; ; * ; * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 ; * ntldr PGP key ID - 0x1B6A24550F33E44A ; * ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as ; published by the Free Software Foundation. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; %define NEH_LOAD_KEY 00000080h ; load schedule from memory %define NEH_ENCRYPT 00000000h ; encryption %define NEH_DECRYPT 00000200h ; decryption %define NEH_KEY128 00000000h+0ah ; 128 bit key %define NEH_KEY192 00000400h+0ch ; 192 bit key %define NEH_KEY256 00000800h+0eh ; 256 bit key %define NEH_ENC_LOAD (NEH_ENCRYPT | NEH_LOAD_KEY) %define NEH_DEC_LOAD (NEH_DECRYPT | NEH_LOAD_KEY) align 16 enc_cwd dd (NEH_ENC_LOAD | NEH_KEY256), 0, 0 align 16 dec_cwd dd (NEH_DEC_LOAD | NEH_KEY256), 0, 0 global aes256_padlock_available global aes256_padlock_encrypt global aes256_padlock_decrypt aes256_padlock_available: push rbx ; test for VIA CPU mov eax, 0C0000000h cpuid cmp eax, 0C0000001h jb no_ace ; read VIA flags mov eax, 0C0000001h cpuid and edx, 0C0h ; ACE_MASK,CPUID EDX code for ACE cmp edx, 0C0h ; ACE_MASK,CPUID EDX code for ACE jnz no_ace ; ACE present xor rax, rax inc eax jmp end_ace no_ace: xor rax, rax end_ace: pop rbx ret align 16 aes256_padlock_encrypt: push rbx push rsi push rdi mov rsi, rcx ; in mov rdi, rdx ; out mov rcx, r8 ; n_blocks mov rbx, r9 ; key lea rdx, [rel enc_cwd] xcryptecb pop rdi pop rsi pop rbx ret align 16 aes256_padlock_decrypt: push rbx push rsi push rdi mov rsi, rcx ; in mov rdi, rdx ; out mov rcx, r8 ; n_blocks lea rbx, [r9+4*15*4] ; key lea rdx, [rel dec_cwd] xcryptecb pop rdi pop rsi pop rbx ret