/* * * Copyright (c) 2020, David Xanatos * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "SbieTrace.h" #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS typedef long NTSTATUS; #include #include "SbieDefs.h" #include "..\..\Sandboxie\common\win32_ntddk.h" #include "..\..\Sandboxie\core\drv\api_defs.h" #include "..\..\Sandboxie\core\svc\msgids.h" #include "..\..\Sandboxie\core\svc\ProcessWire.h" #include "..\..\Sandboxie\core\svc\sbieiniwire.h" #include "..\..\Sandboxie\core\svc\QueueWire.h" #include "..\..\Sandboxie\core\svc\InteractiveWire.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // QString ErrorString(qint32 err) { QString Error; HMODULE handle = NULL; //err < 0 ? GetModuleHandle(L"NTDLL.DLL") : NULL; DWORD flags = 0; //err < 0 ? FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE : 0; LPTSTR s; if (::FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | flags, handle, err, 0, (LPTSTR)&s, 0, NULL) > 0) { LPTSTR p = wcschr(s, L'\r'); if (p != NULL) *p = L'\0'; Error = QString::fromWCharArray(s); ::LocalFree(s); } return Error; } CTraceEntry::CTraceEntry(quint32 ProcessId, quint32 ThreadId, quint32 Type, const QStringList& LogData) { m_ProcessId = ProcessId; m_ThreadId = ThreadId; m_Name = LogData.length() > 0 ? LogData.at(0) : QString("(empty)"); m_Message = LogData.length() > 1 ? LogData.at(1) : QString(); m_Type.Flags = Type; m_TimeStamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); // ms resolution m_BoxPtr = 0; static atomic uid = 0; m_uid = uid.fetch_add(1); m_Counter = 1; m_Message = m_Message.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", " "); // if this is a set error, then get the actual error string if (m_Type.Type == MONITOR_OTHER && m_Message.indexOf("SetError:") == 0) { auto tmp = m_Message.split(":"); if (tmp.length() >= 2) { QString temp = tmp[1].trimmed(); int endPos = temp.indexOf(QRegExp("[ \r\n]")); if (endPos != -1) temp.truncate(endPos); qint32 errCode = temp.toInt(); QString Error = ErrorString(errCode); if (!Error.isEmpty()) m_Message += " (" + Error + ")"; } } } QList CTraceEntry::AllTypes() { return QList() << MONITOR_APICALL << MONITOR_SYSCALL << MONITOR_KEY << MONITOR_FILE << MONITOR_PIPE << MONITOR_IPC << MONITOR_RPC << MONITOR_COMCLASS << MONITOR_RTCLASS << MONITOR_WINCLASS << MONITOR_DRIVE << MONITOR_IGNORE << MONITOR_IMAGE << MONITOR_NETFW << MONITOR_SCM << MONITOR_OTHER; } QString CTraceEntry::GetTypeStr(quint32 Type) { switch (Type) { case MONITOR_APICALL: return "ApiCall"; break; case MONITOR_SYSCALL: return "SysCall"; break; case MONITOR_PIPE: return "Pipe"; break; case MONITOR_IPC: return "Ipc"; break; case MONITOR_RPC: return "Rpc"; break; case MONITOR_WINCLASS: return "WinClass"; break; case MONITOR_DRIVE: return "Drive"; break; case MONITOR_COMCLASS: return "ComClass"; break; case MONITOR_RTCLASS: return "RtClass"; break; case MONITOR_IGNORE: return "Ignore"; break; case MONITOR_IMAGE: return "Image"; break; case MONITOR_FILE: return "File"; break; case MONITOR_KEY: return "Key"; break; case MONITOR_NETFW: return "Socket"; break; case MONITOR_SCM: return "SCM"; break; // Service Control Manager case MONITOR_OTHER: return "Debug"; break; default: return QString(); } } QString CTraceEntry::GetTypeStr() const { QString Type = GetTypeStr(m_Type.Type); if(Type.isEmpty()) Type = "Unknown: " + QString::number(m_Type.Type); if (m_Type.User) Type.append(" (U)"); else Type.append(" (D)"); return Type; } bool CTraceEntry::IsOpen() const { return (m_Type.Flags & MONITOR_DISPOSITION_MASK) == MONITOR_OPEN; } bool CTraceEntry::IsClosed() const { return (m_Type.Flags & MONITOR_DISPOSITION_MASK) == MONITOR_DENY; } bool CTraceEntry::IsTrace() const { return m_Type.Trace; } QString CTraceEntry::GetStautsStr() const { QString Status; if (IsOpen()) Status.append("Open "); if (IsClosed()) Status.append("Closed "); if (IsTrace()) Status.append("Trace "); if (m_Counter > 1) Status.append(QString("(%1) ").arg(m_Counter)); return Status; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // QString GetLastErrorAsString() { DWORD errorMessageID = ::GetLastError(); if (errorMessageID == 0) return QString(); char* messageBuffer = NULL; FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errorMessageID, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR)&messageBuffer, 0, NULL); QString message(messageBuffer); LocalFree(messageBuffer); return message; }