CBoxedProcess Terminated Suspended Running CSandBox Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox Waiting for folder: %1 Deleting folder: %1 Error deleting sandbox folder: %1 A sandbox must be emptied before it can be renamed. A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted. Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2' Can't take a snapshot while processes are running in the box. Failed to create directory for new snapshot Failed to copy RegHive to snapshot Snapshot not found Can't remove a snapshots while processes are running in the box. Can't remove a snapshots that is shared by multiple later snapshots Merging folders: %1 >> %2 Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged. Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1' Finishing Snapshot Merge... Can't switch snapshots while processes are running in the box. Failed to remove old RegHive Failed to copy RegHive from snapshot CSbieAPI Failed to connect to driver Incompatible Version, found Sandboxie %1, compatible versions: %2 request %1 early reply mismatched reply null reply (msg %1 len %2) reply %1 Can't find Sandboxie instal path. You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1' Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3 The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 charakters. The sandbox name can not be a device name. The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces. Failed to terminate all processes Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2 A sandbox of the name %1 already exists Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2 QObject Error Code: %1 Open %1 in sandbox %2