましいわ!まったく…、ほんで、なんなん、リズム感の話って?」[l //きーやん「洗剤的なアルミ缶は、訓練したら成長するんやて。」[l //あおくん「あほ! それを言うなら、潜在的なリズム感やろ!」[l //ふたり「しっつれいしましたー!」[; // --- Literal //(Translator's note: Kii-yan and Ao-kun are the yellow and blue characters, respectively, from Tossboys. They are performing Manzai, a more or less traditional, fast-paced stand-up comedic act done in pairs, where one is usually a bit dumb and the other is quicker but a little mean--think Ren and Stimpy. As with many comedians/entertainers, Manzai pairs are often from the Kansai region, and speak in the very distinct, heavy Kansai dialect. Most of this feel has unavoidably been lost in literal translation. Feel free to look up manzai (漫才) on youtube to get a feel. I trust we'll be able to think of a way to convert this into something more appropriate in English)[l //[l //Kii-yan: “Greetings, I'm Kii-yan!!” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Greetings, I'm Aokun!!” [l //[l //Both: “We're Y&B! Please be kind (Pleased to meet you)!” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Hey hey, Ao-kun. You know, I recently entered a music class!” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Wow, no way! I didn't hear about this-! Kii-yan, you're gonna start (learning) an instrument!? Guitar? Drums? What (are you going to learn)?” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Well, my part will be...” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Uh huh, yeah..?” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “My part will be rhythm!” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Huh? Rhythm? Kii-yan, that's not an instrument! What do you mean 'rhythm'?” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “I know/No! I told the teacher that I want to play drums, and s/he said that I have to do 'rhythm' first!” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Kii-yan, I think s/he probably meant that you should discipline your Rhythm Sense.” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Ah, that's right! S/he did indeed say that! Ao-kun, you're amazing! How did you know? Are you an ESPer (Do you have ESP)?” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “What do you mean “How did you know?” It's obvious!! It's common sense!!!” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Hey hey, you don't have to get that angry about it.” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Ah, ahh, you're right. Sorry.” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Ah! Ao-kun, your fly is open!” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Huh! No way!! Are you serious!?” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Nope.” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “You wily...” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Wily? How archaic...” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Quiet!! Leave me be!!” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “ARGHH-!” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Woah! Wh, why are you getting mad? I don't understand!” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Anyway, we were talking about Rhythm Sense, weren't we?” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Ah, that's right.” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Geez... getting us derailed (off track, on a tangent) like that...” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Ah, sorry... wait, which one of us did it!!!? Kii-yan's the one that derailed our conversation, aren't you----!!? Lying, saying that my fly was open----!!!” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Hey hey, you don't have to get that angry about it.” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “You're noisy (shuttup)! Geez... anyway, what was it about Rhythm Sense?” [l //[l //Kii-yan: “Supposedly, Senzai-teki na arumi-kan (detergent-y aluminum can) will improve with practice.” [l //[l //Ao-kun: “Idiot! You mean Senzai-teki na rizumu-kan (latent rhythm sense)!” [l //[l //Both: “We apologize- (thank you-)!” [l //[l //(Translator's note: You might be able to guess, but the punch line is based on homonyms. Depending on how you write it, “senzai” can mean many different things, including “detergent” and “latent.” And as for “arumi” and “rizumu,” they sound similar enough that one (especially someone slow) might confuse them in this larger, somewhat technical phrase.[; // --- Edited [l Kii-yan: “Greetings, I'm Kii-yan!!”[l [l Ao-kun: “Greetings, I'm Ao-kun!!”[l [l Both: “We're Yellow and Blue! Thanks for coming[l to our show!"[l [l [l // [l Kii-yan: “Hey hey, Ao-kun. Did I tell you I[l started taking music lessons?”[l [l Ao-kun: “No, you didn't tell me! When did this[l happen?! What instrument did you pick? Guitar?[l Piano? The triangle?”[l [l [l // Kii-yan: “Well, I'm learning...”[l [l Ao-kun: “Yeah, yeah?”[l [l Kii-yan: “I'm learning to play the rhythm!”[l [l Ao-kun: “What? Rhythm? Kii-yan, you dope![l Rhythm isn't an instrument! What are you[l really playing?”[l // [l Kii-yan: “I told the teacher that I want to play[l the drums, but she said that I have to work on[l the 'rhythm' first!”[l [l Ao-kun: “Kii-yan, she meant you needed to[l practice your sense of rhythm with the drums!”[l [l [l // Kii-yan: “That's right! She did say that![l Ao-kun, you're amazing! How did you know? Are[l you a mind reader?”[l [l Ao-kun: “You big dummy! I didn't use psychic[l powers, I used common sense!!”[l [l Kii-yan: “Hey hey, you don't have to get all[l angry about it.”[l // [l Ao-kun: “You're right, you're right. Sorry.”[l [l Kii-yan: “Also, Ao-kun, don't look now but your[l fly is open!”[l [l Ao-kun: “What?! Why didn't you warn me before[l we got on stage?!"[l [l // Kii-yan: “Made you look!”[l [l Ao-kun: “Why you little...”[l [l Kii-yan: “Little? I'm three inches taller than[l you!”[l [l Ao-kun: “Quiet!! You knew what I meant!!”[l [l // Kii-yan: “ARGHH-!”[l [l Ao-kun: “Woah! Wh, why are you getting mad?[l calm down, Kii-yan!”[l [l Kii-yan: “Anyway, we were talking about sense of[l rhythm, weren't we?”[l [l Ao-kun: “Yeah, that's right.”[l // Kii-yan: “That was, until you derailed the[l conversation just like that...”[l [l Ao-kun: “Look, I'm sorry... no, wait!!! Kii-yan,[l you're the one that took us on that tangent[l by lying about my fly being open!!!”[l [l Kii-yan: “Yeah, but you're the one who fell[l for the joke.”[l // [l Ao-kun: “Oh, be quiet! Anyway, what did your[l music teacher have to say about your sense of[l rhythm?”[l [l Kii-yan: “I figure I won't need all that much[l practice, since the teacher said my sense of[l rhythm was very blatant.”[l [l // [l Ao-kun: “You blockhead! She said your sense of[l rhythm was latent, like your ability to tell[l funny jokes!”[l [l Both: “Thank you ladies and gentlemen, and[l enjoy the rest of the game!”[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F54) // 0x8056c08 //リズム漫才[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Manzai (manzai=Japanese comedic pair)[; // --- Edited Rhythm Standup[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F48) // 0x8056c14 //みなさん、はじめまして。オレは田中っていいます。この前、うらの倉庫で古い巻物をみつけたんです。その中にはこう書いてありました。[l //[l //「これを見ているオヌシ。オヌシは、この巻物をたまたま見つけたのではない。見つけるべくして、見つかるように忍術をかけておいたものなのだ。わかるか?そう、これを書いているワシは忍者であり、オヌシのご先祖さまというわけだ。[l //先日ワシは、ワシの主人であるトノを矢の雨からお守りした。もちろん、命がけだ。その大仕事を終えた夜、夢をみた。そこには、若い男がいた。世の中に背をむけて生きている、とんがった若者だ。占いオババによると、その若者、どうもオヌシらしいのだ。そして、ワシと同じように命がけで、ある人を守っている。女性だ。その女性はトノの子孫なのだそうだ。こんな巻物を突然見ても、あまりピンとこないかもしれないが、願わくばその女性はオヌシが守り続けて欲しい。」[l //今、オレの心にはある女性がいます。その女性は、先日、パチンコで狙いうちされそうになっているのを、オレが必死で助けた女性です。これから、どうなるってわけじゃないけど、ここはひとつ、ご先祖様の忍術にまんまとかけられてみようかな…[; // --- Literal //Nice to meet you, everyone. My name's Tanaka. I recently found a scroll in the storage in the back. This is what was written in it.[l //[l //”Thou who reads this. You did not find this by chance. I have used ninjutsu to ensure that you find it. Get it? Yes, I who am writing this am a ninja. I am your ancestor.[l //The other day I protected my master the feudal lord from a hail of arrows. Of course, it was risking my life. After completing that great task that night, I saw a dream. In it was a young man. A man who lives with his back turned toward the world, a displeased young man. According to the fortune teller, that young man is you. And you too are risking your life to protect a person. A woman. It appears that that woman is my feudal lord's granddaughter. From reading this scroll suddenly, I'm not sure it will strike home right away, but I ask that you continue to protect her.”[l //[l //At the moment, there is a woman in my heart. She is the woman I saved the other day at a Pachinko parlor from an attack with all my effort. これから、どうなるってわけじゃないけど、ここはひとつ、ご先祖様の忍術にまんまとかけられてみようかな… (I can't translate this last sentence)[; // --- Edited [l Nice to meet you, everyone. My name's Tanaka.[l That's my real name, but don't tell my[l friends that, okay? To them, I'm “Hammer."[l [l I recently found a scroll in the attic.[l This is what was written in it...[l [l [l [l [l “Thou who reads this: You did not find this[l scroll by chance. I have used my ninjutsu to[l ensure that you find it. This may be hard to[l believe, but I, the person writing this, am a[l ninja. I am also your ancestor."[l [l [l [l [l “The other day, I protected my lord from a[l hail of arrows at risk to my life. That night, [l I had a dream about a young man.[l A young man who lives with his back turned[l toward the world... a discontented young man."[l [l [l [l “According to the fortune teller, you are[l that young man. Like me, you risked your life[l to protect a person... a woman. This woman[l is the distant granddaughter of my lord.[l You may choose whether or not to believe me.[l Nonetheless, I ask that you continue to[l protect her for both of our sakes."[l [l [l [l [l [l The scroll was simply signed “A Ninja".[l [l [l [l [l [l [l You see, the other day I did save a woman,[l one who is very important to me. We were[l at the arcade when some thugs attacked. I[l was greatly outnumbered, and it took all[l my effort to save her.[l [l [l [l [l [l Could my ancestor's ninjitsu been at work?[l Perhaps I should put my anger behind me[l and study the way of the ninja instead...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F44) // 0x8057004 //忍者の巻物[; // --- Literal //Ninja Scroll[; // --- Edited The Ninja Scroll[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F38) // 0x8057010 //なぞのリズム組織から最後の通達が届きました。[l //[l //「おめでとう!!リミックス8のパーフェクト、かなりサイコーでした■!…と、明るく祝福するのはやめておく。たしかにキミは、この「リズム天国」でスバラシイ成績を残した。これはまぎれもない事実で、我々も十分みとめている。キミは最高だ!もう、超サイコーなんでーす!!…と、つい、うれしくなってしまうが、楽しくたたえるのは やめておく。[l //今回、このゲームでキミが体感したリズムは、リズム界のほんのチョコットである。もしキミがリズムに対して、よりいっそうの興味を持ってくれたならば、ぜひこれを機会にノリノリになってほしい!だって、ノリノリってサイコーなんだヨ!!もう、超オススメなんだからー!!…と、つい、ウキウキしてしまうが、うかれてオススメするのはやめておく。[l //我々は、本気だ。[l //本気でキミに、ノリノリであってほしいのだ![l //このリズム界をリードするのが、キミであると信じている!っていうか、キミしか信じられなーい!![l //もう、キミってサイコーなんだもーん!![l //遊んでくれてありがとう!」[l //[l //[l //なぞのリズム組織代表[l //スペースおじさん[; // --- Literal //A last notification from the Mystery Rhythm Organization has arrived.[l //[l //”Congratulations!! Getting a Perfect on Remix 8 was pretty unbeatable~! ...is the bright way we should congratulate you, but we're not. In any case, you have left a pretty fantastic grade/record in this Rhythm Tengoku. This is an uncontestable fact that we recognize. You are the greatest! The super greatest-! ...is how we feel, but we're not going to enjoyably praise you. The rhythm that your body felt in this game is only a tiny fraction of the whole Rhythm World. If you have even more interest toward rhythm, you should definitely take this opportunity to really get into it! Getting into it is the best, man-!! So it's a super recommendation-! //...is how we might unintentionally get excited, but we're not going to get in high spirits and recommend it.[l //[l //We, are serious.[l //[l //We really want you to get into it![l //[l //We believe it's you who will lead this Rhythm World! In fact, we can ONLY in believe you!![l //[l //You really are the best![l //[l //Thank you for playing!”[l //[l //[l //Representative of the Mystery Rhythm Organization[l //[l //Space Uncle[; // --- Edited [l [l [l A strange letter has arrived from the[l Rhythm League.[l [l [l [l [l // ”Congratulations!! Remix 8 was almost[l impossible, but you beat it! ...that would[l be the extravagant way to congratulate you,[l but we're going to show restraint. At any[l rate, you've earned a lot of medals and[l gotten a really high flow score, haven't you?[l This is an incontestable fact that we[l recognize. You are the greatest! No,[l you're the super greatest![l // ...that is how we feel, but we're not going[l to spoil you with too much praise. The[l rhythm that your body felt in this game is[l only a tiny fraction of all of Rhythm Heaven.[l If this game has made you take an interest[l in rhythm, you should seize this opportunity[l to explore your rhythmic limits! Developing[l your sense of rhythm is awesome, man!![l You totally need to go for it!![l // ...is what we'd say if we wanted to pressure[l you, but we're not going to force you to do[l anything you don't want to do.[l [l However, we are serious.[l [l We really want you to grow and master your[l rhythm![l [l // We believe that someday you will return as[l the leader of Rhythm Heaven! In fact, we[l believe only YOU can master the rhythm[l necessary to do so!![l [l You really are the best![l [l Thank you for playing!”[l [l // [l [l Sincerely, [l Representative for the Rhythm League[l [l Space Uncle[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F34) // 0x80573d0 //さいごの通達[; // --- Literal //Last Notification[; // --- Edited The Final Letter[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F28) // 0x80573e0 //WISH 君を待てなくて [l //うた:田中総史[l //作詞/作曲:つんく[l //編曲:湯浅公一[l //[l //君を待てなくて 今夜さよなら[l //もっと愛しあいたかった[l //孤独な夜が 幸せだった頃を[l //たくさん想い出させる[l //この街で出会って 激しく恋をした[l //[l //戸惑う事も無く 抱きしめ合ってた[l //[l //それは気まぐれだね[l //すれ違ってく想い[l //[l //いつの間にか冷たい[l //キスをしていた[l //[l //[l //夢がかすんで行く[l //君がかすんで行く[l //熱い熱い[l //胸の痛み[l //我慢できないね[l //[l //[l //君を待てなくて 今夜さよなら[l //もっと愛しあいたかった[l //孤独な夜が 幸せだった頃を[l //たくさん想い出させる[l //[l //君を待てなくて 今夜さよなら[l //二人夢つかみたかった[l //いつもの駅が 幸せだった頃を[l //寂しく想い出させる[; // --- Literal //WISH I can't wait for you[l //[l //Sung by: Tanaka Soushi[l //[l //Written/Composed by: Tsunku[l //[l //Arranged by: Yuasa Kouichi[l //[l //[l //I can't wait for you so tonight is my goodbye[l //[l //I wanted for us to love each other more[l //[l //This lonely night makes me remember [l //[l //Many of our happy moments[l //[l //The meeting in this city and the burning passion we had[l //[l //[l //Without any doubts we held each other tight[l //[l //[l //Is caprice, isn't[l //[l //This wish for us to meet again[l //[l //[l //Before I could notice[l //[l //You was giving me a cold kiss[l //[l //[l //My dreams are becoming hazy[l //[l //You are becoming hazy[l //[l //It's burning, burning[l //[l //The pain in my chest[l //[l //I can't really take it[l //[l //[l //I can't wait for you so tonight is my goodbye[l //[l //I wanted for us to love each other more[l //[l //This lonely night makes me remember [l //[l //Many of our happy moments[l //[l //[l //I can't wait for you so tonight is my goodbye[l //[l //I hoped we could be together[l //[l //The usual station makes me remember[l //[l //Lonely, of our happy moments[; // --- Edited [l [l WISH: I can't wait for you[l [l Vocals: Tanaka Soushi[l Lyrics and Composition: Tsunku♂[l Arrangement: Yuasa Kouichi[l [l [l // [l I can't wait for you so tonight is my goodbye[l I wanted for us to love each other more[l This lonely night makes me remember [l Many of our happy moments[l The meeting in this city and[l the burning passion we had[l Without any doubts we held each other tight[l [l // [l [l It's the caprice of life, isn't it[l This wish for us to meet again[l [l Before I could notice[l You were giving me a cold kiss[l [l [l // [l [l My dreams are becoming hazy[l You are becoming hazy[l It's burning, burning[l The pain in my chest[l I can't really take it[l [l [l // [l [l I can't wait for you so tonight is my goodbye[l I wanted for us to love each other more[l [l This lonely night makes me remember [l Many of our happy moments[l [l [l // [l [l I can't wait for you so tonight is my goodbye[l I hoped we could be together[l [l Our favorite station makes me remember[l Lonely, our happy moments[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F24) // 0x8057628 //歌詞カード■[; // --- Literal //Lyrics Card 2[; // --- Edited //[Song Lyrics 3[; Lyrics: WISH[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F18) // 0x8057638 //恋のハニースイ■トエンジェル[l //うた:時東ぁみ[l //作詞/作曲:つんく[l //編曲:鈴木Daichi秀行[l // [l //恋の魅力 恋の不思議[l //恋の形 恋のニュアンス[l //ハニースイ■トエンジェル[l //[l //[l //[l //逆の意味で 「好き」って何よ![l //超わかんな■い[l //[l //さらに逆に 言い換えると[l //スキ みたいなんですよ[l //[l //[l //[l //めっちゃ あまずっぱい いっちごミルク[l //そんな感じね 私たち[l //I LOVE U  [l //[l //恋の魅力 恋の不思議[l //恋の形 恋のニュアンス[l //ハニースイ■トエンジェル[l //[; // --- Literal //Google Translate: //port Hanisui Angel of love[l ("Honey Sweet Angel of Love") //Song: see § east at [l //Composition / Lyrics: Tsunku [l //Arrangement: Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki[l //[l //wonder of love charm of love[l //The nuances of the form of love love [l //Port Hanisui ■ Angel [l ("Honey Sweet Angel") //[l //[l //[l //What I "love" in the sense of reverse! [l //Yes ■ Do not super young [l //[l //In other words to reverse further [l //I'm like I love [l //[l //[l //[l //Sour milk after a match めっちゃ [l //I like that we [l //I LOVE U [l //[l //wonder of love charm of love[l //The nuances of the form of love love [l //Port Hanisui ■ Angel[; // --- Edited [l Honey Sweet Angel of Love[l [l Vocals: Ami Tokito[l Lyrics and Composition: Tsunku♂[l Arrangement: Suzuki “Daichi” Hideyoki[l Translation: Trickart[l [l [l // [l Charm of love Wonder of love[l Shape of love Nuance of love[l Honey sweet angel[l [l What is the meaning of love in reverse![l I do not understand it at all[l [l [l // [l Moreover, in other words to reverse[l it means love[l [l Very sweet-sour strawberry milk[l We look like it[l I LOVE U[l [l [l // [l [l [l Charm of love Wonder of love[l Shape of love Nuance of love[l Honey sweet angel[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F14) // 0x80577c4 //歌詞カード■[; // --- Literal //Lyrics Card 2[; // --- Edited //Song Lyrics 2[; Lyrics: Sweet Angel[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F08) // 0x80577d4 //ザ☆ぼんおどり[l //うた:時東ぁみ[l //作詞/作曲:つんく[l //[l //は■花火あがれば■[l //は■あ■歓声あがる■[l //[l //は■ 人気あがれば■[l //は■あ■ 給料あがる■[l //祭りだわっしょい![l //にっぽん中がわっしょい![l //[l //それ ひっくり返って ドンドパンパン[l //は■ 盆踊り■[l //[l //は■雨があがれば■[l //は■あ■やぐらに あがる■[l //[l //[l //ほら!祭りだわっしょい![l //これぞ メイド イン ジャパン [l //[l //それ ひっくり返って ドンドパンパン[l //は■ 盆踊り■[; // --- Literal //The☆Bon-Odori (Bon Festival dance / Lantern Festival dance)[l //[l //Sung by: Tokitou aMi[l //[l //Written/Composed by: Tsunku[l //[l //[l //Ha~ When the fireworks go up~[l //[l //Ha~a~ The cheers go up~[l //[l //[l //Ha~ When popularity goes up~[l //[l //Ha~a~ The wages/salary goes up~[l //[l //[l //It's a festival wasshoi![l //[l //All of Japan wasshoi![l //[l //[l //Yeah, reverse and don don pan pan[l //[l //Ha~ Bon-Odori~[l //[l //[l //Ha~ When the rain goes up (i.e. stops)~[l //[l //Ha~a~ I/You/We/They go up to the scaffold~[l //[l //[l //Hey! It's a festival wasshoi![l //[l //This is it, “Made in Japan!”[l //[l //[l //Yeah, reverse and don don pan pan[l //[l //Ha~ Bon-Odori~[; // --- Edited [l [l The☆Bon-Odori[l [l Vocals: Ami Tokito[l Lyrics and Composition: Tsunku♂[l Localization: SirNiko[l [l [l Translator's notes:[l [l Obon/Bon is “a Japanese Buddhist custom[l to honor the spirits of one's ancestors".[l “Bon Odori" means “Bon Dance,"[l a style of dancing during Bon.[l “Wasshoi!" is a call used when carrying[l a portable shrine, like the English[l “Heave-ho!", or close to that.[l //Romanji, literal, localized [l Original lyrics, in latin script:[l [l Ha~ Hanabi agareba~ [l Ha Ah~ Kansei agaru~ [l Ha~ Ninki agareba~ [l Ha Ah~ Kyuuryou agaru~ [l [l [l [l [l Matsuri da wasshoi! [l Nippon juu ga wasshoi! [l Sore hikkuri kaette [l dondo pa--n pan [l Ha~ Bon-Odori [l [l [l [l Ha~ Ame ga agareba~ [l Ha Ah~ Yagura ni agaru~ [l Hora! Matsuri da wasshoi![l Korezo Meido in Japan![l Sore hikkuri kaette [l dondo pa--n pan [l Ha~ Bon-Odori [l [l // [literal translation [l Original lyrics, literal translation:[l [l Ha~ When the fireworks go up~ [l Ha Ah~ The cheers go up~ [l Ha~ If popularity goes up~ [l Ha Ah~ The salary goes up~ [l [l [l [l [l It's a festival, wasshoi![l All Japan says wasshoi![l Yeah, twirl around and[l dondo pa--n pan[l Ha~ Bon-Odori [l [l [l [l Ha~ When the rain stops[l Ha Ah~ We go up to the turret/scaffold[l Hey!/Look here! It's a festival, wasshoi![l This is it, Made in Japan![l Yeah, twirl around and[l dondo pa--n pan[l Ha~ Bon-Odori [l [l //localized lyrics [l Localized lyrics:[l [l Ha~ When rockets start to fly~ [l Ha Ah~ Cheers will fill the sky~ [l Ha~ When the spirits are high~ [l Ha Ah~ The more people will buy~ [l [l [l [l [l It’s a festival, hooray![l All Japan says hooray![l Now we turn around and[l dondo pa--n pan[l Haa~ Bon-Odori [l [l [l [l Ha~ When the rain is dry~ [l Ha Ah~ Climb up the turret and spy~ [l Oh! It’s a festival, hooray![l This is it! It’s made in Japan![l Now we turn around and[l dondo pa--n pan[l Haa~ Bon-Odori [l [; //[l //Ha~ Hanabi agareba~ (When the fireworks go up)[l //Ha Ah~ Kansei agaru~ (the cheers go up)[l //Ha~ Ninki agareba~ (If popularity goes up)[l //Ha Ah~ Kyuuryou agaru~ (the salary goes up)[l //Matsuri da wasshoi! (It's a festival, wasshoi!)[l //Nippon juu ga wasshoi! (All Japan says wasshoi!)[l //Sore hikkuri kaette (Yeah, twirl around and)[l //don don pan pan[l //Ha~ Bon-Odori~[l //Ha~ Ame ga agareba~ (When the rain stops)[l //Ha Ah~ Yagura ni agaru~[l //(I/You/We/They go up to the turret/scaffold)[l //Hora! Matsuri da wasshoi![l //(Hey!/Look here! It's a festival, wasshoi!)[l //Korezo Meido in Japan! (This is it, Made in Japan!)[l //Sore hikkuri kaette (Yeah, twirl around and)[l //don don pan pan[l //Ha~ Bon-Odori[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7F04) // 0x8057958 //歌詞カード■[; // --- Literal //Lyrics Card 1[; // --- Edited //Song Lyrics 1[; Lyrics: The☆Bon-Odori[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EF8) // 0x8057968 //はいどーもー!DJ SALUでーす![l //今日もステキなゲストが来てくれています。ラップメン(RM)のおふたりでーす。よろしくどうぞ■![l //RM「あ、どうも ラップメンです」[l //DJ「新曲、いいじゃないですか■!」[l //RM「せやろ■。わかりますか?」[l //DJ「うん、うん。サイコー!」[l //RM「ところで、なやみがあるんですわ」[l //DJ「え!?え■っと、…ど、どんな?」[l //RM「なんか、うちらのバッタモンが現れたんですわ、ラップウィメンとかいう」[l //DJ「ほんとですか!?」[l //RM「うん。しかも楽屋にあった うちらのおやつをないしょで食べてもうたんですわ」[l //DJ「エー!ショックですねぇ…」[l //RM「しかも、おき手紙があってね」[l //DJ「なんて?」[l //[l //RM「べつばら サイコーって」[l //DJ「なんて大胆な…」[l //RM「でっしゃろ?くやしくて叫びました」[l //DJ「おやつがナイヨ■ってですか?」[l //RM「!? なんでしってんの?」[l //DJ「だってリズム天国やってるもーん!ではここでCMでーす」[l //CM「ノリ感アップに… リズム天国!買ってネ!」[l //おわり[; // --- Literal //Hello-! It's DJ SALU (translator's note: saru/salu = monkey; also SALU is the name of the monkeys in Tap Dance)[l //[l //We have another fantastic guest today. It's the Rap Men (RM) duo. Pleasure to meet you~![l //[l //RM: Ah, yes, pleasure to meet you, we're the Rap Men.[l //[l //DJ: The new single is great~![l //[l //RM: Ain't it? You know what I mean?[l //[l //DJ: Un, un. Saiko-! (Grunt, grunt, best-!)[l //[l //RM: By the way, we have a problem.[l //[l //DJ: Huh!? Umm... wh-what kind?[l //[l //RM: It seems that a rip-off of us has appeared, called Rap Women.[l //[l //DJ: Honto desu ka!? (Really!?)[l //[l //RM: Un (gurnt). Furthermore, they secretly (naisho) ate the snacks in our dressing room.[l //[l //DJ: Huuh!? What a shock...[l //[l //RM: And there was a note.[l //[l //DJ: What did it say?[l //[l //RM: “Betsu-bara saiko-!” (Seperate/special/second stomach reserved for favorite foods are the best!)[l //[l //DJ: How audacious...[l //[l //RM: Ain't it? I was so vexed that I yelled out...[l //[l //DJ: “Oyatsu ga nai YO~”? (The snacks are gone!)[l //[l //RM: !? How did you know?[l //[l //DJ: Cuz I've been playing Rhythm Tengoku! And now for a CM (commercial).[l //[l //CM: Take your Mood Riding up... Rhythm Tengoku! Katte NE! (Buy it!)[l //[l //[l //(Translator's note: I phonetically transcribed some of the Japanese because they are direct quotes or references to phrases in the Rap Wo/Men game. E.g. “Honto desu ka?” --> “Un!” “Kare ni wa naisho-!” --> “Un! Un!”)[; // --- Edited Hello! this is DJ MAN-K!![l We have another fantastic guest today,[l the Rap Men (RM). Pleasure to meet you![l [l RM: Aw, yeah, pleasure to meet you,[l we ARE the Rap Men.[l [l DJ: Your new single is great![l [l // [l RM: Ain't it? You know what I mean?[l [l DJ: Uh, uh, the BEST![l [l RM: Unfortunately, we have a problem.[l [l DJ: Woah! What kind of problem?[l [l // RM: A rip-off duo has appeared, and[l they call themselves the Rap Women.[l [l DJ: That's crazy, Isn't it!?[l [l RM: Uh! Not only that, they secretly[l ate the snacks in our dressing room.[l [l DJ: No way! That must've been a shock![l // [l RM: And then they left a note.[l [l DJ: What did it say?[l [l RM: It said “Secret snacking is the BEST!”[l [l DJ: Wow, that's just harsh...[l [l // RM: Ain't it? I was so mad that I yelled out...[l [l DJ: “Lack of snacks makes me DEPRESSED!”[l [l RM: Uh!? How did you know?[l [l DJ: 'Cuz I've been playing Rhythm Heaven Silver![l And now for a commercial break![l [l // [l [l From our sponsers...[l [l Raise your mood with a little music...[l Rhythm Heaven Silver! Buy it![l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EF4) // 0x8057cb4 //とあるラジオ番組[; // --- Literal //A Radio Broadcast[; // --- Edited Rap Report[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EE8) // 0x8057cc8 //4月16日 今日からマーチャに入隊!みんなの役に立つようにがんばるぞー![l //[l //4月20日 今日はみんなと「あしぶみ」がそろわず、隊長におこられちゃった。[l //[l //4月28日 今日は駅前の清掃活動をした。みしらぬおばあちゃんが「キレイにしてくれてありがとう」と言ってアメをくれた。うれしかった![l //5月4日 最近なんだかだるい。これが5月病というものなのかな?しっかりしないと、おいてけぼりをされそうだ…[l //[l //5月8日 隊長のようすがおかしい… 昨日、宇宙でウサギと遊んだと言っている。大丈夫かな…?[l //[l //5月16日 最近、隊長そっくりの人をよくみかける。[l //気のせいだろうか?[l //5月22日 ボクは見てしまった。隊長が…[l //[l //[l //活動記録はここで終わっている。[l //いったい、隊長の身になにが!?[; // --- Literal //April 16 - Starting today I'm enlisted in the Marcher group/company/corps! I'm gonna do my best to be of use to everyone![l //[l //April 20 - Today the commander got angry at me for not being able to match my steps with the group.[l //[l //April 28 - Today I cleaned the front of the station. An old woman said, “Thank you for making things clean,” and gave me candy. I was happy![l //[l //May 4 - Things have been listless lately. Maybe this is the so called “May-itis”? If I don't shape up, I might be left behind (not sure what おいてけぼり means)...[l //[l //May 8 - The commander seems weird... He's saying he played with rabbits in space yesterday. I wonder if he's OK...?[l //[l //May 16 - Lately, I've been seeing people that look just like the commander. Is it my imagination?[l //[l //May 22 - I saw it! The commander...[l //[l //[l //The activity records ends here.[l //[l //What could have happened to the commander!?[; // --- Edited [l [l [l April 16 - Today I enlisted in the Marcher Corps![l I'm gonna do my best for my new comrades![l [l [l [l [l April 20 - Today the commander got angry at[l me for not being able to march in step with[l the others.[l [l April 28 - Today I swept the front of the station.[l An old woman said to me, “Thank you for your[l hard work.” and gave me a piece of candy.[l I'm so happy![l [l [l [l [l May 4 - I've been feeling listless lately. Maybe[l this is what they call the summer doldrums. If I[l don't shape up, I might get left behind...[l [l [l [l [l May 8 - The commander has been acting weird...[l He just told me he played with rabbits in space[l yesterday. I wonder if he's OK...?[l [l May 16 - Today, I saw a group of people that[l looked just like the commander. This can't[l just be my imagination![l [l [l [l [l [l May 22 - I saw it! The commander...[l [l [l [l [l [l [l [l The diary ends here.[l [l What could have happened to the commander!?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EE4) // 0x8057f50 //マーチャ活動記録[; // --- Literal //Marcher Activity Record[; // --- Edited Marcher's Diary[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7ED8) // 0x8057f64 //メダルでもらえるおまけ「うまマシーン」の開発にたずさわった、Fさんに開発のお話をきくことができました。[l //Fさん「うまを走らせる気持ちよさを伝えたいという想いから開発がスタートしました」[l //シンプルながら熱い想いをことばに託すFさん。[l //Fさん「しかし、ゲームとしてのいろいろな条件を満たそうとすると出口が見つからず、開発の断念を意識した時期もありました」[l //苦しい時期もあったFさん。自分の想うものを決められた枠内で表現するのは大変なんですね。[l //Fさん「遊んでくれた人がほんのチョットでもハッピーになってくれたら、もうそれで苦労なんか吹っ飛んじゃいますけどネ!」[l //サービス精神旺盛なFさん。これからの作品も期待しております。ありがとうございました。[; // --- Literal //We were able to hear the story of the “Horse Machine” that you can receive with medals from Mr. F who developed it.[l //[l //Mr. F: “I started developing it through the thought that I wanted to share the good feeling of running a horse (riding a horse).”[l //[l //Mr. F puts into words the simple but passionate feelings.[l //[l //Mr. F: “But when trying to fulfil all the many conditions as a game, I often lost sight of the answer, and there were even times that I thought about giving up.”[l //[l //Mr. F who had some hard times. It really is difficult to express/present/make something that one is has in mind within a set/limited framework.[l //[l //Mr. F: “But if the people who play it become even the slightest bit happy, all those hardships will all fly away!”[l //[l //Mr. F, full of Service-Mindedness. We will be waiting in expectation for you next product/creation. Thank you.[l //[l //[l //(Tans. note: This is done in the mood of a kind of solemn documentary or news report. The narration that appears every other line is not addressed directly to Mr. F, but indirectly to both him and the audience.)[; // --- Edited [l The Secret Story Behind the[l Development of the Horse Machine[l [l Today we have a special interview with[l “Mr. F", the developer of the “Horse Machine”.[l The Horse Machine can be played in the[l “Toys" menu if you have seven medals.[l [l // [l Mr. F: “I started developing (the Horse Machine)[l in order to share the good feeling of riding[l a horse."[l [l Though his words may be simple, Mr. F speaks[l with passion in his voice.[l [l [l // [l Mr. F: “But when I tried to fulfill all the conditions[l of a game, I often lost sight of the answer and[l there were times when I thought of giving up.”[l [l Mr. F has experienced hard times. It is often[l difficult to express yourself properly within the[l framework you are given.[l [l // [l Mr. F: “But if the people who play (The Horse[l Machine) become even the slightest bit happier, [l all those hardships will fly away!”[l [l You are so dedicated to your craft, Mr. F.[l We will anxiously await your next creation.[l Thank you.[l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7ED4) // 0x80581dc //うまマシーン開発秘話[; // --- Literal //The Secret Story Behind the Development of the Horse Machine[; // --- Edited Horse Machine's Story[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EC8) // 0x80581f4 //ただいま宇宙空間で活躍中のエアーバッターさんにインタビューしてみました![l //[l //Q.今シーズンの調子はどうですか?[l //A.おにぎり食べてるから、バッチシです![l //[l //Q.目標は?[l //A.おにぎりを欠かさないこと!です。[l //[l //Q.彼女はいますか?[l //A.はい、います。[l //[l //Q.彼女の得意料理は?[l //A.おにぎりです![l //[l //Q.なぜ、ゲーム中に かぶりものを?[l //A.なんのことですか?[l //[l //Q.なぜ ウサギなどのコスチュームを?[l //A.しりません。[l //[l //Q.質問に答えてください![l //A.もう、時間ですので失礼します。[l //[l //ここで、エアーバッターさんは席を外されてしまいました。なにかワケありのようです。以上、宇宙空間からでした。[; // --- Literal //I've just now in the void of space interviewed Mr. Air Batter![l //[l //[l //Q. How is the season looking right now?[l //[l //A. I'm eating nigiri (rice balls--> that black and white triangle thing he hits sometimes instead of baseballs), so it's right on the mark![l //[l //[l //Q. And your target/objective?[l //[l //A. To not forget the nigiri! it is.[l //[l //[l //Q. Do you have a girlfriend?[l //[l //A. Yes, I do.[l //[l //[l //Q. What is her cooking specialty?[l //[l //A. Nigiri![l //[l //[l //Q. Why, in the middle of the game, the masks?[l //[l //A. What are you talking about?[l //[l //[l //Q. Why do you put on for example rabbit costumes?[l //[l //A. I don't know what you're talking about.[l //[l //[l //Q. Answer the question![l //[l //A. Ah, time is up, excuse me.[l //[l //[l //At this point Mr. Air Batter left his seat. There seems to be some kind of situation/circumstance. That is all, from the void of space.[; // --- Edited From Radio Heaven News in Deep Space, I'm Ryan[l Williams.[l [l I'm here live in the void of space for an[l exclusive interview! To my right is Mr.[l Spaceballer. How are you today?[l I'm well. I think I really gave it my all in the last[l game.[l [l // [l Good to hear. How's the season looking right[l now?[l I'm eating rice balls, so it's right on the mark![l [l And what is your goal in all this?[l To not forget the rice balls![l [l [l // [l Makes sense to me. Do you have a girlfriend?[l Yes, I do. She's right over there. Celeste comes[l to all of my practices and games.[l [l What else does Celeste do for you?[l What else? Her cooking specialty is rice balls![l [l [l // [l [l [l So it sounds like you two are the perfect match.[l Indeed. It may be trite, but we were made for[l each other.[l [l [l [l // [l I'm watching you in the middle of the game.[l You're getting homerun after homerun. Then[l suddenly, after watching a ball sail into outer[l space, I look back, and you're not there.[l Why the masks?[l What are you talking about?[l [l [l // [l Why do you put on, for example, a rabbit[l costume?[l I don't know what you're talking about.[l [l Answer the question![l Ah, time is up. Excuse me.[l [l [l // [l That's it, folks! Mr. Spaceballer left his seat.[l There seems to be some kind of special[l circumstance that we cannot be privy to.[l That's all the information we're getting out[l of him. Ryan Williams, Radio Heaven News,[l Deep Space.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EC4) // 0x8058424 //エアーバッター速報[; // --- Literal //Air Batter Quick Report[; // --- Edited Inside Spaceball[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EB8) // 0x8058438 //ナイトウォークに出演している彼は、とっても音楽がスキなのだそうです。以前も音楽関係の仕事をしていたそうで、そのコネで今回このゲームに出演しているのだそうです。この前、街で偶然彼をみつけたので話をきいてみると「音楽大スキ!」と言い残し、階段をのぼってどっかに行っちゃいました。そんな音楽好きの彼に またどこかで会えたらいいなぁと、チョットだけ思いました。そういえば彼、なんていう名前なのかなぁ?[l //さぁ、ここでクイズです![l //その彼は名前は…[l //[l //■■■■■[l //[l //各番号に入る文字を答えてくださいネ![l //正解すると、次のページの文章を読むことができまーす!![l //[l //[l //リズムゲームの「クイズ」のヒミツ[l //[l //あのゲームは、■■■■ーがボタをたたくと、たたた数だけカウントされますよね?実は、ゲームをほっとて、ボタをたたきまくると、たなことがおきるです。とっても、まぁ、あまり期待しなでネ■![; // --- Literal //[l //He who performs in Night Walk, it appears that he really loves music. It seems that he has done other music-related before, and it's through that connection that he appears in this game. Recently, I by chance ran into him on the street, and when I tried to talk to him, he just said “I love music!” and disappeared up some stairs. I slightly thought, “wouldn't it be really great to meet again him who loves music that much?” Speaking of him, I wonder what his name is?[l //[l //Okay, here is a quiz![l //[l //His name is...[l //[l //[l //(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)[l //[l //[l //[l //Answer which letters go in each of the numbers! If you figure it out, you'll be able to read the next page's paragraph![l //[l //[l //[l //Secret of the Rhythm Game “Quiz”[l //[l //[l //In that game, whe(5) the (1)(2)(3)(4)-- (1)shes the butto(5)s, (3)t cou(5)ts the (5)umber of times he h(3)ts (3)t, r(3)ght? Well, (3)f you just leave the game and (1)sh the butto(5)s as much as you ca(5), someth(3)ng amaz(3)ng happe(5)s. Eve(5) so, don't expect too much, OK?[l //[l //[l //(Trans. Note: This might be a bit confusing. Basically, the Night Walk character's name is made up of 5 Japanese syllables, and you have to guess which. The clue is in the “Quiz” paragraph, where all the syllables contained in said name have been replaced with their respective corresponding numbers. To get to the point, the answer is “pu-re-i-ya-n,” which corresponds to a diminutive form of “player,” like in “Kii-yan” from Tossboys.)[l //[l //(Trans. Note2: And one more thing, I used numbers in parentheses instead of those circled numbers because they wouldn't show up properly even when I copy/pasted them.)[; // --- Edited [l You know that little guy in Night Walk?[l It turns out he really loves music.[l Actually, it seems he's appeared in other[l music-related games before, and it's[l because of that connection that he appears[l in Rhythm Heaven Silver.[l [l [l // [l Recently, I had a chance encounter with[l him on the street, but when I tried to[l talk to him, he just said “I love music!”[l and disappeared up some stairs. He's such[l a musical buff! I hope I meet him again.[l But... I don't even know his real name![l [l [l // [l [l So, here we have the Night Walk quiz![l [l The music loving fellow is named...[l [l (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)[l [l [l // [l [l [l All you have to do is fill in the letters![l To figure it out, try filling in the blanks[l on the next page![l [l [l [l // The Secret of the “Quiz” game[l [l You know how the (1)layer in Quiz has to push[l the button the right number of times to wi(7)?[l Wel(2), instead of stopping on the right[l answer tr(5) pushing the buttons as m(3)ny[l times (6)s possible for a cool surprise![l Well, at least I think it's prett(4) cool.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EB4) // 0x80587ac //ナイトウォーク情報[; // --- Literal //Night Walk Information/Intelligence[; // --- Edited Night Walk Riddle[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EA8) // 0x80587c0 //わたしは野菜をつくっているおじさんです。最近、うちの野菜たちにヒゲが生えるんです!とてもブキミだし、これでは売り物にならないんでヒゲをぬくんですが、これがまたキレイにぬけないのです。こまったわたしは気をまぎらわせようと、音楽をききながらノリノリで野菜たちの毛をぬきました。するとなんと!キレイにぬけるのです!しかもなんだか楽しいんです!音楽のチカラってすばらしいですね。みなさんもぜひ野菜の毛をぬいてみてください![; // --- Literal //I'm a middle aged man that grows vegetables. Lately, my vegetables have been growing facial hair! Since it's really gross and it won't sell like this, I've been plucking the hairs, but I can't quite pluck them clean. With the intent of changing the mood, I who was in a dilemma decided to pluck the hairs while listening to music. Then I was able to pluck them clean! And it's somehow more enjoyable! The power of music is really incredible. Please everyone try plucking the hairs from vegetables, too![; // --- Edited I'm retired, but I grow vegetables to pass the[l time. Lately, my vegetables have been growing[l facial hair! Obviously, customers don't want to[l buy gross, hairy vegetables. Since the[l vegetables won't sell if they're covered in[l hair, I've been plucking the hairs -- But I[l couldn't always pluck them perfectly.[l [l This was quite a dilemma.[l While trying to liven up the mood, I decided to[l pluck the hairs while listening to music. Then[l I was able to pluck them cleanly every time, and[l it's somehow more enjoyable now! The power[l of music really is incredible. I think everyone[l should try plucking the hairs from vegetables![l [l - Uncle Sabiir[; // http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n08/brij/chara/stage01.html // mentions "uncle"... #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7EA4) // 0x8058960 //毛ぬき投書[; // --- Literal //Letter to the editor about Hair Plucking[; // --- Edited Letter to the Editor[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7E98) // 0x805896c //私は喫茶店を経営しております。まぁ、分かりやすく言うと喫茶店のマスターです。経営のほうは常連さんのおかげで、まずまずといったカンジですね。あ、そうそう、先に言っておきますが、私は犬です。[l //うちのお客さんは、音楽が好きな方が多いんですよねぇ。とくに、リズムに関して、かなりのこだわりをお持ちの方が来られます。なかには、パーフェクトキャンペーンをいくつも達成されてる方もいらっしゃって、もう ビックリしちゃいますヨ![l //まぁ、いつもはこんなカンジで喫茶店のほうを営んでおりますが、実はこれ、仮のすがたなんです。本当の私は… おはずかしい話ですが、犬用のヘッドホンをしながらノリノリで、はしゃぎまわっているんです!やはり、ノリノリなしではやってられないんですよねぇ。こまったものです。ははは。[l //わりといろいろな所に遊びに出かけたりもしているので、もし見かけたらナデナデして下さいネ■![l //ではまた。[; // --- Literal //I'm running a coffee bar (cafe). Well, to put it simply, I'm the manager. Thanks to the regulars, the business is about tolerable. Ah, right right, I say this ahead of time, but I'm dog. Many of my customers really like music. Especially when it comes to rhythm, there are a lot that are really into it. There is even one who completed many Perfect Campaigns, and I was so surprised![l //[l //Well, in any case, although I always running the coffee bar in this manner, to tell you the truth it's only an appearance. Truthfully, I... it's a bit embarrassing, but I'm always listening to music with dog-use headphones and being merry! In the end, I can't do it without grooving to the music. I'm in a fix. Hahaha.[l //[l //I actually go out and hang out at many different places, so if you see me, please pet me~![l //[l //Ok then, see you again.[; // --- Edited [l Hi there. I run the local cafe. You can say I'm[l a “manager." Thanks to the regulars, the[l business is about tolerable. Ah, right, I get[l ahead of myself. I'm a dog.[l [l ...[l [l [l [l [l But being a dog doesn't mean I can't own a[l cafe. In fact, people say that my doggedness[l is what keeps this little shop open. I also hear[l that many of my customers really like music.[l [l [l [l [l [l Especially when it comes to rhythm: a lot of[l them are really into it. There is even one who[l has completed a bunch of Perfect Campaigns.[l I am always so surprised when they come in[l with yet another medal! Anyway...[l [l [l [l Although I am always running the cafe, to tell[l you the truth, it's only a front for my real[l passion. Truthfully, I...[l [l Well, it's a bit embarrassing, but I'm always[l merrily listening to music with my dog[l headphones! Basically, I can't brew coffee[l without grooving to the music. I'm in a fix. Heh.[l [l [l [l I hang out at all sorts of places around town, [l so if you see me, please pet me![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7E94) // 0x8058c7c //経営者に聞く[; // --- Literal //Hearing from the Manager/Proprietor[; // --- Edited More Than a Barista[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7E88) // 0x8058c8c //このゲームの遊び方[l //[l //っていうか、とくに説明がいるほど複雑なゲームじゃないんですヨ■。だから、ここに書くこともとくにないんですよねぇ。[l //あ、そうそう、音楽にノるのがポイントなので、ノリノリで遊ぶのがいいですヨ!オススメでーす![l //そんなとこですね。よろしくどうぞ■。[; // --- Literal //How to Play this Game[l //[l //[l //Or actually, it's not such a complicated game that it needs explanation. So there's actually not much to write here.[l //[l //Ah, right, the point is to ride the music (get into the music), so you should play while getting merry/groovy/dancy/fun. It's a recommendation![l //[l //[l //That's about it. Yoroshiku douzo~ (pleasure to meet you / please treat me well / let's get along / etc)[; // --- Edited [l [l How to Play this Game[l [l It's not such a complicated game that it needs[l explanation. So there's actually not much to[l write here.[l [l [l [l Well, there is one thing. The whole point is to get[l into the music, so you should play with that goal[l in mind. You'll enjoy it much more if your whole[l body feels the beat. That's our advice.[l [l That's about it. Pleasure to meet you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7E84) // 0x8058d94 //取り扱い説明書[; // --- Literal //Handling Instructions[; // --- Edited Handling Instructions[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7E78) // 0x8058da4 //ごあいさつ[l //このたびは、「リズム天国」をお買い上げいただきまことにありがとうございます。あ、おともだちに借りているのかな?そ、それとも、ちゅ、中古ですか!?[l //ま、それはさておき。このゲームに興味をもっていただいて光栄です。あなたとの出会いに感謝です![l //末永く楽しんでいただけたら、うれしいでーす!![l //ありがとうございました。[; // --- Literal //Greeting[l //[l //This time, we thank you for purchasing “Rhythm Tengoku.” Huh? Might you have borrowed it from a friend? Or, bought it u,used?[l //[l //Well, putting that aside, we're honored to have your interest in this game. We are thankful for meeting you![l //[l //We will be happy if you enjoy it for a long, long time!![l //[l //Thank you.[; // --- Edited // --- Edited [l Hello![l [l Thanks for purchasing “Rhythm Heaven Silver.” Huh? You borrowed it from a friend? Or bought[l it u-used?[l [l [l [l [l Well, putting that aside, we're honored that[l you're interested in this game. We are glad we[l met you![l [l We hope you enjoy it for a long, long time!![l [l Thank you.[l [l Translator's note: Isn't it great that you're[l playing this in English? This free fan-translation[l is a collaboration between several people.[l [l Dirtie started the project way back in May 2007.[l Since then, it has passed through four “owners”[l and many other contributors. Here we are[l over five years later and the translation hack[l is still unfinished.[l Four people are actively working on this hack.[l [l W hat is our creative director (mostly because[l he got here first). He is also responsible for[l localization and occasional basic hacking.[l [l SirNiko is our manager. He does localization, [l testing, and graphical art. Additionally, he[l works tirelessly to ensure that the project[l stays on track.[l [l MegaRockEXE is our graphics artist. He makes[l great-looking, fancy English graphics.[l [l Greiga Master is our hacker. Thanks to his[l efforts, we can make the whole game in[l English, rather than just the text. He has[l also contributed assorted bugfixes.[l Full credits:[l [l Hacking[l pelrun, Greiga Master, Dirtie,[l Spikeman, Y.S., W hat, Auryn[l [l Translation[l S3v3nx3, BRPXQZME, Iq 132, Ryan A., Samutz, [l DaVince, 4ppleseed, DarthNemesis, pelrun[l Localization[l W hat, SirNiko, Nintendo[l [l Technical Support and Hacking Help[l Klarth, Henke37, Nagato, Ryusui,[l dn, Xenesis, x0_000, d235j[l [l Font[l Nintendo, Kirby3, Ed Merritt, W hat, J.P. ROOM[l This project wouldn't have gotten off the[l ground if Spikeman hadn't sent his Atlas[l script to W hat. Thanks a bunch. (Note: the[l script was edited from pelrun's original version.)[l [l Nagato found that Y.S. posted usable[l information about his Rhythm Tengoku[l hacks. Thanks for recovering them;[l they were over five years old.[l Want to see this game get a proper[l translation from Nintendo? We do too![l To help this cause, you need to:[l [l -buy the Rhythm Heaven games on the DS and Wii[l -fill out those games' Club Nintendo surveys[l -mention Rhythm Tengoku in the surveys[l -ask for Rhythm Tengoku as an untranslated[l digital download on the 3DS or Wii U.[l Any interest shown in the Rhythm Heaven[l series helps future games get made. And[l maybe, if enough interest is shown, Nintendo[l will put out Rhythm Tengoku digitally.[l [l And if that release sells well, they'll translate it.[l [l It doesn't hurt to try![l Now answer those surveys![l In conclusion, thanks for playing the game. It's[l no fun making something that nobody else[l cares about. Enjoy![l [l [l [l - Rhythm Heaven Silver team[l //New format Twitter.com/rh0updates[l Beta 10a: 2013-12-19[; //for Betas //Twitter.com/rh0updates Beta 9b: 2013-09-06[; //for Demos //Twitter.com/rh0updates Demo 9 - 06/21/13[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7E74) // 0x8058ee8 //リズム天国へようこそ![; // --- Literal //Welcome to Rhythm Tengoku![; // --- Edited Rhythm Heaven Welcome[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7FEC) // 0x8058f30 //[l //[l //[l //[l //無効データ[; // --- Literal //[l //[l //[l //Invalid Data[; // --- Edited [[ [l [l [l [l Invalid Data[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D7FE8) // 0x8058f48 //エラー[; // --- Literal //Error[; // --- Edited Error[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1AFCC) // 0x8058f58 //<04 31 34>.[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited (Studio spacing, somehow.) // [[u This has to affect stuff outside of the studio, right? Messing with it too much crashes the emulator upon startup. If something's going wrong, this is a place to look. - W hat //<043134>[; //[;[;[;<$04>14. [;[;[;[; //The one below this line works. It's just a little close to the check marks. // [; <$04>14.[; //One below this line makes the studio listing the "wide" / "fullwidth" font. Weeeeird. "$04" makes the font bold. //<$03><$31><$34>[; //<$04>14. [;[;[;[; //____[; // Below this are the track titles for the studio. #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83C4) // 0x8058f60 //パーフェクト[; // --- Literal //Perfect[; // --- Edited Perfect[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83B8) // 0x8058f70 //ハイレベル[; // --- Literal //High Level[; // --- Edited Superb[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83AC) // 0x8058f7c //平凡[; // --- Literal //Average[; // --- Edited OK[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83A0) // 0x8058f84 //やりなおし[; // --- Literal //Redo[; // --- Edited Try Again[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8394) // 0x8058f90 //喫茶カウンセル[; // --- Literal //Coffee Bar Counsel[; // --- Edited Cafe[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8388) // 0x8058fa0 //ゲームセレクト2[; // --- Literal //Game Select 2[; // --- Edited Game Select 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D837C) // 0x8058fb4 //スタッフクレジット[; // --- Literal //Staff Credit[; // --- Edited Credits[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8370) // 0x8058fc8 //オープニング[; // --- Literal //Opening[; // --- Edited Introduction[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8364) // 0x8058fd8 //リズム資料室[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Refernce/Data Room[; // --- Edited E-Mail[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8358) // 0x8058fe8 //ゲームセレクト[; // --- Literal //Game Select[; // --- Edited Game Select[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D834C) // 0x8058ff8 //メニュー[; // --- Literal //Menu[; // --- Edited Menu[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8340) // 0x8059004 //タイトル[; // --- Literal //Title[; // --- Edited Title[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8334) // 0x8059010 //リミックス6[; // --- Literal //Remix 6[; // --- Edited Remix 6[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8328) // 0x8059020 //リミックス8[; // --- Literal //Remix 8[; // --- Edited Remix 8[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D831C) // 0x8059030 //リミックス7[; // --- Literal //Remix 7[; // --- Edited Remix 7[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8310) // 0x8059040 //花火[; // --- Literal //Fireworks[; // --- Edited Fireworks[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8304) // 0x8059048 //トスボーイズ[; // --- Literal //Tossboys[; // --- Edited Toss Boys[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82F8) // 0x8059058 //ホッピングロード[; // --- Literal //Hopping Road[; // --- Edited Hopping Road[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82EC) // 0x805906c //ポリリズム[; // --- Literal //Polyrhythm[; // --- Edited Built to Scale[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82E0) // 0x8059078 //リズムお習字[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Calligraphy[; // --- Edited Power Calligraphy[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82D4) // 0x8059088 //クイズ[; // --- Literal //Quiz[; // --- Edited Quiz[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82C8) // 0x8059090 //トランとポリン[; // --- Literal //Tram & Poline[; // --- Edited Tram & Poline[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82BC) // 0x80590a0 //ウサギとび[; // --- Literal //Rabbit/Bunny Jump/Hop[; // --- Edited Bunny Hop[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82B0) // 0x80590ac //ショータイム[; // --- Literal //Show Time[; // --- Edited Showtime[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D82A4) // 0x80590bc //バイキンはかせ[; // --- Literal //Professor Bacteria[; // --- Edited Dr. Bacteria[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8298) // 0x80590cc //こっそりラット[; // --- Literal //Stealthy Rat[; // --- Edited Cheese Heist[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D828C) // 0x80590dc //ゐあひ斬り[; // --- Literal //Wi-a-hi Cut (Read “I-a-i” = The art of drawing your sword, cutting your enemy, and re-sheathing your sword really fast)[; // --- Edited Samurai Slice[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8280) // 0x80590e8 //しろいおばけ[; // --- Literal //White Ghost/Specter[; // --- Edited Sneaky Spirits[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8274) // 0x80590f8 //エアーバッター[; // --- Literal //Air Batter[; // --- Edited Spaceball Game[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8268) // 0x8059108 //マーチャ[; // --- Literal //Marcher[; // --- Edited Marcher[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D825C) // 0x8059114 //まほうつかい[; // --- Literal //Wizard/Witch[; // --- Edited Wizard's Waltz[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8250) // 0x8059124 //スーパータップ[; // --- Literal //Super Tap[; // --- Edited Turbo Tap Trial[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8244) // 0x8059134 //バリバリ三人衆[; // --- Literal //Hard Working Trio[; // --- Edited Trio on Tour[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8238) // 0x8059144 //リズム脱毛[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Hair Plucking[; // --- Edited Vegeta-Pull[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D822C) // 0x8059150 //コスモダンス[; // --- Literal //Cosmo Dance[; // --- Edited Cosmo Dance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8220) // 0x8059160 //ボンダンス[; // --- Literal //Bon Dance (here they use the english word “dance” instead of “odori”)[; // --- Edited The☆Bon Dance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8214) // 0x805916c //ザ☆ぼんおどり[; // --- Literal //The☆Bon-Odori (odori = Japanese word for dance)[; // --- Edited [[text is cut-off if full name is used //The☆Bon-Odori[; The☆Bon-Odori[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8208) // 0x805917c //ナイトウォーク[; // --- Literal //Night Walk[; // --- Edited Night Walk[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8200) // 0x805918c //WISH 君を待て…[; // --- Literal //WISH Kimi wo Mate... (WISH - Couldn't wait...)[; // --- Edited WISH[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81FC) // 0x805919c //WISH 君を待てなくて[; // --- Literal //WISH Kimi wo matenakute (WISH - Couldn't wait for you)[; // --- Edited WISH[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81F4) // 0x80591b0 //恋のハニースイ■…[; // --- Literal //Love's Honey Swe...[; // --- Edited [[Of note, this two title thing may help us for longer titles. //[[The "go for a perfect" message is broken for this song. Love's Angel[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81F0) // 0x80591c4 //恋のハニースイ■トエンジェル[; // --- Literal //Love's Honey Sweet Angel[; // --- Edited Love's Angel[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81E4) // 0x80591e4 //スペースダンス[; // --- Literal //Space Dance[; // --- Edited Space Dance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81D8) // 0x80591f4 //タップダンズ[; // --- Literal //Tap Dance[; // --- Edited Tap Trial[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81CC) // 0x8059204 //パチパチ三人衆[; // --- Literal //Clap Clap Trio[; // --- Edited The Clappy Trio[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81C0) // 0x8059214 //カラテ家[; // --- Literal //Karate Master[; // --- Edited Karate Man[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D81B4) // 0x8059220 //サイレント[; // --- Literal //Silent[; // --- Edited Silence[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8408) // 0x805922c //さむらいドラム[; // --- Literal //Samurai Drum[; // --- Edited Samurai Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8404) // 0x805923c //風切るドラム[; // --- Literal //Wind Cutting Drum[; // --- Edited Air-Cutter Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8400) // 0x805924c //タップなドラム[; // --- Literal //Tap Drum[; // --- Edited Tap Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83FC) // 0x805925c //音効なドラム[; // --- Literal //Sound Effect? Drum[; // --- Edited Sound Effects Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83F8) // 0x805926c //カカトテクなドラム 2[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Heel Tech Drum 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83F4) // 0x8059284 //カカトテクなドラム 1[; // --- Literal //Heel Tech Drum 1[; // --- Edited Heel Tech Drum 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83F0) // 0x805929c //ハットテクなドラム[; // --- Literal //Heel Tech Drum[; // --- Edited Hi-hat Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83EC) // 0x80592b0 //ハードなドラム[; // --- Literal //Hard Drum[; // --- Edited Heavy Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83E8) // 0x80592c0 //ライトなドラム[; // --- Literal //Light Drum[; // --- Edited Light Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83E4) // 0x80592d0 //アジアなドラム[; // --- Literal //Asian Drum[; // --- Edited Asian Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83E0) // 0x80592e0 //マットなドラム[; // --- Literal //Matte Drum[; // --- Edited Matte Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83DC) // 0x80592f0 //テクノなドラム[; // --- Literal //Techno Drum[; // --- Edited Techno Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83D8) // 0x8059300 //パワーなドラム[; // --- Literal //Power Drum[; // --- Edited Power Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83D4) // 0x8059310 //ドライなドラム[; // --- Literal //Dry Drum[; // --- Edited Dry Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D83D0) // 0x8059320 //フツーなドラム[; // --- Literal //Regular Drum[; // --- Edited Regular Drum[; // 0x8059332 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1B6C4) // 0x8059334 //8.[; // --- Literal [[probably important somehow //[; // --- Edited <$04><$38><$2E>[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1B6F4) // 0x8059338 //???[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ???[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8418) // 0x8059340 //メモリが少なくなってきてます。[l //このまま演奏する?[; // --- Literal //It has become so that there is only a little memory left.[l //[l //Do you want to perform as it is?[; // --- Edited There's not much memory left.[l Perform anyway?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8414) // 0x8059374 //演奏データは10コしか残せません。[l //データは残らないけど演奏する?[; // --- Literal //You can only leave 10 performance data.[l //[l //Do you want to perform even though you can't record the data?[; // --- Edited You can only save 10 recitals.[l Perform without saving?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8410) // 0x80593b4 //メモリがいっぱいです。[l //データは残らないけど演奏する?[; // --- Literal //Memory is full.[l //[l //Do you want to perform even though you can't record the data?[; // --- Edited You can't save any more data.[l Perform without saving?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8428) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8438) // 0x80593ec //チェック[; // --- Literal //Check[; // --- Edited Mark[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8424) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8434) // 0x80593f8 //ならびかえ[; // --- Literal //Reorder/Rearrange[; // --- Edited Sort[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8420) // 0x8059404 //ドラミング[; // --- Literal //Drumming[; // --- Edited Drum[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D841C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D842C) // 0x8059410 //リスニング[; // --- Literal //Listening[; // --- Edited Listen[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9D8430) // 0x805941c //データ消去[; // --- Literal //Data Erase[; // --- Edited Erase Data[; // 0x805942a //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1BD90) // 0x805942c //チェックのついている曲が、[l //ひとつもありません。[; // --- Literal //There's not even one song that has a check mark on it.[; // --- Edited Not even one song has[l a check mark on it.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1BDE0) // 0x805945c //リスニングではチェックのある曲だ //け再生します。 よろしいですか■?[; // --- Literal //In Listening mode, only the songs with a check mark will be played. Is that OK~?[; // --- Edited In listening mode, only the songs[l with a check mark will be played.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1BF60) // 0x80594a0 //この演奏データを削除するヨ![l //ホントにOK?[; // --- Literal //You'll erase this performance data![l //[l //Is that really OK?[; // --- Edited You'll erase this performance[l data! Is that really OK?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1DD54) // 0x8059668 //_[; // --- Literal //__[; // --- Edited [stu1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1E388) // 0x805966c //シーケンス テスト[; // --- Literal //Sequence Test[; // --- Edited Debug Menu[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1E38C) // 0x8059680 //*[; // --- Literal //*[; // --- Edited *[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1E390) // 0x8059684 //1/1[; // --- Literal //1/1[; // --- Edited 1/1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF54) // 0x805968c //データクリア[; // --- Literal //Data Clear[; // --- Edited Data Clear[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF4C) // 0x805969c //エンディング(おまけから)[; // --- Literal //Ending (From the Extras)[; // --- Edited Ending (Extras)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF44) // 0x80596b8 //エンディング(クリアご)[; // --- Literal //Ending (From "clearing")[; //Remix 6 -Shaffy // --- Edited Ending (Remix 6)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF34) // 0x80596d4 //R−IQ (おもちゃ)[; // --- Literal //R-IQ (Toy)[; // --- Edited Rhythm Toys[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF2C) // 0x80596ec //R−IQ (ドラムレッスン)[; // --- Literal //R-IQ (Drum lessons)[; // --- Edited Drum Lessons[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF24) // 0x805970c //R−IQ (ミニゲーム)[; // --- Literal //R-IQ (Mini games)[; // --- Edited Endless Games[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF1C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF3C) // 0x8059728 //R−IQ (カウンセラー)[; // --- Literal //R-IQ (counselor)[; // --- Edited Cafe[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF14) // 0x8059744 //R−IQ (パーフェクト)[; // --- Literal //Perfect congratulations[; //(Thanks temmie -Shaffy) // --- Edited You got an Perfect![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF0C) // 0x8059760 //R−IQ (にゅうか)[; // --- Literal //New[; //Beta "Letter Get" Screen -Shaffy // --- Edited New (PLACEHOLDER)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDF04) // 0x8059778 //R−IQ (リザルト4)[; // --- Literal //Result 4[; //When launched goes to Title Screen // --- Edited Title Screen[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEFC) // 0x8059794 //R−IQ (リザルト3)[; // --- Literal //Result 3[; // --- Edited Rhythm Test Result[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEF4) // 0x80597b0 //R−IQ (リザルト2)[; // --- Literal //Result 2[; // --- Edited Debug Rating[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEEC) // 0x80597cc //R−IQ (リザルト)[; // --- Literal //Result[; // --- Edited Prototype Rating[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEE4) // 0x80597e4 //R−IQ (オプション)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEDC) // 0x8059800 //R−IQ (スタジオ)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDED4) // 0x8059818 //R−IQ (しりょうしつ)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDECC) // 0x8059834 //R−IQ (ゲーム)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEC4) // 0x805984c //R−IQ (メニュー)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEBC) // 0x8059864 //R−IQ (タイトル)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEB4) // 0x805987c //カラテカ 2[; // --- Literal //Karate Master 2[; // --- Edited [; //[[More titles for studio? #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDEA4) // 0x8059898 //バリバリ3にんしゅう[; // --- Literal //Hard Working Trio[; // --- Edited Trio on Tour[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE9C) // 0x80598b0 //パチパチ3にんしゅう[; // --- Literal //Clap Clap Trio[; // --- Edited Clappy Trio[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE94) // 0x80598c8 //ポリリズム 2[; // --- Literal //Polyrhythm 2[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE8C) // 0x80598d8 //ポリリズム[; // --- Literal //Polyrhythm[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE84) // 0x80598e4 //ナイト ウォーク 2[; // --- Literal //Night Walk 2[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE7C) // 0x80598fc //ナイト ウォーク[; // --- Literal //Night Walk[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE74) // 0x8059910 //リズムだつもう 2[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Hair Pluck 2[; // --- Edited Vegeta-Pull 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE6C) // 0x8059924 //リズムだつもう[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Hair Pluck[; // --- Edited Vegeta-Pull[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE64) // 0x8059934 //バイキン はかせ[; // --- Literal //Professor Bacteria[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE5C) // 0x8059948 //ホッピングロード 2[; // --- Literal //Hopping Road 2[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE54) // 0x8059960 //ホッピングロード[; // --- Literal //Hopping Road[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE4C) // 0x8059974 //ニンジャ 2[; // --- Literal //Ninja 2[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE44) // 0x8059984 //ニンジャ[; // --- Literal //Ninja[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE3C) // 0x8059990 //しろいおばけ 2[; // --- Literal //White Ghost/Specter 2[; // --- Edited Sneaky Spirits 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE34) // 0x80599a4 //しろいおばけ[; // --- Literal //White Ghost/Specter[; // --- Edited Sneaky Spirits[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE2C) // 0x80599b4 //エアーバッター2[; // --- Literal //Air Batter 2[; // --- Edited Spaceball Game 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE24) // 0x80599c8 //エアーバッター[; // --- Literal //Air Batter[; // --- Edited Spaceball Game[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE1C) // 0x80599d8 //いあいぎり[; // --- Literal //Iai Cut[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE14) // 0x80599e4 //スーパータップ[; // --- Literal //Super Tap[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE0C) // 0x80599f4 //タップダンズ[; // --- Literal //Tap Dance[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDE04) // 0x8059a04 //うま(スピード)[; // --- Literal //Horse (Speed)[; // --- Edited Mechanical Horse[h[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDFC) // 0x8059a18 //マーチャ 2[; // --- Literal //Marcher 2[; // --- Edited Marcher 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDF4) // 0x8059a28 //マーチャ[; // --- Literal //Marcher[; // --- Edited Marcher[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDEC) // 0x8059a34 //まほうつかい[; // --- Literal //Wizard/Witch[; // --- Edited Wizard's Waltz[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDE4) // 0x8059a44 //ダンスレッスン 1[; // --- Literal //Dance Lesson 1[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDDC) // 0x8059a58 //ウサギとび[; // --- Literal //Rabbit/Bunny Jump/Hop[; // --- Edited Bunny Hop[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDD4) // 0x8059a64 //メトロノーム[; // --- Literal //Metronome[; // --- Edited [[s Metronome[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDCC) // 0x8059a74 //ハナビ[; // --- Literal //Fireworks[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDC4) // 0x8059a7c //フラッシュメモリテスト[; // --- Literal //Flash Memory Test[; // --- Edited [[s Flash Memory[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDBC) // 0x8059a94 //こっそりラット[; // --- Literal //Stealthy Rat[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDB4) // 0x8059aa4 //リズム おしゅうじ[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Calligraphy[; // --- Edited Power Calligraphy[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDAC) // 0x8059ab8 //ドラムガールズ[; // --- Literal //Drum Girls[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDDA4) // 0x8059ac8 //トスボーイズ 2[; // --- Literal //Tossboys 2[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD9C) // 0x8059adc //トスボーイズ[; // --- Literal //Tossboys[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD94) // 0x8059aec //トランとポリン[; // --- Literal //Tram and Poline[; // --- Edited Tram and Pauline[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD8C) // 0x8059afc //オープニング (A Type)[; // --- Literal //Opening (A Type)[; // --- Edited Opening (A Type)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD84) // 0x8059b1c //オープニング (B Type)[; // --- Literal //Opening (B Type)[; // --- Edited Opening (B Type)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD7C) // 0x8059b3c //RIQデータチェック[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD74) // 0x8059b54 //ショータイム[; // --- Literal //Show Time[; // --- Edited Showtime[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD6C) // 0x8059b64 //コスモダンス[; // --- Literal //Cosmo Dance[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD64) // 0x8059b74 //スペースダンス[; // --- Literal //Space Dance[; // --- Edited Space Dance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD5C) // 0x8059b84 //ラップ ウィメン(by KAZU)[; // --- Literal //Rap Women (by KAZU)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD54) // 0x8059ba8 //ラップ ウィメン(by YONE)[; // --- Literal //Rap Women (by YONE)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD4C) // 0x8059bcc //ラップメン[; // --- Literal //Rap Men[; // --- Edited Rap Men[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD44) // 0x8059bd8 //クイズ[; // --- Literal //Quiz[; // --- Edited Quiz[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD3C) // 0x8059be0 //テキスト[; // --- Literal //Text[; // --- Edited Text[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD34) // 0x8059bec //チェックマシン (トータル)[; // --- Literal //Check Machine (Total)[; // --- Edited Check Machine (Total)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD2C) // 0x8059c0c //チェックマシン (トリッキー)[; // --- Literal //Check Machine (Tricky)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD24) // 0x8059c2c //チェックマシン (キューフ)[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Check Machine (キューフ)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD1C) // 0x8059c4c //チェックマシン (クリック)[; // --- Literal //Check Machine (Click)[; // --- Edited Check Machine (Click)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD14) // 0x8059c6c //スタジオドラマー[; // --- Literal //Studio Drummer[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD0C) // 0x8059c80 //レッスン(じっせん8)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 8)[; // --- Edited [[this looks to be a sequence of unused drum lesson titles. The drum lessons look like they used to be a lot more complicated. [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDD04) // 0x8059c98 //レッスン(じっせん7)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 7)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCFC) // 0x8059cb0 //レッスン(じっせん6)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 6)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCF4) // 0x8059cc8 //レッスン(じっせん5)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 5)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCEC) // 0x8059ce0 //レッスン(じっせん4)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 4)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCE4) // 0x8059cf8 //レッスン(じっせん3)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 3)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCDC) // 0x8059d10 //レッスン(じっせん2)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 2)[; // --- Edited Lesson (Practice 2)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCD4) // 0x8059d28 //レッスン(じっせん1)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Practice 1)[; // --- Edited Lesson (Practice 1)[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCCC) // 0x8059d40 //レッスン(スネアテクニック)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Snare Techique)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCC4) // 0x8059d60 //レッスン(はやい8ビート)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Fast 8 Beat)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCBC) // 0x8059d7c //レッスン(バスとスネア)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Bass and Snare)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCB4) // 0x8059d98 //レッスン(スネア)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Snare)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCAC) // 0x8059dac //レッスン(ボッサ)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Bossa)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDCA4) // 0x8059dc0 //レッスン(デスコビート)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Disco Beat)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC9C) // 0x8059ddc //レッスン(キメパターン2)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Ending Pattern 2)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC94) // 0x8059df8 //レッスン(キメパターン1)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Ending Pattern 1)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC8C) // 0x8059e14 //レッスン(ハード2)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Hard 2)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC84) // 0x8059e2c //レッスン(ハード1)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Hard 1)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC7C) // 0x8059e44 //レッスン(イージー)[; // --- Literal //Lesson (Easy)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC74) // 0x8059e5c //こえマシン(ラップ)[; // --- Literal //Voice Machine (Rap)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC6C) // 0x8059e74 //こえマシン(ラブ)[; // --- Literal //Voice Machine (Love)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC64) // 0x8059e88 //こえマシン(ネコ)[; // --- Literal //Voice Machine (Cat)[; // --- Edited Meow Mixer[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC5C) // 0x8059e9c //ボンダンス[; // --- Literal //Bon-Dance[; // --- Edited [[bdance[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC54) // 0x8059ea8 //ぼんおどり[; // --- Literal //Bon-Odori[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC4C) // 0x8059eb4 //リミックス 1[; // --- Literal //Remix 1[; // --- Edited Remix 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC44) // 0x8059ec4 //リミックス 2[; // --- Literal //Remix 2[; // --- Edited Remix 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC3C) // 0x8059ed4 //リミックス 3[; // --- Literal //Remix 3[; // --- Edited Remix 3[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC34) // 0x8059ee4 //リミックス 4[; // --- Literal //Remix 4[; // --- Edited Remix 4[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC2C) // 0x8059ef4 //リミックス 5[; // --- Literal //Remix 5[; // --- Edited Remix 5[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC24) // 0x8059f04 //リミックス 6[; // --- Literal //Remix 6[; // --- Edited Remix 6[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC1C) // 0x8059f14 //リミックス 7[; // --- Literal //Remix 7[; // --- Edited Remix 7[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC14) // 0x8059f24 //リミックス 8[; // --- Literal //Remix 8[; // --- Edited Remix 8[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC0C) // 0x8059f34 //ウラおとこ[; // --- Literal //Upbeat Guy[; // --- Edited Mr. Upbeat[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDC04) // 0x8059f40 //マネキンこうじょう[; // --- Literal //Mannequin FActory[; // --- Edited Head Spinner[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDBFC) // 0x8059f54 //クイズ(スペシャル)[; // --- Literal //Quiz (Special)[; // --- Edited Quiz EX[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDBF4) // 0x8059f6c //バイキン はかせ SP[; // --- Literal //Professor Bacteria SP[; // --- Edited Dr. Bacteria EX[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9DDBEC) // 0x8059f84 //ライブ[; // --- Literal //Live[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $1E700) // 0x8059f8c ///[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x8059f92 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x8059f96 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x8059f9a //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $250C4) // 0x8059f9c //[l //スタートだけに集中![; // --- Literal //Concentrate only on Start[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $250F4) // 0x8059fb4 //[l //ちゃんと アタマを狙おう。[; // --- Literal //Let's aim squarely for the head.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $25104) // 0x8059fd0 //[l //ボーッと しないで![; // --- Literal //Don't zone out![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $25118) // 0x8059fe8 //[l //Aボタンもしっかり押そう。[; // --- Literal //Let's assuredly press the A button, too.[; // --- Edited [[press a[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $250D8) // 0x805a004 //[l //Rボタンもしっかり押そう。[; // --- Literal //Let's assuredly press the R button, too.[; // --- Edited [[This appears to be a string of comments for the drum lessons that were never used. These would've given the player far more detailed feedback to help them clear the lessons. [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $2514C) // 0x805a020 //[l //同時に押してないです。[; // --- Literal //They are not being pressed simultaneously.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $25168) // 0x805a038 //[l //前のめりです。[; // --- Literal //It is being early.[; // --- Edited [dr early[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $25178) // 0x805a048 //[l //遅れてます。[; // --- Literal //It is being slow.[; // --- Edited [l [dr slow.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $2519C) // 0x805a058 //[l //ベリー グッド!![; // --- Literal //Very Good!![; // --- Edited [l Very good!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $251C8) // 0x805a06c //[l //グー![; // --- Literal //Good![; // --- Edited [l Good![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E1788) // 0x805a074 //[l //カンペキッス!![; // --- Literal //Perfect!![; // --- Edited [l Perfect!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E1784) // 0x805a088 //[l //バッチグー!![; // --- Literal //Right on!![; // --- Edited [l Right on!![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E1780) // 0x805a098 //[l //なかなかいいヨ![; // --- Literal //Pretty good![; // --- Edited [l Pretty good![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E177C) // 0x805a0ac //[l //まずまずだネ![; // --- Literal //Tolerable! (Not bad!)[; // --- Edited [l Not bad![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E1778) // 0x805a0bc //[l //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $2808C) // 0x805a0c0 //[l //評価 [; // --- Literal //Evaluation/Assessment[; // --- Edited Score: [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $28168) // 0x805a0c8 //.[; // --- Literal //.[; // --- Edited .[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $2816C) // 0x805a0cc // 点[; // --- Literal //Points[; // --- Edited points[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $29980) // 0x805a3a0 //今の演奏データですが、[l //セーブしときますか?[; // --- Literal //The performance data, do you want to save it?[; // --- Edited Save your[l performance data?[; // 0x805a3cf //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x805a3d3 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x805a3d7 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $35770) // 0x805a694 //音にあわせて、 Aボタンを押しましょう。[; // --- Literal //Press the A button while matching to the sound.[; // --- Edited [[Press the A Button in time with the sound.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $35774) // 0x805a6c0 //計測中[; // --- Literal //Measuring (Now)[; // --- Edited Measuring[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $35778) // 0x805a6c8 //計測おわり! さて、 結果は…[; // --- Literal //Measuring finished! OK, and the result is...[; // --- Edited Measuring finished! Okay, the result is...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E5C7C) // 0x805a6e8 //Drum Samurai's[l //Band LIVE! [l //[l //          ♪ コスモダンス[l //          ♪ バリバリ三人衆[l //          ♪ スーパータップ[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Drum Samurai's[l //Band LIVE! [l //[l //          ♪ Cosmo Dance[l //[l //          ♪ Hard Working Trio[l //[l //          ♪ Super Tap[; // --- Edited Drum Samurai's[l Band LIVE! [l           ♪ Cosmo Dance          [l ♪ Trio on Tour          [l ♪ Turbo Tap Trial          [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E5C78) // 0x805a7a8 //Drum Boys LIVE![l //[l //    ♪ パチパチ三人衆[l //    ♪ タップダンズ[l //    ♪ WISH 君を待てなくて[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Drum Boys LIVE![l //[l //    ♪ Clap Clap Trio[l //[l //    ♪ Tap Dance[l //[l //    ♪ WISH - Couldn't Wait for You[; // --- Edited Drum Boys LIVE! [l [l     ♪ The Clappy Trio      [l     ♪ Tap Trial      [l     ♪ WISH Couldn't Wait for You          [l [l [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9E5C74) // 0x805a830 //Drum Girls LIVE! [l //[l //♪ ナイトウォーク[l //♪ スペースダンス[l //♪ 恋のハニースイ■トエンジェル[l //[l //[; // --- Literal //Drum Girls LIVE![l //[l //♪ Night Walk[l //[l //♪ Space Dance[l //[l //♪ Love's Honey Sweet Angel[; // --- Edited Drum Girls LIVE! [l [l ♪ Night Walk        [l ♪ Space Dance        [l ♪ Honey Sweet Angel of Love          [l [l [; // 0x805a8ae //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x805a8b2 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x805a8b6 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x805a8ba //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x805a8be //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; // 0x805a912 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9F27F4) // 0x805b010 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF928) // 0x805ae34 //仲間のこえ[; // --- Literal //Friend's voices[; // --- Edited [frie bubble[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF8D0) // 0x805ad94 //きほんが できてませんね。[; // --- Literal //You don't have the basics down, yeah?[; // --- Edited [frie Focus on the basics.[; // 0x805adb2 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF8E0) // 0x805adb4 //ウラが 苦手みたいだね。[; // --- Literal //Looks like you're bad at the upbeats.[; // --- Edited [frie bad upbeat[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF8DC) // 0x805add0 //ウラが サイコーです![; // --- Literal //The upbeats are fantastic![; // --- Edited [frie good upbeat[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF8F0) // 0x805ade8 //ゆったりするとこが ヘンだ。[; // --- Literal //The calm/slow parts are... off.[; // --- Edited [frie bad slow[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF8EC) // 0x805ae08 //流れが みえてる![; // --- Literal //The flow can be seen![; // --- Edited [frie good flow[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9EF8FC) // 0x805ae1c //速いのが カンペキ![; // --- Literal //The fast parts are perfect![; // --- Edited [frie fast part[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $9FEA14) // 0x805b778 //風のウワサ[; // --- Literal //The wind's gossip/rumor[; // --- Edited [hop? bubble[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05904) // 0x805bdc8 //きほんが できてません。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited [air2 basic fail[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05900) // 0x805bde4 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05914) // 0x805bde8 //タメが かっこわるい。[; // --- Literal //The rests are uncool/bad.[; // --- Edited [air2 You can't handle rests.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05910) // 0x805be00 //タメが しっかりしている![; // --- Literal //The rests are steady/proper![; // --- Edited [air2 You keep the beat well during rests![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05924) // 0x805be1c //画面を頼りすぎです。[; // --- Literal //Relying too much on the screen.[; // --- Edited [air2 You're relying too much on the screen.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05920) // 0x805be34 //見えなくて できている![; // --- Literal //It's done even when it's not seen![; // --- Edited [air2 great when can't see[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05934) // 0x805be50 //スピードに やられてます。[; // --- Literal //You're succumbing/losing to the speed.[; // --- Edited [air2 speed failure[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A05930) // 0x805be6c //速いのがカンペキ![; // --- Literal //The fast parts are perfect![; // --- Edited [air2 speed good[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07338) // 0x805be80 //きほんが できてません。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited [air3 basics Line 8845[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07334) // 0x805be9c //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07348) // 0x805bea0 //タメが かっこわるい。[; // --- Literal //The rests are uncool/unbecoming/bad.[; // --- Edited [air3 rests bad Line 8859[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07344) // 0x805beb8 //タメが しっかりしている![; // --- Literal //The rests are firm/right on![; // --- Edited [air3 rests good Line 8866[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07358) // 0x805bed4 //画面を頼りすぎです。[; // --- Literal //Relying too much on the screen.[; // --- Edited [air3 screen rely bad Line 8873[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07354) // 0x805beec //見えなくて できている![; // --- Literal //You can do it even when you can't see![; // --- Edited [air3 great when can't see[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07368) // 0x805bf08 //スピードに やられてます。[; // --- Literal //You are done in for by the speed. / You are beat by the speed.[; // --- Edited [air3 speed bad[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A07364) // 0x805bf24 //速いのがカンペキ![; // --- Literal //The fast parts are perfect![; // --- Edited [air3 speed good[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08DA8) // 0x805bfc4 //スピードに やられてます。[; // --- Literal //You are done in for by the speed. / You are beat by the speed.[; // --- Edited [air4 When it gets fast, you get left in the dust.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A08DA4) // 0x805bfe0 //速いのが カンペキ![; // --- Literal //The fast parts are perfect![; // --- Edited [air4 Speed isn't a problem for you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B658) // 0x805c0d0 //きほんが できてませんね。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B654) // 0x805c0ec //適応能力 良いです![; // --- Literal //Your adaptation ability is good![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B668) // 0x805c104 //判断力が欠けてます。[; // --- Literal //Power of judgement is lacking.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B664) // 0x805c11c //たいした判断力だ![; // --- Literal //Great power of judgement![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B678) // 0x805c130 //もっと集中しよう。[; // --- Literal //Let's concentrate/focus more.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B674) // 0x805c144 //すごい集中力ですよ![; // --- Literal //Amazing concentration/focus![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B688) // 0x805c15c //ツメが甘いです。[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0B684) // 0x805c170 //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0BC14) // 0x805c174 //ほんばん スタート![; // --- Literal //Real thing, START![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0BCBC) // 0x805c18c //チェックしちゃうもんね。[; // --- Literal //Gonna check, OK?[; // --- Edited [tap gonna check[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CA60) // 0x805c1a8 //おつかれちゃん。[; // --- Literal //Good job. (in cutesy talk)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CACC) // 0x805c1bc //タップしましょ![; // --- Literal //Let's tap![; // --- Edited [tap2 let's tap[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CB5C) // 0x805c1d0 //まず、 れんしゅう。[; // --- Literal //First, practice[; // --- Edited [tap2 practice[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CBD4) // 0x805c1e8 //マネしてね。[; // --- Literal //Imitate, OK?[; // --- Edited [tap2 imitate[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CC4C) // 0x805c1f8 //OK! つぎでーす。[; // --- Literal //OK! Next-![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CCD0) // 0x805c210 //OK! まだあるヨ。[; // --- Literal //OK! There's more![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CD54) // 0x805c228 //OK! ラストです。[; // --- Literal //OK! Last one.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0CDF0) // 0x805c240 //OK![; // --- Literal //OK![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FF08) // 0x805c80c //隊長の判断[; // --- Literal //Commander's judgement.[; // --- Edited Commander's Review[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FEC4) // 0x805c774 //きほんが できてないな。[; // --- Literal //The basics are not down.[; // --- Edited Nail down the basics.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FEC0) // 0x805c790 //なかなか よろしい![; // --- Literal //Pretty good![; // --- Edited That was pretty good![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FED4) // 0x805c7a8 //判断力が欠けてるぞぅ。[; // --- Literal //You're power of judgement is lacking![; // --- Edited You lack good judgement.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FED0) // 0x805c7c0 //すばらしい判断力だ![; // --- Literal //Great power of judgement![; // --- Edited You have fantastic judgement![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FEE4) // 0x805c7d8 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's further polish our skill.[; // --- Edited Let's further polish our skill.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A0FEE0) // 0x805c7f4 //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //Very technical![; // --- Edited Very technical![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A103A0) // 0x805c818 //しゅつどう!![; // --- Literal //March out![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A104F0) // 0x805c828 //れんしゅうを はじめる![; // --- Literal //Let's start practicing![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A114B0) // 0x805c844 //では ほんばんだ![; // --- Literal //OK then, [; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A13DB8) // 0x805ca34 //まだまだです。[; // --- Literal [the next 5 strings or so were edited as part of drum lessons. They can probably be longer. //Still a ways to go.[; // --- Edited Still a ways to go.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A13DB4) // 0x805ca44 //かなり、 サイコーでーす![; // --- Literal //Pretty great--![; // --- Edited Pretty great![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A13DC8) // 0x805ca60 //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //You're using your power of judgement.[; // --- Edited You knew what to do. [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A13DC4) // 0x805ca84 //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited Fantastic judgement![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A13DD8) // 0x805caa8 //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish our skills more.[; // --- Edited Let's hone our skills.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A13DD4) // 0x805cac4 //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //Very technical![; // --- Edited Very technical![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A140CC) // 0x805cadc //なぞのリズム組織から通達[; // --- Literal //Message from the Mysterious Rhythm Organization[; // --- Edited [e[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A16694) // 0x805cb24 //はんだん りょくが かけてます。[; // --- Literal //You're using your power of judgement.[; // --- Edited [c8[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A16690) // 0x805cb48 //すばらしい はんだん りょくだ![; // --- Literal //Fantastic power of judgement![; // --- Edited [c9[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A166A4) // 0x805cb6c //もっと ウデを みがこう。[; // --- Literal //Let's polish our skills more.[; // --- Edited [c10[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A166A0) // 0x805cb88 //とても テクニカルだ![; // --- Literal //Very technical![; // --- Edited (Suspect this is a Remix comment -Niko) [c11[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19A84) // 0x805ccc8 //だいぶ、 努力が必要かも…[; // --- Literal //Might need a lot more effort...[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19A80) // 0x805cce4 //もう少し、 がんばりましょう。[; // --- Literal //Let's try a little harder.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19A7C) // 0x805cd04 //人並みの正確さをお持ちです。[; // --- Literal //You have the average person's accuracy.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19A78) // 0x805cd24 //正確な体内時計をお持ちです![; // --- Literal //You have an accurate inner body clock![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A19A74) // 0x805cd44 //電波時計なみの正確さ!![; // --- Literal //You have the accuracy of an electro-magnetic wave clock!![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F7A0) // 0x805d398 //なんか ヨタヨタかも。[; // --- Literal //Yotayota be something.[; // --- Edited [mystery40[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F79C) // 0x805d3b0 //カッコイイかも![; // --- Literal //Cool/stylish![; // --- Edited [tap? you’re cool[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F7B0) // 0x805d3c4 //なんだか キメが ヘンかも。[; // --- Literal //The ending is a little off.[; // --- Edited [tap? ending off[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F7AC) // 0x805d3e4 //なんとなく キマってるかも![; // --- Literal //Somehow, hitting the mark![; // --- Edited [tap? on the mark[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F7C0) // 0x805d404 //コケそうな カンジかも。[; // --- Literal //Might be solid feeling.[; // --- Edited [tap? solid feeling[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A1F7BC) // 0x805d420 //勢いが あるみたい![; // --- Literal //Looks like you/it have/has vigor/energy/spirit![; // --- Edited [tap? vigor energy[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21950) // 0x805d438 //[l //あ、 どうも。[l //ドラム侍です。[; // --- Literal //A, greetings.[l //[l //I'm the Drum Samurai.[; // --- Edited [[looks like unused drum lessons text [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A219A4) // 0x805d458 //タイコは お好きですか?[l //キライじゃないですよね。[l //では、 私が いろいろと[l //お世話しますね。[; // --- Literal //Do you like drums?[l //[l //You don't dislike them, right?[l //[l //Then, I'll be doing some looking after you here and there.[; // --- Edited [do you like drums?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A219F8) // 0x805d4b4 //簡単なレクチャーを[l //してさしあげます。[l //まぁ、 気をラクにして[l //おつきあいください。[; // --- Literal //I'll give a simple lecture.[l //[l //Well, please follow with your heart at ease.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21A4C) // 0x805d508 //さっそく レッスン 1 です。[l //私が見本をやりますから[l //マネしてくださいネ。[; // --- Literal //Moving on, Lesson 1.[l //[l //I'll give a sample, so please mimic it.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21AAC) // 0x805d554 //[l //では、 いきます。[; // --- Literal //OK then, here we go.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21BB4) // 0x805d568 //[l //はい、 どうぞ。[; // --- Literal //OK, go ahead.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21C74) // 0x805d57c //いまのは、 冗談です。[l //ごめんなさい。[; // --- Literal //That just now was a joke.[l //[l //Forgive me.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21D28) // 0x805d5a4 //でも、 出来るように[l //精一杯 お世話しますので[l //がんばってみてください。[; // --- Literal //But, I'll assist you with all I can to so that you'll be able to do it,[l //[l //so please work hard.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A21D7C) // 0x805d5ec //[l //では、 次回をお楽しみに。[l //さようなら。[; // --- Literal //Then, I look forward to the next time.[l //[l //Goodbye.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2B96C) // 0x805d8d8 //[l //では、 いきます。[; // --- Literal //then, here we go.[; // --- Edited [l [?5 we go[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2BC54) // 0x805d8ec //[l //次、 いきます。[; // --- Literal //Next, here we go.[; // --- Edited [formatted like Toss Boys but doesn't appear in game [l [?4 next we go[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2BF3C) // 0x805d900 //[l //次は3拍子です。[; // --- Literal //The next one is three beats.[; // --- Edited [l [?3 next three[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C2B4) // 0x805d914 //[l //じゃ、 ラスト。[; // --- Literal //Then, last.[; // --- Edited [l [?2 then last[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C5CC) // 0x805d928 //[l //以上です。[; // --- Literal //That's the end.[; // --- Edited [l [?1 that's the end[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C680) // 0x805d934 //スタートの練習、[l //いかがでしたか?[l //ぜひ、 今後の参考に[l //してくださいネ![; // --- Literal //How was the Start Practice?[l //[l //Please reference/think about it it later![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C6D4) // 0x805d97c //[l //では、 次回をお楽しみに。[l //さようなら。[; // --- Literal //Then, I look forward to the next time.[l //[l //Good bye.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C7C4) // 0x805d9a8 //[l //あ、 どうも。[l //ドラム侍です。[; // --- Literal //Ah, greetings.[l //[l //I'm the Drum Samurai.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C818) // 0x805d9c8 //えっと…[l //今回は2回目ですね。[l //再会できてうれしいです![; // --- Literal //Let's see...[l //[l //This is the second time, right?[l //[l //I'm happy to be able to meet again![; // --- Edited [second time[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C86C) // 0x805da00 //さて、 なにごとも最初が[l //肝心な場合が多いですね?[l //演奏なんかも そうでは[l //ないでしょうか。[; // --- Literal //Moving on, there's a lot of situations/things where the first part is surely vital, yes?[l //[l //Isn't performing like that too?[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C8C0) // 0x805da5c //レッスン2では[l //スタートの練習をします。[; // --- Literal //In Lesson 2, you'll practice the Start.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2C914) // 0x805da84 //私がカウントをするので[l //曲のアタマでBボタンと[l //Rボタン(肩ボタン)を[l //同時に押してください。[; // --- Literal //I'll count, so press the B and R buttons simultaneously at the head/beginning of the song.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2F3C8) // 0x805dcb8 //ブブー!![l //ゲームオーバーです![l //ボクたちの勝ちでーす![; // --- Literal //Buboooo (sound of a buzzer)!![l //[l //It's game over![l //[l //It's our win![; // --- Edited [sound of buzzer game over[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A2F434) // 0x805dcf0 //また挑戦してネ![; // --- Literal //Please challenge again![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A309F4) // 0x805dd04 //まいりました![l //あなたの勝ちです!![; // --- Literal //We are defeated![l //[l //It's your win![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A30A84) // 0x805dd28 //また、 あそんでネ![; // --- Literal //Play again (sometime)![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A30B50) // 0x805dd40 //[l //[l //こんにちわ![; // --- Literal //[l //[l //Good day![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A30BEC) // 0x805dd50 //サルとポン太です。[l //ドラム侍さんのご紹介で[l //あそびに来ました。[; // --- Literal //It's Saru (Monkey/Salu) and Ponta.[l //[l //We came here through the Drum Samurai's introduction.[l //[l //(Trans. note: I'm not sure if I should use “saru” as a name or just translate it as “monkey.” I'm also not sure what Ponta might translate to, except maybe “Poppy,” as in a person who makes popping noises. It would help if I remembered seeing this scene, but I don't.)[; // --- Edited [[Niko sez - I think all this is for more complex drum lessons that never made it into the finished game. [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A30C7C) // 0x805dd90 //今回は ボクたちが[l //レッスンしますネ![; // --- Literal //This time we'll be doing the lesson![; // --- Edited [dr15[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A30D0C) // 0x805ddb8 //さっそくですが、[l //Aボタンの練習です。[; // --- Literal //Moving on, let's practice the A Button.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A30D9C) // 0x805dde0 //よく きいて[l //マネしてネ![; // --- Literal //Please listen carefully and mimic![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A31144) // 0x805ddfc //ポン太くんも入ります。[l //ポン太くんの音は[l //十字キーの下で鳴ります。[; // --- Literal //Ponta-kun is going to join in.[l //[l //Ponta-kun's sound activates with Down on the D-pad.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A31564) // 0x805de40 //次は、 速いやつです。[l //Aボタンと十字キーの右を[l //交互に押すとラクだヨ。[; // --- Literal //Next is a fast one.[l //[l //It'll be easier if you alternate between the A Button and Right on the D-pad.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A319E4) // 0x805de88 //練習は 次で最後です。[; // --- Literal //With the next one is the last of the practice.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A31A74) // 0x805dea0 //むずかしいかな?[l //がんばってネ![; // --- Literal //Pretty hard![l //[l //Do your best![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A31ED0) // 0x805dec0 //それでは、 ボクたちと[l //リズムバトルを[l //してみましょう![; // --- Literal //OK then, how about a Rhythm Battle against us!?[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A31F60) // 0x805def8 //各パターンにつき[l //3回 チャンスが[l //あります。[; // --- Literal //You get 3 chances for each pattern.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A32074) // 0x805df28 //さて、 どこまで[l //ついてこれるかな?[; // --- Literal //OK then, I wonder how far you can follow?[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A324DC) // 0x805df4c //Welcome to[l //this funky game,[l //the RHYTHM TEN-[l //GOKU world!![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Welcome to Rhythm[l Heaven Silver![l Please enjoy this[l funky moment![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A32CA4) // 0x805df88 //リズム天国へ ようこそ![l //ファンキーなひとときを[l //楽しんでくださいネ![; // --- Literal //Welcome to Rhythm Tengoku![l //[l //Please enjoy this funky moment![; // --- Edited To be honest,[l I prefer to let[l the music do[l the talking.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33424) // 0x805dfcc //では、 またのちほど[l //お会いしましょう![l //see you![; // --- Literal //Then, let's meet again eventually![l //[l //See you![; Let's meet[l again sometime.[l [l See you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33B38) // 0x805e000 //リズム感[l //それは潜在的に[l //みんなが持っている[l //ものなんです。[; // --- Literal //Rhythm Sense--[l //[l //It's something that everyone holds it latently.[; // --- Edited Rhythm Sense--[l [l Everyone has rhythm.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33B74) // 0x805e03c //リズム感は[l //意識していれば[l //どんどん良くなります。[; // --- Literal //If you are conscious of your Rhythm Sense, it will rapidly/steadily improve.[; // --- Edited If you are conscious[l of your Rhythm Sense,[l it will steadily improve.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33BB0) // 0x805e070 //さて、まずは[l //あなたのリズム感を[l //かるく見てみましょう。[; // --- Literal //Then, first, let's have a light look/peek at your Rhythm Sense.[; // --- Edited First, let's take a[l quick look at your[l current Rhythm Sense.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33C70) // 0x805e0a8 //どうでしたか?[l //納得のいく結果が[l //出せましたか?[; // --- Literal //How was it?[l //[l //Did you/it give an understandable result?[; // --- Edited How was it? ...[l [l It's not important how[l well you did on the tests.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33CAC) // 0x805e0d8 //潜在的なリズム感は[l //訓練によって[l //成長するんです。[; // --- Literal //Latent Rhythm Sense grows with training.[; // --- Edited As long as you have fun, [l that's the main thing.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33CE8) // 0x805e10c //このあと出てくる[l //リズミカルなゲームで[l //楽しくリズム感を[l //みがいてみてください。[; // --- Literal //Please enjoyably polish/hone your Rhythm Sense with the rhythmical games that follow.[; // --- Edited Your latent Rhythm Sense[l will grow with practice.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A33D24) // 0x805e15c //では、またあとで[l //お会いしましょう。[; // --- Literal //Then, let's meet again later.[; // --- Edited We've got quite a few[l games in store for you.[l [l Enjoy![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36C44) // 0x805e42c //どうも![l //ドラム侍です。[; // --- Literal //Greetings![l //[l //It's/I'm the Drum Samurai.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36C98) // 0x805e444 //お元気でしたか?[; // --- Literal //Were you well / How have you been?[; // --- Edited [how are you[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36CEC) // 0x805e458 //今回は、 短い曲に合わせて実際に演奏してみましょう。[; // --- Literal //This time, let's actually perform to a short track.[; // --- Edited [dr14[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A36D4C) // 0x805e490 //私の演奏をよくきいて、 マネしてくださいネ。[; // --- Literal //Listen closely to my performance, and mimic/copy it.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E520) // 0x805e4c0 //さっそくですが、 いきます。[; // --- Literal //It's a bit fast, but here we go.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E524) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E6C8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E794) // 0x805e4e0 //ちがう![l //よくきいてネ。[; // --- Literal //That's wrong![l //[l //Listen closely.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E528) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E6CC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E798) // 0x805e4f8 //ちがうんです![l //よく、 よ■くきいてネ。[; // --- Literal //That's wrong![l //[l //Listen very, very closely.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E574) // 0x805e530 //[l //あなたの番です。[; // --- Literal //It's your turn.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E578) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E7B4) // 0x805e544 //[l //さあ、 いまいちど![; // --- Literal //Well, once more![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E57C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E7B8) // 0x805e55c //[l //さあ、 こんどこそ![; // --- Literal //Well, this time for sure![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A373B8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A37BE0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A383F0) // 0x805e584 //[l //OK![; // --- Literal //OK![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E5E4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E730) #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E844) // 0x805e58c //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E5E8) // 0x805e590 //おぉ、 すぐできましたね![; // --- Literal //Oooh, you got it quick![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E5EC) // 0x805e5ac //なかなか のみこみが早いですね![; // --- Literal //You're understanding/apprehension is pretty quick.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E5F0) // 0x805e5d0 //いいかんじです。[; // --- Literal //Good feeling (good job)[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A374B4) // 0x805e5f8 //次は、 曲のスタートでシンバルをたたいてみましょう。[l //シンバルは、 Rボタンです。[; // --- Literal //Next, let's hit the cymbal at the start of the track.[l //[l //The cymbal is the R button.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A37508) // 0x805e64c //つまり、 最初だけBボタンとRボタンを同時に押すんです。[; // --- Literal //In other words, press the B and R buttons simultaneously only at the beginning.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3755C) // 0x805e684 //曲のスタートの練習を思い出してくださいネ。[; // --- Literal //Please try to recall the Start Practice.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E6C4) // 0x805e6b0 //じゃ、 いきます。[; // --- Literal //OK then, here we go.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E734) // 0x805e6d4 //すばらしい![l //その調子です。[; // --- Literal //Fantastic![l //[l //That's the way.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E738) // 0x805e6f0 //けっこう 簡単でしたか?[; // --- Literal //Was it pretty simple?[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E73C) // 0x805e70c //ちょっと、 苦労しちゃいましたね。[; // --- Literal //You had a bit of difficulty, yeah?[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A37CDC) // 0x805e744 //では、 曲の終わりをかっこよくキメてみましょう。[; // --- Literal //Next then, let's try hitting/finishing the end of the song cooly/stylishly.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E790) // 0x805e778 //お手本、 いきます。[; // --- Literal //Here's the pattern/model.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E7B0) // 0x805e7a0 //[l //がんばって![; // --- Literal //Do your best![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E848) // 0x805e7c0 //1回で 出来ちゃいましたネ![l //すごいです![; // --- Literal //You got it in one try![l //[l //Amazing![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E84C) // 0x805e7ec //たったの2回で できました![l //やりますネ![; // --- Literal //You got it in just 2 tries![l //[l //Not bad![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $5E850) // 0x805e818 //なんとか 出来ましたネ![l //イイ感じですヨ![; // --- Literal //You got it some how![l //[l //Good feeling (good job)![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A38510) // 0x805e858 //こんなかんじで、 曲のスタート、 中間、 キメを表現できれば楽しく演奏できるのではないかと思います。[; // --- Literal //I'm of the opinion that if you can express the start, middle, and end of a track/song in this manner, you can perform/play enjoyable.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A38564) // 0x805e8c0 //あのコーナーで練習して、 ぜひ楽しくなってください。[; // --- Literal //Practice in that corner and please come to enjoy it.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A385B8) // 0x805e8f8 //では、 また。[l //さようなら。[; // --- Literal //OK then, see you next time.[l //[l //Goodbye.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3E150) // 0x805eed8 //音に合わせて、Aボタンを押してください[; // --- Literal //Please press the A button while matching to the music.[; // --- Edited Just press the A Button in time with the sound.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3E510) // 0x805ef00 //あと半分[; // --- Literal //Half left[; // --- Edited Halfway there![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3E5B8) // 0x805ef0c //3[; // --- Literal //3[; // --- Edited 3[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3E5D0) // 0x805ef10 //2[; // --- Literal //2[; // --- Edited 2[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3E5E8) // 0x805ef14 //1[; // --- Literal //1[; // --- Edited 1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3E72C) // 0x805ef18 //「ゼロ」と同時に、Aボタンを押してください[; // --- Literal //Please press the A button at the same time as “zero”[; // --- Edited Press A when the timer hits 0.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3E8F4) // 0x805ef44 //音が消えるところは、心でカウントしてください[; // --- Literal //Please count with your heart during the parts where the sound disappears.[; // --- Edited When there's no sound, count[l to yourself to keep the beat.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A3EAE0) // 0x805ef74 //では、測定をはじめます[; // --- Literal //Then, we will start the measurement[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40178) // 0x805ef8c //音に合わせて、Aボタンを押してください[; // --- Literal //Please press the A button while matching to the sound.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A402E0) // 0x805efb4 //そのまま、キープしつづけて下さい[; // --- Literal //Please continue to “keep” (the beat) in that manner.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40CB0) // 0x805efd8 //だいぶ、努力が必要かも…[; // --- Literal //Might need a lot more effort...[; // --- Edited You can do better than that.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40CAC) // 0x805eff4 //もう少し、がんばりましょう。[; // --- Literal //Let's try a little harder.[; // --- Edited[; You should try a little harder.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40CA8) // 0x805f014 //人並みの正確さをお持ちです。[; // --- Literal //You have the accuracy of an average person.[; // --- Edited You have average accuracy.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40CA4) // 0x805f034 //正確な体内時計をお持ちです![; // --- Literal //You have an accurate inner clock![; // --- Edited You have an accurate inner clock![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40CA0) // 0x805f054 //すごい! 電波時計なみの正確さ!![; // --- Literal //Amazing! Accuracy like an electro-magnetic clock!![; // --- Edited Incredible! Accuracy like an atomic clock![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40CD4) // 0x805f078 //あなたのリズム感をしらべましょう[; // --- Literal //Let's check your Rhythm Sense.[; // --- Edited Let's find out how good your rhythm is.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40CF8) // 0x805f09c //これから、3回のテストをします[; // --- Literal //We'll be doing 3 tests.[; // --- Edited We'll be doing 3 tests. Our machine prints slowly, [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40D1C) // 0x805f0bc //では、1回目です[; // --- Literal //Then, here's the 1st.[; // --- Edited so use sound to guide you.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40D88) // 0x805f0d0 //2回目のテスト、いきます[; // --- Literal //We'll move on to the 2nd test.[; // --- Edited Let's move on to the second test.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40DF4) // 0x805f0ec //さいごのテストです[; // --- Literal //Last test.[; // --- Edited Last test. Press A in time with the sound (again).[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A40E3C) // 0x805f100 //さて、結果は…?[; // --- Literal //Well then, the result...?[; // --- Edited The result...?[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DA4C) // 0x8067da0 //「■ですか?」の ノリが あかん。[; // --- Literal //The “Desu ka?” groove is no good.[; // --- Edited (These are a repeat of the above, but are not used) [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DA48) // 0x8067dc4 //「■ですか?」の ノリが バッチリや![; // --- Literal //The “Desu ka?” groove is right on![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DA5C) // 0x8067dec //「■かもネ」の ノリが キビシーッス。[; // --- Literal //The “Kamo NE” groove is severe.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DA58) // 0x8067e14 //「■かもネ」の ノリに シビれたで![; // --- Literal //The “Kamo NE” groove is numb![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DA6C) // 0x8067e3c //「■サイコー!」の ノリが サイコーちゃう。[; // --- Literal //The “SAIKO--!” groove is not saiko (not great).[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DA68) // 0x8067e6c //「■サイコー!」の ノリが サイコーやん![; // --- Literal //The “SAIKO--!” groove is saiko (great)![; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DA90) // 0x8067e98 //アノコらの コメント[; // --- Literal //Comments from those girls.[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4DB14) // 0x8067eb0 //いこっか[; // --- Literal //Shall we?[; // --- Edited [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A4FDD0) // 0x8067ebc //またやろな■[; // --- Literal //Let's do it again some time.[; // --- Edited [might be remix 2 [; // 0x806802a //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [q1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5DF2C) // 0x8069a48 //STAFF CREDITS[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Staff Credits[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5DF8C) // 0x8069a58 //PRODUCERS[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Producers[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5DFC8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E964) // 0x8069a64 //つんく♂[; // --- Literal //Tsunku♂[; // --- Edited Tsunku♂[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E004) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E400) // 0x8069a70 //Y.SAKAMOTO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Yoshio Sakamoto[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E04C) // 0x8069a7c //SUPERVISORS[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Supervisors[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E088) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E43C) // 0x8069a88 //K.YAMANO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Katsuya Yamano[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E0C4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E478) // 0x8069a94 //H.IIDA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hiroshi Iida[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E100) // 0x8069a9c //N.UMEMOTO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Nobuyasu Umemoto[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E148) // 0x8069aa8 //CHIEF DIRECTOR[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Chief Director[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E184) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E220) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E514) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E76C) // 0x8069ab8 //K.OSAWA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Kazuyoshi Osawa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E1E4) // 0x8069ac0 //GAME DESIGN[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Game Design[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E25C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E694) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EDE4) // 0x8069acc //K.TAKEUCHI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Ko Takeuchi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E298) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E868) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E9A0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EB14) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EBEC) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5ED6C) // 0x8069ad8 //M.YONE[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Masami Yone[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E2D4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E730) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EE5C) // 0x8069ae0 //S.IKEO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Sachiko Ikeo[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E310) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E7A8) // 0x8069ae8 //N.FURUTA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Norikatsu Furuta[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E34C) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E610) // 0x8069af4 //R.TAKAHASHI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Ryutaro Takahashi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E388) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E598) // 0x8069b00 //Y.TAKEUCHI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Yasutaka Takeuchi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E3C4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E5D4) // 0x8069b0c //M.KAWANO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Masahiro Kawano[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E4D8) // 0x8069b18 //PROGRAM DIRECTOR[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Director of Programming[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E55C) // 0x8069b2c //PROGRAMMING[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Programming[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E658) // 0x8069b38 //DESIGN DIRECTOR[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Design Director[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E6F4) // 0x8069b48 //DESIGN[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Design[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E7E4) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EE20) // 0x8069b50 //F.MIYAMOTO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Fumiko Miyamoto[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E82C) // 0x8069b5c //SOUND DIRECTORS[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Sound Directors[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E8A4) // 0x8069b6c //H.OGURO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hideki Oguro[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E8E0) // 0x8069b74 //K.KAMADA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Koji Kamada[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E928) // 0x8069b80 //MUSIC[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Music[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5E9E8) // 0x8069b88 //MUSIC ARRANGEMENT[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Music Arrangement[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EA24) // 0x8069b9c //K.YUASA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Koichi Yuasa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EA60) // 0x8069ba4 //H.D.SUZUKI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hideyuki “Daichi" Suzuki[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EA9C) // 0x8069bb0 //K.OKUBO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Kaoru Okubo[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EAD8) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EC28) // 0x8069bb8 //D.SHIIBA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Daisuke Shiiba[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EB74) // 0x8069bc4 //SOUND EFFECT[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Sound Effects[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EBB0) #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EDA8) // 0x8069bd4 //T.FUJII[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Takaya Fujii[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EC70) // 0x8069bdc //SONG[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Songs By[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5ECAC) // 0x8069be4 //時東 ぁみ[; // --- Literal //Tokitou aMi[; // --- Edited [[edit other places for consistency? Ami Tokito[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5ECE8) // 0x8069bf0 //田中 総史[; // --- Literal //Tanaka Soushi[; // --- Edited Tanaka Soushi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5ED30) // 0x8069bfc //VOICE[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Voice Acting[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EE98) // 0x8069c04 //N.KITAMURA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Noriko Kitamura[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EED4) // 0x8069c10 //M.NOMURA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name M. Nomura[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EF34) // 0x8069c1c //DEBUG[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Debug[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EF70) // 0x8069c24 //Y.ADACHI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Yasushi Adachi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EFAC) // 0x8069c30 //N.HASHIDA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name N. Hashida[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5EFE8) // 0x8069c3c //S.TAKADA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited // Shigeo Takada[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F024) // 0x8069c48 //D.NISHIKAWA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name D. Nishikawa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F060) // 0x8069c54 //R.SUGO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Rika Sugo[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F09C) // 0x8069c5c //S.ADACHI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name S. Adachi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F0D8) // 0x8069c68 //H.SAKAGUCHI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hiroko Sakaguchi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F114) // 0x8069c74 //N.WATANABE[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Noriyuki Watanabe[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F150) // 0x8069c80 //H.MATSUDA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hiroshi Matsuda[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F18C) // 0x8069c8c //D.MORITA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name D. Morita[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F1C8) // 0x8069c98 //K.UMEDA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name K. Umeda[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F204) // 0x8069ca0 //Y.NAKAI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name Y. Nakai[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F240) // 0x8069ca8 //Y.FUJIKAWA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name Y. Fujikawa[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F27C) // 0x8069cb4 //K.NISHIMOTO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Keiichiro Nishimoto[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F2B8) // 0x8069cc0 //T.AKIHO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Takeshi Akiho[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F2F4) // 0x8069cc8 //J.TERAI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Jun Terai[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F330) // 0x8069cd0 //A.SHIMIZUBATA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name A. Shimizubata[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F36C) // 0x8069ce0 //Y.YAMASHITA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Yoshikazu Yamashita[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F3CC) // 0x8069cec //SPECIAL THANKS[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Special Thanks[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F408) // 0x8069cfc //Y.KURATSUNE[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Yoshiaki Kuratsune[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F444) // 0x8069d08 //R.KAIMOTO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Ryuta Kaimoto[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F480) // 0x8069d14 //H.SAKAGAMI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hiroaki Sakagami[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F4BC) // 0x8069d20 //R.YOSHITOMI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Ryoji Yoshitomi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F4F8) // 0x8069d2c //S.YAMAMOTO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Shinji Yamamoto[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F534) // 0x8069d38 //T.HOTTA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Takuji Hotta[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F570) // 0x8069d40 //N.MATSUMIYA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Nobuo Matsumiya[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F5AC) // 0x8069d4c //みつばち まき[; // --- Literal //Mitsubachi Maki[; // --- Edited Maki Mitsubachi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F5E8) // 0x8069d5c //A.KENMOCHI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited A. Kenmochi[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F624) // 0x8069d68 //H.NAKANO[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited Hitomi Nakano[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F660) // 0x8069d74 //あなた[; // --- Literal //You[; // --- Edited You[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F6A8) // 0x8069d7c //EXECUTIVE[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited //EXECUTIVE[; //Executive Producers[; [; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F6E4) // 0x8069d88 // PRODUCERS[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited // PRODUCERS[; //Satoru Iwata & S. Terai[; //Satoru Iwata[; Executive Producers[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F720) // 0x8069d98 //S.IWATA[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited //Satoru Iwata[; //Localization: W hat, SirNiko[; Satoru Iwata[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F75C) // 0x8069da0 //S.TERAI[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited ]]unknown first name //_S. Terai[; //See 1st email for full credits[; S. Terai[; // 0x8069dab //[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited [cr1[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F8A0) // 0x8069dac //(C)2006 Nintendo/J.P.ROOM[; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited (C) 2006 Nintendo / J.P. ROOM[; //\\ English Hack 2013[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5F9E4) // 0x8069dc8 //[l //[l //おつかれさま![; // --- Literal //Good work![; // --- Edited (Not for mr upbeat, but same text. - Niko) Congratulations![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5FABC) // 0x8069ddc //がんばりましたネ![l //あなたの リズム感、[l //良くなっていると[l //うれしいな。[; // --- Literal //You worked hard, didn't you![l //[l //I'll be happy if your Rhythm Sense improved.[; // --- Edited Good work so far![l I'll be very happy if your[l sense of rhythm[l has improved.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5FBC4) // 0x8069e24 //クリアしたゲームは[l //なれたころが いちばん[l //楽しいから、またあとで[l //あそんでみてネ![; // --- Literal //Game was clear [l //When I was most familiar is [l //Also, for fun later on [l //The value I try play with![; // --- Edited This isn't the end[l of the game yet, though![l I have some even[l harder games for you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5FCCC) // 0x8069e78 //ゲームは、あとすこしだけ[l //つづくんだけど、ここで[l //スタッフのメンバー紹介を[l //させてくださいネ。[; // --- Literal //The game will continue only a bit from here on, so please let us introduce the staff members.[; // --- Edited But before we go[l on, let's introduce[l the staff who made[l the game possible.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5FDBC) // 0x8069ed4 //[l //[l //では、どうぞ■![; // --- Literal //[l //OK then, go ahead~![; // --- Edited [l OK then, roll 'em~![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5FF24) // 0x8069ee8 //[l //[l //こんにちは![; // --- Literal //[l //Good day![; // --- Edited [l Good day![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A5FFFC) // 0x8069ef8 //がんばってますか?[l //あなたの リズム感、[l //良くなっていると[l //うれしいな。[; // --- Literal //[l //Are you working hard?[l //I'll be very happy if your sense of rhythm has improved.[; // --- Edited Are you working hard?[l I'll be very happy if your[l sense of rhythm[l has improved.[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A60104) // 0x8069f40 //クリアしたゲームは[l //なれたころが いちばん[l //楽しいから、何回も[l //あそんでみてネ![; // --- Literal //[; // --- Edited This isn't the end[l of the game yet, though![l I have some even[l harder games for you![; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A6020C) // 0x8069f90 //そうそう、[l //ゲームのスタッフでしたね。[l //今は、どんなゲームを[l //作ってるんでしょうねぇ…[; // --- Literal //[l //Yeah, that was the game's staff.[l //I wonder what kind of game they're making right now...[; // --- Edited Yeah, that was the[l game's staff... I wonder[l if they're already[l making a sequel...[; #WRITE(RtPtr, $A602FC) // 0x8069fe4 //ま、それはさておき。[l //[l //では、どうぞ■![; // --- Literal [google translate //So please ![; // --- Edited Please keep up[l your rhythm![;