diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_de.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_de.ts index 0bbd9d54..201de37d 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_de.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_de.ts @@ -720,49 +720,49 @@ Bitte navigieren Sie zum korrekten Nutzerprofilordner. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Installieren Sie Ihr <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>-Unterstützerzertifikat - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Falls Sie ein Unterstützerzertifikat haben, geben Sie dieses bitte in das Feld hierrunter ein. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Abrufen des Zertifikats unter Verwendung der Seriennummer: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Starte Testphase ohne ein Zertifikat für eine begrenzte Zeit. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Um <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in einer geschäftlichen Umgebung zu verwenden, ist ein geeignetes <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">Unterstützerzertifikat</a> für kommerzielle Zwecke erforderlich. Wenn Sie noch kein(e) erforderliche(s/en) haben, können Sie dies(e) im <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com Webshop</a> bekommen. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> bietet zusätzliche Funktionen und Boxtypen exklusiv für <u>Projektunterstützer</u>. Boxen wie die verbesserten Privatsphäreboxen <b><font color='red'>zum Schutz der Nutzerdaten vor unerlaubtem Zugriff</font></b> durch sandgeboxte Programme. Wenn Sie noch kein Unterstützer sind, erwägen Sie bitte <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">das Projekt zu unterstützen</a>, um die zukünftige Entwicklung von Sandboxie sicherzustellen und ein <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">Unterstützerzertifikat</a> zu erhalten. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Abrufen des Zertifikats fehlgeschlagen. - + Error: %1 Fehler: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Rufe Zertifikat ab... @@ -954,12 +954,12 @@ Sie können %USER% verwenden, um für jeden Benutzer die Sandbox in einem eigene CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Ihre Konfiguration vervollständigen - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Fast erledigt, "Abschließen" klicken, um alle ausgewählten Optionen anzuwenden und den Assistenten abzuschließen. @@ -1048,32 +1048,32 @@ Sie können %USER% verwenden, um für jeden Benutzer die Sandbox in einem eigene CIntroPage - + Introduction Einführung - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Willkommen beim Einrichtungsassistent. Dieser Assistent wird Ihnen helfen Ihre Kopie von <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> zu konfigurieren. Sie können diesen Assistenten jederzeit unter Sandbox->Wartung aufrufen, falls Sie diesen nicht jetzt abschließen möchten. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Wählen Sie aus, wie Sie Sandboxie-Plus verwenden möchten - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use &Persönlich, für nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use &Kommerziell, für geschäftliche oder unternehmerische Verwendung - + Note: this option is persistent Notiz: Diese Option ist dauerhaft @@ -2628,114 +2628,114 @@ Fehler: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> Updater einrichten - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Wie mit jedem anderen Sicherheitsprodukt, ist es wichtig Ihr Sandboxie-Plus aktuell zu halten. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regelmäßig auf Updates für Sandboxie-Plus und optionale Komponenten prüfen - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Lasse Sandboxie regelmäßig nach neusten Updates suchen. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Prüfe auf neue Sandboxie-Plus Versionen: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Prüfe auf neue Sandboxie-Plus Veröffentlichungen. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Wählen Sie in welchem Updatekanal nach neuen Sandboxie-Plus Versionen gesucht werden soll: - + In the Stable Channel Im Stabilkanal - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. Der Stabilkanal enthält die aktuellsten stabilen GitHub-Veröffentlichungen. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes Im Vorschaukanal - mit neusten experimentellen Änderungen - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Der Vorschaukanal enthält die aktuellsten GitHub-Vorabveröffentlichungen. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features Im Insiderkanal - Exklusive Funktionen - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. Der Insiderkanal bietet frühen Zugriff auf neue Funktionen und Bugfixes, die irgendwann allgemein veröffentlicht werden sollen, als auch alle relevanten Verbesserungen des Stabilkanals. Anders als der Vorschaukanal, enthält es keine ungetesteten, möglicherweise fehlerhaften oder experimentellen Änderungen, welche möglicherweise einer breiten Verwendung entgegenstehen. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> Mehr über den <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insiderkanal</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Halte Kompatibilitätsvorlagen aktuell und wende Hotfixes an - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Prüfe auf neue Kompatibilitätsvorlagen und Hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Erhalten Sie die neusten Skripte für den Problembehebungsassistenten - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Prüfe auf neue Problembehebungsskripte für den Problembehebungsassistenten. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date Halte die Liste der optionalen Erweiterungskomponenten aktuell - + Check for latest available add-ons. Prüfe auf neue verfügbare Erweiterungen. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus wendet strikte Applikationseinschränkungen an, welche zu Kompatibilitätsproblemen führen können. Bleiben Sie mit Sandboxie-Plus aktuell, inklusive der Kompatibilitätsvorlagen und der Problembehebungen, um einen reibungslosen Betrieb auch bei Windowsupdates und Programmänderungen sicher zu stellen. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. Zugriff auf die neusten Kompatibilitätsvorlagen und die Onlineproblemlösungsdatenbank erfordert ein gültiges <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">Unterstützerzertifikat</a>. @@ -5656,30 +5656,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next t CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> Menüintegration konfigurieren - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Konfigurieren Sie, wie Sandboxie-Plus sich in Ihr System integrieren soll. - + Start UI with Windows Starte Benutzeroberfläche mit Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Füge 'Starte Sandgeboxt' zum Kontextmenü des Explorers hinzu - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Erstelle eine Desktopverknüpfung zum Starten des Internetbrowsers unter Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6494,37 +6509,37 @@ Wenn Sie bereits ein Great Supporter auf Patreon sind, kann Sandboxie online nac CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> Nutzeroberfläche konfigurieren - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Wählen Sie Ihren bevorzugten Stil der Nutzeroberfläche. - + &Advanced UI for experts E&rweiterte Nutzeroberfläche für Experten - + &Simple UI for beginners &Einfache Nutzeroberfläche für Anfänger - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Klassisches SbieCtrl.exe UI - + Use Bright Mode Nutze hellen Modus - + Use Dark Mode Nutze dunklen Modus @@ -8198,21 +8213,11 @@ Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Werte aktuell nutzerspezifisch sind und global f Prevent sandboxed processes from interfering with power operations (Experimental) Hindere sandgeboxte Prozesse daran, Energievorgänge von Windows zu beeinträchtigen (experimentell) - - - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Verhindert Bewegen des Mauszeigers, in den Vordergrund holen und ähnliche Vorgänge. Dies verursacht wahrscheinlich Probleme bei Spielen. - Prevent interference with the user interface (Experimental) Verhindere die Beeinträchtigung der Benutzeroberfläche (experimentell) - - - This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. - Diese Funktion blockiert nicht alle Mittel einen Screenshot zu erstellen, nur einige übliche. - Prevent sandboxed processes from capturing window images (Experimental, may cause UI glitches) diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_en.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_en.ts index 80899916..9e549014 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_en.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_en.ts @@ -722,49 +722,49 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... @@ -960,12 +960,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. @@ -1050,32 +1050,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CIntroPage - + Introduction - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use - + Note: this option is persistent @@ -2621,121 +2621,121 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -5659,30 +5659,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. - + Start UI with Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6500,37 +6515,37 @@ If you are a Great Supporter on Patreon already, Sandboxie can check online for CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI - + Select the user interface style you prefer. - + &Advanced UI for experts - + &Simple UI for beginners - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI - + Use Bright Mode - + Use Dark Mode diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_es.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_es.ts index e57ad5c3..cfacff1b 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_es.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_es.ts @@ -802,50 +802,50 @@ Por favor navegue al directorio de perfil de usuario correcto. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Instale su certificado de patrocinador de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Si tiene un certificado de patrocinador, por favor introdúcelo en el campo de debajo. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Obtener certificado usando Número de Serie: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Iniciar evaluación sin certificado durante un periodo limitado. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Para usar <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> en un entorno empresarial, un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">certificado de patrocinador</a> apropiado para uso empresarial es necesario. Si no tiene el/los certificado(s) requeridos, puede obtenerlos en la <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">tienda web de xanasoft.com</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> proporciona características adicionales y tipos de cajas exclusivamente para los <u>colaboradores del proyecto</u>. Cajas como las Cajas de Privacidad Mejorada <b><font color='red'>protegen los datos del usuario de accesos ilícitos</font></b> por los programas en la sandbox. Si aún no eres un colaborador, por favor considera <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">apoyar el proyecto</a> para asegurar el desarrollo futuro de Sandboxie y recibir un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificado de patrocinador</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. Error al obtener el certificado. - + Error: %1 Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... Obteniendo certificado... @@ -1059,12 +1059,12 @@ Puedes usar %USER% para guardar la sandbox de cada usuario en su propia carpeta. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Complete su configuración - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Casi ha completado, pulsa en Finalizar para aplicar todas las opciones seleccionadas y terminar el asistente. @@ -1155,32 +1155,32 @@ Puedes usar %USER% para guardar la sandbox de cada usuario en su propia carpeta. CIntroPage - + Introduction Introducción - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Bienvenido al Asistente de Instalación. Este asistente le ayudará a configurar su copia de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Puede iniciar este asistente en cualquier momento desde el menú Sandbox->Mantenimiento si no desea completarlo ahora. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Elija como desea usar Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use Uso &Personal, para uso privado y no comercial - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use Uso &Comercial, para uso en negocios y empresas - + Note: this option is persistent Nota: esta opción es persistente @@ -2919,122 +2919,122 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater Configurar actualizador de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Como cualquier otro producto de seguridad, es importante manterer su Sandboxie-Plus actualizado. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Comprobar regularmente todas las actualizaciones para Sandboxie-Plus y componentes opcionales - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Permitir a Sandboxie regularmente buscar actualizaciones. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Comprobar nuevas versiones de Sandboxie-Plus: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Comprobar nuevas compilaciones de Sandboxie-Plus. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Elija en qué canal de actualizaciones buscar nuevas compilaciones de Sandboxie-Plus: - + In the Stable Channel En el Canal Estable - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. El canal estable contiene los últimos lanzamientos estables de GitHub. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes En el Canal Previo - con nuevos cambios experimentales - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. El canal previo contiene los últimos prelanzamientos de GitHub. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features En el Canal Interno - funciones exclusivas - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. El canal interno ofrece acceso a nuevas funciones y correcciones de errores que se lanzarán en algún momento al público, al igual que todas las mejoras relevantes del canal estable. A diferencia del canal previo, no incluye cambios sin probar, potencialmente rompedores, o experimentales que pueden no estar disponibles para su amplio uso. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> Más sobre el <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Canal Interno</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Mantener Plantillas de Compatibilidad al día y aplicar correcciones urgentes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. Comprobar por últimas plantillas de compatibilidad y correcciones urgentes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Obtener los últimos Scripts para el Asistente de Resolución de Problemas - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. Comprobar por últimos scripts para el asistente de resolución de problemas. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date Mantener actualizada la lista de extensiones opcionales - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. Comprobar por últimas extensiones disponibles. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus aplica restricciones estrictas a las aplicaciones, lo que puede llevar a problemas de compatibilidad. Mantente actualizado con Sandboxie-Plus, incluyendo plantillas de compatibilidad y solución de problemas, para asegurar un funcionamiento fluido en medio de actualizaciones de Windows y cambios en las aplicaciones. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. El acceso a las últimas plantillas de compatibilidad y a la base de datos online de resolución de problemas requiere un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificado de patrocinador</a> válido. @@ -6274,30 +6274,45 @@ NO seleccionará: %2 CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Configurar integración del shell para <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Configure cómo debe integrarse Sandboxie-Plus en su sistema. - + Start UI with Windows Iniciar IU con Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Agregar 'Ejecutar en Sandbox' al menu de contextual del explorador - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Añadir acceso directo al escritorio para iniciar Navegador web con Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -7131,37 +7146,37 @@ Si ya eres un Gran Patrocinador en Patreon, Sandboxie puede comprobar online por CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Configura la IU de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Seleccione el estilo de interfaz de usuario que prefiera. - + &Advanced UI for experts &IU avanzada para expertos - + &Simple UI for beginners &IU simple para principiantes - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &IU SbieCtrl.exe antigua - + Use Bright Mode Usar Modo Claro - + Use Dark Mode Usar Modo Oscuro @@ -8688,23 +8703,11 @@ Para especificar un proceso, utiliza '$:program.exe' como ruta.Prevent sandboxed processes from interfering with power operations (Experimental) Impedir que los procesos aislados interfieran con las operaciones en energía (Experimental) - - - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and simmilar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Impedir operaciones como movimiento de ratón o mover al frente, al poder causar problemas con los juegos. - Prevent interference with the user interface (Experimental) Impedir interferencia con la interfaz de usuario (Experimental) - - - This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. - This feature does not block all means of optaining a screen capture only some common once. - Esta característica no bloquea todos los medios de obtener una captura de pantalla, únicamente los comunes. - Prevent sandboxed processes from capturing window images (Experimental, may cause UI glitches) diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_fr.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_fr.ts index 73867e60..7a05f061 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_fr.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_fr.ts @@ -816,50 +816,50 @@ Veuillez naviguer vers la répertoire correct des profils d'utilisateurs. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Installez votre certificat d'adhérent <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Si vous avez un certificat d'adhérent, veuillez le saisir dans le champ ci-dessous. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Récupération du certificat en utilisant le numéro de série : - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Commencer l'évaluation sans certificat pour un laps de temps limité. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Pour utiliser <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> dans un établissement commercial, un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">certificat d'adhérent</a> approprié pour une utilisation commerciale est requis. Si vous n'avez pas encore le ou les certificats requis, vous pouvez les obtenir depuis la <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">boutique web xanasoft.com</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> fournit des fonctions supplémentaires et des types de bacs exclusifs aux <u>adhérents du projet</u>. Les bacs tels que ceux à Confidentialité Améliorée <b><font color='red'>protègent les données de l'utilisateur contre les accès illicites</font></b> par les programmes en bac à sable. Si vous n'êtes pas encore un adhérent, alors veuillez songer à <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">soutenir le projet</a> pour assurer le développement futur de Sandboxie et recevoir un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificat d'adhérent</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. Échec de récupération du certificat. - + Error: %1 Erreur : %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... Récupération du certificat... @@ -1078,12 +1078,12 @@ Utilisez « %USER% » pour enregistrer le bac de chaque utilisateur dans son pro CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Finalisation de votre configuration - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. C'est presque fini. Appuyez sur « Terminer » pour appliquer toutes les options choisies et mettre fin à l'assistant. @@ -1178,32 +1178,32 @@ Utilisez « %USER% » pour enregistrer le bac de chaque utilisateur dans son pro CIntroPage - + Introduction Introduction - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Bienvenue dans l'assistant de configuration, qui vous aidera à configurer votre copie de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Vous pouvez démarrer cet assistant à tout moment depuis le menu « Fichier -> Maintenance » si vous ne voulez pas le faire maintenant. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Choisissez comment vous voulez utiliser Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use À titre &personnel, pour une utilisation non commerciale privée - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use À titre &commercial, pour une utilisation mercantile ou d'entreprise - + Note: this option is persistent Remarque : cette option est persistante @@ -2954,122 +2954,122 @@ Erreur : CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater Configurer la mise à jour de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Comme avec n'importe quel produit de sécurité, il est important de garder votre installation de Sandboxie-Plus à jour. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Vérifier régulièrement les mises à jour de Sandboxie-Plus et des composants optionnels - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Laisse Sandboxie vérifier régulièrement la présence de mises à jour. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Vérification de nouvelles versions de Sandboxie-Plus : - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Vérifie s'il y a de nouvelles versions de Sandboxie-Plus. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Choisir dans quel canal de mises à jour rechercher les nouvelles versions de Sandboxie-Plus : - + In the Stable Channel Dans le canal Stable - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. Le canal Stable contient les dernières versions stables de GitHub. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes Dans le canal des Aperçus — avec les derniers changements expérimentaux - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Le canal des Aperçus contient les dernières pré-versions GitHub. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features Dans le canal des Initiés — avec des fonctions exclusives - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. Le canal des Initiés offre un accès anticipé aux nouvelles fonctions et corrections de bogues qui finalement seront fournies au public, de même que toutes les améliorations pertinentes du canal Stable. Contrairement au canal des Aperçus, cela n'inclut pas les changements non testés, potentiellement dangereux ou expérimentaux qui peuvent ne pas être prêts pour une utilisation à grande échelle. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> En savoir plus concernant le <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">canal des Initiés</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Conserver les modèles de compatibilité à jour et appliquer les patchs de dernière minute - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. Vérifie la présence de modèles de compatibilité et des patchs de dernière minute. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Obtenir les derniers scripts pour l'assistant de dépannage - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. Vérifie la disponibilité de nouveaux scripts pour l'assistant de dépannage. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date Garder la liste des composants de modules optionnels à jour - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. Vérifie s'il y a de nouveaux modules disponibles. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus applique des restrictions d'applications strictes, ce qui peut entrainer des problèmes de compatibilité. Assurez-vous que Sandboxie-Plus est à jour, ainsi que les modèles de compatibilité et de dépannage, afin d'assurer un fonctionnement fluide malgré les mises à jour Windows et les changements des applications. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. L'accès aux derniers modèles de compatibilité et à la base de données de dépannage en ligne nécessitent un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificat d'adhérent</a> valide. @@ -6403,30 +6403,45 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Configuration de l'intégration de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> à l'interface système - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Configure la façon dont Sandboxie-Plus devrait s'intégrer à votre système. - + Start UI with Windows Démarrer l'interface utilisateur avec Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Ajouter « Exécuter dans un bac à sable » au menu contextuel de l'explorateur - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Ajouter un raccourci sur le bureau pour démarrer le navigateur web dans un bac à sable + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -7268,37 +7283,37 @@ Si vous êtes déjà « Great Supporter » sur Patreon, Sandboxie peut vérifier CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Configuration de l'interface utilisateur de <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Choisissez le style d'interface que vous préférez. - + &Advanced UI for experts Interface utilisateur &avancée pour les experts - + &Simple UI for beginners Interface utilisateur &simple pour les débutants - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI Interface utilisateur SbieCtrl.exe &rétro - + Use Bright Mode Utiliser le mode clair - + Use Dark Mode Utiliser le mode sombre @@ -9209,18 +9224,6 @@ Ceci est fait pour empêcher les processus malveillants à l'intérieur du Block common SAMBA ports Bloquer les ports SAMBA habituels - - - This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. - This feature does not block all means of optaining a screen capture only some common once. - Cette fonction ne bloque pas tous les moyens d'obtenir une capture d'écran, seulement les plus communs. - - - - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and simmilar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Empêcher les mouvements à la souris, la mise au premier plan, et les opérations similaires (activer ceci est susceptible de causer des problèmes avec les jeux). - Only Administrator user accounts can make changes to this sandbox diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_hu.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_hu.ts index 54320857..38048c28 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_hu.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_hu.ts @@ -776,49 +776,49 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Telepítse a <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> támogatási tanúsítványt - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Ha van támogatói tanúsítványa, kérjük, töltse be az alábbi mezőbe. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Kezdje el az értékelést tanúsítvány nélkül korlátozott ideig. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. A <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> üzleti környezetben megfelelő <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">támogatási tanúsítvány</a> üzleti használatra szükséges. Ha még nem rendelkezik a szükséges tanúsítvánnyal, akkor azokat a <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com webáruházból</a> szerezheti be. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. A <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> üzleti környezetben megfelelő <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">támogatási tanúsítvány</a> üzleti használatra szükséges. Ha még nem rendelkezik a szükséges tanúsítvánnyal, akkor azokat a <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com webáruházból</a> szerezheti be. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... @@ -1015,12 +1015,12 @@ A %USER% segítségével minden felhasználót saját mappába menthet. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration A konfigurációt véglegesítése - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Majdnem kész, kattintson a Befejezés gombra az összes kiválasztott beállítás alkalmazásához és a varázsló befejezéséhez. @@ -1109,32 +1109,32 @@ A %USER% segítségével minden felhasználót saját mappába menthet. CIntroPage - + Introduction Bevezetés - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Üdvözöljük a Telepítő varázslóban. Ez a varázsló segít a <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> példányának konfigurálásában. Ezt a varázslót bármikor elindíthatja a Sandbox->Karbantartás menüből, ha nem kívánja most befejezni. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Válassza ki, hogyan szeretné használni a Sandboxie-Plus-t - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use &Személyesen, privát, nem kereskedelmi használatra - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use &Kereskedelmi célra, üzleti vagy vállalati használatra - + Note: this option is persistent Megjegyzés: ez a lehetőség állandó @@ -2766,121 +2766,121 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. A stabil csatorna tartalmazza a legújabb stabil GitHub-kiadásokat. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Az előnézeti csatorna a legújabb GitHub-előzetes kiadásokat tartalmazza. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -5904,30 +5904,45 @@ Ez a fájl a Sandboxie része, és minden rajta végzett módosítás vissza les CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integráció beállítása - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Beállíthatja, hogy a Sandboxie-Plus hogyan integrálódjon a rendszerbe. - + Start UI with Windows UI indítása Windows-zal - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 'Izolált módú futtatás' hozzáadása az intéző helyi menüjéhez - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Adjon hozzá egy asztali parancsikont a webböngésző indításához a Sandboxie alatt + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6751,37 +6766,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI konfigurálása - + Select the user interface style you prefer. A felhasználói felület stílus kiválasztása. - + &Advanced UI for experts &Speciális felhasználói felület szakértőknek - + &Simple UI for beginners &Egyszerű felhasználói felület kezdőknek - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Klasszikus SbieCtrl.exe UI - + Use Bright Mode Világos mód használata - + Use Dark Mode Sötét mód használata diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_it.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_it.ts index a428d5e4..c252619f 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_it.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_it.ts @@ -825,51 +825,51 @@ Si prega di consultare la directory del profilo utente corretta. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Installa il certificato di supporto di <b>Sandboxie Plus</b> - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Se sei in possesso di un certificato di supporto, si prega di inserirlo nel campo sottostante. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Recupera il certificato utilizzando il numero di serie: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Inizia la valutazione senza certificato per un periodo di tempo limitato. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Per utilizzare <b>Sandboxie Plus</b> in un contesto aziendale, è necessario un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">certificato di supporto</a> per uso commerciale. Se non si dispone ancora del certificato richiesto, è possibile ottenerlo dal <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">negozio web xanasoft.com</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie Plus</b> fornisce ulteriori funzionalità e nuovi tipi di aree virtuali esclusivamente ai <u>sostenitori del progetto</u>. Le aree virtuali con Privacy avanzata <b><font color='red'>proteggono i dati utente da accessi non autorizzati</font></b> nei programmi eseguiti.<br />Se non sei un sostenitore, si prega di <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supportare Sandboxie Plus</a> per garantirne lo sviluppo e ricevere un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificato di supporto</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. Segnalare eventuali errori di inglese direttamente all'autore di Sandboxie Plus Impossibile recuperare il certificato. - + Error: %1 Errore: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... Segnalare eventuali errori di inglese direttamente all'autore di Sandboxie Plus @@ -1064,12 +1064,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own folder. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Completa la configurazione - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Hai quasi finito, fare clic su Fine per applicare tutte le opzioni selezionate e concludere la configurazione guidata. @@ -1162,32 +1162,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own folder. CIntroPage - + Introduction Introduzione - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Benvenuto nella configurazione guidata di <b>Sandboxie Plus</b>. È possibile avviarla in qualsiasi momento dal menu Area virtuale->Manutenzione se non si desidera completarla subito. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Seleziona come si desidera utilizzare Sandboxie Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use Uso &privato non commerciale - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use Uso &commerciale o aziendale - + Note: this option is persistent Nota: questa opzione non potrà essere cambiata in seguito @@ -2816,123 +2816,123 @@ Errore: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater Configura updater di <b>Sandboxie Plus</b> - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Come qualsiasi prodotto pensato per la sicurezza, è importante mantenere Sandboxie Plus aggiornato. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Verifica regolarmente la presenza di aggiornamenti per Sandboxie Plus e i componenti facoltativi - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Permetti a Sandboxie di verificare regolarmente la presenza di aggiornamenti. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Verificare la presenza di nuove versioni di Sandboxie Plus: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Verificare la presenza di nuove build di Sandboxie Plus. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Seleziona da quale canale di aggiornamento verificare la presenza di nuove build di Sandboxie Plus: - + In the Stable Channel Nel canale stabile - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. Il canale stabile contiene le ultime versioni stabili pubblicate su GitHub. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes Nel canale di anteprima - contiene le novità sperimentali più recenti - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Il canale di anteprima contiene le ultime versioni di anteprima pubblicate su GitHub. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features Nel canale insider - funzionalità esclusive - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. Il canale insider offre accesso anticipato alle nuove funzionalità e risoluzioni di bug che saranno successivamente rilasciate al pubblico, in aggiunta a tutti i miglioramenti rilevanti dal canale stabile. A differenza del canale di anteprima, non contiene modifiche non testate, potenzialmente problematiche o sperimentali che potrebbero non essere pronte per l'uso comune. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> Frase accorciata per uguagliare quella in SettingsWindow.ui Info sul <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">canale insider</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Mantieni aggiornati i modelli di compatibilità e applica hotfix - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. Verifica la presenza dei modelli di compatibilità e hotfix più recenti. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Ottieni gli script più recenti per la procedura di risoluzione problemi - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. Verifica la presenza di script più recenti per la procedura di risoluzione problemi. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date Mantieni aggiornata la lista dei componenti aggiuntivi facoltativi - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. Verifica la presenza di componenti aggiuntivi più recenti. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie Plus applica restrizioni ferree alle applicazioni, che potrebbero causare problemi di compatibilità. Mantieni aggiornato Sandboxie Plus, inclusi i modelli di compatibilità e risoluzione problemi, per garantire un corretto funzionamento in seguito ad aggiornamenti di Windows e delle applicazioni. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. L'accesso ai modelli di compatibilità più recenti e al database online di risoluzione problemi richiede un <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificato di supporto</a> valido. @@ -5982,30 +5982,45 @@ Questo file fa parte di Sandboxie e tutte le modifiche apportate ad esso saranno CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Configura l'integrazione di <b>Sandboxie Plus</b> - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Configura come Sandboxie Plus dovrebbe integrarsi nel sistema. - + Start UI with Windows Esegui Sandboxie Plus all'avvio di Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Aggiungi l'opzione «Avvia nell'area virtuale» al menu contestuale - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Aggiungi un collegamento sul desktop per l'avvio del browser Web in Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6837,37 +6852,37 @@ Se si è già un Great Supporter su Patreon, Sandboxie può verificare la presen CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Configura interfaccia di <b>Sandboxie Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Selezionare lo stile di interfaccia utente che si preferisce. - + &Advanced UI for experts Interfaccia &avanzata per esperti - + &Simple UI for beginners Interfaccia &semplice per principianti - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI Interfaccia &classica in stile SbieCtrl.exe - + Use Bright Mode Usa tema chiaro - + Use Dark Mode Usa tema scuro diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ja.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ja.ts index 1dd65241..385702fd 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ja.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ja.ts @@ -704,48 +704,48 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... @@ -934,12 +934,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own folder. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. @@ -1022,32 +1022,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own folder. CIntroPage - + Introduction - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use - + Note: this option is persistent @@ -2582,113 +2582,113 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -5590,30 +5590,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next t CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. - + Start UI with Windows Windows の起動時 - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu [サンドボックス化して実行] 操作を右クリックに追加 - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6415,37 +6430,37 @@ If you are a Great Supporter on Patreon already, Sandboxie can check online for CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI - + Select the user interface style you prefer. - + &Advanced UI for experts - + &Simple UI for beginners - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI - + Use Bright Mode - + Use Dark Mode diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ko.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ko.ts index 44a9f393..cbef7d06 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ko.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ko.ts @@ -868,50 +868,50 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 지원 인증서를 설치합니다 - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. 후원자 인증서가 있으면 아래 필드에 입력하십시오. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: 일련 번호를 사용하여 인증서 검색: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. 제한된 기간 동안 인증서 없이 평가를 시작합니다. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>를 비즈니스용으로 사용하려면 비즈니스 사용에 적합한 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">후원 인증서</a>가 필요합니다. 필요한 인증서가 아직 없는 경우 <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com 웹 상점에서 인증서를 받을 수 있습니다</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>는 <u>프로젝트 후원자</u>에게만 추가 기능과 박스 유형을 제공합니다. 개인 정보 강화 박스와 같은 박스는 샌드박스 프로그램의 <b><font color='red'>불법 액세스으로부터 사용자 데이터를 보호</font></b>합니다. 아직 후원자가 되지 않았다면 샌드박스의 추가 개발 및 후원자 인증서 발급을 위한 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">프로젝트 지원을 고려해주시기 바랍니다.</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. 인증서를 검색하지 못했습니다. - + Error: %1 오류: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... 인증서 검색 중... @@ -1118,12 +1118,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration 구성을 완료합니다 - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. 거의 완료되었습니다. 선택한 옵션을 모두 적용하고 마법사를 끝내려면 마침을 클릭하십시오. @@ -1216,32 +1216,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CIntroPage - + Introduction 소개 - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. 설정 마법사에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이 마법사는 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>의 사본을 구성할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 지금 완료하지 않으려면 샌드박스->유지관리 메뉴에서 언제든지 이 마법사를 시작할 수 있습니다. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Sandboxie-Plus 사용 방법 선택 - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use 개인적, 사적인 비상업적으로 사용(&P) - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use 상업적, 사업 또는 기업용으로 사용(&C) - + Note: this option is persistent 참고: 이 옵션은 영구적입니다 @@ -2933,122 +2933,122 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 업데이트 프로그램 구성 - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. 다른 보안 제품과 마찬가지로 Sandboxie-Plus를 최신 상태로 유지하는 것이 중요합니다. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Sandboxie-Plus 및 선택적 구성 요소에 대한 모든 업데이트를 정기적으로 확인합니다 - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. sandboxie가 정기적으로 최신 업데이트를 확인하도록 합니다. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: 새 Sandboxie-Plus 버전 확인: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. 새 Sandboxie-Plus 빌드를 확인합니다. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: 새 Sandboxie-Plus 빌드를 찾을 업데이트 채널 선택: - + In the Stable Channel 안정된 채널 - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. 안정적인 채널에는 최신 안정적인 GitHub 릴리스가 포함되어 있습니다. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes 미리보기 채널 - 최신 실험 변경 사항 포함 - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. 미리보기 채널에는 최신 GitHub 사전 릴리스가 포함되어 있습니다. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features 내부자 채널 - 독점 기능 - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. 내부자 채널은 최종적으로 대중에게 공개될 새로운 기능과 버그 수정에 대한 조기 액세스와 안정적인 채널의 모든 관련 개선 사항을 제공합니다. 미리 보기 채널과 달리 테스트되지 않았거나 손상되었거나 광범위하게 사용할 준비가 되지 않았을 수 있는 실험 변경 사항은 포함되지 않습니다. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">내부자 채널</a>에 대해 자세히 알아보기 - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes 호환성 템플릿을 최신 상태로 유지하고 핫픽스 적용 - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. 최신 호환성 템플릿 및 핫픽스를 확인합니다. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard 문제 해결 마법사에 대한 최신 스크립트 가져오기 - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. 문제 해결 마법사의 최신 문제 해결 스크립트를 확인합니다. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date 선택적 추가 기능 구성 요소 목록을 최신 상태로 유지 - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. 사용 가능한 최신 추가 기능을 확인합니다. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus는 엄격한 응용 프로그램을 적용하므로 호환성 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 호환성 템플릿 및 문제 해결을 포함하여 Sandboxie-Plus로 계속 업데이트하여 윈도우즈 업데이트 및 애플리케이션 변경 중에도 원활한 운영을 보장합니다. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. 최신 호환성 템플릿 및 온라인 문제 해결 데이터베이스에 액세스하려면 유효한 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">후원자 인증서</a>가 필요합니다. @@ -5724,103 +5724,103 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next %1 - + Add %1 Template %1 템플릿 추가 - + Select font 글꼴 선택 - + Reset font 글꼴 재설정 - + Search for settings 설정 검색 - + %0, %1 pt %0, %1 pt - + Please enter message 메시지를 입력하십시오 - - + + Run &Sandboxed 샌드박스에서 실행(&S) - + kilobytes (%1) 킬로바이트 (%1) - + Volume not attached 볼륨이 연결되지 않음 - + This supporter certificate has expired, please <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-renew-cert">get an updated certificate</a>. 이 후원자 인증서가 만료되었습니다. <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-renew-cert">업데이트된 인증서</a>를 받으십시오. - + <br /><font color='red'>For the current build Plus features remain enabled</font>, but you no longer have access to Sandboxie-Live services, including compatibility updates and the troubleshooting database. <br /><font color='red'>현재 빌드 Plus 기능은 활성화된 상태로 유지</font>되지만 호환성 업데이트 및 문제 해결 데이터베이스를 포함한 샌드박스 라이브 서비스에 더 이상 액세스할 수 없습니다. - + This supporter certificate will <font color='red'>expire in %1 days</font>, please <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-renew-cert">get an updated certificate</a>. 이 후원자 인증서는 <font color='red'>%1일 후에 만료</font>됩니다. <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-renew-cert">업데이트된 인증서</a>를 받으십시오. - + This does not look like a Sandboxie-Plus Serial Number.<br />If you have attempted to enter the UpdateKey or the Signature from a certificate, that is not correct, please enter the entire certificate into the text area above instead. 이것은 Sandboxie-Plus 일련 번호처럼 보이지 않습니다.<br />인증서의 UpdateKey 또는 서명을 입력하려고 시도했지만 올바르지 않은 경우, 위의 텍스트 영역에 전체 인증서를 대신 입력하세요. - + You are attempting to use a feature Upgrade-Key without having entered a pre-existing supporter certificate. Please note that this type of key (<b>as it is clearly stated in bold on the website</b) requires you to have a pre-existing valid supporter certificate; it is useless without one.<br />If you want to use the advanced features, you need to obtain both a standard certificate and the feature upgrade key to unlock advanced functionality. You are attempting to use a feature Upgrade-Key without having entered a preexisting supporter certificate. Please note that these type of key (<b>as it is clearly stated in bold on the website</b>) require you to have a preexisting valid supporter certificate, it is useless without one.<br />If you want to use the advanced features you need to obtain booth a standard certificate and the feature upgrade key to unlock advanced functionality. 기존 후원자 인증서를 입력하지 않고 기능 업그레이드 키를 사용하려고 합니다. (<b>웹 사이트에 굵은 글씨로 명시되어 있는</b) 이 유형의 키는 기존 후원자 인증서가 있어야 하며, 인증서가 없으면 쓸모가 없습니다.<br />고급 기능을 사용하려면 표준 인증서와 기능 업그레이드 키를 모두 받아야 합니다. - + You are attempting to use a Renew-Key without having entered a pre-existing supporter certificate. Please note that this type of key (<b>as it is clearly stated in bold on the website</b) requires you to have a pre-existing valid supporter certificate; it is useless without one. You are attempting to use a Renew-Key without having a preexisting supporter certificate. Please note that these type of key (<b>as it is clearly stated in bold on the website</b>) require you to have a preexisting supporter certificate, it is useless without one. 기존 후원자 인증서를 입력하지 않고 갱신 키를 사용하려고 합니다. (<b>웹사이트에 굵은 글씨로 명시되어 있는</b) 이 유형의 키는 기존 지원자 인증서가 있어야 하며, 해당 인증서가 없으면 쓸모가 없습니다. - + <br /><br /><u>If you have not read the product description and obtained this key by mistake, please contact us via email (provided on our website) to resolve this issue.</u> <br /><br /><u>If you have not read the product description and got this key by mistake, please contact us by email (provided on our website) to resolve this issue.</u> <br /><br /><u>제품 설명을 읽지 않고 실수로 이 키를 얻으신 경우 이메일 (홈페이지 제공)로 연락하여 이 문제를 해결해 주시기 바랍니다.</u> - + Retrieving certificate... 인증서 검색 중... - + Error retrieving certificate: %1 Error retriving certificate: %1 인증서를 검색하는 중 오류 발생: %1 - + Unknown Error (probably a network issue) 알 수 없는 오류 (아마도 네트워크 문제) @@ -5829,42 +5829,42 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 인증서를 가져오는 중... - + Contributor 기여자 - + Eternal 영구 - + Business 비지니스 - + Personal 개인 - + Great Patreon Great Patreon - + Patreon Patreon - + Family 패밀리 - + Home @@ -5873,12 +5873,12 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 기부 - + Evaluation 평가 - + Type %1 유형 %1 @@ -5887,53 +5887,53 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 표준 - + Advanced 고급 - + Advanced (L) 고급 (L) - + Max Level 최대 수준 - + Level %1 수준 %1 - + Supporter certificate required for access 접근에 필요한 후원자 인증서 - + Supporter certificate required for automation 자동화에 필요한 후원자 인증서 - + This certificate is unfortunately not valid for the current build, you need to get a new certificate or downgrade to an earlier build. 이 인증서는 현재 빌드에 유효하지 않습니다. 새 인증서를 가져오거나 이전 빌드로 다운그레이드해야 합니다. - + Although this certificate has expired, for the currently installed version plus features remain enabled. However, you will no longer have access to Sandboxie-Live services, including compatibility updates and the online troubleshooting database. 이 인증서는 만료되었지만 현재 설치된 버전 및 기능에 대해서는 사용 가능한 상태로 유지됩니다. 그러나 호환성 업데이트 및 온라인 문제 해결 데이터베이스를 포함한 Sandboxie-Live 서비스에 더 이상 액세스할 수 없습니다. - + This certificate has unfortunately expired, you need to get a new certificate. 이 인증서는 만료되었습니다. 새 인증서를 받아야 합니다. - + Sandboxed Web Browser 샌드박스 웹 브라우저 @@ -5961,23 +5961,23 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 프로그램 찾아보기 - + Select Program 프로그램 선택 - + Executables (*.exe *.cmd) 실행 파일 (*.exe *.cmd) - - + + Please enter a menu title 메뉴 제목을 입력하십시오 - + Please enter a command 명령을 입력하십시오 @@ -5986,7 +5986,7 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 이 후원자 인증서가 만료되었습니다, <a href="sbie://update/cert">에서 업데이트된 인증서를 받으십시오</a>. - + <br /><font color='red'>Plus features will be disabled in %1 days.</font> <br /><font color='red'>%1일 후에 추가 기능이 비활성화됩니다.</font> @@ -5995,7 +5995,7 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next <br /><font color='red'>이 빌드 Plus 기능은 계속 사용 가능합니다.</font> - + <br />Plus features are no longer enabled. <br />Plus 기능이 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. @@ -6013,12 +6013,12 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 후원자 인증서 필요 - + Run &Un-Sandboxed 샌드박스 없이 실행(&U) - + This does not look like a certificate. Please enter the entire certificate, not just a portion of it. 인증서로 보이지 않습니다. 인증서 일부가 아닌 전체 인증서를 입력하십시오. @@ -6031,7 +6031,7 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 안타깝게도 이 인증서는 오래되었습니다. - + Thank you for supporting the development of Sandboxie-Plus. Sandboxie-Plus 개발을 지원해 주셔서 감사합니다. @@ -6040,88 +6040,88 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next 이 후원 인증서는 유효하지 않습니다. - + Update Available 사용 가능한 업데이트 - + Installed 설치됨 - + by %1 %1까지 - + (info website) (정보 웹사이트) - + This Add-on is mandatory and can not be removed. 이 추가 기능은 필수 사항 제거할 수 없습니다. - - + + Select Directory 디렉터리 선택 - + <a href="check">Check Now</a> <a href="check">지금 확인</a> - + Please enter the new configuration password. 새 구성 암호를 입력하십시오. - + Please re-enter the new configuration password. 새 구성 암호를 다시 입력하십시오. - + Passwords did not match, please retry. 암호가 일치하지 않습니다. 다시 시도하십시오. - + Process 프로세스 - + Folder 폴더 - + Please enter a program file name 프로그램 파일 이름을 입력하십시오 - + Please enter the template identifier 템플릿 식별자를 입력하십시오 - + Error: %1 오류: %1 - + Do you really want to delete the selected local template(s)? 선택한 로컬 템플릿을 삭제하시겠습니까? - + %1 (Current) %1 (현재) @@ -6169,30 +6169,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 셸 통합 구성 - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Sandboxie-Plus를 시스템과 통합하는 방법을 구성합니다. - + Start UI with Windows Windows와 함께 UI 시작 - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 탐색기의 상황에 맞는 메뉴에 '샌드박스에서 실행' 추가 - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Sandboxie에서 웹 브라우저를 시작하기 위한 바탕 화면 바로 가기 추가 + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -7036,37 +7051,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI 구성 - + Select the user interface style you prefer. 원하는 사용자 인터페이스 스타일을 선택합니다. - + &Advanced UI for experts 전문가를 위한 고급 UI(&A) - + &Simple UI for beginners 초보자를 위한 간단한 UI(&S) - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI 빈티지 SbieCtrl.exe UI(&V) - + Use Bright Mode 밝은 모드 사용 - + Use Dark Mode 어두운 모드 사용 @@ -7738,9 +7753,10 @@ If leader processes are defined, all others are treated as lingering processes.< 샌드박스가 적용된 프로세스가 전원 운영을 방해하지 않도록 방지 (실험적) + Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and simmilar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - 마우스를 움직이거나 앞으로 가져오는 등의 조작을 방지하면 게임에서 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. + 마우스를 움직이거나 앞으로 가져오는 등의 조작을 방지하면 게임에서 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. @@ -7748,9 +7764,10 @@ If leader processes are defined, all others are treated as lingering processes.< 사용자 인터페이스 간섭 방지(실험적) + This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. This feature does not block all means of optaining a screen capture only some common once. - 이 기능은 화면 캡처를 얻는 모든 수단을 차단하는 것이 아니라 일부 일반적인 수단만 차단합니다. + 이 기능은 화면 캡처를 얻는 모든 수단을 차단하는 것이 아니라 일부 일반적인 수단만 차단합니다. @@ -8994,13 +9011,15 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for - This feature does not block all means of optaining a screen capture only some common once. - 이 기능은 일반적인 화면 캡처를 한 번만 선택할 수 있는 모든 수단을 차단하는 것은 아닙니다. + This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. + This feature does not block all means of optaining a screen capture only some common once. + 이 기능은 일반적인 화면 캡처를 한 번만 선택할 수 있는 모든 수단을 차단하는 것은 아닙니다. - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and simmilar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - 마우스 이동 방지, 전면 반입 및 이와 유사한 작업으로 인해 게임에 문제가 발생할 가능성이 높습니다. + Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. + Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and simmilar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. + 마우스 이동 방지, 전면 반입 및 이와 유사한 작업으로 인해 게임에 문제가 발생할 가능성이 높습니다. @@ -9491,9 +9510,9 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for - Hotkey for suspending all process - Hotkey for suspending all processes: - 모든 프로세스를 일시 중지하는 단축키 + Hotkey for suspending all processes: + Hotkey for suspending all process + 모든 프로세스를 일시 중지하는 단축키 diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_nl.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_nl.ts index cd71c985..d4c95d89 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_nl.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_nl.ts @@ -734,49 +734,49 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... @@ -992,12 +992,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. @@ -1082,32 +1082,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CIntroPage - + Introduction - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use - + Note: this option is persistent @@ -2763,121 +2763,121 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -6018,30 +6018,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. - + Start UI with Windows UI samen met Windows starten - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 'Gesandboxt uitvoeren' toevoegen aan het contextmenu van verkenner - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6865,37 +6880,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI - + Select the user interface style you prefer. - + &Advanced UI for experts - + &Simple UI for beginners - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI - + Use Bright Mode - + Use Dark Mode diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pl.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pl.ts index b927f2f8..94d7fbd0 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pl.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pl.ts @@ -801,50 +801,50 @@ Proszę przejść do właściwego katalogu profilu użytkownika. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Zainstaluj certyfikat wsparcia <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Jeśli posiadasz certyfikat sponsora, wypełnij go w poniższym polu. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Pobieranie certyfikatu przy użyciu numeru seryjnego: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Wypróbuj bez certyfikatu przez ograniczony czas. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Użycie <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>s w środowisku biznesowym, wymaga odpowiedniego <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">certyfikatu wsparcia</a> do użytku biznesowego. Jeśli nie posiadasz jeszcze wymaganego(-ych) certyfikatu(-ów), kup w <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">sklepie internetowym xanasoft.com</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> oferuje dodatkowe funkcje i typy boksów wyłącznie dla <u>sponsorów projektu</u>. Boksy takie jak Ulepszona Prywatność <b><font color='red'>chronią dane użytkownika przed nielegalnym dostępem</font></b> przez programy znajdujące się w piaskownicy. Jeśli nie jesteś jeszcze sponsorem, rozważ <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">wsparcie projektu</a> dla zapewnienia dalszego rozwoju Sandboxie i otrzymania <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certyfikatu wsparcia</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. Nie udało się pobrać certyfikatu. - + Error: %1 Błąd: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... Pobieranie certyfikatu... @@ -1064,12 +1064,12 @@ Możesz użyć %USER%, aby zapisać piaskownicę każdego użytkownika w jego w CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Dokończ konfigurację - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Prawie ukończone, kliknij Zakończ, aby zastosować wszystkie wybrane opcje i zakończyć działanie kreatora. @@ -1164,32 +1164,32 @@ Możesz użyć %USER%, aby zapisać piaskownicę każdego użytkownika w jego w CIntroPage - + Introduction Wstęp - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Witamy w Kreatorze instalacji, który pomoże Ci skonfigurować Twoją kopię <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Możesz przerwać i/lub uruchomić kreatora w dowolnym momencie z menu Piaskownica->Konserwacja. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Wybierz, jak chcesz korzystać z Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use Osobiście, do użytku &prywatnego, niekomercyjnego - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use Komer&cyjnie, do użytku służbowego lub w przedsiębiorstwie - + Note: this option is persistent Uwaga: ta opcja jest trwała @@ -2904,111 +2904,111 @@ Błąd: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater Skonfiguruj aktualizator <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Podobnie jak w przypadku każdego innego produktu zabezpieczającego, ważne jest, aby aktualizować oprogramowanie Sandboxie-Plus. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularnie sprawdzaj dostępność wszystkich aktualizacji Sandboxie-Plus i komponentów opcjonalnych - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Pozwól Sandboxie regularnie sprawdzać dostępność najnowszych aktualizacji. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Sprawdź nowe wersje Sandboxie-Plus: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Sprawdź nowe kompilacje Sandboxie-Plus. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Wybierz, w którym kanale aktualizacji szukać nowych kompilacji Sandboxie-Plus: - + In the Stable Channel W stabilnym kanale - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. Kanał stabilny zawiera najnowsze stabilne wersje z GitHub. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes W kanale podglądu - z najnowszymi eksperymentalnymi zmianami - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Kanał podglądu zawiera najnowsze wersje przed finalne z GitHub. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features W Insider Channel - ekskluzywne funkcje - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. Kanał Insider oferuje wczesny dostęp do nowych funkcji i poprawek błędów, które ostatecznie zostaną udostępnione publicznie, a także wszystkie istotne ulepszenia ze stabilnego kanału. W przeciwieństwie do kanału podglądu nie zawiera niesprawdzonych, potencjalnie przełomowych lub eksperymentalnych zmian, które mogą nie być gotowe do szerszego wykorzystania. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> Więcej informacji na temat <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Kanału Insider</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Aktualizuj szablony zgodności i stosuj poprawki - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. Sprawdź najnowsze szablony zgodności i poprawki. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Pobierz najnowsze skrypty dla Kreatora rozwiązywania problemów - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. Sprawdź najnowsze skrypty rozwiązywania problemów dla kreatora rozwiązywania problemów. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date Aktualizuj listę opcjonalnych dodatków - + Check for latest available add-ons. Sprawdź dostępne dodatki. @@ -3022,12 +3022,12 @@ W przeciwieństwie do kanału podglądu nie zawiera niesprawdzonych, potencjalni Sprawdź najnowsze dostępne dodatki. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus stosuje surowe ograniczenia aplikacji, co może prowadzić do problemów ze zgodnością. Bądź na bieżąco z Sandboxie-Plus, w tym szablonami zgodności i rozwiązywaniem problemów, aby zapewnić płynne działanie wśród aktualizacji systemu Windows i zmian w aplikacjach. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. Dostęp do najnowszych szablonów zgodności i internetowej bazy danych rozwiązywania problemów wymaga ważnego <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certyfikatu wsparcia</a>. @@ -6260,30 +6260,45 @@ Uwaga: Sprawdzanie aktualizacji często pomija najnowsze wydania GitHub, aby zap CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Skonfiguruj integrację powłoki <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Skonfiguruj sposób integracji Sandboxie-Plus z Twoim systemem. - + Start UI with Windows Uruchom interfejs wraz z Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Dodaj 'Wykonaj w Piaskownicy' do menu kontekstowego - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Dodaj skrót na pulpit do uruchamiania przeglądarki WWW w Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -7120,37 +7135,37 @@ Jeśli jesteś już Wielkim Wspierającym na Patreon, Sandboxie może sprawdzić CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Skonfiguruj interfejs użytkownika <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Wybierz styl interfejsu użytkownika, który preferujesz. - + &Advanced UI for experts Za&awansowany interfejs użytkownika dla ekspertów - + &Simple UI for beginners Pro&sty UI dla początkujących - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Klasyczny interfejs SbieCtrl.exe - + Use Bright Mode Użyj trybu jasnego - + Use Dark Mode Użyj trybu ciemnego diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_BR.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_BR.ts index 15876cb2..b3319e15 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_BR.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_BR.ts @@ -786,49 +786,49 @@ Navegue até o diretório de perfil de usuário correto. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Instale o seu <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> com certificado de suporte - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Se você possui um certificado de apoiador, preencha-o no campo abaixo. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Inicie a avaliação sem um certificado por um período limitado de tempo. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Para usar o <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> em um ambiente de negócios, um <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">certificado de suporte</a> para uso comercial é necessário. Se você ainda não possui o(s) certificado(s) necessário(s), poderá obtê-los em <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> fornece recursos adicionais e tipos de caixa exclusivamente para <u>apoiadores do projeto</u>. Caixas como as caixas de Privacidade Aprimoradas <b><font color='red'>proteger os dados do usuário contra acesso ilícito</font></b> pelos programas na caixa de areia. Se você ainda não é um apoiador, considere <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">apoiar o projeto</a> para garantir o desenvolvimento do Sandboxie e receber um <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificado de apoiador</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... @@ -1045,12 +1045,12 @@ Você pode usar %USER% para salvar a caixa de proteção de cada usuário em uma CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Conclua sua configuração - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Quase concluído, clique em Concluir para aplicar todas as opções selecionadas e concluir o assistente. @@ -1144,32 +1144,32 @@ Você pode usar %USER% para salvar a caixa de proteção de cada usuário em uma CIntroPage - + Introduction Introdução - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Bem-vindo ao Assistente de Configuração. Esse assistente irá ajudá-lo a configurar sua cópia do <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Você pode iniciar esse assistente a qualquer momento a partir do menu Caixa->Manutenção se você não deseja completá-lo agora. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Selecione como gostaria de usar o Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use &Pessoal, para uso privado e não comercial - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use &Comercial, para uso comercial ou empresarial - + Note: this option is persistent Nota: essa opção é persistente @@ -2890,121 +2890,121 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. O canal estável contém os últimos lançamentos estáveis ​​do GitHub. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. O canal preview contém os últimos pré-lançamentos do GitHub. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -6245,30 +6245,45 @@ Não vou escolher: %2 CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Configurar integração do shell com <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Configure como o Sandboxie-Plus deve se integrar ao seu sistema. - + Start UI with Windows Iniciar interface do usuário com windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Adicionar 'Executar na Caixa de Areia' no menu de contexto do explorer - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Adicionar atalho na Área de Trabalho para iniciar o Navegador Web no Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -7104,37 +7119,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Configurar Interface do <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Selecione o estilo de interface do usuário de sua preferência. - + &Advanced UI for experts &Avançada para especialistas - + &Simple UI for beginners &Simples para iniciantes - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe - + Use Bright Mode Usar modo Claro - + Use Dark Mode Usar modo Escuro diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_PT.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_PT.ts index e3843421..dfd2da32 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_PT.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_pt_PT.ts @@ -786,49 +786,49 @@ Navegue até o pasta de perfil de utilizador correto. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Instale o seu <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> com certificado de suporte - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Se você possui um certificado de apoiador, preencha-o no campo abaixo. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Inicie a avaliação sem um certificado por um período limitado de tempo. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Para utilizar o <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> num ambiente de negócios, um <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">certificado de suporte</a> para uso comercial é necessário. Se você ainda não possui o(s) certificado(s) necessário(s), poderá obtê-los em <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> fornece recursos adicionais e tipos de caixa exclusivamente para <u>apoiadores do projeto</u>. Caixas como as caixas de Privacidade Aprimoradas <b><font color='red'>proteger os dados do utilizador contra acesso ilícito</font></b> pelos programas na caixa de areia. Se você ainda não é um apoiador, considere <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">apoiar o projeto</a> para garantir o desenvolvimento do Sandboxie e receber um <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">certificado de apoiador</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... @@ -1045,12 +1045,12 @@ Você pode utilizar %USER% para salvar a caixa de proteção de cada utilizador CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Sua definição foi feita - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Quase concluído, clique em Concluir para aplicar todas as opções selecionadas e concluir o assistente. @@ -1144,32 +1144,32 @@ Você pode utilizar %USER% para salvar a caixa de proteção de cada utilizador CIntroPage - + Introduction Introdução - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Benvindo ao Assistente de Definição. Este assistente irá ajudá-lo a configurar sua cópia do <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Você pode iniciar esse assistente a qualquer momento a partir do menu Caixa->Manutenção se você não deseja completá-lo agora. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Seleccione como gostaria de utilizar o Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use &Pessoal, para uso pessoal e não comercial - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use &Comercial, para uso comercial ou empresarial - + Note: this option is persistent Nota: esta opção é definitiva @@ -2890,121 +2890,121 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. O canal estável contém os últimos lançamentos estáveis ​​do GitHub. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. O canal preview contém os últimos pré-lançamentos do GitHub. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -6249,30 +6249,45 @@ Não vou definir: %2 CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Definir integração do shell com <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Configure como o Sandboxie-Plus deve se integrar ao seu sistema. - + Start UI with Windows Iniciar interface do utilizador com windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Adicionar 'Rodar na Caixa de Areia' no menu de contexto do explorer - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Adicionar atalho na Área de Trabalho para iniciar o Navegador Web no Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -7108,37 +7123,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Definir Interface do <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Seleccione o estilo de interface do utilizador de sua preferência. - + &Advanced UI for experts &Avançada para especialistas - + &Simple UI for beginners &Simples para iniciantes - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe - + Use Bright Mode Utilizar modo Claro - + Use Dark Mode Utilizar modo Escuro diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ru.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ru.ts index a3092b0e..371c831c 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ru.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_ru.ts @@ -777,49 +777,49 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Укажите ваш сертификат сторонника <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Если у вас есть сертификат сторонника, пожалуйста, добавьте его в поле ниже. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Получить сертификат, используя серийный номер: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Начать оценку без сертификата, в течение ограниченного периода времени. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Для использования <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> в бизнес-среде, необходима бизнес версия <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">сертификата сторонника</a>. Если у вас еще нет необходимых сертификатов, вы можете получить их в <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">интернет-магазине xanasoft.com</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> предоставляет дополнительные функции и типы песочниц исключительно <u>сторонникам проекта</u>. Песочницы с улучшенной конфиденциальностью, <b><font color='red'>защищают пользовательские данные от несанкционированного доступа</font></b> изолированных программ. Если вы еще не являетесь сторонником, рассмотрите возможность <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">поддержать проект</a>, чтобы обеспечить дальнейшее развитие Sandboxie и получить <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">сертификат сторонника</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Не удалось получить сертификат. - + Error: %1 Ошибка: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Получение сертификата... @@ -1011,12 +1011,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own folder. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Завершите настройку - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Почти завершено, нажмите "Завершить", чтобы применить все выбранные параметры и завершить работу мастера. @@ -1105,32 +1105,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own folder. CIntroPage - + Introduction Введение - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Добро пожаловать в мастер настройки. Этот мастер поможет вам настроить вашу копию <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Вы можете запустить этот мастер в любое время из меню Песочница->Обслуживание, если не хотите завершать его сейчас. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Выберите, как вы хотели бы использовать Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use Персональный, для частного некоммерческого использования (&P) - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use Коммерческий, для бизнеса или корпоративного использования (&C) - + Note: this option is persistent Примечание: этот параметр является постоянным @@ -2692,114 +2692,114 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater Настройка средства обновления <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Как и в случае с любым другим продуктом для обеспечения безопасности, важно поддерживать Sandboxie-Plus в актуальном состоянии. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Регулярно проверяйте наличие обновлений для Sandboxie-Plus и дополнительных компонентов - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Разрешить Sandboxie регулярно проверять наличие последних обновлений. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Проверка наличия новых версий Sandboxie-Plus: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Проверка наличия новых сборок Sandboxie-Plus. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Выберите, в каком канале обновлений искать новые сборки Sandboxie-Plus: - + In the Stable Channel В стабильном канале - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. Стабильный канал содержит последние стабильные выпуски с GitHub. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes В превью канале - с новейшими экспериментальными изменениями - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Превью канал содержит последние предварительные выпуски с GitHub. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features В инсайдер канале - эксклюзивные возможности - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. Инсайдер канал предлагает ранний доступ к новым функциям и исправлениям ошибок, которые в конечном итоге будут опубликованы, а также ко всем соответствующим улучшениям из стабильного канала. В отличие от канала предварительного просмотра, он не включает непроверенные, потенциально критические или экспериментальные изменения, которые могут быть не готовы для более широкого использования. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> Подробнее об <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">инсайдер канале</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Поддерживать актуальность шаблонов совместимости и применять исправления - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Проверка наличия последних шаблонов совместимости и исправлений. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Получить последние сценарии для мастера устранения неполадок - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Проверка наличия последних сценариев устранения неполадок для мастера устранения неполадок. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date Поддерживать актуальность списка опциональных компонентов дополнений - + Check for latest available add-ons. Проверка наличия последних доступных дополнений. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus применяет строгие ограничения приложений, что может привести к проблемам с совместимостью. Будьте в курсе обновлений Sandboxie-Plus, включая шаблоны совместимости и устранение неполадок, чтобы обеспечить бесперебойную работу при обновлениях Windows и изменениях приложений. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. Для доступа к последним шаблонам совместимости и онлайн-базе данных по устранению неполадок требуется действующий <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">сертификат сторонника</a>. @@ -5735,30 +5735,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next t CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Настройка интеграции оболочки <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Настройка интеграции Sandboxie-Plus с вашей системой. - + Start UI with Windows Запуск пользовательского интерфейса с Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Добавить 'Запустить в песочнице' в контекстное меню проводника - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Добавить ярлык для запуска веб-браузера в Sandboxie на рабочий стол + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6568,37 +6583,37 @@ If you are a Great Supporter on Patreon already, Sandboxie can check online for CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Настройка интерфейса <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Выберите стиль интерфейса, который вы предпочитаете. - + &Advanced UI for experts Расширенный интерфейс для экспертов (&A) - + &Simple UI for beginners &Простой интерфейс для начинающих (&S) - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI Винтажный интерфейс SbieCtrl.exe (&V) - + Use Bright Mode Использовать светлый режим - + Use Dark Mode Использовать темный режим diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_sv_SE.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_sv_SE.ts index cfa40aea..8e2be694 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_sv_SE.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_sv_SE.ts @@ -882,50 +882,50 @@ Vänligen gå till korrekt användarprofilskatalog. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Installera ditt <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> supportcertifikat - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Om du har ett supportercertifikat, vänligen fyll i det i fältet nedan. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Hämta certifikat användandes serienummer: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Starta en evaluering utan ett certifikat för en begränsad tidsperiod. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. För att använda <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> i en företagsmiljö, krävs ett lämpligt <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supportcertifikat</a> för företagsanvändande. Om du ännu inte har det krävda certifikatet kan du skaffa det eller dessa från <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com webbshop</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> ger ytterligare funktioner och lådtyper exklusivt till <u>projektsupportrar</u>. Lådor likt de integritetsutökade lådorna <b><font color='red'>skyddar användardata från olaglig tillgång</font></b> av de sandlådade programmen. Om du ännu inte är en supporter, vänligen överväg då att <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporta projektet</a> för att säkerställa fortsatt utveckling av Sandboxie och för att få ett <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supportercertifikat</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. Lyckades inte hämta certifikatet. - + Error: %1 Fel: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... Hämtar certifikat... @@ -1152,12 +1152,12 @@ Du kan använda %ANVÄNDARE% för att spara varje användares sandlåda till en CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Färdigställ din konfiguration - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Nästan färdigt, klicka på Avsluta för att tillämpa alla valda alternativ och färdigställ guiden. @@ -1252,32 +1252,32 @@ Du kan använda %ANVÄNDARE% för att spara varje användares sandlåda till en CIntroPage - + Introduction Introduktion - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Välkommen till installationsguiden. Denna guide hjälper dig att konfigurera din kopia av <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Du kan starta denna guide närsomhelst från menyn Sandlåda->Underhåll, om du inte vill fullfölja den nu. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Välj hur du skulle vilja använda Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use &Personligen, för privat icke-kommersiell användning - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use &Kommersiellt, för företags- eller näringslivsanvändande - + Note: this option is persistent Notera: detta alternativ är bestående @@ -2975,122 +2975,122 @@ Fel: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater Konfigurera <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> uppdaterare - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Likt med andra säkerhetsprodukter, så är det viktigt att hålla ditt Sandboxie-Plus uppdaterat. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Sök regelbundet efter alla uppdateringar till Sandboxie-Plus och valfria komponenter - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Låt Sandboxie regelbundet söka efter senaste uppdateringarna. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Sök efter nya Sandboxie-Plus versioner: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Sök efter nya Sandboxie-Plus byggen. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Välj vilken uppdateringskanal att titta i efter nya Sandboxie-Plus byggen: - + In the Stable Channel I Stable-kanalen - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. Stable-kanalen innehåller de senaste stabila GitHub-utgivningarna. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes I Preview-kanalen - med nyaste experimentella ändringarna - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Preview-kanalen innehåller de senaste GitHub förutgivningarna. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features I Insider-kanalen - exklusiva egenskaper - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. Insider-kanalen erbjuder tidig tillgång till nya egenskaper och buggfixar som slutligen släpps allmänt, samt alla relevanta förbättringar från stable-kanalen. Till skillnad från preview-kanalen, inkluderar den inte otestade eller experimentella ändringar som kanske inte är redo för bredare användning. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> Mer om <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider-kanalen</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Håll kompatibilitetsmallar uppdaterade och tillämpa snabbfixar - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. Sök efter de senaste kompatibilitetsmallarna och snabbfixarna. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Skaffa de senaste scripten för felsökningsguiden - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. Sök efter de senaste felsökningsscripten för felsökningsguiden. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date Håll listan av valfria tilläggskomponenter uppdaterad - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. Sök efter senaste tillgängliga tillägg. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus tillämpar strikta applikationsbegränsningar, vilket kan leda till kompatibilitetsproblem. Var uppdaterad med Sandboxie-Plus, inklusive kompatibilitetsmallar och felsökning, för att säkerställa smidig funktion mitt ibland Windows uppdateringar och applikationers ändringar. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. Tillgång till de senaste kompatibilitetsmallarna och den nätbaserade felsökningsdatabasen kräver ett giltigt <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supportercertifikat</a>. @@ -6305,30 +6305,45 @@ Notera: Uppdateringskollen är ofta bakom senaste GitHub-utgivningen för att s CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Konfigurera <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> skalintegration - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Konfigurera hur Sandboxie-Plus ska integrera med ditt system. - + Start UI with Windows Starta programpanelen med Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Addera Kör sandlådad till utforskarens snabbmeny - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Addera skrivbordsgenväg för start av webbläsare under Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -7167,27 +7182,27 @@ Om du redan är en Great Supporter on Patreon, kan Sandboxie söka på nätet f CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Konfigurera <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> programpanel - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Välj programpanelstilen du föredrar. - + &Advanced UI for experts &Avancerad programpanel för experter - + &Simple UI for beginners &Enkel programpanel för nybörjare - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Äldre SbieCtrl.exe programpanel @@ -7196,12 +7211,12 @@ Om du redan är en Great Supporter on Patreon, kan Sandboxie söka på nätet f &Sandboxie Classic:s programpanel - + Use Bright Mode Använd ljust läge - + Use Dark Mode Använd mörkt läge @@ -9121,18 +9136,6 @@ istället för "*". Sandboxed programs can be forced to use a preset SOCKS5 proxy. - - - This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. - This feature does not block all means of optaining a screen capture only some common once. - Denna egenskap blockerar inte alla medel för att anskaffa en skärmbild, bara de vanligaste. - - - - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and simmilar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Förhindra musflytt, för in framför och liknande operationer, detta orsakar troligen problem med spel. - Only Administrator user accounts can make changes to this sandbox diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_tr.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_tr.ts index 64b1132f..7285940e 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_tr.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_tr.ts @@ -764,49 +764,49 @@ Lütfen doğru kullanıcı profili dizinine göz atın. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> destek sertifikanızı yükleyin - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Destekçi sertifikanız varsa lütfen aşağıdaki alana doldurunuz. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: Sertifikayı Seri Numarasını kullanarak alın: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Sınırlı bir süre için sertifika olmadan değerlendirmeye başlayın. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>'ı bir iş ortamında kullanmak için uygun bir <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">destek sertifikası</a> iş kullanımı için gereklidir. Henüz gerekli sertifika(lara) sahip değilseniz, bunları <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web mağazasından</a> alabilirsiniz. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>, yalnızca <u>proje destekçilerine</u> ek özellikler ve alan türleri sunar. Gizliliği geliştirilmiş alanlarda, <b><font color='red'>kullanıcı verileriniz korumalı alanda çalışan programların yetkisiz erişimlerine karşı daha iyi korunur.</font></b> Henüz bir destekçimiz değilseniz, Sandboxie'nin daha iyi geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunmak için bir <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">destekçi sertifikası</a> alarak lütfen <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">projeyi desteklemeyi</a> düşünün. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Sertifika alınamadı. - + Error: %1 Hata: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Sertifika alınıyor... @@ -998,12 +998,12 @@ Her kullanıcının korumalı alanını kendi klasörüne kaydetmek için %USER% CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Yapılandırmanızı tamamlayın - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Neredeyse tamamlandı, tüm seçimleri uygulamak ve sihirbazı tamamlamak için Bitir'e tıklayın. @@ -1092,32 +1092,32 @@ Her kullanıcının korumalı alanını kendi klasörüne kaydetmek için %USER% CIntroPage - + Introduction Giriş - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Kurulum Sihirbazına hoş geldiniz. Bu sihirbaz, <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> kopyanızı yapılandırmanıza yardımcı olacaktır. Bu sihirbazı, şimdi tamamlamak istemiyorsanız, Korumalı Alan->Bakım menüsünden istediğiniz zaman başlatabilirsiniz. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Sandboxie-Plus'ı nasıl kullanmak istediğinizi seçin - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use &Kişisel olarak, ticari olmayan özel kullanım için - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use &Ticari olarak, ticari veya kurumsal kullanım için - + Note: this option is persistent Not: Bu seçenek kalıcıdır @@ -2667,114 +2667,114 @@ Hata: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> güncelleyiciyi yapılandırın - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Diğer tüm güvenlik ürünlerinde olduğu gibi, Sandboxie-Plus'ınızı güncel tutmanız önemlidir. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Sandboxie-Plus ve isteğe bağlı bileşenlere yönelik tüm güncellemeleri düzenli olarak denetle - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Sandboxie'nin en son güncellemeleri düzenli olarak denetlemesine izin verir. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: Yeni Sandboxie-Plus sürümlerini denetle: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. Yeni Sandboxie-Plus derlemelerini denetler. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Yeni Sandboxie-Plus derlemeleri için arama yapılacak kanalı seçin: - + In the Stable Channel Kararlı Kanalda - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. Kararlı kanal, en son yayınlanan kararlı GitHub sürümlerini içerir. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes Ön İzleme Kanalında - en yeni deneysel değişikliklerle - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. Ön izleme kanalı, en son yayınlanan GitHub ön sürümlerini içerir. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features Insider Kanalında - ayrıcalıklı özellikler - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. Insider kanalı, herkese açılacak yeni özelliklere ve hata düzeltmelerine erken erişim sağlar ve ayrıca kararlı kanaldaki ilgili tüm iyileştirmeleri de bulundurur. Ön izleme kanalından farklı olarak, genel kullanıma hazır olmayan denenmemiş, potansiyel olarak bozuk veya deneysel değişiklikleri içermez. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Kanalı</a> hakkında daha fazla bilgi - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Uyumluluk Şablonlarını güncel tut ve düzeltmeleri uygula - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. En son uyumluluk şablonlarını ve düzeltmelerini denetler. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard Sorun Giderme Sihirbazı için en son Betik Dosyalarını indir - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Sorun giderme sihirbazı için en son sorun giderme betik dosyalarını denetler. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date İsteğe bağlı Eklenti bileşenlerinin listesini güncel tut - + Check for latest available add-ons. Mevcut en son eklentileri denetler. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus, uyumluluk sorunlarına yol açabilecek katı uygulama kısıtlamaları uygular. Windows güncellemeleri ve uygulama değişiklikleri sırasında sorunsuz çalışmayı sağlamak için uyumluluk şablonları ve sorun giderme de dahil olmak üzere Sandboxie-Plus ile güncel kalın. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. En son uyumluluk şablonlarına ve çevrimiçi sorun giderme veritabanına erişim geçerli bir <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">destekçi sertifikası</a> gerektirir. @@ -5687,30 +5687,45 @@ Lütfen Sandboxie için bir güncelleme olup olmadığını kontrol edin. CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> kabuk entegrasyonunu yapılandırın - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Sandboxie-Plus'ın sisteminizle nasıl entegre olacağını yapılandırın. - + Start UI with Windows Windows başlangıcında kullanıcı arayüzünü başlat - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Dosya gezgini bağlam menüsüne 'Korumalı Alanda Çalıştır' seçeneği ekle - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Sandboxie altında Web tarayıcısını başlatmak için masaüstü kısayolu ekle + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6523,37 +6538,37 @@ If you are a Great Supporter on Patreon already, Sandboxie can check online for CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> kullanıcı arayüzünü yapılandırın - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Tercih ettiğiniz kullanıcı arayüzü stilini seçin. - + &Advanced UI for experts &Deneyimliler için gelişmiş kullanıcı arayüzü - + &Simple UI for beginners &Yeni başlayanlar için basit kullanıcı arayüzü - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Eski SbieCtrl.exe Kullanıcı Arayüzü - + Use Bright Mode Açık Modu Kullan - + Use Dark Mode Koyu Modu Kullan @@ -7627,18 +7642,6 @@ Bu, korumalı alan içindeki haydut işlemlerin kendilerinin yeniden adlandırı Stop Behaviour Durma Davranışı - - - This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. - This feature does not block all means of optaining a screen capture only some common once. - Bu özellik, ekran görüntüsü almanın tüm yollarını engellemez, yalnızca bazı yaygın olanları engeller. - - - - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and simmilar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - Fare imlecini hareket ettirme, bir pencereyi öne getirme ve benzeri işlemleri engelleyebilirsiniz fakat bu ayar oyunlarda sorunlara neden olabilir. - Isolation diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_uk.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_uk.ts index 5711a6a5..4453eaf1 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_uk.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_uk.ts @@ -734,49 +734,49 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Встановіть свій сертифікат підтримки <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Якщо у вас є сертифікат підтримки, заповніть його в полі нижче. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Розпочати оцінювання без сертифіката протягом обмеженого періоду часу. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Щоб використовувати <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> у бізнес-налаштуванні, відповідний <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">сертифікат підтримки</a> для використання в бізнесі потрібен. Якщо у вас ще немає необхідних сертифікатів, ви можете отримати їх у <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">веб-магазині xanasoft.com</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> надає додаткові функції та типи пісочниці виключно для <u>прихильників проекту</u>. Пісочниці, як пісочниці з покращеною конфіденційністю, <b><font color='red'>захищає дані користувачів від незаконного доступу</font></b> ізольованими програмами. Якщо ви ще не прихильник, подумайте про <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">підтримку проекту</a>, щоб забезпечити подальший розвиток Sandboxie і отримати <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">сертифікат підтримки</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... @@ -972,12 +972,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Завершіть налаштування - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Майже завершено, натисніть "Готово", щоб застосувати всі вибрані параметри та завершити роботу майстра. @@ -1066,32 +1066,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CIntroPage - + Introduction Вступ - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Ласкаво просимо до майстра налаштування. Цей майстер допоможе вам налаштувати вашу копію <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Ви можете будь-коли запустити цей майстер із меню "Пісочниця->Обслуговування", якщо ви не бажаєте завершувати його зараз. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Виберіть, як ви хочете використовувати Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use Особисто, для приватного некомерційного використання (&P) - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use Комерційно, для комерційного чи корпоративного використання (&C) - + Note: this option is persistent @@ -2757,121 +2757,121 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -5980,30 +5980,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Налаштування інтеграції оболонки <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Налаштуйте спосіб інтеграції Sandboxie-Plus із вашою системою. - + Start UI with Windows Запуск інтерфейсу користувача з Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Додайте "Запустити у пісочниці" до контекстного меню провідника - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Додати ярлик на робочий стіл для запуску веб-браузера у Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6827,37 +6842,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Налаштування інтерфейсу користувача <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Оберіть стиль інтерфейсу користувача, який вам більше подобається. - + &Advanced UI for experts Розширений інтерфейс користувача для експертів (&A) - + &Simple UI for beginners Простий інтерфейс користувача для початківців (&Si) - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI Вінтажний інтерфейс SbieCtrl.exe (&V) - + Use Bright Mode Використовувати світлий режим - + Use Dark Mode Використовувати темний режим diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_vi.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_vi.ts index 0205a83c..55f91ad3 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_vi.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_vi.ts @@ -738,49 +738,49 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate Cài đặt chứng chỉ <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. Nếu bạn có chứng chỉ dành cho người có đóng góp, hãy điền vào khung bên dưới. - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. Bất đầu dùng thử mà không cần chứng chỉ trong một khoảng thời gian giới hạn. - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. Để sử dụng <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> trong doanh nghiệp, một <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">chứng chỉ hỗ trợ</a> dành cho doanh nghiệp là cần thiết. Nếu bạn không có chứng chỉ hỗ trợ, bạn có thể mua tại <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">cửa hàng xanasoft.com</a>. - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> cũng cấp thêm một số tính năng dành cho <u>những người hỗ trợ dự án</u>. Vú dụ như Privacy Enhanced <b><font color='red'>giúp bảo vệ dữ liệu người dùng khỏi quyền truy cập bất hợp pháp</font></b> bởi ứng dụng trong Sandbox. Nếu bạn vẫn chưa là người hỗ trợ, hãy xem xét việc <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">hỗ trợ dự án</a> để đảm bảo sự phát triển hơn nữa của ứng dụng Sandboxie và để nhận được <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">chứng chỉ người hỗ trợ</a>. - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. - + Error: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... @@ -976,12 +976,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration Hoàn tất cài đặt - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. Gần hoàn thành, Nhấp vào Kết thúc để áp dụng tất cả các tùy chọn đã chọn và kết thúc trình hướng dẫn. @@ -1070,32 +1070,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CIntroPage - + Introduction Giới thiệu - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. Chào mừng bạn đến với Trình hướng dẫn thiết lập. Trình hướng dẫn này sẽ giúp bạn định cấu hình bản sao của <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. Bạn có thể bắt đầu trình hướng dẫn này bất cứ lúc nào từ Sandbox->Hoặc không đóng menu nếu bạn không muốn hoàn thành nó ngay bây giờ.. - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus Chọn cách bạn muốn sử dụng Sandboxie-Plus - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use &Tôi muốn sử dụng cho riêng cá nhân - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use &Tôi muốn sử dụng cho mục đích kinh doanh hoặc doanh nghiệp - + Note: this option is persistent Ghi chú: Lựa chọn này không thể thay đổi @@ -2741,121 +2741,121 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: - + In the Stable Channel - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. @@ -5908,30 +5908,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration Cấu hình <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> tích hợp vào Shell - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. Định cấu hình cách Sandboxie-Plus sẽ tích hợp với hệ thống của bạn. - + Start UI with Windows Khởi động giao diện người dùng với Windows - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu Thêm 'Chạy trong Sandbox' vào menu ngữ cảnh của trình Explorer - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie Thêm lối tắt trên màn hình để khởi động trình duyệt Web trong Sandboxie + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6755,37 +6770,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI Định cấu hình Giao diện người dùng của <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> - + Select the user interface style you prefer. Chọn kiểu giao diện người dùng bạn thích. - + &Advanced UI for experts &Giao diện người dùng nâng cao cho các chuyên gia - + &Simple UI for beginners &Giao diện người dùng đơn giản cho người mới bắt đầu - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI &Giao diện người dùng Cổ điển SbieCtrl.exe - + Use Bright Mode Sử dụng Chế độ sáng - + Use Dark Mode Sử dụng Chế độ tối diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_CN.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_CN.ts index 60107193..f33b4c42 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_CN.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_CN.ts @@ -887,50 +887,50 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate 填写你的 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 赞助者凭据 - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. 如果你有赞助者凭据,请填入以下字段 - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: 使用序列号检索凭据: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. 在没有赞助者凭据的情况下开始进行有限时间的试用 - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. 要在商业环境中使用 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 高级设置,需要适用于商业用途的<a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">赞助者凭据</a>。如果你还没有所需的凭据,可以通过<a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com 网络商店</a>获取凭据 - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 为<u>项目赞助者</u>提供额外的沙盒类型和其它高级功能。例如“隐私增强”类型的沙盒可以对来自沙盒化程序非法访问用户数据的行为<b><font color='red'>提供额外的用户数据保护</font></b>。如果你还不是赞助者,请考虑<a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">捐赠支持此项目</a>来帮助 Sandboxie 的开发工作,并以此获取<a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">赞助者凭据</a>。 - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. 检索凭据失败。 - + Error: %1 错误:%1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... 正在检索凭据... @@ -1137,12 +1137,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration 完成你的配置 - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. 所有设置基本完成了,点击 "完成",应用所有选定的选项,并结束此向导 @@ -1237,32 +1237,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CIntroPage - + Introduction 摘要 - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. 欢迎来到设置向导,本向导将帮助配置你的 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 副本设置。如果你不希望现在就完成向导设置,你可以从 “沙盒 -> 维护”菜单中随时重新启动此向导 - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus 选择 Sandboxie-Plus 的用途 - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use 个人(&P),用于私人或非商业用途 - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use 商业(&C),用于企业或商业用途 - + Note: this option is persistent 注意:此选项无法在后续使用中重新修改 @@ -2905,122 +2905,122 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater 配置 <b>Sandboxie Plus</b> 更新程序 - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. 与任何其他安全产品一样,保持 Sandboxie Plus 的最新状态很重要。 - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components 定期检查 Sandboxie Plus 和所有可选组件的更新 - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. 让 Sandboxie 定期检查最新更新。 - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: 检查 Sandboxie Plus 的更新版本: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. 检查 Sandboxie Plus 的更新版本。 - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: 选择要在哪个更新通道查找新的 Sandboxie Plus 版本: - + In the Stable Channel 稳定版通道 - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. 稳定版通道包含最新的 GitHub 稳定版本。 - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes 预览版通道-包含最新的实验性更改 - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. 预览版通道包含最新的 GitHub 预发布版本。 - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features 内部版通道-包含独家功能 - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. 内部通道提供了对最终将向公众发布的新功能和错误修复的早期访问,以及稳定通道的所有相关改进。 与预览通道不同,它不包括未经测试的、潜在的破坏性的或可能无法广泛使用的实验性更改。 - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> 查看更多关于 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">内部通道</a> 的信息 - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes 保持兼容性模板的最新状态并应用修补程序 - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. 检查最新的兼容性模板和修补程序。 - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard 获取故障排除向导的最新脚本 - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. 检查故障排除向导的最新故障排除脚本。 - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date 使可选加载项组件的列表保持最新 - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. 查看最新可用的插件。 - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie Plus 应用了严格的应用程序限制,这可能会导致兼容性问题。使 Sandboxie Plus (及其兼容性模板和故障排除向导)保持在最新版本,有利于在 Windows 更新和应用程序变动时保证这些应用程序限制稳定运行。 - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. 访问最新的兼容性模板和联机故障排除数据库需要有效的 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">赞助者凭据</a>. @@ -6070,30 +6070,45 @@ Error: %1 CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration 设置 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 系统集成选项 - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. 配置 Sandboxie-Plus 应如何与你的系统整合 - + Start UI with Windows 随系统启动沙盒管理器 - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 在资源管理器中添加“在沙盒中运行”右键菜单 - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie 添加沙盒化的网络浏览器快捷方式到桌面 + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6936,37 +6951,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI 配置 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 用户界面 - + Select the user interface style you prefer. 选择您喜欢的用户界面风格 - + &Advanced UI for experts 适合专家的高级视图(&A) - + &Simple UI for beginners 适合新手的简易视图(&S) - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI SbieCtrl 经典视图(&V) - + Use Bright Mode 使用浅色主题 - + Use Dark Mode 使用深色主题 @@ -8626,21 +8641,11 @@ Sandboxie 提供了针对这些情况的处理选项,可以在此页面进行 Prevent sandboxed processes from interfering with power operations (Experimental) 防止沙盒进程干扰电源操作(实验性) - - - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - 防止移动鼠标、窗口前置和类似操作,这可能会导致游戏出现问题。 - Prevent interference with the user interface (Experimental) 防止干扰用户界面(实验性) - - - This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. - 此功能仅能阻止常见的一些,而不是所有的屏幕捕获方法。 - Prevent sandboxed processes from capturing window images (Experimental, may cause UI glitches) diff --git a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_TW.ts b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_TW.ts index 9ae64266..d6c60d4a 100644 --- a/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_TW.ts +++ b/SandboxiePlus/SandMan/sandman_zh_TW.ts @@ -867,50 +867,50 @@ Please browse to the correct user profile directory. CCertificatePage - + Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate 安裝您的 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 贊助者憑證 - + If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. 如果您有贊助者憑證,請填入以下欄位。 - + Retrieve certificate using Serial Number: 使用序號取得憑證: - + Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. 在沒有贊助者憑證的情況下開始進行有限時間的試用。 - + To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com web shop</a>. 要在商業設定環境使用 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>,需要適用於商業用途的<a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">贊助者憑證</a>。如果您還沒有所需的憑證,可以透過<a href="https://xanasoft.com/shop/">xanasoft.com 網路商店</a>取得憑證。 - + <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 僅為<u>專案贊助者</u>提供額外的功能和沙箱類型。例如隱私增強型沙箱,可對來自沙箱化程式非法存取使用者資料的行為<b><font color='red'>提供額外的使用者資料保護</font></b>。如果您還不是贊助者,請考慮 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-get-cert">贊助支援此專案</a>來確保 Sandboxie 的開發工作,並以此取得<a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">贊助者憑證</a>。 - + Failed to retrieve the certificate. Failed to retrive the certificate. 取得憑證失敗。 - + Error: %1 錯誤: %1 - + Retrieving certificate... Retreiving certificate... 取得憑證中... @@ -1117,12 +1117,12 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CFinishPage - + Complete your configuration 完成您的組態 - + Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. 即將就緒,按下「完成」按鈕以套用所有選取的選項,並結束此精靈。 @@ -1217,32 +1217,32 @@ You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. CIntroPage - + Introduction 摘要資訊 - + Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. 歡迎來到設定精靈,本精靈將幫助您設定此 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 安裝之組態。如果您不希望現在完成,您可以從「沙箱 -> 維護」選單中隨時重新啟動此精靈。 - + Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus 選擇 Sandboxie-Plus 的使用方式 - + &Personally, for private non-commercial use 個人,用於私人非商業用途(&P) - + &Commercially, for business or enterprise use 商業,用於企業或商業用途(&C) - + Note: this option is persistent 注意: 此選項無法在後續的設定中重新修改 @@ -2887,122 +2887,122 @@ Error: CSBUpdate - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> updater 設定 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 更新程式組態 - + Like with any other security product, it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. Like with any other security product it's important to keep your Sandboxie-Plus up to date. 如同其他任何安全性產品,保持 Sandboxie-Plus 為最新非常重要。 - + Regularly check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components Regularly Check for all updates to Sandboxie-Plus and optional components 經常檢查全部 Sandboxie-Plus 和可選組件的更新 - + Let Sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. Let sandboxie regularly check for latest updates. 讓 Sandboxie 經常檢查最新更新。 - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus versions: 檢查新的 Sandboxie-Plus 版本: - + Check for new Sandboxie-Plus builds. 檢查新的 Sandboxie-Plus 版本。 - + Select in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: Sellect in which update channel to look for new Sandboxie-Plus builds: 選擇將在哪個更新通道中尋找新的 Sandboxie-Plus 組建: - + In the Stable Channel 在穩定通道 - + The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. 穩定通道包含最新的穩定 GitHub 發行版本。 - + In the Preview Channel - with newest experimental changes 在預覽通道 - 包含最新的實驗性變更 - + The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. 預覽通道包含最新的 GitHub 預先發行版本。 - + In the Insider Channel - exclusive features 在測試人員通道 - 包含專屬功能 - + The Insider channel offers early access to new features and bugfixes that will eventually be released to the public, as well as all relevant improvements from the stable channel. Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking, or experimental changes that may not be ready for wider use. 測試人員通道提供對「最終將公開發表的新功能和錯誤修復」的早期存取,同時包含穩定通道的所有相關改進。 與預覽通道不同,它不包含未經測試、可能會破壞或可能尚未準備好供更廣泛使用的實驗性變更。 - + More about the <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">Insider Channel</a> 了解更多關於 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-insider">測試人員通道</a> - + Keep Compatibility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes Keep Compatybility Templates up to date and apply hotfixes 保持相容性範本為最新並套用緊急修補 - + Check for latest compatibility templates and hotfixes. Check for latest compatybility tempaltes and hotfixes. 檢查最新的相容性範本和緊急修補。 - + Get the latest Scripts for the Troubleshooting Wizard 取得疑難排解精靈的最新腳本 - + Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizard. Check for latest troubleshooting scripts for the troubleshooting wizars. 為疑難排解精靈檢查最新的疑難排解腳本。 - + Keep the list of optional Add-on components up to date 保持可選附加元件/組件為最新 - + Check for latest available add-ons. Check for latest avaialble addons. 檢查最新的可用附加元件。 - + Sandboxie-Plus applies strict application restrictions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Stay updated with Sandboxie-Plus, including compatibility templates and troubleshooting, to ensure smooth operation amid Windows updates and application changes. Sandboxie-Plus 套用了嚴格的應用程式限制,而這可能造成相容性問題。保持 Sandboxie-Plus 為最新版本 (包含相容性範本和疑難排解),將保證 Wibdows 更新和應用程式變更時能有順暢的作業。 - + Access to the latest compatibility templates and the online troubleshooting database requires a valid <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">supporter certificate</a>. 存取最新相容性範本和線上疑難排解資料庫需要有效的 <a href="https://sandboxie-plus.com/go.php?to=sbie-cert">贊助者憑證</a>。 @@ -6022,30 +6022,45 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next CShellPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration 設定 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 命令整合組態 - + Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. 設定 Sandboxie-Plus 應如何與您的系統整合。 - + Start UI with Windows Windows 啟動時開啟使用者介面 - + Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 在檔案總管右鍵新增「在沙箱中執行」 - + Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie 加入在 Sandboxie 中開啟網頁瀏覽器的捷徑到桌面 + + + Only applications with administrator token can change ini setting. + + + + + Warning + + + + + When this option is set, Sandbox Manager with normal user permissions will not be able to modify the configuration, which may result in a lock. You need to open the Sandbox Manager main window, click "Sandbox (s)" in the system menu, and then click "Restart as Admin" in the pop - up context menu to gain control of the configuration. + + CSnapshotsWindow @@ -6884,37 +6899,37 @@ If you are a great patreaon supporter already, sandboxie can check online for an CUIPage - + Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI 設定 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 使用者介面組態 - + Select the user interface style you prefer. 選擇您喜歡的使用者介面風格。 - + &Advanced UI for experts 適合專家的進階使用者介面(&A) - + &Simple UI for beginners 適合新手的簡易使用者介面(&S) - + &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI SbieCtrl 經典使用者介面(&V) - + Use Bright Mode 使用淺色主題 - + Use Dark Mode 使用深色主題 @@ -8033,21 +8048,11 @@ To specify a process use '$:program.exe' as path. Prevent sandboxed processes from interfering with power operations (Experimental) 防止沙箱化執行緒干預電源作業 (試驗性) - - - Prevent move mouse, bring in front, and similar operations, this is likely to cause issues with games. - 防止移動滑鼠、移動視窗至前景、以及類似的作業,這可能對遊戲造成問題。 - Prevent interference with the user interface (Experimental) 防止干預使用者介面 (試驗性) - - - This feature does not block all means of obtaining a screen capture, only some common ones. - 此功能不會阻止所有能夠取得螢幕擷取內容的方法,僅阻止某些常見行為一次。 - Prevent sandboxed processes from capturing window images (Experimental, may cause UI glitches)