// Common/MyString.h #ifndef ZIP7_INC_COMMON_MY_STRING_H #define ZIP7_INC_COMMON_MY_STRING_H #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "Common.h" #include "MyWindows.h" #include "MyTypes.h" #include "MyVector.h" /* if (DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING is defined), then FString inherits from AString, so we can find bugs related to FString at compile time. DON'T define DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING in release code */ // #define DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING #ifdef DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING class FString; #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #ifdef _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED #define MY_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED #endif #else #define MY_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED #endif /* native support for wchar_t: _MSC_VER == 1600 : /Zc:wchar_t is not supported _MSC_VER == 1310 (VS2003) ? _MSC_VER == 1400 (VS2005) : wchar_t <- unsigned short /Zc:wchar_t : wchar_t <- __wchar_t, _WCHAR_T_DEFINED and _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED _MSC_VER > 1400 (VS2008+) /Zc:wchar_t[-] /Zc:wchar_t is on by default */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define IS_PATH_SEPAR(c) ((c) == '\\' || (c) == '/') #else #define IS_PATH_SEPAR(c) ((c) == CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) #endif inline bool IsPathSepar(char c) { return IS_PATH_SEPAR(c); } inline bool IsPathSepar(wchar_t c) { return IS_PATH_SEPAR(c); } inline unsigned MyStringLen(const char *s) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; s[i] != 0; i++); return i; } inline void MyStringCopy(char *dest, const char *src) { while ((*dest++ = *src++) != 0); } inline char *MyStpCpy(char *dest, const char *src) { for (;;) { const char c = *src; *dest = c; if (c == 0) return dest; src++; dest++; } } inline void MyStringCat(char *dest, const char *src) { for (; *dest != 0; dest++); while ((*dest++ = *src++) != 0); // MyStringCopy(dest + MyStringLen(dest), src); } inline unsigned MyStringLen(const wchar_t *s) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; s[i] != 0; i++); return i; } inline void MyStringCopy(wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *src) { while ((*dest++ = *src++) != 0); } inline void MyStringCat(wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *src) { for (; *dest != 0; dest++); while ((*dest++ = *src++) != 0); // MyStringCopy(dest + MyStringLen(dest), src); } /* inline wchar_t *MyWcpCpy(wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *src) { for (;;) { const wchar_t c = *src; *dest = c; if (c == 0) return dest; src++; dest++; } } */ int FindCharPosInString(const char *s, char c) throw(); int FindCharPosInString(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c) throw(); #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _UNICODE #define STRING_UNICODE_THROW #endif #endif #ifndef STRING_UNICODE_THROW #define STRING_UNICODE_THROW throw() #endif inline char MyCharUpper_Ascii(char c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return (char)((unsigned char)c - 0x20); return c; } /* inline wchar_t MyCharUpper_Ascii(wchar_t c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return (wchar_t)(c - 0x20); return c; } */ inline char MyCharLower_Ascii(char c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return (char)((unsigned char)c + 0x20); return c; } inline wchar_t MyCharLower_Ascii(wchar_t c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return (wchar_t)(c + 0x20); return c; } wchar_t MyCharUpper_WIN(wchar_t c) throw(); inline wchar_t MyCharUpper(wchar_t c) throw() { if (c < 'a') return c; if (c <= 'z') return (wchar_t)(c - 0x20); if (c <= 0x7F) return c; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _UNICODE return (wchar_t)(unsigned)(UINT_PTR)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)(UINT_PTR)(unsigned)c); #else return (wchar_t)MyCharUpper_WIN(c); #endif #else return (wchar_t)towupper((wint_t)c); #endif } /* wchar_t MyCharLower_WIN(wchar_t c) throw(); inline wchar_t MyCharLower(wchar_t c) throw() { if (c < 'A') return c; if (c <= 'Z') return (wchar_t)(c + 0x20); if (c <= 0x7F) return c; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _UNICODE return (wchar_t)(unsigned)(UINT_PTR)CharLowerW((LPWSTR)(UINT_PTR)(unsigned)c); #else return (wchar_t)MyCharLower_WIN(c); #endif #else return (wchar_t)tolower(c); #endif } */ // char *MyStringUpper(char *s) throw(); // char *MyStringLower(char *s) throw(); // void MyStringUpper_Ascii(char *s) throw(); // void MyStringUpper_Ascii(wchar_t *s) throw(); void MyStringLower_Ascii(char *s) throw(); void MyStringLower_Ascii(wchar_t *s) throw(); // wchar_t *MyStringUpper(wchar_t *s) STRING_UNICODE_THROW; // wchar_t *MyStringLower(wchar_t *s) STRING_UNICODE_THROW; bool StringsAreEqualNoCase(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) throw(); bool IsString1PrefixedByString2(const char *s1, const char *s2) throw(); bool IsString1PrefixedByString2(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) throw(); bool IsString1PrefixedByString2(const wchar_t *s1, const char *s2) throw(); bool IsString1PrefixedByString2_NoCase_Ascii(const char *s1, const char *s2) throw(); bool IsString1PrefixedByString2_NoCase_Ascii(const wchar_t *u, const char *a) throw(); bool IsString1PrefixedByString2_NoCase(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) throw(); #define MyStringCompare(s1, s2) wcscmp(s1, s2) int MyStringCompareNoCase(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) throw(); // int MyStringCompareNoCase_N(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, unsigned num) throw(); // ---------- ASCII ---------- // char values in ASCII strings must be less then 128 bool StringsAreEqual_Ascii(const char *u, const char *a) throw(); bool StringsAreEqual_Ascii(const wchar_t *u, const char *a) throw(); bool StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(const char *s1, const char *s2) throw(); bool StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(const wchar_t *s1, const char *s2) throw(); bool StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) throw(); #define MY_STRING_DELETE(_p_) { delete [](_p_); } // #define MY_STRING_DELETE(_p_) my_delete(_p_); #define FORBID_STRING_OPS_2(cls, t) \ void Find(t) const; \ void Find(t, unsigned startIndex) const; \ void ReverseFind(t) const; \ void InsertAtFront(t); \ void RemoveChar(t); \ void Replace(t, t); \ #define FORBID_STRING_OPS(cls, t) \ explicit cls(t); \ explicit cls(const t *); \ cls &operator=(t); \ cls &operator=(const t *); \ cls &operator+=(t); \ cls &operator+=(const t *); \ FORBID_STRING_OPS_2(cls, t) \ /* cls &operator+(t); \ cls &operator+(const t *); \ */ #define FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(t) FORBID_STRING_OPS(AString, t) #define FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(t) FORBID_STRING_OPS(UString, t) #define FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString2(t) FORBID_STRING_OPS(UString2, t) class AString { char *_chars; unsigned _len; unsigned _limit; void MoveItems(unsigned dest, unsigned src) { memmove(_chars + dest, _chars + src, (size_t)(_len - src + 1) * sizeof(char)); } void InsertSpace(unsigned &index, unsigned size); void ReAlloc(unsigned newLimit); void ReAlloc2(unsigned newLimit); void SetStartLen(unsigned len); void Grow_1(); void Grow(unsigned n); AString(unsigned num, const char *s); AString(unsigned num, const AString &s); AString(const AString &s, char c); // it's for String + char AString(const char *s1, unsigned num1, const char *s2, unsigned num2); friend AString operator+(const AString &s, char c) { return AString(s, c); } // friend AString operator+(char c, const AString &s); // is not supported friend AString operator+(const AString &s1, const AString &s2); friend AString operator+(const AString &s1, const char *s2); friend AString operator+(const char *s1, const AString &s2); // ---------- forbidden functions ---------- #ifdef MY_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(wchar_t) #endif FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(signed char) FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(unsigned char) FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(short) FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(unsigned short) FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(int) FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(unsigned) FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(long) FORBID_STRING_OPS_AString(unsigned long) #ifdef DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING AString(const FString &s); AString &operator=(const FString &s); AString &operator+=(const FString &s); #endif public: explicit AString(); explicit AString(char c); explicit AString(const char *s); AString(const AString &s); ~AString() { MY_STRING_DELETE(_chars) } unsigned Len() const { return _len; } bool IsEmpty() const { return _len == 0; } void Empty() { _len = 0; _chars[0] = 0; } operator const char *() const { return _chars; } char *Ptr_non_const() const { return _chars; } const char *Ptr() const { return _chars; } const char *Ptr(unsigned pos) const { return _chars + pos; } const char *Ptr(int pos) const { return _chars + (unsigned)pos; } const char *RightPtr(unsigned num) const { return _chars + _len - num; } char Back() const { return _chars[(size_t)_len - 1]; } void ReplaceOneCharAtPos(unsigned pos, char c) { _chars[pos] = c; } char *GetBuf() { return _chars; } /* GetBuf(minLen): provides the buffer that can store at least (minLen) characters and additional null terminator. 9.35: GetBuf doesn't preserve old characters and terminator */ char *GetBuf(unsigned minLen) { if (minLen > _limit) ReAlloc2(minLen); return _chars; } char *GetBuf_SetEnd(unsigned minLen) { if (minLen > _limit) ReAlloc2(minLen); char *chars = _chars; chars[minLen] = 0; _len = minLen; return chars; } void ReleaseBuf_SetLen(unsigned newLen) { _len = newLen; } void ReleaseBuf_SetEnd(unsigned newLen) { _len = newLen; _chars[newLen] = 0; } void ReleaseBuf_CalcLen(unsigned maxLen) { char *chars = _chars; chars[maxLen] = 0; _len = MyStringLen(chars); } AString &operator=(char c); AString &operator=(const char *s); AString &operator=(const AString &s); void SetFromWStr_if_Ascii(const wchar_t *s); // void SetFromBstr_if_Ascii(BSTR s); AString &operator+=(char c) { if (_limit == _len) Grow_1(); unsigned len = _len; char *chars = _chars; chars[len++] = c; chars[len] = 0; _len = len; return *this; } void Add_Space(); void Add_Space_if_NotEmpty(); void Add_OptSpaced(const char *s); void Add_LF(); void Add_Slash(); void Add_Dot(); void Add_Minus(); void Add_PathSepar() { operator+=(CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR); } AString &operator+=(const char *s); AString &operator+=(const AString &s); void Add_UInt32(UInt32 v); void Add_UInt64(UInt64 v); void AddFrom(const char *s, unsigned len); // no check void SetFrom(const char *s, unsigned len); // no check void SetFrom(const char* s, int len) // no check { SetFrom(s, (unsigned)len); // no check } void SetFrom_CalcLen(const char *s, unsigned len); AString Mid(unsigned startIndex, unsigned count) const { return AString(count, _chars + startIndex); } AString Left(unsigned count) const { return AString(count, *this); } // void MakeUpper() { MyStringUpper(_chars); } // void MakeLower() { MyStringLower(_chars); } void MakeLower_Ascii() { MyStringLower_Ascii(_chars); } bool IsEqualTo(const char *s) const { return strcmp(_chars, s) == 0; } bool IsEqualTo_Ascii_NoCase(const char *s) const { return StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(_chars, s); } // int Compare(const char *s) const { return MyStringCompare(_chars, s); } // int Compare(const AString &s) const { return MyStringCompare(_chars, s._chars); } // int CompareNoCase(const char *s) const { return MyStringCompareNoCase(_chars, s); } // int CompareNoCase(const AString &s) const { return MyStringCompareNoCase(_chars, s._chars); } bool IsPrefixedBy(const char *s) const { return IsString1PrefixedByString2(_chars, s); } bool IsPrefixedBy_Ascii_NoCase(const char *s) const throw(); bool IsAscii() const { unsigned len = Len(); const char *s = _chars; for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++) if ((unsigned char)s[i] >= 0x80) return false; return true; } int Find(char c) const { return FindCharPosInString(_chars, c); } int Find(char c, unsigned startIndex) const { const int pos = FindCharPosInString(_chars + startIndex, c); return pos < 0 ? -1 : (int)startIndex + pos; } int Find(char c, int startIndex) const { return Find(c, (unsigned)startIndex); } int ReverseFind(char c) const throw(); int ReverseFind_Dot() const throw() { return ReverseFind('.'); } int ReverseFind_PathSepar() const throw(); int Find(const char *s) const { return Find(s, 0); } int Find(const char *s, unsigned startIndex) const throw(); void TrimLeft() throw(); void TrimRight() throw(); void Trim() { TrimRight(); TrimLeft(); } void InsertAtFront(char c); // void Insert(unsigned index, char c); void Insert(unsigned index, const char *s); void Insert(unsigned index, const AString &s); void RemoveChar(char ch) throw(); void Replace(char oldChar, char newChar) throw(); void Replace(const AString &oldString, const AString &newString); void Delete(unsigned index) throw(); void Delete(unsigned index, unsigned count) throw(); void DeleteFrontal(unsigned num) throw(); void DeleteBack() { _chars[--_len] = 0; } void DeleteFrom(unsigned index) { if (index < _len) { _len = index; _chars[index] = 0; } } void DeleteFrom(int index) { DeleteFrom((unsigned)index); } void Wipe_and_Empty() { if (_chars) { memset(_chars, 0, (_limit + 1) * sizeof(*_chars)); _len = 0; } } }; class AString_Wipe: public AString { Z7_CLASS_NO_COPY(AString_Wipe) public: AString_Wipe(): AString() {} // AString_Wipe(const AString &s): AString(s) {} // AString_Wipe &operator=(const AString &s) { AString::operator=(s); return *this; } // AString_Wipe &operator=(const char *s) { AString::operator=(s); return *this; } ~AString_Wipe() { Wipe_and_Empty(); } }; bool operator<(const AString &s1, const AString &s2); bool operator>(const AString &s1, const AString &s2); /* bool operator==(const AString &s1, const AString &s2); bool operator==(const AString &s1, const char *s2); bool operator==(const char *s1, const AString &s2); bool operator!=(const AString &s1, const AString &s2); bool operator!=(const AString &s1, const char *s2); bool operator!=(const char *s1, const AString &s2); */ inline bool operator==(const AString &s1, const AString &s2) { return s1.Len() == s2.Len() && strcmp(s1, s2) == 0; } inline bool operator==(const AString &s1, const char *s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0; } inline bool operator==(const char *s1, const AString &s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0; } inline bool operator!=(const AString &s1, const AString &s2) { return s1.Len() != s2.Len() || strcmp(s1, s2) != 0; } inline bool operator!=(const AString &s1, const char *s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2) != 0; } inline bool operator!=(const char *s1, const AString &s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2) != 0; } // ---------- forbidden functions ---------- void operator==(char c1, const AString &s2); void operator==(const AString &s1, char c2); void operator+(char c, const AString &s); // this function can be OK, but we don't use it void operator+(const AString &s, int c); void operator+(const AString &s, unsigned c); void operator+(int c, const AString &s); void operator+(unsigned c, const AString &s); void operator-(const AString &s, int c); void operator-(const AString &s, unsigned c); class UString { wchar_t *_chars; unsigned _len; unsigned _limit; void MoveItems(unsigned dest, unsigned src) { memmove(_chars + dest, _chars + src, (size_t)(_len - src + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); } void InsertSpace(unsigned index, unsigned size); void ReAlloc(unsigned newLimit); void ReAlloc2(unsigned newLimit); void SetStartLen(unsigned len); void Grow_1(); void Grow(unsigned n); UString(unsigned num, const wchar_t *s); // for Mid UString(unsigned num, const UString &s); // for Left UString(const UString &s, wchar_t c); // it's for String + char UString(const wchar_t *s1, unsigned num1, const wchar_t *s2, unsigned num2); friend UString operator+(const UString &s, wchar_t c) { return UString(s, c); } // friend UString operator+(wchar_t c, const UString &s); // is not supported friend UString operator+(const UString &s1, const UString &s2); friend UString operator+(const UString &s1, const wchar_t *s2); friend UString operator+(const wchar_t *s1, const UString &s2); // ---------- forbidden functions ---------- FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(signed char) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(unsigned char) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(short) #ifdef MY_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(unsigned short) #endif FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(int) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(unsigned) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(long) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString(unsigned long) FORBID_STRING_OPS_2(UString, char) #ifdef DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING UString(const FString &s); UString &operator=(const FString &s); UString &operator+=(const FString &s); #endif public: UString(); explicit UString(wchar_t c); explicit UString(char c); explicit UString(const char *s); explicit UString(const AString &s); UString(const wchar_t *s); UString(const UString &s); ~UString() { MY_STRING_DELETE(_chars) } unsigned Len() const { return _len; } bool IsEmpty() const { return _len == 0; } void Empty() { _len = 0; _chars[0] = 0; } operator const wchar_t *() const { return _chars; } wchar_t *Ptr_non_const() const { return _chars; } const wchar_t *Ptr() const { return _chars; } const wchar_t *Ptr(int pos) const { return _chars + (unsigned)pos; } const wchar_t *Ptr(unsigned pos) const { return _chars + pos; } const wchar_t *RightPtr(unsigned num) const { return _chars + _len - num; } wchar_t Back() const { return _chars[(size_t)_len - 1]; } void ReplaceOneCharAtPos(unsigned pos, wchar_t c) { _chars[pos] = c; } wchar_t *GetBuf() { return _chars; } /* wchar_t *GetBuf_GetMaxAvail(unsigned &availBufLen) { availBufLen = _limit; return _chars; } */ wchar_t *GetBuf(unsigned minLen) { if (minLen > _limit) ReAlloc2(minLen); return _chars; } wchar_t *GetBuf_SetEnd(unsigned minLen) { if (minLen > _limit) ReAlloc2(minLen); wchar_t *chars = _chars; chars[minLen] = 0; _len = minLen; return chars; } void ReleaseBuf_SetLen(unsigned newLen) { _len = newLen; } void ReleaseBuf_SetEnd(unsigned newLen) { _len = newLen; _chars[newLen] = 0; } void ReleaseBuf_CalcLen(unsigned maxLen) { wchar_t *chars = _chars; chars[maxLen] = 0; _len = MyStringLen(chars); } UString &operator=(wchar_t c); UString &operator=(char c) { return (*this)=((wchar_t)(unsigned char)c); } UString &operator=(const wchar_t *s); UString &operator=(const UString &s); void SetFrom(const wchar_t *s, unsigned len); // no check void SetFromBstr(LPCOLESTR s); UString &operator=(const char *s); UString &operator=(const AString &s) { return operator=(s.Ptr()); } UString &operator+=(wchar_t c) { if (_limit == _len) Grow_1(); unsigned len = _len; wchar_t *chars = _chars; chars[len++] = c; chars[len] = 0; _len = len; return *this; } UString &operator+=(char c) { return (*this)+=((wchar_t)(unsigned char)c); } void Add_Space(); void Add_Space_if_NotEmpty(); void Add_LF(); void Add_Dot(); void Add_PathSepar() { operator+=(WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR); } UString &operator+=(const wchar_t *s); UString &operator+=(const UString &s); UString &operator+=(const char *s); UString &operator+=(const AString &s) { return operator+=(s.Ptr()); } void Add_UInt32(UInt32 v); void Add_UInt64(UInt64 v); UString Mid(unsigned startIndex, unsigned count) const { return UString(count, _chars + startIndex); } UString Left(unsigned count) const { return UString(count, *this); } UString Left(int count) const { return Left((unsigned)count); } // void MakeUpper() { MyStringUpper(_chars); } // void MakeUpper() { MyStringUpper_Ascii(_chars); } // void MakeUpper_Ascii() { MyStringUpper_Ascii(_chars); } void MakeLower_Ascii() { MyStringLower_Ascii(_chars); } bool IsEqualTo(const char *s) const { return StringsAreEqual_Ascii(_chars, s); } bool IsEqualTo_NoCase(const wchar_t *s) const { return StringsAreEqualNoCase(_chars, s); } bool IsEqualTo_Ascii_NoCase(const char *s) const { return StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(_chars, s); } int Compare(const wchar_t *s) const { return wcscmp(_chars, s); } // int Compare(const UString &s) const { return MyStringCompare(_chars, s._chars); } // int CompareNoCase(const wchar_t *s) const { return MyStringCompareNoCase(_chars, s); } // int CompareNoCase(const UString &s) const { return MyStringCompareNoCase(_chars, s._chars); } bool IsPrefixedBy(const wchar_t *s) const { return IsString1PrefixedByString2(_chars, s); } bool IsPrefixedBy_NoCase(const wchar_t *s) const { return IsString1PrefixedByString2_NoCase(_chars, s); } bool IsPrefixedBy_Ascii_NoCase(const char *s) const throw(); bool IsAscii() const { unsigned len = Len(); const wchar_t *s = _chars; for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++) if (s[i] >= 0x80) return false; return true; } int Find(wchar_t c) const { return FindCharPosInString(_chars, c); } int Find(wchar_t c, unsigned startIndex) const { int pos = FindCharPosInString(_chars + startIndex, c); return pos < 0 ? -1 : (int)startIndex + pos; } int ReverseFind(wchar_t c) const throw(); int ReverseFind_Dot() const throw() { return ReverseFind(L'.'); } int ReverseFind_PathSepar() const throw(); int Find(const wchar_t *s) const { return Find(s, 0); } int Find(const wchar_t *s, unsigned startIndex) const throw(); void TrimLeft() throw(); void TrimRight() throw(); void Trim() { TrimRight(); TrimLeft(); } void InsertAtFront(wchar_t c); // void Insert_wchar_t(unsigned index, wchar_t c); void Insert(unsigned index, const wchar_t *s); void Insert(unsigned index, const UString &s); void RemoveChar(wchar_t ch) throw(); void Replace(wchar_t oldChar, wchar_t newChar) throw(); void Replace(const UString &oldString, const UString &newString); void Delete(int index) throw() { Delete((unsigned)index); } void Delete(unsigned index) throw(); void Delete(unsigned index, unsigned count) throw(); void DeleteFrontal(unsigned num) throw(); void DeleteBack() { _chars[--_len] = 0; } void DeleteFrom(int index) { DeleteFrom((unsigned)index); } void DeleteFrom(unsigned index) { if (index < _len) { _len = index; _chars[index] = 0; } } void Wipe_and_Empty() { if (_chars) { memset(_chars, 0, (_limit + 1) * sizeof(*_chars)); _len = 0; } } }; class UString_Wipe: public UString { Z7_CLASS_NO_COPY(UString_Wipe) public: UString_Wipe(): UString() {} // UString_Wipe(const UString &s): UString(s) {} // UString_Wipe &operator=(const UString &s) { UString::operator=(s); return *this; } // UString_Wipe &operator=(const wchar_t *s) { UString::operator=(s); return *this; } ~UString_Wipe() { Wipe_and_Empty(); } }; bool operator<(const UString &s1, const UString &s2); bool operator>(const UString &s1, const UString &s2); inline bool operator==(const UString &s1, const UString &s2) { return s1.Len() == s2.Len() && wcscmp(s1, s2) == 0; } inline bool operator==(const UString &s1, const wchar_t *s2) { return wcscmp(s1, s2) == 0; } inline bool operator==(const wchar_t *s1, const UString &s2) { return wcscmp(s1, s2) == 0; } inline bool operator!=(const UString &s1, const UString &s2) { return s1.Len() != s2.Len() || wcscmp(s1, s2) != 0; } inline bool operator!=(const UString &s1, const wchar_t *s2) { return wcscmp(s1, s2) != 0; } inline bool operator!=(const wchar_t *s1, const UString &s2) { return wcscmp(s1, s2) != 0; } // ---------- forbidden functions ---------- void operator==(wchar_t c1, const UString &s2); void operator==(const UString &s1, wchar_t c2); void operator+(wchar_t c, const UString &s); // this function can be OK, but we don't use it void operator+(const AString &s1, const UString &s2); void operator+(const UString &s1, const AString &s2); void operator+(const UString &s1, const char *s2); void operator+(const char *s1, const UString &s2); void operator+(const UString &s, char c); void operator+(const UString &s, unsigned char c); void operator+(char c, const UString &s); void operator+(unsigned char c, const UString &s); void operator-(const UString &s1, wchar_t c); #ifdef _WIN32 // can we forbid these functions, if wchar_t is 32-bit ? void operator+(const UString &s, int c); void operator+(const UString &s, unsigned c); void operator+(int c, const UString &s); void operator+(unsigned c, const UString &s); void operator-(const UString &s1, int c); void operator-(const UString &s1, unsigned c); #endif class UString2 { wchar_t *_chars; unsigned _len; void ReAlloc2(unsigned newLimit); void SetStartLen(unsigned len); // ---------- forbidden functions ---------- FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString2(char) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString2(signed char) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString2(unsigned char) FORBID_STRING_OPS_UString2(short) UString2 &operator=(wchar_t c); UString2(const AString &s); UString2 &operator=(const AString &s); UString2 &operator+=(const AString &s); #ifdef DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING UString2(const FString &s); UString2 &operator=(const FString &s); UString2 &operator+=(const FString &s); #endif public: UString2(): _chars(NULL), _len(0) {} UString2(const wchar_t *s); UString2(const UString2 &s); ~UString2() { if (_chars) { MY_STRING_DELETE(_chars) } } unsigned Len() const { return _len; } bool IsEmpty() const { return _len == 0; } // void Empty() { _len = 0; _chars[0] = 0; } // operator const wchar_t *() const { return _chars; } const wchar_t *GetRawPtr() const { return _chars; } int Compare(const wchar_t *s) const { return wcscmp(_chars, s); } wchar_t *GetBuf(unsigned minLen) { if (!_chars || minLen > _len) ReAlloc2(minLen); return _chars; } void ReleaseBuf_SetLen(unsigned newLen) { _len = newLen; } UString2 &operator=(const wchar_t *s); UString2 &operator=(const UString2 &s); void SetFromAscii(const char *s); }; bool operator==(const UString2 &s1, const UString2 &s2); bool operator==(const UString2 &s1, const wchar_t *s2); bool operator==(const wchar_t *s1, const UString2 &s2); inline bool operator!=(const UString2 &s1, const UString2 &s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } inline bool operator!=(const UString2 &s1, const wchar_t *s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } inline bool operator!=(const wchar_t *s1, const UString2 &s2) { return !(s1 == s2); } // ---------- forbidden functions ---------- void operator==(wchar_t c1, const UString2 &s2); void operator==(const UString2 &s1, wchar_t c2); bool operator<(const UString2 &s1, const UString2 &s2); bool operator>(const UString2 &s1, const UString2 &s2); void operator+(const UString2 &s1, const UString2 &s2); void operator+(const UString2 &s1, const wchar_t *s2); void operator+(const wchar_t *s1, const UString2 &s2); void operator+(wchar_t c, const UString2 &s); void operator+(const UString2 &s, wchar_t c); void operator+(const UString2 &s, char c); void operator+(const UString2 &s, unsigned char c); void operator+(char c, const UString2 &s); void operator+(unsigned char c, const UString2 &s); void operator-(const UString2 &s1, wchar_t c); typedef CObjectVector AStringVector; typedef CObjectVector UStringVector; #ifdef _UNICODE typedef UString CSysString; #else typedef AString CSysString; #endif typedef CObjectVector CSysStringVector; // ---------- FString ---------- #ifndef DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING #ifdef _WIN32 #define USE_UNICODE_FSTRING #endif #endif #ifdef USE_UNICODE_FSTRING #define MY_FTEXT(quote) L##quote typedef wchar_t FChar; typedef UString FString; #define fs2us(_x_) (_x_) #define us2fs(_x_) (_x_) FString fas2fs(const char *s); FString fas2fs(const AString &s); AString fs2fas(const FChar *s); #else // USE_UNICODE_FSTRING #define MY_FTEXT(quote) quote typedef char FChar; #ifdef DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING class FString: public AString { // FString &operator=(const char *s); FString &operator=(const AString &s); // FString &operator+=(const AString &s); public: FString(const AString &s): AString(s.Ptr()) {} FString(const FString &s): AString(s.Ptr()) {} FString(const char *s): AString(s) {} FString() {} FString &operator=(const FString &s) { AString::operator=((const AString &)s); return *this; } FString &operator=(char c) { AString::operator=(c); return *this; } FString &operator+=(char c) { AString::operator+=(c); return *this; } FString &operator+=(const FString &s) { AString::operator+=((const AString &)s); return *this; } FString Left(unsigned count) const { return FString(AString::Left(count)); } }; void operator+(const AString &s1, const FString &s2); void operator+(const FString &s1, const AString &s2); inline FString operator+(const FString &s1, const FString &s2) { AString s =(const AString &)s1 + (const AString &)s2; return FString(s.Ptr()); // return FString((const AString &)s1 + (const AString &)s2); } inline FString operator+(const FString &s1, const FChar *s2) { return s1 + (FString)s2; } /* inline FString operator+(const FChar *s1, const FString &s2) { return (FString)s1 + s2; } */ inline FString fas2fs(const char *s) { return FString(s); } #else // DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING typedef AString FString; #define fas2fs(_x_) (_x_) #endif // DEBUG_FSTRING_INHERITS_ASTRING UString fs2us(const FChar *s); UString fs2us(const FString &s); FString us2fs(const wchar_t *s); #define fs2fas(_x_) (_x_) #endif // USE_UNICODE_FSTRING #define FTEXT(quote) MY_FTEXT(quote) #define FCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR FTEXT(CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) #define FSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR FTEXT(STRING_PATH_SEPARATOR) // #define FCHAR_ANY_MASK FTEXT('*') // #define FSTRING_ANY_MASK FTEXT("*") typedef const FChar *CFSTR; typedef CObjectVector FStringVector; class CStringFinder { AString _temp; public: // list - is list of low case Ascii strings separated by space " ". // the function returns true, if it can find exact word (str) in (list). bool FindWord_In_LowCaseAsciiList_NoCase(const char *list, const wchar_t *str); }; void SplitString(const UString &srcString, UStringVector &destStrings); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) // #include // WCHAR_MAX is defined as ((wchar_t)-1) #define Z7_WCHART_IS_16BIT 1 #elif (defined(WCHAR_MAX) && (WCHAR_MAX <= 0xffff)) \ || (defined(__SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__) && (__SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2)) #define Z7_WCHART_IS_16BIT 1 #endif #if WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR == L'\\' // WSL scheme #define WCHAR_IN_FILE_NAME_BACKSLASH_REPLACEMENT ((wchar_t)((unsigned)(0xF000) + (unsigned)'\\')) // #define WCHAR_IN_FILE_NAME_BACKSLASH_REPLACEMENT '_' #endif