CAdvancedPage Advanced Sandbox options 進階沙箱選項 On this page advanced sandbox options can be configured. 在此頁面上,可以設定進階沙箱選項。 Network Access 網路存取 Allow network/internet access 允許網路/網際網路存取 Block network/internet by denying access to Network devices 透過拒絕存取網路裝置來阻止網路/網際網路 Block network/internet using Windows Filtering Platform 使用 Windows 篩選平台阻止網路/網際網路 Allow access to network files and folders Allow access to network files and fodlers 允許存取網路檔案和資料夾 This option is not recommended for Hardened boxes This option is not recomended for Hardened boxes 不建議將此選項用於加固型沙箱 Admin Options 管理員選項 Make applications think they are running elevated 使應用程式認為其已在權限提升狀態下執行 Allow MSIServer to run with a sandboxed system token 允許 MSIServer 使用沙箱系統權杖執行 Box Options 沙箱選項 Use a Sandboxie login instead of an anonymous token Prevent sandboxes programs installed on host from loading dll's from the sandbox 防止安裝在宿主上的沙箱程式從沙箱內部載入動態連結程式庫(DLL)檔案 This feature may reduce compatibility as it also prevents box located processes from writing to host located ones and even starting them. This feature may reduce compatybility as it also prevents box located processes from writing to host located once and even starting them. Use a Sandboxie login instead of an anonymous token (experimental) 使用 Sandboxie 限權使用者,而不是匿名權杖 (實驗性) Using a custom Sandboxie Token allows to isolate individual sandboxes from each other better, and it shows in the user column of task managers the name of the box a process belongs to. Some 3rd party security solutions may however have problems with custom tokens. 使用自訂沙箱權杖可以更好地將各個沙箱相互隔離,同時可以實現在工作管理員的使用者欄位中顯示處理程序所屬的沙箱。但是,某些第三方安全解決方案可能會與自訂權杖產生相容性問題。 CBoxTypePage Create new Sandbox 建立新的沙箱 A sandbox isolates your host system from processes running within the box, it prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer. The level of isolation impacts your security as well as the compatibility with applications, hence there will be a different level of isolation depending on the selected Box Type. Sandboxie can also protect your personal data from being accessed by processes running under its supervision. 沙箱是將您的主機系統與沙箱內執行的處理程序隔離開來,防止它們對電腦中的其他程式和資料進行永久變更,隔離級別會影響您的安全性以及與應用程式的相容性,因此根據所選的沙箱類型,將有不同的隔離級別,沙箱還可以保護您的個人資料不被在其監督下執行的處理程序存取。 Enter box name: 輸入沙箱名稱: Select box type: Sellect box type: 選擇沙箱類型: Hardened Sandbox with Data Protection 具有資料保護功能的加固型沙箱 Security Hardened Sandbox 安全防護加固型沙箱 Sandbox with Data Protection 資料保護型沙箱 Standard Isolation Sandbox (Default) 標準隔離型沙箱 (預設) Application Compartment with Data Protection 資料保護型應用區間 Application Compartment (NO Isolation) 應用區間 (無隔離防護) Remove after use 使用後移除 After the last process in the box terminates, all data in the box will be deleted and the box itself will be removed. 沙箱中的最後一個處理程序終止後,沙箱中的所有資料將被刪除,沙箱本身也將會刪除。 Configure advanced options 設定進階選項 CBrowserOptionsPage Create Web Browser Template 建立網路瀏覽器範本 Configure web browser template options. 設定網路瀏覽器範本選項 Force the Web Browser to run in this sandbox 強制網路瀏覽器在此沙箱中執行 Allow direct access to the entire Web Browser profile folder 允許直接存取整個網路瀏覽器的設定檔資料夾 Allow direct access to Web Browser's phishing database 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器的反網路釣魚資料庫 Allow direct access to Web Browser's session management 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器的會話管理 Allow direct access to Web Browser's sync data 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器的同步資料 Allow direct access to Web Browser's preferences 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器的偏好設定 Allow direct access to Web Browser's passwords 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器儲存的密碼 Allow direct access to Web Browser's cookies 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器儲存的 Cookies Allow direct access to Web Browser's bookmarks 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器的書籤 Allow direct access to Web Browser's bookmark and history database 允許直接存取網路瀏覽器的書籤和歷史瀏覽資料 CBrowserPathsPage Create Web Browser Template 建立網路瀏覽器範本 Configure your Web Browser's profile directories. Configure your Web Browsers profile directories. 設定網路瀏覽器的使用者資料設定檔目錄 User profile(s) directory: 使用者設定檔目錄: Show also imperfect matches 即使未完美相符也顯示出來 Browser Executable (*.exe) 瀏覽可執行檔案 (*.exe) Continue without browser profile 在沒有瀏覽器設定檔的情況下繼續後續步驟 Configure your Gecko based Browsers profile directories. 設定基於 Gecko 核心的瀏覽器設定檔目錄。 Configure your Chromium based Browsers profile directories. 設定基於 Chromium 核心的瀏覽器設定檔目錄。 No suitable folders have been found. Note: you need to run the browser unsandboxed for them to get created. Please browse to the correct user profile directory. No suitable fodlers have been found. Note: you need to run the browser unsandboxed for them to get created. Please browse to the correct user profile directory. 沒有發現合適的目錄。 注意:您需要在不使用沙箱的情況下執行一次瀏覽器,以便使它們被正確建立。 請瀏覽並選擇正確的使用者設定檔目錄。 Please choose the correct user profile directory, if it is not listed you may need to browse to it. 請選擇正確的使用者設定檔目錄 (如未列出,您可能需要手動瀏覽並選擇) Please ensure the selected directory is correct, the wizard is not confident in all the presented options. 請確保所選的目錄都是正確的,精靈無法幫您確認所選選項是否設定正確。 Please ensure the selected directory is correct. 請確保所選的目錄正確無誤。 This path does not look like a valid profile directory. 此路徑不是有效的設定檔目錄。 CBrowserTypePage Create Web Browser Template 建立網路瀏覽器範本 Select your Web Browsers main executable, this will allow Sandboxie to identify the browser. Select your Web Browsers main executable, this will allow sandboxie to identify the browser. 選擇網路瀏覽器的主程式,以便使 Sandboxie 嘗試辨識瀏覽器類別。 Enter browser name: 輸入瀏覽器名稱: Main executable (eg. firefox.exe, chrome.exe, msedge.exe, etc...): Mein executable (eg. firefox.exe, chrome.exe, msedge.exe, etc...): 主程式執行檔 (例如 firefox.exe, chrome.exe, msedge.exe, 等等...): Browser executable (*.exe) Browser Executable (*.exe) 瀏覽可執行檔案 (*.exe) The browser appears to be Gecko based, like Mozilla Firefox and its derivatives. 該瀏覽器似乎是基於 Gecko 核心的,例如 Mozilla Firefox 及其衍生發行版。 The browser appears to be Chromium based, like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome and its derivatives. 該瀏覽器似乎是基於 Chromium 核心的,例如 Microsoft Edge 或 Google Chrome 及其衍生發行版。 Browser could not be recognized, template cannot be created. 無法辨識瀏覽器類型,範本將無法被建立。 This browser name is already in use, please choose an other one. This browser name is already in use, please chooe an other one. 該瀏覽器名稱已被使用,請選擇其他名稱。 CCertificatePage Install your <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> support certificate 安裝您的 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 贊助者憑證 If you have a supporter certificate, please fill it into the field below. 如果您有贊助者憑證,請填入以下欄位。 Start evaluation without a certificate for a limited period of time. 開始在沒用贊助者憑證的情況下進行有限時間的試用。 To use <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> in a business setting, an appropriate <a href="">support certificate</a> for business use is required. If you do not yet have the required certificate(s), you can get those from the <a href=""> web shop</a>. 要在商業環境使用 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 進階設定,需要適用於商業用途的<a href="">贊助者憑證</a>。如果您還沒有所需的憑證,可以透過<a href=""> 網路商店</a>取得憑證。 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> provides additional features and box types exclusively to <u>project supporters</u>. Boxes like the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs. If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="">supporting the project</a> to ensure further development of Sandboxie and to receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a>. <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 為<u>專案贊助者</u>提供額外的沙箱類型和其它進階功能。例如「隱私增強」類型的沙箱對來自沙箱化程式非法存取使用者資料的行為<b><font color='red'>提供額外的使用者資料保護</font></b>。如果您還不是贊助者,請考慮 <a href="">贊助支持此專案</a>來幫助 Sandboxie 的開發工作,並以此取得<a href="">贊助者憑證</a>。 CCleanUpJob Deleting Content 正在刪除內容 CFileBrowserWindow %1 - Files %1 - 檔案 CFileView Create Shortcut 建立捷徑 Pin to Box Run Menu Recover to Any Folder 復原到任意資料夾 Recover to Same Folder 復原到相同資料夾 Run Recovery Checks 執行復原檢查 Select Directory 選擇目錄 Create Shortcut to sandbox %1 為沙箱 %1 建立捷徑 CFilesPage Sandbox location and behavior Sandbox location and behavioure 沙箱位置和行為 On this page the sandbox location and its behavior can be customized. You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own folder. On this page the sandbox location and its behaviorue can be customized. You can use %USER% to save each users sandbox to an own fodler. 在此頁面上,可以自訂沙箱位置及其行為。 您可以使用 %USER% 將每個使用者的沙箱儲存到自己的個人資料夾中。 Sandboxed Files 沙箱檔案 Select Directory 選擇目錄 Virtualization scheme 虛擬化方案 Version 1 版本 1 Version 2 版本 2 Separate user folders 單獨的使用者資料夾 Use volume serial numbers for drives 使用磁碟機的磁碟區序號 Auto delete content when last process terminates 當所有處理程序結束後自動刪除所有內容 Enable Immediate Recovery of files from recovery locations 啟用立即復原功能 The selected box location is not a valid path. The sellected box location is not a valid path. 選取的沙箱儲存路徑是無效路徑。 The selected box location exists and is not empty, it is recommended to pick a new or empty folder. Are you sure you want to use an existing folder? The sellected box location exists and is not empty, it is recomended to pick a new or empty folder. Are you sure you want to use an existing folder? 選取的沙箱儲存路徑不是空的資料夾,推薦選擇空資料夾或新增資料夾。確定要使用目前選取的資料夾嗎? The selected box location is not placed on a currently available drive. The selected box location not placed on a currently available drive. 所選的沙箱儲存路徑所在的磁碟機目前不可用。 CFinishPage Complete your configuration 完成您的組態 Almost complete, click Finish to apply all selected options and conclude the wizard. 所有設定基本完成了,按下 [完成],套用所有選取的選項,並結束此精靈。 Keep Sandboxie-Plus up to date. 保持 Sandboxie-Plus 持續更新到新版本。 CFinishTemplatePage Create Web Browser Template 建立網路瀏覽器範本 Almost complete, click Finish to create a new Web Browser Template and conclude the wizard. 差不多設定好了,按下「完成」按鈕,建立一個新的網路瀏覽器範本,並結束精靈。 Browser name: %1 瀏覽器名稱:%1 Browser Type: Gecko (Mozilla Firefox) Browser Type: Gecko (Mozilla firefox) 瀏覽器類型:Gecko (Mozilla Firefox) Browser Type: Chromium (Google Chrome) 瀏覽器類型:Chromium (Google Chrome) Browser executable path: %1 瀏覽器可執行檔路徑:%1 Browser profile path: %1 瀏覽器設定檔路徑:%1 CIntroPage Introduction 摘要資訊 Welcome to the Setup Wizard. This wizard will help you to configure your copy of <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>. You can start this wizard at any time from the Sandbox->Maintenance menu if you do not wish to complete it now. 歡迎來到設定精靈,本精靈將幫助配置您的 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b>。如果您不希望現在就完成組態,您可以從「沙箱 -> 維護」選單中隨時重新啟動此精靈。 Select how you would like to use Sandboxie-Plus 選擇 Sandboxie-Plus 的用途 &Personally, for private non-commercial use 個人,用於私人非商業用途(&P) &Commercially, for business or enterprise use 商業,用於企業或商業用途(&C) Note: this option is persistent 注意:此選項無法在後續的設定中重新修改 CMonitorModel Type 類型 Status 狀態 Value Count 總計 CMultiErrorDialog Sandboxie-Plus - Error Sandboxie-Plus - 錯誤 Message 訊息 CNewBoxWindow Sandboxie-Plus - Create New Box Sandboxie-Plus - 建立新沙箱 Hardened Sandbox with Data Protection 具有資料保護功能的加固型沙箱 Security Hardened Sandbox 安全防護加固型沙箱 Sandbox with Data Protection 資料保護型沙箱 Standard Isolation Sandbox (Default) 標準隔離型沙箱 (預設) Application Compartment with Data Protection 資料保護型應用區間 Application Compartment (NO Isolation) 應用區間 (無隔離防護) CNewBoxWizard New Box Wizard 新增沙箱精靈 The new sandbox has been created using the new <a href="">Virtualization Scheme Version 2</a>, if you experience any unexpected issues with this box, please switch to the Virtualization Scheme to Version 1 and report the issue, the option to change this preset can be found in the Box Options in the Box Structure group. The new sandbox has been created using the new <a href="">Virtualization Scheme Version 2</a>, if you expirience any unecpected issues with this box, please switch to the Virtualization Scheme to Version 1 and report the issue, the option to change this preset can be found in the Box Options in the Box Structure groupe. 新沙箱按照新的 <a href="">虛擬化方案 2</a>建立,如果您在使用該沙箱的時候遇到任何問題,請嘗試切換至舊版本的虛擬化方案並向我們反應相對應的問題,該選項可以在 [沙箱選項] 中的 [檔案選項] 內找到。 Don't show this message again. 不再顯示此訊息。 COnDeleteJob OnDelete: %1 刪除階段: %1 COnlineUpdater Do you want to check if there is a new version of Sandboxie-Plus? 您想要檢查 Sandboxie-Plus 是否存在新版本嗎? Don't show this message again. 不再顯示此訊息。 Checking for updates... 檢查更新中... server not reachable 伺服器無法存取 Failed to check for updates, error: %1 檢查更新失敗,錯誤: %1 <p>Do you want to download the installer?</p> <p>是否下載此安裝程式?</p> <p>Do you want to download the updates?</p> <p>是否下載此更新?</p> <p>Do you want to go to the <a href="%1">update page</a>?</p> <p>是否前往到<a href="%1">更新頁面</a>?</p> Don't show this update anymore. 不再顯示此次更新。 Downloading updates... 正在下載更新... invalid parameter 無效參數 failed to download updated information failed to download update informations 下載更新資訊失敗 failed to load updated json file failed to load update json file 載入已更新的 Json 檔案失敗 failed to download a particular file 下載特定檔案失敗 failed to scan existing installation 掃瞄現有的安裝失敗 updated signature is invalid !!! update signature is invalid !!! 無效的更新檔簽章!!! downloaded file is corrupted 下載的檔案已損壞 internal error 內部錯誤 unknown error 未知錯誤 Failed to download updates from server, error %1 從伺服器下載更新失敗,錯誤 %1 <p>Updates for Sandboxie-Plus have been downloaded.</p><p>Do you want to apply these updates? If any programs are running sandboxed, they will be terminated.</p> <p>Sandboxie-Plus 的更新修補程式已下載。</p><p>是否要套用這些更新?任何在沙箱中執行的程式都將被自動終止</p> Downloading installer... 正在下載安裝程式... Failed to download installer from: %1 從 %1 下載安裝程式失敗 <p>A new Sandboxie-Plus installer has been downloaded to the following location:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Do you want to begin the installation? If any programs are running sandboxed, they will be terminated.</p> <p>一個新的 Sandboxie-Plus 安裝程式已被下載到以下位置:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>是否要開始安裝?任何在沙箱中執行的程式都將被自動終止。</p> <p>Do you want to go to the <a href="%1">info page</a>?</p> <p>您是否想要前往 <a href="%1">資訊頁面</a>?</p> Don't show this announcement in the future. 此後不再顯示此公告。 <p>There is a new version of Sandboxie-Plus available.<br /><font color='red'><b>New version:</b></font> <b>%1</b></p> <p>有新版 Sandboxie-Plus 可用,<br /><font color='red'>新版本:</font><b>%1</b></p> No new updates found, your Sandboxie-Plus is up-to-date. Note: The update check is often behind the latest GitHub release to ensure that only tested updates are offered. 沒有發現新的更新,您的 Sandboxie-Plus 已為最新版本。 注意: 更新檢查通常落後於最新的 GitHub 版本,以確保僅提供經過測試的更新。 Checking for certificate... 檢查憑證中... No certificate found on server! 未在伺服器中尋找到憑證! There is no updated certificate available. 目前沒有可用的憑證更新。 COptionsWindow Browse for File 瀏覽檔案 Browse for Folder 瀏覽資料夾 Closed 已關閉 Closed RT 封閉 RT Read Only 唯讀 Normal 標準 Open 開放 Open for All 完全開放 No Rename 沒有重新命名 Box Only (Write Only) 僅沙箱內 (唯寫) Ignore UIPI 忽略 UIPI Unknown 未知 Regular Sandboxie behavior - allow read and also copy on write. 一般沙箱行為 - 允許讀取及寫入時複製。 Allow write-access outside the sandbox. 允許在沙箱外進行寫入 (僅當執行寫入操作的程序位於沙箱外時)。 Allow write-access outside the sandbox, also for applications installed inside the sandbox. 允許在沙箱外進行寫入 (無論執行寫入操作的程序是否位於沙箱內)。 Don't rename window classes. 不重新命名視窗類別。 Deny access to host location and prevent creation of sandboxed copies. 拒絕對主機位置的存取,防止在沙箱內建立相應的副本。 Block access to WinRT class. 阻止對 WinRT 類別的存取。 Allow read-only access only. 只允許唯讀存取。 Hide host files, folders or registry keys from sandboxed processes. 對沙箱內的處理程序隱藏主機檔案、資料夾或登錄機碼。 Ignore UIPI restrictions for processes. 忽略對處理程序的 UIPI 限制。 File/Folder 檔案和資料夾 Registry 登錄 IPC Path IPC 路徑 Wnd Class Wnd 元件 COM Object COM 物件 Select File 選取檔案 All Files (*.*) 所有檔案 (*.*) Select Directory 選擇目錄 All Programs 所有程式 Group: %1 群組: %1 COM objects must be specified by their GUID, like: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} COM 物件必須被它們的 GUID 所指定,例如: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} RT interfaces must be specified by their name. RT 介面必須用其名稱來指定。 Opening all IPC access also opens COM access, do you still want to restrict COM to the sandbox? 開放 IPC 存取權限的同時也將開放 COM 的存取權限,您是否想繼續在沙箱內限制 COM 介面的存取權限? Don't ask in future 此後不再詢問 'OpenWinClass=program.exe,#' is not supported, use 'NoRenameWinClass=program.exe,*' instead 不支援 'OpenWinClass=program.exe,#',請改為使用 'NoRenameWinClass=program.exe,*' Template values can not be edited. 範本值無法編輯。 Template values can not be removed. 範本值無法刪除。 Enable the use of win32 hooks for selected processes. Note: You need to enable win32k syscall hook support globally first. 對選取的處理程序啟用 Win32 勾點 (注意:需要先啟用全域範圍的 Win32k Syscall 勾點支援)。 Enable crash dump creation in the sandbox folder 啟用在沙箱資料夾下建立損毀傾印檔案 Always use ElevateCreateProcess fix, as sometimes applied by the Program Compatibility Assistant. 始終使用 ElevateCreateProcess 修復,偶爾會被程式相容性助理呼叫。 Enable special inconsistent PreferExternalManifest behaviour, as needed for some Edge fixes Enable special inconsistent PreferExternalManifest behavioure, as neede for some edge fixes 啟用不一致的特殊 PreferExternalManifest 行為支援,修復 Microsoft Edge 存在的某些問題可能需要開啟此選項 Set RpcMgmtSetComTimeout usage for specific processes 為特定處理程序設定 RpcMgmtSetComTimeout 選項 Makes a write open call to a file that won't be copied fail instead of turning it read-only. 使得一個停用被複製檔案的寫入控制代碼呼叫失敗,而不是將其變成唯讀。 Make specified processes think they have admin permissions. Make specified processes think thay have admin permissions. 讓指定的處理程序認為它們具有管理員權限。 Force specified processes to wait for a debugger to attach. 強制指定的處理程序等待偵錯工具附加。 Sandbox file system root 沙箱檔案系統根目錄 Sandbox registry root 沙箱登錄根目錄 Sandbox ipc root 沙箱 IPC 根目錄 Add special option: 加入特殊選項: On Start 啟動階段 Run Command 執行命令 Start Service 啟動服務 On Init 初始化階段 On File Recovery 檔案復原階段 On Delete Content 內容刪除階段 Please enter the command line to be executed 請輸入將要執行的命令列 Please enter a program file name 請輸入一個程式檔案名稱 Deny 拒絕 (停用) %1 (%2) %1 (%2) Process 處理程序 Folder 資料夾 Select Executable File 選擇可執行檔 Executable Files (*.exe) 可執行檔 (*.exe) This option requires a valid supporter certificate 此選項需要一份有效的贊助者憑證 Supporter exclusive option 贊助者專屬選項 Don't alter the window title 不改變視窗標題 Display [#] indicator only 只顯示 [#] 標記 Display box name in title 標題內顯示沙箱名稱 Border disabled 停用邊框 Show only when title is in focus 僅在標題處在焦點時顯示 Always show 總是顯示 Hardened Sandbox with Data Protection 具有資料保護功能的加固型沙箱 Security Hardened Sandbox 安全防護加固型沙箱 Sandbox with Data Protection 資料保護型沙箱 Standard Isolation Sandbox (Default) 標準隔離型沙箱 (預設) Application Compartment with Data Protection 資料保護型應用區間 Application Compartment (NO Isolation) 應用區間 (無隔離防護) Custom icon 自訂圖示 Version 1 版本 1 Version 2 版本 2 Browse for Program 瀏覽程式 Open Box Options 開啟沙箱選項 Browse Content 瀏覽內容 Start File Recovery 開始復原檔案 Show Run Dialog 顯示執行對話方塊 Indeterminate 不確定 Always copy 永遠複製 Don't copy 不要複製 Copy empty 複製空的副本 kilobytes (%1) KB (%1) Select color 選擇顏色 Select Program 選擇程式 Please enter a service identifier 請輸入服務識別元 Executables (*.exe *.cmd) 可執行檔案 (*.exe *.cmd) Please enter a menu title 請輸入一個選單標題 Please enter a command 請輸入一則命令 Please enter a name for the new group 請輸入新的群組名稱 Please select group first. 請先選取群組。 Any 任何 TCP TCP UDP UDP ICMP ICMP Allow access 允許存取 Block using Windows Filtering Platform 阻止存取 - 使用 Windows 篩選平台 (WFP) Block by denying access to Network devices 阻止存取 - 透過停用存取網路裝置 Allow 允許 Block (WFP) 阻止 (WFP) Block (NDev) 阻止 (網路裝置) A non empty program name is required. Block 阻止 Please enter a file extension to be excluded 請輸入要排除的副檔名 All Categories 所有類別 Custom Templates 自訂範本 Email Reader 電子郵件用戶端 PDF/Print PDF/列印 Security/Privacy 安全和隱私 Desktop Utilities 桌面工具 Download Managers 下載程式 Miscellaneous 雜項 Web Browser 網路瀏覽器 Media Player 多媒體播放器 Torrent Client BT 種子(Torrent)用戶端 This template is enabled globally. To configure it, use the global options. 此範本已全域啟用。如需配置,請前往全域選項。 Please enter the template identifier 請輸入範本識別碼 Error: %1 錯誤:%1 Do you really want to delete the selected local template(s)? 您真的想刪除選取的本地範本嗎? Only local templates can be removed! 僅可刪除本地範本! Sandboxie Plus - '%1' Options Sandboxie Plus - '%1' 選項 File Options 檔案選項 Grouping 分組 Add %1 Template 加入 %1 範本 Search for options 搜尋選項 Box: %1 沙箱: %1 Template: %1 範本: %1 Global: %1 全域: %1 Default: %1 預設: %1 This sandbox has been deleted hence configuration can not be saved. 此沙箱已被刪除,因此組態無法儲存。 Some changes haven't been saved yet, do you really want to close this options window? 部分變更未儲存,確定關閉這個選項視窗嗎? Enter program: 請輸入程式: CPopUpMessage ? ? Visit %1 for a detailed explanation. 存取 %1 以取得詳細說明。 Dismiss 關閉 Remove this message from the list 從清單中刪除此訊息 Hide all such messages 隱藏所有類似訊息 (%1) (%1) CPopUpProgress Dismiss 關閉 Remove this progress indicator from the list 在清單中刪除此處理程序標記 CPopUpPrompt Remember for this process 記住對此處理程序的選擇 Yes No Terminate 終止 Yes and add to allowed programs 確定並新增到允許的程式中 Requesting process terminated 請求的處理程序已終止 Request will time out in %1 sec 請求將在 %1 秒後逾時 Request timed out 請求逾時 CPopUpRecovery Recover to: 復原至: Browse 瀏覽 Clear folder list 清除資料夾清單 Recover 復原 Recover the file to original location 復原檔案到原始路徑 Recover && Explore 復原 && 瀏覽 Recover && Open/Run 復原 && 開啟/執行 Open file recovery for this box 為此沙箱開啟檔案復原 Dismiss 關閉 Don't recover this file right now 目前暫不復原此檔案 Dismiss all from this box 對此沙箱全部忽略 Disable quick recovery until the box restarts 在沙箱重新啟動前停用快速復原 Select Directory 選擇目錄 CPopUpWindow Sandboxie-Plus Notifications Sandboxie-Plus 通知 Do you want to allow the print spooler to write outside the sandbox for %1 (%2)? 您確定允許 %1 (%2) 使用列印服務在沙箱外寫入嗎? Do you want to allow %4 (%5) to copy a %1 large file into sandbox: %2? File name: %3 您確定允許 %4 (%5) 複製大型檔案 %1 至沙箱: %2? 檔案名稱: %3 Do you want to allow %1 (%2) access to the internet? Full path: %3 您確定允許 %1 (%2) 存取網路嗎? 完整路徑: %3 %1 is eligible for quick recovery from %2. The file was written by: %3 %1 可以從 %2 快速復原。 檔案寫入自: %3 an UNKNOWN process. 未知處理程序。 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) UNKNOWN 未知 Migrating a large file %1 into the sandbox %2, %3 left. Full path: %4 遷移一個大檔案 %1 到沙箱 %2,剩餘 %3。 完整路徑: %4 CRecoveryLogWnd Sandboxie-Plus - Recovery Log Sandboxie-Plus - 復原日誌 Time|Box Name|File Path 時間|沙箱名稱|檔案路徑 Cleanup Recovery Log 清理復原日誌 The following files were recently recovered and moved out of a sandbox. the following files were recently recovered and moved out of a sandbox. 以下是最近被復原並移出沙箱的檔案。 CRecoveryWindow %1 - File Recovery %1 - 檔案復原 File Name 檔案名稱 File Size 檔案大小 Full Path 完整路徑 Remember target selection 記住對此目的的選擇 Delete everything, including all snapshots 刪除所有內容,包括所有快照 Original location 原始位置 Browse for location 瀏覽位置 Clear folder list 清除資料夾清單 Select Directory 選擇目錄 Do you really want to delete %1 selected files? 是否刪除 %1 選取的檔案? Close until all programs stop in this box 關閉,在沙箱內全部程式停止後再顯示 Close and Disable Immediate Recovery for this box 關閉並停用此沙箱的快速復原功能 There are %1 new files available to recover. 有 %1 個新檔案可供復原。 There are %1 files and %2 folders in the sandbox, occupying %3 of disk space. 此沙箱中共有 %1 個檔案和 %2 個資料夾,占用了 %3 磁碟空間。 CSandBox Waiting for folder: %1 正在等待資料夾: %1 Deleting folder: %1 正在刪除資料夾: %1 Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2 正在合併資料夾: %1 &gt;&gt; %2 Finishing Snapshot Merge... 正在完成快照合併... CSandBoxPlus Disabled 停用 OPEN Root Access 開放 Root 存取權限 Application Compartment 應用區間 NOT SECURE 不安全 Reduced Isolation 弱化隔離 Enhanced Isolation 增強隔離 Privacy Enhanced 隱私增強 API Log API 日誌 No INet (with Exceptions) No INet 無網路 Net Share 網路共享 No Admin 無管理員 Auto Delete 自動刪除 Normal 標準 CSandMan Sandboxie-Plus v%1 Sandboxie-Plus v%1 Reset Columns 重設欄 Copy Cell 複製單元格 Copy Row 複製列 Copy Panel 複製表格 Time|Message 時間|訊息 Sbie Messages SBIE 訊息 Trace Log 追蹤日誌 Show/Hide 顯示/隱藏 Pause Forcing Programs 暫停強制沙箱程式 &Sandbox 沙箱(&S) Create New Box 建立新沙箱 Create Box Group 建立沙箱群組 Terminate All Processes 終止所有處理程序 Disable File Recovery 停用檔案復原 &Maintenance 維護(&M) Connect 連線 Disconnect 中斷連線 Stop All 全部停止 &Advanced 進階(&A) Install Driver 安裝驅動程式 Start Driver 啟動驅動程式 Stop Driver 停止驅動程式 Uninstall Driver 解除安裝驅動程式 Install Service 安裝服務 Start Service 啟動服務 Stop Service 停止服務 Uninstall Service 解除安裝服務 Setup Wizard 設定精靈 Uninstall All 全部解除安裝 Exit 退出 &View 檢視(&V) Simple View 簡易檢視 Advanced View 進階檢視 Always on Top 保持視窗置頂 Show Hidden Boxes 顯示隱藏沙箱 Show All Sessions 顯示所有會話的處理程序 Refresh View 更新檢視 Clean Up 清理 Cleanup Processes 清理處理程序 Cleanup Message Log 清理訊息日誌 Cleanup Trace Log 清理追蹤日誌 Cleanup Recovery Log 清理復原日誌 Keep terminated 保持終止 &Options 選項(&O) Global Settings 全域設定 Reset all hidden messages 重設所有已隱藏訊息 Reset all GUI options 重設所有圖形介面設定選項 Trace Logging 啟用追蹤日誌 &Help 說明(&H) Visit Support Forum 支援論壇 Online Documentation 線上文件 Check for Updates 檢查更新 About the Qt Framework 關於 Qt 框架 About Sandboxie-Plus 關於 Sandboxie-Plus Create New Sandbox 建立新的沙箱 Create New Group 新增沙箱群組 Cleanup 清理 <a href="sbie://update/installer" style="color: red;">There is a new Sandboxie-Plus release %1 ready</a> <a href="sbie://update/installer" style="color: red;">有一個新的 Sandboxie-Plus 版本 %1 準備就緒</a> <a href="sbie://update/apply" style="color: red;">There is a new Sandboxie-Plus update %1 ready</a> <a href="sbie://update/apply" style="color: red;">有一個新的 Sandboxie-Plus 更新 v%1 準備就緒</a> <a href="sbie://update/check" style="color: red;">There is a new Sandboxie-Plus update v%1 available</a> <a href="sbie://update/check" style="color: red;">有一個新的 Sandboxie-Plus 更新 v%1 可以使用</a> <a href="">Support Sandboxie-Plus on Patreon</a> <a href="">在 Patreon 上支持 Sandboxie-Plus</a> Click to open web browser 在瀏覽器開啟贊助頁面 Time|Box Name|File Path 時間|沙箱名稱|檔案路徑 Recovery Log 復原日誌 Click to run installer 按一下以執行安裝程式 Click to apply update 按一下以套用更新 Do you want to close Sandboxie Manager? 您確定要關閉 Sandboxie 管理員? Sandboxie-Plus was running in portable mode, now it has to clean up the created services. This will prompt for administrative privileges. Do you want to do the clean up? Sandboxie-Plus 正執行於可攜式模式,現在將清理所建立的服務,這將尋求管理員權限。 是否確認清理? Don't show this message again. 不再顯示此訊息。 This box provides <a href="sbie://docs/security-mode">enhanced security isolation</a>, it is suitable to test untrusted software. This box provides enhanced security isolation, it is suitable to test untrusted software. 此類沙箱提供了增強的安全隔離,它適用於測試不受信任的軟體。 This box provides standard isolation, it is suitable to run your software to enhance security. 此類沙箱提供了標準的隔離,它適用於以安全的方式來執行您的軟體。 This box does not enforce isolation, it is intended to be used as an <a href="sbie://docs/compartment-mode">application compartment</a> for software virtualization only. This box does not enforce isolation, it is intended to be used as an application compartment for software virtualization only. 此類沙箱不執行隔離,它的目的是將一個應用程式虛擬化。 <br /><br />This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to all user data</a> locations, except explicitly granted in the Resource Access options. This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to all user data</a> locations, except explicitly granted in the Resource Access options. 此類沙箱將限制沙箱內程式對沙箱外資料的存取,除非在資源存取選項中明確授權。 Unknown operation '%1' requested via command line 透過命令列請求的未知操作 '%1' Dismiss Update Notification - Driver/Service NOT Running! - 驅動程序/服務尚未執行! - Deleting Sandbox Content - 刪除沙箱內容 Executing OnBoxDelete: %1 在刪除沙箱時執行: %1 Auto Deleting %1 Content 自動刪除 %1 的內容 Auto deleting content of %1 自動刪除 %1 的內容 %1 Directory: %2 %1 目錄: %2 Application 應用程式 Installation 安裝 Current Config: %1 目前組態: %1 Sandboxie-Plus - Error Sandboxie-Plus - 錯誤 Failed to stop all Sandboxie components 停止所有 Sandboxie 元件失敗 Failed to start required Sandboxie components 啟動所需 Sandboxie 元件失敗 WARNING: Sandboxie-Plus.ini in %1 cannot be written to, settings will not be saved. 警告: 無法寫入 %1 中的 Sandboxie-Plus.ini,設定將不會被儲存。 Some compatibility templates (%1) are missing, probably deleted, do you want to remove them from all boxes? 部分相容性範本 (%1) 已遺失,可能是已被刪除,是否從所有沙箱中移除它們? Cleaned up removed templates... 清理已刪除的範本... Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode, do you want to put the Sandbox folder into its parent directory? Yes will choose: %1 No will choose: %2 Sandboxie-Plus 以便攜模式啟動,您要將沙箱資料夾放入其父目錄嗎? [是] 將選擇: %1 [否] 將選擇: %2 Default sandbox not found; creating: %1 未找到預設沙箱; 建立中: %1 - NOT connected - 未連線 PID %1: 處理程序 PID %1: %1 (%2): %1 (%2): The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a> 選取的功能只對專案贊助者可用。如果沒有贊助者憑證,在啟用此功能的沙箱裡啟動的處理程序,將在 5 分鐘後自動終止。<br /><a href="">成為專案贊助者</a>,以取得<a href="">贊助者憑證</a> Recovering file %1 to %2 復原檔案 %1 至 %2 The file %1 already exists, do you want to overwrite it? 檔案 %1 已存在,您確定要覆蓋它嗎? Do this for all files! 為所有檔案執行此操作! Checking file %1 正在檢查檔案 %1 The file %1 failed a security check! %2 檔案 %1 未通過安全檢查! %2 All files passed the checks 所有檔案都通過檢查 The file %1 failed a security check, do you want to recover it anyway? %2 The file %1 failed a security check, do you want to recover it anyways? %2 檔案 %1 未通過安全檢查,您要忽略警告並復原嗎? %2 Failed to recover some files: 部分檔案復原失敗: Only Administrators can change the config. 僅管理員可變更此組態。 Please enter the configuration password. 請輸入組態的密碼。 Login Failed: %1 登入失敗: %1 Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes? 確定要終止所有沙箱中的所有處理程序嗎? Terminate all without asking 終止全部並不再詢問 Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges. Sandboxie-Plus 已於可攜式模式中啟動,需建立必要的服務。將會提示管理員授權。 CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over. 注意: 另一個代理 (可能是 SbieCtrl.exe) 已經在管理這個 Sandboxie 工作階段,請先關閉其他代理並重新連線進行接管控制。 Executing maintenance operation, please wait... 正在執行維護作業,請稍候... Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)? 請確認是否要重設已隱藏的訊息框 (選「是」),或者僅重設所有日誌訊息 (選「否」)? The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved. 每當檔案儲存後更改將自動套用。 The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed. 變更將在編輯器關閉後自動提交。 Error Status: 0x%1 (%2) 錯誤程式碼: 0x%1 (%2) Unknown 未知 A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted. 刪除沙箱前必須先清空。 Failed to copy box data files 複製沙箱資料檔案失敗 Failed to remove old box data files 移除舊沙箱資料檔案失敗 Unknown Error Status: 0x%1 未知錯誤狀態: 0x%1 Case Sensitive 區分大小寫 RegExp RegExp Highlight 醒目提示 Close 關閉 &Find ... 尋找(&F)... All columns 所有欄 <h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p> <h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2022 by DavidXanatos</p> <h3>關於 Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>版本 %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p> This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1 此 Sandboxie+ 副本已授權給: %1 Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use. Sandboxie+ 可免費用於個人和非商業用途。 Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a> Sandboxie-Plus 是著名程式 Sandboxie 自開源以來的一個延續。<br />拜訪 <a href=""></a> 來了解更多資訊。<br /><br />%3<br /><br />驅動版本: %1<br />功能: %2<br /><br />圖示來源 <a href=""></a> Administrator rights are required for this operation. 此操作需要管理員權限。 Vintage View (like SbieCtrl) 經典檢視 (類似 SbieCtrl) Contribute to Sandboxie-Plus 為 Sandboxie 提出貢獻 Import Box 匯入沙箱 Run Sandboxed 在沙箱中執行 Disable Message Popup 停用訊息快顯視窗 Is Window Sandboxed? Is Window Sandboxed 檢查視窗是否沙箱化? Show File Panel 顯示檔案面板 Edit Sandboxie.ini 編輯 Sandboxie.ini Edit Templates.ini 編輯 Templates.ini Edit Sandboxie-Plus.ini 編輯 Sandboxie-Plus.ini Reload configuration 重新載入組態 &File 檔案(&F) Resource Access Monitor 資源存取監控 Programs 程式 Files and Folders 檔案和資料夾 Import Sandbox 匯入沙箱 Set Container Folder 設定沙箱容器資料夾 Set Layout and Groups 設定配置和群組 Reveal Hidden Boxes 顯示隱藏的沙箱 &Configure 配置(&C) Program Alerts 程式警報 Windows Shell Integration Windows 系統整合 Software Compatibility 軟體相容 Lock Configuration 鎖定組態 Sandbox %1 沙箱 %1 Click to download update 按一下下載更新 No Force Process 沒有強制沙箱程序 Removed Shortcut: %1 移除捷徑: %1 Updated Shortcut to: %1 更新捷徑到:%1 Added Shortcut to: %1 加入捷徑: %1 Auto removing sandbox %1 自動刪除沙箱 %1 Sandboxie-Plus Version: %1 (%2) Sandboxie-Plus 版本: %1 (%2) Data Directory: %1 資料目錄: %1 for Personal use 個人使用者 - for Non-Commercial use ONLY - 僅用於非商業用途 (%1) (%1) The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters. 在沙箱 %2 中啟動的程式 %1 將在 5 分鐘之後自動終止,因為此沙箱被配置為使用專案贊助者的特有功能。 The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored. 沙箱 %1 被配置為使用專案贊助者專有的沙箱類型,這些預設選項將被忽略。 <br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a> <br /><a href="">成為專案贊助者</a>,以取得<a href="">贊助者憑證</a> The evaluation period has expired!!! The evaluation periode has expired!!! 評估期已過!!! Select file name 選擇檔名 7-zip Archive (*.7z) 7-zip 封存檔案 (*.7z) This name is already in use, please select an alternative box name This Name is already in use, please select an alternative box name 名稱已被使用,請選擇其他沙箱名稱 Importing: %1 正在匯入:%1 Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules. 請輸入「停用強制沙箱程式規則」的持續時間 (單位:秒)。 No Recovery 沒有復原檔案 No Messages 沒有訊息 <b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>. Maintenance operation failed (%1) 維護作業執行失敗 (%1) Maintenance operation completed 維護作業完成 In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view. 在 Plus 介面檢視,此功能已被整合到主沙箱清單中。 Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu. 使用「沙箱/群組」右鍵選單,您可以將沙箱在沙箱群組之間移動。同時,您也可以透過 Alt + 方向鍵或滑鼠拖曳來整理清單。<br />另外,您可以透過右鍵選單來新增「沙箱/群組」。 You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended. This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated. You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded. This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated. 您正準備編輯範本設定檔 Templates.ini,但通常不推薦這麼做。 因為該檔案是 Sandboxie 的一部分並且所有的變更會在下次更新時被重設。 Sandboxie config has been reloaded 已重新載入沙箱組態檔 Failed to execute: %1 執行失敗: %1 Failed to connect to the driver 連線驅動程式失敗 Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1 無法與 Sandboxie 服務取得聯絡: %1 An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2 已發現不相容的 Sandboxie %1。相容版本為: %2 Can't find Sandboxie installation path. 無法找到 Sandboxie 安裝路徑。 Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2 複製沙箱組態 %1: %2 失敗 A sandbox of the name %1 already exists 沙箱名稱 %1 已存在 Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2 刪除沙箱 %1: %2 失敗 The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters. 沙箱名稱不能超過 32 個字元。 The sandbox name can not be a device name. 沙箱名稱不能為裝置名稱。 The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces. 沙箱名稱不能為空白,只能包含字母、數字和下劃線。 Failed to terminate all processes 終止所有處理程序失敗 Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox 沙箱的刪除保護已被啟用 All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted 在刪除沙箱內容之前,必須先停止沙箱內的所有處理程序 Error deleting sandbox folder: %1 刪除沙箱資料夾錯誤: %1 Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2' 移動目錄 '%1' 到 '%2' 失敗 This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box. 因處理程序正在沙箱中執行,此快照操作無法完成。 Failed to create directory for new snapshot 建立新的快照目錄失敗 Snapshot not found 未發現快照 Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged. 合併快照目錄 '%1' 和 '%2' 錯誤,快照沒有被完全合併。 Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1' 移除舊快照的目錄 '%1' 失敗 Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots 無法刪除由多個後續快照共享的快照 You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1' 您未被授權在 '%1' 更新組態 Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3 在 %2: %3 中設定組態選項 %1 失敗 Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox 無法為空的沙箱建立快照 A sandbox with that name already exists 已存在同名沙箱 The config password must not be longer than 64 characters 組態密碼不得超過 64 個字元 The operation was canceled by the user 此操作已被使用者取消 Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded 匯入/匯出無法使用,無法載入 7z.dll Failed to create the box archive 無法建立沙箱封存檔案 Failed to open the 7z archive 無法開啟 7z 封存檔案 Failed to unpack the box archive 無法解壓縮沙箱封存檔案 The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive 所選的 7z 檔案不是沙箱封存檔案 Operation failed for %1 item(s). %1 項操作失敗。 Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed (yes) or unsandboxed (no) Web browser? 是否在沙箱中的瀏覽器開啟連結 %1 ? Remember choice for later. 記住選擇供之後使用。 The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate 此贊助者憑證對此版本沙箱無效,請取得更新的憑證 The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate 此贊助者憑證已逾期%1,請取得更新的憑證 , but it remains valid for the current build ,但它對目前組建的沙箱版本仍然有效 The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate 此贊助者憑證將在 %1 天後逾期,請取得更新的憑證 The selected window is running as part of program %1 in sandbox %2 選擇的視窗正作為程式 %1 一部分執行在沙箱 %2 中 The selected window is not running as part of any sandboxed program. 選擇的視窗並非作為任何沙箱化程式的一部分而執行。 Drag the Finder Tool over a window to select it, then release the mouse to check if the window is sandboxed. 拖曳搜尋小工具 (左方) 到要選取的視窗上,放開滑鼠檢查視窗是否來自沙箱化的程式。 Sandboxie-Plus - Window Finder Sandboxie-Plus - 視窗尋找工具 Sandboxie Manager can not be run sandboxed! Sandboxie 管理器不能在沙箱中執行! CSbieModel Box Group 沙箱群組 Empty 空白 Name 名稱 Process ID 處理程序 ID Status 狀態 Title 標題 Info 資訊 Path / Command Line 路徑 / 命令列 CSbieProcess Sbie RpcSs 沙箱 RPC 子系統 Sbie DcomLaunch 沙箱 DCOM 服務啟動器 Sbie Crypto 沙箱密碼學服務 Sbie WuauServ 沙箱 WuauServ Sbie BITS 沙箱背景智慧傳輸服務 Sbie Svc 沙箱軟體服務 MSI Installer MSI 安裝程式 Trusted Installer 可信安裝程式 Windows Update Windows 更新 Windows Explorer Windows 檔案總管 Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Firefox Firefox Windows Media Player Windows Media Player Winamp Winamp KMPlayer KMPlayer Windows Live Mail Windows Live Mail Service Model Reg 服務模型登錄 RunDll32 RunDll32 DllHost DllHost Windows Ink Services Windows 捷徑服務 Chromium Based 基於 Chromium 的瀏覽器 Google Updater Google 更新程式 Acrobat Reader Acrobat Reader MS Outlook MS Outlook MS Excel MS Excel Flash Player Flash Player Firefox Plugin Container Firefox 外掛容器 Generic Web Browser 一般網頁瀏覽器 Generic Mail Client 一般電子郵件用戶端 Thunderbird Thunderbird Terminated 已終止 Forced 強制沙箱 Running 運作中 Elevated 已提高權限 as System 系統權限 in session %1 在工作階段 %1 (%1) (%1) CSbieView Create New Box 建立新沙箱 Remove Group 刪除群組 Run 執行 Run Program 執行程式 Run from Start Menu 從開始選單執行 Default Web Browser 預設網頁瀏覽器 Default eMail Client 預設電子郵件用戶端 Windows Explorer Windows 檔案總管 Registry Editor 登錄編輯程式 Programs and Features 程式和功能 Terminate All Programs 終止所有程式 Create Shortcut 建立捷徑 Explore Content 瀏覽內容 Snapshots Manager 快照管理 Recover Files 復原檔案 Delete Content 刪除內容 Sandbox Presets 沙箱預設 Ask for UAC Elevation 詢問 UAC 權限提升 Drop Admin Rights 解除管理員權限 Emulate Admin Rights 模擬管理員權限 Block Internet Access 阻止網路存取 Allow Network Shares 允許網路共用 Sandbox Options 沙箱選項 Standard Applications 標準應用程式 Browse Files 瀏覽檔案 Sandbox Tools 沙箱工具 Duplicate Box Config 複製沙箱組態 Rename Sandbox 重新命名沙箱 Move Sandbox 移動沙箱 Remove Sandbox 刪除沙箱 Terminate 終止 Preset 預設 Pin to Run Menu 固定到執行選單 Block and Terminate 阻止並終止 Allow internet access 允許網路存取 Force into this sandbox 強制加入此沙箱 Set Linger Process 設定駐留處理程序 Set Leader Process 設定引導處理程序 File root: %1 檔案根目錄: %1 Registry root: %1 登錄根目錄: %1 IPC root: %1 IPC 根目錄: %1 Options: 選項: [None] [無] Please enter a new group name 請輸入新的群組名稱 Do you really want to remove the selected group(s)? 確定要刪除所選群組嗎? Create Box Group 建立沙箱群組 Rename Group 重新命名群組 Stop Operations 停止作業 Command Prompt 命令提示字元 Command Prompt (as Admin) 命令提示字元 (管理員) Command Prompt (32-bit) 命令提示字元 (32 位元) Execute Autorun Entries 執行自動執行項目 Browse Content 瀏覽內容 Box Content 沙箱內容 Open Registry 開啟登錄 Refresh Info 更新資訊 Import Box 匯入沙箱 (Host) Start Menu 開始選單 (主機) Immediate Recovery 即時復原 Disable Force Rules 停用強制規則 Export Box 匯出沙箱 Move Up 向上移 Move Down 向下移 Run Sandboxed 在沙箱中執行 Run Web Browser 執行預設瀏覽器 Run eMail Reader 執行預設電子郵件客戶端 Run Any Program 執行任意程式 (Run) Run From Start Menu 從開始選單執行 Run Windows Explorer 執行 Windows 檔案總管 Terminate Programs 終止程式 Quick Recover 快速復原 Sandbox Settings 沙箱設定 Duplicate Sandbox Config 複製沙箱組態 Export Sandbox 匯出沙箱 Move Group 移動群組 Please enter a new name for the Group. 請為群組輸入新名稱。 Move entries by (negative values move up, positive values move down): 移動項目 (負值向上移動,正值向下移動): A group can not be its own parent. 群組不能作為其本身的上級群組。 This name is already in use, please select an alternative box name 名稱已被使用,請選擇其他沙箱名稱 Importing: %1 正在匯入:%1 The Sandbox name and Box Group name cannot use the ',()' symbol. 沙箱名稱和沙箱群組名稱不能使用 ',()' 符號。 This name is already used for a Box Group. 名稱已被用於現有的其它沙箱群組。 This name is already used for a Sandbox. 名稱已被用於現有的其它沙箱。 Don't show this message again. 不再顯示此訊息。 This Sandbox is empty. 此沙箱為空。 WARNING: The opened registry editor is not sandboxed, please be careful and only do changes to the pre-selected sandbox locations. 警告: 開啟的登錄編輯程式未沙箱化,請審慎且僅對預先選取的沙箱位置進行修改。 Don't show this warning in future 不再顯示此警告 Please enter a new name for the duplicated Sandbox. 請為複製的沙箱輸入一個新名稱。 %1 Copy 沙箱名稱只能包含字母、數字和下劃線,不應對此處的文字進行翻譯! %1 Copy Select file name 選擇檔名 7-zip Archive (*.7z) 7-zip 封存檔案 (*.7z) Exporting: %1 正在匯出:%1 Please enter a new name for the Sandbox. 請為沙箱輸入新名稱。 Do you really want to remove the selected sandbox(es)?<br /><br />Warning: The box content will also be deleted! Do you really want to remove the selected sandbox(es)? 確定要刪除選取的沙箱?<br /><br />警告: 沙箱內的內容也將一併刪除! This Sandbox is already empty. 此沙箱為空。 Do you want to delete the content of the selected sandbox? 您確定要刪除所選沙箱的內容? Also delete all Snapshots 同時刪除所有快照 Do you really want to delete the content of all selected sandboxes? 您確定要刪除所選沙箱的內容嗎? Do you want to terminate all processes in the selected sandbox(es)? 您確定要終止選定沙箱中的所有處理程序嗎? Terminate without asking 終止且不再詢問 The Sandboxie Start Menu will now be displayed. Select an application from the menu, and Sandboxie will create a new shortcut icon on your real desktop, which you can use to invoke the selected application under the supervision of Sandboxie. The Sandboxie Start Menu will now be displayed. Select an application from the menu, and Sandboxie will create a newshortcut icon on your real desktop, which you can use to invoke the selected application under the supervision of Sandboxie. 現在將顯示 Sandboxie 開始選單。從選單中選擇一個應用程式,Sandboxie 將在真實桌面上建立一個新的捷徑圖示,您可以用它來呼叫所選受 Sandboxie 監督的應用程式。 Create Shortcut to sandbox %1 為沙箱 %1 建立捷徑 Do you want to terminate %1? Do you want to %1 %2? 確定要終止 %1 嗎? the selected processes 選取的處理程序 This box does not have Internet restrictions in place, do you want to enable them? 此沙箱無網際網路限制,確定要啟用嗎? This sandbox is disabled, do you want to enable it? 此沙箱已停用,是否啟用? CSelectBoxWindow Sandboxie-Plus - Run Sandboxed Sandboxie-Plus - 在沙箱內執行 Are you sure you want to run the program outside the sandbox? 您確定要在沙箱外執行程式嗎? Please select a sandbox. 請選擇一個沙箱。 CSettingsWindow Sandboxie Plus - Global Settings Sandboxie Plus - Settings Sandboxie Plus - 設定 Auto Detection 自動偵測 No Translation 無翻譯 Don't integrate links 不整合 As sub group 作為子群組 Fully integrate 全面整合 Don't show any icon Don't integrate links 不顯示任何圖示(T) Show Plus icon 顯示 Plus 版圖示 Show Classic icon 顯示經典版圖示 All Boxes 所有沙箱 Active + Pinned 啟動或已固定的沙箱 Pinned Only 僅已固定的沙箱 None Native 原生 Qt Qt Ignore 忽略 %1 %1 % %1 Search for settings 搜尋設定 Run &Sandboxed 在沙箱中執行(&S) Sandboxed Web Browser 沙箱化瀏覽器 Notify 通知 Download & Notify 下載並通知 Download & Install 下載並安裝 Browse for Program 瀏覽程式 Add %1 Template 加入 %1 範本 Please enter message 請輸入訊息 Select Program 選擇程式 Executables (*.exe *.cmd) 可執行檔案 (*.exe *.cmd) Please enter a menu title 請輸入一個選單標題 Please enter a command 請輸入一則命令 This supporter certificate has expired, please <a href="sbie://update/cert">get an updated certificate</a>. 此贊助者憑證已逾期,請<a href="sbie://update/cert">取得新憑證</a>。 <br /><font color='red'>Plus features will be disabled in %1 days.</font> <br /><font color='red'>Plus 附加的進階功能將在 %1 天後被停用。</font> <br /><font color='red'>For this build Plus features remain enabled.</font> <br /><font color='red'>在此版本中,Plus 附加的進階功能仍是可用的。</font> <br />Plus features are no longer enabled. <br />Plus 附加的進階功能已不再可用。 This supporter certificate will <font color='red'>expire in %1 days</font>, please <a href="sbie://update/cert">get an updated certificate</a>. 此贊助者憑證將<font color='red'>在 %1 天後逾期</font>,請<a href="sbie://update/cert">取得新憑證</a>。 Supporter certificate required Supproter certificate required 需要贊助者憑證 Run &Un-Sandboxed 在沙箱外執行(&U) This does not look like a certificate. Please enter the entire certificate, not just a portion of it. 這看起來不像是一份憑證。請輸入完整的憑證,而不僅僅是其中的一部分。 This certificate is unfortunately expired. 很不幸此憑證已逾期。 This certificate is unfortunately outdated. 很不幸此憑證已廢止。 Thank you for supporting the development of Sandboxie-Plus. 感謝您對 Sandboxie-Plus 開發工作的支持。 This support certificate is not valid. 此贊助者憑證無效。 Select Directory 選擇目錄 <a href="check">Check Now</a> <a href="check">立即檢查</a> Please enter the new configuration password. 請輸入新組態密碼。 Please re-enter the new configuration password. 請再次輸入新組態密碼。 Passwords did not match, please retry. 密碼不匹配,請重新輸入。 Process 處理程序 Folder 資料夾 Please enter a program file name 請輸入一個程式檔案名稱 Please enter the template identifier 請輸入範本識別碼 Error: %1 錯誤:%1 Do you really want to delete the selected local template(s)? 您真的想刪除選取的本地範本嗎? %1 (Current) %1 (目前) CSetupWizard Setup Wizard 設定精靈 The decision you make here will affect which page you get to see next. 您在這裡做出的決定將影響您接下來看到的頁面內容。 This help is likely not to be of any help. 此類幫助很可能沒用提供任何實質性幫助。 Sorry, I already gave all the help I could. 對不起,我已經提供了所有能給的協助。 Setup Wizard Help 設定精靈幫助 CShellPage Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> shell integration 配置 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 命令整合 Configure how Sandboxie-Plus should integrate with your system. 配置 Sandboxie-Plus 應如何與您的系統整合。 Start UI with Windows 系統啟動時啟動介面 Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 在檔案總管右鍵新增「在沙箱中執行」 Add desktop shortcut for starting Web browser under Sandboxie 加入沙箱化的網路瀏覽器捷徑到桌面 CSnapshotsWindow %1 - Snapshots %1 - 快照 Snapshot 快照 Revert to empty box 復原為空白沙箱 (default) (預設) Please enter a name for the new Snapshot. 請輸入新快照名稱。 New Snapshot 新快照 Do you really want to switch the active snapshot? Doing so will delete the current state! 確定要切換正在使用的快照?這將刪除目前的狀態! Do you really want to delete the selected snapshot? 確定要刪除所選快照? CStackView #|Symbol CSummaryPage Create the new Sandbox 建立新沙箱 Almost complete, click Finish to create a new sandbox and conclude the wizard. 即將就緒,按下完成按鈕結束沙箱建立精靈。 Save options as new defaults 儲存選項為新的預設設定 Don't show the summary page in future (unless advanced options were set) 以後不再顯示總結頁面 (除非啟用進階選項) This Sandbox will be saved to: %1 該沙箱將儲存到:%1 This box's content will be DISCARDED when it's closed, and the box will be removed. This box's content will be DISCARDED when its closed, and the box will be removed. 該沙箱中的內容將在所有程式結束後被刪除,同時沙箱本身將被移除。 This box will DISCARD its content when its closed, its suitable only for temporary data. 該沙箱中的內容將在所有程式結束後被刪除,僅適合暫存的臨時資料。 Processes in this box will not be able to access the internet or the local network, this ensures all accessed data to stay confidential. 該沙箱中所有處理程序無法存取網路和本地連線,以確保所有可存取的資料不被洩露。 This box will run the MSIServer (*.msi installer service) with a system token, this improves the compatibility but reduces the security isolation. This box will run the MSIServer (*.msi installer service) with a system token, this improves the compatybility but reduces the security isolation. 該沙箱允許 MSIServer (*.msi 安裝程式服務) 在沙箱內使用系統權杖執行,這將改善相容性但會影響安全性隔離效果。 Processes in this box will think they are run with administrative privileges, without actually having them, hence installers can be used even in a security hardened box. 該沙箱中所有處理程序將認為它們執行在系統管理員模式下,即使實際上並沒有該權限,這有助於在安全防護加固型沙箱中執行安裝程式。 Processes in this box will be running with a custom process token indicating the sandbox they belong to. Processes in this box will be running with a custom process token indicating the sandbox thay belong to. Failed to create new box: %1 無法建立新沙箱:%1 CSupportDialog The installed supporter certificate <b>has expired %1 days ago</b> and <a href="">must be renewed</a>.<br /><br /> The installed supporter certificate <b>has expired %1 days ago</b> and <a href="">must be renewed</a>.<br /><br /> 已安裝的贊助者憑證<b>已經逾期 %1 天了</b>,<a href="">必須續約</a>。<br /><br /> <b>You have installed Sandboxie-Plus more than %1 days ago.</b><br /><br /> <b>您已安裝 Sandboxie-Plus 超過 %1 天了。</b><br /><br /> <u>Commercial use of Sandboxie past the evaluation period</u>, requires a valid <a href="">support certificate</a>. <u>Commercial use of Sandboxie past the evaluation period</u>, requires a valid <a href="">support certificate</a>. <u>商業使用 Sandboxie 的試用已逾期</u>,需要一份有效的<a href="">贊助者憑證</a>。 The installed supporter certificate is <b>outdated</b> and it is <u>not valid for<b> this version</b></u> of Sandboxie-Plus.<br /><br /> 安裝的贊助者憑證<b>已逾期</b>,並且<u>不再適用於<b>此版本</b></u>的 Sandboxie-Plus。<br /><br /> The installed supporter certificate is <b>expired</b> and <u>should be renewed</u>.<br /><br /> The installed supporter certificate is <b>expired</b> and <u>should to be renewed</u>.<br /><br /> 安裝的贊助者憑證<b>已逾期</b>,<u>應該要再續約</u>。<br /><br /> <b>You have been using Sandboxie-Plus for more than %1 days now.</b><br /><br /> <b>已經使用 Sandboxie-Plus 超過 %1 天了。</b><br /><br /> Sandboxie on ARM64 requires a valid supporter certificate for continued use.<br /><br /> Sandboxie 的 ARM64 支援需要一份有效的贊助者憑證。<br /><br /> Personal use of Sandboxie is free of charge on x86/x64, although some functionality is only available to project supporters.<br /><br /> 個人用途的 Sandboxie 在 x86/x64 平台上是免費的,儘管有些功能只對專案贊助者開放。<br /><br /> Please continue <a href="">supporting the project</a> by renewing your <a href="">supporter certificate</a> and continue using the <b>enhanced functionality</b> in new builds. Please continue <a href="">supporting the project</a> by renewing your <a href="">supporter certificate</a> and continue using the <b>enhanced functionality</b> in new builds. 請考慮繼續 <a href="">贊助支持此專案</a>,以續約 <a href="">贊助者憑證</a>,從而繼續使用新增版本中的增強功能。 Sandboxie <u>without</u> a valid supporter certificate will sometimes <b><font color='red'>pause for a few seconds</font></b>. This pause allows you to consider <a href="">purchasing a supporter certificate</a> or <a href="">earning one by contributing</a> to the project. <br /><br />A <a href="">supporter certificate</a> not just removes this reminder, but also enables <b>exclusive enhanced functionality</b> providing better security and compatibility. Sandboxie <u>without</u> a valid supporter certificate will sometimes <b><font color='red'>pause for a few seconds</font></b>, to give you time to contemplate the option of <a href="">supporting the project</a>.<br /><br />A <a href="">supporter certificate</a> not just removes this reminder, but also enables <b>exclusive enhanced functionality</b> providing better security and compatibility. Sandboxie <u>在沒有</u>有效的贊助者憑證時有時會<b><font color='red'>快顯視窗提醒</font></b>,讓您考慮是否<a href="">贊助支持此專案</a>(但不會中斷不需要贊助者憑證的沙箱內的程式),<br /><br /><a href="">贊助者憑證</a>不僅可以消除這種提醒,還可以 <b>提供特殊的增強功能<b>,實現更好的安全性和相容性。 Sandboxie-Plus - Support Reminder Sandboxie-Plus - 贊助提醒 %1 %1 Quit 退出 Continue 繼續 Get Certificate 取得憑證 Enter Certificate 輸入憑證 CTemplateTypePage Create new Template 建立新的範本 Select template type: 選擇範本類型: %1 template %1 範本 CTemplateWizard Compatibility Template Wizard Compatybility Template Wizard 相容性範本精靈 Custom 自訂 Web Browser 網路瀏覽器 Force %1 to run in this sandbox 強制 %1 在此沙箱內執行 Allow direct access to the entire %1 profile folder 允許直接存取整個 %1 的設定檔資料夾 Allow direct access to %1 phishing database 允許直接存取 %1 的反網路釣魚資料庫 Allow direct access to %1 session management 允許直接存取 %1 的會話管理 Allow direct access to %1 passwords 允許直接存取 %1 儲存的密碼 Allow direct access to %1 cookies 允許直接存取 %1 儲存的 Cookies Allow direct access to %1 bookmark and history database 允許直接存取 %1 的書籤和歷史瀏覽資料 Allow direct access to %1 sync data 允許直接存取 %1 的同步資料 Allow direct access to %1 preferences 允許直接存取 %1 的偏好設定 Allow direct access to %1 bookmarks 允許直接存取 %1 的書籤 CTraceModel Unknown 未知 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) Process %1 處理程序 %1 Thread %1 執行緒 %1 Process 處理程序 Type 類型 Status 狀態 Value CTraceView Show as task tree 顯示為工作樹狀目錄 Show NT Object Tree 顯示 NT 物件樹狀結構 PID: 處理程序 ID: [All] [所有] TID: 執行緒 ID: Type: 類型: Status: 狀態: Open 開放 Closed 已關閉 Trace 追蹤 Other 其他 Show All Boxes 顯示所有沙箱 Show Stack Trace Save to file 儲存到檔案 Cleanup Trace Log 清理追蹤日誌 Save trace log to file 儲存追蹤日誌到檔案 Failed to open log file for writing 無法開啟日誌檔案進行寫入 Unknown 未知 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) Monitor mode 監視模式 %1 %1 CTraceWindow Sandboxie-Plus - Trace Monitor Sandboxie-Plus - 追蹤監測 CUIPage Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> UI 配置 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 使用者介面 Select the user interface style you prefer. 選擇您喜歡的使用者介面風格。 &Advanced UI for experts 適合專家的進階檢視(&A) &Simple UI for beginners 適合新手的簡易檢視(&S) &Vintage SbieCtrl.exe UI SbieCtrl 經典檢視(&V) Use Bright Mode 使用淺色主題 Use Dark Mode 使用深色主題 CWFPPage Configure <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> network filtering 配置 <b>Sandboxie-Plus</b> 的網路過濾功能 Sandboxie can use the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) to restrict network access. 沙箱可以使用 Windows 篩選平台 (WFP) 來限制網路存取。 Using WFP allows Sandboxie to reliably enforce IP/Port based rules for network access. Unlike system level application firewalls, Sandboxie can use different rules in each box for the same application. If you already have a good and reliable application firewall and do not need per box rules, you can leave this option unchecked. Without WFP enabled, Sandboxie will still be able to reliably and entirely block processes from accessing the network. However, this can cause the process to crash, as the driver blocks the required network device endpoints. Even with WFP disabled, Sandboxie offers to set IP/Port based rules, however these will be applied in user mode only and not be enforced by the driver. Hence, without WFP enabled, an intentionally malicious process could bypass those rules, but not the entire network block. 啟用 WFP 使 Sandboxie 能夠可靠地執行基於 IP/連接埠 的網路存取規則。 與系統層級的應用防火牆不同,Sandboxie 可以針對同一個應用程式在不同的沙箱內設定不同的規則。 如果您已有一個更友好、更可靠的應用防火牆,並且不需要針對同一應用在不同沙箱設定不同的規則,則可以不勾選此選項。 如果不啟用 WFP,Sandboxie 仍然能夠有效完全阻止處理程序存取網路。 然而,這可能會導致處理程序當機,因為驅動程式會阻止程式存取請求的網路裝置端點。 即使停用 WFP,Sandboxie 也將提供基於 IP/連接埠 的規則過濾功能,但此時規則只能在使用者模式下應用,而無法被驅動程式強制執行。 因此,如果不啟用 WFP,某些惡意程式可能可以繞過這些規則,但不能繞過整個網路區塊。 Enable Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) support 啟用 Windows 篩選平台 (WFP) 功能支援 NewBoxWindow SandboxiePlus new box SandboxiePlus 新沙箱 Box Type Preset: 沙箱類型預設設定: A sandbox isolates your host system from processes running within the box, it prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer. The level of isolation impacts your security as well as the compatibility with applications, hence there will be a different level of isolation depending on the selected Box Type. Sandboxie can also protect your personal data from being accessed by processes running under its supervision. 沙箱是將您的主機系統與沙箱內執行的處理程序隔離開來,防止它們對電腦中的其他程式和資料進行永久變更,隔離級別會影響您的安全性以及與應用程式的相容性,因此根據所選的沙箱類型,將有不同的隔離級別,沙箱還可以保護您的個人資料不被在其監督下執行的處理程序存取。 Box info 沙箱資訊 Sandbox Name: 沙箱名稱: OptionsWindow SandboxiePlus Options SandboxiePlus 選項 General Options 一般選項 Box Options 沙箱選項 Sandbox Indicator in title: 在標題顯示沙箱標記: Sandboxed window border: 沙箱化視窗邊框: Double click action: 按兩下動作: Separate user folders 單獨的使用者資料夾 Box Structure 沙箱結構 Security Options 安全性選項 Security Hardening 安全性強化 Protect the system from sandboxed processes 保護系統免受來自沙箱化處理程序的存取 Elevation restrictions 權限提升限制 Drop rights from Administrators and Power Users groups 還原管理員和 Power Users 使用者組的權限 px Width 寬度像素 Make applications think they are running elevated (allows to run installers safely) 使應用程式認為其已在權限提升狀態下執行 (允許安全地執行安裝程式) CAUTION: When running under the built in administrator, processes can not drop administrative privileges. 警告: 在內建的管理員帳號下執行時,不能解除處理程序的管理員權限。 Appearance 外觀 (Recommended) (推薦) Show this box in the 'run in box' selection prompt 在右鍵選單選擇「在沙箱中執行」後顯示此對話方塊 File Options 檔案選項 Auto delete content when last sandboxed process terminates 當最後的沙箱化的處理程序終止後自動刪除內容 Copy file size limit: 複製檔案大小限制: Box Delete options 沙箱刪除選項 Protect this sandbox from deletion or emptying 保護此沙箱以防止被刪除或清空 File Migration 檔案遷移 Allow elevated sandboxed applications to read the harddrive 允許權限提升的沙箱化應用程式存取磁碟機 Warn when an application opens a harddrive handle 當應用程式開啟磁碟機控制代碼時發出警告 kilobytes KB Issue message 2102 when a file is too large 當檔案過大時提示錯誤代碼 2102 Prompt user for large file migration 詢問使用者是否遷移大檔案 Allow the print spooler to print to files outside the sandbox 允許列印服務在沙箱外列印檔案 Remove spooler restriction, printers can be installed outside the sandbox 移除列印限制,印表機可安裝至沙箱外 Block read access to the clipboard 阻止存取剪貼簿 Open System Protected Storage 開放系統保護儲存空間 Block access to the printer spooler 阻止存取列印服務 Other restrictions 其它限制 Printing restrictions 列印限制 Network restrictions 網路限制 Block network files and folders, unless specifically opened. 阻止網路檔案和資料夾的存取,除非額外開啟。 Run Menu 執行選單 You can configure custom entries for the sandbox run menu. 您可為沙箱清單的執行選單配置自訂命令。 Name 名稱 Command Line 命令列 Add program 加入程式 Remove 移除 Type 類型 Program Groups 程式群組 Add Group 加入群組 Add Program 加入程式 Force Folder 強制執行資料夾 Path 路徑 Force Program 強制執行程式 Show Templates 顯示範本 Security note: Elevated applications running under the supervision of Sandboxie, with an admin or system token, have more opportunities to bypass isolation and modify the system outside the sandbox. 安全提示: 在沙箱監管下執行的程式,若具有提升的管理員或系統權限權杖,將有更多機會繞過沙箱的隔離,並修改沙箱外部的系統。 Allow MSIServer to run with a sandboxed system token and apply other exceptions if required 允許 MSIServer 在沙箱內使用系統權杖執行,並在必要時給予其他限制方面的豁免 Note: Msi Installer Exemptions should not be required, but if you encounter issues installing a msi package which you trust, this option may help the installation complete successfully. You can also try disabling drop admin rights. 注意: MSI 安裝程式豁免不是必須的。但是如果您在安裝您信任的 MSI 安裝檔時出現了問題,此選項可能會有助於成功完成安裝。您也可以嘗試關閉「還原管理員權限」選項。 General Configuration 一般組態 Box Type Preset: 沙箱類型預設設定: Box info 沙箱資訊 <b>More Box Types</b> are exclusively available to <u>project supporters</u>, the Privacy Enhanced boxes <b><font color='red'>protect user data from illicit access</font></b> by the sandboxed programs.<br />If you are not yet a supporter, then please consider <a href="">supporting the project</a>, to receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a>.<br />You can test the other box types by creating new sandboxes of those types, however processes in these will be auto terminated after 5 minutes. <b>更多沙箱類型</b>僅<u>專案贊助者</u>可用,隱私增強沙箱<b><font color='red'>保護使用者資料免受沙箱化的程式非法存取</font></b>。<br />如果您還不是贊助者,請考慮<a href="">贊助此專案</a>,來取得<a href="">贊助者憑證</a>。<br />當然您也可以新增一個這些類型的沙箱進行測試,不過沙箱中執行的程式將在 5 分鐘之後自動終止。 Always show this sandbox in the systray list (Pinned) 固定此沙箱,以便總是在系統匣清單中顯示 Open Windows Credentials Store (user mode) 開放 Windows 憑證儲存存取權限 (使用者模式) Prevent change to network and firewall parameters (user mode) 攔截對網路及防火牆參數的變更 (使用者模式) You can group programs together and give them a group name. Program groups can be used with some of the settings instead of program names. Groups defined for the box overwrite groups defined in templates. 您可將程式分組並且給它們一個群組名稱。程式群組可以代替程式名稱被用於某些設定。在沙箱中定義的程式群組將覆蓋範本中定義的程式群組。 Programs entered here, or programs started from entered locations, will be put in this sandbox automatically, unless they are explicitly started in another sandbox. 此處輸入的程式,或指定位置啟動的程式,將自動加入此沙箱,除非它們被確定已在其他沙箱啟動。 Stop Behaviour 停止行為 Start Restrictions 啟動限制 Issue message 1308 when a program fails to start 當程式啟動失敗時提示錯誤代碼 1308 Allow only selected programs to start in this sandbox. * 僅允許被選取的程式在此沙箱中啟動。 * Prevent selected programs from starting in this sandbox. 阻止所選程式在此沙箱中啟動。 Allow all programs to start in this sandbox. 允許所有程式在此沙箱中啟動。 * Note: Programs installed to this sandbox won't be able to start at all. * 注意: 安裝至此沙箱裡的程式將完全無法啟動。 Process Restrictions 處理程序限制 Issue message 1307 when a program is denied internet access 當程式被拒絕存取網路時提示錯誤代碼 1307 Prompt user whether to allow an exemption from the blockade. 詢問使用者是否允許例外。 Note: Programs installed to this sandbox won't be able to access the internet at all. 注意: 安裝在此沙箱中的程式將完全無法存取網路。 Access 存取 Use volume serial numbers for drives, like: \drive\C~1234-ABCD 使用磁碟機的磁碟區系號,例如:\drive\C~1234-ABCD The box structure can only be changed when the sandbox is empty 只有在沙箱為空時,才能變更沙箱結構 Disk/File access 「磁碟/檔案」存取權限 Virtualization scheme 虛擬化方案 2113: Content of migrated file was discarded 2114: File was not migrated, write access to file was denied 2115: File was not migrated, file will be opened read only 2113:待遷移檔案的內容被遺棄了 2114:檔案沒有被遷移,檔案的寫入存取被拒絕 2115:檔案沒有被遷移,檔案將以唯讀方式開啟 Issue message 2113/2114/2115 when a file is not fully migrated 當一個檔案沒有被完全遷移時,提示問題代碼:2113/2114/2115 Add Pattern 加入「模式」 Remove Pattern 移除「模式」 Pattern 模式 Sandboxie does not allow writing to host files, unless permitted by the user. When a sandboxed application attempts to modify a file, the entire file must be copied into the sandbox, for large files this can take a significate amount of time. Sandboxie offers options for handling these cases, which can be configured on this page. Sandboxie 不被允許對主機檔案進行寫入,除非得到使用者的允許。當沙箱化的應用程式試圖修改一個檔案時,整個檔案必須被複製到沙箱中。對於大檔案來說,這可能需要相當長的時間。Sandboxie 提供了針對這些情況的處理選項,可以在此頁面進行設定。 Using wildcard patterns file specific behavior can be configured in the list below: 使用「萬用字元模式」,具體的檔案行為可以在下面的清單中進行設定: When a file cannot be migrated, open it in read-only mode instead 當一個檔案不能被遷移時,嘗試以唯讀模式開啟它 Icon 圖示 Move Up 向上移 Move Down 向下移 Security Isolation 安全性隔離 Various isolation features can break compatibility with some applications. If you are using this sandbox <b>NOT for Security</b> but for application portability, by changing these options you can restore compatibility by sacrificing some security. 注意:各種隔離功能會破壞與某些應用程式的相容性<br />如果使用此沙箱<b>不是為了安全性</b>,而是為了應用程式的可移植性,可以透過變更這些選項,以便透過犧牲部分安全性來復原相容性。 Access Isolation 存取隔離 Image Protection 映像保護 Issue message 1305 when a program tries to load a sandboxed dll 當一個程式試圖載入一個沙箱內部的動態連結程式庫(DLL)檔案時,提示問題代碼 1305 Prevent sandboxes programs installed on host from loading dll's from the sandbox 防止安裝在宿主上的沙箱程式從沙箱內部載入動態連結程式庫(DLL)檔案 Sandboxie’s resource access rules often discriminate against program binaries located inside the sandbox. OpenFilePath and OpenKeyPath work only for application binaries located on the host natively. In order to define a rule without this restriction, OpenPipePath or OpenConfPath must be used. Likewise, all Closed(File|Key|Ipc)Path directives which are defined by negation e.g. ‘ClosedFilePath=! iexplore.exe,C:Users*’ will be always closed for binaries located inside a sandbox. Both restriction policies can be disabled on the “Access policies” page. This is done to prevent rogue processes inside the sandbox from creating a renamed copy of themselves and accessing protected resources. Another exploit vector is the injection of a library into an authorized process to get access to everything it is allowed to access. Using Host Image Protection, this can be prevented by blocking applications (installed on the host) running inside a sandbox from loading libraries from the sandbox itself. Sandboxie 的資源存取規則通常對位於沙箱內的二進位程式具有歧視性一般情況下,OpenFilePath 和 OpenKeyPath 只對宿主機上的原生程式(安裝在宿主上的)有效為了定義沒有此類限制的規則,則必須使用 OpenPipePath 和 OpenConfPath同樣的,透過否定來定義所有的 Closed(File|Key|Ipc)Path 指令例如:'ClosedFilePath=! iexplore.exe,C:Users*'將限制沙箱內的程式存取相應資源這兩種限制原則都可以透過「存取原則」頁面來停用這樣做是為了防止沙箱內的流氓處理程序建立自己的重新命名副本並存取受保護的資源另一個漏洞載體是將一個動態連結程式庫注入到一個被授權處理程序中,以取得對被授權處理程序所允許存取的一切資源的存取權使用主機映像保護,可以透過阻止在沙箱內執行的應用程式(安裝在宿主上的)載入來自沙箱的動態連結程式庫來防止此類現象。 Advanced Security Adcanced Security 進階安全性 Use a Sandboxie login instead of an anonymous token (experimental) 使用 Sandboxie 限權使用者,而不是匿名權杖 (實驗性) Other isolation 其他隔離 Privilege isolation 權限隔離 Using a custom Sandboxie Token allows to isolate individual sandboxes from each other better, and it shows in the user column of task managers the name of the box a process belongs to. Some 3rd party security solutions may however have problems with custom tokens. 使用自訂沙箱權杖可以更好地將各個沙箱相互隔離,同時可以實現在工作管理員的使用者欄位中顯示處理程序所屬的沙箱。但是,某些第三方安全解決方案可能會與自訂權杖產生相容性問題。 Program Control 應用程式控制 Force Programs 強制沙箱程式 Disable forced Process and Folder for this sandbox 停用此沙箱的「強制處理程序/資料夾」規則 Breakout Programs 分離程式 Breakout Program 分離程式 Breakout Folder 分離資料夾 Programs entered here will be allowed to break out of this sandbox when they start. It is also possible to capture them into another sandbox, for example to have your web browser always open in a dedicated box. Programs entered here will be allowed to break out of this box when thay start, you can capture them into an other box. For example to have your web browser always open in a dedicated box. This feature requires a valid supporter certificate to be installed. 在此處設定的程式,在啟動時將被允許脫離這個沙箱,您可以把它們擷取到另一個沙箱裡。例如,讓網路瀏覽器總是在一個專門的沙箱裡開啟 (此功能需要安裝一個有效的贊助者憑證)。 Lingering Programs 駐留程式 Lingering programs will be automatically terminated if they are still running after all other processes have been terminated. 其他所有程式得到終止後,仍在執行的駐留程式將自動終止。 Leader Programs 引導程式 If leader processes are defined, all others are treated as lingering processes. 如果定義了引導處理程序,其他處理程序將被視作駐留處理程序。 Files 檔案 Configure which processes can access Files, Folders and Pipes. 'Open' access only applies to program binaries located outside the sandbox, you can use 'Open for All' instead to make it apply to all programs, or change this behavior in the Policies tab. 設定哪些處理程序可以存取檔案、資料夾和管道。 「開放」存取權限只適用於原先已位於沙箱之外的程式二進位檔。 您可以使用「完全開放」來對所有程式開放所有權限,或者在原則標籤中改變這一行為。 Registry 登錄 Configure which processes can access the Registry. 'Open' access only applies to program binaries located outside the sandbox, you can use 'Open for All' instead to make it apply to all programs, or change this behavior in the Policies tab. 設定哪些處理程序可以存取檔案、資料夾和管道。 「開放」存取權限只適用於原先已位於沙箱之外的程式二進位檔。 您可以使用「完全開放」來對所有程式開放所有權限,或者在原則標籤中改變這一行為。 IPC IPC Configure which processes can access NT IPC objects like ALPC ports and other processes memory and context. To specify a process use '$:program.exe' as path. 設定哪些處理程序可以存取 NT IPC 物件,如 ALPC 連接埠及其他處理程序的記憶體和相關執行狀態環境。 如需指定一個處理程序,使用「$:program.exe」作為路徑值 (不含雙引號)。 Wnd 視窗 Wnd Class Wnd 元件 Configure which processes can access desktop objects like windows and alike. 設定哪些處理程序可以存取桌面物件,如 Windows 或其它類似物件。 COM COM Class Id 類別識別碼 Configure which processes can access COM objects. 設定哪些處理程序可以存取 COM 物件。 Don't use virtualized COM, Open access to hosts COM infrastructure (not recommended) 不使用虛擬化 COM,而是開放主機的 COM 基礎結構的存取 (不推薦) Access Policies 存取原則 Network Options 網路選項 Set network/internet access for unlisted processes: 為未列出的處理程序設定網路存取權限: Test Rules, Program: 測試規則、程式: Port: 連接埠: IP: IP: Protocol: 協定: X X Add Rule 加入規則 Program 程式 Action 動作 Port 連接埠 IP IP Protocol 協定 CAUTION: Windows Filtering Platform is not enabled with the driver, therefore these rules will be applied only in user mode and can not be enforced!!! This means that malicious applications may bypass them. 警告: 未在驅動程式中啟動 Windows 篩選平台,因此以下規則只能在使用者模式下生效,無法被強制執行!!!惡意程式可能會繞過這些規則的限制。 Resource Access 資源存取 Add File/Folder 加入檔案/資料夾 Add Wnd Class 加入視窗類別 Add IPC Path 加入 IPC 路徑 Use the original token only for approved NT system calls 只在經過批准的 NT 系統呼叫中使用原始權杖 Enable all security enhancements (make security hardened box) 啟用所有安全增強功能 (安全防護加固型沙箱選項) Restrict driver/device access to only approved ones 將對「驅動程式/裝置」的存取權限限制在已知的終結點清單內 Security enhancements 安全增強 Issue message 2111 when a process access is denied 處理程序被拒絕存取非沙箱處理程序記憶體時發出問題代碼 2111 Sandboxie token 沙箱權杖 Add Reg Key 加入登錄機碼 Add COM Object 加入 COM 物件 Apply Close...=!<program>,... rules also to all binaries located in the sandbox. 將 Close...=!<program>,... 規則,套用到位於沙箱內的所有相關二進位檔。 File Recovery 檔案復原 Quick Recovery 快速復原 Add Folder 加入資料夾 Immediate Recovery 即時復原 Ignore Extension 忽略副檔名 Ignore Folder 忽略資料夾 Enable Immediate Recovery prompt to be able to recover files as soon as they are created. 啟用快速復原提示,以便快速復原建立的檔案。 You can exclude folders and file types (or file extensions) from Immediate Recovery. 您可以從快速復原中排除特定目錄和檔案類型 (副檔名)。 When the Quick Recovery function is invoked, the following folders will be checked for sandboxed content. 當快速復原功能被呼叫時,檢查沙箱內的下列資料夾。 Advanced Options 進階選項 Miscellaneous 雜項 Don't alter window class names created by sandboxed programs 不要改變由沙箱程式建立的視窗類別名稱 Do not start sandboxed services using a system token (recommended) 不啟動使用系統權杖的沙箱化服務 (建議) Protect the sandbox integrity itself 沙箱完整性保護 Drop critical privileges from processes running with a SYSTEM token 還原以系統權杖執行中的程式的關鍵特權 (Security Critical) (安全關鍵) Protect sandboxed SYSTEM processes from unprivileged processes 保護沙箱中的系統處理程序免受非特權處理程序的影響 Force usage of custom dummy Manifest files (legacy behaviour) 強制使用自訂虛擬 Manifest 檔案 (傳統行為) The rule specificity is a measure to how well a given rule matches a particular path, simply put the specificity is the length of characters from the begin of the path up to and including the last matching non-wildcard substring. A rule which matches only file types like "*.tmp" would have the highest specificity as it would always match the entire file path. The process match level has a higher priority than the specificity and describes how a rule applies to a given process. Rules applying by process name or group have the strongest match level, followed by the match by negation (i.e. rules applying to all processes but the given one), while the lowest match levels have global matches, i.e. rules that apply to any process. 規則的明確性是衡量一個給定規則對特定路徑的相符程度,簡單地說,明確性是指從路徑的開始到最後一個相符的非萬用字元子串之間的字元長度。一個只相符「*.tmp」這樣的檔案類型規則將具有最高的明確性,因為它總是相符整個檔案路徑。 處理程序相符級別的優先順序高於特異度,它描述了一條規則如何適用於一個給定的處理程序。按處理程序名稱或組應用的規則具有最高的相符級別,其次是否定式相符 (即適用於相符除給定處理程序以外的所有處理程序的規則),而最低的相符級別是全域相符,即適用於任何處理程序的規則。 Prioritize rules based on their Specificity and Process Match Level 基於規則的明確性和處理程序相符級別對規則進行優先順序排序 Privacy Mode, block file and registry access to all locations except the generic system ones 隱私模式,阻止對通用系統目錄之外的所有檔案位置和登錄的存取 Access Mode 存取權限模式 When the Privacy Mode is enabled, sandboxed processes will be only able to read C:\Windows\*, C:\Program Files\*, and parts of the HKLM registry, all other locations will need explicit access to be readable and/or writable. In this mode, Rule Specificity is always enabled. 當啟用隱私模式時,沙箱處理程序將只能讀取 C:\Windows\*、C:\Program Files\* 和登錄 HKLM 的部分內容,除此之外的所有其它位置都需要明確的存取授權才能被讀取或寫入。在此模式下,專有規則將總是被套用。 Rule Policies 規則原則 Apply File and Key Open directives only to binaries located outside the sandbox. 檔案和金鑰開放指令權限只對位於沙箱之外的二進位檔應用。 Start the sandboxed RpcSs as a SYSTEM process (not recommended) 以系統處理程序啟動沙箱服務 RpcSs (不推薦) Allow only privileged processes to access the Service Control Manager 僅允許特權處理程序存取服務控制管理器 Compatibility 相容性 Add sandboxed processes to job objects (recommended) 加入沙箱化處理程序到作業物件 (推薦) Emulate sandboxed window station for all processes 為所有處理程序模擬沙箱化的視窗狀況 Security Isolation through the usage of a heavily restricted process token is Sandboxie's primary means of enforcing sandbox restrictions, when this is disabled the box is operated in the application compartment mode, i.e. it’s no longer providing reliable security, just simple application compartmentalization. 透過嚴格限制處理程序權杖的使用來進行安全隔離是 Sandboxie 執行沙箱化限制的主要手段,當它被停用時,沙箱將在應用區間模式下執行,此時將不再提供可靠的安全限制,只是簡單進行應用區間。 Allow sandboxed programs to manage Hardware/Devices 允許沙箱內程式管理硬體裝置 Disable Security Isolation (experimental) 停用安全隔離 (實驗性) Open access to Windows Security Account Manager 開放 Windows 安全帳號管理器(SAM) 的存取權限 Open access to Windows Local Security Authority 開放 Windows 本地安全認證(LSA) 的存取權限 Allow to read memory of unsandboxed processes (not recommended) 允許讀取非沙箱處理程序的記憶體 (不推薦) Disable the use of RpcMgmtSetComTimeout by default (this may resolve compatibility issues) 預設情況下停用 RpcMgmtSetComTimeout (這可能會解決相容性問題) Security Isolation & Filtering 安全性隔離 & 篩選 Disable Security Filtering (not recommended) 停用安全篩選功能 (不推薦) Security Filtering used by Sandboxie to enforce filesystem and registry access restrictions, as well as to restrict process access. 安全篩選被 Sandboxie 用來強制執行檔案系統和登錄存取限制,以及限制處理程序存取。 The below options can be used safely when you don't grant admin rights. 以下選項可以在您未授予管理員權限時安全的使用。 Triggers 觸發器 Event 事件 Run Command 執行命令 Start Service 啟動服務 These events are executed each time a box is started 這些事件當沙箱每次啟動時都會被執行 On Box Start 啟動階段 These commands are run UNBOXED just before the box content is deleted 這些命令將在刪除沙箱的內容之前,以非沙箱化的方式被執行 Allow use of nested job objects (works on Windows 8 and later) 允許使用嵌套作業物件 (job object) (適用於 Windows 8 及更高版本) These commands are executed only when a box is initialized. To make them run again, the box content must be deleted. 這些命令只在沙箱被初始化時執行。要使它們再次執行,必須刪除沙箱內容。 On Box Init 初始化階段 Here you can specify actions to be executed automatically on various box events. 在這裡,您可以設定各種沙箱事件中自動執行特定的動作。 Hide Processes 隱藏處理程序 Add Process 加入處理程序 Hide host processes from processes running in the sandbox. 面向沙箱內執行的處理程序隱藏的主機處理程序。 Restrictions 限制 Various Options 其它選項 Apply ElevateCreateProcess Workaround (legacy behaviour) 套用 ElevateCreateProcess 因應措施 (舊版行為) Use desktop object workaround for all processes 對所有處理程序應用桌面物件解決方案 This command will be run before the box content will be deleted 該命令將在刪除沙箱內容之前執行 On File Recovery 檔案復原階段 This command will be run before a file is being recovered and the file path will be passed as the first argument. If this command returns anything other than 0, the recovery will be blocked This command will be run before a file is being recoverd and the file path will be passed as the first argument, if this command return something other than 0 the recovery will be blocked 該命令將在檔案復原前執行,檔案路徑將作為第一個參數被傳遞,如果該命令的返回值不是 0,則復原將被阻止 Run File Checker 執行檔案檢查程式 On Delete Content 內容刪除階段 Don't allow sandboxed processes to see processes running in other boxes 不允許沙箱內的處理程序檢視其他沙箱裡執行的處理程序 Protect processes in this box from being accessed by specified unsandboxed host processes. 保護此沙箱內的處理程序不被指定的非沙箱的主機處理程序存取。 Process 處理程序 Block also read access to processes in this sandbox 阻止對位於該沙箱中的處理程序的讀取存取 Users 使用者 Restrict Resource Access monitor to administrators only 僅允許管理員存取資源存取監控 Add User 加入使用者 Add user accounts and user groups to the list below to limit use of the sandbox to only those accounts. If the list is empty, the sandbox can be used by all user accounts. Note: Forced Programs and Force Folders settings for a sandbox do not apply to user accounts which cannot use the sandbox. 加入使用者帳號和使用者群組到下方清單來以限制這些帳號可以使用沙箱。如果清單內容為空,所有帳號均可使用沙箱。 注意: 沙箱的強制沙箱程式及資料夾設定不適用於不能執行沙箱的帳號。 Add Option 加入選項 Here you can configure advanced per process options to improve compatibility and/or customize sandboxing behavior. Here you can configure advanced per process options to improve compatibility and/or customize sand boxing behavior. 在此處可以設定各個處理程序的進階選項,以提高相容性或自訂沙箱的某些行為。 Option 選項 Tracing 追蹤 API call trace (requires LogAPI to be installed in the Sbie directory) API 呼叫追蹤 (需要在沙箱資料夾中安裝所需的 logapi) Pipe Trace Pipe 追蹤 Log all SetError's to Trace log (creates a lot of output) 記錄所有 SetError 至追蹤日誌 (產生大量輸出) Log Debug Output to the Trace Log 偵錯日誌輸出到追蹤日誌 Log all access events as seen by the driver to the resource access log. This options set the event mask to "*" - All access events You can customize the logging using the ini by specifying "A" - Allowed accesses "D" - Denied accesses "I" - Ignore access requests instead of "*". 將驅動程式看到的所有存取事件記錄到資源存取日誌。 這些選項將事件遮罩設定為 "*" - 所有存取事件 您可透過 ini 來詳細自訂日誌行為 "A" - 允許的存取 "D" - 拒絕的存取 "I" - 忽略存取請求 來代替 "*"。 Ntdll syscall Trace (creates a lot of output) Ntdll 系統呼叫追蹤 (將產生大量輸出) File Trace 檔案追蹤 Disable Resource Access Monitor 停用資源存取監控 IPC Trace IPC 追蹤 GUI Trace GUI 追蹤 Resource Access Monitor 資源存取監控 Access Tracing 存取追蹤 COM Class Trace COM 類別追蹤 Key Trace 鍵值追蹤 To compensate for the lost protection, please consult the Drop Rights settings page in the Restrictions settings group. 彌補失去的保護,請參考「限制」設定組中的降低權限部分。 Network Firewall 網路防火牆 Debug 偵錯 WARNING, these options can disable core security guarantees and break sandbox security!!! 警告,這些選項可使核心安全保障失效並且破壞沙箱安全! These options are intended for debugging compatibility issues, please do not use them in production use. 這些選項是為偵錯相容性問題設計的,一般使用者勿碰。 App Templates 軟體範本 Filter Categories 篩選類別 Text Filter 篩選文字 Add Template 加入範本 This list contains a large amount of sandbox compatibility enhancing templates 此列表含有大量的沙盤相容性增強範本 Category 類別 Template Folders 範本資料夾 Configure the folder locations used by your other applications. Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for all boxes. 配置您的其他應用程式所使用的資料夾位置。 請注意,這些值為目前使用者針對所有沙箱儲存。 Value Templates 範本 Accessibility 無障礙功能 Screen Readers: JAWS, NVDA, Window-Eyes, System Access 螢幕閱讀器: JAWS、NVDA、Window-Eyes、系統無障礙介面 The following settings enable the use of Sandboxie in combination with accessibility software. Please note that some measure of Sandboxie protection is necessarily lost when these settings are in effect. 以下設定允許 Sandboxie 與輔助功能軟體結合。請注意當這些設定生效時,肯定會失去部分 Sandboxie 保護措施。 Edit ini Section 編輯 ini 區段 Edit ini 編輯 ini Cancel 取消 Save 儲存 PopUpWindow SandboxiePlus Notifications Sandboxie-Plus 通知 ProgramsDelegate Group: %1 群組: %1 QObject Drive %1 磁碟 %1 QPlatformTheme OK 確定 Apply 套用 Cancel 取消 &Yes 是(&Y) &No 否(&N) RecoveryWindow SandboxiePlus - Recovery SandboxiePlus - 復原 Close 關閉 Recover target: 復原目的位置: Add Folder 加入資料夾 Delete Content 刪除內容 Recover 復原 Refresh 重新整理 Delete 刪除 Show All Files 顯示所有檔案 TextLabel 文字標籤 SelectBoxWindow SandboxiePlus select box SandboxiePlus 選取沙箱 Select the sandbox in which to start the program, installer or document. 選擇要在沙箱啟動的程式、安裝程式或文件。 Run in a new Sandbox 在新沙箱中執行 Sandbox 沙箱 Run As UAC Administrator 以系統管理員權限執行 Run Sandboxed 在沙箱中執行 Run Outside the Sandbox 在沙箱外執行 SettingsWindow SandboxiePlus Settings SandboxiePlus 設定 General Config 一般組態 Show file recovery window when emptying sandboxes Show first recovery window when emptying sandboxes 在清空沙箱時顯示復原視窗 Open urls from this ui sandboxed 將此使用者介面上的連結在沙箱中開啟 Systray options 系統匣選項 UI Language: 介面語言: Shell Integration 系統整合 Run Sandboxed - Actions 在沙箱中執行 - 選項 Start Sandbox Manager 沙箱管理器啟動選項 Start UI when a sandboxed process is started 當有沙箱化處理程序啟動時啟動介面 Start UI with Windows 系統啟動時啟動介面 Add 'Run Sandboxed' to the explorer context menu 在檔案總管右鍵新增「在沙箱中執行」 Run box operations asynchronously whenever possible (like content deletion) 盡可能以異步方式執行沙箱的各類操作 (如內容刪除) Hotkey for terminating all boxed processes: 用於終止所有沙箱處理程式的快速鍵: Show boxes in tray list: 顯示沙箱清單: Always use DefaultBox 總是使用 DefaultBox Add 'Run Un-Sandboxed' to the context menu 加入「在沙箱外執行」到右鍵選單 Show a tray notification when automatic box operations are started 當沙箱自動化作業事件開始執行時,跳出系統匣通知 * a partially checked checkbox will leave the behavior to be determined by the view mode. * 部份核取方塊的顯示效果取決於具體的檢視模式。 Advanced Config 進階組態 Activate Kernel Mode Object Filtering 啟動核心模式物件篩選器 Sandbox <a href="sbie://docs/filerootpath">file system root</a>: 沙箱 <a href="sbie://docs/filerootpath">檔案系統根目錄</a>: Clear password when main window becomes hidden 主視窗隱藏時清除密碼 Sandbox <a href="sbie://docs/ipcrootpath">ipc root</a>: 沙箱 <a href="sbie://docs/ipcrootpath">IPC 根目錄</a>: Sandbox default 沙箱預設 Config protection 組態保護 ... ... SandMan Options SandMan 選項 Notifications 通知 Add Entry 加入項目 Show file migration progress when copying large files into a sandbox 將大檔案複製到沙箱內部時顯示檔案遷移進度 Message ID 訊息 ID Message Text (optional) 訊息文字 (可選) SBIE Messages SBIE 訊息 Delete Entry 刪除項目 Don't show the popup message log for all SBIE messages 不顯示「SBIE 訊息」的所有彈出式資訊記錄 Notification Options 通知選項 Sandboxie may be issue <a href="sbie://docs/sbiemessages">SBIE Messages</a> to the Message Log and shown them as Popups. Some messages are informational and notify of a common, or in some cases special, event that has occurred, other messages indicate an error condition.<br />You can hide selected SBIE messages from being popped up, using the below list: Sandboxie may be issue <a href= "sbie://docs/ sbiemessages">SBIE Messages</a> to the Message Log and shown them as Popups. Some messages are informational and notify of a common, or in some cases special, event that has occurred, other messages indicate an error condition.<br />You can hide selected SBIE messages from being popped up, using the below list: Sandboxie 可能會將 <a href= "sbie://docs/ sbiemessages">SBIE 訊息</a>記錄到資訊日誌中,並以彈出視窗的形式通知<br />有些訊息僅僅是資訊性的,通知一個普通的或某些特殊的事件發生,其它訊息表明一個錯誤狀況<br />您可以使用此列表來隱藏所設定的「SBIE 訊息」,使其不被彈出: Disable SBIE messages popups (they will still be logged to the Messages tab) Disable SBIE messages popups (SBIE will still be logged to the log tab) Windows Shell Windows 殼層 Icon 圖示 Move Up 向上移 Move Down 向下移 Show overlay icons for boxes and processes Display Options 顯示選項 Graphic Options 圖形選項 Supporters of the Sandboxie-Plus project can receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a>. It's like a license key but for awesome people using open source software. :-) Keeping Sandboxie up to date with the rolling releases of Windows and compatible with all web browsers is a never-ending endeavor. You can support the development by <a href="">directly contributing to the project</a>, showing your support by <a href="">purchasing a supporter certificate</a>, becoming a patron by <a href="">subscribing on Patreon</a>, or through a <a href="">PayPal donation</a>.<br />Your support plays a vital role in the advancement and maintenance of Sandboxie. Sandbox <a href="sbie://docs/keyrootpath">registry root</a>: 沙箱 <a href="sbie://docs/keyrootpath">登錄根目錄</a>: Sandboxing features 沙箱功能 Sandboxie.ini Presets Sandboxie.ini 預設選項 Change Password 變更密碼 Password must be entered in order to make changes 必須輸入密碼以進行變更 Only Administrator user accounts can make changes 僅限管理員帳號進行變更 Watch Sandboxie.ini for changes 追蹤 Sandboxie.ini 變更 App Templates 軟體範本 App Compatibility 軟體相容性 Only Administrator user accounts can use Pause Forcing Programs command Only Administrator user accounts can use Pause Forced Programs Rules command 僅管理員帳戶可使用「暫停強制沙箱程式」命令 Portable root folder 可攜式化根目錄 Show recoverable files as notifications 將可復原的檔案以通知形式顯示 General Options 一般選項 Show Icon in Systray: 在系統匣中顯示圖示: Use Windows Filtering Platform to restrict network access 使用 Windows 篩選平台 (WFP) 限制網路存取 Hook selected Win32k system calls to enable GPU acceleration (experimental) Hook 選取的 Win32k 系統呼叫以啟用 GPU 加速 (實驗性) Count and display the disk space occupied by each sandbox Count and display the disk space ocupied by each sandbox 統計並顯示每個沙箱的磁碟空間佔用情況 Use Compact Box List 使用緊湊的沙箱清單 Interface Config 介面組態 Make Box Icons match the Border Color 保持沙箱內的圖示與邊框顏色一致 Use a Page Tree in the Box Options instead of Nested Tabs * 在沙箱選項中使用頁面樹,而不是巢狀標籤 * Interface Options 介面選項 Use large icons in box list * 在沙箱清單中使用大圖示 * High DPI Scaling 高 DPI 縮放 Don't show icons in menus * 不要在選單中顯示圖示 * Use Dark Theme 使用深色主題 Font Scaling 字型縮放 (Restart required) (需要重新啟動沙箱) Show the Recovery Window as Always on Top 最上層顯示復原檔案視窗 Show "Pizza" Background in box list * Show "Pizza" Background in box list* 在沙箱清單中顯示「披薩」背景 * % % Alternate row background in lists 在沙箱清單中使用交替列背景色 Use Fusion Theme 使用 Fusion 風格主題 Use a Sandboxie login instead of an anonymous token (experimental) 使用 Sandboxie 限權使用者,而不是匿名權杖 (實驗性) Name 名稱 Path 路徑 Remove Program 移除程式 Add Program 加入程式 When any of the following programs is launched outside any sandbox, Sandboxie will issue message SBIE1301. 當下列程式在任意沙箱之外啟動時,Sandboxie 將提示錯誤代碼 SBIE1301。 Add Folder 加入資料夾 Prevent the listed programs from starting on this system 阻止下列程式在此系統中啟動 Issue message 1308 when a program fails to start 當程式啟動失敗時提示錯誤代碼 1308 Recovery Options 復原選項 Start Menu Integration 開始選單整合 Scan shell folders and offer links in run menu 掃瞄系統 Shell 資料夾並在執行選單中整合捷徑 Integrate with Host Start Menu 與主機的開始功能表整合: Use new config dialog layout * 使用新的設定對話方塊檢視 * Program Control 應用程式控制 Program Alerts 程式警報 Issue message 1301 when forced processes has been disabled 當強制沙箱處理程序被停用時,提示問題代碼 1301 Sandboxie Config Config Protection 沙箱設定 This option also enables asynchronous operation when needed and suspends updates. 在暫緩更新或其它需要的情況使用異步操作。 Suppress pop-up notifications when in game / presentation mode 在「遊戲 / 簡報」模式下,停用彈出通知 User Interface 使用者介面 Run Menu 執行選單 Add program 加入程式 You can configure custom entries for all sandboxes run menus. 您可以為所有沙箱設定自訂執行選單項目。 Remove 移除 Command Line 命令列 Support && Updates 支持 && 更新 Default sandbox: 預設沙箱: In the future, don't check software compatibility 以後不再檢查軟體相容性 Enable 啟用 Disable 停用 Sandboxie has detected the following software applications in your system. Click OK to apply configuration settings, which will improve compatibility with these applications. These configuration settings will have effect in all existing sandboxes and in any new sandboxes. 沙箱偵測到您的系統中安裝了以下軟體。按下 [確定] 套用設定,將改進與這些軟體的相容性。這些設定作用於所有沙箱,包括現存的和未來新增的沙箱。 Local Templates 本地範本 Add Template 加入範本 Text Filter 篩選文字 This list contains user created custom templates for sandbox options 該列表包含使用者為沙箱選項建立的自訂範本 Edit ini Section 編輯 ini 區段 Save 儲存 Edit ini 編輯 ini Cancel 取消 Version Updates 版本更新 New full versions from the selected release channel. 來自選取發佈頻道的新的完整版本。 Hotpatches for the installed version, updates to the Templates.ini and translations. 更新已安裝版本的 Templates.ini 範本和翻譯的修補程式。 This supporter certificate has expired, please <a href="sbie://update/cert">get an updated certificate</a>. 此贊助者憑證已逾期,請<a href="sbie://update/cert">取得新憑證</a>。 The preview channel contains the latest GitHub pre-releases. 預覽版頻道包含最新的 GitHub 預先發佈版本。 New Versions 新版本 The stable channel contains the latest stable GitHub releases. 穩定版頻道包含最新的 GitHub 穩定版本。 Search in the Stable channel 穩定版頻道 Keeping Sandboxie up to date with the rolling releases of Windows and compatible with all web browsers is a never-ending endeavor. Please consider supporting this work with a donation.<br />You can support the development with a <a href="">PayPal donation</a>, working also with credit cards.<br />Or you can provide continuous support with a <a href="">Patreon subscription</a>. 使 Sandboxie 與 Windows 的持續更新保持同步,並和主流瀏覽器保持相容性,是一項永無止境的努力,請考慮贊助以支持這項工作<br />您可以透過 <a href="">PayPal 贊助</a> (支援使用信用卡付款) 來支持專案的開發<br />您也可以透過 <a href="">Patreon 訂閱</a> 來提供持續的贊助支持。 Search in the Preview channel 預覽頻道 Supporters of the Sandboxie-Plus project can receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a>. It's like a license key but for awesome people using open source software. :-) Sandboxie-Plus 專案的贊助者將收到 <a href="">贊助者憑證</a>,這類似於授權碼,是為擁抱開放原始碼軟體的優秀人士準備的 :-) In the future, don't notify about certificate expiration 不再通知憑證逾期的情況 Enter the support certificate here 在此輸入贊助者憑證 Support Settings 贊助設定 Check periodically for updates of Sandboxie-Plus 定期檢查 Sandboxie-Plus 更新 SnapshotsWindow SandboxiePlus - Snapshots SandboxiePlus - 快照 Selected Snapshot Details 所選快照內容 Name: 名稱: Description: 說明: When deleting a snapshot content, it will be returned to this snapshot instead of none. 刪除快照內容時,將退回至此快照時的狀態,而不是無動作。 Default snapshot 預設快照 Snapshot Actions 快照操作 Remove Snapshot 移除快照 Go to Snapshot 進入快照 Take Snapshot 擷取快照