/* * File JSONValue.cpp part of the SimpleJSON Library - http://mjpa.in/json * * Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Anchor * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "JSONValue.h" #ifdef __MINGW32__ #define wcsncasecmp wcsnicmp #endif // Macros to free an array/object #define FREE_ARRAY(x) { JSONArray::iterator iter; for (iter = x.begin(); iter != x.end(); iter++) { delete *iter; } } #define FREE_OBJECT(x) { JSONObject::iterator iter; for (iter = x.begin(); iter != x.end(); iter++) { delete (*iter).second; } } /** * Parses a JSON encoded value to a JSONValue object * * @access protected * * @param wchar_t** data Pointer to a wchar_t* that contains the data * * @return JSONValue* Returns a pointer to a JSONValue object on success, NULL on error */ JSONValue *JSONValue::Parse(const wchar_t **data) { // Is it a string? if (**data == '"') { std::wstring str; if (!JSON::ExtractString(&(++(*data)), str)) return NULL; else return new JSONValue(str); } // Is it a boolean? else if ((simplejson_wcsnlen(*data, 4) && wcsncasecmp(*data, L"true", 4) == 0) || (simplejson_wcsnlen(*data, 5) && wcsncasecmp(*data, L"false", 5) == 0)) { bool value = wcsncasecmp(*data, L"true", 4) == 0; (*data) += value ? 4 : 5; return new JSONValue(value); } // Is it a null? else if (simplejson_wcsnlen(*data, 4) && wcsncasecmp(*data, L"null", 4) == 0) { (*data) += 4; return new JSONValue(); } // Is it a number? else if (**data == L'-' || (**data >= L'0' && **data <= L'9')) { // Negative? bool neg = **data == L'-'; if (neg) (*data)++; double number = 0.0; // Parse the whole part of the number - only if it wasn't 0 if (**data == L'0') (*data)++; else if (**data >= L'1' && **data <= L'9') number = JSON::ParseInt(data); else return NULL; // Could be a decimal now... if (**data == '.') { (*data)++; // Not get any digits? if (!(**data >= L'0' && **data <= L'9')) return NULL; // Find the decimal and sort the decimal place out // Use ParseDecimal as ParseInt won't work with decimals less than 0.1 // thanks to Javier Abadia for the report & fix double decimal = JSON::ParseDecimal(data); // Save the number number += decimal; } // Could be an exponent now... if (**data == L'E' || **data == L'e') { (*data)++; // Check signage of expo bool neg_expo = false; if (**data == L'-' || **data == L'+') { neg_expo = **data == L'-'; (*data)++; } // Not get any digits? if (!(**data >= L'0' && **data <= L'9')) return NULL; // Sort the expo out double expo = JSON::ParseInt(data); for (double i = 0.0; i < expo; i++) number = neg_expo ? (number / 10.0) : (number * 10.0); } // Was it neg? if (neg) number *= -1; return new JSONValue(number); } // An object? else if (**data == L'{') { JSONObject object; (*data)++; while (**data != 0) { // Whitespace at the start? if (!JSON::SkipWhitespace(data)) { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // Special case - empty object if (object.size() == 0 && **data == L'}') { (*data)++; return new JSONValue(object); } // We want a string now... std::wstring name; if (!JSON::ExtractString(&(++(*data)), name)) { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // More whitespace? if (!JSON::SkipWhitespace(data)) { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // Need a : now if (*((*data)++) != L':') { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // More whitespace? if (!JSON::SkipWhitespace(data)) { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // The value is here JSONValue *value = Parse(data); if (value == NULL) { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // Add the name:value if (object.find(name) != object.end()) delete object[name]; object[name] = value; // More whitespace? if (!JSON::SkipWhitespace(data)) { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // End of object? if (**data == L'}') { (*data)++; return new JSONValue(object); } // Want a , now if (**data != L',') { FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } (*data)++; } // Only here if we ran out of data FREE_OBJECT(object); return NULL; } // An array? else if (**data == L'[') { JSONArray array; (*data)++; while (**data != 0) { // Whitespace at the start? if (!JSON::SkipWhitespace(data)) { FREE_ARRAY(array); return NULL; } // Special case - empty array if (array.size() == 0 && **data == L']') { (*data)++; return new JSONValue(array); } // Get the value JSONValue *value = Parse(data); if (value == NULL) { FREE_ARRAY(array); return NULL; } // Add the value array.push_back(value); // More whitespace? if (!JSON::SkipWhitespace(data)) { FREE_ARRAY(array); return NULL; } // End of array? if (**data == L']') { (*data)++; return new JSONValue(array); } // Want a , now if (**data != L',') { FREE_ARRAY(array); return NULL; } (*data)++; } // Only here if we ran out of data FREE_ARRAY(array); return NULL; } // Ran out of possibilities, it's bad! else { return NULL; } } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type NULL * * @access public */ JSONValue::JSONValue(/*NULL*/) { type = JSONType_Null; } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type String * * @access public * * @param wchar_t* m_char_value The string to use as the value */ JSONValue::JSONValue(const wchar_t *m_char_value) { type = JSONType_String; string_value = new std::wstring(std::wstring(m_char_value)); } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type String * * @access public * * @param std::wstring m_string_value The string to use as the value */ JSONValue::JSONValue(const std::wstring &m_string_value) { type = JSONType_String; string_value = new std::wstring(m_string_value); } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type Bool * * @access public * * @param bool m_bool_value The bool to use as the value */ JSONValue::JSONValue(bool m_bool_value) { type = JSONType_Bool; bool_value = m_bool_value; } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type Number * * @access public * * @param double m_number_value The number to use as the value */ JSONValue::JSONValue(double m_number_value) { type = JSONType_Number; number_value = m_number_value; } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type Number * * @access public * * @param int m_integer_value The number to use as the value */ JSONValue::JSONValue(int m_integer_value) { type = JSONType_Number; number_value = (double) m_integer_value; } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type Array * * @access public * * @param JSONArray m_array_value The JSONArray to use as the value */ JSONValue::JSONValue(const JSONArray &m_array_value) { type = JSONType_Array; array_value = new JSONArray(m_array_value); } /** * Basic constructor for creating a JSON Value of type Object * * @access public * * @param JSONObject m_object_value The JSONObject to use as the value */ JSONValue::JSONValue(const JSONObject &m_object_value) { type = JSONType_Object; object_value = new JSONObject(m_object_value); } /** * Copy constructor to perform a deep copy of array / object values * * @access public * * @param JSONValue m_source The source JSONValue that is being copied */ JSONValue::JSONValue(const JSONValue &m_source) { type = m_source.type; switch (type) { case JSONType_String: string_value = new std::wstring(*m_source.string_value); break; case JSONType_Bool: bool_value = m_source.bool_value; break; case JSONType_Number: number_value = m_source.number_value; break; case JSONType_Array: { JSONArray source_array = *m_source.array_value; JSONArray::iterator iter; array_value = new JSONArray(); for (iter = source_array.begin(); iter != source_array.end(); iter++) array_value->push_back(new JSONValue(**iter)); break; } case JSONType_Object: { JSONObject source_object = *m_source.object_value; object_value = new JSONObject(); JSONObject::iterator iter; for (iter = source_object.begin(); iter != source_object.end(); iter++) { std::wstring name = (*iter).first; (*object_value)[name] = new JSONValue(*((*iter).second)); } break; } case JSONType_Null: // Nothing to do. break; } } /** * The destructor for the JSON Value object * Handles deleting the objects in the array or the object value * * @access public */ JSONValue::~JSONValue() { if (type == JSONType_Array) { JSONArray::iterator iter; for (iter = array_value->begin(); iter != array_value->end(); iter++) delete *iter; delete array_value; } else if (type == JSONType_Object) { JSONObject::iterator iter; for (iter = object_value->begin(); iter != object_value->end(); iter++) { delete (*iter).second; } delete object_value; } else if (type == JSONType_String) { delete string_value; } } /** * Checks if the value is a NULL * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if it is a NULL value, false otherwise */ bool JSONValue::IsNull() const { return type == JSONType_Null; } /** * Checks if the value is a String * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if it is a String value, false otherwise */ bool JSONValue::IsString() const { return type == JSONType_String; } /** * Checks if the value is a Bool * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if it is a Bool value, false otherwise */ bool JSONValue::IsBool() const { return type == JSONType_Bool; } /** * Checks if the value is a Number * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if it is a Number value, false otherwise */ bool JSONValue::IsNumber() const { return type == JSONType_Number; } /** * Checks if the value is an Array * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if it is an Array value, false otherwise */ bool JSONValue::IsArray() const { return type == JSONType_Array; } /** * Checks if the value is an Object * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if it is an Object value, false otherwise */ bool JSONValue::IsObject() const { return type == JSONType_Object; } /** * Retrieves the String value of this JSONValue * Use IsString() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return std::wstring Returns the string value */ const std::wstring &JSONValue::AsString() const { return (*string_value); } /** * Retrieves the Bool value of this JSONValue * Use IsBool() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return bool Returns the bool value */ bool JSONValue::AsBool() const { return bool_value; } /** * Retrieves the Number value of this JSONValue * Use IsNumber() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return double Returns the number value */ double JSONValue::AsNumber() const { return number_value; } /** * Retrieves the Array value of this JSONValue * Use IsArray() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return JSONArray Returns the array value */ const JSONArray &JSONValue::AsArray() const { return (*array_value); } /** * Retrieves the Object value of this JSONValue * Use IsObject() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return JSONObject Returns the object value */ const JSONObject &JSONValue::AsObject() const { return (*object_value); } /** * Retrieves the number of children of this JSONValue. * This number will be 0 or the actual number of children * if IsArray() or IsObject(). * * @access public * * @return The number of children. */ std::size_t JSONValue::CountChildren() const { switch (type) { case JSONType_Array: return array_value->size(); case JSONType_Object: return object_value->size(); default: return 0; } } /** * Checks if this JSONValue has a child at the given index. * Use IsArray() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if the array has a value at the given index. */ bool JSONValue::HasChild(std::size_t index) const { if (type == JSONType_Array) { return index < array_value->size(); } else { return false; } } /** * Retrieves the child of this JSONValue at the given index. * Use IsArray() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return JSONValue* Returns JSONValue at the given index or NULL * if it doesn't exist. */ JSONValue *JSONValue::Child(std::size_t index) { if (index < array_value->size()) { return (*array_value)[index]; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Checks if this JSONValue has a child at the given key. * Use IsObject() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return bool Returns true if the object has a value at the given key. */ bool JSONValue::HasChild(const wchar_t* name) const { if (type == JSONType_Object) { return object_value->find(name) != object_value->end(); } else { return false; } } /** * Retrieves the child of this JSONValue at the given key. * Use IsObject() before using this method. * * @access public * * @return JSONValue* Returns JSONValue for the given key in the object * or NULL if it doesn't exist. */ JSONValue* JSONValue::Child(const wchar_t* name) { JSONObject::const_iterator it = object_value->find(name); if (it != object_value->end()) { return it->second; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Retrieves the keys of the JSON Object or an empty vector * if this value is not an object. * * @access public * * @return std::vector A vector containing the keys. */ std::vector JSONValue::ObjectKeys() const { std::vector keys; if (type == JSONType_Object) { JSONObject::const_iterator iter = object_value->begin(); while (iter != object_value->end()) { keys.push_back(iter->first); iter++; } } return keys; } /** * Creates a JSON encoded string for the value with all necessary characters escaped * * @access public * * @param bool prettyprint Enable prettyprint * * @return std::wstring Returns the JSON string */ std::wstring JSONValue::Stringify(bool const prettyprint) const { size_t const indentDepth = prettyprint ? 1 : 0; return StringifyImpl(indentDepth); } /** * Creates a JSON encoded string for the value with all necessary characters escaped * * @access private * * @param size_t indentDepth The prettyprint indentation depth (0 : no prettyprint) * * @return std::wstring Returns the JSON string */ std::wstring JSONValue::StringifyImpl(size_t const indentDepth) const { std::wstring ret_string; size_t const indentDepth1 = indentDepth ? indentDepth + 1 : 0; std::wstring const indentStr = Indent(indentDepth); std::wstring const indentStr1 = Indent(indentDepth1); switch (type) { case JSONType_Null: ret_string = L"null"; break; case JSONType_String: ret_string = StringifyString(*string_value); break; case JSONType_Bool: ret_string = bool_value ? L"true" : L"false"; break; case JSONType_Number: { if (isinf(number_value) || isnan(number_value)) ret_string = L"null"; else { std::wstringstream ss; ss.precision(15); ss << number_value; ret_string = ss.str(); } break; } case JSONType_Array: { ret_string = indentDepth ? L"[\n" + indentStr1 : L"["; JSONArray::const_iterator iter = array_value->begin(); while (iter != array_value->end()) { ret_string += (*iter)->StringifyImpl(indentDepth1); // Not at the end - add a separator if (++iter != array_value->end()) ret_string += L","; } ret_string += indentDepth ? L"\n" + indentStr + L"]" : L"]"; break; } case JSONType_Object: { ret_string = indentDepth ? L"{\n" + indentStr1 : L"{"; JSONObject::const_iterator iter = object_value->begin(); while (iter != object_value->end()) { ret_string += StringifyString((*iter).first); ret_string += L":"; ret_string += (*iter).second->StringifyImpl(indentDepth1); // Not at the end - add a separator if (++iter != object_value->end()) ret_string += L","; } ret_string += indentDepth ? L"\n" + indentStr + L"}" : L"}"; break; } } return ret_string; } /** * Creates a JSON encoded string with all required fields escaped * Works from http://www.ecma-internationl.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-262.pdf * Section 15.12.3. * * @access private * * @param std::wstring str The string that needs to have the characters escaped * * @return std::wstring Returns the JSON string */ std::wstring JSONValue::StringifyString(const std::wstring &str) { std::wstring str_out = L"\""; std::wstring::const_iterator iter = str.begin(); while (iter != str.end()) { wchar_t chr = *iter; if (chr == L'"' || chr == L'\\' || chr == L'/') { str_out += L'\\'; str_out += chr; } else if (chr == L'\b') { str_out += L"\\b"; } else if (chr == L'\f') { str_out += L"\\f"; } else if (chr == L'\n') { str_out += L"\\n"; } else if (chr == L'\r') { str_out += L"\\r"; } else if (chr == L'\t') { str_out += L"\\t"; } else if (chr < L' ' || chr > 126) { str_out += L"\\u"; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int value = (chr >> 12) & 0xf; if (value >= 0 && value <= 9) str_out += (wchar_t)('0' + value); else if (value >= 10 && value <= 15) str_out += (wchar_t)('A' + (value - 10)); chr <<= 4; } } else { str_out += chr; } iter++; } str_out += L"\""; return str_out; } /** * Creates the indentation string for the depth given * * @access private * * @param size_t indent The prettyprint indentation depth (0 : no indentation) * * @return std::wstring Returns the string */ std::wstring JSONValue::Indent(size_t depth) { const size_t indent_step = 2; depth ? --depth : 0; std::wstring indentStr(depth * indent_step, ' '); return indentStr; }