#include "stdafx.h" #include "SbieModel.h" #include "../../MiscHelpers/Common/Common.h" #include "../../MiscHelpers/Common/IconExtreactor.h" #include CSbieModel::CSbieModel(QObject *parent) :CTreeItemModel(parent) { for (int i = 0; i < eMaxColor; i++) m_BoxIcons[(EBoxColors)i] = qMakePair(QIcon(QString(":/Boxes/Empty%1").arg(i)), QIcon(QString(":/Boxes/Full%1").arg(i))); //m_BoxEmpty = QIcon(":/BoxEmpty"); //m_BoxInUse = QIcon(":/BoxInUse"); m_ExeIcon = QIcon(":/exeIcon32"); m_Root = MkNode(QVariant()); } CSbieModel::~CSbieModel() { } QList CSbieModel::MakeProcPath(const QString& BoxName, const CBoxedProcessPtr& pProcess, const QMap& ProcessList) { QList Path = MakeProcPath(pProcess, ProcessList); Path.prepend(BoxName); return Path; } QList CSbieModel::MakeProcPath(const CBoxedProcessPtr& pProcess, const QMap& ProcessList) { quint32 ParentID = pProcess->GetParendPID(); CBoxedProcessPtr pParent = ProcessList.value(ParentID); QList Path; if (!pParent.isNull() && ParentID != pProcess->GetProcessId()) { Path = MakeProcPath(pParent, ProcessList); Path.append(ParentID); } return Path; } bool CSbieModel::TestProcPath(const QList& Path, const QString& BoxName, const CBoxedProcessPtr& pProcess, const QMap& ProcessList, int Index) { if (Index == 0) { if (Path.isEmpty() || BoxName != Path[0]) return false; return TestProcPath(Path, BoxName, pProcess, ProcessList, 1); } quint32 ParentID = pProcess->GetParendPID(); CBoxedProcessPtr pParent = ProcessList.value(ParentID); if (!pParent.isNull() && ParentID != pProcess->GetProcessId()) { if(Index >= Path.size() || Path[Path.size() - Index] != ParentID) return false; return TestProcPath(Path, BoxName, pParent, ProcessList, Index + 1); } return Path.size() == Index; } QString CSbieModel__AddGroupMark(const QString& Name) { return Name.isEmpty() ? "" : ("!" + Name); } QString CSbieModel__RemoveGroupMark(const QString& Name) { return Name.left(1) == "!" ? Name.mid(1) : Name; } QString CSbieModel::FindParent(const QVariant& Name, const QMap& Groups) { for(auto I = Groups.begin(); I != Groups.end(); ++I) { if (I.value().contains(CSbieModel__RemoveGroupMark(Name.toString()), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return CSbieModel__AddGroupMark(I.key()); } return QString(); } QList CSbieModel::MakeBoxPath(const QVariant& Name, const QMap& Groups) { QString ParentID = FindParent(Name, Groups); QList Path; if (!ParentID.isEmpty() && ParentID != Name && !Groups.value(CSbieModel__RemoveGroupMark(Name.toString())).contains(CSbieModel__RemoveGroupMark(ParentID))) { Path = MakeBoxPath(ParentID, Groups); Path.append(ParentID); } return Path; } QList CSbieModel::Sync(const QMap& BoxList, const QMap& Groups, bool ShowHidden) { QList Added; QMap, QList > New; QHash Old = m_Map; foreach(const QString& Group, Groups.keys()) { if (Group.isEmpty()) continue; QVariant ID = CSbieModel__AddGroupMark(Group); QHash::iterator I = Old.find(ID); SSandBoxNode* pNode = I != Old.end() ? static_cast(I.value()) : NULL; if (!pNode) { pNode = static_cast(MkNode(ID)); pNode->Values.resize(columnCount()); if (m_bTree) pNode->Path = MakeBoxPath(ID, Groups); pNode->pBox = NULL; New[pNode->Path].append(pNode); Added.append(ID); pNode->Icon = m_BoxIcons[eYelow].first; pNode->IsBold = true; pNode->Values[eName].Raw = Group; pNode->Values[eStatus].Raw = tr("Box Groupe"); } else { I.value() = NULL; } } foreach (const CSandBoxPtr& pBox, BoxList) { if (!ShowHidden && !pBox->IsEnabled()) continue; QVariant ID = pBox->GetName(); QModelIndex Index; QHash::iterator I = Old.find(ID); SSandBoxNode* pNode = I != Old.end() ? static_cast(I.value()) : NULL; if(!pNode) { pNode = static_cast(MkNode(ID)); pNode->Values.resize(columnCount()); if (m_bTree) pNode->Path = MakeBoxPath(ID, Groups); pNode->pBox = pBox; New[pNode->Path].append(pNode); Added.append(ID); } else { I.value() = NULL; Index = Find(m_Root, pNode); } CSandBoxPlus* pBoxEx = qobject_cast(pBox.data()); int Col = 0; bool State = false; int Changed = 0; QMap ProcessList = pBox->GetProcessList(); bool HasActive = Sync(pBox, pNode->Path, ProcessList, New, Old, Added); int inUse = (HasActive ? 1 : 0); int boxType = eYelow; if(pBoxEx->HasLogApi()) boxType = eRed; if (pBoxEx->IsUnsecureDebugging()) boxType = eMagenta; else if (pBoxEx->IsSecurityRestricted()) boxType = eOrang; if (pNode->inUse != inUse || pNode->boxType != boxType) { pNode->inUse = inUse; pNode->boxType = boxType; //pNode->Icon = pNode->inUse ? m_BoxInUse : m_BoxEmpty; pNode->Icon = pNode->inUse ? m_BoxIcons[(EBoxColors)boxType].second : m_BoxIcons[(EBoxColors)boxType].first; Changed = 1; // set change for first column } if (pNode->IsGray != !pBoxEx->IsEnabled()) { pNode->IsGray = !pBoxEx->IsEnabled(); Changed = 2; // set change for all columns } for(int section = 0; section < columnCount(); section++) { if (!m_Columns.contains(section)) continue; // ignore columns which are hidden QVariant Value; switch(section) { case eName: Value = pBox->GetName(); break; case eStatus: Value = pBox.objectCast()->GetStatusStr(); break; case ePath: Value = pBox->GetFileRoot(); break; } SSandBoxNode::SValue& ColValue = pNode->Values[section]; if (ColValue.Raw != Value) { if(Changed == 0) Changed = 1; ColValue.Raw = Value; switch (section) { case eName: ColValue.Formated = Value.toString().replace("_", " "); break; } } if(State != (Changed != 0)) { if(State && Index.isValid()) emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), Col, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), section-1, pNode)); State = (Changed != 0); Col = section; } if(Changed == 1) Changed = 0; } if(State && Index.isValid()) emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), Col, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), columnCount()-1, pNode)); } CTreeItemModel::Sync(New, Old); return Added; } bool CSbieModel::Sync(const CSandBoxPtr& pBox, const QList& Path, const QMap& ProcessList, QMap, QList >& New, QHash& Old, QList& Added) { QString BoxName = pBox->GetName(); int ActiveCount = 0; QFileIconProvider IconProvider; foreach(const CBoxedProcessPtr& pProc, ProcessList) { QSharedPointer pProcess = pProc.objectCast(); QVariant ID = pProcess->GetProcessId(); QModelIndex Index; QHash::iterator I = Old.find(ID); SSandBoxNode* pNode = I != Old.end() ? static_cast(I.value()) : NULL; if (!pNode || (m_bTree ? !TestProcPath(pNode->Path.mid(Path.length()), BoxName, pProcess, ProcessList) : !pNode->Path.isEmpty())) // todo: improve that { pNode = static_cast(MkNode(ID)); pNode->Values.resize(columnCount()); if (m_bTree) pNode->Path = Path + MakeProcPath(BoxName, pProcess, ProcessList); pNode->pBox = pBox; pNode->pProcess = pProcess; New[pNode->Path].append(pNode); Added.append(ID); } else { I.value() = NULL; Index = Find(m_Root, pNode); } //if(Index.isValid()) // this is to slow, be more precise // emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), 0, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), columnCount()-1, pNode)); int Col = 0; bool State = false; int Changed = 0; bool bIsTerminated = pProcess->IsTerminated(); if (pNode->IsGray != bIsTerminated) { pNode->IsGray = bIsTerminated; Changed = 2; // update all columns for this item } if (!bIsTerminated) ActiveCount++; if (pNode->Icon.isNull()) { //PixmapEntryList icons = extractIcons(pProcess->GetFileName(), false); //if (icons.isEmpty()) // pNode->Icon = m_ExeIcon; //else // pNode->Icon = icons.first().pixmap; pNode->Icon = IconProvider.icon(QFileInfo(pProcess->GetFileName())); if (pNode->Icon.isNull() || !pNode->Icon.isValid()) pNode->Icon = m_ExeIcon; } for (int section = 0; section < columnCount(); section++) { if (!m_Columns.contains(section)) continue; // ignore columns which are hidden QVariant Value; switch (section) { case eName: Value = pProcess->GetProcessName(); break; case eProcessId: Value = pProcess->GetProcessId(); break; case eStatus: Value = pProcess->GetStatusStr(); break; case eTitle: Value = theAPI->GetProcessTitle(pProcess->GetProcessId()); break; //case eLogCount: break; // todo Value = pProcess->GetResourceLog().count(); break; case eTimeStamp: Value = pProcess->GetTimeStamp(); break; //case ePath: Value = pProcess->GetFileName(); break; case ePath: { QString CmdLine = pProcess->GetCommandLine(); Value = CmdLine.isEmpty() ? pProcess->GetFileName() : CmdLine; break; } } SSandBoxNode::SValue& ColValue = pNode->Values[section]; if (ColValue.Raw != Value) { if (Changed == 0) Changed = 1; ColValue.Raw = Value; switch (section) { case eProcessId: ColValue.Formated = QString::number(pProcess->GetProcessId()); break; //case eLogCount: ColValue.Formated = QString::number(Value.toInt()); break; case eTimeStamp: ColValue.Formated = pProcess->GetTimeStamp().toString("hh:mm:ss"); break; } } if (State != (Changed != 0)) { if (State && Index.isValid()) emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), Col, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), section - 1, pNode)); State = (Changed != 0); Col = section; } if (Changed == 1) Changed = 0; } if (State && Index.isValid()) emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), Col, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), columnCount() - 1, pNode)); } return ActiveCount != 0; } CSandBoxPtr CSbieModel::GetSandBox(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return CSandBoxPtr(); SSandBoxNode* pNode = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); ASSERT(pNode); return pNode->pBox; } CBoxedProcessPtr CSbieModel::GetProcess(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return CBoxedProcessPtr(); SSandBoxNode* pNode = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); ASSERT(pNode); return pNode->pProcess; } QVariant CSbieModel::GetID(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); SSandBoxNode* pNode = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); ASSERT(pNode); if (!pNode->pProcess && !pNode->pBox) return CSbieModel__RemoveGroupMark(pNode->ID.toString()); return pNode->ID; } CSbieModel::ETypes CSbieModel::GetType(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return eNone; SSandBoxNode* pNode = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); ASSERT(pNode); if (pNode->pProcess) return eProcess; if (pNode->pBox) return eBox; return eGroup; } int CSbieModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return eCount; } QVariant CSbieModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(section) { case eName: return tr("Name"); case eProcessId: return tr("Process ID"); case eStatus: return tr("Status"); case eTitle: return tr("Title"); //case eLogCount: return tr("Log Count"); case eTimeStamp: return tr("Start Time"); case ePath: return tr("Path / Command Line"); } } return QVariant(); } /*QVariant CSbieModel::GetDefaultIcon() const { return g_ExeIcon; }*/