CApiMonModel Process Time Stamp Message CMultiErrorDialog Sandboxie-Plus - Error Message CNewBoxWindow New Box Hardened Default Legacy (old sbie behavioure) COptionsWindow Sandboxie Plus - '%1' Options %1 (%2) Don't alter the window title Display [#] indicator only Display box name in title Border disabled Show only when title is in focus Always show Browse for File Browse for Folder kilobytes (%1) Select Program Executables (*.exe|*.cmd) Please enter a menu title Please enter a command Group: %1 Please enter a name for the new group Enter program: Please select group first. Process Folder Select Directory Lingerer Leader Select File All Files (*.*) All Programs Template values can not be edited. Template values can not be removed. Exclusion Please enter a file extension to be excluded Please enter a program file name All Categories This template is enabled globally to configure it use the global options. CPopUpMessage ? Visit %1 for a detailes explenation. Dismiss Remove this message from the list Hide all such messages CPopUpProgress Dismiss Remove this progress indicator from the list CPopUpPrompt Remember for this process Yes No Terminate Requesting process terminated Request will time out in %1 sec Request timed out CPopUpRecovery Recover Recover the file to original location Recover file to selected folder Open file recovery for this box Dismiss Don't recover this file right now Dismiss all from this box Disable quick recovery until the box restarts CPopUpWindow Sandboxie-Plus Notifications Do you want to allow the print spooler to write outside the sandbox for %1 (%2)? Do you want to allow %4 (%5) to copy a %1 large file into sandbox: %2? File name: %3 Do you want to allow %1 (%2) access to the internet? Full path: %3 The file %1 is eligible for quick recovery from %2. Full path: %3 Writen by: %4 an UNKNOWN process. %1 (%2) Select Directory UNKNOWN Migrating a large file %1 into the sandbox %2, %3 left. Full path: %4 CRecoveryWindow %1 - File Recovery File Name File Size Full Path Select Directory CResMonModel Process Time Stamp Type Value Status CSandBoxPlus NOT SECURE (Debug Config) Reduced Isolation Enhanced Isolation API Log No INet Net Share No Admin Normal CSandMan Sandboxie-Plus v%1 Time|Message Sbie Messages Resource Monitor Api Call Log Show/Hide Disable Forced Programs &Sandbox Create New Box Terminate All Processes &Maintenance Connect Disconnect Stop All &Advanced Install Driver Start Driver Stop Driver Uninstall Driver Install Service Start Service Stop Service Uninstall Service Exit &View Simple View Advanced View Clean Up Cleanup Processes Cleanup Message Log Cleanup Resource Log Cleanup Api Call Log Keep terminated &Options Global Settings Edit ini file Reload ini file Resource Logging API Call Logging &Help Support Sandboxie-Plus with a Donation Visit Support Forum Online Documentation Check for Updates About the Qt Framework About Sandboxie-Plus Cleanup Do you want to close Sandboxie Manager? Sandboxie-Plus was running in portable mode, now it has to clean up the created services, this will prompt for administrative privileges. Don't show this message again. Sandboxie-Plus - Error Failed to stop all sandboxie components Failed to start required sandboxie components Maintenance operation %1 Maintenance operation Successful Do you want to check if there is a new version of Sandboxie-Plus? Driver version: %1 - Portable Sbie Directory: %1 Loaded Config: %1 - Driver NOT connected PID %1: %1 (%2): Recovering file %1 to %2 Failed to recovery some files: Only Administrators can change the config. Please enter the configuration password. Login Failed: %1 Please enter the duration for which disable forced programs. Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create nececery services, this will prompt for administrative privileges. No sandboxes found; creating: %1 Executing maintenance operation, please wait... The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed. To use API logging you must first set up the LogApiDll from with one or more sand boxes. Please download the latest release and set it up with the sandboxie.ini as instructed in the of the project. Operation failed for %1 item(s). Checking for updates... server not reachable Failed to check for updates, error: %1 Don't show this announcement in future. <p>There is a new version of Sandboxie-Plus available.<br /><font color='red'>New version:</font> <b>%1</b></p> <p>Do you want to download the latest version?</p> <p>Do you want to go to the <a href="%1">download page</a>?</p> Ignore this update, notify me anout the next one. Downloading new version... No new updates found, your Sandboxie-Plus is up to date. Failed to download update from: %1 <p>New Sandboxie-Plus has been downloaded to the following location:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Do you want to begin the installation. If any programs are running sandboxed, they will be terminated.</p> <h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2021 by DavidXanatos</p> <p>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of the well known Sandboxie.</p><p></p><p>Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Icons from <a href=""></a></p><p></p> CSbieAPI Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1 CSbieModel Box Groupe Name Process ID Status Start Time Path CSbieView Create New Box Add Group Remove Group Run Run Program Run from Start Menu Run Web Browser Run eMail Client Run Explorer Run Cmd.exe Terminate All Programs Create Desktop Shortcut Explore Content Snapshots Manager Recover Files Delete Content Sandbox Presets Enable API Call logging Block Internet Access Allow Network Shares Drop Admin Rights Sandbox Options Rename Sandbox Move to Group Remove Sandbox Terminate Preset Pin to Run Menu Block and Terminate Set Linger Process Set Leader Process Suspend Resume File root: %1 Registry root: %1 IPC root: %1 Options: [None] Please enter a new group name Do you really want remove the selected group(s)? Please enter a new name for the Sandbox. Do you really want remove the selected sandbox(es)? Do you really want delete the content of the selected sandbox(es)? Create Shortcut to sandbox %1 Do you want to %1 the selected process(es) CSettingsWindow Sandboxie Plus - Settings Close to Tray Prompt before Close Close Please enter the new configuration password. Please re enter the new configuration password. Passwords did not match, please retry. Process Folder Please enter a program file name Select Directory CSnapshotsWindow %1 - Snapshots Snapshot Snapshot: %1 taken: %2 Please enter a name for the new Snapshot. New Snapshot Do you really want to switch the active snapshot? Doing so will delete the current state! Do you really want delete the selected snapshot? NewBoxWindow SandboxiePlus new box Enter a name for the new box: Select restriction/isolation template: Copy options from an existing box: Initial sandbox configuration: OptionsWindow SandboxiePlus Options General Options Box Options Sandboxed window border: px Width Appearance Sandbox Indicator in title: Protect the system from sandboxed processes General restrictions Block network files and folders, unless specifically opened. Drop rights from Administrators and Power Users groups Run Menu Browse You can configure custom entries for the sandbox run menu. Name Command Line Remove Add Command File Options Copy file size limit: kilobytes Protect this sandbox from deletion or emptying Auto delete content when last sandboxed process terminates File Migration Issue message 2102 when a file is too large Box Delete options Program Groups Add Group Add Program You can group programs together and give them a group name. Program groups can be used with some of the settings instead of program names. Forced Programs Force Folder Path Force Program Show Templates Programs entered here, or programs started from entered locations, will be put in this sandbox automatically, unless thay are explicitly started in another sandbox. Stop Behaviour Remove Program Add Leader Program Add Lingering Program Type Lingering programs will be automatically terminated if they are still running after all other processes have been terminated. If leader processes are defined, all others are treated as lingering processes. Start Restrictions Issue message 1308 when a program fails to start Allow only selected programs to start in this sandbox. * Prevent selected programs from starting in this sandbox. Allow all programs to start in this sandbox. * Note: Programs installed to this sandbox won't be able to start at all. Internet Restrictions Issue message 1307 when a program is denied internet access Block internet access for all programs except those added to the list. Note: Programs installed to this sandbox won't be able to access the internet at all. Prompt user whether to allow an exemption from the blockade. Resource Access Program Access Add Reg Key Add File/Folder Add Wnd Class Add COM Object Add IPC Path Move Up Move Down Configure which processes can access what resources. Double click on an entry to edit it. 'Direct' File and Key access only applies to program binaries located outside the sandbox. Note that all Close...=!<program>,... exclusions have the same limitations. For files access you can use 'Direct All' instead to make it apply to all programs. File Recovery Add Folder Ignore Extension Ignore Folder Enable Immediate Recovery prompt to be able to recover files as soon as thay are created. You can exclude folders and file types (or file extensions) from Immediate Recovery. When the Quick Recovery function is invoked, the following folders will be checked for sandboxed content. Advanced Options Miscellaneous Force usage of custom dummy Manifest files (legacy behaviour) Start the sandboxed RpcSs as a SYSTEM process (breaks some compatybility) Add sandboxed processes to job objects (recommended) Limit access to the emulated service control manager to privileged processes Open System Protected Storage Lift restrictions Open Windows Credentials Store Don't alter window class names created by sandboxed programs Protect the sandbox integrity itself Sandbox protection Compatibility Protect sandboxed SYSTEM processes from unprivileged unsandboxed processes Sandbox Isolation Hide Processes Add Process Hide host processes from processes running in the sandbox. Remove Process Don't allow sandboxed processes to see processes running in other boxes Users Restrict Resource Access monitor to administrators only Add User Remove User Add user accounts and user groups to the list below to limit use of the sandbox to only those accounts. If the list is empty, the sandbox can be used by all user accounts. Note: Forced Programs and Force Folders settings for a sandbox do not apply to user accounts which cannot use the sandbox. Tracing Pipe Trace Log all access events as seen by the driver to the resource access log. This options set the event mask to "*" - All access events You can customize the logging using the ini by specifying "A" - Allowed accesses "D" - Denied accesses "I" - Ignore access requests instead of "*". Access Tracing GUI Trace Key Trace File Trace IPC Trace Log Debug Output to the Trace Log Debug WARNING, these options can disable core security guarantees and break sandbox security!!! These options are intended for debugging compatibility issues, please do not use them in production use. App Templates Filter Categories Text Filter Category This list contains a large amount of sandbox compatibility enhancing templates Edit ini Section Edit ini Cancel Save PopUpWindow SandboxiePlus Notifications QObject Drive %1 RecoveryWindow SandboxiePlus Settings Add Folder Refresh Recover Recover to Delete all Close SettingsWindow SandboxiePlus Settings General Options Show Notifications for relevant log Messages Show Sys-Tray Use Dark Theme Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu On main window close: Start with Windows Restart required (!) Watch Sandboxie.ini for changes Tray options Check periodically for updates of Sandboxie-Plus Advanced Options Only Administrator user accounts can use Disable Forced Programs command Only Administrator user accounts can make changes Config protection Password must be entered in order to make changes Change Password Sandbox default Sandbox file system root: Sandbox ipc root: Sandbox registry root: Separate user folders Clear password when main window becomes hidden Program Restrictions Name Path Remove Program Add Program When any of the following programs is launched outside any sandbox, Sandboxie will issue message SBIE1301. Add Folder Prevent the listed programs from starting on this system Issue message 1308 when a program fails to start Software Compatibility In the future, don't check software compatibility Enable Disable Sandboxie has detected the following software applications in your system. Click OK to apply configuration settings, which will improve compatibility with these applications. These configuration settings will have effect in all existing sandboxes and in any new sandboxes. SnapshotsWindow SandboxiePlus Settings Snapshot Details Name: Description: Remove Snapshot Take Snapshot Go to Snapshot