* Copyright (c) 2020, David Xanatos
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#pragma once
#include "qsbieapi_global.h"
#include "SbieError.h"
#include "./Sandboxie/SandBox.h"
#include "./Sandboxie/BoxedProcess.h"
class CResLogEntry : public QSharedData
CResLogEntry(quint64 ProcessId, quint32 Type, const QString& Value);
quint64 GetProcessId() const { return m_ProcessId; }
QDateTime GetTimeStamp() const { return m_TimeStamp; }
QString GetType() const { return m_Type; }
QString GetValue() const { return m_Name; }
quint64 GetUID() const { return m_uid; }
QString m_Name;
QString m_Type;
quint64 m_ProcessId;
QDateTime m_TimeStamp;
bool m_Open;
bool m_Deny;
//bool m_Verbose;
//bool m_User;
quint64 m_uid;
typedef QSharedDataPointer CResLogEntryPtr;
class QSBIEAPI_EXPORT CSbieAPI : public QThread
CSbieAPI(QObject* parent = 0);
virtual ~CSbieAPI();
virtual bool IsValid() const;
virtual QString GetVersion();
virtual SB_STATUS TakeOver();
virtual QString GetSbiePath() const { return m_SbiePath; }
virtual QString GetIniPath() const { return m_IniPath; }
virtual void UpdateDriveLetters();
virtual QString Nt2DosPath(QString NtPath) const;
virtual SB_STATUS ReloadBoxes();
virtual SB_STATUS CreateBox(const QString& BoxName);
virtual SB_STATUS UpdateProcesses(bool bKeep);
virtual SB_STATUS UpdateProcesses(bool bKeep, const CSandBoxPtr& pBox);
virtual QMap GetAllBoxes() { return m_SandBoxes; }
virtual SB_STATUS TerminateAll();
enum ESetMode
eIniUpdate = 0,
// Config
virtual SB_STATUS ReloadConfig(quint32 SessionId = -1);
virtual QString SbieIniGet(const QString& Section, const QString& Setting, quint32 Index = 0, qint32* ErrCode = NULL);
virtual SB_STATUS SbieIniSet(const QString& Section, const QString& Setting, const QString& Value, ESetMode Mode = eIniUpdate);
virtual bool IsBoxEnabled(const QString& BoxName);
// Monitor
virtual SB_STATUS EnableMonitor(bool Enable);
virtual bool IsMonitoring();
virtual QList GetResLog() const { QReadLocker Lock(&m_ResLogMutex); return m_ResLogList; }
void LogMessage(const QString& Message);
private slots:
//virtual void OnMonitorEntry(quint64 ProcessId, quint32 Type, const QString& Value);
friend class CSandBox;
friend class CBoxedProcess;
virtual QString GetSbieHome() const;
virtual SB_STATUS RunStart(const QString& BoxName, const QString& Command);
virtual SB_STATUS CleanBox(const QString& BoxName);
virtual SB_STATUS RenameBox(const QString& OldName, const QString& NewName, bool deleteOld = true);
virtual SB_STATUS RemoveBox(const QString& BoxName);
virtual bool GetLog();
virtual bool GetMonitor();
virtual SB_STATUS TerminateAll(const QString& BoxName);
virtual SB_STATUS Terminate(quint64 ProcessId);
virtual SB_STATUS RunSandboxed(const QString& BoxName, const QString& Command, QString WrkDir = QString(), quint32 Flags = 0);
virtual SB_STATUS SetBoxPaths(const CSandBoxPtr& pSandBox);
virtual SB_STATUS SetProcessInfo(const CBoxedProcessPtr& pProcess);
virtual QString GetDeviceMap();
virtual QByteArray MakeEnvironment(bool AddDeviceMap);
virtual void run();
QMap m_SandBoxes;
QMap m_BoxedProxesses;
mutable QReadWriteLock m_ResLogMutex;
QList m_ResLogList;
QMap m_DriveLetters;
QString m_SbiePath;
QString m_IniPath;
bool m_bTerminate;
struct SSbieAPI* m;