From 3c01823ae767983025cadddd66ed5e36621f401b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul C Diem Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 12:36:52 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Remove and --- | 132 ----------------------------------------------- | 94 --------------------------------- 2 files changed, 226 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index b306774e3..000000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -# Device Groups - -The device groups module provides a framework to allow multiple devices to be in a group with values such as power, light color/temperature/brightness, PWM values, sensor values, etc. shared with other devices in the group. For example, with multiple light modules in a device group, the light settings can be changed on one module and the settings will automatically be changed on the other light modules. Dimmer switch modules could be in a device group with light modules and the dimmer switch could control the power, brightness and colors of all the lights in the group. Multiple dimmer switches could be in a device group to form a 3-way/4-way dimmer switch. - -UDP multicasts, followed by UDP unicasts if necessary, are used to send updates to all devices so updates are fast. There is no need for an MQTT server but all the devices in a group must be on the same IP network. - -To include device groups support in the build, define USE_DEVICE_GROUPS in your user_config_override. This adds 3.5K to the code size. All devices in a group must be running firmware with device group support and have device groups enabled. - -To enable device groups, execute the command SetOption85 1. - - -## Device Groups Operation - -The device group name is set with the DevGroupName command. If the device group name is not set for a group, the MQTT group topic is used (with the device group number appended for device group numbers > 1). All devices in the same IP network with the same device group name are in the same group. Some modules may define additional device groups. For example, if Remote Device Mode is enabled, the PWM Dimmer module defines three devices groups. - -The items that are sent to the group and the items that are received from the group are selected with the DevGroupShare command. By default all items are sent and received from the group. An example of when the DevGroupShare command would be used is when you have a group of lights that you control with a dimmer switch and home automation software. You want the dimmer switch to be able to control all items. The home automation software controls each light individually. When it controls the whole group, it actually sends command to each light in the group. If you use the home automation software to turn an individual light on or off or change it’s brightness, color or scheme, you do not want the change to be replicated to the other lights. In this case, you would set the incoming and outgoing item masks to 0xffffffff (all items) on the dimmer switch (DevGroupShare 0xffffffff,0xffffffff) and set the incoming item mask to 0xffffffff and outgoing item mask to 0 on all the lights (DevGroupShare 0xffffffff,0). - - -### Commands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Command - Parameters -
DevGroupName<x> - 0 = clear device group <x> name and restart
-<value> = set device group <x> name and restart -
DevGroupSend<x> - <item>=<value>[ ...] = send an update to device grouup <x>. The device group name must have been previously set with DevGroupName<x>. Multiple items/value pairs can be specified separated by a space. For example, DevGroupSend 4=90 128=1 will send an update to set the light brightness to 90 and turn relay 1 on.
- For items with numeric values, <value> can be specified as @<operator><value> to send a value after performing an operation on the current value. <operator> can be + (add), - (subtract) or ^ (invert). If a value is not specified for the invert operator, 0xffffffff is used. For example, if the group's current light brightness is 40, DevGroupSend 4=@10 will send an update to increase the light brightness to 50. If all the groups relays are currently on, DevGroupSend 128=^ will turn all the relays off.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Item - Description - Value -
2 - Light fade - 0 = Off
1 = On -
3 - Light speed - 1..40 -
4 - Light brightness - 0..255 -
5 - Light scheme - See Scheme command in Light Commands -
6 - Light fixed color - 0 = white (using CT channels), 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = orange, 5 = light green, 6 = light blue, 7 = amber, 8 = cyan, 9 = purple, 10 = yellow, 11 = pink, 12 = white (using RGB channels) -
7 - PWM dimmer low preset - 0..255 -
8 - PWM dimmer high preset - 0..255 -
9 - PWM dimmer power-on brightness - 0..255 -
128 - Relay Power - Bitmask with bits set for relays to be powered on. The number of relays can be specified in bits 24 - 31. If the number of relays is not specified, only relay 1 is set. -
224 - Light channels - Comma separated list of brightness levels (0..255) for channels 1 - 5 (e.g. 255,128,0,0,0 will turn the red channel on at 100% and the green channel on at 50% on an RBG light). -
DevGroupShare - <in>,<out> = set incoming and outgoing shared item mask (default = 0xffffffff,0xffffffff)
-1 = Power, 2 = Light brightness, 4 = Light fade/speed, 8 = Light scheme, 16 = Light color, 32 = Dimmer settings (presets) -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index af6f7abe7..000000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -# PWM Dimmer - -The PWM Dimmer module adds support for Martin Jerry/acenx/Tessan/NTONPOWER SD0x PWM dimmer switches. The brightness of the load for these dimmers is controlled by a PWM GPIO pin. They typically have power, up and down buttons, a powered-on LED, five brightness LEDs and another status LED. Examples are:[](,[](,[](,[]( - -To include PWM dimmer support in the build, define USE_PWM_DIMMER in your user_config_override. This adds 4.5K to the code size. The light module is not required for PWM dimmer operation so you can #undef USE_LIGHT to reduce the firmware bin size. - -To enable PWM dimmer operation, select the PWM Dimmer module. - - -## PWM Dimmer Operation - -Pressing and releasing the power button toggles the power on/off. If the toggle turns the power on, the load is returned to the last brightness it was adjusted to. If Fade is enabled, the load is faded on/off at the rate defined by the Speed setting. - -When the power is on, holding the down or up button decreases/increases the brightness. The brightness can also be changed using just the power button. When the power is on, holding the power button alternately increases or decreases the brightness. Initially, holding the power button increases the brightness. Releasing and then holding the power button again decreases the brightness. - -When the power is off, pressing and releasing the down or up button turns the power on at a temporary brightness of the low/high levels set by the DimmerPreset command. Turning the power on at the low preset can also be accomplished by holding the power button while the power is off. The dimmer presets are intended to enable quickly turning on a light to a dim or bright level without changing the normal desired brightness. Turning the power on to a preset does not change the brightness the load will be set to when the switch is turned on the next time. For example, if the light is on and you adjust the brightness to 80 and then turn the light off, when you turn it back on, the brightness will return to 80. If you turn the power off again and then press the down button, the light will be turned on with a brightness of the low preset. If you then turn the light off and on again, the brightness will return to 80. - -When the power is off, holding the down or up button publishes an MQTT EVENT command. The topic follows the format of the Full Topic with a prefix of Event (ex. cmnd/LightSwitch1/EVENT). The MQTT payload is Trigger#, where # is 1 if the down button is held or 2 if the up button is held. These triggers can be used in rules on remote devices (ON Event#Trigger1) or by automation software to trigger automations such as scene changes. For example, the Event topic Trigger1 payload could trigger the automation software to turn on the previous scene in a list and the Trigger2 payload could trigger the automation software to turn on the next scene in a list. - -If there are LED’s defined in the template, they are turned on to indicate the current brightness. More LEDs are turned on at higher brightnesses. The LedTimeout command enables/disables an LED timeout. If LED timeout is enabled, the LED’s turn off five seconds after the last change in brightness. Note that the lowest LED and the blue power LED are always on when the power is on. The LED timeout can also be enabled/disabled by holding the power button while tapping (pressing and releasing quickly) the down button. - -The LEDLink LED can be used as a nightlight/powered-off indicator. The PoweredOffLed command enables/disables turning the LEDLink LED on when the power is off. The powered-off indicator can also be enabled/disabled by holding the power button and tapping the up button. - -Holding the power button, tapping the down button and then tapping or holding the down or up button sends a device group message to set RGB lights in the device group to the previous/next fixed color. The command is sent/value is adjusted once every .5 seconds for as long as the button is held. The color sequence as defined by the Light module is red, green, blue, orange, light green, light blue, amber, cyan, purple, yellow, pink, white using RGB channels, white using CT channels. - -Holding the power button, tapping the up button and then tapping or holding the down or up button publishes an MQTT Event command. The command is sent/value is adjusted once every .5 seconds for as long as the button is held. The MQTT topic is as described above. The MQTT payload is Trigger#, where # is 3 if the down button is held or 4 if the up button is held. - -Holding any button alone for over 10 seconds executes the WiFiConfig 2 command. - -SetOption32 defines the button hold time. When the PWM Dimmer module is initially selected, SetOption32 is set to 5 (1/2 second). Button presses and holds execute the normal ButtonTopic and Rule processing. If ButtonTopic is set and SetOption61 is 0 or a the button press/hold matches a rule, the button press/hold is ignored by PWM Dimmer. - -When Device Groups are enabled, the PWM Dimmer brightness presets are kept in sync across all switches in the group. The powered-off LED and LED timeout settings are specific to each switch. Changing them does not replicate the change to the other switches in the group. - -### Commands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Command - Parameters -
BriPreset - <low>,<high> = set brightness low and high presets
-1..255 = set brightness preset
-+ = increase brightness preset
-- = decrease brightness preset -
SetOption86 - Set brightness LED timeout
-0 = disable timeout (default)
-1 = enable timeout -
SetOption87 - Set powered-off LED (nightlight)
-0 = disable powered-off LED (default)
-1 = enable powered-off LED -
SetOption88 - Set remote device mode
-0 = disable remote device mode(default)
-1 = enable remote device mode -
- - - -### Remote Device Mode - -Remote device mode allows PWM Dimmer switches to control remote devices. With remote device mode enabled, each button controls a different device. Note that dimmer switches with toggle-style down/up buttons have limited functionality as remote device mode switches because you can not push the down and up buttons simultaneously. - -To include remote device mode support in the build, define USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE in your user_config_override. Remote device mode support requires device group support so USE_DEVICE_GROUPS is automatically defined if USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE is defined. Remote device mode support adds 1.2K to the code size in addition to the code size required for device groups support. - -To enable remote device mode, execute the command SetOption88 1 (the device will restart). Each remote device must be running firmware with device group support and have remote device support enabled. The remote devices do not need to be built with PWM dimmer support nor do they need to be switches. - -If a remote device is a PWM dimmer, the device acts like a 3-way dimmer switch would and may or may not have a load connected to it. It’s also possible to use a PWM dimmer switch without a load to act as a wall switch to control the power, brightness and color of one or more smart lights with Tasmota with device group support loaded on them. - -With remote device mode is enabled, button 1 is the power button for the local device while buttons 2 and 3 are the power buttons for remote devices. Group names for buttons 2 and 3 are set by the GroupTopic2 and GroupTopic3 commands respectively. Note that the button numbers are defined by the module template and can be in any physical order on the switch (button 1 can be defined as the top button, the middle button or the bottom button). Button combinations that publish MQTT Event commands use a topic in the format cmnd/%group-topic%/EVENT. - -Pressing and releasing a power button toggles the power on all devices in the group assigned to the button. When the power is on, holding the button alternately increases or decreases the brightness. When the power is off, holding the button turns the power on at a temporary brightness of the low level set by the BriPreset command. - -While holding a power button, the other two buttons act like the down and up buttons for the remote device. All the functions performed by the down and up buttons in non-remote device mode are available in remote device mode. While holding button 1, button 2 performs the functions of the down button and button 3 performs the functions of the up button. While holding button 2, button 1 performs the functions of the down button and button 3 performs the functions of the up button. While holding button 3, button 1 performs the functions of the down button and button 2 performs the functions of the up button.