CMultiErrorDialog Sandboxie-Plus - Error Sandboxie-Plus - 错误 Message 消息 CNewBoxWindow Sandboxie-Plus - Create New Box Sandboxie-Plus - 新建沙盒 New Box New Box Hardened 加强 Default 默认 Legacy Sandboxie Behaviour 原版 Sandboxie 表现 COptionsWindow Sandboxie Plus - '%1' Options Sandboxie Plus - '%1' 选项 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) Don't alter the window title 不改变窗口标题 Display [#] indicator only 只显示 [#] 标记 Display box name in title 标题内显示沙盒名称 Border disabled 禁用边框 Show only when title is in focus 仅在标题获焦点时显示 Always show 始终显示 Browse for Program 浏览程序 Browse for File 浏览文件 Browse for Folder 浏览文件夹 This sandbox has been deleted hence configuration can not be saved. 该沙盒已被删除,因此配置无法保存。 Some changes haven't been saved yet, do you really want to close this options window? 部分变更未保存,确定关闭这个选项窗口吗? kilobytes (%1) KB (%1) Please enter a program path 请输入一个程序路径 Select Program 选择程序 Executables (*.exe *.cmd);;All files (*.*) 可执行文件 (*.exe *.cmd);;所有文件 (*.*) Please enter a service identifier 请输入一个服务标识符 Service 服务 Program 程序 Executables (*.exe|*.cmd) 可执行文件 (*.exe|*.cmd) Please enter a menu title 请输入一个菜单标题 Please enter a command 请输入一则命令 Group: %1 组: %1 Please enter a name for the new group 请输入新组的名称 Enter program: 请输入程序: Please select group first. 请先选择组。 Process 进程 Folder 文件夹 Select Directory 选择目录 Lingerer 驻留 Leader 引导 Direct 直接访问 Direct All 全部直接访问 Closed 已关闭 Closed RT RT 已关闭 Read Only 只读 Hidden 隐藏 Unknown 未知 File/Folder 文件/文件夹 Registry 注册表 IPC Path IPC 路径 Wnd Class 窗口类 COM Object COM 组件 Select File 选择文件 All Files (*.*) 所有文件 (*.*) All Programs 所有程序 COM objects must be specified by their GUID, like: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} COM 对象必须用其 GUID 来指定,例如:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} RT interfaces must be specified by their name. RT 接口必须用其名称来指定。 Template values can not be edited. 模板值无法被编辑。 Template values can not be removed. 模板值无法被移除。 Exclusion 排除 Please enter a file extension to be excluded 请输入一个要排除的文件扩展名 Please enter an auto exec command 请输入一则自动运行命令 Please enter a program file name 请输入一个程序文件名称 All Categories 所有类别 Custom Templates 自定义模板 Email Reader 电子邮件客户端 PDF/Print PDF/打印 Security/Privacy 安全和隐私 Desktop Utilities 桌面工具 Download Managers 下载程序 Miscellaneous 杂项 Web Browser 网页浏览器 Media Player 多媒体播放器 Torrent Client BT 种子(Torrent)客户端 This template is enabled globally. To configure it, use the global options. 此模板已全局启用。如需配置,请前往全局选项。 Please enter the template identifier 请输入模板标识符 Error: %1 错误:%1 Only local templates can be removed! 仅可删除本地模板! Do you really want to delete the selected local template? 确定要删除所选的本地模板吗? CPopUpMessage ? ? Visit %1 for a detailed explanation. 访问 %1 以查阅详细说明。 Dismiss 关闭 Remove this message from the list 在列表中移除此消息 Hide all such messages 隐藏所有类似的消息 CPopUpProgress Dismiss 关闭 Remove this progress indicator from the list 移除列表中的该进程标识符 CPopUpPrompt Remember for this process 记住对此进程的选择 Yes No Terminate 终止 Yes and add to allowed programs 是且添加到允许的程序 Requesting process terminated 请求的进程已终止 Request will time out in %1 sec 请求将在 %1 秒后超时 Request timed out 请求超时 CPopUpRecovery Recover to: 恢复到: Browse 浏览 Clear folder list 清除文件夹列表 Recover 恢复 Recover the file to original location 恢复文件到原路径 Recover && Explore 恢复并浏览 Recover && Open/Run 恢复并打开/运行 Open file recovery for this box 针对此沙盒打开文件恢复 Dismiss 关闭 Don't recover this file right now 目前暂不恢复此文件 Dismiss all from this box 对此沙盒忽略全部 Disable quick recovery until the box restarts 在沙盒重启前禁用快速恢复 Select Directory 选择目录 CPopUpWindow Sandboxie-Plus Notifications Sandboxie-Plus 通知 Do you want to allow the print spooler to write outside the sandbox for %1 (%2)? 要允许 %1 (%2) 利用打印处理服务在沙盒外写入吗? Do you want to allow %4 (%5) to copy a %1 large file into sandbox: %2? File name: %3 要允许 %4 (%5) 复制大文件 %1 到 %2 沙盒吗? 文件名:%3 Do you want to allow %1 (%2) access to the internet? Full path: %3 要允许 %1 (%2) 访问网络吗? 完整路径:%3 %1 is eligible for quick recovery from %2. The file was written by: %3 %1 可以从 %2 快速恢复。 文件写入者:%3 an UNKNOWN process. 未知进程。 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) UNKNOWN 未知 Migrating a large file %1 into the sandbox %2, %3 left. Full path: %4 迁移一个大文件 %1 到沙盒 %2,剩余 %3。 完整路径:%4 CRecoveryWindow %1 - File Recovery %1 - 文件恢复 File Name 文件名称 File Size 文件大小 Full Path 完整路径 Select Directory 选择目录 One or more selected files are located on a network share, and must be recovered to a local drive, please select a folder to recover all selected files to. 一个或多个被选择的文件位于网络共享,并必须恢复到一个本地磁盘,请选择要将所选文件恢复到哪个文件夹。 There are %1 files and %2 folders in the sandbox, occupying %3 of disk space. There are %1 files and %2 folders in the sandbox, occupying %3 bytes of disk space. 此沙盒中共有 %1 个文件和 %2 个文件夹,占用了 %3 磁盘空间。 CSandBoxPlus Disabled 禁用 Empty NOT SECURE (Debug Config) 不安全!(调试用配置) Reduced Isolation 削弱隔离 Enhanced Isolation 加强隔离 API Log API 日志 No INet 无网络 Net Share 网络共享 No Admin 无管理员 Normal 标准 CSandMan Sandboxie-Plus v%1 Sandboxie-Plus v%1 Reset Columns 重置列 Copy Cell 复制此格 Copy Row 复制此行 Copy Panel 复制此表 Time|Message 时间|消息 Sbie Messages 沙盘消息 Trace Log 跟踪日志 Show/Hide 显示/隐藏 Disable Forced Programs 禁用必沙程序 &Sandbox 沙盒(&S) Create New Box 新建沙盒 Terminate All Processes 终止所有进程 Window Finder 检查窗口是否在沙盘中运行 &Maintenance 维护(&M) Connect 连接 Disconnect 断开 Stop All 停止所有 &Advanced 高级(&A) Install Driver 安装驱动 Start Driver 启动驱动 Stop Driver 停止驱动 Uninstall Driver 卸载驱动 Install Service 安装服务 Start Service 启动服务 Stop Service 停止服务 Uninstall Service 卸载服务 Exit 退出 &View 视图(&V) Simple View 简易视图 Advanced View 高级视图 Always on Top 窗口置顶 Show Hidden Boxes 显示隐藏沙盒 Clean Up 清理 Cleanup Processes 清理所有记录 Cleanup Message Log 清理消息日志 Cleanup Trace Log 清理跟踪日志 Keep terminated 保持终止 &Options 选项(&O) Global Settings 全局设置 Reset all hidden messages 重置所有已隐藏消息 Edit ini file 编辑 ini 文件 Reload ini file 重新加载 ini 文件 Trace Logging 启用跟踪日志 &Help 帮助(&H) Support Sandboxie-Plus with a Donation 捐款支持 Sandboxie-Plus Visit Support Forum 访问用户支持论坛 Online Documentation 在线文档 Check for Updates 检查更新 About the Qt Framework 关于 Qt 框架 About Sandboxie-Plus 关于 Sandboxie-Plus Cleanup 清理 Do you want to close Sandboxie Manager? 确定关闭 Sandboxie 管理器? Sandboxie-Plus was running in portable mode, now it has to clean up the created services. This will prompt for administrative privileges. Do you want to do the clean up? Sandboxie-Plus was running in portable mode, now it has to clean up the created services. This will prompt for administrative privileges. Sandboxie-Plus 正运行于便携模式,现在将清理所创建的服务,这将寻求管理员权限。 是否确认清理? Don't show this message again. 不再显示此消息 Sandboxie-Plus - Error Sandboxie-Plus - 错误 Failed to stop all Sandboxie components 停止全部的 Sandboxie 组件失败 Failed to start required Sandboxie components 启动所需的 Sandboxie 组件失败 Maintenance operation %1 维护操作 %1 Maintenance operation Successful 维护操作成功 Select box: 选择沙盒: Default sandbox not found; creating: %1 未找到默认沙盒,正在创建:%1 Do you want to check if there is a new version of Sandboxie-Plus? 您是否想检查有无 Sandboxie-Plus 新版本发布? Some compatibility templates (%1) are missing, probably deleted, do you want to remove them from all boxes? 部分兼容性模板(%1)丢失,可能已被删除,是否要在所有沙盒中移除? Cleaned up removed templates... 已清理缺失的模板... Sbie Directory: %1 沙盘目录:%1 Loaded Config: %1 已加载配置:%1 Driver version: %1 驱动版本:%1 - Portable - 便携版 Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode, do you want to put the SandBox folder into its parent directory? Sandboxie-Plus 运行于便携模式,是否要将沙盒目录放到上一层目录中? - NOT connected - 未连接 PID %1: 进程 ID %1: %1 (%2): %1 (%2): Recovering file %1 to %2 恢复文件 %1 到 %2 The file %1 already exists, do you want to overwrite it? 文件 %1 已存在,要覆盖它吗? Do this for all files! 对所有文件都执行此操作! Failed to recover some files: 部分文件恢复失败: Only Administrators can change the config. 仅管理员可更改该配置。 Please enter the configuration password. 请输入保护配置密码。 Login Failed: %1 登录失败:%1 Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes? 确定要终止所有沙盒中的所有进程吗? Terminate all without asking 终止所有且无需询问 Please enter the duration for disabling forced programs. 请输入“必沙程序”停用的持续时间。 Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges. Sandboxie-Plus 正以便携模式启动,需要创建所需的服务,将会提示需要管理员权限。 Executing maintenance operation, please wait... 正在执行操作维护,请稍候... Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)? 请确认是否要重置已隐藏的消息框(选“是”),或者仅重置所有日志消息(选“否”)。 The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved. 每次该文件被保存时更改将自动应用 The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed. 编辑器被关闭后更改将很快自动应用 Error Status: %1 错误状态:%1 Administrator rights are required for this operation. 此操作需要管理员权限。 Failed to execute: %1 执行失败:%1 Failed to connect to the driver 连接驱动程序失败 Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1 无法与 Sandboxie 服务通信:%1 An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2 发现不兼容的 Sandboxie %1。兼容的版本:%2 Can't find Sandboxie installation path. 无法找到 Sandboxie 安装路径。 Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2 复制沙盒配置 %1: %2 失败 A sandbox of the name %1 already exists 名为 %1 的沙盒已存在 Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2 删除沙盒 %1: %2 失败 The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters. 沙盒名称不能超过32个字符。 The sandbox name can not be a device name. 沙盒名称不能为设备名称。 The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces. 沙盒名称只能包含字母、数字和下划线(显示为空格)。 Failed to terminate all processes 终止所有进程失败 Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox 该沙盒已启用删除保护 Error deleting sandbox folder: %1 删除沙盒文件夹出错:%1 A sandbox must be emptied before it can be renamed. 沙盒被重命名前必须清空。 A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted. 沙盒被删除前必须清空。 Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2' 移动目录 '%1' 到 '%2' 失败 This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box. 因有进程正在沙盒中运行,此快照操作无法完成。 Failed to create directory for new snapshot 创建新快照的目录失败 Failed to copy RegHive 复制 RegHive 失败 Snapshot not found 没有找到快照 Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged. 合并快照目录 '%1' 和 '%2' 出错,快照没有被完全合并。 Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1' 移除旧快照的目录 '%1' 失败 Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots 无法移除被多个后续快照所共享的快照 Failed to remove old RegHive 移除旧的 RegHive 失败 You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1' 您未被授权在 '%1' 更新配置 Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3 在 %2: %3 中设定配置设置 %1 失败 Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox 无法为空的沙盒创建快照 A sandbox with that name already exists 已存在同名沙盒 Unknown Error Status: %1 未知错误状态:%1 Operation failed for %1 item(s). %1 项操作失败。 Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed (yes) or unsandboxed (no) Web browser? 关于打开 %1,如果您希望在沙盒化的浏览器中环境下打开,请选“是”,反之选“否”。 Remember choice for later. 记住选择供之后使用 Checking for updates... 正在检查更新... server not reachable 无法连接到服务器 Failed to check for updates, error: %1 检查更新失败,错误:%1 <p>Do you want to go to the <a href="%1">info page</a>?</p> <p>您是否要前往< "%1">信息页</a>?</p> Don't show this announcement in the future. 未来不再显示此通告 <p>There is a new version of Sandboxie-Plus available.<br /><font color='red'>New version:</font> <b>%1</b></p> <p>有新版 Sandboxie-Plus 可用。<br /><font color='red'>新版本:</font><b>%1</b></p> <p>Do you want to download the latest version?</p> <p>是否下载最新版本?</p> <p>Do you want to go to the <a href="%1">download page</a>?</p> <p>是否要打开<a href="%1">下载页面</a>?</p> Don't show this message anymore. 不再显示此消息 Downloading new version... 正在下载新版本... No new updates found, your Sandboxie-Plus is up-to-date. 无可用更新,您的 Sandboxie-Plus 已是最新版。 Failed to download update from: %1 从如下地址下载更新失败:%1 <p>New Sandboxie-Plus has been downloaded to the following location:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Do you want to begin the installation? If any programs are running sandboxed, they will be terminated.</p> <p>新版 Sandboxie-Plus 已下载到下列位置:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>您想开始安装吗?目前在沙盒中运行的程序将被终止(如有)。</p> <h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2021 by DavidXanatos</p> <h3>关于 Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>版本 %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2021 by DavidXanatos</p> <p>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.</p><p></p><p>Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Icons from <a href=""></a></p><p></p> <p>Sandboxie-Plus 是著名程序 Sandboxie 自开源以来的一个延续。</p><p></p><p>访问 <a href=""></a> 来了解更多信息。</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>图标来自 <a href=""></a></p><p></p> The selected window is running as part of program %1 in sandbox %2 选择的窗口正作为程序 %1 一部分运行在沙盒 %2 中 The selected window is not running as part of any sandboxed program. 选择的窗口并非作为任何沙盒化程序的一部分而运行。 Drag the Finder Tool over a window to select it, then release the mouse to check if the window is sandboxed. 拖拽准星到被选窗口上,松开鼠标检查窗口是否来自沙盒化的程序。 Sandboxie-Plus - Window Finder Sandboxie-Plus - 窗口探查器 CSbieModel Box Group 沙盒组 Name 名称 Process ID 进程 ID Status 状态 Title 标题 Start Time 启动时间点 Path / Command Line 路径 / 命令行 CSbieProcess Sbie RpcSs Sbie RPC 子系统 Sbie DcomLaunch Sbie DCOM 服务启动器 Sbie Crypto Sbie 密码学服务 Sbie WuAu Svc Sbie 微软自动更新服务 Sbie BITS Sbie 后台智能传输服务 Sbie Svc 沙盘软件服务 MSI Installer Msi Installer MSI 安装程序 Trusted Installer 可信安装程序 Windows Update Windows 更新 Windows Explorer Windows 文件资源浏览器 Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Firefox FireFox Firefox Windows Media Player Windows Media Player Winamp WinAmp Winamp KMPlayer KM Player KMPlayer Windows Live Mail Windows Live Mail Service Model Reg 服务模型注册表 RunDll32 RunDll32 DllHost DllHost Windows Ink Services Windows 快捷方式服务 Chromium Based 基于 Chromium 的浏览器 Google Updater Google 更新程序 Acrobat Reader Acrobat Reader MS Outlook 微软 Outlook MS Excel 微软 Excel Flash Player Flash Player Firefox Plugin Container FireFox Plugin Container Firefox 插件容器 Generic Web Browser 常规网页浏览器 Generic Mail Client 常规电子邮件客户端 Terminated 已终止 Running 正在运行 (%1) (%1) CSbieView Create New Box 新建沙盒 Add Group 添加组 Remove Group 移除组 Run 运行 Run Program 运行程序 Run from Start Menu 从开始菜单运行 Run Web Browser 运行网页浏览器 Run eMail Client 运行电子邮件客户端 Run Explorer 运行文件资源管理器 Run Cmd.exe 运行 Cmd.exe Run Cmd.exe as Admin 以管理员身份运行 Cmd.exe Terminate All Programs 终止所有程序 Create Shortcut 创建快捷方式 Explore Content 浏览内容 Snapshots Manager 快照管理器 Recover Files 文件恢复 Delete Content 删除内容 Sandbox Presets 预置配置 Ask for UAC Elevation 询问 UAC 提权 Drop Admin Rights 解除管理员权限 Emulate Admin Rights 模拟管理员权限 Block Internet Access 拦截网络访问 Allow Network Shares 允许网络共享 Sandbox Options 沙盒选项 Rename Sandbox 重命名沙盒 Move to Group 移动到组 Remove Sandbox 移除沙盒 Terminate 终止 Preset 预设 Pin to Run Menu 固定到运行菜单 Block and Terminate 阻止并终止 Allow internet access 允许网络访问 Force into this sandbox 强制入此沙盒 Set Linger Process 设置驻留进程 Set Leader Process 设置引导进程 File root: %1 文件根目录: %1 Registry root: %1 注册表根: %1 IPC root: %1 IPC 根: %1 Options: 选项: [None] [无] Please enter a new group name 请输入新的组名 Do you really want to remove the selected group(s)? 确定要移除选中的组吗? A group can not be its own parent. 组不能是自己的父级。 Don't show this message again. 不再显示此消息 This Sandbox is empty. 此沙盒是空的。 Please enter a new name for the Sandbox. 请为该沙盒输入新名称。 Do you really want to remove the selected sandbox(es)? 确定要删除选中的沙盒吗? This Sandbox is already empty. 此沙盒已清空。 Do you want to delete the content of the selected sandbox? 确定要删除选中沙盒的内容吗? Do you really want to delete the content of multiple sandboxes? 确定要删除多个沙盒的内容吗? Do you want to terminate all processes in the selected sandbox(es)? 确定要终止所选沙盒中的所有进程吗? Create Shortcut to sandbox %1 为沙盒 %1 创建快捷方式 Do you want to %1 the selected process(es)? Do you want to %1 the selected process(es) 确定要 %1 选中的进程吗? This box does not have Internet restrictions in place, do you want to enable them? 此沙盒无互联网限制,确定启用吗? This sandbox is disabled, do you want to enable it? 此沙盒已禁用,确定启用吗? CSettingsWindow Sandboxie Plus - Settings Sandboxie Plus - 设置 Auto Detection 自动检测 Close to Tray 关闭到托盘 Prompt before Close 关闭前询问 Close 关闭程序 Select Directory 选择目录 Please enter the new configuration password. 请输入新的保护配置密码。 Please re-enter the new configuration password. 请再次输入新的保护配置密码。 Passwords did not match, please retry. 密码不相符,请重新输入。 Process 进程 Folder 文件夹 Please enter a program file name 请输入一个程序文件名 CSnapshotsWindow %1 - Snapshots %1 - 快照 Snapshot 快照 Please enter a name for the new Snapshot. 请输入新快照的名称。 New Snapshot 新快照 Do you really want to switch the active snapshot? Doing so will delete the current state! 确定要切换正在使用的快照?这将删除当前的状态! Do you really want to delete the selected snapshot? 确定要删除选中的快照? CTraceModel Unknown 未知 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) Process %1 进程 %1 Thread %1 线程 %1 Process 进程 Type 类型 Status 状态 Value CTraceView Show as task tree 显示为任务树 PID: 进程 ID: [All] [所有] TID: 线程 ID: Show only sellectes box 仅显示选中的线程 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) %1 %1 NewBoxWindow SandboxiePlus new box SandboxiePlus 新建沙盒 Select restriction/isolation template: 选择限制/隔离模板: Initial sandbox configuration: 沙盒初始配置: Copy options from an existing box: 复制现有沙盒的选项: Sandbox Name: 沙盒名称: OptionsWindow SandboxiePlus Options SandboxiePlus 选项 General Options 常规选项 Box Options 沙盒选项 Appearance 外观 Prevent change to network and firewall parameters 阻止更改网络和防火墙参数 px Width 宽度(像素) Sandbox Indicator in title: 标题中显示沙盒标识符: Sandboxed window border: 沙盒内窗口边框: Protect the system from sandboxed processes 保护系统免受沙盒内进程的影响 Elevation restrictions 提权限制 Block network files and folders, unless specifically opened. 拦截非特别开启的网络文件和文件夹 Make applications think they are running elevated (allows to run installers safely) 使应用程序认为自己被提权运行(允许安全地运行安装程序) Network restrictions 网络限制 Drop rights from Administrators and Power Users groups 撤销管理员和 Power Users 用户组的权限 (Recommended) (推荐) Security note: Elevated applications running under the supervision of Sandboxie, with an admin token, have more opportunities to bypass isolation and modify the system outside the sandbox. 安全提示:提权的应用程序在沙盒的监督下运行,如获管理员令牌,将有更多机会绕过隔离和更改沙盒外的系统。 File Options 文件选项 Auto delete content when last sandboxed process terminates 最后一个沙盒内的进程终止后自动删除内容 Copy file size limit: 复制文件大小限制: Box Delete options 沙盒删除选项 Protect this sandbox from deletion or emptying 保护此沙盒免受删除或清空 Raw Disk access 底层磁盘访问 File Migration 文件迁移 Allow elevated sandboxed applications to read the harddrive 允许提权的沙盒内程序读取硬盘 Warn when an application opens a harddrive handle 有程序打开硬盘句柄时警示 kilobytes KB Issue message 2102 when a file is too large 文件太大时发出问题代码 2102 Prompt user for large file migration 询问用户是否迁移大文件 Access Options 访问选项 Remove spooler restriction, printers can be installed outside the sandbox 解除打印限制,可在沙盒外安装打印机 Printing restrictions 打印限制 Open Windows Credentials Store 开放“Windows 证书存储” Open System Protected Storage 开放“系统保护的存储” Allow the print spooler to print to files outside the sandbox 允许打印服务在沙盒外打印文件 CAUTION: When running under the built in administrator, processes can not drop administrative privileges. 警告:在内置的管理员帐号下运行时,不能解除进程的管理员权限。 Block access to the printer spooler 阻止访问打印服务 Other restrictions 其他限制 Block read access to the clipboard 阻止访问剪贴板 Run Menu 运行菜单 You can configure custom entries for the sandbox run menu. 您可为沙盒列表的“运行”菜单配置自定义的命令。 Name 名称 Command Line 命令行 Add program 添加程序 Remove 移除 Auto Start 自动启动 Here you can specify programs and/or services that are to be started automatically in the sandbox when it is activated 您可以指定在沙盒被激活时将在其中自动启动的程序或服务 Type 类型 Program/Service 程序/服务 Add service 添加服务 Program Groups 程序组 Add Group 添加组 Add Program 添加程序 You can group programs together and give them a group name. Program groups can be used with some of the settings instead of program names. 您可将程序分组并且给它们一个组名。程序组可以代替程序名被用于某些设置。 Forced Programs 必沙程序 Force Folder 必沙文件夹 Path 路径 Force Program 必沙程序 Show Templates 显示模板 Programs entered here, or programs started from entered locations, will be put in this sandbox automatically, unless they are explicitly started in another sandbox. 此处指定的程序或者指定位置中的程序,将自动进入此沙盒,除非已明确在其他沙盒中启动它。 Stop Behaviour 停止行为 Remove Program 移除程序 Add Leader Program 添加引导程序 Add Lingering Program 添加驻留程序 Lingering programs will be automatically terminated if they are still running after all other processes have been terminated. If leader processes are defined, all others are treated as lingering processes. 其他所有程序得到终止后,仍在运行的驻留程序将自动终止。 如果定义了引导进程,其他进程将被视作驻留进程。 Start Restrictions 启动限制 Issue message 1308 when a program fails to start 程序启动失败发出问题代码 1308 Allow only selected programs to start in this sandbox. * 仅允许所选程序在此沙盒中启动 * Prevent selected programs from starting in this sandbox. 阻止所选的程序在此沙盒中启动 Allow all programs to start in this sandbox. 允许所有程序在此沙盒中启动 * Note: Programs installed to this sandbox won't be able to start at all. * 注意:安装在此沙盒里的程序将完全无法启动 Internet Restrictions 联网限制 Issue message 1307 when a program is denied internet access 程序被拒绝访问网络时发出问题代码 1307 Block internet access for all programs except those added to the list. 禁止所有程序访问网络,仅下列清单中的例外 Note: Programs installed to this sandbox won't be able to access the internet at all. 注意:安装在此沙盒中的程序将完全无法访问网络。 Prompt user whether to allow an exemption from the blockade. 询问用户是否允许例外 Resource Access 资源访问 Program 程序 Access 访问 Add Reg Key 添加注册表键值 Add File/Folder 添加文件/文件夹 Add Wnd Class 添加窗口类 Add COM Object 添加 COM 对象 Add IPC Path 添加 IPC 路径 Move Up 上移 Move Down 下移 Configure which processes can access what resources. Double click on an entry to edit it. 'Direct' File and Key access only applies to program binaries located outside the sandbox. Note that all Close...=!<program>,... exclusions have the same limitations. For files access you can use 'Direct All' instead to make it apply to all programs. 配置各个进程所能访问的资源。双击开始编辑。 “直接访问”文件和键值仅适用于沙盒外的二进制程序文件。 注意所有 关闭...=!<program>,... 例外具有相同的限制。 可使用“全部直接访问”使所有程序都能完成指定的文件访问。 Configure which processes can access what resources. Double click on an entry to edit it. 'Direct' File and Key access only applies to program binaries located outside the sandbox. For files access you can use 'Direct All' instead to make it apply to all programs. 配置各个进程可以访问哪些资源。双击特定行编辑它。 “直接访问”文件和键值访问仅适用位于沙盘外的程序文件。 “全部直接访问”可使设置适用于所有程序。 Apply Close...=!<program>,... directives also to all binaries located in the sandboxed. 将 Close...=!<program>,... 指令同时应用于沙盘内的所有程序文件。 File Recovery 文件恢复 Add Folder 添加文件夹 Ignore Extension 忽略扩展名 Ignore Folder 忽略文件夹 Enable Immediate Recovery prompt to be able to recover files as soon as they are created. 启用快速恢复提示以便快速恢复创建的文件。 You can exclude folders and file types (or file extensions) from Immediate Recovery. 您可排除快速恢复中的文件夹和文件类型(扩展名)。 When the Quick Recovery function is invoked, the following folders will be checked for sandboxed content. 当快速恢复功能被调用时,检查沙盒内的下列文件夹。 Advanced Options 高级选项 Miscellaneous 杂项 Do not start sandboxed services using a system token (recommended) 不使用系统令牌启动沙盒化的服务(推荐) Don't alter window class names created by sandboxed programs 不要改变由沙盒内程序创建的窗口类名 Protect the sandbox integrity itself 沙盒完整性保护 Sandbox isolation 沙盒隔离 Protect sandboxed SYSTEM processes from unprivileged unsandboxed processes 针对无特权的非沙盒化进程保护沙盒化的 SYSTEM 进程 Compatibility 兼容性 Add sandboxed processes to job objects (recommended) 添加沙盒化进程到作业对象(推荐) Force usage of custom dummy Manifest files (legacy behaviour) 强制使用自定义虚拟 Manifest 文件(传统行为) Sandbox protection 沙盒保护 Limit access to the emulated service control manager to privileged processes 限制访问模拟的“服务控制管理器”以防止提权进程 Emulate sandboxed window station for all processes 为所有进程模拟沙盒化的窗口状况 Isolation 隔离 Allow sandboxed programs to Change User Passwords and alike 允许沙盒化程序更改用户密码和同类型操作 Various advanced isolation features can break compatibility, with some applications, if you are using this sandbox <b>NOT for Security</b> but for simple application portability by changing these options you can restore compatibility by sacrificing some security.<br>These options can be used securely when you don't grant any of the sandboxed process admin rights. 多种高级隔离特性可能影响到某些应用程序的兼容性,如果您使用本沙盒<b>不是为了安全</b>,仅是为了便携化普通应用程序,那么可以更改这些选项以牺牲某些安全性来重获兼容性。<br>如果您不会为沙盒化的任何进程授予管理员权限,那么可以安全地使用这些选项。 Allow sandboxed programs to Managing Hardware/Devices 允许沙盒化程序管理硬件/设备 Open access to Windows Security Account Manager Open access to windows Security Account Manager 开放 Windows 安全帐户管理器(SAM)的访问权限 Open access to windows Local Security Authority 开放 Windows 本地安全认证(LSA)的访问权限 Access isolation 访问隔离 Auto Exec 自动运行 Add Command 添加命令 Here you can specify a list of commands that are executed every time the sandbox is initially populated. 您可以指定一系列每次沙盒启动时需执行的命令。 Hide Processes 隐藏进程 Add Process 添加进程 Hide host processes from processes running in the sandbox. 面向沙盒内运行的进程隐藏的宿主进程 Don't allow sandboxed processes to see processes running in other boxes 不允许沙盒内的进程查看其他沙盒里运行的进程 Users 用户 Restrict Resource Access monitor to administrators only 仅允许管理员访问“资源访问监视器” Add User 添加用户 Remove User 移除用户 Add user accounts and user groups to the list below to limit use of the sandbox to only those accounts. If the list is empty, the sandbox can be used by all user accounts. Note: Forced Programs and Force Folders settings for a sandbox do not apply to user accounts which cannot use the sandbox. 添加用户账户和用户组到下方列表来仅限这些账户使用沙盒。如果列表内容为空,所有账户均可使用沙盒。 注意:沙盒的必沙程序及文件夹设置不适用不能运行沙盒的账户。 Tracing 跟踪 COM Class Trace COM 类跟踪 IPC Trace IPC 跟踪 Key Trace 键值跟踪 GUI Trace GUI 跟踪 API call trace (requirers logapi to be installed in the sbie dir) API 调用跟踪 (需将 logapi 安装到沙盘目录) Log all SetError's to Trace log (creates a lot of output) 记录所有 SetError 到跟踪日志 (将产生大量输出) File Trace 文件跟踪 Pipe Trace 管道跟踪 Access Tracing 访问跟踪 <- for this one the above does not apply <- 上述不适用此项 Log Debug Output to the Trace Log 调试日志输出到跟踪日志 Log all access events as seen by the driver to the resource access log. This options set the event mask to "*" - All access events You can customize the logging using the ini by specifying "A" - Allowed accesses "D" - Denied accesses "I" - Ignore access requests instead of "*". 将驱动程序看到的所有访问事件记录到资源访问日志。 这些选项将事件掩码设定为 "*" - 所有访问事件 您可通过 ini 来详细自定日志行为 "A" - 允许的访问 "D" - 拒绝的访问 "I" - 忽略访问请求 来代替 "*" Ntdll syscall Trace (creates a lot of output) Ntdll 系统调用跟踪 (将产生大量输出) Disable Resource Access Monitor 禁用资源访问监控器 Resource Access Monitor 资源访问监控 Debug 调试 WARNING, these options can disable core security guarantees and break sandbox security!!! 警告,这些选项可使核心安全保障失效并且破坏沙盒安全! These options are intended for debugging compatibility issues, please do not use them in production use. 这些选项是为调试兼容性问题设计的,日常使用者勿碰。 App Templates 应用程序模板 Compatibility Templates 兼容性模板 Filter Categories 类别筛选 Text Filter 文本筛选 Add Template 添加模板 This list contains a large amount of sandbox compatibility enhancing templates 此列表含有大量的沙盘兼容性增强模板 Remove Template 删除模板 Category 类别 Template Folders 模板文件夹 Configure the folder locations used by your other applications. Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for all boxes. 配置您的其他应用程序所使用的文件夹位置。 请注意,这些值为当前用户针对所有沙盒保存。 Value Accessibility 无障碍功能 To compensate for the lost protection, please consult the Drop Rights settings page in the Restrictions settings group. 要弥补失去的保护,请参考“限制”设置组中的降低权限部分。 Screen Readers: JAWS, NVDA, Window-Eyes, System Access 屏幕阅读器:JAWS、NVDA、Window-Eyes、系统无障碍接口 The following settings enable the use of Sandboxie in combination with accessibility software. Please note that some measure of Sandboxie protection is necessarily lost when these settings are in effect. 以下设置允许 Sandboxie 与辅助功能软件结合。请注意当这些设置生效时,部分 Sandboxie 保护措施肯定会失去。 Edit ini Section 编辑 ini 子项 Edit ini 编辑 ini Cancel 取消 Save 保存 PopUpWindow SandboxiePlus Notifications SandboxiePlus 通知 QObject Drive %1 磁盘 %1 QPlatformTheme OK 确定 Apply 应用 Cancel 取消 &Yes 是(&Y) &No 否(&N) RecoveryWindow SandboxiePlus - Recovery SandboxiePlus - 恢复 Close 关闭 Recover to 恢复到 Add Folder 添加文件夹 Recover 恢复 Refresh 刷新 Delete all 全部删除 Show All Files 显示所有文件 TextLabel 文本标签 SettingsWindow SandboxiePlus Settings SandboxiePlus 设置 General Options 常规选项 Show Notifications for relevant log Messages 显示有关日志消息的通知 Show Sys-Tray 显示系统托盘 Open urls from this ui sandboxed 此用户界面上的链接在沙盒中打开 Check periodically for updates of Sandboxie-Plus 定期检查有无 Sandboxie-Plus 更新 Restart required (!) 需要重启本软件 (!) Start UI with Windows 系统启动时启动界面 Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 向文件资源管理器添加'Run Sandboxed'(在沙盒中运行)右键菜单 On main window close: 关闭主窗口: Tray options 托盘选项 Start UI when a sandboxed process is started 进程在沙盒中启动时启动界面 Show first recovery window when emptying sandboxes 清空沙盒时先显示恢复窗口 Use Dark Theme (fully applied after a restart) 使用暗色主题(重启程序后完全应用) Advanced Options 高级选项 Config protection 保护配置 Sandbox <a href="sbie://docs/ipcrootpath">ipc root</a>: 沙盒 <a href="sbie://docs/ipcrootpath">ipc 根目录</a>: Sandbox <a href="sbie://docs/keyrootpath">registry root</a>: 沙盒<a href="sbie://docs/keyrootpath">注册表根目录</a>: Clear password when main window becomes hidden 主窗口隐藏时清除密码 Only Administrator user accounts can use Disable Forced Programs command 仅管理员账户可使用“禁用必沙程序”命令 Sandbox <a href="sbie://docs/filerootpath">file system root</a>: 沙盒<a href="sbie://docs/filerootpath">文件系统根目录</a>: Separate user folders 独立的用户文件夹 Only Administrator user accounts can make changes 仅限管理员账户更改 Password must be entered in order to make changes 更改必须输入密码 Change Password 更改密码 Portable root folder 便携化根目录 ... ... Sandbox default 沙盒预设 Other settings 其他设置 Watch Sandboxie.ini for changes 监控 Sandboxie.ini 变更 Program Restrictions 程序限制 Name 名称 Path 路径 Remove Program 删除程序 Add Program 添加程序 When any of the following programs is launched outside any sandbox, Sandboxie will issue message SBIE1301. 下列程序在沙盒之外启动时,Sandboxie 将发出 SBIE1301 警示。 Add Folder 添加文件夹 Prevent the listed programs from starting on this system 阻止下列程序在此系统中启动 Issue message 1308 when a program fails to start 程序启动失败时发出问题代码 1308 Software Compatibility 软件兼容性 In the future, don't check software compatibility 之后不再检查软件兼容性 Enable 启用 Disable 禁用 Sandboxie has detected the following software applications in your system. Click OK to apply configuration settings, which will improve compatibility with these applications. These configuration settings will have effect in all existing sandboxes and in any new sandboxes. 沙盒已检测到您的系统中安装了以下软件。点击“确定”应用配置,将改进与这些软件的兼容性。这些配置作用于所有沙盘,包括现存的和未来新增的沙盘。 SnapshotsWindow SandboxiePlus - Snapshots SandboxiePlus - 快照 Selected Snapshot Details 所选快照详情 Name: 名称: Description: 说明: Snapshot Actions 快照操作 Remove Snapshot 移除快照 Go to Snapshot 进入快照 Take Snapshot 抓取快照